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NTS Vocabulary (650 GAT Frequently Used Words)

Sr# Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms

brief and to the point succinct; terse; brief; short; lessen; prolix; discursive;
001. concise abridge protracted;
circumlocutory; verbose
using few words taciturn; reticent; terse; brusque; garrulous; loquacious
002. laconic
spoken or written in a terse; concise; curt; pithy; compact; prolix; discursive;
clear and precise manner condensed protracted;
003. succinct
circumlocutory; verbose;
rudely abrupt or harshly curt; abrupt; petulant; brief polite; courteous; kind
004. brusque
shorten a written text abbreviate; concise; shorten augment; amplify;
005. abridge
quality of succinct conciseness; pithiness; succinctness; longevity; permanence
006. brevity expression (derived from laconism; economy
the word brief)
plan together secretly to collude; devise; collaborate; contrive leave; neglect; disagree
007. conspire commit an unethical or
illegal act
agree accord; harmonize; cohere; consent clash; disagree; deny;
008. concur
a state of harmony; unanimity; consensus; harmonize discord; agitate;
009. concord mutual agreement disunity; disturb;
existing at birth innate; inherited; inborn; indigenous non-native;
010. congenital
a division into political or alienation; faction; rift; divergent; agreement; harmony;
011. schism religious faction (i.e. division; discord; fissure; dissension peace; accord; unity;
groups) conformity
intelligent; keen; acute; keen; astute; canny; weak; stupid;
012. incisive insightful perspicacious; judicious; shrewd incompetent; innocent;
vacuous; vapid; obtuse
reasonable; sensible; prudent; astute; cautious; rash; improvident;
showing sound circumspect; sagacious; shrewd; careless; irrational;
013. judicious judgement; careful sober; rational imprudent; ignorant;
inattentive; unsound;
unrealistic; unwise
keen; intelligent; crafty sagacious; shrewd; incisive; canny; vacuous; vapid; obtuse;
perspicacious; adroit; insightful; foolish; stupid; inept;
014. astute
discerning idiotic; naïve; imbecile;
to examine carefully analyze; peruse; scan; watch; check; forget; ignore; neglect;
015. scrutinize
investigate; study misunderstand
concerning to practical efficient; logical; practical; realistic; idealistic; imaginative;
outcomes; down-to-earth sober irrational; excited;
016. pragmatic
to lie under oath; bear prevaricate; deceive; delude; honest; sincere; attest;
017. perjure false witness equivocate; falsify; forswear; certify; prove
mislead; trick; lie
wise; intelligent; careful judicious; sensible; cautious; improvident; rash;
018. prudent reasonable; shrewd; frugal; careless; expensive;
economical; circumspect foolish; hasty; reckless;
stupid; wasteful;
area of authority; scope; domain; authority; control; incapacity; submission;
019. jurisdiction zone; limits; range command; power; territory; surrender; weakness
supervision; district
order; to command beseech; command; charge; entreat; answer
020. adjure
solemnly as under oath implore; obligate
determine based on law adjudicate; arbitrate; award; decide; defer; hesitate; ignore;
021. adjudge
decree; determine leave
keenness of judgement; shrewdness; perspicacity; ignorance; insensitivity;
ability to understand and discernment; awareness; intellect; stupidity; mistake;
022. acumen reason intelligence; judgement; vision; ineptness; obtuseness;
wisdom; acuteness; cunning; smart; foolishness
perception; sharpness
beyond comprehension or abstruse; enigmatic; recondite; clear; comprehensible;
023. inscrutable imagination; difficult impenetrable; ambiguous; arcane intelligible; fathomable;
obvious; plain
blame; charge charge; contention; accusation; exculpation; denial
024. allegation
declaration of the truth of confirmation; assertion; negation; denial; veto;
025. affirmation
something certification; ratification; testimonial nullify
026. eloquent well spoken; fluent; wordy articulate; magniloquent; ardent; calm; cold; dull; frigid;
expressive; fervent; passionate; indifferent
persuasive; vivid; impressive;
027. loquacious very talkative garrulous; voluble; fluent; verbose; quiet; silent; retrained
wordy; gossipy; gabby
028. circumlocution talking around the evasion; euphemism; wordiness conciseness; directness;
subject; indirect speech terseness
029. colloquial informal; using everyday conversational; common; popular formal; standard
030. grandiloquent speaking in pompous bombastic; histrionic; pompous; simple; plain; unadorned;
manner; big-talking overblown; rhetorical; magniloquent unpretentious
031. elocution expressiveness eloquence; articulation; dramatic; quiet; silence; inarticulate
032. garrulous talkative loquacious; voluble; chattering; reserved; silence
033. pontificate speak pompously declaim; sermonize; dogmatize;
admonish; preach; lecture; moralize
034. verbose talkative Prolix; discursive; digressive; concise; succinct
bombastic; circumlocutory;
garrulous; grandiloquent; loquacious
035. verbatim word-for-word; accurately precisely; exactly different; inaccurate
036. ineffable unable to express in unspeakable; incredible; spiritual; Definable; utter-able;
words celestial; divine; transcendent describable
037. tangential irrelevant; off-topic; only irrelevant; immaterial; incidental; relevant
superficially relevant unrelated; extraneous; divergent
038. taut rigid; tight tense; firm; stiff; stressed; stretched loose; flabby;
039. discursive staying from topic; rambling; excursive; prolix; erratic; concise
deviating digressive; wandering; desultory
040. benefactor supporter; donor; helper; contributor; promotor; patron; Opponent; enemy;
assistant; aid sponsor; philanthropist; angel; antagonist
041. benign harmless; kindly; friendly; innocuous; gracious; liberal; genial; harsh; rough; harmful;
favorable; amiable generous; congenial; beneficent violent
042. benevolent Kind; compassionate benign; generous; humane; cruel; hateful; miserly;
altruistic; bountiful; chivalrous greedy
043. benediction expression of good wishes Approval; blessing; grace; favor; criticism; refusal;
gratitude; praise disapproval
044. euphemism nice way of saying circumlocution; delicacy;
something; positive word grandiloquence;
045. eulogy a praising tribute; encomium; laudation; extolment; blame; criticism; censure;
glorification paean; tribute; salutation; acclaim; condemn
046. ingratiate put oneself in good favor flatter; wheedle; toady; cajole; offend; repel; repulse;
with another; deter; disgust
047. gratuity small payment in bonus; perk; boon; bounty; reward
gratitude; gift; tip
048. gratis free; gift costless; gift; gratuitous; free costly; expensive
049. gratify to please appease; mollify; indulge; delight depress; hurt; annoy;
050. euphonious pleasing to the ear agreeable; dulcet; harmonious; irritable; unpleasant
mellifluous; rhythmic; smooth;
051. immutable unable to change; permanent; inveterate; enduring; mutable; protean;
unchangeable immovable; inflexible; fixed; vacillating; mercurial;
constant flexible; variable
052. metamorphosis transformation; mutation; transmogrification; stagnation;
conversion; change evolution; alteration; unchangeable
053. rupture break open; crack; split breach; fissure; fracture; schism; agreement; harmony;
divide peace
054. transmute to transform; convert metamorphose; transfigure; refuse; stagnate;
transmogrify; interchange; modify; preserve; keep
revise; remodel; alter
055. amorphous lacking shape; shapeless; nebulous; vague; nondescript; crystalline; definite;
changeable in form formless; irregular; unshaped; distinct;
056. mercurial subject to wild changes in fickle; capricious; vacillating; constant; predictable;
character erratic; impulsive; volatile; reliable; stable; steady;
unpredictable; fluctuating; tranquil; unperturbable
irregular; elastic; flighty
057. protean capable of assuming polymorphous; labile; gifted; immutable; stable
different forms versatile; adroit; multifaceted
058. mutate to change form; convert transform; transmogrify; alter; remain; stable; stay
modify; vary
059. fickle likely to change opinion capricious; vacillating; volatile; constant; stable; steady;
unpredictably unstable; mercurial; frivolous reliable
060. fluctuate irregularly vary vacillate; waver; oscillate; remain; stay; persist
061. vacillate irregularly vary fluctuate; waver; oscillate; remain; stay; persist
062. revamp to revise; clean; repair; renovate; refurbish; update; break; damage; destroy;
restore rehabilitate; revive; revitalize hurt; ruin
063. amend to improve; to remove the rectify; redress; ameliorate; lower; worsen; hurt;
faults mitigate; fix; reform; remedy depress; destroy; ignore
064. hackneyed overused; outdated trite; prosaic; banal; obsolete fresh; new; original
065. mundane ordinary; typical routine; workaday; banal; prosaic; abnormal; unusual;
earthly; commonplace extraordinary; exciting;
heavenly; supernatural
066. vacuous blank; dull; foolish; empty drained; dumb; stupid; silly; aware; full; intelligent
superficial; vacant; void;
067. prosaic ordinary; unimaginative mundane; pedestrian; banal; innovative; quixotic;
humdrum; dull; irksome whimsical
068. insipid uninteresting; dull; banal; innocuous; vapid; tasteless; original; sharp; exciting;
without favor feeble; mundane; pointless; bland; interesting; tasty;
nondescript engaging; enchanting;
piquant; delicious
069. banal ordinary; commonplace trivial; hackneyed; trite; dumb; intelligent; original;
conventional; vapid sharp
070. pedestrian ordinary prosaic; banal; vapid; humdrum; exciting; extraordinary;
mediocre; unusual; exceptional
071. dormant inactive sleeping inert; fallow; passive; lethargic; active; alert; awake;
sluggish; fallow conscious; lively
072. unanimous in full agreement; concordant; concerted; accordant; split; divided; conflict;
consistent; universal collective; combined; popular; undecided
073. uniform consistent homogeneous; consonant; regular; disorderly; flexible;
smooth; stable imbalanced; irregular;
dissimilar; inconsistent
074. equanimity even tempered; calmness; aplomb; composure; coolness; agitation; excitement;
peace tranquility; assurance; poise; distrust; doubt; fear;
patience; imperturbability frustration; anxiety
075. magnanimous noble of heart; generous; philanthropic; altruistic; merciful; selfish; petty; stingy;
forgiving charitable; noble; beneficent; suspicious
bountiful; free
076. sanguine cheerfully optimistic blithe; buoyant morose; forlorn;
melancholy; sullen
077. phlegmatic sluggish; languorous; lethargic; vigorous; vibrant; hale;
somnolent; torpid spry
078. melancholy sad; depressed morose; despondent; disconsolate; blithe; buoyant;
sullen sanguine
079. choleric easily angered irascible; fractious; bilious; splenetic
080. recalcitrant stubbornly resistant to refractory; intractable compliant; docile;
authority tractable; obsequious;
081. lethargic languorous; phlegmatic; torpid; vigorous; vibrant; hale;
sluggish; dully apathetic spry
082. splenetic irritable; easily angered bilious; choleric happy; cheerful
083. querulous disposed to complaining peevish; captious; carping; caviling cheerful; easy-going;
084. dolorous marked by or expressive lugubrious; doleful hopeful; cheerful; happy
of sorrow or pain
085. animosity ill-will; hostility; malevolence; antagonism; friendship; kindness;
invidiousness sympathy; respect
086. pusillanimous cowardly; timorous; craven;
087. lassitude feeling of weakness or lethargy; languor; torpor; stupor vigor; liveliness; energy;
listlessness diligence; industry
088. spurious fake counterfeit; fictitious; dubious; authentic; substantiated
089. guile cleverness; fool making trickery; deceit; cunning; duplicity candor;
090. beguile to deceive with charm; charm; entrance; captivate; entice; disenchant; refuse;
mislead or fool seduce; exploit; hoodwink honesty; frankness
091. stratagem a deceitful scheme; trick ploy; gimmick; ruse; subterfuge frankness; stagnation
092. surreptitious deceptive; sneaky; covert; furtive; stealthy honest; trustworthy;
093. clandestine secret; hidden stealthy; surreptitious; covert forthright;
straightforward; candid
094. stealth ability to avoid detection sneakiness; furtiveness; covertness perceptible; observable
095. duplicity deception; deceit; artifice chicanery; improbity; hypocrisy; frankness; honesty;
treachery; guile loyalty; truthfulness
096. specious false; but plausible ostensible; sophistic
097. furtive secretive; sneaky stealthy; cloaked; guileful; covert honest; forthright
098. pseudonym pen name; unknown alias; anonym; nickname; incognito
099. fallacious deceptive false fictitious; erroneous; deceiving correct; true; real
100. rapacious greedy; avaricious ravenous; covetous; ravenous satisfied
101. transient short-lived fleeting; ephemeral; evanescent; permanent;
deciduous; transitory interminable
102. ephemeral short-lived transient; evanescent; fleeting permanent; everlasting;
interminable; enduring
103. sporadic irregular or unpredictable infrequent; intermittent; episodic; frequent; regular;
mercurial permanent
104. capricious changing; unstable; whimsical; impulsive; fickle; volatile; cautious; predictable;
unpredictable mercurial; erratic stable; reasonable
105. evanescent likely to vanish or transient; ephemeral; transitory perpetual; enduring
106. extemporaneo done with little or no impromptu; automatic; casual; deliberate; prepared
us practice immediate; informal
107. anachronism something out of place in archaism; incongruity;
time; error in time or era asynchronism; misplacement
108. transitory temporary; brief transient; fleeting; momentary enduring; perpetual
109. expedite hasten; speed up; urge quicken; facilitate; accelerate delay; hinder; halt; hold
110. influx a flowing in; entrance arrival; inflow; invasion departure; retreat
111. superfluous beyond what is necessary excessive; redundant; useless; reasonable; important;
or sufficient dispensable; lavish; spare essential; necessary
112. contemporaneo existing or occurring at coexistent; concomitant;
us about the same time simultaneous
113. interminable never ending; endless incessant; unremitting; perpetual ephemeral; brief; finite
114. protracted prolonged; extended in enduring; lingering; prolonged
time; lengthy
115. censure official condemnation; castigation; derision; rebuke laudation; endorsement
harsh criticism
116. calumny slander; false accusation libel; denigration; defamation acclaim; extolment;
117. diatribe malicious criticism or castigation; derision; harangue laudation; extolment;
abuse honor
118. caustic burning; corrosive corrosive; sarcastic; abrasive; mitigating; conciliatory;
acrimonious; pungent; mollifying; soothing
119. repudiate To cast off publicly disavow; abjure; forswear condone
120. derogatory offensive; critical; pejorative; derisive; disparaging; complimentary;
uncomplimentary disparaging; belittling; sarcastic praising; favorable;
121. admonish warn; criticize to correct rebuke; reprove; reprimand laud; reverse; endorse
122. disparage discourage; criticize belittle; demean; deprecate; admire; approve; honor;
discredit; scorn; distain praise; esteem; respect
123. impugn to attack as untrue; refute challenge; criticize; contradict; praise; corroborate; aid;
by argument gainsay; negate assist; approve
124. malediction a curse; denunciation anathema; execration blessing
125. denigrate to attack the character disparage; slander; decry approve; praise; boost
126. harangue a long critical and diatribe; discourse
pompous speech
127. pejorative tending to make worse disparaging; belittling; debasing; complimentary;
derogatory; detracting; negative positive; praising
128. slander false comments that defamation; disparage; smear; approval; compliment;
injure another’s calumny; aspersion; detraction; praise; flattery;
reputation backbiting; obloquy glorification
129. sanctimonious self-righteous; falsely unctuous; hypocritical; insincere; sincere; unaffected;
pious; self-satisfied deceiving; false guileless; forthright;
honest; sincere; humble
130. sacrosanct profoundly blessed; holy; inviolable; consecrated; divine; unholy; profane;
spiritual revered; cherished; angelic; sacred blasphemous; immoral
131. sanctuary place of refuge; shelter shrine; asylum; temple; church
132. sacrilegious disrespectful of irreverent; blasphemous; atheistic; reverent; pious; holy;
something sacred desecrating; impious; profane moral; pure
133. revere regard with honor and venerate; idolize; esteem; cherish; condemn; loathe;
devotion; respect admire; appreciate; venerate; abhor; criticize;
denounce; detest;
dishonor; scorn
134. pious showing religious; devout; reverence; devout irreverent; atheist;
dedicated wicked; blasphemous;
135. deference respect for wishes of courtesy; reverence; obedience; irreverence; fight;
others compliance; docility impertinence;
ignorance; disobedience
136. sacrament a formal religious act or rite; liturgy; ceremony; confession; denial; divorce; neglect
oath ritual
137. venerable worthy of respect revered; esteemed; noble; common; unimpressive;
patriarchal; sacred; unrespected
138. venerate regard with respect revere; extol; cherish; admire; denounce; abhor; scorn;
adore; appreciate; apotheosize condemn; disparage;
hate; disrespect
139. consecrate to declare as holy venerate; bless; sanctify; honor condemn; curse; damn;
140. talisman an object with magical charm; amulet; fetish;
141. lionize celebrate glorify; exalt; panegyrize; honor; condemn; criticize;
apotheosize; deify; acclaim censure; debase;
denounce; disgrace
142. formidable dangerous; hard to dreadful; indomitable; redoubtable; anemic; ineffectual
overcome fierce; terrifying; horrible; fearful
143. potent strong and effective efficacious; forceful; dominant; impotent; enervated;
dynamic; impressive; influential; feckless; inactive;
vigorous; robust fragile; ineffectual; weak
144. bulwark a strong defense bastion; redoubt; rampart; fortress; harm; hurt; injury
redoubt; embankment
145. indomitable unable to be conquered impregnable; invincible; vulnerable; beatable
invulnerable; unbeatable
146. redoubtable arousing fear; awesome formidable; intimidating; terrible;
dreadful; fearful; courageous;
147. robust full of vigor; healthy; brawny; athletic; potent; vigorous; weak; delicate; fragile;
strong boisterous impotent; lethargic
148. impervious incapable of being impenetrable; impregnable; permeable; penetrable
penetrated or affected immune; resistant; sealed;
149. efficacious capable of producing a proficient; effective; active; impotent; useless;
desired effect adequate; capable; competent; weak; unproductive
influential; potent; virtuous
150. stalwart physically or morally mainstay; partisan; vigorous; timid; afraid; unreliable;
strong person daring; dauntless; robust; sturdy weak; shy; vulnerable
151. impotent lacking strength or power; enervate; effete; unable; helpless; able; capable; skillful;
disabled inept; incompetent competent; effective
152. predominant most important paramount; preeminent; chief; inferior; minor;
dominant; main; prime; official; subordinate; trivial;
absolute; imperious; prominent; unimportant;
paramount; omnipotent secondary; subordinate
153. impregnable unable to entered by impenetrable; invincible; solid; breakable; destructible
force; unyielding indomitable; fortified; strong;
invulnerable; secure; firm
154. brawn muscular strength robustness; vigor; power; flesh; idleness; impotence;
energy; inability; inactivity;
lethargy; frailness
155. bastion stronghold; support fortress; bulwark; citadel; defense; weakness
fortification; protection
156. coalesce To unite or blend amalgamate; consolidate; fuse; disperse; diverge;
together; combine integrate; unite; join; merge; dissipate; divide
157. anthology a collection of works; compilation; compendium;
literary collection treasury; omnibus
158. convoke call together; meet assemble; summon; gather; muster dismiss; disperse;
cancel; divide; scatter;
159. synchronize arrange events to occur coordinate; adjust; harmonize;
simultaneously; adjust integrate; match; organize
160. synthesis bringing together; fusion amalgam; composite; fusion division; disjuncture
161. eclectic selective; made up of multifaceted; multifarious; similar; like; narrow;
parts from many different manifold; diverse; synthesize; particular; specific
sources comprehensive; general; liberal
162. yoke to join different things coupling; nexus; tie
163. amalgam a combination of different composite; hybrid; alloy; fusion; division; separation
substances into mass compound
164. amass to gather; pile up stockpile; accrue; assemble; collect; disperse; divide; scatter;
compile; gather; accumulate separate; disperse;
165. invoke to call on for help or adjure; beg; beseech; implore;
inspiration plead; request
166. compatible capable of living together agreeable; harmony; suitable; improper; fitting;
harmoniously appropriate; consistent; congruent; unsuitable; unsuited
consonant; cooperative;
harmonious; reconcilable
167. contemporary living or occurring during modern; new; current; recent; future; old; past;
the same time period existent; in fashion
168. predilection disposition in favor of inclination; bent; proclivity; hate; dislike; disinterest;
something propensity; penchant; leaning; ignore; disinclination
fondness; tendency
169. ruthless cruel; merciless; harsh- brutal; callous; heartless; harsh; civilized; humane;
mannered barbarous; ferocious; fierce; merciful; calm; human;
malevolent; relentless; sadistic; compassionate; flexible;
unyielding; unfeeling friendly; gentle; kind;
sympathetic; polite
170. contempt disrespectful scorn; disdain; antipathy; scorn; respect; honor;
defiance; derision; disregard; reverence; esteem;
malice; neglect; ridicule; audacity; flattery; obedience;
aversion; recalcitrant praise; sympathy;
171. callous hardened; insensitive; insensitive; dispassionate; compassionate; caring;
cruel; careless impassive; stubborn; indifferent merciful; empathetic;
sympathetic; concerned
172. sadistic taking pleasure in the barbarous; savage; ruthless; brutal; civilized; humane;
pain of others; cruel; fiendish gentle; kind; merciful
173. supercilious full of haughty arrogance haughty; cavalier; bossy; proud; diffident; unassuming;
contemptuous; disdain; snobby; humble; modest
imperious; superior
174. idiosyncrasy a peculiar habit or trait; a quirk; affectation; eccentricity; normality; usualness
mode of behavior or way singularity; mannerism; oddity;
of thinking peculiarity; habit; trait; feature
175. anomaly unusual; irregularity; aberration; oddity; incongruity; regularity; normality;
deviant; abnormality peculiarity; unorthodoxy; regularity; usualness
176. incongruous inappropriate; absurd; incompatible; foreign; compatible; congruous;
inconsistent with norms incoherent; contradictory; consistent; matched;
discordant; improper; corresponding;
harmonious; suitable
177. fetter tie up; hold shackle; hamper; hinder; restrain; aid; allow; assist;
confine; curb; restrict promote; encourage;
178. notorious ill-famed; disreputable blatant; flagrant; shameful; famous moral; inconspicuous;
179. decry speak out against; harsh vilify; condemn; belittle; denounce; approve; praise;
criticize abuse; censure esteem; exaggerate;
honor; applaud
180. vilify criticize defame; slander; denigrate; malign; approve; cherish; favor;
libel; calumniate; smear; denounce; glorify; praise
181. heinous cruel and unusual; hateful atrocious; monstrous; abominable; delightful; friendly;
atrocious; flagrant lovable; mild; virtuous
182. revile denounce abusively berate; castigate; scold; abuse; Approve; commend;
denounce; vilify; scorn; censure compliment; praise
183. atrophy weaken from disuse degenerate; deteriorate; downfall; thrive; flourish; ascent;
degrade; decline rise; improvement
184. abate subside; decrease in wane; diminish; dull; dwindle; expand; amplify; grow;
intensity; moderate subside; moderate advance; expand;
185. porous filled with many holes penetrable; pervious impervious;
186. wane grow smaller or less abate; ebb; dwindle; shrink wax; intensify; enhance;
intense; diminish brighten; strengthen
187. lassitude a feeling of weakness listlessness; weariness; lethargy; vitality; vigor; action;
fatigue; torpor; sleepiness diligence; energy; vigor
188. undermine weaken; diminish undercut; attenuate fortify; strengthen
189. obsequious overly submissive fawning; compliant; fawning; arrogant; assertive;
respectful; subordinate; abject brazen; confident
190. attrition wearing away of strength; debilitation; weakening; erosion happiness;
weakening strengthening
191. enervate weaken someone’s debilitate; disable; fatigue aid; assist; energize;
vitality mobilize; refresh
192. vulnerable prone to attack or harm assailable; susceptible; accessible; guarded; protected;
defenseless; exposed; unsafe; weak safe; secure; strong
193. ebb decrease or decline slowly wane; abate; decay; shrinkage; Advance; expansion;
wane; recession growth
194. compliant submissive conciliatory; yielding; docile; Inflexible; stubborn;
obedient; flexible; easygoing unyielding
195. debilitate reduce the strength of cripple; enervate; incapacitate; aid; assist; enable;
attenuate; disable; exhaust strengthen; energize
196. placid calm; easygoing serene; tranquil; compliant; gentle; frenzied; frenetic;
composed; cool agitated; excited;
turbulent; violent
197. inert Inactive; powerless sluggish; quiescent; torpid; alert; lively; active;
phlegmatic; dormant; passive potent; mobile; lively
198. listless without energy; sluggish enervated; inert; phlegmatic; lively; robust
199. quiescent quiet; resting inactive; asleep; dormant; passive; dynamic; active
latent; inert
200. serene calm; relaxed tranquil; placid; quiescent; sedate; frenzied; turbulent;
comfortable; halcyon agitated; annoyed;
nervous; violent
201. static stationary stagnant; inert itinerant; peripatetic
202. lethargic lazy; slow; sleepy; listless; sluggish; phlegmatic; dormant; active; alert; lively;
languid enervated; drowsy; lackadaisical energetic
203. moratorium postponement; delay deferral; freeze; ban; halt continuation
204. stagnate become inactive idle; languish; decay; decline flourish; grow; improve
205. torpor dullness; inactivity; lethargy; apathy; inertness; diligence; interest;
laziness lassitude; disinterested liveliness; industry
206. respite rest; time of relief; pause hiatus; moratorium
207. hiatus a break in continuity of respite; discontinuity; interval continuation
something; pause
208. torpid lazy; slow dormant; inert; idle; comatose; active; energetic; quick
hibernating; drowsy; lethargic
209. belligerent warlike; quarrelsome antagonistic; cantankerous; passive; peaceful
210. irascible easily angered choleric; splenetic; petulant even-tempered
211. volatile explosive; tending to unsettled; temperamental stable
evaporate quickly
212. rebuttal refutation; opposing repartee; rejoinder agreement
response to an argument
213. refute disprove; rebut forcefully contradict; rebut support; endorse
214. incite urge to do something coax, cajole; instigate dissuade
215. pugnacious quarrelsome; warlike truculent; belligerent pacific; passive
216. bellicose warlike in manner pugnacious; belligerent agreeable; peaceful; calm
217. harass to bother; to annoy; irritate; torment; intimidate; pester; aid; assist; encourage;
blackmail; distress bait; tease; despoil assuage; comfort; sooth;
invigorate; facilitate
218. assail To attack; criticize assault; berate; impugn; abuse praise; compliment;
219. tumultuous violently disturbed agitated; hectic; unruly; riotous calm; mild; moderate;
boisterous; fierce; turbulent gentle; peaceful; orderly
220. instigate To urge on; influence goad; incite; foment; coax; cajole; deter; dissuade; neglect;
provoke prevent
221. provocative tending to aggravate or goading; alluring; exciting; pleasing; unexciting;
stimulate; disturbing inspirational; stimulating suppressive; repressive
222. propensity natural inclination; disposition; leaning; penchant; dislike; disinclination;
tendency predisposition; proclivity impotence; inability;
223. acrimony harsh words; bitterness of belligerence; rancor; acerbity; civility; love; sympathy;
feeling peevishness; rudeness; asperity benevolence; diplomacy
224. appalling shocking; offensive astounding; dismay benevolent; virtuous
225. cacophony discord; harsh sounds disharmony; dissonance harmony
226. abysmal extremely bad wretched; deplorable; pathetic commendable; laudable
227. acrid harsh smelling or taste astringent; pungent savory; sweet
228. blatant very conspicuous; flagrant; impudent; annoying unobtrusive; moral;
shameless; open hidden; secrete
229. deplorable worthy of reproach or disgraceful; egregious commendable; laudable
230. egregious conspicuously bad; flagrant; atrocious; deplorable; hidden; mild; little;
extreme; intolerable outrageous; heinous; flagrant minor;
231. lurid shocking; sensational graphic; vivid; macabre; extreme delightful; mild; pleasing
232. noisome offensive to senses or loathsome; detestable; hurtful; moral; upright
health; immoral dangerous; injurious; disgusting
233. flagrant offensively bad; without egregious; reprehensible; blatant; hidden; respectful; timid;
shame brazen; atrocious shy; moral; mild
234. heinous cruel; shockingly evil atrocious; monstrous; hateful friendly; kind; virtuous
235. astringent caustic; pungent acrid; harsh; bitter; acrid; sharp kind; mild; nice; pleasant
236. ambulatory capable of moving around; mobile; peripatetic static; immobile
able to walk
237. deviate deflect swerve; digress; veer conform
238. influx flowing in inundation; inpouring; immigration efflux; emigration
239. meander to wander aimlessly roam; drift stay; untwist
240. peripatetic traveling from place to itinerant; ambulant stationary; static
241. impel put into motion; to urge to goad; spur impede; dissuade
do something
242. expedite to speed up the progress of facilitate; hasten; precipitate; impede; hinder
243. itinerant traveling from place to peripatetic; ambulant; moving; settled; permanent
place wandering; shifting; migratory
244. nomadic wandering without a migratory; drifting; vagrant; pastoral; settled; native
permanent home itinerant
245. peripheral located on the outer bordering; incidental; external; central; interior; crucial;
boundary tangential; irrelevant; exterior internal; major; inside
246. compel to urge into action by force impel; coerce; constrai n; urge; discourage; dissuade;
enforce; bulldoze; coerce halt; deter
247. vagrant wandering from place to nomadic; peripatetic; transient;
place itinerant; wanderer
248. perambulate to move about wander; drift; transient; itinerant
249. raze to destroy completely obliterate; decimate preserve
250. jettison to throw overboard heave; dump retain
251. abort to terminate scratch; cancel execute; continue
252. purge to remove something expunge amass; collect
253. forgo to give up something abandon; forsake; abdicate; resign maintain; participate
254. deplete to decrease the supply of; exhaust; diminish; depreciate replenish; restock
wear and tear
255. dearth lacking; scarcity paucity; scarcity; deficiency; want abundance; plentiful;
plenitude; bounty
256. rescind to take back; to cancel annul; void; abolish; abrogate allow; approve; legalize
257. efface to erase by rubbing omit; cancel; delete; expunge improve; create; build
258. abdicate to give up power relinquish; renounce; abjure continue; defend; fight
259. renounce to give up in formal abdicate; resign; reject; eschew; acknowledge; admit;
announcement quit; decline; abdicate; resign approve; claim;
260. nullify to make invalid cancel; void; revoke; annul approve; allow; permit
261. relinquish to abandon or give up abdicate; vacate; cede; waive assert; defend; fight
262. cathartic having purging effect; cleaning; purgative; purifying
inducing the release of
emotional tension
263. altruism selflessness humaneness; benevolence egoism; malevolence
264. amiable agreeable; friendly affable; amicable surly; disdainful
265. philanthropist one who does good; lover altruist; humanitarian misanthrope; antagonist
of humankind
266. congenial friendly; pleasant amicable; affable hostile; surly
267. munificent generous beneficent; magnanimous greedy; egoistic
268. decorum good manners propriety; etiquette impropriety
269. amity friendship; harmony benevolence; amicableness discord; hostility
270. decorous exhibiting good taste in civilized; dignified; polite; inappropriate; indecent;
behavior or appearance ceremonial; decent unrefined; unsuitable
271. affable friendly; kind amiable; amicable hateful; unkind
272. gregarious sociable friendly; affable unfriendly; cold
273. amicable polite and friendly amiable; affable; peaceful disagreeable; unfriendly
274. magnanimous generous; big-hearted altruistic; munificent; beneficent selfish; petty; suspicious
275. geniality cheerfulness; friendly affability; amiability; agreeability depression; sadness
276. pedantic showy about knowledge didactic; egotistic; abstruse; plain; simple; informal
pompous; dull
277. grandiose pretentious; ridiculously ostentatious; flamboyant; lofty; humble; poor; low;
exaggerated bombastic; imposing; noble; moderate; trivial
magnificent; pompous; august
278. bombastic pompous; using inflated grandiose; overblown understated; reserved
279. braggart one who boasts or egotist
280. ostentatious showy; pretentious gaudy; grandiose; garish understated; reserved
281. pompous possessing excessive self- conceited; self-centered; pontifical modest; self-effacing;
esteem; pretentious humble
282. swagger to walk or strut in an brag; strut; bluster modest
arrogant manner
283. lofty overly proud haughty; cavalier; pretentious humble; low; modest
284. garish loud ornate; ostentatious; gaudy; flashy simple modest
285. ornate overly decorate ostentatious; opulent; gaudy dull; offensive; ugly
286. opulence luxuriousness grandeur; affluence economy; frugality
287. pretentious tending to impress gaudy; grandiose; garish genuine; honest;
288. baroque extravagantly ornate and flamboyant; florid
convoluted in style
289. dogged determined; unwilling to tenacious; inexorable yielding; irresolute
give up
290. inexorable relentless obstinate; dogged yielding; irresolute
291. obstinate stubborn adamant; relentless; obdurate acquiescent; obsequious
292. intransigent uncompromising obstinate; intractable concordant;
293. contentious quarrelsome pugnacious; belligerent passive; conciliatory
294. pertinacity stubbornness doggedness; steadfastness
295. steadfast unchanging unswerving; obdurate; inexorable fickle; vacillatory
296. recalcitrant stubbornly rebellious defiant; stubborn; wayward
297. tenacious holding firmly; persistent persistent; steadfast; resolute
298. disputatious inclined to argue contentious; litigious; polemical
299. obdurate not easily persuaded or intractable; inexorable; dogged;
convinced stubborn
300. intractable hard to manage; stubborn obstinate; headstrong
301. adamant hard to change; refusing inflexible; inexorable; obdurate lenient??(my word)
to yield
302. litigious prone to bringing lawsuits contentious
303. nimble quick & light in movement agile; adroit; adept; bright; deft
or action
304. adroit skillful dexterous; deft; proficient clumsy; inept
305. unerring committing no mistake perfect; infallible inferior; fallible
306. adept highly skilled dexterous; adroit incompetent; clumsy
307. aptitude a natural ability; competence; expertise ineptitude;
intelligence incompetence
308. paragon a model of excellence; prototype; epitome
309. deft adroit; skillful proficient; adroit clumsy; inept; awkward
310. preeminent outstanding unsurpassed; paramount inferior
311. expertise knowledge or skill in a prowess; savvy; bailiwick
particular area
312. discerning showing good judgement astute; judicious; sage; shrewd;
or keen insight canny; perspicacious
313. agility ability to move quickly nimbleness; spryness; litheness
314. consummate perfect in every respect impeccable
315. dexterous skillful with the hands adroit; adept
316. impeccable flawless immaculate; infallible; transcendent
317. precocious unusually advanced or
mature in development
318. nefarious sinful; evil wicked; infamous; odious
319. repugnant offensive repulsive; abhorrent; vile; alluring; admirable
320. infamous famous for bad deeds; contemptible; ignominious noble
321. odious worthy of dislike; arousing abhorrent; loathsome; repugnant delightful laudable
feelings of dislike
322. malevolent wishing harm to others; sinister benevolent
323. malefactor an evildoer scamp; delinquent benefactor
324. abominable loathsome; unpleasant contemptible; vile delightful; laudable
325. avarice extreme greed; miserliness; penuriousness
greediness for wealth
326. bigotry intolerance toward those
who are different
327. hypocrite one who says one thing
but does another
328. miserly lacking generosity avaricious; penurious
329. inimical unfriendly antagonistic; hostile
330. curmudgeon a cranky person
331. misanthrope one who hates
332. perfidy deliberate breach of trust treachery
333. charlatan a fraud quack; imposter; conman; swindler
334. ruse a crafty scheme stratagem; machination
335. subterfuge a scheme; an attempt to surreptitiousness; stratagem; ploy forthrightness; candor
336. dupe one who is easily chump; pushover
337. pilfer to steal embezzle; filch
338. swindle to cheat bamboozle; hoodwink
339. gullible easily deceived naive astute
340. embezzle to steal money from one’s loot; pilfer
341. machination a crafty scheme stratagem; ruse
342. bilk to cheat; to swindle hoodwink; defraud; cheat; fleece
343. larceny theft thievery
344. filch to steal pilfer; embezzle
345. fleece to fraud of money; to swindle; bilk; hoodwink; defraud
346. hedonist a pleasure seeker epicurean; epicure; sybarite; bon
347. ascetic one who lives a holy life monk
of self-denial
348. anarchist one who opposes all insurgent; rebel
political authority
349. pacifist an individual who is peace-seeker warmonger; combatant
opposed to violence
350. atheist one who does not believe
on existence of God
351. nihilist one who rejects moral
distinctions and knowable
352. despot one who rules tyrant; oppressor
353. narcissist who loves with his own
354. zealot who engages passionately enthusiast; fanatic; devotee
in a cause
355. sybarite an individual who seeks hedonist
356. pessimist who focuses on negative alarmist; Cassandra; defeatist optimist
357. optimist who focuses on positive idealist; Pollyanna; Pangloss; pessimist
side of a situation Candide
358. fanatic who shows extreme extremist; radical; zealot; enthusiast
359. vindicate clear from blame exonerate; absolve convict
360. assuage to soothe anger or pain; pacify; appease; quench; allay provoke; vex;
to satisfy a hunger exacerbate
361. mollify to soothe the anger assuage; appease; placate; rile; provoke
362. exonerate to clear from blame; free acquit; exculpate; absolve incriminate
from accusation
363. placate to soothe; to mollify pacify; assuage; conciliate; appease enrage; provoke
364. exculpate to free from blame acquit; exonerate impeach; convict
365. anesthetic something that reduces palliative
366. pacify to soothe the agitation or appease; conciliate
367. invigorate to energize stimulate; rejuvenate
368. alleviate to relieve from pain or assuage; allay
369. emollient a substance that softens
370. absolve free from the sin or pardon; exculpate; acquit
371. placid peaceful; calm serene; tranquil
372. mitigate make less severe; to
lessen the force of
373. cajole persuade by flattery coax; wheedle; deceive
(insincere praise)
374. exhort to urge strongly provoke; instigate; rouse inhibit; discourage
375. coerce persuade by use of force compel; intimidate
376. induce to cause sway; incite; impel curb; stall
377. coax persuade by flattery (false cajole; wheedle
378. provoke to excite irritate; rile; incite placate; assuage
379. obligatory required; mandatory essential; compulsory; mandatory optional; elective
380. wheedle persuade by flattery (false coax; cajole
381. goad to urge into action spur; incite; catalyze
382. begrudge to give in to something concede; acquiesce
383. spur to goad into action
384. prerequisite a requirement obligation
385. resigned accepting the once fate begrudging; acquiescent
386. tactile able to sense by touch palpable
387. olfactory related to the sense of
388. gustatory related to the sense of
389. auditory related to the sense of aural
390. discern perceive; to sense keenly perceive; distinguish; ascertain
391. pungent having a sharp or irritating piquant; zesty
392. palpable detectable by touch tangible; tactile
393. ascertain to learn for certain discern
394. savory pleasant tasting appetizing
395. putrid having an unpleasant rotten; rancid; decayed
396. myopic short-sightedness narrow-minded; injudicious;
397. perceive to become aware discern; ascertain
398. aural related to sense of auditory
399. tangible detectable by touch substantial; palpable; concrete
400. thwart to stop something before circumvent; stymie; foil abet
it succeed
401. abstain refrain or avoid from forgo; eschew indulge
402. deterrent something that acts to hindrance; impediment incentive
403. impede to slow the progress of; to hinder; obstruct assist; expedite
404. hinder to slow the progress impede; obstruct; thwart promote; facilitate
405. curtail to make less diminish extend; boost
406. impediment something that works to impedance; encumbrance; aid
impede progress; a hindrance
407. stymie to present an obstacle to; hinder; impede
408. dissuade to persuade not to do deter; divert
409. refrain to hold back from doing halt; inhibit
410. abstinence voluntary avoidance of avoid
411. tentative uncertain cautious; diffident
412. hamper to restrict the progress impede; hinder
413. abstemious sparing or moderate in
drinking consuming
414. destitute completely no wealth; impoverished; penniless squandering; prodigal
extreme poor
415. remuneration payment for services income; earnings
416. impecunious without money destitute; penurious affluent; wealthy
417. improvident failing to provide for the prodigal; negligent; spend thrifty thrifty; frugal
418. parsimony excessive thriftiness miserliness; stinginess magnanimity;
419. venal able to be bribed corruptible
420. thrifty economical; good with frugal; provident; parsimonious
421. mercenary one who gives his services
to highest bidder
422. perquisite payment or privilege
received in addition to
423. insolvent bankrupt broke
424. indigent impoverished; poor destitute; mendicant; pauper
425. pecuniary pertaining to money
426. prophecy a prediction of the future divination; prognostication
427. harbinger a precursor omen; forerunner; precursor
428. augur to predict the future prophesy; divine
429. premonition a forewarning presentiment; hunch
430. portend to give warning in foretell; foreshadow
431. prescient having knowledge of clairvoyant
future events
432. omen a sign of something to portent; prognostication
433. foresight ability to see things anticipation; forethought
434. clairvoyant one with great foresight visionary; psychic
435. portent an omen of a future event omen
436. preempt to block by acting first anticipate
437. premeditate to plan ahead of time plot
438. prophetic able to tell the future prescient
439. bode to be an omen for portend
440. archaic ancient; very old primitive; antiquated modern; novel
441. relic an object from an ancient artifact; remnant
442. decrepit worn out from old age or feeble; battered; threadbare
443. antiquated outdated obsolete; archaic; primitive modern; novel
444. antediluvian very old primeval; archaic modern; novel
445. defunct no longer existed dead; extinct extant
446. perpetuate to keep from drying out immortalize; commemorate
447. outmoded out of fashion obsolete; anachronistic
448. artifact an object of historical relic; remnant
449. obsolete outdated outmoded; anachronistic;
450. dilapidated worn out decrepit; feeble
451. threadbare worn down such that the shabby; dilapidated; decrepit
threads show
452. archive a collection of historically
interesting materials
453. apathy lack of feeling; lack of indifference; torpor intensity
454. apprehensive anxious about what is to uneasy; concerned; anxious fearless; intrepid;
come dauntless
455. contrite sorrowful; feel or express remorseful; repentant unrepentant; inveterate
very sorry for something
456. lament to show sorrow mourn; bemoan; grieve celebrate
457. console to comfort soothe; calm enrage; provoke
458. impassive lacking emotion emotionless; indifferent; apathetic intense; demonstrative
459. ignominy humiliation; shame humiliation; disgrace; dishonor gratification; dignity
460. pathos pity; feeling of sorrow anguish; woe
461. empathy the ability to identify with
another’s feeling
462. penitent feeling remorse for one’s repentant; contrite
463. ambivalent having mixed feelings conflicted; irresolute
toward something
464. poignant causing a sharp emotional stirring; moving
465. remorse regret for past deeds anguish; contrition
466. antipathy strong feelings against
467. ambiguous unclear in meaning vague; obscure; abstruse apparent; lucid
468. obscure not easily understood; indistinct; vague; enigmatic; cryptic evident; lucid
469. equivocal deliberately ambiguous or evasive; indirect straightforward;
misleading forthright; candid
470. convoluted intricate and hard to cryptic; inscrutable; coherent; intelligible
follow incomprehensible
471. cryptic enigmatic; mysterious cryptic; obscure; incomprehensible coherent; intelligible
472. unfathomable impossible to baffling; impenetrable; inscrutable coherent; intelligible
473. nebulous indefinite; unclear vague; hazy lucid
474. enigma puzzle; a mystery conundrum; riddle; mystery
475. esoteric difficult to understand
476. desultory aimless; prone to random diverge; deviate; ramble
477. profound deep; insightful philosophical; sagacious
478. candor honesty; forthrightness; frankness disingenuousness;
straightforwardness fraudulence;
479. affect to behave unnaturally feign; impersonate
480. veracity truthfulness; loyal sincerity; candor fallacy; falsehood
481. debunk expose something as uncover; reveal conceal; camouflage
482. apocryphal doubtful authenticity counterfeit; forged authentic
483. forthright honest; sincere; candid; frank deceitful; treacherous
484. disingenuous insincere; crafty deceitful; treacherous forthright; candid
485. candid straightforward; honest frank; forthright

486. dubious doubtful suspect; questionable

487. prevaricate to lie equivocate; fabricate
quality of appearing
488. verisimilitude
to be true
489. outspoken candid forthright; frank
490. fraudulent deceitful duplicitous; crooked
outward appearance; superficiality; frontispiece
491. facade
a false front
merriment; laughter jollity; levity; gaiety melancholy; dejection;
492. mirth
relating to beauty or a
493. aesthetic
theory of beauty
a copy of literary or burlesque; parody; lampoon;
494. satire
dramatic work travesty; spoof
a clever or funny epigram; quip; badinage
495. witticism
done in a joking way facetious; waggish; salty despondent; somber;
496. jocular morose; plaintive;
outrageous misuse of misusage; solecism; catachresis
497. malapropism
a word
lacking seriousness frivolity (or frivolous); flippancy
497. levity
(or flippant)
499. bard a skilled poet sonneteer; versifier
copy of literary or burlesque; lampoon; travesty;
500. parody
dramatic work satire
a lengthy poem that
501. epic celebrates the life of a
a person interested in
502. aesthete
pursuit of beauty
lacking seriousness in amateur
503. dilettante
study or work of art
504. lampoon to make fun of satirize; mock; parody
505. chastise to punish or criticize condemn; rebuke applaud; hail
to scold; to tell rebuke; berate; reprimand hail; compliment;
somebody harshly acclaim
506. reprove that he was not
allowed to do what
he has done
worthy of blame or culpable; disgraceful; censurable laudable
507. censure
deserving blame guilty; blameworthy innocent; blameless;
508. sinless
509. indict guilty of an offense accuse; impeach; guilty acquit; exonerate
to blame; to express censure; condemn; rebuke compliment; commend
510. disapproval
to scold or criticize reprove; reproach; reprehend;
511. harshly reprimand; chide
to punish severely; reprimand; berate; chastise
512. criticize harshly
to guilt somebody of accuse; indict; charge
513. wrongdoing
beyond blame; not innocent; impeccable
514. blameworthy
515. berate to punish severely reprimand; castigate; chastise
516. culprit one guilty of a crime offender; criminal
517. acquit to clear of a charge vindicate; exonerate
to scold or criticize reprove; castigate; censure
518. harshly
519. diligence hard work and assiduousness; industrious; laziness; indolence
dedication perseverance
520. scrupulous careful; ethical conscientious; honorable; immoral; wanton
521. meticulous attentive to detail; thorough; painstaking lackadaisical; cavalier
extremely careful
522. indefatigable untiring; one who tireless; unremitting; dogged; listless; lethargic
never get tired unrelenting; relentless
523. spartan full of self-discipline ascetic; rigorous cavalier; lackadaisical
524. painstaking meticulous; paying thorough; meticulous lackadaisical; cavalier
great attention to
525. assiduous hard working diligent; industrious indolent; slothful
526. prolific extremely productive; productive; abundant
keep growing or
527. proliferation growth or increase production; abundance;
528. integrity honesty and virtue purity; virtue
529. enterprising full of initiative and
530. industrious hard-working diligent; assiduous
531. resolute determined dogged; steadfast; tenacious
532. conform (different to do what one is comply; obey
from confirm) expected to do
533. orthodox strict adherence to conventional; traditional
already set tradition
534. iconoclast one who challenges heretic; apostate; rebel; conformist; traditionalist
tradition nonconformist; infidel
535. heresy opinion or action iconoclast; apostasy sycophancy; toadyism;
violating traditional compliance; submission;
belief obsequy
536. insurgent rebellious insubordinate; mutinous conformist; yes-man;
toady; sycophant
537. convention practice that protocol; practice irregularity
comports with the
tradition or norms of
538. insubordination refusal to submit to agitation; subversion; rebellion pacification
539. renegade an outlaw defector; traitor
540. insurrection an uprising coup; mutiny; rebellion
541. dissident one who strongly rebel
opposes accepted
542. mutiny a rebellion revolt; riot; uprising
543. servile overly submissive obsequious
544. heretic one who dissents or rebel; iconoclast
545. apostasy abandonment of heresy
546. insolent rudely disrespectful impudent; impertinent courteous; deferential;
547. affront an insult slur; barb; aspersion; obloquy tribute; exaltation;
548. haughty overly proud conceited; supercilious; cavalier; modest; diffident
549. crass unrefined boorish; oafish; philistine decorous; civilized;
550. impudent rudely bold insolent; impertinent; audacious courteous; civilized
551. boorish crude; rude and crass; oafish; barbaric; philistine decorous; polite
552. irreverence disrespect impertinence; flippancy deference
553. flippant disrespectfully irreverent; impertinent
jocular; using humor
554. brazen bold and insolent impudent
555. truculent cruel and aggressive obstreperous; bellicose
556. effrontery behavior that is boldness; brashness; insolence;
confident and very impudence
rude without any
feeling of shame
557. impertinent inappropriately bold impudent; brazen pertinent
558. glacial having a cold frigid
559. rebuff to refuse in an abrupt reject; snub
or rude manner
560. arid extremely dry barren; parched fecund; fertile
561. astral relating to the stars celestial; cosmic
562. nautical pertaining to sailing in marine; maritime
563. fecundity fertility; fruitfulness prolific; abundant barren; infertility; sterile
564. fallow unused; plowed but dormant; inactive; uncultivated
not cultivated
565. cosmic relating to the astral; celestial; astronomical
566. celestial relating to the sky heavenly; astral
567. arable able to be cultivated; fertile; fruitful
best for growing
568. desiccated completely dried out arid; parched
569. quagmire difficult situation; wet marsh; swamp; bog
570. bucolic related to the rustic; sylvan; rural; pastoral
countryside or village
571. paucity lack; scarcity dearth; scantiness; abandon abundance; plenitude;
572. surfeit an excessive amount abundant; glut; plethora; deficiency; dearth;
overabundance paucity
573. copious plentiful abundant
574. barren infertile sterile; desolate fecund; fertile
575. capacious having lots of room or spacious; voluminous exiguous; scanty
576. scanty barely enough meager; inadequate; deficient sufficient; adequate
577. replete completely filled crammed; stuffed vacant; barren
578. sparse thinly dispersed or scant; scanty; paltry
579. voluminous having great size cavernous; capacious; plentiful
580. desolate uninhabited; where uninhabited; barren; deserted; replete; stuffed
nobody live; empty vacant
581. diminutive tiny; very small undersized; miniature gigantic
582. meager inadequate measly; paltry
583. rarefy to make less dense or
less plentiful
584. rife plentiful abundant; rampant; widespread
585. tribulation a cause of great adversity; travail; vow; anguish
trouble or suffering
586. despondent lacking hope dejected; depressed; ecstatic; elated;
disheartened; desperate euphoric
587. doleful filled with grief crestfallen; depressed; woeful ecstatic; elated;
588. anemic characterized by pallid; weak; feeble roust; vigorous; hale
oxygen deficiency in
589. malady a disease affliction; ailment; disorder
590. anguish extreme suffering agony; grief; misery ecstasy; elation;
591. dirge a sad or funeral song requiem; elegy
592. blight a diseased condition curse; affliction
593. affliction a disorder causing adversity; hardship
594. elegy a poem or song dirge; requiem
relating to death
595. doldrums persistent blues; depression; melancholy
596. adversity hardship affliction
597. etymology the study of origin of
598. archaeology the study of past
599. anthropology the study of human
600. ethics the study of moral
601. semantics study of meanings of
words and symbols
602. theology the study of religion
603. pathology the study of disease
604. sociology study of human social
interaction and
605. entomology study of insects
606. genealogy study of ancestry (i.e.
parents, grandparents
and so on)
607. demographics study of statistics
relating to human
608. oncology study of tumors
609. paleontology study of fossils and
ancient life
610. neurology the study of human
brain and nervous
611. hermit who prefers to live recluse; loner; eremite; introvert socialite; extrovert
612. ostracize to exclude from a exile; banish welcome; accept
613. exile a banishment banishment; ostracism; inclusion; welcome
deportation; expulsion
614. expel force to leave discharge; evict invite; admit
615. recluse who likes to live alone hermit; loner
616. isolate to place something detach; segregate include; embrace
apart from everything
617. solitude isolation; quality of seclusion; solitariness; camaraderie;
begin alone detachment companionship
618. banish force to leave an area exile; ostracize; evict
619. outcast an individual who has castaway; pariah
been excluded from a
620. seclusion privacy isolation; solitude
621. pariah an individual who has outcast; exile
been excluded from a
622. relegate to banish ostracize; exile
623. quarantine a period of isolation
from someone
infected with a
624. disseminate to spread information circulate; publicize; distribute suppress
625. diverge to go apart divide; branch converge; merge
626. proliferate grow rapidly; to expand; multiply wither; shrink
produce offspring at a
rapid pace
627. profligate using time, money or waste;
resources in a
careless way
628. profligacy habit of using time or wastefully
money carelessly
629. amass to gather together accumulate; collect; gather; distribute; disperse
630. distend to swell; to increase expand; dilate constrict
in size
631. propagate cause to multiply; to procreate; breed
publicize; to travel
through a medium
632. inundate flood engulf; overwhelm; swamp;
633. diffuse to spread out; as a circulate; disseminate
634. germinate to sprout; to grow bud; burgeon; develop
635. disperse to spread apart diffuse; disseminate
636. rampant growing out of rife; predominant; prevalent
637. dissipate to scatter dispel; disperse
638. saturate to fill completely as soak; imbue
with liquid
639. annex to attach; acquire acquire; appropriate; append disengage; dissociate
land to expand an
existing country
640. addendum something added; a appendix; supplement
supplement to a book
641. epilogue an extra chapter afterword; postlude prelude; forward;
added onto the end preface; prologue
of a novel
642. append to affix something; annex
add on
643. adjunct added in a subordinate; subsidiary
subordinate capacity
644. augment to make greater enlarge; enhance; amplify; diminish
boost; strengthen; protract
645. cession the act of capitulation; relinquishment
surrendering or
646. affix to attach annex; append
647. appropriate to take another’s
work or possessions
as one’s one
648. appendix supplementary addendum
material at the end of
a text
649. supplement to add something to
complete or
strengthen a whole
650. circumscribe having distinct
boundaries or limits

Additional Vocabulary Practice from Past papers

Select the Synonym among the choices:

1. Abet (b) always (c) deceit (d) futile (e) ignominy

(a) force (c) defeat (d) condemn (e) fascinated
(d) domestic (e) denouement 18. Vexed
(b) discourage
(e) foreign 14. Ferocious (a) annoying
(c) assist
10. Dexterity (a) ferrous (b) recurring
(d) neglect
6. Brisk (a) temerity (b) atrocious (c) unresolvable
(a) slab (b) skill (c) save (d) complex
2. Abridge
(b) bright (c) disastrous (d) savage (e) dangerous
(a) desire
(c) crazy (d) decent (e) none of these
(b) condense 19. Evolve
(d) quick (e) terrible
(c) graceful 15. Mockery (a) introduce
(e) brittle
(d) disconnect 11. Disgrace (a) mimicry (b) start
7. Concise (a) shame (b) memorize (c) develop
3. Imposter (a) concept (b) ungraceful (c) mentor (d) abandon
(a) imposer (b) agree (c) tactless (d) ridicule (e) establish
(b) lazy (c) brief (d) terrible (e) rustic
(c) cheater (d) devise (e) gratify 20. Implore
(d) laugher (e) contrary 16. Omen (a) told
(e) speaker 12. Emulate (a) women (b) refuse
8. Conversant (a) eminent (b) feminine (c) request
4. Agony (a) familiar (b) emotional (c) portent (d) deny
(b) confound (c) imminent (d) ugly (e) accept
(a) gone
(c) versatile (d) imitate (e) elite
(b) weep 21. Eager
(d) conversation (e) immediate
(c) anguish 17. Notorious
(e) talkative (a) religious
(d) careless 13. Enchanted (a) infamous (b) poor
(e) nostalgian 9. Denounce (a) classified (b) notion (c) pious
(a) announce (b) prayer (c) chauvinistic (d) curious
5. Alien (b) pronounce (c) energetic (d) famous (e) intelligent
(a) unseen
22. Fine (d) cease 38. Improvement (d) campaign (c) humiliate
(a) fee (e) forecast (a) preference (d) release
47. Collapse (e) enhance
(b) delicate (b) increment
30. Prosperity (a) rise
(c) small (c) progress
(a) adversity (b) failure 55. Annulment
(d) fragile (d) promotion
(e) excellent (b) affluence (c) rebirth (a) ignorance
(c) abandon 39. Odious (d) debt (b) boredom
23. Accord (d) scarcity (a) hateful (c) numbness
(e) abundance 48. Generous (d) abolition
(a) agreement (b) courteous
(b) forceful (c) unfamiliar (a) friendly (e) creation
31. Dispose of (b) liberal
(c) unity (d) revengeful
(a) sell (c) cordial 56. Unhappy
(d) compromise
(e) measure (b) discard 40. Indolence (d) graceful (a) timid
(c) put (a) stagnation (e) None of these (b) dispute
24. Transcend (d) cost (b) relaxation (c) agreeable
(e) exchange 49. Benign (d) sad
(a) supreme (c) leniency
(b) represent (a) radiant (e) joyful
32. Exploitation (d) laxness (b) religious
(c) cross
(a) selfish use (c) kindly 57. Contraband
(d) beyond 41. Utterly
(e) freedom (b) cheating (d) hopeful (a) excluded by
(a) accurately law
(c) use (e) prayer
(b) completely (b) prohibited
25. Foster (d) unjust
(c) finally 50. Appease (c) illegal
(a) advance (e) unfair
(d) exactly (a) anger (d) royal
(b) promote
33. Debilitate (b) assist (e) smuggled
(c) develop 42. Allegiance
(d) cause (a) argue (c) generate
(a) deprivation 58. Carnal
(e) establish (b) engage (d) pacify
(b) loyalty (a) sensual
(c) soothe (e) surrender
(c) treason (b) natural
26. Breed (d) enfeeble
(d) sensitive 51. Calumny (c) spiritual
(a) close
34. Instantly (a) harmful (d) primitive
(b) propagate 43. Fluctuation
(c) initiate (a) repeatedly (b) forgetful (e) supernatural
(a) increase
(d) cause (b) immediately (c) deceptive
(b) change 59. Diatribe
(e) help (c) slowly (e) accuse
(c) stability (a) variety lent
(d) lately
(d) decrease 52. Regards (b) bitter
27. Cirrhosis
35. Frail (a) civil (c) rubbish
(a) chronic disease 44. Bashful
(b) destruction (a) worried (b) grateful (d) confusing
(a) haughty
(c) cancer (b) strong (c) true (e) innocent
(b) discreet
(d) wan (c) ill (d) respect
(c) shy 60. Exigency
(e) none of these (d) happy (e) None of these
(d) upset (a) swiftness
28. Evident 36. Elegant 53. Intensive (b) tenacity
45. Trivial
(a) clear (a) beautiful (a) useful (c) emergency
(a) significant
(b) proof (b) graceful (b) rigorous (d) crisis
(b) momentous
(c) proved (c) natural (c) confronted (e) enquiry
(c) unimportant
(d) witness (d) polished (d) misled
(d) critical 61. Extricate
(e) appeal (e) perplexed
37. Retribution (a) terminate
46. Rivalry
29. Prohibition (a) revenge 54. Ameliorate (b) avoid
(a) competition
(a) forbidding (b) grudge (a) appease (c) disentangle
(b) cooperation
(b) barrier (c) justice (b) make (d) distance
(c) compromise endurable
(c) teetotaler (d) contempt (e) devoid
62. Effete (d) suggest 67. Yonder (d) surrounded (a) attached
(a) exhausted (e) low (a) past (e) circled (b) removed
(b) barren (b) over there (c) opened
65. Suitable 70. Plunged (d) respect
(c) discontent (c) beyond
(d) decadent (a) strong (d) beneath (a) planned
(b) brief (b) forced 73. Grumbling
(e) degenerate (e) after
(c) benefit (c) descend (a) quarrelling
63. Quarrel (d) fit 68. Caught (d) immersed (b) roaring
(a) rough (e) sweet (a) noticed (e) removed (c) complaining
(b) secure (b) held (d) disturbing
66. Inscrutable 71. Dismissed (e) interfering
(c) dispute (c) ignored
(d) out (a) nefarious (d) overtook (a) let out
(b) mysterious (b) laid off 74. Exhausted
(e) grief (e) surprised
(c) (c) given away (a) ended
64. Insinuate insurmountable 69. Pierced (d) got over (b) cleaned
(a) sinful (d) dull (a) holed (e) put down (c) washed away
(b) perilous (e) impenetrable (b) occupied (d) flowed
72. Snipped (e) generated
(c) pierce (c) penetrated

Answer Sheet:
1. C 11. A 21. D 31. B 41. B 51. C 61. C 71. B
2. B 12. D 22. E 32. A 42. B 52. B 62. A 72. B
3. C 13. E 23. A 33. D 43. B 53. B 63. C 73. C
4. C 14. D 24. D 34. B 44. C 54. E 64. D 74. C
5. E 15. A 25. B 35. C 45. C 55. D 65. D
6. D 16. C 26. B 36. A 46. A 56. D 66. B
7. C 17. A 27. A 37. A 47. B 57. E 67. C
8. A 18. A 28. A 38. C 48. B 58. A 68. B
9. D 19. C 29. A 39. A 49. C 59. B 69. C
10. B 20. C 30. B 40. A 50. D 60. C 70. C

Select the Antonyms among the choices:

1. Stripped 4. Display 7. Setback 10. Destruction 13. Union
(a) covered (a) exhibit (a) bonus (a) preservation (a) separation
(b) naked (b) show (b) misfortune (b) ruin (b) combination
(c) exposed (c) demonstrate (c) shock (c) damage (c) merger
(d) unclothed (d) conceal (d) upset (d) wreckage (d) blending

2. Revealed 5. Imprecision 8. Assist 11. Spoil 14. Strengthen

(a) bare (a) accuracy (a) aid (a) improve (a) introduce
(b) open (b) wrong (b) help (b) blemish (b) debilitate
(c) concealed (c) mistake (c) hinder (c) destroy (c) conclude
(d) naked (d) erroneousness (d) facilitate (d) blight (d) fortify

3. Buried 6. Error 9. Prevent 12. Enhance 15. Magnify

(a) shown (a) fallacy (a) stop (a) boost (a) produce
(b) marked (b) impropriety (b) permit (b) increase (b) support
(c) obscured (c) unsuitability (c) check (c) damage (c) reduce
(d) hidden (d) correctness (d) avoid (d) advance (d) destroy
16. Challenges 25. Artifice 34. Parsimonious (d) arrogant (b) slow
(a) opportunities (a) painting (a) generous (c) careful
43. Prominent (d) loud
(b) ambitions (b) sculptor (b) illiberal
(c) threats (c) sincerity (c) crude (a) influential
(b) Inconspicuous 52. Esteem
(d) adjustments (d) duplicity (d) stingy
(c) celebrated (a) veneration
17. Innovativeness 26. Opulence 35. Particle (d) positive (b) revere
(a) resistance (a) affluence (a) pouring (c) mighty
(b) status quo (b) stock (b) shred 44. Propel (d) disdain
(c) stagnation (c) poverty (c) bulk (a) project
53. Eternal
(d) opposition (d) checks (d) mite (b) compel
(a) permanent
(c) inclining
18. Stall 27. Obsequious 36. Particular (b) perpetual
(d) repel
(a) inspire (a) courteous (a) scrupulous (c) transitory
(b) instigate (b) fawning (b) discriminating (d) active
45. Propitiate
(c) encourage (c) respectful (c) general
(a) conciliate 54. Eulogistic
(d) hasten (d) overbearing (d) specific
(b) present (a) pretty
19. Harmony 28. Adamant 36. Peevish (c) appease (b) critical
(a) adherence (a) yielding (a) petulant (d) induce (c) brief
(b) stimulation (b) sickly (b) amiable (d) stern
46. Protract
(c) intonation (c) hungry (c) snappish
(a) make circular 55. Euphonious
(d) conflict (d) cautious (d) unpleasant
(b) shorten (a) strident
20. Consummate 29. Gradually 38. Penitent (c) further
(b) lethargic
(a) compact (a) hastily (a) sorrowful (d) retrace (c) literary
(b) imperfect (b) suddenly (b) repentant 47. Elan (d) significant
(c) bold (c) thoughtlessly (c) contrite
(a) brashness 56. Evitable
(d) active (d) angrily (d) remorseless
(b) dignity
(a) unavoidable
21. Indict 30. Vicinity 39. Perceive (c) composure
(b) eatable
(d) nervousness
(a) exonerate (a) distance (a) ignore (c) half baked
(b) cross-examine (b) relationship (b) create 48. Irascible (d) crisp
(c) prevail (c) height (c) apprehend
(a) smart 57. Extrinsic
(d) respond (d) length (d) conceive
(b) friendly
(a) reputable
22. Conceal 31. Faded away (c) roguish
40. Persecute (b) inherent
(d) clever
(a) harvest (a) begun (c) swift
(a) torment
(b) depose (b) born 49. Nebulous (d) ambitious
(b) support
(c) espouse (c) occurred
(c) afflict (a) concrete
(d) unveil (d) appeared 58. Fable
(d) evaluate (b) unkind
(a) myth
23. Fresh 32. Panic (c) undramatic
41. Proletarian (b) truth
(d) uninteresting
(a) ables (a) alarm (c) speak falsely
(a) firearm
(b) worn (b) serenity 50. Penchant (d) fabricate
(b) unattractive
(c) unsuitable (c) apprehension
(c) aristocratic (a) disinclination
(d) unfired (d) cautious 59. Fabulous
(d) low (b) lone
(a) unusual
24. Pensive 33. Pardon (c) directness
42. Prolix (b) marvelous
(d) lack of skill
(a) written (a) remission (c) fictional
(a) concise
(b) admirable (b) consistent 51. Perfunctory (d) usual
(b) open
(c) thoughtless (c) absolve
(c) protracted (a) quick
(d) irreverent (d) sentence 60. Facsimile
(a) reproduction 69. Surreptitious (d) absurd (a) illicit (d) abominable
(b) sincere (a) mighty (b) illegal
78. Kinky 95. Sporadic
(c) original (b) overt (c) authorized
(d) fact-finding (a) twisted (d) errant (a) intermittent
(c) unplanned
(b) straight (b) dribbling
(d) plausible
61. Fatuous (c) vigorous (c) frequent
87. lazy
(a) foolish 70. Congruity (d) weak (d) breeze
(a) indolent
(b) illusory (a) consistency
79. Knack (b) industrious 96. Barred
(c) real (b) regularity (c) transformed (a) progressive
(d) sensible (c) disagreement (a) dexterity
(d) torpid (b) permissive
(d) continuity (b) talent
62. Fecund (c) balance (c) perfection
(a) fertile 71. Macabre (d) dullness 88. Lean (d) permit
(b) infertile (a) ugly (a) slothful
97. Relent
(c) prolific 80. Knave (b) tide
(b) extravagant (a) mild
(d) transparent (c) lovely (a) villain (c) straighten
(b) adaptive
(d) unholy (b) dishonest (d) incline
63. Felicitous (c) severe
(c) hero
(d) harmony
(a) effeminate 72. Kemp (d) ornamental 89. Vacillate
(b) canine (a) brave warrior (a) perambulate 98. Craven
(c) sensuous 81. Knotty
(b) professional (b) pendulate (a) saintly
(d) inappropriate fighter (a) easy
(c) firm (b) courteous
(c) loser (b) involved
(d) station (c) courageous
64. Fervent (d) athlete (c) intricate
(d) cribbing
(a) fiery (d) assuming
73. Kill 90. Wax
(b) ardor 99. Exaggerated
(c) poisonous (a) slay 82. Kook (a) wane
(a) defective
(d) apathetic (b) execute (a) peculiar (b) fluid
(b) deformed
(c) animate (b) foolish (c) solid
(c) diminished
65. Fiasco (d) relief (c) sane (d) gaseous
(d) defile
(a) cameo (d) illiterate
74. Kind 91. Crest
(b) mansion 100. Notorious
(c) pollution (a) indulgent 83. Kulak (a) decrease
(a) ill reputed
(d) success (b) cruel (a) garrulous (b) trough
(b) angelic
(c) arbitrary (b) wealthy (c) crease
(c) well reputed
66. Gracious (d) benign peasant (d) tough
(d) good samaritan
(a) benign (c) ruthless
75. Kindle merchant 92. Harmony
(b) churlish 101. Impunity
(c) clement (a) inflame (d) hired labor (a) peace
(a) imperfect
(d) cautious (b) put off (b) war
84. Lame (b) impudent
(c) awaken (c) chaos
(a) agile (c) law fearing
67. Baneful (d) recognize (d) murmur
(b) peacefully (d) imposter
(a) harmful
76. Kindred (c) hobbling 93. Dawn
(b) unharmful 102. Arch-rivals
(c) poisonous (a) family (d) crooked (a) sun
(a) persona non
(d) none of these (b) industrial (b) bright
85. Latent grata
(c) harp (c) dark
(b) offender
68. Impede (a) underdeveloped (d) dusk
(d) stranger (c) history sheeter
(a) fall away (b) say
94. Fascinating (d) bosom friends
(b) filter 77. Kingly (c) conspicuous
(a) lowly (d) dormant (a) dull
(c) fester 103. Advance
(b) placid
(d) facilitate (b) magnificent (a) retreat
86. Lawful (c) interesting
(c) royal (b) march
(c) return 106. Adversity (c) fresh 111. Widest (c) solvent
(d) treat (a) poverty (d) pure (a) farthest (d) benign
(b) richness (b) simplest
104. Care 109. Captive 114. Shoddy
(c) facility (c) smallest
(a) ignore (d) prosperity (a) wild (d) narrowest (a) filthy
(b) neglect (b) free (b) feline
(c) forget 107. Prominent (c) domestic 112. Intellectually (c) excellent
(d) avoid (a) eminent (d) bonded (a) manually (d) dirty
(b) obscure (b) practically
105. Hostile 110. Pragmatism 115. Precision
(c) thrust (c) ideally
(a) friendly (d) restore (a) idealism (d) perfectly (a) precedent
(b) stable (b) favoritism (b) follow-up
(c) stationary 108. Contaminated (c) opportunism 113. Cruel (c) faulty
(d) volatile (a) adulterated (d) utilitarianism (a) seditious (d) defensive
(b) dirty (b) solace

Answer Sheet:
1. A 40. B 79. D
2. C 41. C 80. C
3. A 42. A 81. A
4. D 43. B 82. C
5. A 44. A 83. D
6. D 45. D 84. A
7. A 46. B 85. C
8. C 47. D 86. B
9. B 48. B 87. B
10. A 49. A 88. C
11. A 50. A 89. C
12. C 51. C 90. A
13. A 52. D 91. B
14. B 53. C 92. C
15. C 54. B 93. D
16. A 55. A 94. A
17. C 56. A 95. C
18. D 57. B 96. D
19. D 58. B 97. C
20. B 59. D 98. C
21. A 60. C 99. C
22. D 61. D 100. C
23. B 62. B 101. C
24. C 63. D 102. A
25. C 64. D 103. A
26. C 65. D 104. B
27. D 66. B 105. A
28. A 67. B 106. C
29. B 68. D 107. B
30. A 69. B 108. D
31. D 70. C 109. B
32. B 71. C 110. A
33. D 72. C 111. D
34. A 73. D 112. A
35. C 74. B 113. B
36. C 75. B 114. C
37. B 76. D 115. C
38. D 77. A
39. A 78. B

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