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Quiz 1

Question 1: (Marks 5)
Describe how Performance is affected in a common job, such as salesclerk, if any of these are low or
missing: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, or Motivation? What can happen if the manager
cannot accurately identify the source(s) of performance problems?

Answer: We have studied the formula of Performance:


If a salesclerk has anyone of them is missing in its behavior, it will affect the whole shop or
department of that company. Anyways Declarative Knowledge and Motivation is the central
aspect to consider in this job as one should have the knowledge of goods and where are they
located in the store to guide the consumer in need if he has low or no experience about the
product or store it will directly cause the Organization or its shop an unsatisfactory consumer.
Moreover, Motivation is as essential as a confident salesperson has a positive relation with
consumer satisfaction. E.g., In the metro, an individual is lost and wants to know the location of
to meat shop and ask one of the salesclerks there. If he has both procedural and descriptive
knowledge, he can guide him/her better; otherwise, he will confuse it, even more, affecting the
brand image.
(b) Manager needs proper knowledge about the individual lack of Performance before
evaluating the overall source of causing that problem. If the manager fails to identify the head of
the performance problem, it will gradually decrease employee satisfaction and Motivation at the
same time. Which will in result, affect the overall objective and goal of the Organization

Question 2: (Marks 5)

Give examples where each of the following factors may negatively affect Performance?
Factors Influencing Determinants of Performance:
1. Individual characteristics
Answer: Many times, individual behavior, age, education, and work experiences affect
their Performance. An employee is on the edge of its retirement can focus on its objective
more clearly cause of its age. An employee who has fewer work experiences tend to get a
hard time adjusting to the office environment
2. Procedural knowledge
Answer: Procedural knowledge is the know-how of the job. If a person has a car but does
not know how to drive it will directly affect its Performance when he drives a car. It
defines a procedure of how to get things done.
3. Declarative knowledge
Answer: Without proper information, the entire performance mechanism failed. Suppose
an individual does not understand the Organization's objective or goal, we can expect
them to give their 100% performance to the good cause.
4. Motivation
Answer: Employees can have both descriptive and procedural knowledge, yet he/she can
have a lower performance. Why? Because he doesn't feel motivated in the Organization,
e.g., a person is serving the Organization from past three years and have a pure skill of its
job and other managerial techniques, but the company don't recognize its effort or gave
him proper praise that will affect its Performance
5. HR practices
Answer: Sometimes individual performance is affected by uncertain HR policies or
strategies which will affect their productivity e.g. Strict rules, biased regulations or
initiating such programs which create lack of insecurity in employees.
6. Work environment
Answer: Work Environment is major threat to individual performance. Lack of one fan
or computer will cause an organization a great productivity. We should consider
employee as an asset which will not works on its own, but it will work on the procedure
we define for them. In that way work environment is important. Employee engagement,
Appreciation for sharing new ideas, Diversified Work Environment create a positive
impact on their performance

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