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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Institute of Business and Public Affairs

Name: Marjon A. Limot Score: _____________________

Year&Section: BSBA-3B Day/Time: MWF (8PM-9PM)
Subject: BA130:Good Governance and Social Responsibilty

Lesson 1 Integrity

Activity Get a piece of paper and write down the traits, behavior or attitude that demonstr…

Analysis Why is integrity important?

Application From the lesson, what are the key concepts of integrity?

Lesson 2 Defining and Understanding the Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility……

Activity Try to recall if there are instances where you were involved in community out……..

Analysis What is social responsibility?

Application How to measure the benefits of CSR?

Lesson 3 Corporate Social Responsibility History and Evolution

Activity Recall and write down the significant events in your life that contribute to the suc…

Analysis How did your experience become instrumental to your present accomplishment/s?

Application Explain how Corporate Social Responsibility history impacted in today’s busi…….

Lesson 4 Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics

Activity Think and recall on your family values and write down those things you remem……

Analysis How did you differentiate rightful acts from values?

Application From the lesson, how does ethics influence corporate social responsibility? Do……..

Lesson 5 Types and Characteristics of Corporate Social Responsibility

Activity List down the community and school-related activities you were involved in.

Analysis What is/are your reason/s for joining the activity/ies?

Application From the lesson, what are the considerations to make before conducting any CSR…

Lesson 6 Forms and Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility

Analysis Do these pens have the same forms and structure? How about their use? Do ……..

Application What do you think is the reason why economic responsibility is the base of the …..

Lesson 7 Driving Forces Behind Corporate Social Responsibility

Activity Get the rubics cube and disarrange the pattern before playing, then afterwards…….

Analysis What motivates you to finished the task/s?

Application What are the considerations in conducting CSR programs? Elaborate them in brief.

Lesson 8 Global Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility

Activity Write down as many business activities today which are trending due to pandemic..

Analysis Among the trends you wrote, which is worth emulating?

Application If you are the manager of a local business enterprise, which of the following glob…

Lesson 9 Standards and Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility

Activity Write at least 5 standards when you purchase a dress.

Analysis You best friend give you a dress for free, but it did not met your standards. Will……

Application Since the 7 principles are connected to each other, In what way that 1 principle wi…

Lesson 10 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Philippines

Activity Research at least 2 CSR visions of some big corporations here in the Philippines.

Analysis Are there practices aligned to the Filipino values?

Application Are you in favor that CSR in the Philippines will become mandatory? Why?

Mid-Term Exam


Lesson 1



1. Get a piece of paper and write down the traits, behavior or attitude that demonstrate
integrity/honesty at work.

2. Identify a time when you were dishonest or someone was dishonest with you. Write
down potential reasons for the dishonesty.
-The time that I were dishonest was those times that I worked in pharmacy and I was
entertaining senior citizen. The mandatory law of senior citizen’s discount of the
medicine is 20% but then I gave him 15% discount only and I told him that it was
already discounted as 20%.

1. Why is integrity important?
-Integrity is very important because Integrity is a trait that everyone should strive
for. These traits and behaviors will help anyone move towards becoming a person
with true integrity. Of course, people with true integrity do these things because it’s the
right thing – not to be praised for their integrity! That is part of the beauty of someone
who lives a life of integrity.



1. From the lesson, what are the key concepts of integrity?

This are the key concept of integrity;





Lesson 2

Defining and Understanding the Relevance of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)


1. Try to recall if there are instances where you were involved in community outreach
program. Write down your experiences in a ½ sheet of paper.

-As I recall, the time that I were involved in community outreach program, was those
time that our adviser assigned me to lead the activities which is Feeding Program, by
that time I feel so grateful because of the happines that we provide to those children in
street were lack of foods. Aside from feeding, we give also a hygene materials to those
children who need it.


1. What is social responsibility?

 One of the most significant features in establishing the firm’s public image and
 Achieving sustainability.
 Contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of

 A duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the

economy and the ecosystems.
 Must act in a manner that benefits society.



1. How to measure the benefits of CSR?

Measurement can provide several benefits even for companies that hold to that view.
 Improve public image
 Increase media coverage
 Boost employee engagement
 Attract and retains investor
 Customer engagement
 Helps the business to stand out from competition

Lesson 3

Corporate Social Responsibility History and Evolution


1. Recall and write down the significant events in your life that contribute to the success
and failure of your personal undertaking.
During my Successful event;
As I recall,those time that was so important events in my life is that we will be having
our first feeding program that was happened in my highschool time and I will be the
one who lead that activities and it ended with happiness and successul.
During my Failure event;
As I recall, those time that I made my failure event, is that when we will be having our
singing competition in school, it was so dibastating because those time when I started
to sing I suddenly forget the lyrics of the song that’s why I feel so sad.


1. How did your experience become instrumental to your present accomplishment/s?

-My experience become instrumental to my present accomplishment through
surviving the trial that I encountered and having positive strength to push my self
confidence into action to achieve my goals.

1. Explain how Corporate Social Responsibility history impacted in today’s business

model? Write down in 200 words using your ½ sheet of paper.

-While it was widely held in previous decades that companies should only focus on
their bottom lines, the past decade has seen a change in this thinking. In fact, 66
percent of online consumers said they would pay more for products or services from
companies that are socially and environmentally responsible, according to a 2015
Nielsen survey. That same survey also found that consumer-goods’ brands with a
commitment to sustainability outperform those that don’t.

Besides the potential loss of socially conscious consumers, CSR impacts a business’
ability to attract top talent and affects employees’ job satisfaction levels and retention
rates. The next generation of workers currently entering the workforce seek out
employers with a clear and effective CSR strategy. Quality talent in 2016 wants to be
employed by a transparent company with the goal of doing good, while also making a
profit. Businesses that don’t prioritize a corporate social responsibility strategy risk
losing top talent to companies that are doing so.

Additionally, businesses that practice CSR have happier and more satisfied employees.
This is because employees feel working for a socially conscious employer gives them a
sense of purpose. Also, businesses practicing corporate social responsibility tend to
invest more in their employees and work harder to create a workplace that employees
enjoy returning to each day. Given that the current average in the U.S. for employee
tenure is 4.2 years, implementing an expansive and effective CSR strategy can help
employers retain their current employees for longer.

The rise of social media has also impacted the importance of corporate social
responsibility. Today, companies with unethical business practices are exposed
harshly on social media and can have their reputation damaged greatly in a matter of
a few hours. Alternatively, social media also works as a tool to highlight companies
implementing CSR or those with ethical business practices, which can lead to
increased sales, a larger audience reach, and free positive publicity.

Lesson 4
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics


1. Think and recall on your family values and write down those things you remember in
a ½ sheet of paper.

 Integrity
 Kindness
 Forgiveness
 Humility
 Conviction to do good
 Excellence in our work
 Helping
 Assertiveness
 Holding ourselves accountable
 Letting go of past mistakes

1. How did you differentiate rightful acts from values?
-The difference between rightful acts from values is that rightful act is an action

that just described is fair and morally right, in your opinion while values are
individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a
guide for human behavior.


1. From the lesson, how does ethics influence corporate social responsibility? Do they
two complement with each other? How?
-Business ethics and social responsibility are very important for organizational
growth and success. Specifically, they consider business ethics to lead to positive
employee, customer and community relations. Not only that but also, they perceive
that better public image/reputation; greater customer loyalty; strong and healthier
community relations can inure to the benefit of corporations that are socially
responsible. Implications of the findings are finally drawn.

Lesson 5
Types and Characteristics of Corporate Social Responsibility


1. List down the community and school-related activities you were involved in.


1. What is/are your reason/s for joining the activity/ies?

-The reason why I am joining this activities is to give my voluntary service as one of
my way to extend my help to those who are in needs.


1. From the lesson, what are the considerations to make before conducting any CSR
This are the following considerations to make before conducting any CSR activities;

 Internal Assessment.
Before designing a CSR strategy it is often helpful to assess your current CSR
activities, looking at the whole picture what CSR policies, programs, and
structures are already in place and where the “gaps” are.

 Put it in writing.
Ensure that your company creates a separate CSR statement or embeds its CSR
commitment within the company’s mission or values statement, code of conduct
or other appropriate company policy.

 Embed CSR into the company planning and budget processes.

The ultimate goal of creating a CSR management system is to ensure that CSR
considerations are a part of all business decisions.

 Develop processes for employees to raise CSR issues and concerns to
appropriate decision-makers and advocates.
An open environment is one of the easiest ways to solicit valuable feedback on
CSR issues and problems.
 Formalize the board- and executive- level responsibility for CSR issues.
impossible to successfully implement CSR in your company without board,
executive and senior management buy-in, support, and accountability for CSR
performance. Your ability to build senior-level vision and support will have a
direct impact on the depth, breadth, longevity and overall effectiveness of your
CSR work.
 Communicate CSR performance visibly and frequently to all employees.
Whether through newsletters, annual reports, intranet communication,
meetings, training or other informal mechanisms, make sure your employees
know CSR is a company priority.
 Put CSR on the agenda of meetings at all levels of the company.
This includes the board, executive and senior management, companywide
meetings and departmental communications.
 Provide training for employees directly involved in CSR activities.
This is an ongoing commitment since training needs will change as the
company’s CSR issues change and evolve.
 Create CSR accountability at all employee levels.
Build CSR responsibilities into the job descriptions and performance
evaluations of employees at all levels.
 Measure and communicate your performance.
Whether you choose to engage in an internally managed assessment of your
CSR performance or contract out a formal external assessment of your CSR
performance, find an honest and appropriate way to share the results with
internal and external stakeholders

Lesson 6
Forms and Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility

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1. Do these pens have the same forms and structure? How about their use? Do they both
have the same use and purpose?
- When I compared signpen and pentel pen base on my observation it is not the same
in forms and structure however both have same use and purpose in terms of writing
and functions.


1. What do you think is the reason why economic responsibility is the base of the
-I think the reason why economic resposibility is one of the most required in terms of
responsibility, because Economic responsibility focuses on practices that facilitate the
long-term growth of the business, while also meeting the standards set for ethical,
environmental and philanthropic practices. By balancing economic decisions with
their overall effects on society, businesses can improve their operations while also
engaging in sustainable practices. An example of economic responsibility is when a
company modifies its manufacturing processes to include recycled products, which
could benefit the company by potentially lowering the cost of materials and also
benefit society by consuming fewer resources.

Lesson 7
Driving Forces Behind Corporate Social Responsibility

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1. Get the rubics cube and disarrange the pattern before playing, then afterwards begin
to assemble the rubics according to the required color or pattern.
- As the rubrics were getting disarrange, I assembled it according to the required color
or pattern, and I am so happy because I made it with all of my techniques.


1. What motivates you to finished the task/s?

-One thing that motivates me to finish the task is that I will use my strategy or
techniques to complete or finish the task. Just like you have task in your house that you
need to finish it all, by using your strengths as your motivation.


1. What are the considerations in conducting CSR programs? Elaborate them in brief.
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a boost to the external image of the
company, but this can also indirectly affect the organization’s internal processes.
Many businesses, however, miss the importance of taking employee values into
account when developing their CSR programs. If a company manages to do this, it's
more likely the employee will feel more engaged with the job, since the company's
values align with their own. 
This are the considerations in conducting CSR programs;
 Articulate A Compelling Mission
- Mission must attract the right talent who is seeking personal fulfillment and
contribution through work that has real meaning and impact. Connecting
people's purpose to the company mission can be transformative.
 Find Your Purpose
-Organizations must find, live and tell their clear purpose in order to thrive.
These companies motivate action, secure loyalty and encourage advocacy -- all
in service to a healthier bottom line. Creating a smart CSR program starts by
addressing critical social/environmental issues through smart strategy,
innovative stakeholder engagement, powerful partnerships and
 Have A Holistic Approach

-When designing a CSR program, it is critical to conduct a stakeholder

analysis while in the design phase. It will tie your employees to the

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industry/your company mission including what is important to your investors,
customers and your employees, thus creating a holistic approach by
integrating all of their perspectives into the strategy.

 Always Be Authentic

-While employees are drawn to companies whose values align with their own,
especially companies who support CSR programs, being inauthentic will
backfire and they will see right through it. It is better not to create CSR
programs than to put something together that is not truly aligned with what the
company and the senior leadership believe in. Inauthentic "feel good" does not
feel good.

 Look Inside First

-It's hard to launch a successful CSR program if employees see questionable

ethics or poor decisions inside the organization. It's also hard if there is not
widespread respect for employees, as demonstrated by managers and leaders.
It's critical that internal people practices reflect the values of the external CSR

 Align Skills with Passion

-When creating CSR programs, organizations should consider leveraging their

business specialty to support local community needs and use the company's
values as guiding principles. By doing so, the program will offer the greatest
opportunity for workforce inclusion, reinforce organizational values, and
attract other passionate candidates with similar skills and interests. 

 Think Globally, Act Locally

-I am a fan of grassroots CSR programs where employees can see the impact to
their local community and drive and manage the initiatives themselves with
light corporate oversight. It’s important for people to volunteer for causes that
are tangible and in their own neighborhood. Staying local is an important
aspect of CSR programs and will help drive both participation and

 Ask Employees What Causes To Support

-Employers should remember CSR is not a tick-box exercise. It's a real

opportunity to not only contribute to the wider society but also to help
strengthen a business.

Lesson 8

Global Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility

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1. Write down as many business activities today which are trending due to pandemic
 ONLINE SELLING ( Foods,Emergency kit,Healthcare products)
 FOODS DELIVERY SERVICES (Restaurants, Food Industry)
 IN DEMAND OF HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS (Alcohol,Facemask,Faceshield,
 BUSINESSES GIVING DONATIONS ( Free foods,PPE’s to all Frontliners)


1. Among the trends you wrote, which is worth emulating?

- Online selling is one of the most emulating business activities in this pandemic
situation, because through this we can easily make an income, and in part of the
consumer it is not hasstle for them to find goods such as (goods,clothing, healthcare
products) so they are just searching it on social media like (Facebooks or APPS).

1. If you are the manager of a local business enterprise, which of the following global
trends will you adopt? What are your considerations in choosing it?
-As a manager in a local business enterprise I will adopt a Online selling business,
because through online selling it can easily make you an income, and we can
considered this as we follow the standard health protocol in order to have social
distancing, and it will considered that through social media we can use this as a
channel of our communication with no hasstle, and less expensess.

Lesson 9
Standards and Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility

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1. Write at least 5 standards when you purchase a dress.

 The quality of the dress
 The style must suit to me,
 Comfortable to wear
 The sizes must fit to me,
 Affordable price


2. You best friend give you a dress for free, but it did not met your standards. Will you
accept the offer?
- Yes, of course I will accept it despite of did’nt met my standards because he is my best
friend and I don’t want him to get discourage. Although I can’t use it but I only keep it
as a sign of memories.
1. Since the 7 principles are connected to each other, In what way that 1 principle will
affect the other principle? Explain and cite scenarios that will justify your claim.
- In a way that are not respecting the rule of law, because without abiding this rule of
law it will affect other princples which is can be made more unrespectful in terms of its
behavior. Respecting the rule of law is one of the discipline that have peace and order.
Through this, the rule of law has played an integral part in anchoring economic, social
and cultural rights in national constitutions, laws and regulations. Where such rights
are justiciable or their legal protection is otherwise ensured, the rule of law provides
the means of redress when those rights are not upheld or public resources are misused.

Lesson 10 :
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Philippines


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1. Research at least 2 CSR visions of some big corporations here in the Philippines.

“Our Vision is to be a world-class company and the service provider of choice.”

“Transforming lives by changing the media landscape”


2. Are there practices aligned to the Filipino values?

- Yes, their practices aligned to the Filipino values because through their services it
shows good moral and ethical behavior that its really suit when it comes to a filipino


1. Are you in favor that CSR in the Philippines will become mandatory? Why?
-Yes, I’m in favor if CSR will become mandatory in the Philippines because it is very
important in the society. Through CSR, it will guide the organization into having good
relation not only to the employees but also to the society.

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