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D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

A3 Board Replacement


1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 1

2. PROCEDURES.............................................................................................................................. 1
2.1. Board replacement without software upgrade ................................................................................. 1
2.1.1. Transfer adjustment data and system software to replacement board. ..................................... 1
2.1.2. ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2. Copy Collimator adjustment..................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Board replacement including software upgrade............................................................................... 2
2.2.1. Transfer adjustment data to replacement board. ...................................................................... 2
2.2.2. Copy Collimator adjustment..................................................................................................... 2
2.2.3. Update configuration data ....................................................................................................... 2
2.2.4. ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.4. Explanation of parameters....................................................................................................... 3
2.3. Possible Problems.......................................................................................................................... 3
2.4. Software Version History ................................................................................................................ 4

3. APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Overview of A3 board parameters for D93 plus, TD & TD-Angio ..................................................... 6
3.1.1. Group 100 parameters ............................................................................................................ 6
3.1.2. Group 200 parameters ............................................................................................................ 7
3.1.3. Group 300 parameters .......................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4. Group 400-600 parameters ................................................................................................... 12

02.1 1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

1. INTRODUCTION U92, U95, U99 Location

The A3 board is delivered with System Software.

The system software is located in EPROMs U6 &
U7. The sofware version is printed on the

Adjustment and Configuration data is stored in

EEPROM U2. The EEPROM must be transfered
to the replacement board.

Two replacement procedures are available. If the

existing system software version is used follow
procedure "Board replacement without software
If the new delivered system software is used
follow procedure " Board replacement including
software upgrade".

The software is backwards compatible with all

systems with A3 board
- D93 plus
- TeleDiagnost
- TeleDiagnost Angio

U2, U6 & U7 Location



2.1.1. Transfer adjustment data and
system software to replacement
 Remove defective A3 board

 Swap EEPROM U2 between defective and

replacement A3 board

 Remove EPROMs U6&7 from defective A3


 Fit EPROM U6&7 into replacement board. U6

is marked '-O'. U7 is marked '-E'.

02.1 1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

2.1.2. Copy Collimator adjustment

5 4
 Remove the ICs U92, U95 and U99 from their 6 3
sockets on both the defective and replacement
A3 board. 7 2
8 1
5 4
6 3  Measure resistance between pins of IC
7 2 sockets of the defective board and adjust the
replacement board according to table below.
8 1
Pins Adjust with Measured value
U92 5-6 P4
U92 5-3 P1
 Measure resistance between pins of IC
sockets of the defective board and adjust the U95 5-6 P5
replacement board according to table below. U95 5-3 P2
U99 5-6 P6
Pins Adjust with Measured value U99 5-3 P3
U92 5-6 P4
U92 5-3 P1  Refit the ICs U92, U95 and U99 on both
U95 5-6 P5 boards.
U95 5-3 P2
U99 5-6 P6  Fit the replacement board.
U99 5-3 P3
2.2.3. Update configuration data
 Refit the ICs U92, U95 and U99.
 Set parameters depending on the previous
 Fit the replacement board. installed software and software fit on the
replacement A3 board. (See Unit Manual for
parameter change procedure)

Parameters to be set.
2.2. BOARD REPLACEMENT Upgrade SW version
SW version V4.2
2.2.1. Transfer adjustment data to V1.0 251 251 251
replacement board. 259 259 - 263 259 - 264
 Remove defective A3 board 459, 460 671, 672 671, 672
671, 672 675, 676 675, 676
675, 676 679 - 684 679 - 684
 Swap EEPROM U2 between defective and
replacement A3 board 679 - 684
V2.x 251 251 251
259 259 - 263 259 - 264
 Fit EEPROM U2 into replacement board
459, 460
2.2.2. Copy Collimator adjustment V3.0 459, 460 260 - 263 260 - 264
V3.1 260 - 263 260 - 264
V4.1 / V4.2 264
 Remove the ICs U92, U95 and U99 from their
sockets on both the defective and replacement WARNING
A3 board.
Compressor behaviour Parameter 264 must be
set to 1. (Version 4.3 only)

The function of the parameters are listed in the


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Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

2.2.4. Explanation of parameters

* = System depending
Para Value Explanation
0 Normal operation
251 0
1 Installation mode - Angulation and Tilt generate error when
0 Inverter CD (A1) installed moving in one direction
(Motor controller for tilt & Change parameter 259 (0 > 1)
angulation; width ˜ 17 cm)
259 *
1 Dinverter (A1) installed - Layerheight difference between DSI en Serial
(Motor controller for tilt & Changer Tomo
angulation; width ˜ 9 cm) The wrong parallax correction coupling is
0 Info on A3-X17 is kV + mA mounted. This can be compensated for with
manual set value parameter 231. Note that the Layerheight for DSI
1 Info on A3-X17 represents Tomo must be measured exactly in the center of
260 *
collimator sizes & SID. the II due to the II input screen shape.
Needed for AMF & SMPT with
GCF. - Tomo angles not selectable
0 Info on A3-X17 is kV + mA Parameter 263 must be 0
manual set value
1 Info on A3-X17 represents - At start up, the system comes with error 090.
261 * The error indicates that a wrong checksum is
collimator sizes & SID.
Needed for AMF & SMPT with present in the EEPROM. Before version 3 no
GCF. checksum was used. A new checksum is
0 Switch off outer measuring calculated whenever data in the EEPROM are
fields at 216 mm changed. The procedure below will calculate a
262 0 1 Switch off outer measuring new checksum thus canceling error 090
fields at 160 mm. In case of - Switch SY:S1-2 on (Geometry Cabinet, right
paediatric amplimat chamber. side.)
0 TOMO selected from TD - Switch on the system
Desk - Place the adjustment programming template,
263 0 (Unit manual Z3) on the control desk
1 TOMO selected from APRT.
SY extension board needed. - Pull twice the angulation joystick towards
0 All movements possible while yourself. This will cancel the error.
compressor active - Press button D for more than 5 seconds
264 1 - Press button F
1 Compressor moves up before
other movement starts - Enter access code 48859284 and
On error code 99 this parameter - Press button F within 15 seconds. Value C002
changes to 1 to generate will now display.
459 0 - Press button D for more than 5 seconds.
errorcode 99 at next startup.
Reset to 0 Parameter 201 will display.
On error code 99 this parameter - Press F. CORR will display.
changes to 1 to generate - Press F within 15 seconds to confirm and
460 0 save the value (beep).
errorcode 99 at next startup.
Reset to 0 - Switch OFF the system
671 3000 k-factor for angulation movement
672 0.5 delay for angulation movement
675 10000 k-factor for tilting movement
676 0.5 delay for tilting movement
k-factor for s.c. leadshutter
679 10000
delay for s.c. leadshutter
680 0.5
k-factor for s.c. carriage
681 6000
682 0.5 delay for s.c. carriage movement
k-factor for s.c. cassette
683 10000
transversal movement
delay for s.c. cassette transversal
684 1.0

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Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

V 3.1 April 15, 1998

2.4. SOFTWARE VERSION HISTORY - introduction of a checksum for EEPROM: at
switch-on, parameters are written from
EEPROM to Ram. In this version of software,
V 0.99 February 1996 Initial version.
the checksum is compared at switch-on.
- RAM autotest on line every 250 mS
V 1.0 April 16, 1996
- battery fault protection
- mode camera single shot signal from stand in
- other compressor safety: introduction of error
tomo mode
098 and 099
- when layerheight up and down pressed
- more reliable serial communication
simultaneously, no movement
- New parameters introduced: , 459, 460
- some changes in anticollision safety
- pulse time for II-TV signals from 100>>200
V 4.1 April 18, 2000
- it is possible to program the cassette insert
- new params: 449, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456,
function from desk
- collimator has a memory function: after
fluoroscopy, the collimator returns to its
V 2.1, May 16, 1977
previous size
- improved communication protocol of serial
- collision messages hidden during standby,
communication between desk and cabinet
shown when movement command is active
- introduction of new parameters for PID motor
- lead shutters follow collimator when image
size is limited
- new parameters:459, 460, 671, 672, 675,
- improved compressor functionality. Omission
676, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684
of error 098 and 099. When scan or table
- 3 new alarms
longitudinal/lateral movement, compressor
- 090 EEPROM defective
moves up before movement. When
- 098 compressor fault
angulating, compressor moves completely up
- 099 compressor fault
- analog setpoints for SMPT and AMF sent to
- Iris collimator possible
- bugfix: 4 split 14"11" (inch size cassette four
- subdivision can be memorized. And rapid
sequence selection.
- when free cassette or wallbucky, collimator
V 2.2 July 29, 1997
goes in manual mode.
- introduction of new motor control for
- possibility to program paediatric amplimat
angulation and tilt required modification of
motor control signals. For this, a hardware
- inhibition table lateral when stand at + or - 90
modification was introduced plus a software
- tomo speed is calculated, not fixed.
- When in loading position,the motor control of
- Tomo program can be selected from
cassette lateral motor keeps being enabled.
generator desk and from TD
- parameters 308, 459, 460 disappeared
V 2.2 Nov. 26, 1997
- new parameters 260, 261, 262, 263
- serial line time out solved (errors 915, 950)
- no service or user functionality modifications
V 4.2 Sept 8, 2000
- New parameters introduced: 259
- timing of exposure - preparation commands
and safety line on X0 improved
V 3.0 Jan. 16, 1998
- system generated error when exposure
- collimator light problem has been solved
command was taken away and tomo
- compatible with dinverter
movement had not completed 100% of its
- compatible with Tele Diagnost
path >>80% of path.
- cassette lateral also enabled in loading
- new parameters: 251

4 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

V 4.3 April 8, 2002

improved compressor functionality. When scan or - Preparation/exposure inhibition when
table longitudinal/lateral movement, or angulation compressor joystick activated removed
at angles <20 degrees, compressor moves up
before movement. When angulating >20 degrees, - Analog set points from collimator can be sent
compressor moves completely up to the generator for SMPT & AMF (hardware
when stand is vertical, and table completely down: needed). The value is multiplied by the SID in
table moves up before moving in lateral directiuon meters and represents the size of the
irradiated field at image receptor level. The
exposure possible with compressor joystick
values of area dose indicator are calculated
with the proper data.
when laterally collimated, lead shutters stay in
place when preparation command is given - When upper endswitch of compressor is
New parameter: 264 active, lower endswitch is not taken into
264 = 1: compressor moves up before movement account
264 = 0: compressor does not move: when in
working position, all movements are enabled.

Compressor behaviour Parameter 264 must be
set to 1.

Features included
- Cassette insert/extract from desk can be
programmed. Only in combination with new
cassette tray.
- Collimator memory function
- Collision message not shown during standby
- Lead shutters have follow mode
- Improved compressor functionality
- Analog set points from collimator can be sent
to the generator for SMPT & AMF (hardware
- Paediatric amplimat chamber can be
- TomoProgram selection from generator APRT
or Geometry desk can be selected. (hardware
- Compressor functionality improved: when
scan, table longitudinal or table lateral
command is given, compressor runs up for a
time, dependent on selected maximum
compressor force.
When the time is expired, the system beeps,
and after release and reactivation of the
joystick the movement is allowed.
When angulation command is given, the
compressor runs completely up and into its
parking position, before angulation command
can become active.
- When table is vertical, and tabletop lateral
movement is done, the table runs a little bit up
and then sideways (instead of inhibition of the
movement). In this way, it is not possible to
scratch the foot cover with the table lateral

- Lead shutter follow mode improved (lead

shutters stay in place at

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Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost



3.1.1. Group 100 parameters

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

101 angulation minimum value -40.00° -40.00° -40.00°

102 angulation maximum value 40.00° 40.00° 40.00°

103 scanning minimum value -40 mm -180 mm -180 mm

104 scanning maximum value 530 mm 515 mm 515 mm

105 tilting minimum value -90.00° -90.00° -90.00°

106 tilting maximum value 90.00° 90.00° 90.00°

109 table top longitudinal minimum value -600 mm -600 mm -600 mm

110 table top longitudinal maximum value 1000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm

111 table top lateral minimum value -115 mm -115 mm -115 mm

112 table top lateral maximum value 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm

113 SID tube connection minimum value 1040mm 1020 mm 1020 mm

114 SID tube connection maximum value 1525mm 1490 mm 1490 mm

115 layer height minimum value 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm

116 layer height maximum value 340 mm 340 mm 340 mm

117 collimator width minimum value 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm

118 collimator width maximum value 393mm 523 mm 523 mm

119 collimator height minimum value 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm

120 collimator height maximum value 393mm 523 mm 523 mm

121 collimator iris minimum value 105mm 86 mm 86 mm

122 collimator iris maximum value 560mm 802 mm 802 mm

125 cassette width minimum value 156 mm 156 mm 156 mm

126 cassette width maximum value 460 mm 460 mm 460 mm

127 cassette height minimum value 208 mm 208 mm 208 mm

128 cassette height maximum value 460 mm 460 mm 460 mm

129 cassette lateral movement minimum value -59.5 mm -59.5 mm -59.5 mm

130 cassette lateral movement maximum value 59.5 mm 59.5 mm 59.5 mm

6 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

3.1.2. Group 200 parameters

Para Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

201 distance from centre of tilting movement to left wall. * * *
distance from centre of tilting movement to right
202 * * *
distance from floor to ceiling/any objects within
203 * * *
range of system moving parts.
Used for automatic positioning of collimator
shutters in case the smallest II field was selected.
For a single II field, parameter should be 205
204 and 206. Value should make the shutters * * *
just visible in the fluoroscopy image
Increment value until shutters are just not
visible in the image
Used for automatic positioning of collimator
shutters in case the medium II field was selected.
For a single II field, parameter should be 204
205 and 206. Value should make the shutters * * *
just visible in the fluoroscopy image
Increment value until shutters are just not
visible in the image
Used for automatic positioning of collimator
shutters in case the largest II field was selected.
For a single II field, parameter should be 204
206 and 205. Value should make the shutters * * *
just visible in the fluoroscopy image
Increment value until shutters are just not
visible in the image
The maximum dimension from the centre of X-ray
tube to the corner of guard cover. Used for
calculating distance to floor, ceiling and walls to
207 prevent collision during movement in case central 290mm 285 mm 285 mm
beam is pointing at centre of serial changer (tube
rotation at 0 degrees).
Maximum radius of X-ray tube and collimator
assembly from centre of rotation of tube. Used for
calculating distance to floor, ceiling and walls to
208 prevent collision during movement in case central 360mm 325 mm 325 mm
beam is not pointing at centre of serial changer
(tube rotation not at 0 degrees).
Distance between rotation point of X-ray tube & its focus -
209 positive when focus is higher than rotation point. Used to -50mm -2 mm -2 mm
calculate SID.
Slow down distance (measured from operating
210 speed to standstill) for scanning movement. 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm
Slow down distance (measured from operating
211 speed to standstill) for tabletop longitudinal 5mm 5 mm
Slow down distance (measured from operating
212 speed to standstill) for tabletop transversal 5mm 2 mm 2 mm
Slow down distance (measured from operating
213 speed to standstill) for SID movement. 5mm 2 mm 2 mm
Slow down distance (measured from operating
214 speed to standstill) for layer height movement. 2mm 1 mm 1 mm

02.1 7
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

Para Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

Slow speed distance (measured from slow speed
215 initiation to motor stop initiation) for layer height 15 mm 30 mm 30 mm
Slow down distance (measured from slow speed to
216 standstill) for collimator width shutter movement. 2 2 mm 2 mm
Slow down distance (measured from slow speed to
217 standstill) for collimator height shutter movement. 2 2 mm 2 mm
Slow down distance (measured from operating
218 speed to standstill) for collimator iris shutter 2 2 mm 2 mm
Slow speed distance (from slow speed initiation to
219 motor stop initiation) for collimator width shutter 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
Slow speed distance (from slow speed initiation to
220 motor stop initiation) for collimator height shutter 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
Slow speed distance (from slow speed initiation to
221 motor stop initiation) for collimator iris shutter 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
Safety distance to prevent a collision between tube
222 and floor. 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
Safety distance to prevent a collision between tube
223 or tabletop and ceiling. 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
Safety distance to prevent a collision between tube
224 or tabletop and walls. 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
Safety distance to prevent a collision between
225 tabletop and floor. 85 mm 75 mm 75 mm
Distance between tabletop & floor. If table is
extended longitudinally, it will be raised past the
226 centre position by the value in parameter 232, 233 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
(+90), (-90) degrees tilt.
If tabletop reaches this position, when extended
longitudinally, tilt speed is reduced to parameter
227 334. Allows table to return to centre to prevent floor 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
collision .
9" & 12" II Parking position of serial changer
228 carriage in relation 22 mm 34 mm 34 mm
15" II to initialization switch (0 position).
6 mm 6 mm
Value added to film size to determine the increase/ decrease
229 of collimator opening. Value does not affect shutters in serial 0 * *
Delay time between start of grid movement and
230 radiation request. 0.1 sec * *
Layer height difference between exposures on film
231 and DSI. 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm
When tilting towards foot end, tabletop is withdrawn
232 to a position that exceeds centred position by 65 mm 65 mm 65 mm
parameter value.
When tilting towards head end, tabletop is
233 withdrawn to a position that exceeds centred 35 mm 65 mm 65 mm
position by parameter value.
234 Tabletop longitudinal speed. * * *
Tabletop lateral speed. * *
235 *
Scanning speed. * *
236 *
8 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

Para Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

SID movement speed. * *
237 *
Duty cycle collimator light. n/a
238 100 % n/a
Cassette stays in park position at end of program
and has to be ejected manually. 0
Eject cassette at end of program.
Optimus / MCP generator
(Switch OFF outer amplimat fields) 0
249 SCP generator
(Switch OFF outer amplimat fields) 1
TV chain XTV5 (level signals)
250 * 1 1
TV chain XTV8S, XTV11T (+CPE). (pulse signals)
Normal operation.
251 0 0 0
Installation mode.
9" 0 0 0
Collision under negative tilt 15 "
252 1 1 1
No iris shutter in collimator
253 Iris shutter in collimator (Philips collimator) * * *
In automatic mode, hold option has to be selected
254 At selection of automatic mode, hold option is * * *
default and can be deselected manually.
Cassette size in centimetres.
255 Cassette size in inches. * * *
Application mode.
Service mode.
Speed of tabletop long., lat., scan and SID read from 0 0 0
256 layer height window. Collimator can be fully opened,
ignoring software para controls. “Service” flashes on
Cassette lateral moves first from foot to head end
when sub divided in 4’s or 6’s. efault
257 * *
Cassette lateral moves first from head to foot end
when sub divided in 4’s or 6’s.
Inverter CD (A1) installed (width = 17 cm)
259 0 * 1
Dinverter (A1) installed (width = 9 cm)
Cassette insert from desk not enabled
260 0 0 1
Cassette insert from desk enabled
Info on A3-X17 is kV + mA manual set value
261 0 0 1
Info on A3-X17 represents collimator sizes & SID
Switch off outer measuring fields at 216 mm
262 * *
Switch off outer measuring fields at 160 mm
TOMO selected from TD Desk
263 0 0 0
TOMO selected from Generator APRT
0 = All movements possible while compressor active
264 1 = Compressor moves up before other movement 1 1 1

02.1 9
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

3.1.3. Group 300 parameters

Para Function
D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3
301 derivative sampling period 0.003 sec 0.003 sec 0.003 sec
302 proportional gain * * *
303 integral gain 0 0 0
304 derivative gain * * *
305 limit for integrated error 2.0 ° 2.0 ° 2.0 °
306 speed (not used) 0.1 °/s 0.1 °/s 0.1 °/s
307 speed at joystick control and tomography low speed * * *
308 speed tomography, high speed ignored ignored ignored
309 acceleration for 307 22.0°/s2 22.0 °/s2 22.0 °/s2
310 acceleration for 308 44.0°/s2 44.0 °/s2 44.0 °/s2
311 error causing motor stop * * *
312 delay between motor stop and motor control inhibit 2.00 sec 1.5 sec 1.5 sec

314 minimum PID value at which movement begins 5 units 5 units 5 units

329 derivative sampling period 0.003 sec 0.003 sec 0.003 sec
330 proportional gain 700 700 700
331 integral gain * * *
332 derivative gain 0 0 0
333 limit for integrated error 2° 2° 2°
slow speed on entering 227 control area when tabletop
334 1.5 °/s 1.5 °/s 1.5 °/s
335 speed at joystick control 4.5 °/s 4.5 °/s 4.5 °/s
336 speed (not used) 0.1 °/s 0.1 °/s
337 acceleration for 334 * * *
338 acceleration for 335 * * *
339 error causing motor stop 5° 20 ° 20 °
340 delay between motor stop and motor control inhibit 2.00 sec 1.5 sec 1.5 sec

342 minimum PID value at which movement begins * * *

357 derivative sampling period 0.001 sec 0.001 sec 0.001 sec
358 proportional gain 100 200 200
359 integral gain mains 50 Hz *
mains 60 Hz *
360 derivative gain mains 50 Hz
mains 60 Hz * *
361 limit for integrated error 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
362 slow speed at initialization 80 mm/s 80 mm/s 80 mm/s
363 speed (not used) 0.1 mm/s 0.1 mm/s 0.1 mm/s
364 normal working speed 2400 mm/s 2400 mm/s 2400 mm/s
365 acceleration for 362 1500 mm/s2 1500 mm/s2 1500 mm/s2
366 acceleration for 364 2200 mm/s2 2200 mm/s2 2200 mm/s2
367 error causing motor stop 20 mm 50 mm 50 mm
368 delay between motor stop and motor control inhibit 2.00 sec 0.5 sec 0.5 sec

371 derivative sampling period 0.001 sec 0.001 sec 0.001 sec
372 proportional gain 30 100 100
373 integral gain 40 50 50
374 derivative gain * * *
375 limit for integrated error 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
10 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

Para Function
D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3
376 slow speed at initialization 80 mm/s 80 mm/s 80 mm/s
377 in/out speed 600 mm/s 600 mm/s 600 mm/s
378 normal working speed) 2400 mm/s 2400 mm/s 2400 mm/s
379 acceleration for 376 and 377 1000 mm/s2 1000 mm/s2 1000 mm/s2
380 acceleration for 378 2400 mm/s2 2400 mm/s2 2400 mm/s2
381 error causing motor stop * * *
382 delay between motor stop and motor control inhibit 2.00 sec 0.5 sec 0.5 sec

385 derivative sampling period 0.003 sec 0.003 sec 0.003 sec
386 proportional gain 700 150 150
387 integral gain 0 2 2
388 derivative gain 1000 1000 1000
389 limit for integrated error 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
390 speed (not used) 0.1 mm/s 0.1 mm/s 0.1 mm/s
391 slow speed at initialization 30 mm/s 30 mm/s 30 mm/s
392 normal working speed 30 mm/s 30 mm/s 30 mm/s
393 acceleration for 391 * * *
394 acceleration for 392 * * *
395 error causing motor stop * * *
396 delay between motor stop and motor control inhibit 0.5 sec 0.25 sec 0.25 sec
397 spare
398 spare

02.1 11
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

3.1.4. Group 400-600 parameters

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

401 minimum pos aitionngulation -40.0° -40.0° -40.0°
402 maximum position angulation 40.0° 40.0° 40.0°
403 minimum position scanning (foot end) -40 mm -180 mm -180 mm
404 maximum position scanning (head end) 530 mm 515 mm 515 mm
405 minimum position tilt -90.0° -90.0° -90.0°
406 minimum position tilt 90.0° 90.0° 90.0°

409 minimum position tabletop longitudinal -600 mm -600 mm -600 mm

410 maximum position tabletop longitudinal 1000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm
411 minimum position tabletop transversal -115 mm -115 mm -115 mm
412 maximum position tabletop transversal 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm
413 minimum position SID tube connection 1040 mm 1020 mm 1020 mm
414 maximum position SID tube connection 1525 mm 1490 mm 1490 mm
415 minimum position layer height 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm
416 maximum position layer height 340 mm 340 mm 340 mm
417 vertical collimator shutters closed 0 mm not used not used
418 vertical collimator shutters maximum open 393 mm not used not used
419 horizontal collimator shutters closed 0 mm not used not used
420 horizontal collimator shutters maximum open 393 mm not used not used
421 circular collimator shutters minimum open 105 mm not used not used
422 circular collimator shutters maximum open 560 mm not used not used
425 minimum value cassette width for 13 cm 156 mm 156 mm 156 mm
426 maximum value cassette width for 43 cm 460 mm 460 mm 460 mm
427 minimum value cassette height for 18 cm 208 mm 208 mm 208 mm
428 maximum value cassette height for 43 cm 460 mm 460 mm 460 mm
429 minimum position cassette transversal (foot end) -59.5 mm -59.5 mm -59.5 mm
430 maximum position cassette transversal (head end) 59.5 mm 59.5 mm 59.5 mm

433 distance of tilting centre to floor 538 mm 538 mm 538 mm

434 distance between tilting centre and film plane 301 mm 301 mm 301 mm
435 distance between film plane and tabletop 100 mm 90 mm 90 mm
distance of tube rotation point to the top edges of
436 218 mm 218 mm 218 mm
tube arm
Support cradle, centre point travel during tilt from 0°
437 to ±90°. Tabletop support cradle is moved to prevent 604 mm 604 mm 604 mm
collision with floor.
438 tabletop distance foot end to mid point 1090 mm 1090 mm 1090 mm
439 tabletop distance head end to mid point -1090 mm -1090 mm -1090 mm
440 distance II entrance screen to film plane 57 mm 57 mm 57 mm
441 distance film plane to lead shutters in serial changer 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm
reduction of safety area when in tomography
442 * * *
measured from either end
Scanning area reduced when tilting to 90° to prevent * * *
443 collision between floor & II.
distance serial changer carriage from park to load
444 * * *
Tabletop long. tolerance between the software
calculated position (para 234 time & speed) and
445 actual potentiometer pos. If tolerance is exceeded, * * *
error code 217 is generated.
Tabletop lateral tolerance between the software
446 calculated position (measured using time and speed * * *

12 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

from parameter 235) and actual potentiometer
position. If tolerance is exceeded, error code 218 is
Scanning tolerance between the software calculated
position (measured using time and speed from
447 parameter 236) and actual potentiometer position. If * * *
tolerance is exceeded, error code 219 is generated.
SID tolerance between the software calculated
position (measured using time and speed from
448 parameter 237) and actual potentiometer position. If * * *
tolerance is exceeded, error code 220 is generated.
Permissible variation of the potentiometer value
(collimator, layer height & cassette lateral movement),
When related movement is not active. ‘Cassette size’
potentiometers are checked in park position. If value
449 exceeded, software stops all movements and sends * * *
error indication to operators desk. Possible defective
potentiometer, connection to potentiometer or
excessive slow down distance. Min value = 5 Max
value = 900.
Permissible deviation of minimum and maximum
450 potentiometer values at end limits of movement. 100 units 100 units 100 units
Time delay between initial movement of joystick or
pushbutton (opens a SFS line) and closing of this line
451 due to second microswitch operating. If more than 1 sec 5 sec 5 sec
one second elapses, then a SFS error is generated.
Allowable variation of angular movement
potentiometer value when movement has stopped.
452 Limit can be exceeded when slow down distance of * * *
movement is excessive.
Allowable variation of scanning movement
potentiometer value when movement has stopped.
453 Limit can be exceeded when slow down distance of * * *
movement is excessive.
Allowable variation of tilt movement potentiometer
value when movement has stopped. Limit can be
454 exceeded when slow down distance of movement is * * *
Allowable variation of tabletop long. movement
potentiometer value when movement stopped. Limit
455 can be exceeded when slow down distance of * * *
movement is excessive.
Allowed variation of tabletop lateral movement
potentiometer value when movement stopped. Limit
456 can be exceeded when slow down distance of 10 mm 40 mm 40 mm
movement is excessive.
Allowable variation of SID movement potentiometer
value when movement has stopped. Limit can be
457 exceeded when slow down distance of movement is * * *
459 removed removed removed
460 removed removed removed
461 13 x 18 overview 1st position 259.0 mm 259.0 mm 259.0 mm
462 18 x 24 overview 1st position 284.0 mm 284.0 mm 284.0 mm
463 18 x 24 in two or four 1st position 239.5 mm 239.5 mm 239.5 mm
464 18 x 24 in two or four 2nd position 328.5 mm 328.5 mm 328.5 mm
465 24 x 18 overview 1st position 314.0 mm 314.0 mm 314.0 mm

02.1 13
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

466 24 x 18 in two 1st position 254.5 mm 254.5 mm 254.5 mm
467 24 x 18 in two 2nd position 373.5 mm 373.5 mm 373.5 mm
468 24 x 30 overview 1st position 314.0 mm 314.0 mm 314.0 mm
469 24 x 30 in two 1st position 254.5 mm 254.5 mm 254.5 mm
470 24 x 30 in two 2nd position 373.5 mm 373.5 mm 373.5 mm
471 30 x 24 overview 1st position 344.0 mm 344.0 mm 344.0 mm
472 30 x 24 in two or four 1st position 269.5 mm 269.5 mm 269.5 mm
473 30 x 24 in two or four 2nd position 418.5 mm 418.5 mm 418.5 mm
474 30 x 24 in three or six 1st position 244.7 mm 244.7 mm 244.7 mm
475 30 x 24 in three or six 2nd position 344.0 mm 344.0 mm 344.0 mm
476 30 x 24 in three or six 3rd position 443.3 mm 443.3 mm 443.3 mm
477 30 x 30 overview 1st position 344.0 mm 344.0 mm 344.0 mm
478 30 x 30 in two 1st position 269.5 mm 269.5 mm 269.5 mm
479 30 x 30 in two 2nd position 418.5 mm 418.5 mm 418.5 mm
480 30 x 30 in three 1st position 244.7 mm 244.7 mm 244.7 mm
481 30 x 30 in three 2nd position 344.0 mm 344.0 mm 344.0 mm
482 30 x 30 in three 3rd position 443.3 mm 443.3 mm 443.3 mm
483 30 x 40 overview 1st position 344.0 mm 344.0 mm 344.0 mm
484 30 x 40 in two 1st position 269.5 mm 269.5 mm 269.5 mm
485 30 x 40 in two 2nd position 418.5 mm 418.5 mm 418.5 mm
486 30 x 40 in three 1st position 244.7 mm 244.7 mm 244.7 mm
487 30 x 40 in three 2nd position 344.0 mm 344.0 mm 344.0 mm
488 30 x 40 in three 3rd position 443.3 mm 443.3 mm 443.3 mm
489 40 x 30 overview 1st position 394.0 mm 394.0 mm 394.0 mm
490 40 x 30 in two 1st position 294.5 mm 294.5 mm 294.5 mm
491 40 x 30 in two 2nd position 493.5 mm 493.5 mm 493.5 mm
492 40 x 30 in three 1st position 261.4 mm 261.4 mm 261.4 mm
493 40 x 30 in three 2nd position 394.0 mm 394.0 mm 394.0 mm
494 40 x 30 in three 3rd position 526.6 mm 526.6 mm 526.6 mm
495 40 x 30 in four 1st position 244.7 mm 244.7 mm 244.7 mm
496 40 x 30 in four 2nd position 344.2 mm 344.2 mm 344.2 mm
497 40 x 30 in four 3rd position 443.7 mm 443.7 mm 443.7 mm
498 40 x 30 in four 4th position 543.2 mm 543.2 mm 543.2 mm
499 35 x 35 overview 1st position 372.0 mm 372.0 mm 372.0 mm
500 35 x 35 in two 1st position 283.5 mm 283.5 mm 283.5 mm
501 35 x 35 in two 2nd position 460.5 mm 460.5 mm 460.5 mm
502 35 x 35 in three 1st position 254.0 mm 254.0 mm 254.0 mm
503 35 x 35 in three 2nd position 372.0 mm 372.0 mm 372.0 mm
504 35 x 35 in three 3rd position 490.0 mm 490.0 mm 490.0 mm
505 35 x 43 overview 1st position 372.0 mm 372.0 mm 372.0 mm
506 35 x 43 in two 1st position 283.5 mm 283.5 mm 283.5 mm
507 35 x 43 in two 2nd position 460.5 mm 460.5 mm 460.5 mm
508 35 x 43 in three 1st position 254.0 mm 254.0 mm 254.0 mm
509 35 x 43 in three 2nd position 372.0 mm 372.0 mm 372.0 mm
510 35 x 43 in three 3rd position 490.0 mm 490.0 mm 490.0 mm
511 43 x 35 overview 1st position 410.0 mm 410.0 mm 410.0 mm
512 43 x 35 in two 1st position 302.5 mm 302.5 mm 302.5 mm
513 43 x 35 in two 2nd position 517.5 mm 517.5 mm 517.5 mm
514 43 x 35 in three 1st position 266.7 mm 266.7 mm 266.7 mm
515 43 x 35 in three 2nd position 410.0 mm 410.0 mm 410.0 mm
516 43 x 35 in three 3rd position 553.3 mm 553.3 mm 553.3 mm
517 20 x 40 overview 1st position 294.0 mm 294.0 mm 294.0 mm
518 20 x 40 in two 1st position 244.5 mm 244.5 mm 244.5 mm
519 20 x 40 in two 2nd position 343.5 mm 343.5 mm 343.5 mm
520 40 x 20 overview 1st position 394.0 mm 394.0 mm 394.0 mm
521 40 x 20 in two 2nd position 294.5 mm 294.5 mm 294.5 mm
14 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

522 40 x 20 in two 2nd position 493.5 mm 493.5 mm 493.5 mm
523 40 x 20 in three 1st position 261.4 mm 261.4 mm 261.4 mm
524 40 x 20 in three 2nd position 394.0 mm 394.0 mm 394.0 mm
525 40 x 20 in three 3rd position 526.6 mm 526.6 mm 526.6 mm
526 40 x 20 in four 1st position 244.7 mm 244.7 mm 244.7 mm
527 40 x 20 in four 2nd position 344.2 mm 344.2 mm 344.2 mm
528 40 x 20 in four 3rd position 443.7 mm 443.7 mm 443.7 mm
529 40 x 20 in four 4th position 543.2 mm 543.2 mm 543.2 mm
530 15 x 40 overview 1st position 269.0 mm 269.0 mm 269.0 mm
531 40 x 15 overview 1st position 394.0 mm 394.0 mm 394.0 mm
532 40 x 15 in two 1st position 294.5 mm 294.5 mm 294.5 mm
533 40 x 15 in two 2nd position 493.5 mm 493.5 mm 493.5 mm
534 40 x 15 in three 1st position 261.4 mm 261.4 mm 261.4 mm
535 40 x 15 in three 2nd position 394.0 mm 394.0 mm 394.0 mm
536 40 x 15 in three 3rd position 526.6 mm 526.6 mm 526.6 mm
537 40 x 15 in four 1st position 244.7 mm 244.7 mm 244.7 mm
538 40 x 15 in fou 2nd position 344.2 mm 344.2 mm 344.2 mm
539 40 x 15 in four 3rd position 443.7 mm 443.7 mm 443.7 mm
540 40 x 15 in four 4th position 543.2 mm 543.2 mm 543.2 mm
541 13 cm overview 128.5 mm 128.5 mm 128.5 mm
542 18 cm overview 178.5 mm 178.5 mm 178.5 mm
543 18 cm in two 85.5 mm 85.5 mm 85.5 mm
544 18 cm in four cross 85.5 mm 85.5 mm 85.5 mm
545 24 cm overview 238.5 mm 238.5 mm 238.5 mm
546 24 cm in two 115.5 mm 115.5 mm 115.5 mm
547 30 cm overview 298.5 mm 298.5 mm 298.5 mm
548 30 cm in two 145.5 mm 145.5 mm 145.5 mm
549 30 cm in four cross 145.5 mm 145.5 mm 145.5 mm
550 30 cm in three 96.0 mm 96.0 mm 96.0 mm
551 30 cm in six cross 96.0 mm 96.0 mm 96.0 mm
552 40 cm overview 398.5 mm 398.5 mm 398.5 mm
553 40 cm in two 195.5 mm 195.5 mm 195.5 mm
554 40 cm in three 129.1 mm 129.1 mm 129.1 mm
555 40 cm in four 96.0 mm 96.0 mm 96.0 mm
556 35 cm overview 354.5 mm 354.5 mm 354.5 mm
557 35 cm in two 173.5 mm 173.5 mm 173.5 mm
558 35 cm in three 114.5 mm 114.5 mm 114.5 mm
559 43 cm overview 428.5 mm 428.5 mm 428.5 mm
560 43 cm in two 211.5 mm 211.5 mm 211.5 mm
561 43 cm in three 139.8 mm 139.8 mm 139.8 mm
562 20 cm overview 198.5 mm 198.5 mm 198.5 mm
563 20 cm in two 95.5 mm 95.5 mm 95.5 mm
564 15 cm overview 148.5 mm 148.5 mm 148.5 mm
571 5 x 7 overview 1st position 257.2 mm 257.2 mm 257.2 mm
572 8 x 10 overview 1st position 295.3 mm 295.3 mm 295.3 mm
573 8 x 10 in two or four 1st position 244.6 mm 244.6 mm 244.6 mm
574 8 x 10 in two or four 2nd position 346.0 mm 346.0 mm 346.0 mm
575 10 x 8 overview 1st position 320.7 mm 320.7 mm 320.7 mm
576 10 x 8 in two 1st position 257.2 mm 257.2 mm 257.2 mm
577 10 x 8 in two 2nd position 384.2 mm 384.2 mm 384.2 mm
578 10 x 12 overview 1st position 320.7 mm 320.7 mm 320.7 mm
579 10 x 12 in two 1st position 257.2 mm 257.2 mm 257.2 mm
580 10 x 12 in two 2nd position 384.2 mm 384.2 mm 384.2 mm
581 12 x 10 overview 1st position 346.1 mm 346.1 mm 346.1 mm
582 12 x 10 in two or four 1st position 270.0 mm 270.0 mm 270.0 mm
583 12 x 10 in two or four 2nd position 422.3 mm 422.3 mm 422.3 mm
584 12 x 10 in three or six 1st position 244.4 mm 244.4 mm 244.4 mm

02.1 15
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
A3 Board Replacement D93 plus / TeleDiagnost

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

585 12 x 10 in three or six 2nd position 346.1 mm 346.1 mm 346.1 mm
586 12 x 10 in three or six 3rd position 447.4 mm 447.4 mm 447.4 mm
587 9.5 x 9.5 overview 1st position 314.4 mm 314.4 mm 314.4 mm
588 9.5 x 9.5 in two 1st position 254.0 mm 254.0 mm 254.0 mm
589 9.5 x 9.5 in two 2nd position 374.7 mm 374.7 mm 374.7 mm
590 9.5 x 9.5 in three 1st position 233.8 mm 233.8 mm 233.8 mm
591 9.5 x 9.5 in three 2nd position 314.4 mm 314.4 mm 314.4 mm
592 9.5 x 9.5 in three 3rd position 394.7 mm 394.7 mm 394.7 mm
593 11 x 14 overview 1st position 333.4 mm 333.4 mm 333.4 mm
594 11 x 14 in two 1st position 263.6 mm 263.6 mm 263.6 mm
595 11 x 14 in two 2nd position 403.1 mm 403.1 mm 403.1 mm
596 11 x 14 in three 1st position 240.4 mm 240.4 mm 240.4 mm
597 11 x 14 in three 2nd position 333.4 mm 333.4 mm 333.4 mm
598 11 x 14 in three 3rd position 426.4 mm 426.4 mm 426.4 mm
599 14 x 11 overview 1st position 371.5 mm 371.5 mm 371.5 mm
600 14 x 11 in two 1st position 282.5 mm 282.5 mm 282.5 mm
601 14 x 11 in two 2nd position 460.5 mm 460.5 mm 460.5 mm
602 14 x 11 in three 1st position 252.9 mm 252.9 mm 252.9 mm
603 14 x 11 in three 2nd position 371.5 mm 371.5 mm 371.5 mm
604 14 x 11 in three 3rd position 490.1 mm 490.1 mm 490.1 mm
605 14 x 11 in four 1st position 238.0 mm 238.0 mm 238.0 mm
606 14 x 11 in four 2nd position 327.0 mm 327.0 mm 327.0 mm
607 14 x 11 in four 3rd position 416.0 mm 416.0 mm 416.0 mm
608 14 x 11 in four 4th position 505.0 mm 505.0 mm 505.0 mm
609 14 x 14 overview 1st position 371.5 mm 371.5 mm 371.5 mm
610 14 x 14 in two 1st position 282.5 mm 282.5 mm 282.5 mm
611 14 x 14 in two 2nd position 460.5 mm 460.5 mm 460.5 mm
612 14 x 14 in three 1st position 252.9 mm 252.9 mm 252.9 mm
613 14 x 14 in three 2nd position 371.5 mm 371.5 mm 371.5 mm
614 14 x 14 in three 3rd position 490.1 mm 490.1 mm 490.1 mm
615 14 x 17 overview 1st position 371.5 mm 371.5 mm 371.5 mm
616 14 x 17 in two 1st position 282.5 mm 282.5 mm 282.5 mm
617 14 x 17 in two 2nd position 460.5 mm 460.5 mm 460.5 mm
618 14 x 17 in three 1st position 252.9 mm 252.9 mm 252.9 mm
619 14 x 17 in three 2nd position 371.5 mm 371.5 mm 371.5 mm
620 14 x 17 in three 3rd position 490.1 mm 490.1 mm 490.1 mm
621 17 x 14 overview 1st position 409.6 mm 409.6 mm 409.6 mm
622 17 x 14 in two 1st position 301.6 mm 301.6 mm 301.6 mm
623 17 x 14 in two 2nd position 517.6 mm 517.6 mm 517.6 mm
624 17 x 14 in three 1st position 265.6 mm 265.6 mm 265.6 mm
625 17 x 14 in three 2nd position 409.6 mm 409.6 mm 409.6 mm
626 17 x 14 in three 3rd position 553.6 mm 553.6 mm 553.6 mm
627 7 x 17 overview 1st position 282.6 mm 282.6 mm 282.6 mm
628 17 x 7 overview 1st position 409.6 mm 409.6 mm 409.6 mm
629 17 x 7 in two 1st position 301.6 mm 301.6 mm 301.6 mm
630 17 x 7 in two 2nd position 517.6 mm 517.6 mm 517.6 mm
631 17 x 7 in three 1st position 265.6 mm 265.6 mm 265.6 mm
632 17 x 7 in three 2nd position 409.6 mm 409.6 mm 409.6 mm
633 17 x 7 in three 3rd position 553.6 mm 553.6 mm 553.6 mm
634 17 x 7 in four 1st position 247.6 mm 247.6 mm 247.6 mm
635 17 x 7 in four 2nd position 355.6 mm 355.6 mm 355.6 mm
636 17 x 7 in four 3rd position 463.6 mm 463.6 mm 463.6 mm
637 17 x 7 in four 4th position 571.6 mm 571.6 mm 571.6 mm
638 5” overview 128.0 mm 128.0 mm 128.0 mm
639 8” overview 204.0 mm 204.0 mm 204.0 mm
640 8” in two 98.5 mm 98.5 mm 98.5 mm
641 8” in four + 98.5 mm 98.5 mm 98.5 mm
642 10” overview 255.0 mm 255.0 mm 255.0 mm
643 10” in two 124.0 mm 124.0 mm 124.0 mm
644 12” overview 306.0 mm 306.0 mm 306.0 mm
645 12” in two 149.5 mm 149.5 mm 149.5 mm
646 12” in four + 149.5 mm 149.5 mm 149.5 mm
16 02.1
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
D93 plus / TeleDiagnost A3 Board Replacement

Para. Function D93+ V4.3 TD V4.3 TD-A V4.3

647 12” in three 98.6 mm 98.6 mm 98.6 mm
648 12” in six + 98.6 mm 98.6 mm 98.6 mm
649 9.5” overview 242.0 mm 242.0 mm 242.0 mm
650 9.5” in two 117.5 mm 117.5 mm 117.5 mm
651 9.5” in three 77.3 mm 77.3 mm 77.3 mm
652 11” overview 280.0 mm 280.0 mm 280.0 mm
653 11” in two 136.5 mm 136.5 mm 136.5 mm
654 11” in three 90.0 mm 90.0 mm 90.0 mm
655 14” overview 357.0 mm 357.0 mm 357.0 mm
656 14” in two 175.0 mm 175.0 mm 175.0 mm
657 14” in three 115.6 mm 115.6 mm 115.6 mm
658 14” in four 86.0 mm 86.0 mm 86.0 mm
659 7” overview 179.0 mm 179.0 mm 179.0 mm
660 17” overview 433.0 mm 433.0 mm 433.0 mm
661 17” in two 213.0 mm 213.0 mm 213.0 mm
662 17” in three 141.0 mm 141.0 mm 141.0 mm
663 17” in four 105.0 mm 105.0 mm 105.0 mm

671 k-factor for angulation movement 3000 3000 3000

672 delay for angulation movement 0.5 sec 0.5 sec 0.5 sec
675 k-factor for tilting movement 10000 10000 10000
676 delay for tilting movement 0.5 sec 0.5 sec 0.5 sec
679 k-factor for s.c. leadshutter movement 10000 10000 10000
680 delay for s.c. leadshutter movement 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec
681 k-factor for s.c. carriage movement 6000 6000 6000
682 delay for s.c. carriage movement 0.5 sec 0.5 sec 0.5 sec
683 k-factor for s.c. cassette transversal movement 10000 10000 10000
684 delay for s.c. cassette transversal movement 1.0 sec 1.0 sec 1.0 sec

02.1 17
Copyright © 2002 Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.

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