Task 6

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In the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, how do you analyze your audience using a
psychoanalytic approach? Explain briefly

In the current covid-19 pandemic, we need to know the size of our audience. How
many audiences do we need to convey that message. For example, we can use current
technology to share information to our audience that is using Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter,
TV and so on. Then, for the physical setting is to know our audience to approach the
message. For example, if we are in the city then we have to convey that message using what
way. But in this covid-19 pandemic, it can’not come out at will so with the advanced
technology for now we use it properly. Other than that, knowledge level is the message that
you want delivered. For example, for the environment now we know this covid-19 season is
too dangerous for us to get out because the infection is everywhere. This knowledge level is
not only for educated people but it is for many people can know about this. Sometime when a
someone have educated but the knowledge is a low/little level because not everyone clever
based on they educated. Even people with low education can think of the current covid-19
environment. Moreover, relationship to the speaker is who are these people to you. As the
sender your message, do you know this people or not. Because this was change the way
delivered your message. For example, to neighbors, family, or cousin etc. This kind of
relationship can be determine the way the delivered the message. I want to delivered the
message face to face. Because it can be easier talking to my own family, neighbors, cousins,
aunty or etc. Next, is an attitude and values related to topic. In covid-19 now, we want to
know the contract the message and know delivered the message correctly. To the correct
time, the correct place. For example, environment right now. We must know how to convey
the message. Lastly, attitude related to the situation is we have to be careful on the current
situation in covid-19. Means, we must wear a mask, keep distance and go out only important
things. So, this is a psychoanalytic approach in current situation for pandemic covid-19.

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