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Implementing a Personal Health Record Cloud Platform Using Ciphertext-Policy

Attribute-Based Encryption

Conference Paper · September 2012

DOI: 10.1109/iNCoS.2012.65


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3 authors, including:

Changji Wang
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


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2012 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems

Implementing a Personal Health Record Cloud

Platform Using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based
Changji Wang, Xuan Liu, Wentao Li
School of Information Science and Technology
Guangdong Province Information Security Key Laboratory
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

Abstract—It is the current trend for healthcare authorities as their health knowledge. At the same time, PHR systems
well as healthcare service providers to deploy cloud computing help clinicians make better treatment decisions by providing
platform. In this paper, we describe our work on designing and more continuous data. PHR systems can also benefit the
implementing a patient-centric, personal health record cloud
platform based on open-source Indivo X system. We adopt public health sector by providing health monitoring, outbreak
ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption to provide privacy monitoring, empowerment, linking to services, and research.
protection and fine-grained access control. PHR systems can give consumers the potential to play a large
Keywords-Personal Health Record; Electronic Medical Record; role in protecting and promoting the public’s health [1].
Access Control; Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption; Cloud computing is one of the most challenging technolog-
Indivo X. ical models, which enables convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
I. I NTRODUCTION (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
It is widely accepted that the application of information and that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
communication technologies in the healthcare environment management effort or service provider interaction [2].
will improve care delivery greatly. It can enhance citizen’s According to a report from Gartner [3], there is an ac-
health, but also including well-being and social care. More- celeration of adoption of cloud computing among enterpris-
over, it increases subjects’ quality of life and independence as es. Gartner predicted that worldwide cloud service revenues
well as reducing rising healthcare costs in an ageing society. would reach 148.8 billion USD by 2014, with large part from
Recent trends in healthcare delivery have led to a shift the healthcare cloud computing market. National and regional
from electronic health record (EHR) systems controlled by healthcare authorities as well as healthcare service providers
healthcare providers to personal health record (PHR) systems have shown great interests, and are already taking first steps
controlled by patients themselves. PHR systems allow patients towards the deployment of cloud computing. Cloud computing
to create, manage and control their PHRs through the Internet, can help healthcare providers focus more on increasing quality
which made it possible to easily access their health data and of delivered healthcare instead of managing their IT. This is
share their health data to health care providers, insurance especially important for smaller hospitals, community care and
practitioners, researchers, family members and friends. The physician practices. Cloud computing simplifies information
health data on a PHR can be considered as a complete and sharing among various healthcare institutions involved in the
accurate summary of an individual’s medical history and health care process.
status. On one hand, individuals can import their health records Moving the infrastructure and sensitive patient data from
which may include medical history, laboratory and imaging hospitals to the cloud can pose severe security and privacy
results, list of medical problems, medication history from risks. Some information in a PHR is considered private and
hosptial EHR systems. On the other hand, individuals can sensitive. To preserve patients from social embarrassment,
also upload health measurements from their devices such as prejudice or unfair job opportunities, information such as
wireless electronic weighing scales or collected passively from fertility, emotional and psychological disorders, sexual be-
a smartphone. haviors or physical abuse etc. should be highly protected.
PHR systems can serve as an information hub for patients’ In traditional access control system, sensitive data is often
health management by helping patients keep track of their protected by the trusted storage servers whose job it is to
personal health information, relate accurate history during mediate access to data. However, users may be unwilling to
clinical encounters, check for drug interactions, and eliminate trust third party cloud storage servers with sensitive data in
unnecessary duplication of laboratory tests and diagnostic cloud storage paradigm. To assure the patients’ control over
studies. With PHR systems, patients can have access to a wide access to their own PHRs, it is a promising method to encrypt
range of health information resources, as well as improving the PHRs before outsourcing. Recent proposals on enforcing

978-0-7695-4808-1/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 8

DOI 10.1109/iNCoS.2012.65
access control policies exploit the use of cryptography to the ciphertext. An example application of CP-ABE is secure
enforce access control policies. In such systems, there is no mailing list system with access policy.
need for a trusted storage servers to check user credentials, Since the concept of ABE is proposed, a lot of research
and every user can get the encrypted data, but only users who work used ABE to realize fine-grained access control for
have the right credentials can decrypt the encrypted data [4]. outsourced data emerged [11]. Especially, there has been
In traditional public key encryption systems or identity- an increasing interest in applying ABE to secure EHRs or
based encryption (IBE) systems [5], encrypted data is targeted PHRs [12][18][13][14][15][17]. Ibraimi [12] applied CP-
for decryption by a single known user who is described by ABE to enforce patient/organizational access control policies
a digital certificate or an identity. Thus traditional public such that everyone can download the encrypted data but only
key encryption schemes or IBE schemes will not work for authorized users from the social domain (e.g. family, friends,
situations when the sender does not know the exact identity or fellow patients) or authorized users from the professional
of the recipient. For example, if a patient wants to send his domain (e.g. doctors or nurses) are allowed to decrypt it.
PHR data to multiple users, the patient needs to know the Mohan et al. [18] presented the design and initial prototype
digital certificate or the identity for each recipient, and then implementation of an MedVault subsystem for EHR sharing,
encrypt the same data many times using each recipient public which covers attribute-based access control and verifiable and
key or identity. Therefore, we need a crypto scheme which selective health information disclosure. Narayan et al. [14]
offers a more suitable solution for enforcing access policies proposed an attribute-based infrastructure for EHR systems,
based on data recipient attributes instead of the identity of where each patient’s EHR files are encrypted using a broadcast
the data recipient. The patient specifies only the attributes the variant of CP-ABE that allows direct revocation. However, the
recipient needs to have in order to access patient’s data. ciphertext length grows linearly with the number of unrevoked
To address these emerging needs, Sahai and Waters [6] users. Akinyele et al. [15] provide a design and implemen-
introduced the concept of attribute-based encryption (ABE). tation of self-protecting electronic medical records (EMRs)
Instead of encrypting to individual users, in ABE system, one using dual-policy attribute-based encryption, which can either
can embed an access policy into the ciphertext or decryption be stored on cloud servers or cellphones so that EMR could
key. Besides, ABE also has collusion-resistance property, i.e., be accessed when the health provider is offline. Li et al.
if multiple users collude, they should only be able to decrypt [17] proposed a patient-centric framework of secure sharing
a ciphertext if at least one of the users could decrypt it of PHRs in cloud computing. They focus on the multiple
on their own. Thus, data access is self-enforcing from the data owner scenario, and divide the users in the PHR system
cryptography, requiring no trusted mediator. into multiple security domains that greatly reduces the key
ABE can be viewed as an extension of the notion of IBE management complexity for owners and users. A high degree
in which user identity is generalized to a set of descriptive of patient privacy is guaranteed simultaneously by exploiting
attributes instead of a single string specifying the user identity. multi-authority ABE.
Compared with traditional public key encryption and IBE, In this paper, we design and implement a PHR cloud
ABE has significant advantage as it achieves flexible one-to- platform integrated with the idea of CP-ABE. The developed
many encryption instead of one-to-one, it is envisioned as a PHR cloud platform enables patients to securely store and
promising tool for addressing the problem of secure and fine- share their health records in a flexible way. The patient
grained data sharing and decentralized access control. can store PHRs in an encrypted form, and cryptographically
There are two types of ABE depending on which of private enforces patient or organizational access policies. To the best
keys or ciphertexts that access policies are associated with. of our knowledge, we are the first to improve PHR sharing
In key-policy ABE (KP-ABE) system [7][8], users’ keys are mechanism of Indivo X project [19] by adopting CP-ABE.
issued by the attribute authority captures an access structure The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Some prelim-
that specifies which type of ciphertexts the key can decrypt, inary works about CP-ABE schemes are introduced in Section
while ciphertexts are labeled by the sender with a set of II. The architecture of PHR cloud platform to be developed
descriptive attributes. KP-ABE may be suitable for structured is described in Section III. The implementation details about
organizations with rules about who may read particular doc- PHR cloud platform are presented in Section IV. Performance
uments, but it is unable to specify policies on a per-message evaluation is given in Section V. Finally, we conclude the paper
basis. Other important applications include secure forensic in Section VI.
analysis and pay-TV system with package policy (called target
broadcast). II. P RELIMINARIES
In ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE) system [9][10], senders
can encrypt a message with a specific access policy in terms of A. Access Structure
access structure over attributes, stating what kind of receivers Let P = {P1 , P2 , . . . , Pn } be a set of parties. A collection
will be able to decrypt the ciphertext. Users possess sets of A ⊆ 2P is monotone if ∀B, C, we have that if B ∈ A
attributes and obtain corresponding secret attribute keys from and B ⊆ C then C ∈ A. An access structure (respective-
the attribute authority. Such a user can decrypt a ciphertext ly, monotone access structure) is a collection (respectively,
if his/her attribute satisfies the access policy associated to monotone collection) A ⊆ 2P \ {∅}. The sets in A are called

the authorized sets, and the sets not in A are called the • Phase 2. Phase 1 is repeated with the restriction that
unauthorized sets [8][10]. none of sets of attributes Ωq1 +1 , . . . , Ωq satisfy the access
In our context, the role of the parties is taken by the structure corresponding to the challenge.

attributes. Thus, the access structure A will contain the autho- • Guess. The adversary outputs a guess b of b.
rized sets of attributes. We restrict our attention to monotone The advantage of an adversary A in this game is defined as
access structures. Pr[b = b] − 12 . We note that the model can easily be extended
B. Syntax for CP-ABE Scheme to handle chosen-ciphertext attacks by allowing for decryption
queries in Phase 1 and Phase 2.
A CP-ABE scheme is specified by four polynomial algo-
rithms as follows [9]. Definition 1. A CP-ABE scheme is secure if all polynomial
• Setup(1 )
→ (params, msk): The probabilistic time adversaries have at most a negligible advantage in the
polynomial-time (PPT) setup algorithm takes as input a above game.
security parameter λ. It outputs the public parameters III. ARCHITECTURE OF PHR CLOUD PLATFORM
params and the master secret key msk which is only
to the trusted attribute authority (AA). We identify the main security requirements for PHR cloud
• Encrypt(params, m, A) → c: The PPT encryption al-
platform as follows.
gorithm takes as input the public parameters params, a • Confidentiality of health data in storage and transit:

message m together with the access structure A specified By confidentiality we mean the cloud provider or an
by the sender. It outputs ciphertext c encrypted under the adversary will not be able to read patients’ PHR data.
access structure A. Therefore, the patient’s PHR data have to be encrypted
• KeyGen(params, msk, ω) → SKω : The PPT key gen- before it is upload to PHR cloud.
eration algorithm is an interactive protocol between the • Integrity of health data: By integrity we mean to preserve

AA and the user. The common input to AA and the user the accuracy and consistency of data. In the PHR cloud
are the public parameters params, the set of attributes platform, integrity refers to the fact that PHR data has
ω which the user owns, and the private input to the AA not been tampered by unauthorized use. Integrity can be
is the master secret key msk. At last, the user receives a achieved by cryptographic hash function.
decryption key SKω associated with the set of attributes • Authenticity of health data: By authenticity, we mean

ω. to ensure that the data are genuine and to validate that

• Decrypt(params, c, SKω ) → m or ⊥: The determinis- both parties involved are who they claim they are. In
tic polynomial time algorithm takes as input the public the PHR cloud platform, the PHR data are collected,
parameters params, the ciphertext c that was encrypted stored and shared by a party other than the original
under the access structure A, and the user secret key SKω health care provider. As such, the issue of verifying
related to the set of attributes ω. It outputs the message that the information was actually created by the claimed
m if ω ∈ A or an error message ⊥ if ω ∈ A. source must be addressed. Authenticity can be achieved
by special signature schemes, such as group signature,
C. Security Model for CP-ABE Scheme ring signature and redactable signature [4], [18].
Like IBE schemes [5], the security model allows the ad- • Privacy protection for patients: Data disclosures are con-
versary to query for any private keys that cannot be used trolled following the data minimization principle, namely,
to decrypt the challenge ciphertext. In CP-ABE scheme, the the disclosure and retention of personal data should be
private keys are identified with attributes and the ciphertexts limited to what is directly relevant and necessary to
are identified with access structures. It follows that the security accomplish a specified purpose.
model for CP-ABE scheme allows the adversary to ask for any • Patient-centric fine-grained access control: Patient should
private key associated with the set of attributes Ωi that cannot be aware of their privacy rights, and able to specify
be used to decrypt the challenge ciphertext, which is encrypted and delegate the access control policy of their data. The
under an access structure A∗ , i.e., Ωi does not satisfy A∗ . The patient encrypts the PHR data according to ciphertext
formal security game for CP-ABE is described as follows. access policy (includes patient’s policy, system policy and
• Setup. The challenger runs the Setup algorithm and gives statutory policy) such that only the users who satisfy the
the public parameters params to the adversary. access policy can decrypt the protected data. In addition,
• Phase 1. The adversary makes repeated private keys the access policy should be flexible and convenient to
corresponding to sets of attributes Ω1 , . . . , Ωq1 . create and manage.
• Challenge. The adversary submits two equal length mes- • Revocation: When a user’s secret key or attributes are no

sages m0 and m1 . In addition the adversary gives a longer valid, this user can’t decrypt any PHR data even
challenge access structure A∗ such that none of the sets if they were supposed to.
Ω1 , . . . , Ωq1 from Phase 1 satisfy the access structure. There are five participants in PHR cloud platform: health
The challenger flips a random coin b, and encrypts mb care provider, cloud service provider, attribute authority, PHR
under A∗ . The ciphertext c is given to the adversary. owner (patient), and PHR viewer.

with logical AND operation.
• Decrypt: The encrypted PHR data can be accessible by
everyone from cloud. Decryption is only possible if and
only if the set of attributes corresponding to the PHR
viewer’s private key satisfy the access policy embedded
in the ciphertext. The PHR viewer can first get the content
encryption key by running Decrypt algorithm of CP-ABE
scheme, and then he can get plaintext PHR data using the
content encryption key.
We implement a secure PHR cloud platform using CP-
Fig. 1. System architecture and workflow ABE based on Indivo X [19]. We change the data storage
architecture and sharing mechanism of original PHA (Personal
Health Application), and a new Indivo API calls are added and
It is important to assume that the cloud service providers a Python ABE library named pyabelib is built [20].
are semi-trusted (i.e., honest but curious, HBC), which means It is important to choose a proper attribute set for designing
that cloud service providers would try to find out as much a PHR cloud platform. In previous PHR systems using ABE
information as possible while following the protocol. The [12][13][14][15][16][17], they simply choose user’s Work-
purpose is to enable patients to control the distribution and place or Occupation as attributes. To provide more expressive
use of their PHR data. As a provisional mitigation solution to policy, we define { Name, Date of Birth (DOB), Gender,
this, PHR data needs to be encrypted before uploading to the Marriage status, Occupation, Workplace, Address, Key
cloud. The protection mechanism needs to ensure that patient’s Expiration } as the set of attributes. The attribute Key Ex-
data can only be decrypted by authorized parties according to piration is not a user-specified attribute, which is set by the
the patient’s policy and consent. AA to provide key revocation.
Fig. 1 shows the system architecture of the proposed PHR According to the Waters’ CP-ABE scheme [10], there are
cloud platform where the patient can securely manage his/er two types of attributes: numerical type and non-numerical
health records using the CP-ABE scheme. In the following we type. The numerical type is specified as attr = value, where
explain the interactions that occur in the system. attr is the name of attribute and value is a non-negative integer
• System Setup: AA runs Setup algorithm of Waters’ CP- less than 264 . The non-numerical attributes can be any string
ABE scheme, it outputs the public parameters params of digits, letters and underscores, beginning with a letter.
and the master secret key msk which is kept by AA In order to preserve user’s attribute privacy, we only regard
secretly. Name as non-numerical attribute, while the rest are regarded
• Generate PHR: PHR owner gets original electronic as numerical form in attribute storage. Another reason is that
medical record (EMR) from health care provider, then patient may treat Occupation = Doctor and Occupation =
constructs PHR data based on EMR data and other data. Physician as the same meaning, but they are two different
• Encrypt: It’s not suitable using CP-ABE to encrypt the non-numerical attributes in the KeyGen algorithm. If a patient
PHR data for efficiency reasons. Instead, PHR owner first encrypted a PHR with attribute Occupation = Doctor, and
generates a AES key at random as content encryption key, a doctor gets his private key associated with Occupation =
and encrypts the PHR data using the content encryption Physician, then in this case, he couldn’t decrypt the PHR,
key. PHR owner then sets access policy and encrypt the which is supposed to be done. So we convert these non-
content encryption key using CP-ABE scheme under the numerical style attributes to numerical ones to avoid such
access policy. kinds of decryption failure. For example, we convert attribute
• KeyGen: User send a request for attribute private key DOB into Age as numerical type. We treat attributes Gender,
along with his credentials to the AA. The AA adminis- Marriage and Occupation as enumerated data types, like
trator verifies and marks these requests as ”approved” or “0” represents Female, and “1” stands for Male. For the at-
”denied”. For the ”approved” request, AA administrator tributes Workplace and Address, we organize it as (Country,
signs the request with his private key as qualified request Province, City, Workplace/Address).
and sends it to the AA server. Then AA server verifies sig- We assign a unique id for each concrete attribute, and
natures for requests approved by AA administrator, runs every table has a foreign key referencing the corresponding
the KeyGen algorithm of CP-ABE scheme and delivers id. The attributes Workplace and Address would have their
the private key corresponding to the set of attributes to own id. We can convert all attributes to numerical form by
the user. Currently the revocation for CP-ABE schemes above method. We only store attributes Gender, Marriage,
is not very robust [11], we adopt the idea of expiration to Occupation, Workplace and Address in Indivo X Server. These
solve this problem. AA generates a new access policy by attributes are public and irrelevant to user’s identity. AA must
adding expiration attribute to the original access policy get these five ids from Indivo X Server during the phase of

let the cloud encrypt or decrypt PHR directly. We create a
client plugin using PyQt framework to execute Encrypt and
Decrypt step. The PHA for encrypting and sharing should
follow OAuth protocol as well [20].
The PHA for encrypting just lets patient choose PHR and
set encrypted PHR name, access policy and keywords, then
invokes the client plugin to complete encrypting operation.
The sharing mechanism of Indivo X is improved to provide
fine-grained security. In our improved sharing PHA, once a
user enables it, it means that this user allows to share his
PHR with those who also enabled PHR sharing PHA.
After authorized, user could get a list which contains other
people’s encrypted PHR. User can choose one he wants to
Fig. 2. User view and decrypt encrypted PHR
view, then download the PHR and try to decrypt it, as shown
in Fig 2. If the set of attributes corresponding to the user’s
key generation. We add one new Indivo API to complete this private key satisfy the access policy which is embedded in the
conversion. encrypted PHR, he can successfully decrypt it.
Access policy is specified by PHR owner and is embedded
in the ciphertext, which can be expressed by logical operations V. EVALUATION OF PHR CLOUD PLATFORM
AND, OR, and OF. It also supports comparison operators, such Compared with Indivo X, our system has little influence on
as =, <, ≤, > and ≥ for numerical attribute expression. For the server side. We have added some new Indivo X style APIs
example, a policy could be “Doctor AND 2 OF (Age > 30, following its security protocol strictly, in order to make Indivo
Male OR Female, Children hospital)”. X backend server support new encrypted PHR storage format.
Indivo X is using Python as its programming language. To The encryption and decryption steps are executed at client side,
facilitate backend servers and clients invoking ABE functions, so it is supposed that Indivo X server won’t have additional
we build the Python version pyabelib based on libfenc [21], overhead. Here we mainly measure pyabelib performance and
which is a C library of ABE. Considering pyabelib’s perfor- then compare it with libfenc. The client side will load params
mance, we use C to complete all of the computational work, from cached files, and AA also need to load params and msk
and make calls using Python. from local files, it is necessary to consider the I/O cost of
The original Indivo X Server stores patient’s PHR in XML reading files. Therefore, we give a total execution period for
plaintext. To support CP-ABE scheme, we create a new XSD each Encryption, Decryption and KeyGen step including the
(XML Schema Definition) to replace the original XSD, which cost of reading files, meanwhile, we also calculate the actual
is depicted as follows. computation period in each step, excluding that cost.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> In Waters CP-ABE scheme, each non-numerical attribute
<schema xmlns=" corresponds to only one leaf node in access structure, but
XMLSchema:elementFormDefault="qualified"> numerical form may have more leaf nodes, thus we use the
<element name="Abe_document"> number of leaf nodes instead of the number of attributes as
<complexType> X-axis. Y -axis is each step’s time overhead.
<sequence> We randomly create 50 attribute sets, only using non-
<element name="Name" type="string" numerical form. For the i-th attribute set, it contains i at-
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> tributes, same as leaf nodes. In Encryption, to make sure
<element name="Content" type="string" every leaf node is visited, we only use AND gate in the
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> policy. The we encrypt the same PHR plaintext using the
<element name="KeyWord" type="string" pre-created attribute sets starting from 1 to 50. For instance,
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> we first create some attribute sets: {a1001}, {a1001, b1002},
<element name="Policy" type="string" {a1001, b1002, c1003}. Then we convert them into “a1001”,
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> “a1001 and b1002”, “a1001 and b1002 and c1003” as the input
</sequence> in Encryption. We run this procedure 10 times to get the mean
</complexType> value.
</element> In KeyGen, we also randomly create 50 attribute sets same
</schema> as above. Then we use these attribute sets to generate SKω .
We run it 10 times as well to calculate the average cost of
In the new XML, patients can specify custom PHR name,
concrete access policy, and keywords used for searching. The
“Content” element is encrypted PHR. In Decryption, the content encryption key (AES encryption
To achieve high level of data confidentiality, we won’t key) is set to 128-bit, which means the size of ciphertext is

Fig. 4. Evaluation of pyabelib: Encryption
Fig. 3. Evaluation of pyabelib: Key Generation

fixed. We repeat Encryption and KeyGen steps above to get ci-

phertext and SKω . To guarantee the success of decryption, the
attribute set used in KeyGen also must be used in Encryption.
We also run it 10 times to get the mean value.
The experiments were run on a server on Ubuntu 10.04
LTS, kernel 2.6.32-pae-32bit, python 2.6.5, GCC 4.4.3, with
2 x Intel Xeon E5606 @2.13GHz CPU, 4 x 4GB of RAM.
The evaluation results are shown in Fig.3, Fig.4 and Fig.5,
respectively. There are three lines, the red one is the cost of
libfenc, the black one is the cost of pyabelib, and the blue
one is the actual computation cost of each step in CP-ABE
scheme. The red line almost fully overlaps with black line,
indicating that the performance of our pyabelib is consistent
with libfenc. All processing time increases linearly with the
Fig. 5. Evaluation of pyabelib: Decryption
number of leaf nodes, although it’s not very clear in KeyGen.
Besides, reading files costs additional 0.5 − 0.7 seconds. As
expected, time cost is acceptable, thus it’s practical for us we ACKNOWLEDGMENT
to combine CP-ABE with Indivo X. KeyGen is normally less This research is jointly funded by the National Natural
than 1 second under 50 leaf nodes, the server wouldn’t have Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61173189 and No.
much overhead. 61100224), by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong
Province (Grant No. 10451009101004573) and Grant for U-
VI. C ONCLUSIONS niversities in Guangzhou City (No. 10A008), Foundation for
Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Guang-
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encryption techniques are not suitable to be used in the public Key Laboratory Project.
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