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• Appendix 1 •

An Example of the Approach

of the New Industrial
The form of analysis employed by the new industrial organisation (Sections 1.4
and 2.6) can be shown by considering the Cournot model of duopoly. In the
basic Cournot case both firms are identical. Each maximises its own profits
under the naive behavioural assumption that, should it alter its own output, its
rival will not react. (The conjectural variation is therefore zero.) Assuming a
linear market demand function then:

P = a-bQ (ALl)
where: Q = qt +q2
The profit of Firm 1 will therefore equal:

1t t = Pqt -cqt (Al.2)

where: c equals average and marginal cost

To establish the profit-maximising output for Firm 1 requires equation (A1.2)
to be differentiated with respect to qt and then set to zero. (Given the belief that
Firm 2's output will be unchanged dq t = dQ.) This gives:

d1t dP
-dq;t = P+-qt-C
=0 (Al.3)

which, with substitution from (A1.I), and noting that dP/ dQ = -b, gives:
a - Lbq; - bq2- C = 0 (AlA)
By rearrangement of this equation, the profit-maximising output for Firm I

a-c 1
qt = ---q2
2b 2

This gives Firm l's reaction function (that is, its most profitable output given the
output level chosen by Firm 2). Since Firm 2 is identical, its reaction function is

Appendixes 263


Figure A1.t Coumot duopoly

q2 = -a-c
2b 2
- -qt (Al.6)

Market equilibrium is found by substituting (A1.6) into (A1.5) and solving for
qt. This gives qt = (a-c)/3b and a market output of 2(a-c)/3b. This
solution is represented graphically in Figure At.t
The reaction functions for both firms (Rtand R 2 ) cut the maximum point of
any particular isoprofit curvetx). (Note that the isoprofit curves with the
superscript 1 represent a higher level of profits than those with the superscript
2.) If Firm 1 produced zero output then Firm 2 would maximise profits by
selecting output M2 (the monopoly level of output). The Coumot solution is
depicted by point C where the reaction functions intersect.
The Coumot duopoly model can be extended to any number of firms in the
market and to allow for variations in their costs. The assumption of linear
market demand can also be relaxed. The profit for Firm i will therefore equal:

1tj = Pq, - cjqj lAt.?)

Differentiating gives:

264 Industrial Economics

Maintaining the Cournot behavioural assumption means that dQldqj = 1.

Rearranging (Al.8) gives:

P(1 + ;~ ~ ~)-Cj = 0 (Al.9)

But price elasticity of demand (e, which invariably takes a negative sign) is (dQI
dP). (PIQ) and q/Q is equal to the market share of the ith firm or Sj. Substituting


P-Cj s,
- - = -- (Al.ll)
P £
Multiplying both sides by the market share S, and summing for all firms in the
market gives:

(PIS j - I.cjSj)
=-- (Al.12)
P £

I.Sf = HHI (the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index). If cm represents the weighted

marginal cost of the market, then (Al.12) becomes:

(P-C m ) HHI
=--- (Al.l3)
P £

(With the value of e negative, the price-cost margin in this equation is positive.)
This shows that a profit-maximising firm's price-cost margin is determined by
structural variables, namely the number and size distribution of the firms in the
market (as measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman index) and the price
elasticity of demand of the product. In contrast to the traditional SCP approach,
performance is not determined by market structure; rather structure and
performance are determined simultaneously.
The result derived in equation (A1.13) is contingent on the firms following the
Cournot behavioural assumption. This conduct assumption can be changed by
adopting different conjectures regarding the reactions of other firms to one
firm's change in its own output, i.e. dQldqjwill not equall. In this more general
case structure, conduct and performance are simultaneously determined.
~ ," ,
The Dorfman and Steiner
Condition for Optimal
Advertising Levels
Dorfman and Steiner (1954) show that, for a profit-maximising monopolist, the
optimal level of advertising expenditure is dependent upon price and advertising

A £0
PQ =-E" (A2.1)

where: A = advertising expenditure

P = price
Q = sales
eo = advertising elasticity
e = price elasticity of demand (which invariably takes a negative sign)
This condition is derived as follows . Sales (Q) depend on the levels of both price
(P) and advertising expenditure (A). Total costs comprise" the costs of
production (CQ) and advertising (A). Profit (n) is therefore:

n = PQ-CQ-A (Al.2)
where: Q = {(P, A)
Partially differentiating to find the price and advertising levels which maximise
profit gives the first-order conditions:

an aQ acaQ
ap = Q+ P ap - aQ ap = 0 (Al.3)

an = p oQ _ oCoQ_1 = 0 (AlA)
aA aA oQaA
From equation (A2.3), dividing by P (aQ/oP) gives:

Q oP < . (A2.5)
P aQ + 1 - PoQ - 0
This can be rearranged to give:

266 Industrial Economics

PdQ-de Q dP
PdQ = -PdQ
and then:

dQ Q dP
=-dQP (Al.7)

dQ P
£=-- (Al.8)
Q dP
Substituting (Al.S) into (Al.7) gives:

(P- dQ) 1
P = --£ (Al.9)

This is the familiar result that profits are maximised when the price-cost margin
(Lerner index ) equals the reciprocal of the price elasticity of demand (e),
Equation (AlA) can be rearranged to give:

(P_ de) dQ -1 =0 (Al.tO)

dA dA
This can be further rearranged to give:

dQ _ 1
dA - P_ de
Multiplying by P gives:

pdQ = P (A2 .12)

dA de
(P- dQ)

but from (Al.9):

= --e1 (Al.l3)

Appendixes 267

- - =-£ (A2 .14)

The Dorfman-Steiner condition can then be derived multiplying by A/Q:


and rearranging. Since the expression for the advertising elasticity of demand is:

i)Q A
£ = -- (Al.16)
a Q i)A

Equation (Al.15) becomes:

A £a
PQ = -£ (Al.17)

Dorfman and Steiner assume that the effects of advertising are fully realised in
the current time period. Nerlove and Arrow (1962) modify the analysis to
recognise advertising's effects in both current and future time periods:

A £a
PQ = £(r+d)
where: r =rate of discount
d =depreciation rate of the advertising capital
Adopting this approach, the longer-lived the effects of advertising, and the lower
the rate at which future earnings are discounted, the higher will be the optimal
advertising intensity.
• Appendix 3 •
Harbcrgcr's Method of
Estimating the Wclfare Effects
of Monopoly
From the geometry of Figure 5.1, the triangular area 3 (the deadweight welfare
loss, W) is equal to:

W = 2~P~Q (A3.1)

where ~P and~Q are respectively the discrete absolute differences in price (P)
and in output (Q) between perfect competition and monopoly.
Since arc price elasticity of demand (e) is defined as:

~Q P
e=-- (A3.2)
Q ~P
substituting for ~Q in (A3.2) from equation (A3.1) gives:

1 ~P
W = 2~PpQe (A3.3)

This can be rearranged to give the formula used by Harberger (1954) to

calculate welfare loss:

1 ~P 2
w= -(-)
2 P
PQe (A3.4)

• Appendix 4 •
Cowling and Mueller's Method
of Estimating the Welfare
Effects of Monopoly
Since total revenue (TR) is equal to selling price (P) multiplied by the quantity
sold (Q) or:

TR = PQ (A4.1)
marginal revenue is:

MR = dTR = P + Q dP (A4.2)
dQ dQ
Rearranging gives:

MR = P (1 + ~ ;~) (A4.3)

Noting that price elasticity of demand (E) , which is invariably negative, is

defined as:

dQ P
E=-- (A4.4)
Q dP
Substituting (A4.4) into (A4.3) gives:

MR = P(1+-)

For profit maximisation MC = MR, therefore equation (A4.5) can be


MC=P(l+-) (A4.6)

which can be rearranged to give the Lerner condition (see also equation (A2.9)):

P-MC 1


270 Industrial Economics

E = P-MC (A4.8)

Since P - MC = I1P (in absolute terms), equation (A4.8) becomes:

E = I1P (A4.9)

Substituting for E in equation (A3.2) gives:

I1Q P _ P
12 I1P -I1P

Dividing both sides byP II1P gives:

I1Q =1 (A4.1l)
This can be incorporated into equation (A3.1) in Appendix 3, which now
simplifies to:

W = 2l1PQ (A4.12)

Profits in a monopoly (7t) are:

7t = (P-C)Q (A4.13)
Where costs are constant, such that average cost (C) = MC, then:
7t = I1PQ (A4.14)
Cowling and Mueller's (1978) first measure of welfare loss becomes:

W = -7t2 (A4.15)

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Author Index

Abbott, A. F. 105 Brown, R. S. 70

Adams, H. C. 205 Brozen, Y. 6, 99, 100, 104
Albion, M. S. 69, 77 Bruggink, T. H. 213
Albon, R. P. 200 Buchanan,].M. 6,146
Aldington, Lord 244 Buckley, P. J. 241,253
Alessi, L. de 208,213 Burnett, L. 80
Amato, L. 96 Burton,]. 151
Arnel, D. F. 36 Button, K. j, 220
Andersen, O. 24, 101 Buzzell, R. D. 80
Andrews, P. W. S. 22,29,30,31 Byatt, I. 244
Armstrong, H. 179
Arrow, K. J. 8,267 Cable,]. 67
Artisien, P. 241,253 Cady,]. 80
Atkinson,S. E. 213 Cannon, C. M. 51
Averch, H. 201 Carlsson,B. 2
Ayal, A. 75, 80 Carsberg, B. 216
Carter, j, R. 96
Backman, J. 61 Caveny, R. 53
Bacon,R. 51,242,243 Caves, D. W. 213
Baden-Fuller, C. 252,253 Caves, R. E. 27, 77
Bain, J. S. 2, 16,20,21,22,24, 70, Chamberlin, E. H. 2, -69
95,99,101,106 Christensen, L. R. 213
Bariam, E. I. 240 Clark,]. M. 29, 30
Baumol, W. J. 6, 18, 56, 172, 206 Clarke, D. G. 77
Behrman, J. N. 157, 158 Clarke, R. 6, 19,52,53, 84,95,96,
Bell, W. 90,94 259
Benham,L. 80,81,98 Coa~,R. 8,34,139,140,142,156
Berger, A. N. 97, 98 Coare, M. B. 99,167,168
Biggadike, E. 102 Cockerill, T. A.]. 26
Binder, J. 97 Cocks, D. 110
Bishop, M. 223 Cohen, W. M. 132
Blaug, M. 28 Colenutt, D. W. 173
Bloch, H. 77 Colley, R. H. 61
Bluestone, B. 231,240 Collyns, C. 188
Boardman,A.E. 211,214 Comanor, W. S. 70, 80
Boonekamp, C. 151 Connor,]. M . 79, 80
Borcherding, T. E. 214 Cornell, N. W. 204
Bothwell,]. L. 23 Cowling, K. 6, 19, 68, 84, 90, 91,
Bound,J. 132 92, 93, 94, 104, 150, 152,
Brady, G. L. 105 242,270
Branch, B. S. 96 Cox, S. R. 80
Bresnahan, T. F. 6, 102 Crain, W. M. 213

300 Author Index

Cremer, J. 132 Finger,]. M. 188,189

Csontos, L 12 Fisher, F. M. 23,26
Cubbin, J. 26, 100 Forsyth, P. J. 200,213,244
Cyert, R. M. 90 Foster, C. D. 201
Frank, R. 241
Daniels, P. W. 248 Freeman, C. 117,130,131,243
Davies, D. G. 213 Freeman, R. 241
Davies, S. W. 19, 53, 84, 96 Fulop, C. 81
Davis, E. H. 66, 224 Funahashi, K. 94
De~H. 6,19,28,34,57,86,
Denison, E. F. 119 Galal, A. 223, 224, 227, 228
Denkewalter, R. D. 109 Gale, B. T. 96
Dertouzos, M. L 235 Ganguly, P. 152
Di Lorenzo, T. J. 213 Geldens, M. 155, 156, 256
Dickson, V. 96 George,K.D. 15,183,191
Dixit, A. 6,21, 106 Geroski, P. A. 26,78,100,101,102,
Domberger, S. 218,219 132, 183
Domowitz, I. 95 Gershuny,J. 247
Donsimoni, M. 19,23,47 Gibrat, R. 27,88
Dodmnan,R. 62,67,265,267 Ginsburg, D. H. 174
Dosi, G. 113, 115 Gisser, M. 68, 93, 94
Downs, A. 146 Gomez-Ibanez,}. A. 215
Doyle, P. 75 Grabowski, H. G. 78
Duch, R. M. 213 Griffiths, A. 167
Dunaway, S. 188 Grosskopf, S. 213
Dunne, T. 101 Gustafsson, B. 12
Dunning,J. H. 254 Guth, L. A. 75

Eckard, E. W. jnr 76, 77, 96 Halvorsen, R. 213

Eliasson, G. 9, 12,243 Hamberg, D. 130
Ellwood, S. 226 Hannah, L 41, 44, 45
Else, P. K. 68 Hannan,T.H. 97,98
Eltis, W. 51,242, 243 Harberger, A. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
Eskin, G. J. 80 94,268
Estrin, S. 209 Harbord, D. 224
Evans, A. 225 Harrison, B. 225,231,240
Hart, P. E. 42,95
Fairburn, J. A. 173 Hawkins, R. 241
Fama,E. 7 Hayek,F.A. 8,32,150,156
Fire, R. 213 Hazlett, T. 206
Farley,J. U. 63 Helm,D. 201
Farris, P. W. 69, 77, 80 Heseltine, P. M . 224
Fehr, N-H. M. von dec 224 Hippel, E. von 110, 112, 117, 118,
Feigenbaum, S. 213 127
Ferguson, G. J. 12 Hirschman, A. O. 41
Fe~n,P.R. 12,174,210 Hocking, P.}. 200,213
Author Index 301

jackson, W. E. 98 Lindbeck, A. 137, 154, 156

jacquenUn,A.P.42, 100, 183, 191 Linmer, j. 23
jansson, K. . 219 Lipsey, R. G. 199
jenny, F. 94 Littlechild, S. C. 8, 12,31, 72, 105,
jensen, M. C. 7, 12 106,173,201
jeong, K-Y. 101 Logan,j. 213
jevons, W. S. 31 Low, P. 188
jewkes,j. 130 Lucas, R. E. 5
jimenez, E. 214 Luders, R. 227
johnson,P.S. 201 Lustgarten, S. 96
jones, j . C. H. 94 Lynk,W. j, 76
jones, T. T. 26
long, H. W. de 42, 155 McAnneny,j. 169
McChesney, F. S. 174
Kamerschen, D. 94 McDonald, K. R. 210
Kamien, M. I. 131,132 McGee, J. S. 182
Kay,j.A.41,44,45,223,244 McGowan, j, j. 23,26
Kay, N. M. 8,12,62,146,249 McKie,j. W. 14
Keating, B. 99 Majumdar, B. A. 151
Keeler,T. E. 220 Maki, U. 12
Keown,C.F. 65,66 Mann, H. M. 75, 95
Kessides, I. N. 24, 78 Mansfidd,E. 127,181,184
Killick,T. 242 March,j. G. 90
Kim,M.204 Marfels, C. 55, 57
King, M. A. 243 Marshall,A. 2,28,30,84
Kirby, M. G. 200 Marshall,j. N. 248 .
Kirzner, I. M. 10 Mason, E. S. 2, 16
Knudsen,C. 3,4,7,12 Masson, R. T. 92, 93, 94, 101
Koch, J. V. 18,23 Maurizi, A. R. 80,81
Kuznets, S. 237 Mears,K. 48
Kwoka,j. E. 80,81 Meehan, j. W. 75
Meisel, j. B. 77
Lambin, J. j. 69,80 Menger, C. 8,31
Lamort, F. 78 Meyer, R. A. 213,214
Lancaster, K. 199 Mill, j. S. 196
Langlois, R. N. 8, 12 Mises, L. von 8, 33, 156
Laudadio, L. 94 Montgomery, D. B. 21
Ledic, M. 188 Moore, B. C. 179
Lee, K-F. 97 Moore,T.G. 204,213,226
Leff, N. H. 63 Morgan, A. D. 49, 51, 52, 54
Leibenstein,H. 90 Morrison, S. 227
Lesourne,j. 162 Moulaert, F. 248
Levin, R. C. 132 Mueller, D. C. 26, 90, 91, 92, 93,
Levine, M. E. 220 94,100,102,104,270
Lieberman, M. B. 21 Murfin, A. 78
Liebermann, Y. 75, 80
Liebowitz, S. j, 24 Nash, C. A. 225
302 Author Index

Needham, D. 86 Rhodes,]. 179,256

Nelson, P. 66, 72, 73 Rizzo,].A. 78,79,80
Nelson, R. R. 9, 12, 119, 122, 123, Roberts, M. j. 101
124, 125, 131, 133, 134, Robinson, E. A. G. 50, 256
135,259 Robinson, j, 181
Nerlove,M. 267 Robinson, R. 213
Neuberg, L. G. 213 Rosenbaum, D. I. 78
Neumann, M. 164,173 Rothschild, R. 12
Nissan, E. 53 Rumelt, R. 253
Nordhaus, W. D. 184,250 Rynning, M. 24, 101
North, D. C. 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 208,
237 Salinger, M. 95,96, 100,261
Sant, M. C. 176
O'Donnell, P. P. 173 Savas, E. S. 219
Oh, s.j, 94 Sawers,D. 130
Oliver, N. 254, 255 Scherer, F. M. 96
Ong'olo, D. O. 94 Schmalensee, R. 70, 104
Orr, D. 24 Schmookler,j. 112
Orsenigo, L. 113, 115 Schumpeter, ]. 9, 108, 111, 113,
Parker, D. 213 Schwalbach, j. 101, 103
Pascoe, G. A.]nr 51 Schwartz, N. L. 131,132
Paterson, A. 80 Schwartzman,D. 90,94
Pavitt, K. 132 Shaanan,]. 92,93,94
Peles, Y. 70 Shand, A. H. 12
Peltzman, S. 6,96,99,104,204 Sharpe, W. F. 23
Perotin, V. 209 Shepherd, W. G. 94
Pescatrice, D. R. 213 Shorey, j. 15
Peters, T. 37 Siegfried,].]. 90,94
P~ersen,E.B. 79,80 Silberston, Z. A. 188
Pezzoli, A. 94, 105, 106 Silcock, D.T. 224
Piggott, j. 219 Simon, H. A. 4
Porter,M.E. 36,77 Simon,].L. 69
Prais, S.]. 42 Singh, A. 232, 236
Primeaux, W.]. 207,219 Sirbu, M. 132
Pryke, R. 212,214,220 Sleuwaegen, L. E. 44
Smith, A. 28, 141
Qualls, D. 99 Smith, A. D. 233
Solow, R. M. 119
Ravenscraft, D. j. 35, 96 Sosnick, S. H. 29
Ray, G. F. 240 Spence, A. M. 6, 22, 106
Reekie, W. D. 8, 74, 75, 80 Steiner, P. O. 62, 67, 265, 267
Reibstein, D.]. 80 Steiner, R. L. 74, 75, 79, 80, 82
Reich, R. 180 Stevens, B. 223
Reid, G. 30, 37, 260 Stigler, G.]. 1, 5, 6, 20, 39, 65, 72,
Reiss, P. C. 102 89,99,203
Rhoades, S. A. 36 Stillerman, R. 130
Author Index 303

Stoneman, P. 128 Waelbroeck, J. 158

Stopford,J.~. 180,241,252,253 Wagner, C. L. 35
Stout, D. K. 156, 255 Wahlroos, B. 89, 94
Sullivan, T. G. 97 Wall, S. 167
Sutherland, A. 172 Wallin, B. 219
Swann,D. 25 Walras, L. 31
Warren, K. 81
Taussig, F. W. 112 Waterman, R. H. jnr 37
Taylor, J. 179 Waterson,~. 6, 19, 84, 96
Teeples, R. 213 Waterson, ~. J. 61, 63
Telser, L. G. 67, 72, 75, 76 Webbink, D. W. 204
Thirlwall, A. P. 232, 246 Weber, A. P. 94
Thompson, D. J. 223 Weir, C. 173
Thomson, I. 228 Weiss, L. W. 51, 95, 97, 98, 103
Thurow, L. C. 240 White, L. J. 54,
Tiemann, T. K. 90, 94 White, P. J. 225
Tirole, J. 6, 19 Whittington, G. 27
Tischler. M, 109 Wilder, R. P. 96
Tobin, J. 250 W~n,B. 254,255
Townroe, P.~. 176 Williamson, O. E. 3,4,8, 12,34,35,
Trapani, J.~. 213 86,90,218
Tremblay, V. J. 102, 103 Wilson, T. A. 70, 80
Tullock, G. 6, 146 Winston, C. 227
Turner,L. 180,241 Winter, S. G. 9, 12, 119, 122, 123,
Tyler, P. 179 124, 125, 131, 133, 134,
Unon, ~. A. 49, 51, 52, 54 Wittink, D. R. 80
Worcester, D. A. jnr 90, 94
Veljanovski, C. 209,223
Vernon,J.~. 78 Yarrow,G. 201,202,209,215
Vicke~J. 202,209,215
Vining, A. R. 211,214 Zardkoohi, A. 213
Vogel, E. F. 183 ~khause~R.J. 78,79,80
Subject Index
advertising Averch-Johnson effect 201
and market share 76-7
and market structure 67-9 beta 23,97
and price 79-81
and product quality 67 catallactics 31
and profits 77-8 Chicago School
and search 65-6, 72 and competition policy
and type of good 63-7 162, 164
as information 72-4, 75, 78, and entry barriers 20
79,82 and monopoly 19,86,95-6,
as persuasion 70-2, 74, 75-6, 99-100,104
77, 78, 79, 81 defined 4, 6, 9
Austrian view of 62, 72 competition
costs of 69-70, 81 as a process 9,28-9,31-4,62,
defined 61-2 72,105,156,205,237
Dorfman-Steiner condition 67, competition policy
68,265-7 and industry policy 137
economies of scale in 69-70, 72 andinnovation 183,185,190-1
empirical evidence 75-81 and market concentration 53
expenditure on 60, 61, 63-7 and regional policy 190
threshold effect 69, 72 and trade policy 191
with a retail sector 74-5 Austrian view of 163, 169, 173
allocativeefficiency 15, 16,29, Chicago view of 162, 164
201,202,217 defined 162-3
antitrust seecompetition policy in the European Community
asset specificity 21, 24, 34, 35 163-4,165,166-7,169,
Austrian School 170,171,171-2, 173
and competition policy market definition 25
163,169,173 neoclassicalviewof 162-3,164,
and industrial dynamics 2 165, 169, 172
and industrial economics UK 165,166,167,168,170-1,
259-60 171,173-4
and industry policy 150, 156 US merger guidelines 41,44,
and innovation 113-16 167-8
and market concentration 58 USA 164-5, 165-6, 167-8,
critique of neoclassical theory 169-70
31-2 concentration see market
defined 4,8-9 concentration
view of competition 29, 31-4, concentration curve 39-40, 45
236-7 concentration ratio 40-1,43,45,
view of monopoly 104-7, 48,51-2,53,55,56,58,
205,215 97-9

Subject Index 305

conduct 15,16,17,35 measurementof 28, 29

contestability 6, 18,57, 103, 112, neoclassical view 15-17,28
162, 206-7, 216, 219-20, potential Pareto improvement
225 criterion 9, 138
cost-plus pricing 200,213 empirical tests
Coumot model 19, 93, 262~ in new institutional economics
cro~~ubg~tion 198,215,219 35-7,260
crowdingout 242 measuringvariables 23-7
validityof 23, 260-1
deindustrialisation entrepreneur
and economicwelfare 235-6 Austrian view of 32~
defined 231 entropy index 42, 43, 45, 47
explanations of 23~ entry
in practice 231-5 effects of 101-3
policyon 255-7 measurementof 24
Demsetz's efficiency hypothesis entry barriers
86-7,95-6,172 and advertising 71, 73, 75, 76,
deregulation see privatisation 77, 78
diffusion of innovation 116 and competition policy 171-2
and economicwelfare 129-30 and monopoly 84
defined 111 and profits 101
empirical evidence 127 and strategicgroups 36
time path 127-30 Austrian view of 106-7, 163
Dorfman-Steinercondition concepts of 19-22
67,68,265-7 measurementof 24
Dutch Disease hypothesis evolutionaryeconomics 4,9,
236,24~ 113-16, 122-5
exclusiveness 50
economic welfare experience goods 66, 67
and advertising 64,72,79 externalities see market failure
and Austrian economics 10
and deindustrialisation 235-6 firm-specific advantages 35,240
and industry policy 13~8, first-mover advantages 20-1, 71
149, 154, 155, 158, franchising 216-8
181,183,185-7,188 Gini coefficient 42-3,45,46,47
and innovation 118-27, 180 governmentfailure 6
and privatisation 210-11,
220-8 Hannah and Kay axioms 44-6
and transaction costs 10, 10~ Hannah and Kay index 41,44,45,
Austrianview of 32, 33 46,47
effects of monopoly 84-95, Herfindahl-Hirschman index
105-7, 139~0, 165, 174, 39, 41, 4~, 45, 46, 47, 53,
196-7,268-70 55,58,67,97,167-8,264
effects of state control on
198-9,201 industrial dynamics
measurement 9-10,260 defined 2-3
306 Subject Index

industrial economics Schumpeterian hypothesis

defined 1-3 131-3
industrial organisation sources of 117-18
defined 2-3 welfare effects of 118-27,180
Industrial Reorganisation seealso diffusion of innovation
Corporation 151, 155 innovation policy 137
industry rationale 180-1
defined 25 types of 181-3
industry policy UK 183,184
accelerative 150-3, 157, 185 USA 183, 184, 185
active approach 148-50, 163, institutional arrangements 7-8
175,177,181,182,183, institutional environment 7-8
184,185,195,256 institutions 7
coordination of 161,189-92 Instituto per la Riconstruzione
decelerative 153-6, 185, 191, Industriale (IRI) 155
195,256 invention
defined 137-8 defined 111,116-17
desirable features of 160-2 empirical evidence 130-1
in the European Community reasons for 112
laissez-faire approach 148-50, Lerner index 15, 19,24, 71, 84
175-6,177,181 limit-price 21,90,92,93
neutral 156-8 Line of Business Survey 26
planning approach 148-50, Lorenz curve 43
supportive approach 148-50, marginal cost pricing . 198-9, 206
163,177,179,181,183, market
185, 189 and industrial classification
seealso competition policy, 48-50
innovation policy, regional defined 24-5
policy, trade policy empirical measurement 26-7
innovation market concentration
and competition policy absolute measures 40-2,47
183,185, 190-1 adjustment for international trade
and employment 125-7 51-2,54-5
and evolutionary economics adjustment for regional markets
113-16,122-5 51
and game theory 19 and advertising 67-9, 73-4,
and neoclassical theory 112-13 75-6
Austrian view of 113-16 and market power 39,55-8
defined 111 and neoclassical theory 43-4
empirical evidence 131-5 and price 97-8
explanations of 112-16 and profit 95-6
in pharmaceuticals 109-11 comparison of measures 43-7
organisational 121 criticisms 55-8
process 121-5 defined 14,39
product 119-21 relative concentration measures
Subject Index 307

40,42-3 90-2,104,269--0
relative measures 46-7 development of 87-8
trends 53-5 empirical evidence 88-103
market failure Harberger approach
and government intervention 88-90,268
145-8 natural 88,196-9,205-7
Coase's critique 139, 140, welfareeffeasof 84-95,105-7,
141-2, 143-4 139-40,196-7,268-70
common property rights 144 monopolypolicy see competition
externalities 142-4,154-5, policy
175,177,180-1 monopolypower see market power
monopoly 139-40,196-7 multinationals 240-2, 253-5
neoclassical explanations of
138-9, 140-1, 142-3, National Enterprise Board 155
144-8 nationalisation see state control
publicgoods 140-2,196 neoclassical models 15, 16-7, 19,
time preference rate differences 27-8,37, 39, 58, 104,
144-5 105,119-22
seealso industry policy neoclassical theory
market power and advertising 62
and advertising 70, 72, 73, and industry policy 148, 154
74,75 and innovation 112-13
and monopoly 83-5,88,89 and monopoly 84-98,196-7,
Austrian view of 105,106 205
emprical evidence of 95-103 assumptions of 4-5, 6
identification of 15-16,39,51, developments in 5-6
55,84,90,95 in industrialeconomics 2, 4,
market structure 259
and advertising 67-9 neutral export assumption 52
and innovation 131-5 new industrialeconomics 5
changesin 27 new industrialorganisation 4,5,
characteristics 19-22 19,21,262-4
defined 14, 18 new institutional economics 7-9,
determinants 17-18 29,58,112,113-16,122,
merit goods 195-6 148,206,259-60,261
Ministry of International Trade and
Industry (MfTI) 151-2 open competition 30
mobility barriers 36 opportunism 34
Monopoliesand Mergers organisationalslack 90
Commission 83, 84, 166,
171,173,203,226 parents 21,110,181-2,184,240
monopoly perfectinformation 5, 15,33,34,
and market power 83 37,62,104,112,113,141,
Austrian view of 104-7 143, 144, 149
Chicagoview of 86-7,95-6, performance 15-16,17,18,19,23,
99-100, 104 28,29,35,57,204
Cowlingand Muellerapproach price-cost margin see Lerner index
308 Subiea Index

principal-agent theory 4, 7,202-3, enforcementproblems 202-4

208,261 in practice 197,201-2,
privatisation 203,204
competition arguments for investmentguidelines 201-2
214-16,218-220 pricingguidelines 198-201
defined 205 theoretical basis 195-7, 205-7
in practice 195,212-14,217, state ownership see state control
218-20,221-8 strategic core 5
ownership arguments for strategicgroup 36,102-3
207-14 structure see market structure
welfare effects of 210-11, structure-conduct-performance
220-8 and economic welfare 84
productive efficiency competition policy 162-3,164,
15,16,86,200,211,217 165,169,172
profits defined 4
and market concentration 23 developmentof 2, 5~
persistence of 98-101 explained 13-18
property rights 142-4,146,156-7 neoclassical basis 27-9,58
seealso market failure neoclassical developments
public choice theory 4,6, 146-7, 18-19
174,261 tests of 22-3
public goods see market failure sunk costs 18,21,22,24, 71, 207

rationality time preferencerate 138,144-5

bounded 4, 9, 34, 62, 139, 174 Tobin's q 23,24
maximisation 4, 7, 8, 139 trade policy 137
p~ural 4,9,62,65 and competition policy 191
regional policy 137 effects of 185-9
and competition policy 190 in the European Community
effects of 179-80 188
in European Community 178-9 types of 185,187
types of 174-9 USA 188
UK 178,179 transaction
USA 178,180 defined 3
regulatory capture 203-4 transactioncosts 72,79,88,104
relativeconcentration measures 43 and competition policy 174
risk 7,8 and deindustrialisation 249-50
and economicwelfare 103, 104
search and franchising 218
concept of 65~, 72, 79 and industry policy 149
goods 66 and innovation policy 184
services 233-5, 244-50 and market failure 139, 140,
specialisation 50 141-2, 143, 156
stagesof growth hypothesis 237-9 and natural monopoly 206
standard industrial classifications and neoclassical theory 28
48-50,94 and privatisation 208-9
state control and regional policy 176-7
Subject Index 309

and state control 206 variance of logarithms 42,43,45-7

critique of neoclassical theory
defined 4,8,34 welfare see economic welfare
in industrial economics 259 workable competition 29-30

uncertainty 8,9,10,28,29,31,34,
58,112,113,139,152,181 X-inefficiency 90,93,215

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