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Name of Work:-Construction of 40.00 mtr span Bridge over Answai khad on Gharswara Chaswal Answai Kapahi road at R.D. 4/480.
(SH:-Construction of substructure, superstructure and both side approaches)
1 Ref. of A/A & E/S Rs.297.42 lacs vide E-in-C letter no.17982-85 Dated 16.01.2020
2 T/S amount Working estimate approved by Chief Engineer Hamirpur Zone vide letter
no.3303-04 Dated 14.07.2020 for Rs. 16879233.00/- only

3 DNIT amount Rs. 1,78,69,595.00/- only

4 Tender invited vide letter no. PW-DPD-CB-Tender/2020:11406-08
Dated 19.09.2020
5 Amount of lowest Bidder Sh. Ashok Verma Govt. Rs.2,77,70,214.35/- only i.e. 55.41% above the amount put to tender
6 Amount of Justification Rs.3,74,89,756.00/- only i.e. 109.80% above DNIT amount
7 Absurdly High rates Item No.1,3,4,9,12,13,14,18,21,23,24,25,32,33,34 and 35
Item Description of Items Qty. Unit Quoted Justified %age Prevalling Modified
no. Rate Rate Rates Rates
1 Excavation for Bridge structures 1850.47 cum 300.00 100.70 197.91
2 Excavation in hilly areas 34154.00 cum 165.00 378.15 -56.37
3 C.C 1:3:6 28.82 cum 7450.00 6003.35 24.10
4 RCC M-30 in substructure 516.24 cum 10500.00 9166.90 14.54
5 Steel reinforcement in substructure 56.80 Tonne 78000.00 82545.85 -5.51
6 Back filling 1096.21 cum 250.00 1874.65 -86.66
7 POT-PTFE Bearing 825.00 Tonne 600.00 1010.35 -40.61
8 AC pipe weep holes 300.00 Each 50.00 1186.75 -95.79
9 RCC M-35 in superstructure 147.63 cum 14500.00 11015.55 31.63
10 Steel reinforcement in superstructure 24.40 Tonne 79000.00 84260.20 -6.24
11 High Tensile steel wires/strands 5.64 Tonne 250000.00 345617.90 -27.67
12 RCC M-30 in superstructure 14.20 cum 10500.00 9330.10 12.54
13 Precast RCC railing 105.20 Rmt 2700.00 2305.45 17.11
14 RCC Grade M-30 in approach slab 17.92 cum 16000.00 12308.40 29.99
15 Drainage spouts 16.00 Each 2800.00 7560.70 -62.97
16 Strip steel expansion joint 10.30 Rmt 15000.00 31378.00 -52.20
17 56mm mastic asphalt wearing coat 223.55 sqm 50.00 2225.70 -97.75
18 Construction of embankment 1883.70 cum 280.00 96.95 188.81
19 Excavation for structures 327.87 cum 175.00 346.90 -49.55
20 CC 1:5:10 334.79 cum 3920.00 4706.75 -16.72
21 Back filling 78.70 cum 2500.00 1982.95 26.07
22 PVC pipe weep holes 135.00 Each 150.00 354.60 -57.70
23 Filter media 14.76 cum 2500.00 1992.15 25.49
24 CC 1:3:6 47.12 cum 6500.00 5826.40 11.56
25 M-15 in substructure 26.16 cum 6900.00 5738.70 20.24
26 900mm dia hume pipe 14.00 Rmt 4000.00 5145.95 -22.27
27 Subgrade and earthen shoulders 288.75 cum 60.00 286.80 -79.08
28 Loosening of ground 580.39 cum 50.00 84.40 -40.76
29 GSB 193.46 cum 1800.00 2132.95 -15.61
30 WBM G-II 176.14 cum 1900.00 2561.10 -25.81
31 WBM G-III 132.10 cum 2000.00 2455.10 -18.54
32 Primer coat (SS-I) 1761.38 sqm 60.00 48.30 24.22
33 Tack coat (RS-I) 1761.38 sqm 25.00 16.30 53.37
34 20mm th. Premix carpet 1761.38 sqm 210.00 146.30 43.54
35 Seal coat 1761.38 sqm 65.00 49.55 31.18

Name of Work:-Construction of 40.00 mtr span Bridge over Answai khad on Gharswara Chaswal
Answai Kapahi road at R.D. 4/480. (SH:-Construction of substructure, superstructure and both
side approaches).

Item. Quantity(2) Quoted Justified 25%(-) on Unbalance Unbalance

No.(1) Rate(3) rate(4) col. 4(5) rate(6) amount(7)

2 34154.00 165.00 378.15 283.61 118.61 4051091.33

6 1096.21 250.00 1874.65 1405.99 1155.99 1267205.06
7 825.00 600.00 1010.35 757.76 157.76 130154.06
8 300.00 50.00 1186.75 890.06 840.06 252018.75
11 5.64 250000.00 345617.90 259213.43 9213.43 51963.72
15 16.00 2800.00 7560.70 5670.53 2870.53 45928.40
16 10.30 15000.00 31378.00 23533.50 8533.50 87895.05
17 223.55 50.00 2225.70 1669.28 1619.28 361988.93
19 327.87 175.00 346.90 260.18 85.18 27926.33
22 135.00 150.00 354.60 265.95 115.95 15653.25
27 288.75 60.00 286.80 215.10 155.10 44785.13
28 580.39 50.00 84.40 63.30 13.30 7719.19
30 176.14 1900.00 2561.10 1920.83 20.82 3668.12
Total = 6347997.29

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