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Activity 12

Do you already know your level of assertiveness, persuasiveness?

i. If asked to give a speech to a large group do you cringe in horror and decline the
- Yes, because I have never given a speech in a large group and have no self-
ii. When another person is hostile towards you do you automatically become defensive?
- Of course I will be defensive to protect myself from all the bad things that will
iii. Do most people know you by name?
- Yes, and also people know me by my dress or my personality
iv. Do you make efforts to engage others in conversations?
- No, unless it is indeed important and to correct what others are bragging about.
v. Do you ask people questions?
- Yes, I will ask when I do not know and get the right information.

Let’s answer the question.

1. The impression you make and those you respond are influences heavily by non-verbal

2. If you are trying to influence somebody to agree to a course of action, open hand and body
gestures have been shown to be the most effective.

3. Most people prefer talking to listening, and they tend to exercise that preference.

4. Because our thoughts formulate faster than another person’s speech, we tend to imagine
and may lose out in the process.

5. Listening empathetically by perspective is very persuasive and very powerful.

6. Attention is held only when interest is rise -; otherwise people start listening to
themselves- so keep them interested.

7. Remember!!! - The mind and body are one: you cannot not control.

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