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Questionnaire form for respondent

Questionnaire for Respondent

Dear respondent

We are undergraduate Student in Dilla University; College of Engineering and Technology;

School of Architecture and Construction Technology and Management, Construction
Technology and Management department. Currently we are 5th year students and
undertaking a research work entitled as Investigation on the Performance of Contractors
on Building Construction Projects in Dilla Town. The research result could be used as an
input for decision makers, professionals, academician and other interested groups to play
their respective role for the achievement of project objectives.

It is believed that your participation in this research will contribute in achieving the
objectives of the research. Thus, the quality of your response towards the question items
determines the quality of the research results. Therefore, please answer the questions as
thoroughly, objectively and honestly as possible according to the instructions contained in
the body of the questionnaire. Finally, we want to assure you that all information provided in
this survey will be treated with strict confidentiality and allowed to serve only for the
academic purpose.

Interested participant of this study feedback will be given on the overall research results after
the completion of the research work.

Questionnaire form for respondent

SECTION 1: Background Information

Fill in the blank space the most appropriate answer in the box provided.

1. Which of the following best describe your company?

A. Client B. Contractor C. Consultant D. If others; pealse specify_____________

2. Which one of the following best describes your educational qualification?

A. Certificate B. College Diploma C. University Degree [Bsc.]

D. University Degree Masters [ MSc ] E. If others, Please specify_____________

3. How long have you worked in building construction industry?

A. ≤ 2 year B. 3-6 year C. 7-10 year D. >10 year

4. How long have you worked in building construction industry in Dilla City?

A. ≤ 2 year B. 3-6 year C. 7-10 year D. >10 year

5 How long have you worked for your present organization?

A. ≤ 2 year B. 3-6 year C. 7-10 year D. >10 year

6. What is your current position in your organization? Please thick (√) only.

Project Manager Site Engineer Office Engineer

Resident Engineer Counterpart Engineer Designer

Architect If other; please specify________________________

7. How long have you been in your present position?

A. ≤ 2 year B. 3-6 year C. 7-10 year D. >10 year

Questionnaire form for respondent

SECTION 2: General Information on Performance of Building Contractors

8. There are different factors affecting the performance of contractors in Ethiopian building
construction industry in general and that of building construction industry in the City of

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Moderately Agree

D. Dis-agree E. Strongly Dis-agree

SECTION 3: Identification of factors affecting the Performance of contractors in

building construction industry

9. Below are list of factors affecting performance of contractor on building construction

projects. Indicate the level of agreement to the factor from your experience; please express
your opinion on the importance of the following factors that affect performance of contractor
on building construction projects around Dilla town. Please thick (√) on the table based on
the Likert scale.

Where; 1= very low effect, 2= low effect, 3= medium effect, 4= high effect and 5= very high
Factors affecting the performance of contractors 1 2 3 4 5
A. Project management related factor
Strong monitoring
Effectiveness of coordination
Adequate team selection
Development and motivation
Effective project scheduling and budgeting
Effective communication
Decision making skills
Sequencing of work according to schedule
Project complexity
Management labor relationship
B. Procurement related factor
Procurement method

Questionnaire form for respondent

Tendering method
C. Client related factor
Project financing
Client characteristic
Client type and experience
D. Design team related factor
Design team experience
Project design complexity
Delay in producing design document
E. Contractor related factor
Contractor cash flow
Effectiveness of cost control system
Speed of information flow
F. Cost related factor
Material and equipment cost
Project labor cost
Cost of variation orders
Differentiation of currency prices
G. Time related factor
Poor project management assistance
Low speed of decision making
Average delay in payments from owners to contractors

10. Below are list of factors that improve performance of contractor on building construction
projects. Indicate the level of agreement to the factor from your experience; please express
your opinion on the importance of the following factors that improve performance of
contractor on building construction projects around Dilla Town. Please thick (√) on the table
based on the Likert scale.

Where; 1= very low effect, 2= low effect, 3= medium effect, 4= high effect and 5= very high
Factors that improve the performance of contractors 1 2 3 4 5
Find good construction management software
Start using building information modeling

Questionnaire form for respondent

Improve planning with more data

Shifting towards prefabricated building system
Improve communication skill
Using Effective project scheduling and budgeting
Using Effective cost control system
Establish performance measurement
Develop adequate team selection
Improve decision making skills
Improve safety training

Thank you

Researcher phone No......................................

Respondent name..........................................

Respondent address......................................



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