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Essential Data needed for calculations

 Total Cultivable Land of each farmer

 Land Suitable for Cultivation
 % Area of sugarcane
 Sowing Intentions and area intentions of sugarcane
 Region Area Delta %
 Sowing Dates
 Losing crop And Gaining crop
 Reasons for Increase / Decrease in Area of sugarcane
 Seed Varieties sown
 Land status
 Percentage of Seed Germination
 Sources of Seed
 Irrigation System used [Canal/Tube-well/Rain-fed
 Expected Productions of each farmer per sugarcane
 Yield Data of each sugarcane in maunds per acres [Md/Ac]
 Expected Yields of Sugarcane
 Plant Growth status
 Reasons for Increase / Decrease in Yield
 Any Pest / Disease attack status
 Percentage of Damaged sugarcane due to rains or floods or disease
 No of Rains received in a year for Sugarcane
 Market Prices of Sugarcane
 Cost of Cultivation of Sugarcane
 Sugarcane Preference between farmers
 Harvesting pace and pattern for Sugarcane throughout the year
● Sugar Inquiry commission states that sugarcane crop increased by 0.9% from 67.123
MT to 67.769 MT whereas in the PES 2019 - 2020, it is stated that SC production
declined by 0.4% and was 66.880 MT

● Planting season is critical as a delay in planting can have a significant effect on the final
yield of the crop
● Profitability of sugar determines the support price - The estimation of financial
profitability of white sugar requires information and data on raw material (cane),
manufacturing cost of sugar (processing material, salaries, wages, benefits/ bonus,
consumable stores, repair and maintenances, utilities) and financial expenses (interest,
insurance, depreciation, and administrative overhead).

Sugar Yield
Sugar Recovery =
C ane Y ield

● Since sugarcanes require more water than the average crop, we should look towards
areas with higher rainfall and lands near large natural sources of water (e.g. rivers).

Calendar of Sugarcane Crop

● Sugarcane is a kharif crop - 2nd largest agri product of Pakistan after textiles
Types of Sugarcane Crops in Pakistan

Year of Cane Yield Sugar Recovery

Variant Maturity
Release (tonnes/ha) (%)


SPSG-26 1996 Early 98 10.5

CP-43-33 1996 Early 80 11.7

CP-72-2086 1996 Early 85 12.4

CP-77-400 1996 Early 90 11.9

CPF-237 2000 Early 95 12.5

SPF-213 2000 Mid 100 11.0.

HSF-240 2002 Early 95 11.7

SPF-234 2002 Early 100 11.6

SPF-245 2004 Early 100 11.0

HSF-242 2006 Early 108 12.4

CPF-243 2006 Mid 102 12.6

CPF-246 2011 Mid 105 12.0

CPF-247 2011 Mid 105 12.0


Ghulabi-95 1995 Early 150 11.0

NIA-98 1998 Mid 180 10.0

Thatta-10 2004 Early 180 11.0

NIA2004 2004 Early 150 10.0

LRK-2001 2005 Early 200 11.0

CMP-13 1989 Early 70 10.5

CO-1321 1989 Early 70 12.0

March-92 1992 Mid 100 12.0

Mardan-93 1993 Early 100 12.5

Jn.88/1 1996 Early 70 12.7

Abid-96 1996 Early 70 12.5

SN-98 1998 Early 72 12.2

MCP-421 2003 Mid 80 12.5

Mardan-2005 2005 Early 90 12.2

Table 1 SC Variants; Source: Pakistan Agricultural Research Council

The variants of sugar cane data will allow us to further explore which variant are grown in which
region of a province and in turn determine the precise amount of fertilizers, insecticides,
pesticides, water and labor are required. This will help us in calculating costs at this stage with
far greater accuracy.

Fertilizer Requirements
 Like wheat, sugarcane is an exhaustive crop and hence requires a large amount of
macro/micro nutrients
 Main nutrients needed by sugarcane (like most crops) are:
o Nitrogen (N)
o Phosphorus (P)
o Potassium (K)
 Crops require the perfect balance of the 3 based on research methods but no scientific
method is applied in Pakistan. The quantities of all 3 elements should be balanced
amongst the relevant crop however improper doses are used frequently (K is used the
least as per research)
 Source (
cane-Cultivation-in-Pakistan.pdf) gives the recommended fertilizer requirements for
sugarcane growth in each of the 3 sugarcane growing provinces, see below INCLUDE

Calculations can be done for fertilizer costs using the information in the table above
 gives more detailed
information about fertilizing. Will be very helpful in calculations (below)
 PARC recommends the following fertilizers and their doses:
o A month before planting, on the land, two trolleys per acre of decomposed fym
should be thoroughly applied and then irrigated.
o Furthermore, PARC recommends the following amounts of N, P and K based
fertilizers to use which verifies our table above sourced from research published
by valley irrigation.

Nitrogen (N) 86 – 110 Kg/Acre

Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 46 Kg/Acre
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 50 Kg/Acre
Above Quantities can be found in
3-4 bags Urea + 2 bags DAP + 2 bags SOP/MOP per acre OR
4-5 bags Urea + 5 bags SSP or 2 bags TSP + 2 bags SOP/MOP per
acre OR
3-4.5 bags Ammonium nitrate + 4.5 bags nitrophos + 2 bags
Table 2 Source: PARC

 (Excel Sheet made of fertilizers in the market)

 Some soil may be deficient in Zinc and Borax supply. PARC recommends that in this
case, 10-15 Kg/acre Zinc sulphate and 3-5 Kg Borax ONCE at planting

Pesticides and disease control in Sugarcane Crop

According to sindhagri, about 50 diseases have so far been identified purely on sugarcane
crops that can create tremendous losses to farmer and consequently the industry. These
diseases vary from region to region and from one variety of sugarcane to another and may
affect some or all parts of the plant

Major Diseases
See source:
The source above not only indicates the major diseases, but also their effects and control
measures that can be taken.
 On a crop wise basis, sugarcane crop consumes 2% of all pesticide used. (Most is
consumed by the cotton crop)
 In Pakistan exact estimates of yield losses due to insect attack are lacking but it has
been reported that top borer, stem borer, gurdaspur borer and Pyrilla cause a reduction
in yield from 15-20, 10-20 and 30-35 percent , respectively. In some cases as high as
80-85 percent reduction in crop yield due to insect attack has been reported
 In most cases, pesticides are applied as per traditional basis, i.e. famers do not use any
sort of scientific method to determine optimum quantities as was the case with fertilizer
 What affects sc crop
o Priyilla
o Blackbug
o White fly
o Mealy bug
o Mites
 The source ( gives
recommendations based on provincial government of Sindh for insecticides, pesticides
and control measures for major crops (we can extrapolate data from this to calculate the
ideal cost of disease and pest management for a farmer growing sugarcane). The
information also highlights the corporations manufacturing the recommended chemicals.
We can contact these companies and respective distributors to determine the final price
at which these are sold to farmers.
 The source ( provides images of
common sugarcane pests. We can use this to communicate with farmers since regional
language barrier may be a slight hurdle here.

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