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Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367

Research Report

Drive for thinness score is a proxy indicator of energy deficiency in

exercising women
Mary Jane De Souzaa,, Rayisa Hontscharuka, Marion Olmstedb,
Gretchen Kerra, Nancy I. Williamsc
Women’s Exercise and Bone Health Laboratory, Faculty of Physical Education and Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada
Noll Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA
Received 8 August 2006; received in revised form 11 October 2006; accepted 13 October 2006


The purpose of this study was to determine the association between drive for thinness (DT) and adaptations to energy deficiency in
exercising women. This observational study evaluated psychometric and metabolic factors in sedentary (n ¼ 9, 27.972.0 yr) and
exercising women (n ¼ 43, 24.071.1 yr). Volunteers were retrospectively grouped according to exercise status (sedentary or exercising)
and a DT score of normal (sedentary or exercising) or high (exercising only). Resting energy expenditure (REE) and metabolic hormones
(triiodothyronine, (TT3), ghrelin, leptin, insulin) were measured repeatedly over a 2–3 month period. The DT subscale successfully
discriminated the groups based on energy status. Although the groups did not differ in body weight, the high DT group exhibited
adaptations to chronic energy deficiency, including a REE below 90% of their predicted REE (8673.0%), significantly lower TT3 levels
and significantly higher ghrelin levels than the normal DT groups. Since energy deficiency plays a causal role in the Female Athlete Triad,
DT may serve as a proxy indicator of underlying energy deficiency and may be useful for identifying individuals at risk for Triad
disorders prior to the development of serious clinical sequelae.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Resting energy expenditure; Female athlete triad; Amenorrhea; Dietary cognitive restraint; Triiodothyronine

Introduction & Hirsch, 1995). The suppression of reproductive function

during conditions of energy deficiency is well recognized in
Energy deficiency causes weight loss as well as a cascade of the animal literature and is thought to be an adaptive
metabolic shifts that act to conserve energy, including a response to conserve fuel for more vital bodily processes,
decrease in resting energy expenditure (REE), and alterations such as cellular maintenance and locomotion (Wade,
in metabolic hormone concentrations, including triiodothyr- Schneider, & Li, 1996). In many exercising women, chronic
onine (TT3), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and ghrelin energy deficiency and the metabolic adaptations that result
(Danforth & Burger, 1984; Danforth & Burger, 1989; are thought to begin with the conscious restriction of food
De Souza, Leidy, O’Donnell, Lasley, & Williams, 2004a; intake to achieve an ideal body weight or shape (Cobb et al.,
Laughlin & Yen, 1996). Low body weight is not always an 2003; Otis, Drinkwater, Johnson, Loucks, & Wilmore, 1997).
indicator of chronic energy deficiency, as the aforementioned In humans and in non-human primates, chronic energy
metabolic adaptations to lower energy expenditure can deficiency, in turn, results in prolonged reproductive
reduce weight loss and result in weight stability and the quiescence causing severe energy-related menstrual distur-
restoration in energy balance, albeit with alterations in bances (ERMD), such as amenorrhea (De Souza &
metabolic and endocrine homeostasis (Leibel, Rosenbaum, Williams, 2004b, 2005; Williams, Helmreich, Parfitt, Cas-
ton-Balderrama, & Cameron, 2001). In exercising women
Corresponding author. with ERMD, and in particular, amenorrhea associated with
E-mail address: (M.J. De Souza). energy deficiency, the likelihood of bone loss and stress

0195-6663/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
360 M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367

fractures is greater than that observed in exercising women the presence of adaptations to energy deficiency in
who are energy replete and have normal menstrual cycles exercising women. We hypothesized that exercising women
(De Souza & Williams, 2005; Zanker & Cooke, 2004). The with a high DT will present with physiological signs of
medical condition describing the interrelated problems of energy deficiency, as defined by a lower REE, and a lower
disordered eating, menstrual irregularities, and bone loss ratio of actual to predicted REE. As corroborative
among athletes is termed the Female Athlete Triad (Otis measures of adaptations to energy deficiency, secondary
et al., 1997). outcomes were fasting concentrations of key metabolic
The prevalence of disordered eating among female hormones that are associated with energy homeostasis. As
athletes has been reported to be higher than that observed a corroborative measure of eating attitudes, the three
in sedentary women (Beals & Hill, 2006; Beals & Manore, factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ) (Stunkard & Messick,
1994). Drive for thinness (DT), a subscale of the eating 1985), another psychometric inventory reflective of eating
disorder inventory (EDI) (Garner & Olmsted, 1991) is a attitudes, was also utilized.
widely used and well validated psychometric self-report
measure of disordered eating attitudes about body image, Methods
weight, and shape. DT consists of perceptual, behavioral,
and attitudinal components, is likely triggered when there Experimental design: We conducted a large observational
is a discrepancy between the actual and ideal body weight study to examine relationships between physical activity,
which exceeds the specific idealized preference of cultural metabolism, and reproductive function. Volunteers were
thinness, and involves body image dissatisfaction (Sands, followed over a 2–3 month period while repeated assess-
2000). Elevated DT scores have been observed in exercising ments of physical activity, diet, eating attitudes, metabolic
women in concert with severe ERMD to include oligome- status, and menstrual status were performed. Volunteers
norrhea and amenorrhea (Cobb et al., 2003; O’Connor, were recruited on a rolling basis over three years. A total of
Lewis, & Kirchner, 1995). Individuals with a strong DT are 87 volunteers were recruited, and 52 completed the entire
typically preoccupied with their body weight and body study, 32 either failed screening or declined study
shape, have a fear of gaining weight, and associate their participation and 3 women dropped out due to time
achieved thinness with their self-esteem and self-worth constraints. The current study is one of the several
(Garner, Olmsted, Polivy, & Garfinkel, 1984; Sands, 2000). substudies performed using the data from this large
In exercising women, disordered eating attitudes reflected observational study. This study specifically explores the
by a high DT may contribute to behavioral changes leading relationship between DT and energy deficiency, and utilizes
to a conscious restriction of food intake, and or excessive data from all the volunteers from the larger study. For this
exercise, potentially leading to the development of the study, volunteers were retrospectively grouped according
Female Athlete Triad (Sundgot-Borgen, 1994). Interest- to their exercise status, i.e., exercising or sedentary, and
ingly, differences in body weight between amenorrheic and according to their scores for DT obtained from the EDI.
eumenorrheic exercising women are often not observed (De The details of this classification scheme are outlined in the
Souza et al., 2004a; Laughlin & Yen, 1996; Kaufman et al., Data Analysis section.
2002; Myerson et al., 1991) suggesting that endocrine and Volunteers: Volunteers were recruited by posters target-
metabolic adaptations to conserve energy and reduce ing both sedentary and physically active women for a study
weight loss should be closely examined to better under- on women’s health. Screening procedures included general
stand the physiology of the Triad. questionnaires on exercise, eating, menstrual cycle, and
Prevention strategies targeted at decreasing the preva- medical health history. Eligibility criteria for the study
lence and negative consequences of the Triad must reliably included: (1) aged 18–35 yr; (2) good health as determined
capture those aspects of the Triad that are seminal to its by a medical exam; (3) no chronic illness, including
etiology (Livingstone & Black, 2003). Because a large body hyperprolactinemia and thyroid disease; (4) stable men-
of evidence supports strong correlations between disor- strual status over preceding 3 months; (5) non-smoker; (6)
dered eating, DT and amenorrhea in female athletes, we not currently dieting and weight stable for the preceding 3
reasoned that these correlations might be related to the months, as determined by self-report; (7) not taking any
impact of energy deficiency that can be the physiological form of hormonal therapy for at least 12 months; (8) no
underpinning of prolonged reproductive suppression (De history or current clinical diagnosis of eating disorders and
Souza et al., 2004a; De Souza & Williams 2004b; Loucks & (9) no other contraindications that would preclude
Thuma, 2003). If this were true, psychometric indices may participation in the study. The study was approved by
represent a reliable ‘‘first pass’’ indicator of energy the Ethics Review Board at the University of Toronto and
deficiency and might be used to identify individuals at risk all volunteers signed an approved Informed Consent
for the Triad. We chose to investigate the association document.
between DT and adaptations to energy deficiency since this Observational time periods: If participants self-reported
particular subscale is commonly associated with severe that (1) they menstruated regularly, they were monitored
ERMD (Cobb et al., 2003). Thus, the primary purpose of for 2 to 3 menstrual cycles; (2) they were oligomenorrheic
this study was to determine whether DT is an indicator of (menses at intervals of 36–100 days), they were followed
M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367 361

until their first menses or for 100 days, whichever came first (kcal/day) ¼ [3.94(VO2)+1.11 (VCO2)]  1.44, and then
and (3) they were amenorrheic (no menses for 3 months), converted to kJ. A ratio of the actual REE to predicted
they were followed for 2–3 30-day periods. Five women REE (REE/pREE) was calculated once during each
were monitored for only one menstrual cycle or one 30-day monitoring period using the Harris–Benedict equation
monitoring period including 3 amenorrheic women and 2 (Harris & Benedict, 1919) and then averaged for the
menstruating women. Menstrual cycle length and presence entire study period. To further examine differences among
or absence of menses was monitored throughout this study groups with respect to indices of energy deficiency, we
via self-report. Although detailed menstrual profiles of expressed REE as a ratio of actual to predicted based on
daily ovarian steroids were generated, these data are the predicted calculated using the Harris–Benedict equa-
beyond the scope of this paper. tion (Harris & Benedict, 1919). Although there is
Anthropometric data: Total body mass was measured to variability associated with pREE as estimated from
the nearest 0.1 kg on a physician’s scale weekly throughout Harris–Benedict (Harris & Benedict, 1919), this variability
the study, and the mean of these measurements is presented was expected to be distributed randomly among all three
(Detecto, Webb City, MO). Height was measured to the groups.
nearest 1.0 cm at the beginning of the study period. Body Dietary energy intake: Dietary energy intake was
mass index (BMI) was calculated as average weekly weight assessed from 3-day nutritional logs recorded for two
throughout the study period divided by height2 (kg/m2). weekdays and one weekend day during each week of REE
Body composition: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry determination. Three day recordings of food intake have
(DXA) was utilized to determine body composition once been demonstrated to provide comparable data to 7 day
during the course of the study (General Electric Lunar records in women who may underreport their food intake,
Corporation, Madison, WI, enCORE 2002, version to include lean women (Goris & Westerterp, 1999).
6.50.069). The DXA scanner has a precision of o1% Dietary energy intake was measured 2–3 times in each
coefficient of variation for body composition measure- subject on days 2–6 of the follicular phase for the
ments. A 28 subject precision study was performed in menstruating volunteers, and on days 1–5 of a defined 30
premenopausal women, and the precision was 0.6% for the day monitoring period for volunteers who were oligome-
total body. The division of soft tissue into fat (g) and lean norrheic and amenorrheic. Each volunteer weighed (ECKO
tissue (g) is based on an attenuation ratio of high-energy Kitchen Scale) or measured (using standard measuring
and low-energy photons or R-value. cups) all food and beverages consumed and was carefully
Resting energy expenditure: REE was measured during instructed how to measure and report food and beverage
the early follicular phase (day 2–6) of each menstrual cycle items by qualified personnel. The nutrient data from the 3-
for menstruating volunteers and during the first 6 days of day logs were coded and analyzed for total kilocalories
each 30-day monitoring period for oligomenorrheic and using Nutritionist Pro (Version 1.3.36; First DataBank
amenorrheic volunteers. REE was determined by indirect Inc., Indianapolis, IN). Daily kilocalories consumed over
calorimetry using a ventilated hood system (SensorMedics the 3-day recording period for each menstrual cycle
Vmax Series, Yorba Linda, CA). Room temperature (1C), or monitoring period were averaged. Daily energy intake
humidity (%H2O), and barometric pressure (mmHg) were (kJ/day) was expressed as the mean value of all menstrual
measured. Volunteers were instructed not to exercise or cycles or monitoring periods recorded throughout the
ingest caffeine within 24 h, refrain from ingesting food and study.
alcohol within 12 h prior to testing and arrive at the lab Physical activity logs: Volunteers kept logs of their daily
within 90 min after awakening. Before conducting the REE physical activity and their purposeful exercise if applicable.
analysis, weight (kg), height (cm) and age (yr) were Heart rate, via manual palpation of an artery, was
recorded, and predicted REE (pREE; kJ/day) was calcu- immediately taken upon the completion of 3 min or more
lated using the Harris–Benedict equation (Harris & of continuous physical activity and was recorded on daily
Benedict, 1919) ¼ 655.0955+9.5634 (weight)+1.8495 physical activity logs.
(height)4.6756 (age). REE measurements were performed Peak aerobic capacity: VO2 peak was measured during a
between 0830 and 1100 h in a lit room at a comfortable progressive treadmill test to volitional exhaustion using
temperature setting (20–241C). After the volunteers lay open-circuit spirometry on a single occasion. After a warm-
quietly for 45 min, a transparent canopy was placed over up, the VO2 peak test was initiated at a comfortable
their head. Volunteers were instructed to lie flat on their running speed at 0.0% grade for 2 min and the grade was
back and remain awake during the 30-min measurement increased by 2.0% every 2 min for the first 8 min, and then
period. Oxygen consumption (VO2; mL/min) and carbon increased by 1.0% for each subsequent minute. To collect
dioxide production (VCO2; mL/min) were measured every expired air, subjects breathed continuously through a Hans
20 s. To calculate REE, data for VO2 and VCO2 were only Rudolph valve and corrugated plastic tubing connected to
used if steady state was attained. Steady state was achieved a flow transducer that measured inspired air volumes.
when the volume of expired air, VO2, and respiratory Expired air samples were measured using an online Moxus
quotient values were not varying by more than 10%. REE Modular VO2 System (Applied Electrochemistry Inc.,
was calculated using the Weir equation (Weir, 1990): REE Pittsburgh, PA).
362 M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367

Drive for thinness: DT was assessed as part of the entire assay was 29.7 pmol/L (100 pg/mL). The intraassay and
EDI, which was completed once during the study. The EDI interassay coefficients of variation were 6.4% and 16%,
is a 91-item self-report measure of multidimensional respectively.
symptom clusters associated with eating disorders (Garner Data analysis: To address the relationship between DT
& Olmsted, 1991). The subscales of the EDI are com- and energy deficiency, participants were retrospectively
prised of 3 subscales assessing attitudes and behaviors grouped according to exercise status and DT score, and
concerning eating, weight, and shape (DT, Bulimia, Body categorized into one of the 3 groups: (1) Exercising high
Dissatisfaction), 5 subscales assessing organizing con- DT group (ExHigh-DT, n ¼ 9), (2) exercising normal DT
structs or psychological traits relevant to eating disorders group (ExNormal-DT n ¼ 34), and (3) sedentary normal
(Ineffectiveness, Perfectionism, Interpersonal Distrust, DT group (SedNormal-DT n ¼ 9). Since only one seden-
Interoceptive Awareness, Maturity Fears), and 3 provi- tary volunteer had a high DT score, a ‘‘SedHigh-DT’’
sional subscales (Asceticism, Impulse Regulation, Social group was not included in the analyses.
Insecurity). Exercise status was defined a priori as ‘‘sedentary’’ when
Three factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ): The TFEQ is a purposeful exercise was less than 2 h per week and
51-item questionnaire that measures three dimensions of ‘‘exercising’’ when purposeful exercise was more than 2 h
human eating behavior: (1) dietary cognitive restraint, (2) per week. Purposeful exercise was defined as exercise that
disinhibition, and (3) hunger (Stunkard & Messick, 1985). elicited an HR greater than 55% of maximal HR for 3 min
This questionnaire was administered once during the or more as documented in exercise logs (ACSM’s Guide-
monitoring period. lines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 2006; De Souza
Blood sampling and storage: Blood samples were et al., 1998).
collected between 0730 and 1000 h during the early A normal DT score was defined as less than or equal to
follicular (days 2–6) phase of the menstrual cycle for 6; about 75% of college women have scores in this range,
menstruating exercising and sedentary volunteers. For with a representative mean score of 5.5 (Garner & Olmsted,
amenorrheic and oligomenorrheic volunteers, blood sam- 1991). DT was defined a priori as high when the score was
ples were collected during the first 6 days of each 30 day (1) 7 or greater which corresponds to the 73rd percentile
monitoring period. All hormone measurements obtained for college women (Garner & Olmsted, 1991) and utilized
from repeated blood samples on a given volunteer were by others to discriminate high and low/normal DT scores
averaged during data analysis. Volunteers were instructed (Ramacciotti et al., 2002), or (2) equal to 0 in the presence
not to exercise or consume food within 12 h prior to of all other EDI subscale scores equal to or less than 2,
blood sampling. Antecubital blood samples were drawn except for perfectionism, which was greater than 9; this
using a blood collection needle (21 gauge, 19 mm) and profile is indicative of a ‘‘fake’’ response style, as described
blood collection tubes (Vacutainer, Franklin Lakes, NJ). by O’Connor et al. (1995). The decision to utilize this
Samples were allowed to clot for 30 min at room strategy was also made a priori since some women may
temperature (20–241C) and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm adjust their responses to fit a normative behavior profile.
for 15 min at 41C. The serum was aliquoted into 2-mL In the current study, we incorporated this notion into
polyethylene storage tubes and stored frozen at 801C our classification of volunteers as high DT by including
until analysis. two individuals who scored 0 on the DT subscale and
Serum hormone measurements: TT3 was analyzed using a had a profile consistent with ‘‘faking’’ on the remaining
chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer (Immulite, Di- subscales.
agnostic Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA) through Statistical analysis: All data sets were tested for non-
competitive immunoassay. Analytical sensitivity for the TT3 normality, homogeneity of variance, and outliers before
assay was 0.54 nmol/L (35 ng/dL). The intraassay and statistical hypothesis tests are performed. Outliers detected
interassay coefficients of variation were 13.2% and were rejected; all data sets were normally distributed. Data
15.6%, respectively. Insulin was analyzed using a chemilu- were expressed as mean 7 SEM. Demographic data and
minescence immunoassay analyzer (Immulite, Diagnostic training characteristics (i.e., age, height, weight, BMI, body
Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA) through immuno- composition, VO2 max, age of menarche, gynecological
metric (sandwich) assay. Analytical sensitivity for the age) and data for all metabolic, reproductive, and
insulin assay was 13.89 pmol/L (2 mIU/mL). The intraassay psychological parameters were compared among the
and interassay coefficients of variation were 6.4% and groups using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Post hoc
8.0%, respectively. Serum leptin levels were measured using tests (Least Significant Difference) were used when
a direct sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay main effects of ANOVA were detected. Pearson correla-
(ELISA; Linco Research, Inc., St. Charles, MO). Analytical tion coefficient analyses were performed to assess associa-
sensitivity for the leptin assay was 0.5 mg/L (0.5 ng/mL). The tions between variables of interest. Chi-square analyses
intraassay and interassay coefficients of variation were were performed to compare menstrual category among
4.6% and 6.2%, respectively. Total serum ghrelin was the groups. All data were analyzed using SPSS for
measured using radioimmunoassay (RIA; Linco Research, Windows (version 12.0; Chicago, IL) statistical software
Inc., St. Charles, MO). The sensitivity for the total ghrelin package.
M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367 363

Results subscale of Asceticism ðp ¼ 0:017Þ were significantly higher

in the ExHigh-DT group compared to the SedNormal-DT
Demographic and anthropometric characteristics: The group only. No differences were observed between the
demographic characteristics of the volunteers are presented groups for TFEQ disinhibition and hunger scores, how-
in Table 1. As expected, the ExHigh-DT and the ever, dietary cognitive restraint scores were higher
ExNormal-DT groups had a higher VO2 max (po0.001),
total volume of purposeful and non-purposeful activity
minutes per week (po0.001), total volume of purposeful Table 2
activity that elicited a heart rate greater than 55% of Psychometric data of the sedentary and exercising women grouped by
maximal heart rate ðp ¼ 0:003Þ, and a lower ðp ¼ 0:004Þ High and Normal Drive for Thinness scores
percentage of body fat than the SedNormal-DT group. SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT p-value
Average VO2 max for the sedentary women was considered ðn ¼ 9Þ ðn ¼ 34Þ ðn ¼ 9Þ (group
to be of ‘‘average’’ fitness, while the exercising women
exhibited VO2 max averages considered to be ‘‘above EDI-2
average’’ by ACSM classification (ACSM’s Guidelines for Drive for Thinness 1.070.7 1.470.4 11.370.6a o0.001
Bulimia 0.470.3 0.470.2 2.371.0a 0.012
Exercise Testing and Prescription, 2006). Body dissatisfaction 5.371.5 5.371.0 9.472.4 0.165
Menstrual categories: Menstrual category was deemed to Ineffectiveness 1.470.8 1.270.3 5.971.7a o0.001
Perfectionism 5.471.0 5.570.5 6.871.7 0.612
be abnormal if volunteers experienced no menses during Interpersonal distrust 2.670.9 1.670.4 3.971.3 0.080
the observation period or if menstrual cycle length was Interoceptive awareness 0.970.4 1.370.4 3.271.3 0.075
36–100 days. Menstrual category was deemed to be normal Maturity fears 4.571.8 2.270.5 3.170.9 0.229
Asceticism 1.570.3 2.570.3 3.770.7b 0.017
if the menstrual cycle intervals were between 26 and 35 Social insecurity 3.270.9 1.870.3 3.670.9 0.062
days during the observation period. Significantly more Impulse regulation 0.670.4 1.470.5 0.870.5 0.688
abnormal cycles (amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea) were Disinhibition 4.670.8 5.470.6 6.071.2 0.652
observed in the ExHigh-DT group compared to the other Hunger 6.470.7 6.670.5 7.071.1 0.890
groups (w2 ¼ 16:1, po0.001). Cognitive restraint 6.471.6 8.470.8 15.371.3a o0.001

Psychometric parameters: The psychometric profile data Values are mean7SEM.

of the volunteers are presented in Table 2. By study design, TFEQ ¼ Three Factor Eating Questionnaire.
DT scores were higher (po0.001) in the ExHigh-DT group Exercising High Drive for Thinness group ¼ ExHigh-DT (DTX7).
compared to the normal-DT groups. Scores on the EDI Exercising Normal Drive for Thinness group ¼ ExNormal-DT (DTo7).
Sedentary Normal Drive for Thinness group ¼ SedNormal-DT (DTo7).
subscales of Bulimia ðp ¼ 0:012Þ, and Ineffectiveness a
ExHigh-DT vs SedNormal-DT and ExNormal-DT; ANOVA with
(po0.001) were significantly higher in the ExHigh-DT LSD post hoc test.
group compared to the normal-DT groups. Scores on the b
ExHigh-DT vs SedNormal-DT; ANOVA with LSD post hoc test.

Table 1
Demographic characteristics of the sedentary and exercising women grouped by High and Normal Drive for Thinness scores

SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT p

ðn ¼ 9Þ ðn ¼ 34Þ ðn ¼ 9Þ (group effect)

Age (yr) 27.972.0 23.970.7 24.071.5 0.062

Height (cm) 161.971.7 165.770.9 165.771.1 0.123
Weight (kg) 58.472.4 58.471.0 57.072.1 0.827
BMI (kg/m2) 22.770.8 21.370.3 20.870.7 0.100
Body fat (%) 31.372.5 23.171.0a 21.972.1a 0.004
VO2 peak (mL/kg.min1) 39.271.5 46.370.8a 45.071.4a o0.001
Total activity volume (min/wk) 191.3776.8 519.7736.4a 664.77118.3a o0.001
Total purposeful activity volume (min/wk) 113.2723.4 294.9726.0a 255.7765.2a 0.003
Age of menarche (yr) 12.670.3 12.870.3 12.670.5 0.871
Gynecological age (yr) 15.372.0 11.070.8 11.471.7 0.066

Values are mean7SEM.

Exercising High Drive for Thinness group ¼ ExHigh-DT (DTX7).
Exercising Normal Drive for Thinness group ¼ ExNormal-DT (DTo7).
Sedentary Normal Drive for Thinness group ¼ SedNormal-DT (DTo7).
VO2 max ¼ Maximal oxygen uptake.
BMI ¼ Body Mass Index.
 Total activity volume (min/wk) is defined as any physical activity, including purposeful and nonpurposeful activity, greater than 5 min duration.
Total purposeful activity volume (min/wk) is defined as any physical activity that elicited a heart rate greater than 55% of maximal heart rate, defined
as 220-age.
ExHigh-DT and ExNormal-DT vs SedNormal-DT; ANOVA with LSD post hoc test.
364 M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367

(po0.001) and in the clinical range of 14 or greater, as the ratio of actual to predicted REE (r ¼ 0:331,
established by Stunkard and Messick (1985) in the ExHigh- p ¼ 0:018), indicating a significant inverse relationship of
DT group compared to the normal-DT groups. This is DT scores and key markers of an energy deficiency. In
consistent with previous data reported in exercising women addition, a positive correlation (r ¼ 0:398, p ¼ 0:004) was
(McLean, Barr, & Prior, 2001). A significant positive observed for DT score and ghrelin concentrations, another
correlation was found between DT and dietary cognitive likely marker of a chronic energy deficiency (De Souza
restraint (r ¼ 0:602, po0.001), indicating how tightly et al., 2004a).
coupled these psychometric measures are.
Energy status and metabolic hormones: Energy balance Discussion
indices and metabolic hormones of the volunteers are
presented in Table 3 and Fig. 1. Adjusted REE, expressed This is the first study to evaluate whether the use of the
as kJ/kg FFM ðp ¼ 0:003Þ, and REE expressed as a ratio of DT subscale, (in conjunction with the use of other EDI
actual to predicted REE ðp ¼ 0:023Þ, were significantly scores to identify fake responders), can discriminate
lower in the ExHigh-DT group compared to both the individuals with signs of chronic energy deficiency. The
sedentary and exercising normal-DT groups (Fig. 1). The high DT and dietary cognitive restraint scores in the
ExNormal-DT group also had a significantly lower REE/ ExHigh-DT group are consistent with a psychological
FFM than the SedNormal-DT group. Additionally, profile of an individual at risk for disordered eating
examination of the ratio of actual to predicted REE, we (Garner & Olmsted, 1991; Garner, Garfinkel, Rockert, &
found that 66% of the volunteers in the ExHigh-DT group Olmsted, 1987; McLean et al., 2001). Our findings indicate
could be classified as ‘‘energy deficient’’. In contrast, 27% that a clinical classification of high DT is significantly
in the SedNormal-DT and ExNormal-DT groups were associated with reduced REE and hormonal indicators of
classified as energy deficient (w2 ¼ 4:940, p ¼ 0:026). Daily compensatory adaptations to energy deficiency and there-
caloric intake was not different ðp ¼ 0:630Þ among the fore establish a link between this psychometric measure
groups (Table 3). and the physiological underpinnings of the Female Athlete
TT3 was lower ðp ¼ 0:007Þ and ghrelin concentrations Triad. The average measured REE of the high DT group
were higher ðp ¼ 0:044Þ in the ExHigh-DT group compared was 86% of predicted and is consistent with the clinical use
to both the sedentary and exercising normal-DT groups of REE to assess metabolic status in anorexic women; that
(Fig. 1). Leptin concentrations were lower ðp ¼ 0:002Þ in is a reduced REE of 60–80% of pREE is often reported in
both exercising groups, compared to the SedNormal-DT clinical models of starvation, such as anorexia nervosa,
group, presumably attributable to the lower percentage during periods of low body weight and prior to refeeding
of body fat observed. No differences (p40.05) were (Marra et al., 2002; Melchior, Rigaud, Rozen, Malon, &
observed among the groups for insulin concentrations. A Apfelbaum, 1989; Polito et al., 2000). Additionally, low
significant negative relationship was observed between DT REE has been repeatedly associated with reproductive
scores and TT3 concentrations (r ¼ 0:356, p ¼ 0:010), suppression in exercising women who maintain a normal
adjusted REE (kJ/kg/FFM) (r ¼ 0:325, p ¼ 0:023), and weight (Myerson, et al., 1991; Kaufman, et al., 2002).
The percentage of individuals who would be clinically
classified as energy deficient was 66% in the ExHigh-DT
Table 3 group, and 27% in the normal DT groups. This finding
Bioenergetic profile data of the sedentary and exercising women grouped establishes the clinical significance of this degree of change
by High and Normal Drive for Thinness scores in REE, and underscores the parallels between seemingly
SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT p-value healthy exercising women and individuals with clinical
ðn ¼ 9Þ ðn ¼ 34Þ ðn ¼ 9Þ (group eating disorders. The average ratios of actual to pREE in
the ExNormal-DT and the SedNormal-DT groups were
Energy status above this 90% criterion. Metabolic hormone profiles, i.e.,
REE (kJ) 53227209 5519797 50127195 0.088 TT3 and ghrelin (De Souza et al., 2004a; De Souza &
Daily intake (kJ/day) 84687540 80507343 750171053 0.630
Williams, 2004b; Laughlin & Yen, 1996) are consistent
Metabolic hormones
Leptin (mg/L) 9.572.0 4.570.4a 5.571.2a 0.002
with adaptations to energy deficiency and are thus
Insulin (pmol/L) 34.774.2 33.372.1 31.374.9 0.824 corroborative. Taken together, these findings underscore
the premise that subclinical disordered eating behaviors
Values are mean7SEM.
All values are the average score for two or three measurement periods.
and attitudes, as represented by a high DT, are important
Exercising High Drive for Thinness group ¼ ExHigh-DT (DTX7). etiological factors for chronic energy deficiency.
Exercising Normal Drive for Thinness group ¼ ExNormal-DT (DTo7). Others (Ramacciotti et al., 2002) have also used a score
Sedentary Normal Drive for Thinness group ¼ SedNormal-DT (DTo7). of 7 to be representative of a ‘‘high’’ DT score, and have
Resting energy expenditure (REE). shown that high DT is observed in exercising women. The
Leptin, conversion ng/mL  1 ¼ mg/L.
Insulin, conversion mIU/mL  6.945 pmol/L.
published normative mean for 205 college students
ExHigh-DT and ExNormal-DT vs SedNormal-DT; ANOVA with reported by Garner and Olmstead (1991) is 5.571.0.
LSD post hoc test. O’Connor et al. (1995) reported that gymnasts had a mean
M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367 365


Actual:Predicted REE
150 a
REE/FFM (kJ/kg)

140 b 0.88
= =

SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT

Mean DT=1.0±0.7 Mean DT=1.4±0.4 MeanDT=11.3±0.6 Mean DT=1.0±0.7 Mean DT=1.4±0.4 MeanDT=11.3±0.6

1.8 2350 a


Ghrelin (pmol/L)
TT3 (nmol/L)


= =

SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT SedNormal-DT ExNormal-DT ExHigh-DT

Mean DT=1.0±0.7 Mean DT=1.4±0.4 MeanDT=11.3±0.6 Mean DT=1.0±0.7 Mean DT=1.4±0.4 MeanDT=11.3±0.6

Fig. 1. Data for resting energy expenditure (REE) in sedentary and exercising subjects grouped according to drive for thinness (DT) scores. Panel A is
REE adjusted for fat free mass (FFM) in sedentary and exercising subjects grouped according to DT scores. Panel B is the ratio of measured to predicted
REE in sedentary and exercising subjects grouped according to DT scores. Panels C and D are concentrations of total triiodothyronine (TT3) and ghrelin
in sedentary and exercising subjects grouped according to DT scores. a ¼ po0.05 ExHigh-DT vs SedNormal-DT and ExNormal-DT (ANOVA with
LSD). b ¼ po0.05 ExNormal-DT vs SedNormal-DT (ANOVA with LSD).

DT score of 9.070.7; a score that is above the criterion of 7 is a stable disposition to limit food intake (Stunkard &
utilized in the current study, but below the mean score Messick, 1985). Exercising women in the high DT group
observed in our ExHigh-DT group of 11.370.6. Recently, displayed 90–120% higher dietary cognitive restraint
Torstveit and Sundgot-Borgen (2005) have suggested the scores than the Normal DT groups. Dietary cognitive
use of a DT score of 15 or greater should be used for restraint was, however, not as successful at discriminating
classifying athletes as being ‘‘at risk’’ for the Female the energy deficient women from the energy stable women.
Athlete Triad. Based on our findings, a DT score of 15 or There are many confounding factors that can impact
greater is far too high a threshold to establish and is more dietary cognitive restraint (McLean et al., 2001), making it
indicative of clinical eating disorders, as described by difficult to use these scores as an indicator of energy
Garner and Olmsted (1991). As indicated by the current deficiency. As demonstrated in this study, a high DT
study, a DT score of 14 or greater would result in the coupled with high dietary cognitive restraint was related to
failure to identify many athletes who may be energy energy deficiency, however, high dietary cognitive restraint,
deficient. We suggest a lower DT score is likely more in the absence of high DT, may not necessarily reflect poor
appropriate for the identification of subclinical ‘‘at risk’’ energy status. Indeed, high dietary cognitive restraint may
disordered eating behaviors indicative of an energy be more so related to chronic dieting to prevent weight gain
deficiency. than dieting to promote weight loss (Safer, Agras, Lowe, &
Disordered eating attitudes, like a high DT, present on a Bryson, 2004). Thus, DT score may be a more sensitive
continuum in association with conscious restriction of food psychometric variable to consider when identifying exercis-
intake, as indicated by the strong association with high ing women with an energy deficiency or a propensity to
dietary cognitive restraint (McLean et al., 2001; O’Connor become energy deficient due to the fact that not all women
et al., 1995; Otis et al., 1997; Sundgot-Borgen, 1994). In the that exhibit high dietary cognitive restraint scores are
current study, a high DT score was also strongly related to successful restrainers (Lowe, 1994; Stunkard & Messick,
a high score on the dietary cognitive restraint scale, which 1985).
366 M.J. De Souza et al. / Appetite 48 (2007) 359–367

While this study supports a strong association between recent evidence suggesting that energy deficiency is related
DT and energy deficiency, it is important to note that some to acute signs of skeletal demineralization (De Souza &
women may develop energy deficiency but may not Williams, 2005) is supportive of significant physiological
necessarily have the characteristic restricted or subclinical interrelationships of the components of the Female Athlete
disordered eating behaviors described. Some women may Triad, i.e., disordered eating, menstrual disturbances and
simply fail to balance energy intake and expenditure in a bone loss.
manner necessary to sustain metabolic and menstrual Future studies should be aimed at testing the efficacy of
function independent of any subclinical or clinical eating DT to identify individuals with energy deficiency and
pathology. Inadequate food intake may be linked to as yet concomitant menstrual disturbances. A strong association
undefined disturbances in peripheral or central cues of food between elevations in DT and signs of energy deficiency in
intake. In any case, inadequate food intake should be exercising women with subtle menstrual disturbances like
considered as an etiological factor in terms of treatment of luteal phase defects and anovulation might be particularly
Triad disorders, where menstrual disturbances exist with- useful because it might allow for an intervention prior to
out other known causes in exercising women. the development of more severe and obvious clinical
Our finding that a reduced REE is associated with high perturbations like oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea. At
DT is reinforced by other hormonal indicators of energy present there exists no practical means to identify these
deficiency. Thyroid status is a major determinant of REE women, and since it is unfeasible and likely cost prohibitive
and TT3 is a classic marker of energy deficiency (Danforth to measure REE and/or a hormonal panel in large numbers
& Burger, 1984, 1989). Low TT3 syndrome is observed in of recreational and competitive athletes, this strategy may
severely undernourished individuals like anorexic patients, very well prove helpful to health practitioners and frontline
secondary to food restriction (Onur et al., 2005; Polito et athletic personnel striving to identify at risk individuals
al., 2000). Some investigators have also speculated that low and provide an opportunity for early therapeutic interven-
TT3 status contributes to the energy sparing or energy tion. The potential usefulness of this scale is appealing, as it
conservation effect typically observed in undernourished or can be administered in a field setting, is cost-effective, non-
energy deficit individuals (Onur et al., 2005). Thus, in the invasive, and easy. Caution is warranted until studies with
current study, it is likely that the low TT3 ‘‘like’’ syndrome larger numbers of volunteers can demonstrate the efficacy
observed in the high DT group plays a key role in the of this tool for use with a single individual, i.e., the
energy conserving reduction in REE. TT3 levels in the high demonstration of high sensitivity and specificity.
DT group were 17.7% lower than that observed in the
exercising normal DT group and 26.6% lower than that
observed in the sedentary normal DT group. Acknowledgments
Ghrelin, an orexigenic gut related peptide, is proposed to
be a primary peripheral metabolic signal for hunger, meal We are very grateful to the women who participated in
initiation, and energy homeostasis. We have previously this study. We are also very grateful to our source of
reported elevated fasting ghrelin levels in amenorrheic support, the Arthur Thornton Cardiopulmonary Fund,
athletes (De Souza et al., 2004a) in a manner similar to New Britain General Hospital, Connecticut.
observations of elevated ghrelin with amenorrhea that
accompanies anorexia nervosa (Tanaka et al., 2003). In this
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