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BEERING | 'N THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA TH:361 | (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) 5600 cise Na 112.0 jZere Inthe mater between ANTON FRED MELCHIOR LEE Applicant and MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LIMITED First Respondent AMT (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2019/205570107) FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORMTY (FECA) Second Respendont INDEX ee TM DocuMENT PAGE NUMBER 1. Notice of Motion 1-5 2, Founding Afidavit ANTON FRED MELCHIORLEE 24 3. Annexure: AFML 1: CIPC SEARCH 25-25 ‘4. Anmenure: AFML. 2: PRESS RELEASE FSCA 18/08/20 26-27 5. Annexure: AFML 3: PRESS RELEASE FSCA 17/12/2020 28-31 6. Annexure: AFML 3: PRESS RELEASE TSSB 07/7/2020 32-48 7. Annexure: AFUIL. 4: SCREENSHOT MIRROR TRADING INT 49~ 49 8, Annexure: AFML 5: MTI CRITICAL STATEMENT 8, Annexure: AFML 6: SCREENSHOT BONUS 410, Annexure: AFML 7: EXPLANATION OF BONUSES ‘1,Annexure: AFUL 8: SCREENSHOT INVESTMENTS 12. Annoxuro: AFML 0: ECREENGHOT INVESTMENTS 18, Annexure: AFL 10: TERMS AND CONDITIONS: MTI 14, Annexure: AFML 11: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST 15,Annexure: AFHL 42: MISSING STATEMENT 16.Annexure: AFML 13: WITHDRAWAL REQUEST 17 Annoxure: AFHIL 14: EMAIL ENQUIRY 18. Annoxure: AFL. 15: DEEDS SEARCH 18, Annexure: AFL 16: TOP TIER PAYOUTS 20.Annexure: AFM 17: MASTER'S SECURITYIREPORT 21, Annexure: AFML 18: CONFIRMATORY AFFIDAVIT: ANNA, CATHERINA VAN NIEKERK 22. Annexure: AFM 19: CONFIRMATORY AFFIDAVIT JOHANNES POULOS JARDIM 23, Annexure: AFM 20: CONFIRMATORY AFFIDAVIT: HENDRIKA MARIA HEYMAN 50-56 87-57 58-58 59-59 0-60 61-95 96-97 98-98 99. 100 101-104 105-109 110-115 116-117 118-119 tm 124 vee~ es clo VEZI & DE BEER INCORPORATED 3° FLOOR, EQUITY HOLSE 107 ST GEORGES MALL CAPE TOWN. TEL: (012) 361 2746 asin@vezidebeer.coza (REF: YALL) Box: 763 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) case no |4201(7070 Inthe matter between: ANTON FRED MELCHIOR Aspilcant and MIRROR TRADING INTERNA1 First Respondent AMT! (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2019/205570/07) Ropistered office at: 43 Plein Street Unit First Floor Stellenbosch Western Cape FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORITY (FSCA) Second Respondent eee NOTICE OF MOTION eae BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT application Is to be made to the above Honourable Court on the 24 day of December 2020 at 10H00 or a soon thereafter ‘as Counsel nay be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That the non-compliance withthe forms and service provided for in Rule 6(12) bbe condoned and that this application be heard as one of urgency. FLED BY: YA Vos & De Beer ne TEL (01 381246 EMAIL Yaoneqvibboorcoza ‘That the First Respondent's estate be placed under an order of provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, That a rule nisi be issued caling upon all persons interested to show cause, If any, to the above Honourable Court on a date to be fixed by the above Honourable Court as to:- 3.1. Why the First Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation; and 3.2. Why the costs of this application should not be costs inthe liquidation ‘That service ofthe provisional order be effected in the following mann 4.4. by one publication in each of the Cape Times and Die Burger newspapers; 42. on the South African Revenue Services at 22 Hans Stiddom Avenue, ‘Cape Town, Westem Cape; 43, on the First Respondent at its principal place of business at 43 Ploin ‘Street, Unit 1, First Foor, Stelonbosch, Westem Cape; 44. on the employees of the First Respondent, if any, at 43 Plein Street, Unit 1, First Floor, Stellenbosch, Wostom Cape. 5. For such furher andlor alternative relief as tha above Honourable Court may ‘deem appropriate in the circumstances. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the affidavit of ANTON FRED MELCHIOR LEE tegethor withthe annexuroe thereto, willbe used i support of ts application, TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that the applicant has appointed the offices of COOME COMMERCIAL INC ATTORNEYS at the under mentioned address, at which it will ‘accept notice anc service of all process in these proceedings. KINDLY PLACE THE MATTER ON THE ROLL FOR HEARING ACCORDINGLY. y barn aTcapevomons sean oroeceiex,) SOOMBE COMMERCIAL INC. INEYS FOR THE APPLICANT: UNIT 5, ERF 615 77 AMATOLE STREET WESTERN CAPE N4 GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK WILLOWPARK MANOR PRETORIA EAST P.0. BOX 35655 MENLO PARK o102 tel(ota) 111 0972 186 274 12560 ‘ REF:MPOTIMTUOO1 ‘lo VEZI & DE BEER INCORPORATED ‘3% FLOOR, EQUITY HOUSE 107 ST GEORGES MALL ‘CAPE TOWN TEL: (012) 364 2746 (REF: YALL) wo AND To: ‘AND To: AND TO: ‘THE REGISTRAR High Court CAPE TOWN MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LIMITED T/A MTI THE FIRST RESPONDENT 43 Pein Street Unit 4 First Floor STELLENBOSCH FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORITY ‘THE SECOND RESPONDENT 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens. PRETORIA ‘THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT Dullah Omar Building 45 Castle Street CAPE TOWN, ‘THE SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICES 22 Hans Sirjdom Avenue CAPE TOWN AND To: AND TO: ‘AND TO: EMPLOYEES OF THE FIRST RESPONDENT (IF ANY) as per section 9(4a)(A)i) ofthe Insolvency Ac, if applicable, ‘TRADE UNIONS OF SUCH EMPLOYEES (IF ANY) 8 per eoction O(4A)(aXi) ofthe Insolvency Act, f applicable. THE SHERIF Bye-mal IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) In the mater betwoen: ANTON FRED MELCHIOR LEE and MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LIMITED. AMT (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2019/205570/07) Registered ofce at 43 Plain Street Unit First Floor ‘Stellenbosch Western Cape FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORITY (FSCA) CASE No: Applicant Fist Respondent ‘Second Respondent — FOUNDING AFFIDAVIT ee 1 the undersign ANTON FRED MELCHIOR LEE do hereby declare and etate under ost that 1, 1m an adut male person who currently residing at 19 Waterbok Steet, Empegeri, KwaZulu Natal and 1am the Applicant inthis mater. 2. The facts contained in this affidavit fall within my personal knowledge, unless the contrary appears from the context hereof, and | confirm such facts to be true and correct. ‘THE APPLICANT 4. act in my capacity a8 one of the frst respondent's many unpaid creditors. ‘Thus, in accordance with section 248(1)(0) of the Companies Act, 61 of 973 (Cthe Companies Act), | have the requisite focus stand to apply for an order for the first respondent's Hquidation, ‘THE RESPONDENTS 5. The fist respondent is MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LMTIED trading as MTI, a. private prof company incorporated. in ‘ocoriance wih the Companies Act, with registaton number: 2ote00887007 6. The fist respondent's registered addross is situated at 43 Plein Street, Unit 1, 1 Flor, Stellenbosch, Westem Cape. 7. The first respondent has only one director, being Comelius Johannes: ‘Steynerg (‘Steynberg”), an adult male person with entity number 830713, 5016 088, 8 The frst respondent's main place of business Is situated at 43 Plein Street, Unit 4,1 Floor, Stolonboaeh, Western Cape. 8, The fist respondent's registered address and particulars are confimed in a Printout from the records of the Companies and intelectual Property Commission, which is annexed as annexure “AFML1” 10, The second respondent Is Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) ‘tuned at 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens, Pretoria. The second ‘respondent ie cited herein as it has a desirable interest in the outcome of his ‘pplication and no substantive rele is sought agains the second respondent. ‘THE PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION 12. sok an order for the first respondents liquidation under circumstances Where the first respondent is indebted to me in an admitted amount of USS 94 708.77 and is unable to pay such amount by vitue of th fact that it ‘owns no assets and eams no income, 13, The fist respondent is both commercially and factually insolvent, and an ‘order for f liquidation ought therefore to be granted in terms of section Md ofthe Companies Act. 4 \ P 3 “ 15, 16, 7 18, (On 18 August 2020, the second respondent stated thatthe curent businese model of MTI requires it to be in possession of a financial service provider license, FSCA statement annexed hereto as annexure “ AFML 2’ During October 2020, the second respondent (FECA), informed the fist respondent that it was conducting an illegal unregistered financial services business On 17 December 2020, the second respondent released a press statement ‘garding their findings ofthe business activites ofthe fist respondent, and ‘ound thatthe fist respondent is trading legally and is not registered with FSCA to trade in derivative instruments, annexed hereto as annexure "AFIS", Furthermore, the Texas State Securties Board also issued a seized and desist order on 7 July 2020 against the fis respondent annexed hereto as annexure“ AFMLS" ‘A criminal case was opened against the first respondent under case rumber 24511112020 by the second respondent at the Stellenbosch Police station ‘during November 2020, On 19 December 2020, the first respondent issued a statement that Steynberg, the soe director, is missing, after Steynberg allegedly left the country on 2 December 2020, as evidenced by a copy of the screenshot of the telegram message that is annexed hereto as annexure “AFMLA”, wT 18. In addition to the frst respondent's dire financial positon, the issuing of ‘second responcent press statement and the opening of the criminal case by the second respondent, renders its iquidaton just, equtable, and desirable in terms of section 346(4A)(a)W) of the Companies Ac, to ensure that ks highly suspicious fiarcial dealings are fully investigated by the iquidators who wi ‘be appointed ant wil actin the best interest of the frst respondent's creditors, 20, Steynberg has tailed to ensure proper management and goed governance of the rst respondent, and should the quidaton not be grated, the asets of the frat respondents crediors that stil remain Invested withthe company ‘may be misappropriated. 21, The feat respondents management team released a statement stating that they cannot gusrantee that investors/members investments ae sae, and that the fist respondents bank account detals have been changed, annexed hereto as annexure “AFMLS", ‘THE RELEVANT FACTS 22 The frst respondent was registered in 2018 as a crypto cuency trader and traded specifically in Bitcoin. The fst respondent's modus operandi was to invite members of the publo to register on the respondents website's ‘tu miortradingintemationalco.z— and yoww.mtctub com, Ve | 23. 24 6 ‘Once so registered, these unsuspecting people were advised by the first Fespondent to move their Bitcoin from their Bitsoin wallets to the fist respondent's Bitoin wallets. ‘At all relevant tines Steynberg was In full contol of these the first respenden'e wallets and had eole access tothe fist respondent's was The Bitoon that was received ffom the members was then transferred from the frst respondent's wales to the fst respondents forex patfom, being Stoynborg trader of choice by the nie of FACholee Lid "FXCholse ‘The fist respondent can be classified as a mul-level marketing business “MLM where new members are recruited and then placed a “uplines” of downines’. This process then promises member bonuses for their recruiting ofort, as evidenced by annexure “AFMLE" “The frst rngpondent’s business model worked on a daly treding income wih the following lave: Member income was set out 3s 40% ofthe daly trade income “profi is then Pai to the investors on their icon investment balance in trade. ‘This proft that is generated on a dally basis, is automatically ade to the investor's Bitcoin investment Balance in trade. The compounded amount that is enerated is automaticaly available the next day in trade on the investors ack ofce, which s hosted onthe fst respondent's domain. \ uf : 27.2. The binary income was set out as 20% of the dally trade income “profit is the ‘allocated tothe weekly residual pool, this income “prof is shared amongst a the binary qualifed members on each Saturday according to the weekly residual binary calculations. 27.3. The P'VP2 pool income was sot out as 5% ofthe day trade income “profi, this income “profi” Is then allocated at 2.5% to the P1 leadership bonus pool and the other 2.5% to the week residual pool P2, of which is then shared amongst all leadership qualifed mombers each Saturday according to the P18P2 calculations. 27.4 The trader's income was set out as 25% of the dally trade income “prof, this Income “profi” is the allocated to the traders to pay for “sophisticated proprietary forex trading software” used to perform hundreds of “dally micro- trades" for investersimembers, 27.5. The frst respondent's income was set out 10% ofthe dally trade income ‘Profi is then allocated to the respondent, of whichis sued to cover the 103% Alroct referral bonuses, 28. The frst respondents business model was setup to function as a “eteeral” structure, the purpose of which was to recruit new Investorsimembers on a daly basis to generate income, as evidenced by annexure “AFMLT’ Po ra 20 34 | and during January 2020, | was told of a potentially lucrative investment ‘ppertunty involving crypto currency. This information was conveyed to me ‘by an upline “agent” named Johan Du Preez (Du Preez). Du Preez informed ‘me that the first respondent, represented by Steynberg, was involved in {¥ypIo transactions, which generated profis of up to 1056 per month on the investment, per investor/member, Pursvant tothe above, | made contact with Du Preez and invested 21 inal ‘amount of 2000.00 with the fst respondent inthe form of Btcoir that | transfered to the fist respondent. After | made the intial investment, | further invested numerous amounts with the fst respondent, in and during sly 2020. Accordingly, | have made a substantial investment wth the frst respondent inthe form of Bitcoin, as evidenced by annexure “AEMLE*, Once my Bitcoin was invested, | received confmation on my back ofice of the fst respondents domain of all my investments made with the frst tespondent, Subsequent, | received daly confmation by way of oublie statements issued by the fst respondent on diferent social media platorms snd on my back-office confirming my investment had orown by up to 10% on <2 daily basis. ‘AS | was impressed with the profits earned on my inal investment, | then Informed my entire family of the investment opportunity. Afer some liberation most of the members of my extended family decide to in Nig ; the first respondents crypto curency business My personal capital investment amounted to approximately USS 34 706.77, ‘8 evidenced by a copy of the screenshot, annexed hereio as annexure “AFMLO”, displaying my personal capital investment by the amount of Bitoin | owned. | submit, that al relevant documentation were generated and stored on the fst respondent's domain, my back office. All communication and feference to my capital investment was dighaly generated in the frst respondents domain, ‘Other members of my family also invested significant amounts, in the form of Bitcoin 10 the amount of approximately US$ 68533.84, with the first respondent, 8s reflected in the annexures annexed heret, as follows: (@) Anna Catharina Van Nickerk == US$24278.79 (XXX") (©) Johannes Poulos Jardim = USS3341.12 (xX) (©) Hendrika Maria Heyman = US§8205.16 (XX) |i total, the capital investment amounted to approxinately USS 68 639.04. At the prevaiing exchange rate of R 1468 tie amount equates to Rt 004 020.76 All investments made with the frst respondent were not preceded by the ‘onelusion of any formal writen agreements. All agreements concluded by Iryself and my family members were concluded on the fst respondent's ‘domain in the form of a “Yokbox. All investmerts were In the form of Bitcoin, which was transferred tothe frst respondents diferent Bicoin wallet Xp w, 38, 40. ‘addresses that were provided by the first respondent, as evidenced by the first respondents tems and conditions annexed hereto as annexure “AFMLA0" All correspondence received from the first respondent ware received on the back office of me by way of electronic mail. | was never inteduced to any of ‘he frst respondent's personal, as all functions were web based. The correspondence received from the first respondent was received from ‘wivw.mirotradmaintemationalco za and wiry The websites, sed by the fist respondent. Further communication was recelved ftom an email address: Suppot@mvmiclub com. This email was used for any technical lesues or withdrawal queries. | have never been informed nor have | any knowedge, of the person and/or persons who administers this emall address. Pursuant to the Investments made by my family members and 1, we recelved daily statements ftom the frst respondent, informing us that our investments were performing wel, 1nd reflecting the ever.increasing value four investments However, what we did not received is any proof of any astual payments of Profits, we merely recelved computer-generated statements reflecting the oom yp Iv. 41 48. 48. On 4 December 2020 | submitted a withdrawal request t> the frst respondent and | received a paymant tification of my withdrawal request on my back ofice, which was dated 3 September 2020, For ease of reference, | attach hereto 8 coy ofthe withdrawal request marled as “AFML11", On 17 December 2020, a statement was released by the second respondent regarding their findings into the fret respondent's business model, annexed hereto as annexure “AFMLS" During an inquiry held by the second respondent, Steynberg testified under Cath, that from April 2019 to July 2048, stated all member trading accounts ‘were linked to a professionel trader appointed by the frst respondent through ‘9 multi account manager arrangement linked to @ Meta Trader 4, the trading was conducted in dervative instruments based on forex pais. Steynborg stated thatthe fis respondent experienced substantial losses up 4 80%, and as a resi the frst respondent requested is members to dein their respective FxChol¢e accounts from the muti account manager account and move ther Bitcoin to a pooled account hop > 6 46, 4. 49. 50. ‘Steynberg further stated that the frst respondent has employed a “bot” (high frequency artificial nteligence trading) together with a head trader and a trading team to mate all its trading decisions, to the contrary, the members were informed by the management team that only had access to the respondent's trading activites as well as the payments to be made to the fist respondent's members, annexed hereto as annexure “AFML3" During October 2020, after the second respondent informed the first respondent that it was conducting illegal unregistered financial services business, the fst respondent claimed that t changes trading activities, ‘The frst respondent stated that it isto trade in derivative intruments based ‘on crypto currency namely bitcoin, further stated that the frst respondent ‘does not fall under the jurisdiction of the second respondent and no longer requires a financial service providers licence, ‘Steynberg stated that ine frst respondent’ trading activites were moved from FXChioce to Trade300, transferring al bitoin of its members from FXChioce to Trade300, During the investigation inated by the second respondent and the press Ielease issued 1 17 December 2020, the second respondent stated that ‘Trade200 is directly liked to Steynberg, annexed hereto as annexure ype "AFMLS" 51. 63, ‘This is clear indication that the first respondent, Steynberg and Trade300 are: fal one in the same, and that Steynberg is the only individual to have access ‘and full cortrol over the fist respondent's members’ funds and has since clisappeared, leaving the frst respondent a so called “ship without @ captain’ On 19 December 2020, the first respondent issued a statement that ‘Steynberg went missing, as evidenced by annexure “AFMLS®. Steynberg, a8, the sole director of the fist respondent, was the only individual in the 08s to and structure of the fist respondente business that had Ail controlled the investora/mombers accounts (On 22 December 2020, management released 8 elatement, that information 's being gathered to release a formal statement to investorsimembers, as evidenced by annexure "AFMLS" The frst respondent failed to pay me the emount of US$. 2000.00 spproxmately, which ie the value of the 0.10 Bitcon that | requested to be withdrawn on 1 December 2020. On 3 December 2020 | escalated the matter via my MTI at dashboard, because the Btcoin was not pad ito my LUNO wallet account, as evidenced by annexure “AFML12’. | pause to ‘mention that all payments that were previously made to me, were paid by the \up by the first respondent within 24 to 48 hours. ly. 55. On 8 December 2020, | noticed on my dashboard thatthe money reflected as being paid with a TX ID annexed as annexure “AFML12", however the Biteoin ds rat in my walt. 58. I then send a email to support , which they replied that they Fequire my user id , which I aid sent wth al the requited information, they ‘eplied that the transaction has been processed, after which | did sent a follow up email annexed as annexure “AFML14". 57, The first respondent replied that your transaction has been processed, and ‘unt today I have not received the requested payment in my LUNO wallet ‘THE BASIS FOR THE FIRST RESPONDENT'S LIQUIDATION. 58, The avallable Information suggests thatthe frst respondent is both factually ‘and commercially insolvent and the fist respondent has been trading illegally in terms of the Companies Act 59, actually insolvent refers to a situation where the lisilties exceed the reasonable velue of assets, There Is no indication thatthe frst respondent ‘ywns any movable or immobile assets put differently itrefers to a negative balance sheet postion. 80, Commercial insolvency refers to an inability to pay Rs dens. (Le. to negative ‘ash flow postion), The frst respondent has only one director, Steynberg, iY on 6 Who has sole access and control over all funds of the fist respondents Invesorsfinembers. Since Steynbery aisappesrance, t any nvestorimember {demand or a withdrawal request it will not be processed or paid to the Investorimember. ‘To the best of my knowledge the fist respondent does not own immovable assets, as evidenced by annexure “AFML1S", which Ie a copy of a printout {rom the records ofthe Registrar of Deeds confirming that the first respondent does not own any immovable property It appears that Steynberg used the ft respondent as a vehicle to conduct an egal mutipication scheme. The frst respondent received investment capital in the form of Bitcoin rom members ofthe public without being registered in terms ofthe Financial Service Conduct Authorty and without being registered to do so In terms of the Banks Act. The fist respondent failed to obtain a financial service providers licence, at indicated by the second respondent press release. AAs the frst respondents business model included solisting and the acceptance of investment capital inthe form of Bieoin, and generated interest foritsinvestoramembers, clearly contravened the second respondents regulations. The llegalty of the respondents business model justifies the first respondents immediate liquidation so that the appointed liquidators can commence with an investigation into the affairs of the fst rescondent to termine how the fist respondent deat withthe “invested funds". Kor URGENCY 65, 7, "respectfully submit that an order forthe first respondent's liquidation is self- ‘evidentiary urgent and desirable, ‘The fist respondent is involved in ili business dealings and should not be ‘owed to continuo to exist under Steynberg’s cont, but should rather be Placed under liquidators’ control to ensure that any available remaining funds be secured forthe benef ofthe general body of creditors ‘n adston, an urgent quidation order wil ensure that the iuidatos can take immediate steps to trace all wallels containing the Bitcoin of investorsimembers, trace all movable and immovable assets and determine what the frst respondent dil wih the investments deposited by the Investorsimembers, By way of example, | have determined that Steynberg numerous movable and immovable properties as well as the top ter investors received in excess of neatly E00 000 000.00, ao evidenced by annexure “AFMLIG™. Thus, 116 Wsly that Steynberg, 96 sole director of the fst respondent, acquired these movable and immovable assets with the funds flowing frm the Bitcoin of the investorsimembers, i am correct, liquidators can (and wil) take Immediate steps to secure the said assets for the benefit of the frst ee iN qj : 168. With the benefit of hindsight, | should have consuted attorneys sooner. however, believed in the fist respondent and its management team and | trusted that the promised payments would be made. 1 humbly submit that my trust in humanity should not be held against me when the urgency of this application is adjudicated. | only came to realise that something was from during beginning of December 2020, and thereater arranged a Consultation with my attomeys of record to provide guidance. 68, Should this application be presented inthe ordinary mation court Steynbarg Wil be allowed to retain exclusive contol over the fist respondent's affairs and will be given futher opportunites to spit funds (and possible assets) away. Such situation will be detrimental to creditors and should be avoided. FORMALITIES 70. 1.2m currently unaware of any employees currently in the frst resgonden’s permanent employment. As such, the Sherif wal be intucte to serve this application on possible employees inthe matter prose by section 246/44) ‘of the Companies Act Should the sherif tind employees, the sher wil be requested to determine if any employees belong to a registrar trade union ‘and, $0, the sherff willbe instructed to serve a copy ofthis application on such trade union. & yp 7 UN. 7 n. 7, My legal representative will ensure that a copy ofthis application is delivered to the Commissioner forthe Soutn Affica Revenue Service. | annexed hereto annexure “AFML 47°, a cetifcate issued by the Master of the High Court of South Altice to effect thal suffcient security has been Provided for the payment of all fees and charges necessary for the Prosecution of, and all cost administrating the frst respondent's liquidated estate until @ provisional iquidator is appointed or, if no provisional iquidator ry for the discharge the 's appoirted, of all feos and charges nevest provisional liquidation order, ‘Tho following confirmatory afidavits are annexed hereto: (@) Anna Catharina Van Nickerk = = CAFML 18") (©) Johannes Poulos Jardin CAFML 197) (0) Hendrika Maria Heyman + (AFM 20") CONCLUSION 4 ‘Accordingy, | submit further that | have made out a proper case forthe relief ‘sought in the Notice of Motion to which this affidavit relates, and verly believe ‘that this Honourable Court, on consideration ofthe facts herein, will grant an kayo, order as prayed for, | cetty thatthe deponent has acknowledged that he knows and understands the contents of this affdavt that was signed and affimedawor to before me at on this BD day of _Decehop 2020, ubder compliance with the repuatons contained in Government Notce R128 dated 21 Juy 1972, (as amended) gaan NE PAtwsen STREETADORESS: 4 (, New Ree TM prc. AFM) Ca ‘iP ENTITY SEARCH Enterprise Nov Kap1s206576 2019205570 MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL Private Company Emerprse ame. enterprise Type CComplance Notice status HONE sda symeer Poeox 79. he £EROUND FLOOR. Brosroy cenrne Steusimoscw Steusnoos-n INESTERN CAPE 3590 \ eu UW. AFML 2 . &ONFSCA ee FSCA Pross Release 18 August 2020 ‘Mirror Trading International ‘The FSCA\s investigating the activites of Miror Trading international. The FSCA is of the view that tre current business model of Micror Trading International requires i to be in possession of a financial service provider licence. MTI has informed us that they accept clients funde in the form of Biteon, pool the funds into one trading account on @ forex ‘ervative tading platform, and conduct high frequency trading through the utilisation of @ Bot, Ifthis is being done as described, then this amounts to financial services, hence the loonce requirement, However, the FSCA has a much greater concern about the activities ofthe company. MT} aims to heve more than R2.9bilion(stcurrent conversion rates) in clients funds in trading ‘ocounts, but we have not been able to conclusively confirm that the funds exist. Moreover the returns on the investments claimed by MTI seem far-fetched and unrealistic, ‘According to MT! ts Bot-trading is able to generate consistent profits of an average of 10% er month. The FSCA wars the public that MTI Is nat licensed to conduct the prociaimed business that they are conducting and that they are aware ofthe need fora FSP licence, ‘The FSCA also draws attention tothe fact that FX Choice, the previous platform broker for [NTI seems to have made public statements that gaineay the version of MT! in terms of trading volumes and Bot trading. FX Choice has blocked the account of MTI due to ‘compliance concems. We are in the process of obtaining confirmation from FX Choloe of the correctness of the statements attributed to them. \ yp oprvdtComssonen coaesna "Hq mcrae Gesant Konan ostemnase ene ‘The investigation is ongoing, and MTI has partially co-operated with the FSCA. We are ‘reviewing the information as it becomes avatable and wil involve the South AMtican Police Service if the dscrepancies are confimed. MTI has undertaken to inform all of ts cents of ‘the investigation and to provide the opportunity to all ts cents to withdraw their assets that ‘are with MTI. We recommend that cents request refunds into their own accounts as soon 38 possible. ENDS Enquiries: Brandon Topham Email address: brandcn Telephone: 012 387 7856 Vy oe Conmainney cose sia “one MNT Covoken Gta Ge MMENREE i n, Le AFML 3 MN FSCA Se ‘The FSCA’s Investigation on Mirror Trading International nears completion ‘The Financial Sector Conduct Authorty (FSCA) has previously warned the public against trading with MTI (Mirror Trading International (Pty) Limited) and makes this information availabie, because it believes i i In the pubic interest to warn financial customers and to protect the public ‘The FSCA now reports that ts investigation int this entity Is near completion as MT! isnot licenced to conduct financial services and has not applied for euch alicence. The Authority believes thet MTI and its senior management are conducting an ilegal operation, misleading cients and have contravened several laws, ‘Mr Comelius Johannes Steynberg, CEO of MT! has actively assisted inthe operations by ‘Mr Clynton Hugh Marks and Mrs Cheri Marks (Marks”) ‘The evidence and statements of MTI, Steynberg and Marks [NTI fist started trading in April 2019, Members ofthe public were invited to register on the NTI website (www. mirortradinainternationalco za and and move their Bitoon from their Bitcoin wallet to MT! Bitcoin wallets. Steynberg was in full contro of ‘these MTIBiteoin wallets. rom the MTIBitcoin wallet, the Bitcoin were transferrad to MTI's forex platform "broker of choice" by the name of FXChoice Lid (‘FXChoice") ‘Steynberg tested under oath, that from Apr 2018 to July 2019, member trading accounts Were linked to a professional trader appointed by MTT through @ muti account manager ‘arrangement linked to Meta Trader 4, Trading was conducted in derivative instruments However, according to Steynberg MTI experienced substantial losses (of up to 80%), and 2 @ result MTI requested its members to dein thelr respecte FXChoice accounts from ‘the multi account manager account and move thelr bitcoin to a pooled account. ‘As.a result, ftom August 2019 Steynberg claimed that MTI employed a bot (high frequency artical inteligence trading) together with a head trader and trading team to make al its . with great success. The Authority found evidence contradicting this During October 2020, atter the FSCA infomed MT! that it was an conducting legal ‘unregistered financial services business, MTI claimed that it changed its trading activites to trade in derivative instruments based on crypto currency (Bitcan), 3 that it no longer ell within the juriscction ofthe FSCA, and that ino longer required an FSP licence (financial ‘Services provider licence). This is also incorrect as the submissions received from ‘Steynberg revealed that the crypto was allezed to be traded in the form of a derivative ‘oduct, which would have required registration wih the FSGA as wel. We have found no evidence that any crypto trading is being conducted as communicated with members of wn. 1MT1, Steynberg, and Chen Marks claim that the trading activites of MT! were from FXChoice to Trade300, transferring all the clients’ crypto assets from FXChoice to “Trade300. According to Steynberg, Trade300 Is another on-ne trading platform, At Trade300 M1 experienced the same extraordinary profits ulising the bot ~ but at this stage trading in crypto derivatives, ‘Steynberg stated under oath and repeatedly in the press thatthe bot trading averaged a retum of 10% per month, and that MT! has never had a negative profit trading day, but for ‘one exception, Marks also repeatedly confirmed the trading successes on social media. YP Cette Camry Set aE al Phare Ken uu ‘The evidence uncovered by the Investigation ‘The FSCA obtained evidence from FxCholce, a Belize registered on-ine trading platform, that is in complete contradiction with the claims of Steynberg and Marks. According to XChoice they received cueries from clients of MT and in the process the clients provided FXChoice with trading statements, The source of the trading statements was MTI. These trading statements were based on demo trading accounts and not actual trades, As @ result, FXChoice froze the balance ofthe crypto assets linked to MT on the FXChoice patform However, the total frozen crypto assets on FXXChoice is a negligible amount, taking ino ‘account the total assets that MT! claimed it invested on behalf ofits clients. FXChoice Confirmed that MT! put in 1848.72 Bitcoin from 29 January 2020 until 3 June 2020 and made a loss of 566,68 Bittoin, an approximate capital loss of 20% ‘The FSCA attempted to rack down Trade300 fo obtain a statement and trading details from ft, to vert the version of MTI. MTI did not provide any useful detals that assisted the FSOA, ‘The FSCA followed all possible inks on the internet to establish whether Trade300 existed. It could only find one reference to Trade300; Ie. the website of Trade300. However, the \website was and stil is “under maintenance’, and the only reference linked tothe website is the name of “Joe Steyn’, a known alias of Steynberg. ‘The FSCA obtained search and soizure warrants and executed them at the homes of ‘Steynberg and Marks, anc the offices of MTI. On the desktop computer of Steynberg the investigation team found evidence relating to Trade300. It would therefore appear thal Trade 300 is inked to Steynberg ‘As a further effort to verity he evidence of MT, Steynberg and Marks, he FSCA requested Information rom MT about the transfer of clots’ aseets from FXCholce to Trade300, MTI, in support of its assertion supported to provide proof of the transfer in the form of Bitcoin walets, stating that MTI ransferred 16 444 Bitooin from FXCholce to Trade300 in 4 instalments on 21 July 2020; 22 July 2020 and 24 July 2020 respectively Xp ‘The FSCA found that no withdrawal of bitcoin by MTI from FXChoice occurred in July 2020. The last withdrawal of bitcoin by MTI from FXChoice was conducted in August 2019. Further, FX Choice confirmed that none of the eight sending walets are related to FX CChoice and that FX Choice had neither received deposits from nor sent any payments to any ofthe eight btcoin wallets. The tranefers were made from wallets with transaction acthities which bear no resenblance to the purported activities of MTL ‘We have found no evidence of any significant store of Crypto assets on any trading platform ‘and that most crypto balances appear in the name and under contol of Steynberg. The ‘amount of such balances is well below the advertised balance on the MTI trading platform as being due to investors of MT {nthe last few days, we received complaints that investors were unable to redaem their investments, ‘The investigation is on-going, and a criminal case has been opened by the FSCA withthe South atican Police Services, ENDS Enauires: Financial Sector Conduct Authority mai address: za & yp counuens conmuiaey Senate ESS erat PKs Kab 2) AFM 3 ~ esd ‘Texas State Securities Board a 7 ree eee MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD; § ‘CORNELIUS JOHANNES “JOHANN” STEYNGERG: § Order No. ENF-20-CD0-1814 FOREXANDBITCOINCOM; MICHAEL AARON § ‘GULLISON; STEVE HERCEG AND BRIAN D. KNOTT § Mieror Trading International PTY LTD ‘Service by certified mall, retum receipt requested, addressed to 1) 43 Poin Street, Unit + Ground Floor, Stelenbosch, Waster Cape, South Afiea 7600; and (2) P.O. Box 7149, Drostdy Centre, Stolonbosch, Westem Cape, South Attica 7608 Cornelius Johannes “Johann” Steynberg Service by certified mai, retum receipt requested, addressed to (1) 43 Pein Steet, Unit + Ground Floor, Stellenbosch, Wester Cape, South fica 7600; and (2) P.O, Box 7149, Drostdy Centre, Stellenbosch, Westem Cape, South Affica 7509 Service by certified mal, retum recelpt requested, addressed to (1) 9850 South Maryland, Parkway, Suite AS, #448, Las Vegas, Nevada 89182; (2) 122 Coney Inland Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89123; (3) 1860 Autumn Gold Avenve, Last Vegas, Nevada 88129; (4) ‘8489 Moon Dance Cellars Court, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120; (6) 10382 Gwynne Fate ‘South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89123; and 6) 1371 Pedro Steet, San Jose, Calfortia 95126, Michael Aaron Cullison Service by certified mal, retum receipt requested, addressed to (1) 9050 South Maryland, Parkway, Suite A5, #448, Las Vegas, Nevada 69183; (2) 122 Coney lland Aven, Las ‘Vegas, Nevada 88123; (3) 1860 Autunn Gold Avenue, Last Vegas, Nevada 89123; (4) {8499 Noon Dance Cetare Court, Las Voges, Novaca 86129; (6) 10382 Gwynne Falla ‘South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89123; and (6) 1371 Pedro Street, San Jose, Calfomia 85126, Steve Horceg ‘Serve by certified mal, return recat requested, addressed to (1) 2219 West Olve ‘Avenue, #822, Burbank, Caferia 1606; and 2) 182 Kenneth Reed, Glendala Cafomia & YP Brian D. Knott ‘Sorvioe by certified mall, return recspt requested, addressed to (1) 10409 Long Leaf ace, Las Vegas, Nevada 89134; and (2) and 2208 Latitudes Cour, Las Vegas, Nevada 0108. EMERGENCY CEASE AND DESIST ORDER ‘This is your OFFICIAL. NOTICE of tho issuance by the Securties Commissioner ofthe State of Texas (the "Securities Commissioner’ of an EMERGENCY CEASE AND DESIST ORDER pursuant to Sexton 23-2 of The Secures Ac, Tex. Rev. Cv. Stat Ann. ats, 581-1-581-45 (he “Securities Act). ‘The Enforcement Division of he Texas State Securities Board (te “Enforcement Division’ has presented evidence sufclent forthe Secures Commissioner to find: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Miror Trading Intemational PTY LTD (Respondent Mirror Trading’) can bo ‘served at 43 Pein Street, Unt 1 Ground Flr, Stelenbosch, Westem Cape, South ‘Altica 7600, and P.O. Box 7149, Drostdy Centre, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, ‘South Affca 7890. 2. Comelius Johannes “Johan” Steynberg (‘Respondent Steynberg?) Is the Founder, Director, and Chef Executtve Officer of Respondent Mirror Tacha, He can be served at 43 Picin Steet, Unit 1 Ground Flocr, Steflenbesch, Wester Cape, South Attica 7600, and P.O. Box 7149, Drostdy Centre, Stellenbosch, ‘Western Cape, South Afca 7500. 3. (Respondent ForexAndBitcoln’) is a mullevel marketer for Respondent Miror Trading. It can be sorved at 9850 South Maryan, Parkway, Suite AS, #448, Las Vegas, Nevada 89183; 122 Coney Ilend Avenue, Las Vogas, Novada 86123; 1860 Autumn Gold Avenue, Last Vagas, Nevada 89123; 8493 Moon Dance Colars Court, Las Vegas, Nevada 89130; 10352 Gwynns Falls South, Las Vegas, Nevada’ 89123; and 1371 Pedro Steet, Sen Jose, Calfomia 95126, 4, Michael Aaron Culison (‘Respondent Cullison’) Is the owner of Respondent FForexAndBitcoin and a multlevel marketer for Reapondent Miror Trading, He can be served at 8850 South Maryland, Parkway, Suto AB, #448, Las Vegas, Nevada {89183; 122 Coney Island Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89123; 1860 Autumn Gold ‘Avenue, Last Vegas, Nevada 89123; 8403 Moon Darice Celars Court, Lae Veges, "Nevada 89130; 10352 Gwynne Fale South, Lae Vegas, Nevada 80123; and 1371 Pedro Street, San Jose, Calfonia 95126, Lemorgany Coace ana Lest Orastor ring intmatenal PY L10etaLrage2 PO 10. 1" 2 13, 14, Steve Herceg (Respondent Herceg’) is a muitlevel marketer for Respondent ‘Mior Trading. He can be served at 2219 West Ove Avenue, #222, Burbank, Cakfornia 91506, and 182 Kennath Road, Glendale, Calforia 91204 Brian D. Knott (Respondent Knott) Is a multlovel marketer for Respondent ‘Miror Trading. He can be served at 10409 Long Leaf Place, Las Vegas, Nevada (99194, and 2209 Latitudes Court, Las Vegas, Nevada 89108, RES?ONDENT MIRROR TRADING IS [RECRUITING MULTILEVEL MARKETERS TO PERPETRATE AN INTERNATIONAL GRYP"OCURRENGY AND FOREX INVESTMENT SCHEME Respondent Mirror Trading purports to operate as a private company in The Western Cape, a province of South Afioa located of the south-westom coast of the country. Respondent Miro Trading is perpetrating an international mutevel marketing ‘scheme tled fo investments ina cryptocurency and forex trading pool Respondent Miror Trading i promising to pay lucratve commissions to muttlovel ‘marketers for promoting Is investments and recruting ther muttievel marketers, Respondent Mirror Trading 's touting the success of It mutlevel marketers in rectuting new members, I claims o have recruited almost 78,000 members from ‘more than 170 counties, ining more than 22,500 membore since March 1, 2020. Its multilevel marketers are now itogally soliciting Texans to purchase feuduent investments in the eryplocurency and forex trading poo. RESPONDENTS FOREXANDBITCOIN, CULLISON, ‘KNOTT AND HERGEG ARE PUBLICLY SOLICITING TEXAS RESIDENTS Respondents ForexAndéitccin, Culison, Knott and Herceg are multilevel ‘marketers for Respondent Minor Trading Respondents ForexAneBitcoin, Culson, Knott and Herceg are advertising the investments in the exyptocurency and forex trading pool through forums in ‘ralgslist org for Texas rosidants Respondents. ForexAndBitcon, Cufison, Knott and Herceg are touting the Proftabity of the investments in the eryptoourrency and forex treding pool, variously claiming as folowe: ipergoncy Conse and Desist Onertirr Teng tematonl PTY LTD etalPage 8 NP 3u ‘A. Investors deposit as tie as $100 and make an average of 10% per month: Investors simply ned to “ust st back and watch [thei] MONEY grow" ©. The Investments pay “daly trade income,” the dally trade income is “automaticaly compounded” and “compound inorest is tha 8th Wonder of the Work" 1D, The investment “grows your btooin compounding dally earning an average (of 10% per month” E._Theinvestments havemore than 200+ days straight wih postive gains; and ‘The investments close 600 to 800 trades each day and have not ost trade in almost a year. 15. _In addition to touting the proftabity ofthe Investments in the ryptecurrency and forex trading pool, Respondent Herceg is targeting Texans impacted by changes to the economy, in part by encouraging them to put thelr governmental assistanes “simulus/eovtd check to wot’ by purchasing the Investments 18. In addition to touting the profitability of the Investments, Respondents ForexAndBitcon, Culison, Knot and Hercog are als touting the profitably ofthe rmultiovel marketing program, ‘THE QUALIFICATIONS AND PRIOR FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE mM PF IN 17. Atthough Respondents ForevAndBcoin, Cullson, Knott and Herceg are touting ‘he prottabitty ofboth the investments inthe bitcoln and forex trading pool and the ‘muttievel marketing program, they are not providing investors with information relating to their qualifications and their prior financial experience, including the {following information: ‘A. Respondents ForexAndBiteoin and Culison are not teing potential Investors that on or about June 17, 1999, Respondent Cullson fed a Voluntary Peon for Chaptor 7 Bankruptcy in tho Unied States Bankrupty ‘Cour, California Northem Bankruptcy Gourt, Case No. 09-64197;, B. Respondents ForexAndfitsoin and Culison are not teling potential Investors that on or stout August 28, 2006, Respondent Culison fled a Emorgone Os860 and Delt Ores Tang intemal! PTY LT et Page 4 & a \Voluntar Petition for Chapter 7 Bankruptoy inthe United Stes Bankruptey Court, District of Nevada, Case No, 08-12244-bam; C. Respondents ForexAndBitcoin and Cullson are rot tolingpotentia) lnvostors that on or about September 25, 2011, Respondent Culison, fermetly doing businass as Empower Nitriton Inc, LLC, and doing ‘business as Fusion Nutiton Ino, fled a Voluntary Peon for Chapter 7 ‘Bankrupty inthe United States Bankrupicy Court, Distct of Nevada, Cato No. 15-151134eb; 1D. Respondents ForexAndBitoin and Culison are nat toling potential Investors that on of about August 4, 2015, Respondent Cullson fled 2 ‘Voluntary Petition for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy n the United States Bankruptcy ‘Cour, District of Nevada, Case No. 08-12244-bam; E._Respondent Knott Is rot teting potential investors that on or around June 415, 2010, he fled a Voluntary Petition for Chaptor 7 Bankruptoy in the United States Bankruptey Cour, District of Nevada, Case No, 10-21128- bam; Respondent Knott isnot tling potonta investors that on or about August 19,2019, he fled a Voluntary Petition for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy inthe United ‘Sates Bankruptcy Court, Diefiet of Nevada, Case No. 19-16134abl and G. Respondent Herceg is not telling potential investors that on or about October 4, 2017, he fied a Voluntay Petition for Chaar 7 Bankruptcy in ined Statas Barkruploy Court forthe Cental Dstct of California, No, 2:17-bk-22208-8R. ce [RESPONDENT MIRROR TRADING MAINTAINS INTERNET WEBSITES THAT SERVE AS PLATFORMS FOR PURCHASING THE INVESTMENTS IN THE CRYPTOCURRENCY AND FOREXPOOL 18 Respondent Miror_ Trading maintain infomet websites at ‘vara (te "MT! Webelta” and (he "MTI Club Website) 10, The MTI Wobstto and the MTI Club Webelte advertve the investments in the ‘ryptocurrency and forex tracing pool 20. ‘The MTI Club Website serves asa platform for purchasing the investments inthe ‘ryptocurency and forex trading pool. Enaency Caste and Dai Order Teng Itrational PTY LTO at Pas dh uP 56 2 22, 24, ‘THE INVESTMENTS IN THE YP ‘AND FOR! Respondent Miror Trading is issuing investments in @ enptocurrency and forex {radng pool whereby it purports to pool cryplocurrencies and somehow use the ‘exyptocurrencies to trade forex fora prof Respondent Mico Trading s describing the Investments In‘he ryptocurreney and {orex trading pool n greater detal as flows: ‘A. Potential investors purchase the investments in tre cxyptocurrency and {orox trading pool by regitoring as members through the MTI Club Websiio ‘and funding their accounts with bitcon; Respondent Miror Trading thereafter verifies the deposit anc transfers the bitooin to @ “roding poo with various “registered and regula” forex brokers; ©. Respondent Mor Trading employe advanced “iigjial software* and “arta inteligence" to trade tho bitcoin on the forex markets through the brokers’ platforms; D. The forex trading generates incsme, and RespondentMrtor Tading retains «& portion of the income to cover costs and pay salaies and comissions, and E. Respondent Miror Trading also uses income generated trougi forex trading to pay retums fo investors equal to their a pro rata share of 40 percent of daly trading profts. Respondent Mirror Trading is publishing historical Information that puports to show Ithas earned considerabio retums for investors, For example, itclaims the average’ daly proft for Investors was 0.5334 percent fem September 2019 through Api 2020, andi claims investors received compourded relums of 144.78 percent during tis eight-month period of time Respondent Mirror Trading is also publishing current information that purports to reflect it continues to provide lucrative income for investor. For example, its representing as folows: ‘A. On June 20, 2020, the dally trading income derived fram the erptocurency and forex trading investment was 0.1884 percent, mergncy Coat and Des Ordre Trac ntaatons PTY LTD ataLPage 6 ¢ w?P B. On June 26,2020 the dally trading income derived from the cryptoourency ‘and forex trading investment was 0.2508 percent, C. _On.une 24,2020, the dally trading income derived from the cryptocuency and forex trading Investment was 0.6218 percent; . On June 23,2020, the dally trading income derived fom the oyptocurrency and forex trading investment was 0.5394 percent; and E.On June 22,2020, the dll trading income derived from the eryptocutency and forex trading investment was 0.1188 percent 25. Respondent Miror Trading is also projecting future rotums wil continue to ‘generate profs of around 10 percent per month I projecting these future tune 288 follows ‘A. An investment of 1 bitcoin, valued at around $9,168.54 at the fie of Investment, wil generate an ending balance of around 3.73112924 bteoin Worth around $24,209.02 atthe end ofa 12 month torm, essuming the price (of bitcoin remains conetant through the term. B. An investment of 4 biooin, valued at around $9,188.71 at the time of Investment, wil generate an ending balance of around 723.10525062 bitcoin worth around $8,608,073.07 at the end of 2 60 month tem, ‘assuming the price of itcoin remains constant rough tye term, 26. Respondent Miror Trading also claims the projection of future return of around 410 percent per manth consiites a “conservative quate" and “in realty the pros may be higher.” “THE MULTLLEVEL MARKETING SCHEME 27. Respondent Miror Trading is recruiting mombers to participate in a mutlovel ‘marketing scheme, 28, Respondent Mifor Trading Is. providing multieve! marketers with tools for recruiting new investors. In edition to providing access to information published Ina Telegram group and YouTube channel, Respondent Minor Trading is providing ts multlevel markers with roferal links that can be embedded in ‘websites o: sent via electronic mall or text message. 29. Respondent Miror Trading is promising to pay four stuams of commissions to rmultiovol markotors, Emergency Caos end Delt Order Trading intematons PTY LTD et Page ot Aa refers to the four streams of commissions as direct ‘nce-of referral bonuses, weekly profit-sharing bonuses, Pt leadership boruses ‘and P2 leadership bonuses. it deseribes them as folowe: 30, ‘A. The direct once-off referral bonuses generally refer to the payment of commissions equal to 10 percent of the principal deposited by rocnted Investors. 1B. The weekyy profit-sharing bonuses are predicated on recruiting new Investors. An agent generally qualifies for wookly prof sharing bonuses Wien he or she rectus a least wo naw members. He or she may then share in a pool of 20 percent of the weekly gross profits derived fram trading, wath the maximum payout capped at $76,000, C. The Pt leadership bonus is predicated on recruiting now investors and ‘eaming shares in a pool. An agont generally ears shares inthis pool when hhe or she refers at east wo members with accounts valued atleast at $200, Respondent Miror Trading pays P1 leadership bonuses tothe agent based, ‘af lest in part, on the numberof shares earned by the agent D. The P2 leadership bonus ie als predicated on reciting now investors and ‘caring shares in pool. An agent generally ears shares inthis pool when ho or sho refers atleast two members wih accounts valued a leat et $200 and at least one such member refers at least two members with accounts valued at least at $200. Respondent Miror Tracing pays P2 leadership ‘bonuses tothe agent based, atlastin part, on thonumbe of shares eared by the agent. 31. Respondent Miror Trading also purports to prohibt legal activity among membership, requires al members to adhere to all laws and accepted business practices within the counises they transact business and prohibits members from fengaging In fraudulent commercial practioes, ‘THE DISCLAIMERS 82. Respondent Miror Trading is dlsclaming any and all abilty associated with its ‘sale of investments inthe eryptocurrency and forex trading pool. I also requires Investors to agree tothe following provisions: A Investors must agree “ether MTI nor is business partners is rosponsiste {or any loss or damage of whatever nature” ané meryony Coote and Dose Orieiror Trading lnatone! PTY LTD ctaiPage 8 & gp a B. _Investors must agree "WT! wal not and cannot be held abl for any lossee ‘of whatsoever nature due to unfulfiled promises to prospective members ot third parties by any other existing members.” [REGISTRATION VIOLATIONS 33. Rospondents Miror Trading, ForexAndBitcoin, Steynborg, Cullton, Knott and Heroeg (colecvely the “Respondents have not been registered with the ‘Secures Commissioner as dealers or agents st any tie material hereto, 34, The investments in the eryptocurency and forex trading pool have not been registered by qualification, ratifcation or coordination and no part hae been ‘ranted for ther salen Texas at any time material hereto IDAND ft 35. _ In connection with the offer of investments n the eryptoourrency and forex tracing Pool, Respondents Miror Trading and Stoynborg are intentionally failing #0 Aisclose Respondent Steynbers's business repute, qualifications and experience, ‘end this Information constitutes a material fact. AND THE DIGIT? 1a 36, In connection with the offer of investments inthe cxyptocurrency ard forex trading ool, Respondents Miror Trading and Stoynberg are intenlonally fang to lisclose material facts relating tothe administration ofthe “egal sofware” and “srtfcia inteligence" used to trade forex, including the fllowing malarial fact! ‘A. The dentty ofthe programmers and developers ofthe “dll software" and ‘artifical intetigence,” including the identity of the party that coded the ‘oftware, as well asta business reputa, qualifications and experience; B, The identty of the sorvcors of the “digital software” and “artical Intoligence,” including the identty of the party responsible or maintaining ‘and updating the softwar, as well as its business repute, qualifications and experient C. The costs associated withthe “daltal sotware" and “arf intaligance, * Including any ongoing costs for eonsing the software, ralnaining the software and updating the sofware; and 1D. The security ofthe sigs software" and “aif nteligenca including the ‘security of Intemet connections used to access the sofware, the use of ‘Eerganey Canteen Delt Orta Tang Itratonst PTY LTD etaLiPape ROT secuy systems to prevent or deter cyberattacks, and the use of encryption to prevent unauthorized scones by third-parties. 37, In connection with the offer of investments in the eyptocurrency and forex trading pool, Respondents Miror Trading and Steynberg are intentionaly faling to Cisclose material facts relating to the implementation of the “digltal software” and “artiflal inteligence” used to ade forex, inlucing the folowing material acs A. The strategy o svategios used to buy and sel forex for ap B. Information relating to defects, glitches, bugs or malfunctions, including information explaining these events may negatively impact the ability 0 ‘rade forex for a profit, and C, Tho stratogles or procedures for overcoming hardware and softvare failures, power outages or network disconnections.. FRAUD AND THE “REGISTERED AND REGULATED" FOREX BROKERS 38, In connection withthe offer of investments inthe eryptocurency and forex trading pool, Respondents Minor Trading and Steynberg are intentonaly faling 10 disclose the folowing material facts about the forex brokers: A. The Mentiy ofthe forex broker, a6 well as the address of ther principal places of business and their business reputa, qualifications and experience ‘ofthe forex brokers; B. _Any information that reflects of eltoe to thei regietration and regulation by ‘a government agency; and (C. Any Information that reflects the scope oftheir authoty to trade forex, their procedures for rading forex, rth role in receiving, maintaining and using exyplocurrencies. : Hi ING 29, Inconnection withthe offer of investments inthe cryptocurrency and forex trading pool, Respondents Miror Trading and Steynberg are intentional fallng to Aisclose the folowing material facts relating to the safeguarding and protecting of biteoin, inching the folowing material facts: A. The ype of wallet or sotware it uses to receive, access and trate bol, including information that reflects whether Respondent Mor Trading Is Emergency Conse an Di deo Trdg Itematona! PTY LTD et a/Page 10 «YP 4 using a custodial wallet that affords access to a custodian or other party with the authority of a non-custodial wallet that Ie not affliated wih custodian or other party; B. The connectivity ofthe wallet or software It uses to recelve, access and transfer bitcoin, including information that reflects whether Respondent Miror Trading fs using a"hot” wallet such as a mabile or desktop wallet or ‘acold” wallet that is typically not connected tothe internet; ‘The procedures or protocos for securing access to the wallet or softwere It uses 10 receive, access and transfer bitcoin, including Its policies for safeguarding private keys. and any other means of authentication and ‘access of the wallets or software; D. The secutly ofthe walletor sofware ituses to receive, access and transfer bitcoin, including the security of intemet connections used to acess the ‘wallet, the use of secur systems to prevent or deter cyberattacks, and the: Use of encryption fo provent unauthorized access by thie-partes; and E. The tisk that attackers may use viruses, malware or other techniques to hack systems or otherwise gain access to biteon, FRAUD AND THE CONCEALMENT OF Ri ‘TRADING FORE In connection with the offer of the investment in the forex trading pool Respondents are intentionally fling to diecioge the following material facts relaing to the risks associated with trading foreign currencies: ‘A. Fluctuations in @ countr’s Interest rates may lead to fluctuations in a caurency’s value, thereby negatively Impacting the ablity to close a trade for a proft; 8. Macroeconomic statistics, such as inflation, can have a significant impact, ‘on forex markets; C, Other capital markets, including stocks, bonds, and commodities markets hhave strong influences on exchange rates between foreign curencies; D. International trade numbers, such as trade defcits and surpluses, play a ital roe in forex markets; Emergency Cease and Desist Orseriror Trang Intratonal PTY LTD et aU/Page 11 Au a 42 43. Fluctuation inthe foreign exchange rato between the time of placing a fade end the tine of cing a rade may negavely impact to price of forex, F, Leveraging transactions on margin, once called, may lead to substantial losses in excess of initial investments; and G. _Poltical news can be important for forex traders, and unexpected news can negatively impact forex trading, FRAUD AND THE CONCEALMENT OF THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH BITCOIN AND BITCOIN POOLS In connection withthe offer of investments in the cryptocurrency and forex trading pool, Respondents Mirror Trading and Steynberg and intentionally faling to sisclose the folowing materia facts relating tothe risks associated with biteon and bitcoin pools: ‘A. Governments may adopt legislation or regulation that may nagatively impact the use, transfer, exchange or price of biteoin; B.A system ot technical fale, oF deficient source code, may negatively Inpact the ability to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies, a8 Well 1s the price of eryptocurrencies; ©. Ahacking incident or malicious attack may negatively impact the price of exyptocurrencies; D. _Bitcoin competes with other eyptocurrencies, and this compattion may ‘ragatively impact the price of btcoins; and E. Investors wil need to monetize ther bitcoln, and cryptocurrency exchanges crother parties may charge considerable feos when exchanging bitin for fat currency, \DEGEPTION AND THE MULTILEVEL MARKETING PROGRAM ‘As described herein, Respondent Mirror Trading is recruiting multlevel narketars to offer he investments inthe biooin and forex trading poo! and promising to pay four tiers of commissions for soling the product. ‘As described herein, Respondent Miror Trading also purports to prohbit legal ‘activity among membership, requires all mambors to adhere to al ws and Emergency Cosos and Dest OrdeMiror Tring Intemational PTY LTD etl/Page 12 a P 4e 46, 4. Emrgoney Cease and Desit Order Trach Inematons! e ot auPage 12 ‘accepted business practices within the counties they transact business and Prohibits members from engaging in fraudulent commercial practices, ‘Those statoments are materialy misleading or otherwise likely to deceive the public because: ‘A. Any party offering securtios in Texas must generaly he registered as a dealer or agent with the Securitas Commissioner, and B, Parties may generally only offer secures in Texas when the securities are tegistered or permited forsale. DECEPTION AND THE DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY. ‘As described herein, Respondent Miror Trading is disclaiming any and all ibility sssociated with is sale of investments inthe eryptocurrency and forex trading pool, It also requires investors to agree to the following provisions: ‘A. Investors must agree “[njeither MT! nor its business partners is responsible for any loss or damage of whatever nature;" and B. Investors must agree "MT! wil not and cant be held liable for any losses ‘of whatsoever nature due to unflfled promises to proepective members of third partes by any other existing members.” ‘These statements are materialy misleading or otherwise likely to deceive the public because: ‘A. The Secures Act provides Texans with important rights, including potentat Chill causes of action against Respondent Miro Trading; and B. As a matter of law, Respondent Mior Trading may not escape potential liability by requiring members to disclaim these important rights, DECEIT ANI 8 BY KETERS INTE ‘As desoribed herein, Respondents ForexAndBitcoin, Culleon, Knott and Herceg are offering the investments in the eryptocurrency and forex trading poolto Texans, variously representing as follows: A. Investors deposit a tle as $100 and make an average of 10% per month; B. Investors simply need fo "ust sit back and watch [the] MONEY grow W be ‘The investment pays ‘dally trade Income,” ‘he dally trade income fs “automaticaly compounded” and “compound interest isthe &th Wonder of the Word" ‘The investment ‘grows your bitcoin compounding dally earning an average ‘of 10% per month ‘The Investments have more than 200+ days straight with positive gains; and “The investment closes 600 fo 800 trades each cay and has not lost a trade in almost a year 48. These statements are materially misleading or othowise lksly to deceive the public because they tout the profitably of investing in the cryptoourrency and {forex trading pool but do not disclose the folowing infomation: A 4 ‘The business repute, qualifeations or experience of Respondent Mirror ‘Trading and Steynberg; ‘The information relating to the administration of the “digital sofware” and “articial inteligence” used to trade forex described herein; ‘The information relating to the implementation cf the “digital software" and “artificial inteligence' used to trade forex descrited herein; ‘The Information about the forex brokere described herein; “The information relating to the safeguarding snd protecting of bitooin described herein; ‘The Information about the forex brokers described herein: ‘The information relating tothe risks associated wth bitcoin and biteoln pools described hersin; “The information relating tothe ropstration of mutilevel marketers who offer ‘Texans the investments in the cryptoourtency and forex trading pool described herein; ‘The information relating to the registration of cryplocurrency sand forex trading pools offered or sol to Texane described hereln; and Emrgeney Cease and Desist Ordre Trading lnlerationl PTY LTD t al/Page 14 Fe We J. The information relating tothe disclaimer of labilly as described here, 49, These statements are also materially misleading or otherwise kal to deceive the public because Respondents ForexAndBiteoin, Cullison, Kilt an) Heroeg are touting the safety and proftabllly of investing in the eryptocurrency and forex trading pool and participating inthe multlevel marketing program, but they are not disclosing their quaifieations and thelr prior financial experience, including the following information: A. Respondents ForexAndBitcoin and Cullson are not teling potental Investors that on or about June 17, 1899, Respondent Culison fled a \Voluntary Petition for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy inthe United States Bankruptoy Cour, California Norther Bankruptcy Court, Case No. 99-54197; 3. Respondents ForexAndBitcoin and Cullison are not telling potential Investors on or about August 28, 2008, Respondent Culison fled Voluntary Petton for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Nevada, Case No. 08-12244-bam; Respondents ForexAndBitcoin and Cullison are_not tolling potential investors on or about September 23, 2011, Respondent Culison filed a Voluntary Pettion for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptey Court, Distict of Nevada, Case No. 11-2507S-Jeb; D. Respondents ForexAndBitcoin and Cullson are not teling potential investors on or about September 4, 2015, Respondent Culison, formerly doing businoss as Empower Nutition inc, LLC, and doing business #8 Fusion Nutition Ine. fled a Voluntary Petton for Chapter 7 Bankruptey in ‘tho United Stats Bankruptey Court, District of Nevada, Case No. 15-1511. eb; E. Respondent Knott is not teling potential investors that on or around June 48, 2040, he filed a Voluntary Peon for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptey Court, District of Nevada, Case No. 10-21128- bam; F. Respondent Knott isnot teling potential investors that on or about August 8, 2016, he fled a Voluntary Petition for Chaptor 7 Bankruptoy inthe Unites States Bankruptcy Cour, District of Nevada, Case No, 19-15134-abl and 6. Respondent Herceg is not teling potential investors that on or about ‘October 4; 2017, he fled a Voluntay Petition for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy i ‘Emergency Coase and Desist OrderMirce Tear intraoral PTY LTO et al/Page 45 aw un the United States Bankruptoy Court for the Central District of Cafforia (Case No, 2:17-bk-22205-BR. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1, The investments in the cryptocurrency and forex trading pool are “secures” as that term is defined in Secon 4A of the Secures Act. 2. Respondents are violating Section 7 of the Secures Act by offering seouries for sale in Texas at atime when the securities are not registered with or permitted by the Securities Commissioner. 3. Respondents are violating Sacton 12 of the Secuiies Act by offering securtiss for sale in Texas without being registered pursuant tothe provisions of Section 12, athe Securities Act, 4, Respondents Mirror Trading and Steynberg are engaging in fraud in connection it the offer for sale of securities. Respondents are making an offer containing statements that are materaly misleading or otherwise likely to deceive the public. 6. Respondents’ conduct, acts, and practices threaten immediate and ireparable harm. 7. The foregoing violations constitute bases forthe Issuance of an Emergency Cease and Desist Order pursuant to Section 23-2 ofthe Securities Act. ORDER 1 Its therefore ORDERED that Respondents immediately CEASE AND DESIST ‘tom offering for sale any security in Texas until the securly is registred with the Secures Commissioner or is offered for sale pursuant fo an exemption from registration under the Texae Securtien Act. 2. is further ORDERED that Respondents immediately CEASE AND DESIST from ‘acting as a securities desler or agent in Texas untl they are registered with the Secures. Commissioner ois acting pursuant to an exemption from registration under the Texas Secures Act. 3. is futher ORDERED that Respondents Minor Trading and Steynbery Immediately CEASE AND DESIST from engaging in any fraud I connection with Rep Emergency Cette and DesetOrdediroe Tring Inlomatona PTY LTD atl 4. tis futher ORDERED that Respondents immediately CEASE AND DESIST from offering seourttes in Texas through an offer containing a statement thal fe materily misleading 6r otherwise likely to decelve the publi noice Pursuant to Section 23-2 of the Securities Act, you may request a hearing before the 318t day after the date you were served with this Order. The request for @ hearing ‘must bein wring, drected fo the Securtios Commissioner, and state the grounds for the request fo set aside or modiy the Order. allure to request a hearing wil result in the Order becoming inal and non-appealable, You are advised under Section 29.0 of the Securities Act that any knowing Violation of an order issued by the Securities Commissioner under the author of Section 232 of tho Socuriies Act Is criminal offense punishable by a fne of not more then '$10,000, or imprisonment inthe penitentiary fortwo to tan years, or by both such ne and Imprisonment, SIGNED AND ENTERED by the Securities Commissioner ths 7" day of July, 2026 OP Emergency Cease and Desit Order Tating Ileana! PY LTD at Page 17 us. ons Om + Bacae AFu', € Mirror Trading International Q Lormmuneauui ww vay He was yuiny Fur suiTE dinner & would later continue with the withdrawals. (He had processed over 3000 withdrawals prior to this message to Nerina) Approximately 13 hours later Clynton Marks and Nerina (Johann’s wife) received an automated emergency email to say that Johann had not logged into the MT! system for 12 hours. This security protocol email provided critical info for the team to start the process of working without Johann. (Up till that point Johann was the only one with authority to deal with the broker & technical team). Up till today we have not heard from Johann again. We are extremely worried and a missing persons case has been filed, Since that mail was received the management ‘team have been following protocols as laid out in the email, this includes working with the technical and broker teams. As it stands today the technical team is back on track and actively assisting us. We have provided the requested documents to the broker to establish our ownership of the account at this stage. This is a lengthy process. Unfortunately, being a weekend, we pannnt evnect further eammiininatinn from the © Write a comment ii QO « AFacs® AFML Mm cet! Statement 2apsepeo%0 ‘Avolagies toa! members for the lack of communication ~ MMI Management and leaders here rot responded to ths tere stuation before now ax we had 0 wal for the fats to be vere before we coud release ay information ‘Te main its Johann ave. Johann sin Braztas far 8 we now Johar hasnt been tuthfulwith management leas ar members We as management an laces do nt know four btn s sae ‘Management has contacted the server ter: they are co-operating fly. “Management has bean in contact with he broker, rade00, but raw beleve ths cempany is potently ‘owned ard operted by Jchann Steynbere. Corvmuneation witr te broke has beer spartan nforthcoming ‘The whole management rean is co-operating with law enforcernet and wl continue to do so nti this mater eresoved "Neri Steyerg(Ihan’s ie yet Flea ming pertone reer. ‘The latte we head from ahann was Tuesday, 15 December 2020 at Ot:Stam* Detaled report rom the Maragement and Leader Tea folowing the search and seizure warrants executed by the FSCACn the 26" of Cctober 2020, things stted ‘neaveling uly at Ml twas Becoming very afl to handle to amount of work coated foreach epartmert. Each dpartmen: was exzanded, with mere vaning staff beng brug Suppor employed 22 more suppor staff and weinslted that Johenn get helps the technical department as twas Ge he and Nerina were not coping The syste Kes crashing and Johann od us tht we ad had numerous acing attempts by 2 Russian syndieat. He sen sth detall of test, some demanding ecremely high (nthe day of the rad an incependent contactor to M2 crypto expert was contacted, ad sed to contact Cami (The ser account menager| at rada300 (MMs unregulated broker) and tl her the: out counts may be compromised as a result ofthe rid and she must wal to hear rom iohann before Allowing any acess tothe breer account of MT, which the contrat did immediate ‘Te conractorhadtrade300 contact detail awe had ashe him to hep Johann to cryptorephicay grove a'szon Balance tothe FIA and the pul Johann however id tsp the necessary Stal a Johann tottus that when the SCA tookal the eleconie deve, seutyprotcol wa putin ple with ‘he beaker to avo all our menberbtoin bing tla, this incided gation of wihiraale Theos ‘onmunicatd oll member on managernet' instance ‘week ater te id, Johann requested that ynton Mars ge hin 8TCto pay members tha had made ‘withrawalsas the itation on witharewals whe broker was sll ahndararce. ohare agreed tout Wf 4l noob at wel. Cyeton then apred and paid aver €0dbtc of his own outside of MT 10 Johann onthe 2°, 1 and 32° of November 2020 Management nat no roo! that Zahann dd centbute the amount he stated, Cynton Marshadfllenidene tithe would get is Bra boc Johann sd Nera Steer ao allegedly gave 2006 fortis process. Johann frantcaly processed withdrawals nd management irssted nth being the highest risty rowing full wel Cher Marks hd promised tito members on har’ instrutin ‘onthe 20 af November Johann received an email fom an anonymous sure. ema attached) MTICED Urgent Pea © me» ee itera Mem tnvined B Kap a “Thay do tot have any evidence but wil op at nating ike ire AT ap operating” ‘uh een a nat ty yt kl this snake squan head. 8 ho plan for MT as ‘tings and now, Our source conred tha win tone wok or maybe a, Dey wl make a very ‘testament with he arrest nd Incarceration of you, CEO and Kingpin of MT. ‘Teantyeny ensure MT go out of buslnoes ito rove you om the equation gare of he aot ‘ego he part many bouts ing ou one du ince on MTL nd eed to bea phenome! to mc Thankyou ‘Tones, you, 6, ro epg one oe of mar tend ntaor Sut Aca ard bod, Faamasory pt at ananout esa wolhnowe fat thal he many toe th cuenta salem A118 and 29 gree ‘masons wich wo myeing posse he our of Tha wd rst cee a Pa YoU (ea nar net or contre inary awry none cna bat yor perry rie youn fom abr ov tice ‘ou am an wang Sento expose Be lo’ common ae aa pow ye yee ‘weed pura to ETL err a you tb sae ‘fon yar cure wah, twos may none 08 gates & so on eres pec, ‘eh we vate the goo) ens ot Dt a 9 we ie 9s ens at oo ‘tng eon re ar ou nie ist any a ron | (Samy tose dour wan yuse sc no and scr oe yu 3 fw On ery pat Ne a me ‘haut apes bats fom uy rman enh aaa Fab e Day oy ‘Scemumene on sor Conmcu VN TOR Naan, Pras es Tarkan mig se haan mg em cee ‘nam side needed to secure himself or. Johann sib nan to speak Nevin Stenberg, We had aranagernant meeting where the management team lo sdvited Johann to retsn calm nd to say InSkenthe P cf December 2020 ‘on te 2% of December 2020 the team head fram Johann and Nerina Steynberg ths tne they were on ‘their way to the aor. Johan assured usall tat everything wil be ofthat ha simpy need to secure inset for MT an put measures in place fever emething did incapactate hen so that Nein can ran ‘the company He didnot dove where ne was gong. he openly sid that rot even Nerina would be tld Ais eventual desination. To date his wife and daughter and extended amy resin nA. Jean di send Uynton numerous plctures and messages of high to Das. Apparent rom there he went ont S20 Palo this was conveyed to Cher Marksnatelephone contain at inte stage Fer te weeks between the 34 of December tothe 16" of DacemberJhttn and Nerina continued t0 ‘manage and run M's technical deparrent deste the challenges we faced, dow wiahsrowals, etal poring preblems onthe servers, aerver that needed usgrades and bee protection. Ag (nthe 12% af becember lynn wat very world that he had not heard anything rom ohann. The team later made contact wit him and he sade fl asleep and aplagsed for tho sare. Al the whe we had ‘ben in contact with Nerina, but this brouht on @ need Yo urgent ppalnt rove tecricl sain the know in Johann’ deparenent (On Sunday be 13 of December we hid 3 raragement mesing and Sohann was old by our teamthat we ‘refused ro work wrth Pim ay longer he dit appoint a proper Second in charge that could un te system nit absence He reterate that Nerina would do hs, 2 he fh 2C We si that fsmyshing lever happere to him, Nerina woul bein no poston to run a comand sugested we ppomt om ouside contactor to asthe was reluctant but agreed Nerina caer statc that che can unthe company sn tht Jahn willnot be tng the technics Sent 22 Decerer 2020 0527 Ter wavaughnvicorcoza te Dmiee@gmaicom Subject Fut: FW:RE {Minor Trading Intemational] Re: Your Transaction has been Processed Subject FW: RE: [Mier Trading International] Re: Your Tramacton hasbeen Proceed ‘or Hendrik Anka Nee! chovans2@amaicom> Sen ab onderaan Anton Lee Sel: +27(0)60 299 6361 Date: 2020/12/08 1654 (GMT-0200) ‘To: MirorTeding Interotina Subject RE: [Miro racing ternational Re: Your Transaction has been Processed Good dey, May yu pease explain what jou mean by * "Your transaction has ben pocesed”7 Up tonow have not ceived Withrawal 4 yet. SURNAME: Lee EMAL: afmlee@zmallcom [MT USERNAME: afmiue@zmallcom ‘os s00708sooz08s (02 From: "Support Agent 1W (Miror Trading iteratorall” Date: 2020/12/08 1558 (MT+020) To: Anton Lee ce: Support cu com> Subject [Mir Treg nterratona]e: Your Tansacton has been Praceseed ‘Yourrequec (218510) has beon updated by Hi Support. “To aa adctanal comments, rt to this ema BE] Support Agent TW (Mirror Tracing International) Thank you for contacting Suppor. Your transaction has been processed. ‘To stay up to date with the latest news from MMI we strongly suggest that you join our telegram broadcast group hos: l/www.mymticlub.comJtelearam Growing your Bicoin kind Regards, IMTI Support Tear BE ] Support Agent Tw owurror Trading international) Request #125587 "Withdrawal not received" was closed and meraed into this request Hast ‘comment in request #125587: (oz Good day, hope you can assist, made a withdrawal on the 1st of December, Escalated i on the 3rd December. With all the hiccups, | understand that takes long, but now i shows ald on MT! side since yesterday morning, but stil nothing received a yet. Also no ‘anfiemation email from MT! to say “Withdrawal Succezeful There la TAID a8 well. Nuthin ‘on incoming on LUNO. My username is my email: 2020-12-01 09:00:33, withdrawal Request, 0.100000, BQGENSrSZw2WK2GsuICa3mIGMeuIGercgR ‘TxID: 76993941 eeb2267204233783ab02sbe6tb73a4bbe1 B5620¢€869e2fe9f0240 ‘Submitted from: hitps:// userpanel/index. oho attachment(s) |MG,20201209.091044_ 164.0 Support Agent TW (Mirror Trading international) Dear Anton ‘Thank you for contacting Suppor. kindly provide us with both your User Name and User ID to assist us with further Investigation related to our request. lease do not share these with any other parties and always make sure thatthe return email address correct. Growing your itcoin Kind Regards, MMI Support Team ‘Anton Lee Anton Lee Sel: +271 5361 Faks:27(0) 10 283 Email: cenera! Recommendation esse note tat we sony recommend that Two Factor Autentcaton (2FA) Ie enabled onal accounts. Never Share ou ee Sea ih anvane, Sopot ay ca eis sears rare rar oh ak MTL Support wil neve ask fr te fil password. Oly use your credentials when you access your dashboard nine wing the dashboard mebateadaress. Weve ick on hyperimusoratschnents I Yeu en pe Seems unfamiir ose te browser imme as tis could be Raudulet nebete ‘These recommendations area standard este ef our auto-ely and nt the answer to your request. Our rely 0 {your reques wl follow 98 sean se posible. APac 6 Xpert Detailed Online Report Enquiry Input Details ania ear aaa oe oa panel sencomname — ESIEBV" samc trtne oe oe tbe ost oe taps oa ee ‘Soun Area eval Bothy Type aged Gy eaten Mande: rorwnber ‘Company Statutory Information Aegtteed Baines ame Rapsazten Huber egtation Date aseees egies Adare Poa aan Franca etd Commercial Score anaen WADI ERMC LED scons Pome Region Wimber ome Change oats wwe sarot ucness e28 None snsexa country tr Pecan tena onn oso owen cate nscpton ef usness Ho em ae 42 un sresT UN 3 GND Fe, STELEMIEROY VESTEW CA. 50 oss ‘sore band /Mesage awe > ‘Menage ty Company cs nt beset e 1-08 try 0-138 2Poer Beas eee t wP Pest at esd: Deemer 2084 2028 Pow 1 ‘Auditors - (No Data Available) 9S Contact Information Adress History De Guteed ve cna TR a ermine zorqeeo2 —zigoyen fon Busmecwce —VISSORAM ewe) Bey Dossoios ames init eenaeRae —WSOR ea 20 ‘Company Vat Information - (No Data Available) ‘Adverse Information XDS Payment Notifications - (Wo Data Avaliable) Default Listing - (No Data Avalable) 2udgments- (We Data Avatabte) Posie Judgments - (No Data Avaliable) Business Rescue = (No Data Avatlabe) Property interests - (No Data Avaliable) Principals ones Knee rate eae ‘Active Principat of 1 / P - CORNELIUS JOHANNES STEYWNBERG ve uae Pl tee wet Dhante sxrisnsis verition ve srchonte pow tee 2 ee Suh arcane = cuaanion septate pan) Yerwenstarem sero Sey x Oxpraen my ren Th inter cs TBE POLE hon 8 tone ow Contact Information Address Wistory comsa Aetenst Ores ou ramme ten sora? pal SWAMI poem ak » oon anes” tauints) SOOT mH & ons mutans town vont Rane bey Devwivie Resim HOSOI LORE a oe sarin? a roe) ERP ws Bi50u4 ost REAM, muceme —nerasees wero om 23077 pa SADE: meTESARG TNS on pois: rot ROG MRED LORI sna Pi ak Tt 2 eco wouae where any * 98 sours stot SEE cea ane 9 owes mt IRORETSUTE payee xsi OR oxo rows eas ween rove om vegies porcawwe sina rexowvine ret potent AE aK ETS ee) RETETSONE peocesinnea? MLE ajo) fas Resse meen tae rows, panastins dorgenas fesustl "—ARSTSTRET9S EERDUOR. —_—RLORUINE Sarai) taced SAT Quwcnmons | uae PERE Saree noon =neras ESOC TERS women tl Femmes a) owas: owes? Po ross x contact No Haat Saas ee eee I a a mii one new weaver cave eens Daven cape sess ovine aise osm reece tom rst Zeowwo Wak ome owas? et epee. ‘Adverse Information X05 Payment notifications Pee ste Tet 22 Drier 289 208 iA (PS Default Listing Judgements Debt Review Property Interests - (No Data Available) Company Interests Current Business Interests Consens aT McouME FTO uss mame ISS? . ° TREC ae Moossan mass ctvon : CROERMKIPTTATO EST ee aN ° . Previous Business interests Previous Principals Enquiry History 2m20/12/16 Prey Bowes Web sence 3220/1079 Law oats Soltis We eric 2220/10/22 ney owas Web sovee 2170/08/22 Male wb Sree 2020/05/22 Piney Bowes Was serves 2010/05/S8 And SFercaletanatindone Co Ober 2022/05/08 Posy Ten T/ATR« Case Gaye Oe Peed Afme 16° ipimteesSoeter tonite AFML 1 Top BTC withdrawers ‘These 100 people erctad nest money tr he scheme, secs sendename —_numtransactions—_btcwithdrawn (Raia eneTROR] — gnats Bel nraaeoNa) 273 (laratus Bel) *249:200070.00 TEST RDRRMERS) «nals Michael (BiaWAITETND) 109.58702050000005, {lgnative Wichae: Bet) Bel 32 540 011.00 Chon Mans (STESTRTS) 90 znerosesooso60 (Giysion Mens) 2307022548, GemaRTEETIN) Alco Ace Pye — (TRAST) 11040455411 Paige) 19.579 368.22 (EraeRTEeTT) NN Meet Bexeretantia) re sn7s4133 tel) 14056 886.02 George Bootge 78.57053206000002 19872299.58 ) Kathleen Meinking (maronasm@en) 758 (Katieen Meinig) 13435 224.2 (Bae aeTETTET) Neo Nleovan der (TaeTENEED) 50.20404740900000 var der Mente) Merwe R 10.920018.60 (GoaasceareraeaH035) (sean sean logan (SISOS) 46 easeseTo00001 oan) R997 557.64 (Gata rereeaten) Henviete Bot SAE) 4457892230 (Here Be) 7901 42275 (Toe REAEREM) (Neo Neo Boshot —(ibarenenoaaT) 43.50709671 Bosh Rr rer 907.79 Johannes Fourie 2.0 69709000805 {Uohannes Fourie) 7477 849.27 aU send (Cea ies] KG It Lid) (ates iesipinzaaey) {Crypto Analyzer) (crac ere) (Mome Kapp) (aaa Mine Hencriks2) Ta Pat Devilior) (eamarezanesn) (Michele Green) (aaa pena) uve Keop) (Rien i CTT) ‘Sirmones ) (Gamestore) (Cierse Oosthizen) (B3e6 Fe (oremen230677) | (Cetin Breketrans) (Gaatraearen ear) (Aston Gremer) (CearesiepereaaTres) (Maria van der Merwe) (WMetssa Lots) aainoTeTT) (Rane van Rocyen) sendemame _numtransactions XG nt Lid sonra ‘crypto Anayzer (Babsieerznae] Morne Kapp Mine Henerikaz Grazia Leone Paul De iis (Sanaa) neta een (Senna e683)] Ruwe Kapp Rich Simmonds (awa SERE)} Lense Coutnizen Cavin cmammcsarn) Brerenans ‘Anton Cremer 1 toepiprideaaset 178) Mara van dr Nowe Mates cone ESET) Riane van Rooyen (iiearansnaTaosi) iu aprender ona btewithdrawn 2048 6930 169.55 238.185484130000004 676998570 38.09453865 6 7520093.55 35.708990990900806, 6 329 267.06 355 629222271 38 6 203 500.85 308200001 5865 415.04 82.821849370000006 5 764.205.11 061422464 5426 290.98 28.871853120000008 Ren74n241 20.82477556 07361867 26.94007658 R476 767.73 26.7ese99909000006, 4744 987.66 26.54895902 4705 157.5 26.50980318 R4608748.29 sort sendemame (GiraissraTe) Sampie Drker (Sampie Deter [sare meRERaRe)] §— Trevor Floyd (Fever Foye) (Saar STINET ROSEGARDEN (ROSEGARDEN PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP) (Gisimmmenerian@) (PAUL PAUL BOTES BOTES) (Bamapreresee] —elasave {(Galdsave ) (Gamiiiensacaein) (Amy Army Marc tan (GaamonecrenieaaoR (Ala Aa Van Staden Yai Saver) (Dewomnemeneene) Johannes (Gohanres Theodorus) Theodorus (Bireaiesrenaniiaray) Greg Cocksley (Greg Cooksiey) (cesiascneneaaT) Jahan Steynberg (Gonene Steynbers) (Bestar) CChandre Vesioo {Chand Vosioa) aoiam eareRoaTeSEH] ©— Johannes (Gohennes Coretus) Comets (Garena) (Cosar Avia (Cesar Ava) (asi cream] Povus Bierman (Petus Bierman) xe WZ np enfentSosersvtonio es rhumtransactions —bewithdrawn 2e04s5s090900005, 4678 267.08 289967780S0000007 4807 817.28 (HimsreRaSERIT) 2590654009 4607 776.96 paeieaTaNe] 2595276404 i100 01600 (HeSRENG) zascwsoro7e0o000s esaietate eR) an 7485306526 (aaaweden) ‘ma iraso2 0103 (TES) 25 es400so00008 iraass 0008 TineprhOSSor4eH0)) 2470846346 inaarornass (inaeininis) “aareoseoes inasreoze27 (Simsierosaureg) 24.08390107 ee Cee) rasan iravoseras2 ns passe czar (Cisieraiari} 21 s2s4sa47ocoo002 9814 941.39 i 6 NZ camo SostirevLasenaits — demame _eumfrenanctons tutte GREAT we Tae CRSA) ant Tey rare sssz2 10a 7960 phic t647 7940) Rene Kieyn 21.15855867 (Rere K) 2376026379 ‘asi 0ai tuanpa-seresT))(Wetbe Bettie Myburgh 2 yout) fas 722 18001 [zaass10 econorenas2e419)) ‘Santjie Bierman 20.8 (Serie Sloman) ra 70443536 (are) penn aT zore55 {AelueHKGFT Wem) le Raeraarr70 Meni aia on (Mena Ni) inoer0 75868 (B14 60 (bcp 7H=8274190) ‘Suradin Holdings [Sieshenaeaz7190)) —20.183074009990007 Serer nas7200soF (Geamcsraerareneay| (Chet Cheri Marks (Biemsreneoe5)) 20.12435040 Wats) na iro 966 95479 3544 914.20 (Gaiareresneta86875)] (John John Weare (Fiesenacoames]} 20 Ware) (seis cies ziesi0)] Giovanni@urgio (ZawraezianT) 20 (Giovanni Burgio) 354491420 (ane sigan) Jacobus Lodewyk +49.272459990000004 (Gacobus Ledewyk Leuvennink R415 960.84 Lewennink) (Famasmmener@aTS] —Katherne Tan (SmMUMETINA) 19:212700020000008 (Katherine Tan) 3409 308.62 (Foams ecmereToE| (MOVE that (Rremonaerabaam) 1020002360 (MOVE that MOUNTAIN) MOUNTAIN 3404 876.58 (casas Teen Gerald Lassen (4 TDareTEEEN] 10,1501507 (Gerald Lassen) 3395 67727 ap 2map09i8 1 WG pda stor anostitats ers ‘sendername _numtransactons —_btewithdrawn i ashe) ‘Schalk Reyroke 17.44968655, (Schak Reyneke) 3.086 501.08 TTY VM (SaereeRaH) 1729677601 ™ 3.066 911.08 PiterMaraes (SHANE) 47.25 (Peter Maris 6) 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Dire Fabig Hunter Le Roux van Nick MHbous Elisabeth Geers ‘ima van der Merwe Luca Van Staden Ne) psi Sertceoviotetts rumtransactions (Gecmereeara) Fuipeeaa) Geena) ai apnarToRre oo 2 iphoto BAeeSS7 ae] btewithdrawmn 16.440060°8 P2736 643.95 ssan721767 273263565 15.2165 2696 682.10 15:19740598 269967491 1497975205 2655 09695 14.612831800000005 2890 02632 1459032154 2596 07190 1459 258601497 14.888625450000003 2585 82445 1480001490 257006844 14.3306 R241 65250 14246926 R225 10017 14.29595 1449808908 2823 15497 1421564766, R2519 66256 “4 2481 43994 hy. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) In the matter between ANTON FRED MELCHIOR LEE ‘and MIRROR TRADING INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LIMITED AMT (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2019208670107) Registered office at: 43 Plein Street unit First Floor ‘Stollenbosch Western Cape FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORITY (FSCA) ‘CASE NO, Aoplicant First Respondent ‘Second Respondent ‘CONFIRMATORY AFFIDAVIT |. the undersigned, ‘ANNA CATHARINA VAN NIEKERK

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