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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790

DOI 10.1007/s00170-014-5940-2


A study of helical passageways applied to polygon holes

in abrasive flow machining
Kuan-Yu Chen & Ken-Chuan Cheng

Received: 10 January 2014 / Accepted: 8 May 2014 / Published online: 11 June 2014
# Springer-Verlag London 2014

Abstract The characteristics of abrasive flow machining 1 Introduction

(AFM) make it a suitable method for complex holes and
curved surface machining. However, the conventional AFM In general, wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is
methods have difficulty achieving uniform roughness of radial gaining wide acceptance for cutting out the holes of metal
distribution in polishing of polygonal holes, because the radial components in punching or injection moulds. However, parts
distance of polygonal holes is not symmetric, and the abrasive of the surfaces are full of microcracks and craters due to
forces are non-uniform in the corner edges. Therefore, abra- WEDM’s side effect of subsequent heat erosion, and these
sive machining of gels with helical passageways is proposed defects lead to bad quality of the products’ surfaces. There-
to perform multiple paths of abrasive media, whose flowing fore, many approaches have been developed to reduce surface
behaviour enhances polishing effectiveness by increasing the roughness and increase the machining precision of surfaces.
abrasive surface area and radial shear forces. In this research, Wang et al. [1] revealed that ultrasonic vibration lapping was
an analytical model has been developed in order to understand one of the non-traditional processes used to enhance the
the behaviour of motion of the abrasive medium in different machining precision of drilled micro-holes. In order to in-
passageways by utilizing CFD-ACE+ software; then, a series crease the radial force which affects the penetration of abra-
of AFM experiments were utilized to verify the simulated sive particles into the workpiece surface, Walia et al. [2]
results. Numerical results revealed that the helical passage- presented a mathematical model to calculate the number of
ways created interactive changes in the velocities in two axes, dynamics active abrasive particles participating in the
inducing a multiple direction motion of the abrasive media. finishing operation process of centrifugal force-assisted abra-
Moreover, the percentage change of the strain rate deviation sive flow machining (CFAAFM). The results of experiments
could be reduced from 72 to 40 % when a square passageway conducted to validate the analysis model showed a close
was replaced by a helical passageway. The small strain rate agreement. Wang and Lee [3] also developed a new hybrid
deviation produces good uniformity of a polygonal hole in process termed as magneto-rheological abrasive flow
AFM, and experimental results indicate that the helical pas- finishing (MR-AFF). Besides, Yan et al. [4] proposed a novel
sageways perform better than the polygonal passageways combined process of EDM with ball burnish machining to
during AFM in terms of efficiency. Additionally, helical pas- determine the surface modification of an Al–Zn–Mg alloy. In
sageways create polishing uniformity of the polygonal holes. doing so, the combined process could achieve a fine-finishing
These results are in accordance with the simulated results. surface. However, drawbacks may exist in the above methods,
such as either increased cost due to prolonged machining or
limited shapes to process.
Keywords Abrasive flow machining . Helical passageway . Thus, a kind of simple, low-cost and highly effective
Polygonal hole . Surface roughness polishing method was developed. Abrasive flow machining
(AFM) is an effective means of deburring, finishing and
removing recasting layers by flowing abrasive medium over
K.<Y. Chen (*) : K.<C. Cheng
parts of the surfaces. The polishing efficiency of AFM was
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of
China analyzed using machining parameters and rheological proper-
e-mail: ties of the abrasive media. Jain et al. [5] demonstrated the
782 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790

effectiveness of material removal and surface roughness by helix core to polish different polygonal holes, which, with the
modifying some parameters, such as a high number of ma- inclusion of square, hexagon and octagon holes, will be con-
chining cycles, high extrusion pressure, high abrasive concen- ducted to verify the polishing effects of different passageways
tration, low abrasive grain size and a high viscosity of media. in AFM. The behaviour of motion in multiple directions is
Furthermore, different materials of silicone rubber were cho- evaluated when the abrasive medium in the passageways
sen as the abrasive medium in order to investigate the AFM produces irregular variances in velocity and strain rate based
effect on the surface. Wang and Weng [6] carried out the on analytical results. Additionally, the measurements of dif-
experiment showing results of A-silicon with abrasive con- ferent passageways are implemented to demonstrate the in-
centration 60 wt% that the surface roughness significantly crease in the roughness improvement ratio (RIR) and rough-
decreases from 1.8 μm Ra down to 0.28 μm Ra after five ness uniformity for the AFM process.
machining cycles, and the approximately 84 % of the calcu-
lated percentage of improvement ratio presents an excellent
solution to reduce surface roughness. While most research 2 Method
was of purely numerical analysis or used experimental
methods, a few studies effectively predicted polishing results 2.1 Material property
via tests and simulations during AFM. For example, Jain et al.
[7] used finite element method to estimate the material remov- A rheological device is used to determine the curve of shear
al rate and surface roughness. Moreover, Jain and Jain [8] rates relative to viscosities. Figure 1 shows the experimental
determined the active grain density on a medium’s surface by data between the viscosities and the shear rates of the abrasive
stochastic simulation. This method could be easily extended to medium at a constant temperature of 27 °C. The result shows
simulate the surface generation during AFM. that the viscosity decreases with the increase in shear rates.
Recently, a non-Newtonian flow has been employed to This flowing behaviour of abrasive medium can be considered
establish the material properties of abrasive medium using a as a non-Newtonian fluid and shear thinning fluid from a
power law equation. The CFD-ACE+ software is applied to macro perspective. Therefore, the power law is used to deter-
simulate the flowing motion of abrasive medium in AFM and mine the relationships between viscosity and the shear rates.
to analyze the polishing effects of different abrasive media in a Gabriella and Janos [13] discovered the mathematical expres-
hole finishing process. Wang et al. [9] found that CFD numer- sion of power law which is shown as Eq. (1) according to the
ical method was aided to design the good passageways to find Ostwald–de Waele formulation, where n represents the power
the smooth roughness on the chain hole in AFM. The analyt- law index and n<1 for the material of shear thinning fluid. In
ical results show that the distribution of strain rates and shear some materials, viscosity also decreases with increasing tem-
forces is more uniform when a mechanism design of a mould perature. In ideal viscous materials, this phenomenon can be
core with a chain shape is simulated. Wan et al. [10] also described by the Arrhenius Eq. (2). Moreover, the function
developed a simple, zero-order semi-mechanistic approach considers the relationships among viscosity, shear rates and
towards the analysis of the two-way flow abrasive flow ma- temperature. The following mathematical Eq. (3) describes a
chining process, stemming from a need to reduce the number general model of the non-Newtonian power law to calculate
of time-consuming and labour-intensive experimental trials. the fluid viscosity of the abrasive medium:
Additionally, Cheng et al. [11] developed a new concept
inserting the mould core into a machining hole to change the μ ¼ Kγ̇ ð1Þ
passageway shape. In this investigation, the motion of the
abrasive medium is studied by utilizing different mould cores,
which mould shapes include the circular, hollow and helical
passageway. Experimental results show that roughness devia-
tion of six helices passageway of approximately 0.100 μm Ra μ ¼ μ0 e ð2Þ
is significantly better than those on a circular passageway of
around 0.1760 μm Ra. Furthermore, Wang et al. [12] pro-
posed a novel mechanism with a helical passageway to per-  . 
form multiple flowing paths of abrasive medium, whose B T ðn−1Þ
flowing behaviour enhances the polishing effectiveness by μ ¼ Kμ0 e γ̇ ð3Þ
increasing the abrasive surface area and radial shear forces.
The design of the helical passageway is an effective solution
to achieve surface roughness uniformity in the axial direction The MATLAB software is applied to calculate and fit the
in polishing a circular hole. Based on the above studies, power law curve. The material properties of viscosity coeffi-
present work will apply an optimal mould core with a four- cients can be calculated by the numerical method and are
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790 783

Table 1 Coefficient list for a power law

Matrix K μ0 B n

A-silicone 1 51,000 −0.002 0.379

listed in Table 1. Furthermore, the experimental data takes the

log of both x and y; it describes a family of straight lines.
Then, the MATLAB function of “polyfit” is used to find the
slope and intercept. Finally, Fig. 1 shows the curve fitting of
the power law; the results can verify the consistency of both
the experiment data and the MATLAB analytical curve. Fig. 2 The machining process of AFM

angles of the helical passageway also change when the num-

2.2 Experimental procedure ber of helical turns increases.

In this study, silicon carbon (SiC) is chosen as the abrasive

material and uniformly mixed with silicone gel. The weight 2.3 Internal helical motion
concentration of the abrasive in the polymer gels is approxi-
mately 50 wt%, and the abrasive mesh of SiC is #100. In the In the traditional AFM process of one-way cycling motion, an
AFM process, a semi-solid polymer gel mixed in a typical abrasive medium reciprocates axially in the finishing region
proportion of abrasives is extruded by two hydraulic cylinders due to applied extrusion pressure P. The motion of the medium
with a constant pressure to polish a workpiece surface. The reciprocates at velocity Va and exerts axial force Fa on an
extrusion pressure of the hydraulic cylinder is 4.2 MPa, and abrasive particle along the axial direction of the workpiece.
the back pressure is around 2.1 MPa in this process. Figure 2 It demonstrates that the abrasive medium retains a unitary
shows a simple diagram of the AFM machining process. This axial motion. Besides, it also exerts radial force Fr on an
investigation focuses on the uniform roughness of a radial abrasive particle interacting with the workpiece due to the
distribution when polishing polygonal holes. The maximum viscoelastic nature of the abrasive medium. The depth of
distance of a polygonal workpiece is 16.0 mm, and the axis penetration of abrasive particles in the surface of the work-
length is 30.0 mm. Next, the polishing effectiveness of differ- piece depends on Fr and the corresponding compressive
ent passageways in a polygonal hole is evaluated by designing strength of the medium, extrusion pressure and grain size.
different mould cores to study the motion of the abrasive Then, the process of material removal is performed by the
medium. Figure 3a shows the diagrams regarding the param- radial force Fr acting on the surface of the workpiece, while
eters of a helical core with a diameter of approximately the axial force Fa removes the material in the form of micro-
15.0 mm, and Fig. 3b displays a partial diagram of a helical chips. The diagram of the velocity and force components
core example. The main design parameters of helical cores are during the AFM process is shown in Fig. 4.
a 0.5-mm gap between the workpiece surface and the helical In the present work, a novel mechanism with a helical
edge, a 0.5-mm thickness of the helical slot and a one helical passageway is developed to perform multiple flowing paths
turn. As the number of helical turns increases, the path length of abrasive medium by modifying the AFM set-up. In such a
of the helical motion per stroke also increases. Besides, the case, the helical motion of the abrasive medium leads to an
axial velocity component Va and a new component of tangen-
10000 tial velocity Vt. Relatively, an active abrasive particle in the
Experiment Analysis finishing region exerts an additional tangential force Ft along
Viscosity (Pa*S)

7000 the tangential direction of the workpiece other than the orig-
6000 inal forces of axial force Fa and radial force Fr. The force and
5000 velocity components of an AFM process with a helical pas-
4000 sageway are illustrated in Fig. 5. Furthermore, the total force
3000 Fc, the vector sum of Ft, Fa and Fr, is responsible for removing
the material in the form of microchips. The following mathe-
0 matical formula describing the total force Fc of an abrasive
0 500 1000 1500 2000 particle as Eq. (4) has been calculated; resistance offered by
Strain Rate (1/S) the workpiece for removal of material in the form of micro-
Fig. 1 Effect of shear rates on viscosities chips is expressed by Fs as Eq. (5), from which parameter τs is
784 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790

Fig. 3 a Parameter definition of a

helical core and b a machined
four-helix core

Fig. 4 Diagram of the velocity

and force components during
AFM process

the shear strength of the workpiece material and A is the 3 Results and discussion
projected area of penetration. From a physical point of view,
the material is removed in the form of microchips if Fc >Fs, 3.1 Simulation results
and in some cases, it may take place if Fc =Fs; then, the
material removal just starts: This study has developed a numerical method to predict
the flowing behaviours of the abrasive medium in po-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lygonal holes before a series of AFM-related experi-
Fc ¼ F 2r þ F a 2 þ F t 2 ð4Þ ments. Figure 6 shows the full modelling of a mesh
diagram of the abrasive medium with/without a helical
passageway. Simulation results for velocities and strain
rates of the abrasive medium are used to determine how
these different passageways affect the polishing preci-
Fs ¼ τ s  A ð5Þ sion during AFM.

Fig. 5 Diagram of the velocity

and force components in AFM
with a helical passageway
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790 785

Fig. 6 CFD modelling diagrams

of the abrasive medium
with/without a helical core. a
Modelling of a polygonal
passageway and b modelling of a
helical passageway

Fig. 7 A cross section showing radial strain rates in a square hole with different helical cores. a Three-helix passageway, b four-helix passageway and c
five-helix passageway

3.1.1 Effect of different numbers of helical grooves passageway that guides the abrasive forces to more uniform
distribution in the corner edges. In general, the limit of strain
Helical grooves are the main parameter of the helical cores in rates being a bigger deviation from peak to peak will deteri-
this research. Figure 7a shows the contour distributions of orate the uniformity of surface roughness. Therefore, an opti-
radial strain rates in the square passageway with a three- mal design of a four-helix core is obtained based on simulated
helix core. Results display that the upper and lower limits of results.
strain rates are widely distributed from 1,250 to 4001/s. Rel-
atively, Fig. 7b illustrates the contour distributions of radial 3.1.2 Effects of helical passageway on a square hole
strain rates in a four-helix passageway; the limits of strain rates
are narrowly distributed from 750 to 4501/s. In addition, The subsection states the prediction motion of abrasive medi-
Fig. 7c reveals a strain rate diagram in a five-helix passage- um with/without a helical core in polishing the square hole.
way; the limits of the strain rates are also widely distributed Figure 8a shows that the velocity curves of the square pas-
from 1,200 to 4501/s. This reveals that the flowing behaviour sageway without a core are at almost zero values for x- and y-
of a four-helix passageway can achieve more uniform distri- directions, and only the z-direction has a regular curve of
bution of strain rates than that of the three-helix passageway velocity. This demonstrates that the abrasive medium retains
and the five-helix passageway. The major cause is based on a unitary axial motion. Next, Fig. 8b indicates that the velocity
the higher symmetry of flowing motion in the four-helix curve is almost at zero for the x-direction only, while both y-

Fig. 8 The diagram of axial (a) (b)

velocities in a square passageway 1.5 0.5
with/without a helical core. a x Direction x Direction
Velocities of the square 0.4
Velocity (m/s)

y Direction
Velocity (m/s)

y Direction
passageway and b velocities of 1 z Direction z Direction
the helical passageway 0.3


0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Axis Length of Square Hole (cm) Axis Length of Square Hole (cm)
786 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790

Fig. 9 The diagram of axial 3000 3000

strain rates in a square 2500 2500 Four-helices Passageway

Strain Rate (1/S)

Strain Rate (1/S)

passageway with/without a
2000 2000
helical core. a Strain rates of the
square passageway and b strain 1500 1500
rates of helical passageway 1000 1000

500 Square Passageway 500

0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

Axis Length of Square Hole (cm) Axis Length of Square Hole (cm)

(a) (b)

and z-directions have performed a regular curve of velocity. AFM. The simulated results of the behaviour of motion for
This reveals that the motion of the abrasive media changes from axial velocities and strain rates are similar to the results for
a unitary axial path to multiple axial paths by using the helical the square passageway. Thus, this study focuses on the
passageway. Furthermore, Fig. 9a shows the axial curve dia- improvement ratio of radial strain rates in a radial direction
gram of strain rates in the square passageway, and the upper and for both hexagonal and octagonal passageways. Figure 11a
lower limits of strain rates are widely distributed from 2,650 to shows that a wide range of the upper and lower limits of
2,2501/s. Relatively, Fig. 9b shows the axial curve diagram of strain rates is distributed from around 2,500 1/s on the
strain rates in the helical passageway. The limits of the strain edges to 1,500 1/s on the corner areas in the hexagonal
rates are narrowly distributed from 690 to 5301/s. On the other passageway. Relatively, Fig. 11b shows the radial
hand, the contour distributions of radial strain rates are given in curve diagram of strain rates in the helical passageway;
Fig. 10a and b. Figure 10a shows a wide range wherein the the upper and lower limits of the strain rates are
upper and lower limits of the strain rates in the square passage- narrowly distributed from 800 to 600 1/s in which the
way are distributed from around 2,5001/s on the edges to 7001/ percentage change in strain-rate deviation can be re-
s on the corner areas. In contrast, Fig. 10b shows the radial duced from 40 to 25 % of the abrasive media. This
curve diagram of strain rates in the helical passageway; the shows that the helical passageway can improve the
limits of strain rates are narrowly distributed from 750 to 4501/ percentage of strain-rate deviation by about 15 %.
s, from which the percentage change in strain-rate deviation can Similarly, Fig. 12a shows that the upper and lower
be reduced from 72 to 40 % of the abrasive media. This also limits of the strain rates are widely distributed from
shows that the deviation of strain rates is distributed sharply on around 2,000 1/s on the edges to 1,300 1/s in the corner
the entire radial surface, and the helical passageway can im- areas in the octagonal passageway. However, Fig. 12b
prove the deviation percentage of the strain rates for approxi- shows the radial curve diagram of strain rates in the
mately 32 %. Therefore, the simulated results indeed indicate helical passageway, and the limits of strain rates are
that the helical passageway predicts the enhancement of uni- narrowly distributed from 700 to 500 1/s. Likewise, the
formity precision of polishing. percentage change in strain-rate deviation can be re-
duced from 35 to 29 % of the abrasive media. The
3.1.3 Effects of helical passageway on hexagonal improvement ratio of a helical passageway in an oc-
and octagonal holes tagonal shape is only approximately 6 %. Therefore,
these simulation results also indicate that helical pas-
Different passageways in hexagonal and octagonal holes are sageways can predict the improvement of the unifor-
tested to verify the polishing effects of the abrasive medium in mity precision of polishing.

Fig. 10 The cross section of

radial strain rates in the square
hole with/without a helical core. a
Strain rates of the square
passageway and b strain rates of
the helical passageway
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790 787

Fig. 11 The cross section of

radial strain rates in the hexagonal
hole with/without a helical core. a
Strain rates of the hexagonal
passageway and b strain rates of
the helical passageway core

3.2 Experimental results after the AFM process. Figure 13 presents the polishing
effects of the different numbers of helical grooves on surface
Batch samples of polygonal holes of SKD-11 steel were roughness for various alternating cycles. It illustrates that an
cut out using the WEDM process, in which the average increase in the working cycles results in an obvious decrease
surface roughness of the polygonal holes was approxi- on the data sheet for surface roughness. This figure shows that
mately 1.8 μm Ra after machining, and then, polygonal the RIR of three-helix grooves reaches 73.2 %; the RIR comes
holes with different passageways could be finished by to 76.6 % in four-helix grooves, and RIR of five-helix grooves
AFM. Ten positions were picked during a series of is 74.7 % after 20 machining cycles. According to the RIR
experiments in a section to evaluate the surface rough- results, it reveals that the flowing behaviour of a four-helix
ness after AFM. The RIR is defined as the following passageway can achieve more polishing effectiveness to re-
equation: duce surface roughness than that of the three-helix passage-
way and the five-helix passageway.
SRorigin −SRpolishing
RIR ¼ ð6Þ
3.2.2 Effects of helical passageway on surface roughness
Where SRorigin represents the original surface roughness
before AFM and SRpolishing describes the surface roughness Figure 14 presents the effects of working cycles with
after AFM polishing. Besides, the roughness uniformity is square passageways or helical passageways on the sur-
used for a surface roughness deviation between the frontal face roughness of square holes. This figure displays
and middle side of the polygonal holes. that, regardless of what passageways are applied, the
surface roughness of square holes decreases with the
increase in the number of working cycles, but the heli-
3.2.1 Effect of different numbers of helical grooves cal passageway performs better than the square passage-
way during polishing in terms of efficiency. Additional-
In order to verify the simulated results in section 3.1.1, differ- ly, RIR can quickly reach 61 % utilizing a helical
ent numbers of the helical grooves are applied in the square passageway after five working cycles. However, a
passageways to proceed with the following experiments. The square passageway can only obtain 46 % RIR within
measurement procedures of surface roughness are taken to the same cycles. This is owing to a helical passageway
demonstrate the experimental results in RIR per five cycles creating multiple directional motions of the abrasive

Fig. 12 The cross section of

radial strain rates in the octagonal
hole with/without a helical core. a
Strain rates of the octagonal
passageway and b strain rates of
the helical passageway
788 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790

2 2

Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

Surface Roughness Ra (µm)
Three-helix grooves Hexagon-- without core
1.6 Four-helix grooves 1.6 Hexagon-- with four helices
Five-helix grooves
1.2 1.2
73.2% 53.9%
0.8 76.1%
76.6% 83.3%
0 0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
No. of machining cycles
No. of machining cycles Fig. 15 Effects of working cycles with/without a helical passageway on
Fig. 13 Effects of working cycles with different helical grooves on surface roughness of hexagonal holes
surface roughness of square holes
machining cycles. The reason is that the octagon hole is
media allowing these abrasive media to effectively make much like a circular hole so it is easy to obtain the
an uneven surface into a smooth surface. Figure 15 smooth surface of this hole during AFM. The above
reveals the effects of working cycles with hexagonal results demonstrate that a helical passageway in the
passageways or helical passageways on surface rough- polygonal holes creates an ideal location for excellent
ness of hexagonal holes. Figure 16 shows the effects of material removal and surface roughness. Only five
working cycles with octagonal passageways or helical working cycles can create a high RIR in AFM.
passageways on the surface roughness of an octagonal
hole. According to these figures, all the results are 3.2.3 Effects of helical passageway on uniformity of surface
similar to Fig. 14, i.e. surface roughness of hexagonal roughness
holes and octagonal holes decreases with an increase in
the working cycles, and helical passageways produce In this investigation, surface roughness of the polygonal holes
better surface roughness than hexagonal passageways in the front and the middle areas is implemented to verify the
or octagonal passageways. Furthermore, helical passage- uniformity of the hole surface by using a helical passageway
ways in two different holes also create a high RIR at in AFM. Figure 17 shows the effects of passageways on
the beginning of five working cycles, whereas the RIR surface roughness of the different sections in the square hole.
of the hexagonal hole rises to 70 % and the RIR of the According to the results, the surface roughness of the square
octagonal hole reaches 73 %. However, surface rough- hole is almost the same in the middle and front sections when
ness of the octagonal hole is better than that of the the helical passageway is utilized in the machining process;
other holes in the helical passageway, while the RIR however, even after 20 working cycles, the surface roughness
of the octagonal hole can be increased to 86 % after 20 of the square hole still indicates a deviation in both sections

2 2
Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

Square-- without core Octagon-- without core

1.6 Square-- with four helices 1.6
Octagon-- with four helices

1.2 46.2% 1.2

0.8 0.8
0.4 0.4
76.6% 72.7%
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
No. of machining cycles No. of machining cycles
Fig. 14 Effects of working cycles with/without a helical passageway on Fig. 16 Effects of working cycles with/without a helical passageway on
surface roughness of square holes surface roughness of octagonal holes
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 74:781–790 789

2 2

Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

Surface Roughness Ra (µm)
Frontal side-- without core Frontal side-- without core
1.6 Middle side--without core 1.6 Middle side--without core
Frontal side-- with four helices Frontal side-- with four helices
Middle side--with four helices Middle side--with four helices
1.2 1.2



0 0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
No. of machining Cycles
No. of machining cycles
(Octagon passageway)
(Square passageway)
Fig. 19 Effects of passageways on surface roughness of different sec-
Fig. 17 Effects of passageways on surface roughness of different sec- tions of the octagonal hole
tions in a square hole

when applying the square passageway in AFM. Thus, surface 4 Conclusions

roughness of the square hole is more uniform when a helical
passageway is utilized as a finishing parameter. Similarly, the Based on the foregoing discussions in investigating AFM
uniformity results of both hexagonal and octagonal holes polishing in polygonal holes, the main conclusions are drawn
using different passageways are given in Figs. 18 and 19. as follows:
These results also reveal that regardless of what polygonal First, CFD-ACE+ numerical software is a suitable and
holes are polished, surface roughness in the front and middle effective simulation tool for demonstrating the optimum de-
sections is still the same in all working cycles during helical sign of polygonal passageways with a four-helix core. The
passageways in AFM, but surface roughness in both sections results show that the velocities in three axes are changed
are not equal until the processes complete 10 or 15 working substantially to create the multiple motions of abrasive media
cycles in the hexagonal or octagonal passageway. According in the helical passageway. Additionally, polygonal passage-
to these results, a helical passageway improves the uniformity ways create large deviations in the strain rates, and helical
of a polygonal hole; the results are especially remarkable passageways only produce small deviations in the strain rates
when the square hole is polished with this passageway. in the simulation. However, a big deviation in the strain rates
The above results demonstrate that the helical passageways will deteriorate the uniformity of surface roughness.
indeed produce multiple directional motions in AFM and Moreover, experimental results indicate that the polishing
easily induce a uniform polishing effect. Additionally, exper- effect on different passageways is consistent with simulated
imental results indicate that the polishing effects in different results. This reveals that the helical passageways can perform
passageways are consistent with simulated results. better than the polygonal passageways after polishing in terms
of efficiency, and after only five working cycles, RIR can
2 locate to 60 or 70 % using helical passageways in AFM. In
Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

Frontal side-- without core addition, surface roughness of polygonal holes is almost the
1.6 Middle side--without core same in the front and middle sections using helical passage-
Frontal side-- with four helices ways. However, even after 20 working cycles, the surface
1.2 Middle side--with four helices roughness of the square hole still indicates a deviation in both
sections when applying the square passageway to the holes
0.8 polishing. Therefore, helical passageways not only induce
high performance in AFM but also improve the uniformity
0.4 of polygonal holes polishing.

0 5 10 15 20
No. of machining Cycles References
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