English Midterms Ans

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Structure of English 2

Name: ABDON, Reanna E. Section: BSA 202 Time: Tue/ Thur (12 - 1:30 pm) Date: April 23, 2020

Directions: Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate adverb that answers the given question in
Example: Dylan got to his appointment early. (When?)
1.Camille treated nicely everyone she met. (In what manner?)
2. We waited for the train, which was slightly late. (To what extent?)
3. Stella is a very good basketball coach. (To what extent?)
4. Please stop talking already . (When)
5. It is against the rules to dance outside the line . (Where?)
6. We were very satisfied with the outcome of the game. (To what extent?)
7. The fans seemed too excited at that play. (To what extent?)
8. The detective looked sharply at the suspect. (In what manner?)
9. The dog barked angrily when he saw the cat. (In what manner?)
10. Everywhere we looked, we saw happy faces. (Where?)
11. Diane will visit you later , after the others have gone. (When?)
12. A new school is being built near the mall . (Where?)
13. The ice cream truck should be coming today . (When?)
14. Bob spread the jam evenly on the toast. (In what manner?)
15. The game will start soon . (When?)


Directions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate adverb that that answers the question To what extent?
Example: I visit my uncle very frequently.
16. The town will start building the new park very soon.
17. Everyone seemed completely upset by the coach’s announcement.
18. You are spending quite too much money on clothing.
19. Just enough people have signed up for the baseball game.
20. They carried the priceless glass vase very carefully.
21. We arrived at the airport too late to catch our plane.
22. Gerald has a really good chance to win.
23. This year’s play was quite successful than last year’s performance.
24. She skied absolutely well for a beginner.
25. We will arrive very soon.


Directions: From the given sentences, identify at least 15 adverbs only then put them on the column where they
belong: where?, when?, how?, or to what extent?
Example: May we go there tomorrow.

Where? When? How? To What Extent?

There Tomorrow 27. Wildly 26. Usually

31. School 28. Later 29. Dangerously 33. Not

30. Already 33. By 35. Exceedingly

34. Now 32. Badly 38. Unusually

35. Daily 37. Cautiously

39. Earlier 39. Restlessly

26. During summer vacation, I usually go to camp.

27. The swirling river tossed the boat wildly.
28. We will need you later at the library.
29. Dangerously strong winds threatened the coastal villages.
30. Hurry! Our bus is already there.
31. Where do you go to school?
32. I try to avoid horror movies, for they frighten me badly.
33. The actor would not wear the silly costume chosen by the director.
34. “If you want a chance to win tickets, call now!” cried the announcer.
35. The concert artist Yo-Yo Ma’s performance was exceedingly polished.
36. Although I practice daily, I am a clumsy piano player.
37. The children held hands and crossed the street cautiously.
38. The weather in April was unusually warm.
39. Ricardo and I arrived earlier than the other guests.
40. The audience waited restlessly for the concert to begin.


Directions: Each of the following sentences contains one or two adverbs. Underline each adverb, then draw two lines
to the words they modify.
Example: She has never forgotten his consistently smiling face.
41. From 1831 to 1836, Charles Darwin sailed slowly from one part of the world to another.
42. The timid dog seldom approached strangers.
43. The chef had deliberately told us to let the soup cook.
44. On Tuesday, Marie was rather sad.
45. He rather vaguely explained his reasons for leaving.
46. Cautiously, the veterinarian edged toward the huge goat on the table.
47. She has almost completed the first act of her play.
48. In Great Expectations, Estella often teases Pip.
49. In anger, he totally stopped trying.
50. American farmers efficiently produce a variety of fruits and vegetables.


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