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Field report Tittle: Assessing the application of visual teaching and learning aids at kibiti

secondary school.




Visual teaching /learning aids are the materials that can be seen such as pictures, drawings or
dynamic video is often designed to facilitate teaching and learning and have a positive effect the
effectiveness of the visual information is concerned with cognitive learning and retention.
However, Watson et al. (2010) state that, the performance criteria should be focused on the
effect of the actual action than on the retention if the teaching aids real applied to a procedural
motor task. Then, when preparing and using visual teaching aids, teachers should think in terms
of how they will promote learning. It is therefore more correct to refer to them as learning aids
rather than teaching aids.

The application of learning and teaching aids in instructional process reflects back to ancient
periods. This period is characterized by Greeks and Latin people, especially during early 150 BC
when people were taught and learned things practically. Callahan (1988) states that, “Once upon
a time when the mankind was young; reading and writing had not been invented, therefore men
and women taught their children by means of very simple local tools”

Visual aids such as posters, wall painting, flash card, pie chart, let the students remember the
facts and altitudes for longer and more clearly (Brown et al, 1982). In spite of the necessity of
using visual teaching aids, different threats hinder the application and availability of such aids.
The government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training does
not ensure adequately availability of the visual teaching/learning aids; therefore, some are not
there. Due to the failure of preparing and using of learning visual aids, schools provide low
quality academic performance to the students.
Audio visual aids play important role in teaching and learning process. Aids make teaching and
learning process effective, aids provide knowledge in depth and detail and they bring change in
class room environment ( Rasul S.,Qadril B.B &Shazia B, 2011).

1.3 Statement of the Problem

. In case of teaching and learning process is difficult for the teacher to handle large number of
student so become difficult for them to follow law and principles of teaching professional
example the use of media like visual material or aids in teaching and learning process as
literature shows that, visual learning aids have impacts on students‟ academic performance but
they not constantly used by teachers.

1.4 General Objective

The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of application of visual teaching
aids on students’ academic performance at Kibiti secondary school in Kibiti district.

1.4.1 Specific Objectives.

(i) To explore the use of visual teaching and learning aids at kibiti secondary school

(ii) To investigate the barriers that makes the use of visual teaching and learning aids difficulty at
Kibiti secondary.

(iii) To explore the strategic measures that can be used in order to improve the application of
visual teaching and learning aids

1.5 Research Questions

(i) What were the common of visual teaching and learning aids used at Kibiti secondary school?

(ii) What were the barriers that hindered the use of teaching and learning aids at Kibiti School?

(iii) What are measures should be taken to in order to improve the quality and assessable usage
of visual learning and teaching aids at kibiti secondary school?

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study is important as it help young teachers in the field of education, the study will help the
government understand and plan in advance in relation to the use of visual teaching and learning
aids in public secondary schools. Also, the study will increase awareness of the magnitudes of
the problem by showing suggestions on the hindrance’s factors for the provision of visual
teaching and learning aids at Kibiti secondary school



2.1 Type of visual aids and factors hindering use of visual aids
Learning is a change in disposition; a relatively permanent change in behavior over time and this
is brought about partly by knowledge. Learning can happen as an outcome of a fresh attained
skills, principles, perception, knowledge, facts, and new information at hand (Adeyanju, 1997).
While teaching is the process of imparting knowledge to the learner, Learning can be reinforced
with different teaching/learning resources because they stimulate, motivate as well as focus
learners’ attention for a learner while during the instructional process
Visual aids arouse the interest of learners and help the teachers to explain the concepts easily.
Visual aids are those instructional aids which are used in the classroom to encourage teaching
learning process. As Singh (2005) defines: “Any device which by sight and sound increase the
individual s' practice, outside that attained through read labeled as an audio-visual aid. Visual
aids are those instructional devices which are used in the classroom to encourage learning and
make it easier and motivating. The material like models, charts, film strip, projectors, radio,
television, maps etc. called instructional aids. (Rather, 2004). Visual aids are effective tool that
“invest the past with an air of actuality.” Visual aids distribute the learners with true knowledge,
which detention their devotion and help in the understanding of the ancient marvels. They
demand to the mind through the visual auditory senses. When we use visual aids as teaching aid,
it is one of the aspects which root participation of students in the lesson because when students
look at visual model or aid, it is measured as a kind of contribution. Also, the uses of visual aids
encourage the body movement and it may strengthen the control (Jain, 2004) Kishore (2003) said
visual aids stimulated thinking and cognize. The use of visual aids in teaching learning process
has multifarious values (Mohanty, 2001). Visual aids give chance to speakers to make a more
professional and good performance. By visual aids in teaching is one mode to enhance lesson
plans and give students additional ways to process subject information (Kunari, 2006).


3.1 Research approach

Study employed qualitative research approach. Qualitative approach was used to obtain in-depth
information on opinion and suggestions from respondent about types of visual teaching aids and
factors which hinder on the use of teaching and learning aids

3.2 Research design

The study used descriptive survey research design as the study need to obtain the opinion,
suggestions and views from the given group of respondents

3.3 The area of study

This study conducted at Kibiti secondary school in kibiti district.

3.4.1 Population
In this study, the targeted populations were teachers from kibiti secondary school, where as
permanent tearchers are 35, apart time teachers 8 and 78 students

3.4.2 Sample size

The sample size of the study consisted were 15 teachers

3.4.3 Sampling procedures

Sample of school were obtained through simple random sampling where by teachers sample
through convenient sampling technique in which any one available at the school during the day
of data collection was involved to provide information.

3.5 Methods of data collection

Interview was used to obtain information from heads of department where the researcher
prepared interview guides, in the case of subject teachers the questionnaire method was used as
there are open ended questions and closed ended questions
3.6 Data processing and Data Analysis procedure.
In this study, processing of data involved with the editing where by the collected data was
examined and correcting any errors where coding followed which involve assigning numerals or
other symbols to answers so that responses can be put into few categories or classes. Coded data
then classified by arranging data in groups and classes on the basis of common characteristics.



4.1 Demographic characteristic of respondents

The study consisted about 9 male teachers which was 63.6% of the sample expected and 6
female teachers which was 36.4% of the expected sample.

4.2 Type of teaching aid

The results showed that the commonly available teaching and learning aids are charts and
drawings on the manirasheet and models.

Table 1.0 Availability or adequacy of teaching and learning materials

Variable Frequency Percentage (%)

Adequate T/L materials 6 27.3
Inadequate T/L materials 8 62.6
Normal 3 10.1

4.3 Factors hindering the use of teaching and learning aids

1. Curriculum design which leaves no room for any additional activity besides the course book,
therefore, causes a considerable amount of work load and stress for the teachers who try hard to
add the short video sessions, which are in fact a sizable component in total, to the stuffed

2. The factors arising from teaching and learning aids selection which refer to instructors‟
hardship in selecting proper audio-visual materials, appropriate for the subject matter, students‟
linguistic competence and student’s interests.

3, large number of students in the single class room where by it become difficult for the teacher
to make enough and visible teaching and learning aids to all student found in the class example
coloration of teaching aids so that can be seen to all. For example, when the students come
together for the session from different combination it is difficult to display teaching aids due to
large number of students.



Generally, the findings indicated that there were inadequate use of teaching and learning aids
shortage of teachers compared to the number of students and may challenges that hinder the
selection of appropriate teaching and learning aids such as curriculum itself, low accessibility of
internet. technological awareness of teachers on use of appropriate teaching and learning aids

The government and school management should ensure the availability of adequate teaching and
learning aids especially modern teaching aids to schools in relation to the number of students
also curriculum should set so that could fit with technological change of the community. As ow
days the system has changed from a content based to competent based, thus the student should be
measured on their understanding. Hence it is advisable to copy with the environment.
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orum, 4, (40), 1955-1961.

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