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GUSA Budget Proposal

Charlie Joyce & Paige Lovejoy

Funding Board FY 2011-2012

OBJECTIVE: GUSA’s executives are elected to serve as the voice of the
student body, representing its chief concerns and interests. To fulfill this
mandate, the Student Association must work with University administrators
and other interested community members. GUSA executives should make
every effort to improve and enhance the student experience both on campus
and in the surrounding community. The Student Association has the potential
to make an impact on countless issues including student space needs,
confusing questions about Georgetown bureaucracy, housing and dining hall
policies, off and on campus safety, transportation services, student health,
programming logistics, and support for diversity initiatives, athletics and the
arts. All three branches of GUSA are responsible for ensuring that students'
concerns are heard and needs are met in the most practical and fiscally
responsible way. In order to make some of our goals for the GUSA executive
branch possible in FY 11-12, funding will be required. We have categorized
and prioritized these needs.

TOTAL AMOUNT of REQUEST ($): $20,000

Proposed 2011-2012 GU Student Association Budget

Discretionary Fund $5,000

Executive Discretionary (President) $2,500
Assembly Discretionary (Senate) $2,500
“WikiHow $500
Website Creation $200
Website Maintenance $300
Townhall Meetings $500
GUSA Office $300

SAC Fair $50

College Readership $2,000

Community Outreach $2,450
Georgetown Samaritans $200
Farmer’s Market $1,750
Neighborhood outreach $500
GUSA Saferides $200
weekend service

Exam Familiarization $5000

LSAT $3000
GRE $2000

Future Initiatives $4,000

Total $20,000
Last Year’s Total $20,000

Proposal Specifics
FY 2011-2012

A. Are you applying for funds this year in order to maintain projects that your
clubs/organizations already have in existence, or are you looking for funds to
expand to new projects? Give specific examples.
This application is for funds that will be required for the sustenance and development of
existing programs and initiatives of the Student Association. In addition, we are
requesting funds that will support the extension of our activities to better address student
concerns, needs and interests. The aim of these funds will be to expand on GUSA
initiatives that directly serve undergrads including support for the development of new
graduate school entrance exam preparation courses and funding for the expansion of
community outreach projects.
B. If funds are granted, what projects and activities are planned?
The Student Association oversees many projects over the course of the year, many of
which will be planned by the incoming executives and their cabinet, and the student
senators that will be elected in the Fall Semester. Anticipated projects include:
a. Town hall meetings
b. Co-sponsorships with other groups for programming
c. Farmer’s Market start-up costs (folding tables, tents, banners)
d. “WikiHow Georgetown” website consolidating and clarifying the answers to
questions about variety of processes and challenges faced by Hoyas (like housing,
declaring a major, studying abroad, starting a club, getting funding, throwing a party,
e. Expansion of Graduate School exam preparation programs (adding GRE prep to
existing funding for LSAT prep)
f. College Readership Program
g. GUSA Office Renovation
h. Expansion of GUSA Saferides Service

B. Revenue
a. The Student Association typically does not engage in any programming or
merchandising that might draw revenue. Our role as student advocates to
administrative does not require us to take on activities for monetary gain, and as
such we do not budget for income.
C. Risk
a. The Student Association does not generally engage in programming or
merchandising, and as a result does not generally take on much monetary risk. In
addition, most of what we do is not aimed at revenue, so we do not budget for

Part IV: Compliance with 2010

6-Point Reform Plan

The GUSA Senate passed a resolution last year that requires all advisory boards to comply with a
six-point reform plan in order to receive Student Activity Fee money. Please offer a written
response to each of the reform points, indicating the extent to which your organization complies
with the letter and spirit of the reform. (Please re-send such a response if your organization has
already sent one).

1). The total balance of any advisory board’s reserve account shall not exceed 10% of
the board’s total allocation from the prior fiscal year not be excessive, and surplus funds
shall be rolled back into the general Funding Board’s reserve account;

2). An appeals process shall be implemented and publicized, where such processes do not
already exist, for clubs that are denied full funding for an activity or annual budget under
its advisory board;

3). Clubs shall have the option of requesting a lump sum, annual budget with an
opportunity to reapply for additional funding from its advisory board;

4). All meetings and recorded minutes of all meetings of an advisory board shall be open
to the public, including any and all votes, and that all records are posted online in a
timely fashion;

5). Members of the advisory board be, in some way, directly accountable to their
constituents or to the student body in general, such as having GUSA Senate confirmation
or being elected by the leaders of the clubs they represent;
6). Clubs have reasonable control over all funds that they fundraise outside of the normal
allocations process.
Part V: Certification

By signing below, I hereby certify that the information enclosed is accurate to the best of my

FUNDING REQUEST FORM SUBMITTED BY: Charles Joyce and Paige Lovejoy

NAME of GROUP STUDENT CHAIR: Georgetown University Student Association

SIGNATURE (type your name): Charles Joyce / Paige Lovejoy

NAME of GROUP ADVISOR: Erika Cohen-Derr

DATE: February 14, 2011



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