Ethical Practices Made by Company To Stay Informed PDF

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TOPIC-: Ethical Practices made by company to stay informed
about development issues connected to the recruitment.

What is recruitment ?
Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the
organisation . When more persons apply for jobs then there will
be a scope for recruiting better persons.

In this topic we are going to discuss about “Ethical Practices
made by company to stay informed about development issues
connected to the recruitment”. According to data present on
internet there are many issues connected to the recruitment
process like lack of understanding between the recruiters and
hiring managers and many more.



 Failure to attract talented candidates

In this candidate-driven market where candidates are approached by multiple recruiters it
becomes very difficult for recruiters to attract talented candidates. The top candidate that
you have been trying to pitch might not be around when you finally decide to extend the
offer after several weeks of interviews.
 Lack of understanding between the recruiters and hiring
Lack of communication and understanding between recruiters and hiring managers can
cause lot of problems in the recruiting process, including inability to identify the right skill
sets in the prospective candidates or deciding on the best channels for sourcing the right

 Retaining Millennials in the workforce for a longer period of time

Millennials are starting to dominate the work sphere as the baby boomers start to
retire. The peculiar thing about Millennials is that they love technology and tend to
favor their personal needs more than that of the organization they work for. They
long for open communication & regular feedback. The challenge for the recruiters
is that these Millennials have the tendency to do job hopping that increases their
workload as they have to search for candidates for the same positions more
 Inability in using data effectively
Most of the recruiters today are well-versed in using technology tools to their
advantage, but they do not have the ability to effectively use data. It is of
paramount importance for recruiters to be able to employ the data to make better
recruitment decisions and enhance their processes. But that is hardly happening.

 Difficulty in balancing the speed of hire with quality of hire

Recruiters face one of their biggest challenges when it comes to balancing the
speed of hire with quality of hire. Although you want to recruit a candidate as soon
as possible, there is always an urge to get the best talent possible which usually
takes time. Increasing the recruitment speed is perhaps one of the hardest tasks for
the recruiters.

 Lack of efficiency during the recruitment process

Most of the recruiters waste their valuable time by working on unnecessary and
ineffective administrative tasks which can result in duplication of efforts. In
particular, tasks like sourcing potentially talented candidates and reviewing their
resumes should take hours and not days. Many recruiter spend time on these
administrative tasks can be utilized in sending a candidate for final selection to the
client. This has led to the increasing use of applicant tracking systems by recruiters.
 Failure to provide superlative candidate experience
If recruiters are unable to provide superlative candidate experience during the
hiring process it can create a bad impact on the overall corporate branding of the
organization. Recruiters have to end the hiring process properly with candidates,
even if they are rejecting them. If you are not doing that it will have a negative
impact on creating a talent pool for the future.


1. Attracting the right candidates

If you’ve ever tried to discover the right candidate in a pool full of unqualified talent, you’ll know
that your options are limited. You’ll choose the best person you can find at the time not the best fit
for the job. But it’s not always about the number of candidates who apply; the best way to hire the
right people is often from a smaller pipeline of more qualified talent

2. Engaging qualified candidates

Good candidates are often contacted regularly by recruiters, making it harder for your own email
to stand out. In addition, candidates with hard-to-find skills are often considering several job
offers at the same time. You need to put extra effort into persuading passive candidates to choose
your company over your competitors.

3. Hiring fast
Hiring teams want to hire as fast as possible, because vacant positions cost money and delay
operations. Yet, depending on your industry, making a hire can take several months putting
pressure on recruiters and frustrating hiring teams. A long time to hire may be a byproduct of a
shortage of qualified candidates. The hiring process may be too long or hiring teams might
struggle to reach a consensus, resulting in the best candidates finding jobs elsewhere.

4. Using data-driven recruitment

Companies can use recruitment data and metrics to constantly improve their recruiting process and
make more informed decisions. But collecting and processing data can be a hassle. Spreadsheets
are one way to track hiring data but they require manual work, are prone to human error
and they’re not compliant. This makes it hard to track data and trends accurately. Hiring teams
need ways to compile and organize data in an efficient and streamlined way.

5. Building a strong employer brand

A good employer brand helps you attract and engage better candidates. Organizations that invest
in employer branding are three times more likely to make a quality hire. Yet, it’s a complex
process that includes anything from ensuring a positive candidate experience to promoting your
culture on social media. It’s a continuous, collective effort that requires you to step out of your
usual duties and secure buy-in from your coworkers.

6. Ensuring a good candidate experience

Candidate experience isn’t only important for employer branding, but it’s also a factor when your
best candidates are evaluating your job offers. The way you treat candidates during the hiring
process mirrors the way you’ll treat them after hiring. If they had a bad experience, they’re less
likely to accept. Conversely, positive candidate experiences can enhance your employer brand and
encourage good candidates to apply and accept your job offers.

7. Recruiting fairly
Many companies struggle to attract and hire diverse candidates and unconscious biases are often
the reason. Apart from your legal obligations to provide equal opportunities, hiring objectively is
good for business because it helps you hire the best person for the job without stereotypes
interfering. This will result in an inclusive workplace showing potential candidates that you’re a
meritocracy and allowing you to benefit from diversity’s positive effects.

8. Creating an efficient recruiting process

Hiring teams need to communicate fast, evaluate candidates easily and know what’s going on
every step of the way. Recruiters are tasked with coordinating all this communication and it’s not
always a breeze. Especially if recruiters’ relationship with hiring managers is strained. Also,
administrative tasks (like scheduling interviews) often take away valuable time that recruiters
could have used in coordinating the hiring process and ensuring good candidate experience.

The ethical practices used by the company help in getting them the highly
talented employees, which at last contribute to the profits and the public
image of the company.If a company use and sticks to unethical practices
in recruitment of employees then for a short time span the company may
get a edge over the other the other companies during recruitment but
when these practices are revealed by an internal or external source then
the image of company is spoiled leading to bad image in front of the
investors and the clients.Therefore a company always considers following
good practices during the recruitment process.



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