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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 70, 2016, 65–79 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

ey & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Clinical and technical

considerations in the analysis of
gingival crevicular fluid
R E B E C C A R. W A S S A L L & P H I L I P M. P R E S H A W

Gingival crevicular fluid is an inflammatory exudate graph on gingival crevicular fluid by Cimasoni in 1974
that flows from the gingival sulcus or periodontal (7). As technology improved (particularly advances in
pocket. Volumes are typically low (microliter quanti- analytical techniques for small volumes of biological
ties), and generally increase with increasing inflam- fluids), research groups throughout the world focused
mation in the gingival and periodontal tissues. on analysis of gingival crevicular fluid as a means by
Gingival crevicular fluid is a complex mixture of sub- which to study inflammation in the periodontal tis-
stances derived from serum and from locally gener- sues. Collection of gingival crevicular fluid was
ated mediators of inflammation and tissue turnover/ regarded as a noninvasive and relatively simple pro-
breakdown. It also contains cellular components, cedure – a statement which may be debated by those
such as neutrophils and bacterial components. who have substantial experience in collecting, analyz-
Gingival crevicular fluid plays a protective role in ing and interpreting gingival crevicular fluid data.
host–bacteria interactions, via a physical protective The advantage of analysis of gingival crevicular
effect (dilution of bacteria and their products, plus fluid is that it provides site-specific information about
outflow of fluid) as well as transportation of antibac- the inflammatory status at any particular periodontal
terial substances into the pocket (1, 22). The quantity site (i.e. analysis at the level of the periodontal site
of gingival crevicular fluid flowing from a site is influ- without having to take a biopsy of the gingival tissue).
enced not only by the degree of inflammation in the This may also be regarded as a disadvantage, how-
tissues but also by the extent of ulceration of the sul- ever, as unless gingival crevicular fluid is collected
cular/pocket epithelium (1). It has been debated from a large number of periodontal sites (which
whether gingival crevicular fluid represents a transu- would be prohibitively time-consuming and costly in
date of gingival interstitial fluid (particularly in clinical practice), limited information at the full-
healthy gingival tissues), but once gingival inflamma- mouth level will be obtained. Collection of gingival
tion is detected clinically, gingival crevicular fluid is crevicular fluid has been undertaken in the past using
considered a true inflammatory exudate (as reviewed a variety of methods, including gingival washing tech-
by Griffiths (13)). niques, capillary tubes or micropipettes, and the use
The composition of gingival crevicular fluid is gen- of absorbent filter paper strips (13, 16). The most fre-
erally regarded as being reflective of the inflammatory quently used technique in the periodontal literature
state of the gingival and periodontal tissues and is the filter paper method, and this will form the basis
has therefore been of great interest to periodontal for discussion in this paper. Whilst early researchers
researchers who wish to improve understanding of used this method to simply quantify the amount of
periodontal pathogenesis and develop novel diagnos- gingival crevicular fluid collected from a periodontal
tic strategies for periodontal diseases. Gingival crevic- site, for example, using the ninhydrin stain or fluores-
ular fluid was serendipitously discovered in the late cein labeling methods (25), these techniques pre-
1950s during investigations of the subgingival micro- vented subsequent biochemical analysis of the
biota in the gingival pockets in a dog (4, 21). Studies composition of the collected gingival crevicular fluid
of gingival crevicular fluid began in earnest in the sample. An alternative method for quantifying gingi-
early 1960s (9) and expanded rapidly through the val crevicular fluid volume on filter paper strips was
1970s, with the publication of the landmark mono- required, and this niche was filled by the Periotron

Wassall & Preshaw

series of instruments (Oraflow Inc., Smithtown, NY, we considered it useful to assess the quality of the
USA), initially with the Periotron 600, then with the reporting of methods used to describe gingival crevic-
Periotron 6000 and presently with the Periotron 8000. ular fluid collection, recovery, quantification and
Typically, after volume determination (if per- analysis. This was not intended to be a comprehen-
formed), gingival crevicular fluid samples on filter sive or systematic review, although a structured
paper strips are placed in individual cryotubes (with approach was followed in the search strategy. The
or without buffer), snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and main objective was to review recent literature to iden-
then stored in a !80°C freezer until required for anal- tify trends in the reporting of gingival crevicular fluid
ysis. As any researcher who has worked with gingival collection and analysis methodology. Given the huge
crevicular fluid will know, there are a large number of number of studies that have analyzed gingival crevic-
variables in the pathway of analysis (from sampling to ular fluid, we restricted our search to studies of
volume measurement, to storage and subsequent interleukin-1beta in gingival crevicular fluid as an
biochemical analysis) and each step must be consid- exemplar.
ered. It is important to note that evidence to support We utilized the following characteristics to identify
any specific ‘recommended’ protocol is generally studies using the PICO (Participants, Intervention,
lacking, and it is precisely this lack of certainty that Comparisons, Outcomes) approach. Participants:
will be discussed and debated in this paper. However, male or female subjects undergoing gingival crevicu-
for all studies involving gingival crevicular fluid, it is lar fluid interleukin-1beta analysis. Intervention:
important that comprehensive validation studies are undergoing clinical nonsurgical periodontal manage-
performed before gingival crevicular fluid sampling, ment. Comparisons: before treatment vs. after treat-
as part of the research project, to ensure that mean- ment. Outcomes: studies that reported changes in
ingful results can be generated. Furthermore, a core gingival crevicular fluid interleukin-1beta levels.
principle of scientific reporting is that the methods Other parameters in the search included: study
sections of research papers should provide enough design (comparison studies); length of follow up
detail for an interested scientist working in the same (any); language (English); publication status (fully
field to be able to replicate any given study in their published); and years considered (2010–2014).
own research center. Regarding studies in the peri- Searches were performed in key electronic databases,
odontal literature reporting gingival crevicular fluid including MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Knowledge and
data, it is usually the case that insufficient informa- Trip, and were supplemented by hand searching ref-
tion is presented for colleagues to replicate the study erence lists of retrieved articles. The following search
(see below), which can result in confusion. It is there- terms and keywords/phrases were used: Periodonti-
fore important that the standard of reporting is tis/therapy, Periodontal disease, inflammation,
improved in studies in which gingival crevicular fluid Cytokines, Interleukin-1, comparison studies. Ten
is collected. articles were identified that reported on gingival
crevicular fluid interleleukin-1beta collection pre-
and post-treatment in this time period. Data were
Review of reporting methods for abstracted, and the key findings are reported in
gingival crevicular fluid collection Table 1.
and analysis It is immediately apparent that there is consider-
able variation in the methods used for collection, pro-
A review of papers describing gingival crevicular fluid cessing and analysis of gingival crevicular fluid
collection and analysis was undertaken to provide samples by different research groups. It could be
information regarding the current standard of report- argued that this is to be expected as different groups
ing in the periodontal literature. Clearly, analysis of use different analytical systems and may have needed
gingival crevicular fluid is important for understand- to optimize their protocols for analysis of gingival
ing the underlying mechanisms of periodontitis and crevicular fluid. However, this makes it very difficult
for providing opportunities to develop tools to predict for other researchers to utilize the same methods
disease activity. The use of inconsistent methods will and, particularly when reporting of precise methodol-
impact on the interpretation of results, prevent ogy is vague or incomplete, standardization of meth-
accurate comparison of data between studies and ods of analysis becomes almost impossible. Some of
potentially limit the conclusions that can be made the analytical parameters that require consideration
from a larger body of evidence. Within this context, include:

Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid

Table 1. Summary of key data relating to gingival crevicular fluid collection and analysis from published studies in the
periodontal literature

Author, year Gingival crevicular fluid collection Gingival crevicular fluid Analytical technique and reporting
(ref. no.) and volume measurement elution of data

Kinney et al., Samples were obtained from the Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial array (RayBiotech
2014 (19) mesiobuccal aspect of each tooth eluted by washing Quantibody Human Cytokine
Gingival crevicular fluid was Periopapers from eight Array). Results are expressed as
collected, using a 30-s sampling selected clinical sites with pg/ml but it is not clear if these
protocol, on Periopaper strips 11 ll of proteinase inhibitor were total mediator content per
placed into the sulcus/pocket until (1% aprotinin and 0.5% 30-s sample (i.e. the concentration
light resistance was felt. Volume phenylmethanesulfonyl calculated from the assay itself) or
was quantified using Periotron fluoride) for a total elution concentrations in the gingival
6000 and Periopapers were stored volume of 55 ll per site. crevicular fluid sample (i.e.
dry at !80°C Then, each sample was corrected for the original gingival
centrifuged at 2,000 rpm and crevicular fluid volume according
4°C for 5 min. The eight to the Periotron data). No data
samples were then pooled to were presented on detection limits
obtain a total elution volume of the assay
of 440 ll per patient (8 9 55 ll)
Biyikoglu et al., Samples were obtained from two Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial ELISA kit (BD
2013 (3) single-rooted teeth with probing eluted by addition of 200 ll Biosciences). Results were
depth >5 mm of phosphate-buffered saline expressed separately as either total
Gingival crevicular fluid was and shaking on an ELISA interleukin-1beta content (pg/two
collected, using a 30-s sampling plate shaker for 45 min (no sites) or concentrations (pg/ll of
protocol, on Periopaper strips information on temperature) gingival crevicular fluid) following
placed into the orifice of the Gingival crevicular fluid conversion based on gingival
gingival pocket samples were used neat for crevicular fluid volume from the
Volume was quantified using the the assay (interpreted to Periotron calibration curve. Data
Periotron 8000 and pooled indicate that the eluate was presented regarding minimum
Periopapers were stored dry at used for assay without detection limit (0.8 pg/ml). No
!40°C further dilution) information was given regarding
how values below the level of
detection were handled
Fiorini et al., Samples were obtained from four Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial ELISA kit (BD
2013 (12) sites per subject (the four deepest eluted by addition of 200 ll Biosciences Human Inflammatory
pockets) of phosphate-buffered saline Cytokine kit). Results expressed as
Gingival crevicular fluid was and 2 ll of pg/ml but it is not clear if these
collected, using a 30-s sampling phenylmethanesulfonyl were total mediator content per
protocol, on Periopaper strips fluoride (serine protease 30-s sample (i.e. the concentration
placed into the periodontal pocket. inhibitor) and incubated for calculated from the assay itself) or
Volume was quantified using the 30 min. Then, Periopapers concentrations in the gingival
Periotron 8000 and Periopapers were transferred to a second crevicular fluid sample (i.e.
were stored dry, frozen (no tube, containing the same corrected for the original gingival
information on storage solutions, for a further crevicular fluid volume according
temperature was given) 30 min (no information was to the Periotron data). No data
given on temperature). The were presented on the detection
contents of the two tubes limits of the assay
were then combined and
50 ll was used for analysis
Eltas & Orbak, Samples were collected from Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial ELISA kit (but name/
2012 (10) mesiobuccal sites of four teeth, in eluted at the time of manufacturer not specified). No
test and control quadrants, with collection by placement into units presented with the data, so
probing depths 4–6 mm microcentrifuge tubes not clear what the data represent.
Gingival crevicular fluid was containing 200 ll of No data presented on detection
collected, using a 30-s sampling phosphate-buffered saline, limits of assay.
protocol, on Periopaper strips vortexing for 30 s and
inserted into periodontal pockets centrifugation at 3,000 g for
until resistance felt. Volume was 5 min (temperature not
quantified using the Periotron 8000 stated). Supernatants were
and gingival crevicular fluid was then stored at !80°C
eluted before freezing

Wassall & Preshaw

Table 1. (Continued)

Author, year Gingival crevicular fluid collection Gingival crevicular fluid Analytical technique and reporting
(ref. no.) and volume measurement elution of data

Fentoglu et al., Samples were collected from Gingival crevicular fluid was Commerical ELISA kit (Orgenium).
2012 (11) mesiobuccal and distopalatal sites eluted at time of collection Results were expressed as pg/ml
at three teeth in each quadrant by placement into but it is not clear if these were total
Gingival crevicular fluid was microcentrifuge tubes mediator content per 30 s sample
collected, using a 30-s sampling containing phosphate- (i.e. the concentration calculated
protocol, on Periopaper strips buffered saline (volume not from the assay itself) or
placed into the gingival orifice. stated), followed by concentrations in the gingival
Volume was quantified using the vortexing and centrifugation crevicular fluid sample (i.e.
Periotron 8000, and gingival at 1,500 g for 10 min corrected for the original gingival
crevicular fluid was eluted before (temperature not stated). crevicular fluid volume according
freezing Supernatants were then to the Periotron data). Data
stored at !80°C presented regarding lower
detection limit (<7 pg/ml). No
information given regarding how
values below the level of detection
were handled
Konopka et al., Samples were collected from the Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial ELISA kit (R&D Systems
2012 (20) mesiobuccal site, but the number eluted by addition of 500 ll Quantikine). Results were
of teeth/samples, or whether of phosphate-buffered saline expressed as pg/sample but it is
pooled, is not clear. Gingival and gentle shaking for 1 h at not clear if this was per gingival
crevicular fluid was collected, using room temperature crevicular fluid sample or per
a 30-s sampling protocol, on patient (i.e. pooled samples). Data
Periopaper strips placed into the are presented on assay sensitivity
gingival crevice until mild (1 pg/ml). Sites with interleukin-
resistance was felt. Volume was not 1beta levels below this threshold
measured. Periopapers were stored were recorded as 0
dry at !80°C
Oliveira et al., Samples were collected from the Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial multiplex bead
2012 (26) mesiobuccal aspect of every tooth eluted by addition of 60 ll of immunoassay (Luminex, Millipore)
in two randomly selected assay buffer, vortexing for Results were expressed as pg/ml
quadrants Gingival crevicular fluid 30 min, then centrifugation but it is not clear if these were total
was collected, using a 30-s at 11,200 g for 10 min (no mediator content per 30-s sample
sampling protocol, on Periopaper information on temperature (i.e. the concentration calculated
strips placed 1–2 mm was provided) from the assay itself) or
subgingivally. Volume was concentrations in the gingival
quantified using the Periotron crevicular fluid sample (i.e.
8000, and Periopapers were stored corrected for the original gingival
dry at !80°C crevicular fluid volume according
to the Periotron data). Samples
below the lowest standard of the
assay (0.13 pg/ml) were recorded
as 0. Samples above the highest
standard of the assay (2,000 pg/ml)
were recorded as 2,000 pg/ml
Toker et al., Samples were collected from upper Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial ELISA kit (DIAsource).
2012 (31) anterior teeth only, but it is not eluted by addition of 500 ll Results were expressed as pg/site
clear as to the number of teeth/ of phosphate-buffered for the total amount of interleukin-
samples or whether samples were saline, gentle shaking for 1beta. Data were presented
pooled 1 min, followed by regarding assay sensitivity
Gingival crevicular fluid was centrifugation at 2,000 g for (0.35 pg/ml). Sites with
collected, using the 30-s sampling 5 min (no information on interleukin-1beta levels below this
protocol, on Periopaper strips temperature was provided) threshold were recorded as 0
placed into the pocket until mild
resistance was felt
Volume was not measured
Periopapers were stored dry at

Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid

Table 1. (Continued)

Author, year Gingival crevicular fluid collection Gingival crevicular fluid Analytical technique and reporting
(ref. no.) and volume measurement elution of data

Rosalem et al., Samples were collected from five Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial multiplex bead
2011 (28) inflamed shallow sites (pooled in eluted at the time of immunoassay (Luminex;
500 ll of phosphate-buffered collection by standing for Millipore). Results were expressed
saline) and five inflamed deep sites 40 min at room temperature as pg/site for the total amount of
(pooled in 500 ll of phosphate- in phosphate-buffered saline interleukin-1beta, but it is unclear
buffered saline) followed by centrifugation at if this relates to a value for the
Gingival crevicular fluid was 3,000 g for 5 min pooled five sites or per individual
collected, using the 30-s sampling (temperature not stated). site. There was no calculation of
protocol, on Periopaper strips Supernatants were stored at mediator concentration using
placed into the pocket until mild !20°C gingival crevicular fluid volume. No
resistance was felt data were presented on the
Volume was quantified using the detection limits of the assay, other
Periotron 8000, and gingival than indicating minimum
crevicular fluid was eluted before (0.13 pg/ml) and maximum
freezing (2,000 pg/ml) standards
Thunell et al., Samples were collected from four Gingival crevicular fluid was Commercial multiplex bead
2010 (30) diseased and two healthy sites eluted at the time of immunoassay (Millipore). Results
Gingival crevicular fluid was collection by placement into were expressed as pg/30 s sample.
collected, using the 30-s sampling 300 ll of 0.01 M sodium No data were presented on the
protocol, from Periopaper strips phosphate buffer containing detection limits of the assay
placed into the gingival crevice 140 mM NaCl and protease
until mild resistance was felt. inhibitor, followed by
Volume was quantified using the vortexing for 10 s, shaking
Periotron 8000 and gingival for 20 min, then
crevicular fluid was eluted before centrifugation at 5,800 g for
freezing 5 min (temperature not
stated). Supernatants were
stored at !80°C

" the timing of gingival crevicular fluid sample col- " the temperature of storage (samples are recom-
lection in relation to other clinical parameters mended to be stored at !80°C).
(best done before probing depths are recorded to " the timing of elution of gingival crevicular fluid
avoid blood contamination, but this may necessi- (e.g. immediately after collection and before freez-
tate additional appointments so that probing ing, or after freezing/thawing and immediately
depths can be recorded in advance to permit before analysis).
selection of appropriate sites for gingival crevicu- " the protocol for eluting gingival crevicular fluid
lar fluid sampling). from Periopaper strips (shaking, vortexing, cen-
" whether or not gingival crevicular fluid volume trifuging, duration and temperature).
is recorded (several studies recorded gingival " use of protease inhibitors in the elution protocol.
crevicular fluid volume but did not appear to " identifying limits of detection (lower and upper)
utilize this information in any analysis, which for the analytical technique, and deciding how to
begs the question as to whether there was any handle mediator values that are outside these
point in measuring gingival crevicular fluid limits.
volume, other than for providing information " reporting data as total mediator content per 30-s
about gingival crevicular fluid volume for its sample, or converting the concentration output
own sake). from the analysis back to a concentration in gingi-
" whether gingival crevicular fluid samples are val crevicular fluid based on the original gingival
stored and analyzed individually or pooled. crevicular fluid volume.
" whether gingival crevicular fluid samples are It is important to note that each research group will
stored dry (i.e. Periopapers placed in microtubes need to consider these issues as they plan their pro-
with no buffer), or whether they are placed in jects, and pilot studies will need to be performed to
buffer and then stored. optimize the methods to ensure the best repeatability

Wassall & Preshaw

and recoverability of mediator analysis in gingival saturated at very inflamed sites with abundant gingi-
crevicular fluid. It is also important that these various val crevicular fluid flow (although, in fact, a much
parameters are described in the manuscript that will more likely explanation for saturation of Periopapers
eventually be published to enable other researchers is inadequate isolation and drying of the site to
to replicate the methods and improve consistency of remove saliva before sampling). On the other hand, if
reporting. the Periopaper is held in place ‘until visibly wet’, it
can take a very long time to see any evidence of gingi-
val crevicular fluid wetting the paper, particularly at
Collection of gingival crevicular noninflamed periodontal sites. Therefore, on balance,
fluid the most appropriate method is to adopt a standard-
ized sampling protocol, with the Periopaper being
Research publications typically describe the process placed 1–2 mm into the sulcus/pocket (after careful
of collection of gingival crevicular fluid well. As noted drying and isolation) and held in place for 30 s.
above, the most common method of collection is by Many researchers report that samples visibly con-
using filter paper strips. Originally, these were pieces taminated with blood are rejected, but beyond this,
of laboratory filter paper of various types cut to size little detail is provided. For example, it would be use-
by researchers. It has been reported that recovery of ful to know exactly how many samples are affected.
proteins in gingival crevicular fluid samples varies Furthermore, it is not usually possible, at the same
considerably according to the type of filter paper on patient visit, to obtain a non-contaminated sample
which the gingival crevicular fluid sample is collected from the same site if a previous sample is heavily con-
(18), but this problem is likely to be less of an issue taminated with blood. Most researchers would agree
now as most researchers appear to use Periopapers that frank bleeding, resulting in a red-stained
(Oraflow Inc.). These are presterilized filter paper Periopaper, should lead to that Periopaper being dis-
strips of standard size that can absorb fluid volumes carded, as clearly blood has been collected rather
of up to approximately 1.2 ll (larger Periocol paper than gingival crevicular fluid. However, there are
strips are also available for collecting larger volumes occasions (particularly at inflamed sites) in which a
of up to 2.0 ll). As Periopapers are so widely used, we very small amount of light-pink/reddish-brown
will limit further discussion in this paper to gingival discoloration might be noted just at the very tip or
crevicular fluid collection with Periopapers only. corner of the Periopaper, beyond which there is
Typically, Periopapers are placed just into the visible wetting, indicating that gingival crevicular
entrance of the sulcus/pocket until mild resistance is fluid has been collected; in this scenario it may be
felt (i.e. utilizing the intracrevicular method of place- perfectly acceptable to retain this Periopaper for
ment) (13). Attempts to position Periopapers to the analysis. Plaque deposits can also influence recorded
known depth of a particular periodontal pocket are gingival crevicular fluid volumes (8, 15, 29), and
typically unsuccessful because the paper has a ten- therefore large, visible supragingival plaque deposits
dency to crumple up under the pressure of insertion should be carefully removed with a curette before
as it becomes increasingly saturated with fluid. Fur- sampling (13).
thermore, contamination with blood is also very com-
mon if trying to position a Periopaper to the full
depth of a pocket. Therefore, the Periopapers are typ- Quantification of gingival
ically inserted no more than 1–2 mm into the sulcus/ crevicular fluid volume
pocket to permit absorption of gingival crevicular
fluid from the site, with gentle placement until mild The volume of gingival crevicular fluid absorbed by
resistance is felt. Periopaper strips can be quantified using a Periotron
The length of time that the Periopaper is held in device. The current Periotron model is the Periotron
place is an important consideration. Some authors 8000, although there are probably many Periotron
have advocated holding the Periopaper in place until 6000 models still in use in research centers through-
it is ‘visibly wet’, but, more commonly, the Periopaper out the world. In essence, the Periotron is an elec-
is held in place for a fixed period of time (typically tronic instrument that measures the effect of wetness
30 s). As evidenced in Table 1, most researchers cur- of filter paper strips on the capacitance between the
rently adopt a standardized method in which the ‘jaws’ of the device, between which the filter paper is
Periopaper is held in place for 30 s before removal. placed after the sample has been collected. In order
This runs a potential risk of the Periopaper becoming to calculate volume from the Periotron read-out, the

Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid

device must be calibrated with known volumes of typical Periotron calibration curve is shown in Fig. 1.
fluid pipetted onto Periopaper strips to generate a It is important to remember that errors associated
standard curve. Typically, serum has been used for with the calibration process (such as evaporation
this purpose, being considered to have a similar vis- from the Periopaper or when dispensing very small
cosity to gingival crevicular fluid, although the volumes onto the Periopapers) become magnified in
manufacturer states that distilled water, saliva or percentage terms at the lower end of the calibration
serum may all be used. Various types of regression curve, and most researchers consider that the Peri-
models have been proposed to solve the equation for otron is most accurate within the range of approxi-
the calibration curve that is generated (2, 5, 6, 14, 17, mately 0.1–1.2 ll (13).
27), and the 8000 series is supplied with software for It is important that, once the gingival crevicular
calculating gingival crevicular fluid volumes using a fluid sample has been collected, the Periopaper is
4th order polynomial regression. Some practical steps transferred as quickly as possible to the Periotron
for Periotron calibration are shown in Box 1, and a to minimize evaporation, where it is then posi-

Box 1. Practical steps for Periotron calibration

" Before use, turn on the Periotron device, according to the manufacturer’s instructions
" Zero the Periotron by placing a dry Periopaper between the jaws and adjusting the dial to the left or right
until the display reads zero
" Use a microliter syringe to dispense known quantities of fluid (e.g. 0.1–1.4 ll) onto individual Periopapers.
A suitable syringe is the Hamilton microliter syringe, which can be mounted in a retort stand at eye level
for easier viewing of the meniscus
" Typically, serum has been used for calibration purposes, being considered to have a similar viscosity to
gingival crevicular fluid. However, the Periotron manufacturer states that it makes little difference
whether the test fluid is distilled water, serum or saliva. Do your own experiments to identify what works
best according to availability
" Once the test fluid has been dispensed onto the Periopaper, transfer the Periopaper rapidly to the Peri-
otron and place between the jaws of the sensor
" Place it between the jaws of the sensor in a standardized position (e.g. the 3 o’clock position, with the
black line on the Periopaper positioned at the perimeter of the lower jaw of the device)
" Close the jaws of the Periotron onto the Periopaper and wait for the Periotron score to be displayed
" Repeat this step at least twice (i.e. in duplicate) for each volume that is used for calibration, although some
researchers prefer to repeat each volume in triplicate
" Between each sample, clean the jaws of the Periotron with an alcohol swab and allow to dry
" The manufacturer recommends using volumes of 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25 ll in triplicate for calibration
purposes, and for each volume recording the mean Periotron score. This can then be utilized by the Peri-
otron Professional software (Oraflow Inc.) to compute a standard curve. Subsequently, when a sample of
unknown volume is collected from a patient, the volume of fluid (ll) is calculated by interpolation from
the standard curve
" If performing your own calibration, you may prefer to calibrate using a greater number of volumes (e.g.
0.1–1.4 ll, at 0.1-ll increments). Then, plot the results to permit generation of a standard curve
" The manufacturer states that calibration only needs to be performed once and then if you wish to check
that calibration has not changed over time, you can measure the volumes of two or more samples of
known volume. Individual researchers may choose to calibrate the Periotron more regularly (e.g.
before/during/after a study, or at 3-monthly or even 1-monthly intervals). There is no specific guidance
that can be given, other than to say that it is important to ‘get to know’ your Periotron. If the device is
new, then it would be important to perform calibration several times (e.g. three to four times at weekly
intervals) to assess if there is any variation between calibration curves. Similarly, if it has not been used for
some time, then performing a number of calibration exercises will be important to ensure that the device
is functioning effectively

Wassall & Preshaw

160 Many researchers snap freeze gingival crevicular

140 fluid samples chairside, but if this is not possible,
then the sample should be stored on ice and trans-
ferred to the laboratory as soon as possible, where it
Periotron units

100 may be snap frozen and then stored either in liquid

80 nitrogen or in a !80°C freezer, or simply placed
directly into the freezer. Recoverability studies should
be performed beforehand to ensure that whatever
method is used, it is possible to obtain reproducible
20 and measurable levels of the mediator(s) of interest
0 once the sample is removed from storage and is
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Serum volume (µl)
A further consideration is whether the Periopa-
Fig. 1. Calibration curve for Periotron. Scatter plot for
pers should be stored ‘dry’ in the microtube, or
Periotron units generated for 16 different volumes of serum
(ranging from 0.1 to 1.6 ll), each measured in triplicate. whether the receiving microtube should contain
any fluid into which the Periopaper is placed.
Typically, it is convenient to place the Periopapers
tioned between the jaws of the Periotron in a stan- into the assay buffer for the analytical procedure
dardized way (e.g. at the 3 o’clock position with that will be employed later, for example, a known
the black line of the Periopaper coincident with volume of autoclaved and filtered phosphate-buf-
the perimeter of the jaw of the device). Once the fered saline. It is important to stress that recover-
digital readout has been displayed and recorded, ability experiments (in which known quantities of
the sample should then be transferred into an the analyte of interest are ‘spiked’ onto the Peri-
appropriate cryovial ready for freezing and storage. opapers which then proceed through the storage
The jaws of the Periotron should then be cleaned and analysis procedure) are performed before
by closing them onto an alcohol swab and ensur- commencing the clinical study, to ensure that the
ing they are completely dry, before the next sample methods to be used are effective for the mediators
is measured. to be analyzed.

Box 2. Practical tips for gingival crevicular fluid collection

" Before use, turn on the Periotron device, according to the manufacturer’s instructions
" Zero the Periotron by placing a dry Periopaper between the jaws and adjusting the dial to the left or right
until the display reads zero
" Select the sites to be sampled in advance, so that probing is not required immediately before sample col-
lection; to minimize contamination with blood, gingival crevicular fluid samples should be collected
before periodontal probing
" Isolate the site to be sampled with cotton rolls and a saliva ejector, and dry with a gentle stream of air.
Carefully remove any visible deposits of supragingival plaque with a curette before sampling
" Place a Periopaper carefully into the sulcus/pocket until mild resistance is felt (1–2 mm into the pocket)
and hold in place for 30 s
" Transfer the Periopaper quickly to the jaws of the Periotron to minimize evaporation errors, and position
it in a standardized position (e.g. the 3 o’clock position with the black line on the Periopaper positioned at
the perimeter of the lower jaw of the device)
" Record the Periotron units displayed by the device, then open the jaws and place the Periopaper into a
microtube for elution and/or freezing
" Between samples, clean the jaws of the Periotron with an alcohol swab and allow to dry
" If it is not planned to measure GCF volume, then place the Periopaper directly into a microtube for elution
and/or freezing

Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid

Typically, Periopapers will be placed individually Table 2. Recoverability of interleukin-6 following elu-
into separate microtubes (i.e. one sample per tube) tion from spiked Periopapers
so that information relating to the specific periodon- Method Spiked Mean recovered %
tal site is generated from each Periopaper. However, interleukin-6 interleukin-6 Recoverability
sometimes researchers pool Periopapers that are (pg/ml) (pg/ml)
then stored, eluted and analyzed together. The Method A 233.33 146.59 62.83
advantage of this is that costs are reduced when the
116.67 26.89 23.05
samples are analyzed; however, the major disadvan-
tage is that site-specific information is lost by pool- 58.33 8.07 13.83
ing and processing samples collectively, which runs Method B 233.33 123.97 53.13
against the generally stated benefit of gingival crevic- 116.67 26.09 22.36
ular fluid analysis as a site-specific procedure. In
58.33 6.05 10.37
general, it is best that gingival crevicular fluid sam-
ples should be stored and processed individually, to Method C 175.00* 92.88 53.07

provide site-specific information. Some practical tips 87.50* 34.63 39.57

regarding gingival crevicular fluid sampling and 43.75* 14.17 32.39
volume determination using the Periotron are Method D 175.00* 78.76 45.01
presented in Box 2.
87.50* 17.28 19.75
43.75* 8.11 18.53
Analytical techniques for gingival *The spiked interleukin-6 concentration is lower for methods C and D, com-
pared with methods A and B, because these samples were diluted by the addi-
crevicular fluid mediators tion of 50 ll of 1% bovine serum albumin as part of the elution protocol.

Sensitive methods for the precise quantification of

mediators in gingival crevicular fluid, such as cytoki- research, and are available for a large number of
nes, are necessary because cytokine levels may be low analytes that are of relevance in periodontal dis-
and sample volumes are small. Various techniques ease pathogenesis. Given that gingival crevicular
have been used for detecting and quantifying cytoki- fluid volumes obtained from patients are small and
nes in biological samples, including bioassay, that low cytokine levels within samples usually pre-
radioimmunoassay and ELISA, as well as multiplex clude serial dilutions, then typically only a single
assays for the simultaneous quantification of ELISA can be used for assessing a single gingival
multiple cytokines. Most research groups tend to use crevicular fluid sample.
ELISA-based technologies for assaying mediators in Therefore, high-throughput multiplex immunoas-
gingival crevicular fluid, and therefore the ELISA says have been developed that allow for simultane-
technique will be the focus of this review. ous quantification of multiple cytokines in a
ELISAs are immunoassays based on the capture sample. Using ELISA technology, two basic assay
of test antigen (or standards of known quantity) by formats have been developed for simultaneous
antibody coated onto the wells of microtiter plates. quantification of multiple cytokines: planar array
After a washing step to remove any free antigen, a assays; and microbead assays. In planar assays, dif-
second antibody is added and this binds to the ferent capture antibodies are spotted at defined
antigen already present on the plate. The plate is positions on a two-dimensional array, such as a
then washed to remove unbound antibody and a precoated microtiter plate. In the microbead assays,
ligand is added, which binds to the bound anti- the capture antibodies are conjugated to different
body and itself is covalently coupled to an enzyme populations of microbeads, which can be distin-
such as peroxidase. Free ligand is washed away, guished by fluorescence intensity in a flow cytome-
then bound ligand is visualized by the addition of ter. Both formats use a standard curve of known
a chromogen, a colorless substrate that is acted on concentrations of cytokines to quantify unknown
by the enzyme portion of the ligand to produce a cytokine levels. The high cost of these multiplex
colored end-product. The color intensity in the assays could, however, limit their use in large
reaction wells is determined by optical density clinical studies. Whichever assay system is used, the
scanning of the plate, and the quantity of the test gingival crevicular fluid must first be eluted from
antigen is determined by comparison with a stan- the Periopaper strips so that the ‘eluate’ can be
dard curve. ELISAs are widely used in periodontal analyzed for mediator content.

Wassall & Preshaw

Box 3. How to convert ELISA output to the concentration in the original gingival crevicular fluid sample

Suppose we have just completed an ELISA analysis of a particular mediator eluted from a gingival crevicular fluid
sample collected on a Periopaper. The samples were eluted in 200 ll of ELISA buffer. The information that we have
available at this stage is: (i) the ELISA concentration (in pg/ml); and (ii) the gingival crevicular fluid volume (in ll).
The method below explains how to convert this ELISA output to the concentration of the mediator in the original
sample of gingival crevicular fluid.
(Please note that the method described below will change if the ELISA output is not in pg/ml.)

1 Periopapers were eluted in 200 ll of buffer, and this 200 ll goes into the ELISA, with the end result being
an ELISA concentration in pg/ml.
If all we want to do is report the ‘mediator content per 30-s gingival crevicular fluid sample’, we can just report the
ELISA concentration of X pg/ml, and explain, in the methods, that the sample was eluted in 200 ll of buffer and we
are reporting the ELISA data in pg/ml per 30-s sample.

2 However, in this case, we wish to express the mediator concentration as a concentration in terms of the
original gingival crevicular fluid volume that was measured using the Periotron. Gingival crevicular fluid
volumes are measured in ll.
We assume that all the mediator in a sample comes from the original gingival crevicular fluid sample. We also
assume that the gingival crevicular fluid volume (usually <1 ll) is negligible compared with the elution volume
(200 ll), which seems a reasonable assumption.
If the output from the ELISA revealed that the concentration was X pg/ml of a particular mediator, it means that in
1 ml there would be X pg of the mediator.
However, we eluted in 200 ll; therefore, in that 200 ll, there must be X/5 or, to put it another way, X 9 0.2 pg of
the mediator.
Also, all of that mediator came from a certain volume of gingival crevicular fluid (measured in ll).
Therefore, the concentration of the mediator in the original gingival crevicular fluid sample =

Total amount of mediator in 200 ll

Gingival crevicular fluid volume (in llÞ

To calculate the numerator, we take the ELISA concentration of the mediator and multiply by 0.2 (equivalent to
dividing by 5, because 200 ll is one-fifth of 1 ml).
We know the denominator because that is the gingival crevicular fluid volume from the Periotron.

3 The final formula is therefore as shown below – this calculates the mediator concentration in the original
gingival crevicular fluid sample (expressed as pg/ll):
ELISA $ 0:2

ELISA is the concentration from the assay; and GCF is the gingival crevicular fluid volume from the Periotron
in ll.

described in sufficient detail to permit replication of

Elution of gingival crevicular fluid the experiment. This is important, as the method used
from periopapers to elute mediators from the filter paper strips into
supernatant before analysis can have a significant
Whereas clinical gingival crevicular fluid sampling effect on the mediator levels subsequently measured.
protocols (e.g. details of placement of Periopaper into To study the impact of elution methods on media-
the gingival crevice for 30 s) are generally well tor levels, we performed a study to compare the
reported in the literature, methods used to recover effects of four different elution methods on inter-
(elute) biomarkers from Periopapers are rarely leukin-6 measurements in spiked samples. The

Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid

Box 4. Worked example of conversion of ELISA output to concentration in the original gingival crevicular fluid sample

Let us assume that we have a Periopaper that contains 0.6 ll of gingival crevicular fluid, as measured by a calibrated
Periotron. Also, that the concentration of mediator ‘Q’ in that sample calculated from the ELISA was 2,045 pg/ml.
This means that in 1 ml, there would be 2,045 pg of the mediator Q.
However, we did not have 1 ml; rather, we had 200 ll of eluting buffer (plus a negligible volume of gingival crevicu-
lar fluid, 0.6 ll).
Therefore, there must have been 2,045/5 = 409 pg of the mediator Q in the 200 ll of sample + buffer.
We assume that all of this 409 pg came from the gingival crevicular fluid sample, which had a volume of 0.6 ll.
Therefore, the concentration of the mediator Q in the original gingival crevicular fluid sample must have been: 409/
0.6 = 681.67 pg/ll of gingival crevicular fluid.
If we run this through the equation that was generated in Box 3

ELISA $ 0:2

(ELISA, concentration from assay in pg/ml; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid volume from the Periotron, in ll),
we get the same result:

2; 045 $ 0:2
¼ 681:67 pg=ll of gingival crevicular fluid

Thus, we could report the mediator data for this sample in any of three different scenarios:
1 If the sample was collected using a 30-s sampling protocol, we could report a mediator content of 409 pg
per 30-s sample.
2 Alternatively, and again if the sample was collected using a 30-s sampling protocol, we could report a medi-
ator concentration based on the ELISA output of 2,045 pg/ml per 30-s sample.
3 Finally, we could calculate the concentration according to the original gingival crevicular fluid volume, in
which case we would report a mediator concentration of 681.67 pg/ll of gingival crevicular fluid.
Clearly, very different numerical values are produced in each scenario, and while this may not be a problem within
the context of a single research study (provided that the results are reported thoroughly), it certainly makes it extre-
mely difficult to compare the results between studies that used different methods. A further source of problems if
reporting according to scenario 3 is that when gingival crevicular fluid volumes are very low (e.g. in the case of
healthy gingival tissues, or following successful periodontal therapy), then calculated gingival crevicular fluid con-
centrations of mediators can become artificially inflated (particularly toward the lower limits of detection of the
Periotron), resulting in difficulty when interpreting results.

results of this experiment are shown in Table 2. In " Method B: centrifuge for 2 min at 12,000 r.p.m.
brief, 1 ll of known concentrations of interleukin-6 (13,201 g), at a temperature of 4°C.
were spiked onto Periopapers, which were then " Method C: as method A, but with addition of 50 ll
placed into 150 ll of phosphate-buffered saline. Four of 1% bovine serum albumin before commencing
different elution techniques (based on those given in the elution protocol to reduce nonspecific
published papers: A, B, C or D – see below) were then binding.
performed. Following the elution protocol, the " Method D: as method B, but with addition of 50 ll
Periopaper was removed and the concentration of of 1% bovine serum albumin before commencing
interleukin-6 was measured immediately in the elu- the elution protocol to reduce nonspecific
ate/supernatant using an interleukin-6 ELISA (Duo- binding.
Set Human interleukin-6; R&D Systems, Abingdon, (Note: g is dependent upon both the r.p.m. and the
UK). The four elution techniques were as follows: radius of the sample in the centrifuge rotor; reporting
" Method A: centrifuge for 60 min at 300 r.p.m. r.p.m. alone does not provide sufficient information
(8 g) and then for 2 min at 12,000 r.p.m. for other researchers to be able to replicate the meth-
(13,201 g), at a temperature of 4°C. ods – it is important to report both g and r.p.m.)

Wassall & Preshaw

Table 2 shows the mean interleukin-6 concentra- of cytokines within gingival crevicular fluid samples
tions recovered and the per cent recoverability for the often approaches the lower detection level of assay
four methods, based on two independent experi- systems and also that the small volume obtained from
ments for each condition, each assayed in triplicate. gingival crevicular fluid samples limits the number of
In broad terms, and taking into consideration the full cytokines that can be analyzed by ELISA, the use of
range of interlukin-6 concentrations in the spiked an elution method that provides optimal recoverabil-
samples, method C resulted in the best recoverability ity of mediators of interest is highly important.
of interleukin-6 from the Periopapers. In other words, Researchers should therefore perform spiking experi-
both the addition of 50 ll of 1% bovine serum albu- ments to optimize their elution protocol, which will
min (to reduce nonspecific binding) and the centrifu- typically involve various combinations of shaking/
gation of samples for 60 min at low speed before a vortexing/low- and high-speed centrifugation at a
short, high-speed centrifugation, improved the recov- controlled temperature. Further consideration should
erability of interleukin-6 from Periopapers, particu- be given to the addition of substances such as bovine
larly at lower concentrations. serum albumin (to reduce nonspecific binding) and
It is important to note that this elution protocol will proteinase inhibitors (e.g. aprotinin) to prevent/re-
not be optimal for all gingival crevicular fluid media- duce degradation of mediators of interest in gingival
tors, and research groups should perform and publish crevicular fluid samples during processing, storage
similar experiments to optimize the recoverability of and analysis. There is no option but to perform pilot
gingival crevicular fluid analytes from Periopapers studies to optimize the protocol for gingival crevicular
within the context of their own laboratory techniques fluid analysis according to the mediator(s) being stud-
and the assay that is to be used for quantifying medi- ied and the analytical techniques that are available.
ators in gingival crevicular fluid. Given that the level All such information should be reported in the final

Box 5. Key aspects to report in studies of gingival crevicular fluid mediator analysis

" Clinical gingival crevicular fluid sampling protocol: which teeth/sites; isolation/drying; plaque removal;
sequencing relative to other clinical assessments; details of placement of Periopaper; and duration of sam-
pling time (e.g. 30 s)
" Details of volume determination (if performed): Periotron model number; calibration details; and method
of calculation of gingival crevicular fluid volume
" Freezing protocol (e.g. snap freezing chairside, storage on ice and storage conditions in laboratory)
" Periopaper storage conditions: single or pooled; and dry or in buffer
" Gingival crevicular fluid recovery/elution protocol: whether eluted at time of sampling (i.e. before freez-
ing) or before analysis (i.e. after thawing); details of shaking/vortexing/centrifugation (including r.p.m.
and g); and temperature (e.g. controlled temperature or room temperature)
" Analytical technique used: manufacturer/name of kit; samples assayed singly or in duplicate; limits of
detection of the assay (lower and upper); details of how values below/above these limits are handled (e.g.
assign a score of 0 to values below the lower detection limit, and assign a score equal to the upper detec-
tion limit for samples above the upper detection limit)
" Whether results are expressed as:
" total mediator content per 30-s sample (pg/sample)
" mediator concentration as derived from the assay (e.g. pg/ml)
" mediator concentration following correction for the original gingival crevicular fluid volume (e.g. pg/
" In the situation of results being corrected for the original gingival crevicular fluid volume, details of how
this calculation was performed
" Be prepared to discard samples if the Periotron value indicates such a low score as to be beyond the
lower end of the standard curve, as this may result in artificially high calculated gingival crevicular fluid

Analysis of gingival crevicular fluid

publication (either in the text of the paper itself or as therapy, on gingival crevicular fluid cytokine levels. In
an online supplementary file) to support the interpre- such scenarios, even when following a 30-s gingival
tation of results and allow other researchers to repeat crevicular fluid sampling methodology, the volume of
the experiment. gingival crevicular fluid on the Periopaper may be so
low as to not register a Periotron value, or the Peri-
otron score may be so low as to be beyond the lower
Correcting for original gingival limit of the calibration curve, resulting in increased
crevicular fluid volume (or not) error and potential for artificially elevated gingival
crevicular fluid concentrations. Therefore, it is impor-
Many studies report the quantification of gingival tant to have a protocol in place for handling either very
crevicular fluid volume on Periopapers using the large or very small gingival crevicular fluid volumes.
Periotron. The recording of gingival crevicular fluid In broad terms, the opinion of these authors is that
volume is useful in its own right, as a general indi- reporting total mediator content per 30-s sample
cator of inflammation, but potentially can be more (reported either as pg per 30-s sample, or using the
useful for calculating mediator concentrations in concentration as calculated from the assay, i.e.
the gingival crevicular fluid sample. In broad terms, reporting as pg/ml per 30-s sample) is preferred to
two distinct approaches have evolved with respect correcting for original gingival crevicular fluid vol-
to reporting gingival crevicular fluid mediator con- ume, as it removes a potential source of error from
tent and concentrations. The first option is to sam- the analysis (i.e. error associated with gingival crevic-
ple gingival crevicular fluid for a fixed time period ular fluid volume determination). However, the deci-
(e.g. 30 s) and then report either total mediator sion regarding how to report the data will vary
content (e.g. pg per 30-s sample) or the concentra- according to the analyte of interest, and, as suggested
tion as calculated from the assay (e.g. pg/ml per above, pilot studies must be performed to determine
30-s sample). The second option is to convert the the optimal method of analysis. If the decision is
calculated concentration from the assay back into a made to correct the data for original gingival crevicu-
concentration based on the original gingival crevic- lar fluid volume, then it is recommended to present
ular fluid volume and then report, for example, as both the total mediator content per 30-s sample and
pg/ll of gingival crevicular fluid. The precise concentration in gingival crevicular fluid, together
method of data reporting in this regard is usually with gingival crevicular fluid volume data, so that a
not described well in the periodontal literature. full picture is presented to the reader (13).
Furthermore, it has been suggested previously that
reporting total mediator content is more accurate
than reporting concentrations in gingival crevicular Conclusions
fluid (23, 24). Most authors now tend to sample for
a fixed period (usually 30 s) and then report The collection and analysis of gingival crevicular fluid
according to the first option described above (i.e. has massively improved our understanding of peri-
total mediator content in a 30-s sample). However, odontal pathogenesis and healing outcomes following
it is important to know how to take the output treatment, and will continue to play a significant role
from the analytical method (e.g. from an ELISA) in periodontal research in the years to come, particu-
and convert this into a concentration based on the larly when site-specific information is required.
original gingival crevicular fluid volume. A method However, it is technically challenging, with many
for doing this is presented in Box 3 with a worked parameters that must be considered in relation to
example presented in Box 4. sampling, elution, storage, analysis and reporting of
When presenting gingival crevicular fluid levels as a data (Box 5). There is no ‘one size fits all’ protocol,
concentration according to the original gingival and individual research groups must develop their
crevicular fluid volume, it is important to be aware own methods based on the mediators of interest and
that very low gingival crevicular fluid volumes can the analytical techniques that they have available.
have a dramatic effect on the concentrations of gingi- With regard to reporting gingival crevicular fluid
val crevicular fluid mediator calculated. This would mediator data, it is acceptable to either measure vol-
have particular consequences in prospective treat- ume (e.g. with a Periotron) and then calculate media-
ment studies that are evaluating the impact of tor concentration according to the original gingival
improved periodontal health, following periodontal crevicular fluid volume, or to report total mediator

Wassall & Preshaw

content per 30-s sample (not requiring volume 12. Fiorini T, Susin C, da Rocha JM, Weidlich P, Vianna P, Mor-
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