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Universal R/F Systems



9 8 9 6 0 0 0 12482 1996-05 OD



Published by Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.

Document number 9896 000 12482/708* 1996-05 OD.

© Copyright Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. 1996.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system or translated into any human or computer language in any form by any means without the
express written permission of the copyright holder.

Unauthorized copying of this publication may not only infringe copyright but reduce the ability
of Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. to provide accurate and up-to-date information to
both users and operators.


Published by Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.

Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. reserves the right to make changes to both this
Operator's Manual and to the products it describes. Equipment specifications are subject to
change without notice. Nothing contained within this Operator's Manual is intended as any offer,
warranty, promise or contractual condition, and must not be taken as such.

© Copyright Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. 1996.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system or translated into any human or computer language in any form by any means without the
express written permission of the copyright holder.

Unauthorized copying of this publication may not only infringe copyright but reduce the ability
of Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. to provide accurate and up-to-date information to
both users and operators.

Printed in the Netherlands.



1 SAFETY ...................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.1 About the DIAGNOST 94 ........................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 About this operator's manual ........................................................................ 1-1
1.1.3 Intended use ................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.4 Compatibility ................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.5 Compliance ................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.6 Training ........................................................................................................ 1-3
1.1.7 Other operator's manuals .............................................................................. 1-3
1.1.8 Glossary ........................................................................................................ 1-4
1.2 Important Safety Directions .................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.1 Emergency procedures .................................................................................. 1-5
1.2.2 Electrical safety ............................................................................................. 1-7
1.2.3 Mechanical safety .......................................................................................... 1-7
1.2.4 Explosion safety ............................................................................................ 1-8
1.2.5 Fire safety ...................................................................................................... 1-8
1.2.6 Radiation safety ............................................................................................ 1-8
1.2.7 Mobile telephones and other similar products .............................................. 1-9

2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................2-1

2.1 Configuration and Options ..................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Controls, Indicators and Accessories ....................................................................... 2-8
2.2.1 Generator control panel .............................................................................. 2-9
2.2.2 Remote control panel ................................................................................ 2-14
2.2.3 Imaging module ........................................................................................ 2-22
2.2.4 Nearby control panel ................................................................................. 2-25
2.2.5 Tableside control panel .............................................................................. 2-27
2.2.6 Collimator controls and accessories ........................................................... 2-29
2.2.7 Table indicators and collision detectors ..................................................... 2-31
2.2.8 Patient positioning accessories ................................................................... 2-32
2.2.9 DSI processor cabinet ................................................................................ 2-34
2.2.10 DSI keyboard ............................................................................................ 2-35
2.2.11 DSI viewing module ................................................................................. 2-37
2.2.12 DSI acquisition module ............................................................................ 2-45

2.2.13 DSI viewpad .............................................................................................. 2-47

2.2.14 Monitors ................................................................................................... 2-49
2.2.15 Optical disk drive unit .............................................................................. 2-50
2.3 Preset DSI Parameters ........................................................................................... 2-51
2.4 Overview of DSI Screens ....................................................................................... 2-53
2.5 Overview of Image Displays .................................................................................. 2-62

3 PREPARING THE SYSTEM ........................................................................................3-1

3.1 Switching On .......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Switching Off .......................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Restart ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Examination Scheduling ......................................................................................... 3-3
3.5 Positioning the System ............................................................................................ 3-5
3.5.1 Collision detectors ........................................................................................ 3-5


3.5.2 Performing movements with the DIAGNOST 94 ........................................ 3-6

3.6 Positioning the Patient .......................................................................................... 3-11
3.6.1 Using the standard accessories ..................................................................... 3-11
3.6.2 Using the optional accessories ..................................................................... 3-13
3.6.3 Using the paediatric accessories ................................................................... 3-24

4 ACQUIRING IMAGES ............................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Standard Image Acquisition Procedure .................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Imaging mode ............................................................................................... 4-2
4.1.2 Imaging technique ........................................................................................ 4-2
4.1.3 Changing predefined parameters ................................................................... 4-3
4.2 Tomography Procedure ........................................................................................... 4-4
4.3 Bolus Chase Procedure ............................................................................................ 4-6
4.4 Performing Fluoroscopy .......................................................................................... 4-8
4.5 Acquiring Images in Free Cassette Imaging Mode ................................................. 4-10
4.6 Acquiring Images in Wall Bucky Imaging Mode ................................................... 4-10
4.7 Acquiring Images in Serial Changer or Automatic Bucky Imaging Mode ............. 4-11
4.8 Acquiring Digital Images ....................................................................................... 4-11

5 VIEWING IMAGES .................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Selecting Images ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Processing Images .................................................................................................... 5-3
5.3 Preparing for Archiving ........................................................................................... 5-7
5.4 Switching Off DSI .................................................................................................. 5-8

6 ARCHIVING AND RETRIEVING IMAGES ............................................................ 6-1

6.1 Copying with the Hardcopy Unit (HCU) ............................................................... 6-2
6.1.1 Grayscale reproduction ................................................................................. 6-2
6.1.2 Manual copying (a) ....................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.3 Copying to HCU directly connected to DSI (b) ........................................... 6-2
6.1.4 Copying to HCU directly connected to EasyVision (e) ................................ 6-3
6.2 Sending to the EasyVision (d) ................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.1 EV-Export (f ) ................................................................................................ 6-5
6.2.2 EV-Store (g) .................................................................................................. 6-5
6.3 Export (h) ............................................................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Optical Disk Functions ........................................................................................... 6-6
6.4.1 Saving to optical disk (c) ............................................................................... 6-6
6.4.2 List ................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.4.3 Retrieving from optical disk .......................................................................... 6-6
6.4.4 Erasing an optical disk .................................................................................. 6-7
6.4.5 Cancelling a save, retrieve or erase process .................................................... 6-7
6.5 Area Dose Printout .................................................................................................. 6-7

7 DSI SYSTEM SETUP FUNCTIONS .......................................................................... 7-1

7.1 System Data F4 ....................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Physician Code F5 .................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Acquisition Default Parameters ............................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Grayscale Enhancement (GSE) ............................................................................... 7-3
7.5 Fluoro Noise Reduction .......................................................................................... 7-4

8 SYSTEM AND ERROR MESSAGES .......................................................................... 8-1


8.1 Generator Error Messages ....................................................................................... 8-1

8.2 Stand Error Messages .............................................................................................. 8-2
8.3 Hardcopy Error Messages ........................................................................................ 8-4
8.4 DSI Message Line ................................................................................................... 8-4
8.5 DSI Status Field Messages ....................................................................................... 8-6

9 MAINTAINING THE SYSTEM .................................................................................. 9-1

9.1 Planned Maintenance and User Routine Checks ..................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Planned maintenance programme ................................................................. 9-1
9.1.2 User routine checks programme .................................................................... 9-2
9.2 Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization .................................................................. 9-2
9.2.1 Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 9-2
9.2.2 Disinfection and sterilization ........................................................................ 9-3

10 DISPOSING OF THE DIAGNOST 94 .....................................................................10-1

10.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Passing the DIAGNOST 94 on to Another User .................................................. 10-1
10.3 Final Disposal of the DIAGNOST 94 .................................................................. 10-2
10.4 Fitting, Removing and Disposing of Batteries ....................................................... 10-2

11 TECHNICAL DATA ..................................................................................................11-1

12 LEGEND .................................................................................................................... 12-1

13 INDEX ....................................................................................................................... 13-1






1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 About the DIAGNOST 94

The DIAGNOST 94 is a multi-functional, universal X-ray system with remote-controlled
facilities. It performs a wide range of routine examinations and interventional procedures.

1.1.2 About this operator's manual

This Manual is intended to assist the user and operators in the safe and effective operation of the
equipment described. The ‘user’ is considered to be the body with authority over the equipment;
‘operators’ are those persons who actually handle the equipment.

Within this Operator’s Manual, the most extensive configuration of the system is described, with
the maximum number of functions, options and accessories. Not every function described may be
available on your system.
Depending on the configuration, other Operator’s Manuals may be delivered with the system, and
these should be consulted for safety instructions, calibration, test procedures and maintenance.

Before attempting to operate the equipment, you must read this manual thoroughly, paying
particular attention to all WARNINGS, Cautions and Notes incorporated in it.
You must pay special attention to all the information given and procedures described in the Safety
Section 1.1.8.

This symbol, used throughout the manual, indicates a WARNING.

WARNINGS are directions which, if not followed, could cause fatal or serious injury to an operator,
patient or any other person, or could lead to a misdiagnosis.

Cautions are directions which, if not followed, could cause damage to the equipment described in
this Operator's Manual and/or any other equipment or goods, and/or cause environmental

Notes are intended to highlight unusual points as an aid to an operator.

The chapter System Description gives a complete description of the system, paying special attention

to all controls, indicators and display layouts. The Legend, at the end of the manual, gives an
overview of the location of all controls and indicators and can be folded out for easy reference.
The chapter Preparing the System gives information about all actions that have to be performed
before the system can be used for examinations.

Procedures for actual operation are given in the chapters Acquiring Images, Viewing Images, and
Archiving and Retrieving Images. These chapters describe specific actions and the sequence in
which they must be performed, with references to the Legend for locations, and to the System
Description for detailed descriptions of the functions concerned.
This Operator's Manual was originally drafted, approved and supplied by Philips Medical Systems
in the English language under the product part code as described on page ii.



1.1.3 Intended use

The Philips DIAGNOST 94 is intended to be installed, used and operated only in accordance
with the safety procedures and operating instructions given in this Operator's Manual for the
purposes for which it was designed. The purposes for which the equipment is intended are given
below. However, nothing stated in this Operator's Manual reduces users' and operators'
responsibilities for sound clinical judgement and best clinical procedure.

The DIAGNOST 94 is a multi-functional, universal X-ray system with remote-controlled

facilities. It performs a wide range of routine examinations and interventional procedures.

Routine examinations
Routine examinations that can be performed with the DIAGNOST 94, using the automatic serial
changer or the digital acquisition system, DSI, include:
• Gastro-intestinal examination
• Urography
• Bronchography
• Arthrography
• Hysterography
• Myelography
• Lymphography
• Skeletal radiography
• Tomography

Special procedures
Special procedures that require subtracted and non-subtracted digital imaging include:
• Angiography
• Peripheral angiography (bolus chasing)
• Vascular and non-vascular interventional procedures

Installation, use and operation of this equipment is subject to the law in the jurisdiction(s) in which
the equipment is being used. Both users and operators must only install, use and operate the
equipment in such ways as do not conflict with applicable laws, or regulations which have the force
of law.

Uses of the equipment for purposes other than those intended or expressly stated by the
manufacturer, as well as incorrect use or operation, may relieve the manufacturer (or his agent)
from all or some responsibility for resultant noncompliance, damage or injury.

U.S. Federal Law restricts this device to use by or on the order of a physician.

1.1.4 Compatibility
Equipment described in this Operator's Manual should not be used in combination with other
equipment or components unless such other equipment or components are expressly recognized as
compatible by Philips Medical Systems.
A list of such equipment and components is available on request from the contact address given
below, under the following heading Compliance.

Changes and/or additions to the equipment should only be carried out by Philips Medical
Systems or by third parties expressly authorized by Philips Medical Systems to do so. Such changes
and/or additions must comply with all applicable laws and regulations that have the force of law
within the jurisdiction(s) concerned, and with best engineering practice.



Changes and/or additions to the equipment that are carried out by persons without the
appropriate training and/or using unapproved spare parts may lead to the Philips warranty being
voided. As with all complex technical equipment, maintenance by persons not appropriately
qualified and/or using unapproved spare parts carries serious risk of damage to the equipment and
of personal injury.

1.1.5 Compliance
The Philips DIAGNOST 94 complies with relevant international and national standards and
laws. Information on compliance will be supplied on request by your local Philips Medical
Systems representative, or by:
Philips Medical Systems
Dept. Corporate Technology
PO Box 10 000
5680 DA Best, The Netherlands
Facsimile: +31 40 276 22 05

The Philips DIAGNOST 94 complies with relevant international and national law and standards
on EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) for this type of equipment when used as intended.
Such laws and standards define both the permissible electromagnetic emission levels from
equipment, and its required immunity to electromagnetic interference from external sources.

1.1.6 Training

! Do not use the DIAGNOST 94 if you have not received proper and adequate training
on its safe and effective use. Operating the equipment without such training could
lead to fatal or other serious personal injury. It could also lead to clinical

Operators of the Philips DIAGNOST 94 must have received adequate training on its safe and
effective use before attempting to operate the equipment described in this Operator's Manual.
Training requirements for this type of device will vary from country to country. It is for users to
make sure that operators receive adequate training in accordance with local laws or regulations
which have the force of law.

If you require further information about training in the use of the equipment, please contact your
local Philips Medical Systems representative. Alternatively, contact:

Philips Medical Systems

P.O. Box 10 000
5680 DA Best, The Netherlands
Facsimile: +31 40 276 2205

1.1.7 Other operator's manuals

This Operator's Manual describes the DIAGNOST 94. However, certain other pieces of
equipment may be used with the system, and each will have its own Operator's Manual.



1.1.8 Glossary

List of abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used:
APR Anatomically Programmed Radiography
BCR Bolus Chase Reconstruction
DICOM Digital Communication in Medicine
DSI Digital Spot Imaging
EV EasyVision Workstation
EXAM Examination
FPF Film Plane Fluoroscopy
FPR Fluoroscopically Programmed Radiography
GSE Grayscale Enhancement
HCU Hardcopy Unit
HLR High Line Rate
II Image Intensifier
IR Infra Red
LIH Last Image Hold
RF Radiography-Fluoroscopy
RIS Radiology Information System
SID Source to Image Distance
SLR Standard Line Rate
TDC Tomography Density Control

Glossary of terms
Archived: Stored on a nonvolatile medium, such as optical disk,
EasyVision, DICOM or hardcopy
Current examination: Patient file selected for acquisition
Examination: Group of X-ray images obtained for one patient session
File: Computer disk copy or hardcopy of X-ray images
Processed images: Images viewed and manipulated in the DSI system
Run: Group of X-ray images within an examination
Stored: Saved on optical disk, EasyVision or Dicom
Unprocessed images: Images printed or stored without being manipulated in the DSI system

1.2 Important Safety Directions

Philips Medical Systems products are all designed to meet stringent safety standards. However, all
medical electrical equipment requires proper installation, operation and maintenance, particularly
with regard to human safety.

It is vital that you read, note, and where applicable strictly observe all danger notices and safety
markings on the DIAGNOST 94.

It is vital that you follow strictly all safety directions under the heading Safety Section 1.2 and all
WARNINGS and Cautions throughout this Operator’s Manual, to help ensure the safety of both
patients and operators.

In particular, you must read, understand and know the Emergency Procedures described in this
Safety section before attempting to use the equipment for any patient examination.



You should also note the following information given in the Introduction of this Operator's
• 1.1.3 Intended use of the Philips DIAGNOST 94
• 1.1.6 Training for operators of the DIAGNOST 94

Do not use the DIAGNOST 94 for any application until you are sure that the User
Routine Checks Programme has been satisfactorily completed, and that the Planned
Maintenance Programme is up to date. These programmes are listed in Section 9.

If any part of the DIAGNOST 94 is known or suspected to be defective or wrongly-
adjusted, DO NOT USE the system until a repair has been made. Operation of the
DIAGNOST 94 with defective or wrongly-adjusted components could expose the
operator or the patient to radiation or other safety hazards. This could lead to fatal or
other serious personal injury, or to clinical misdiagnosis.

Safety awareness
Do not use the DIAGNOST 94 for any application until you have read, understood
and know all the safety information, safety procedures and emergency procedures
contained in this Safety section. Operation of the DIAGNOST 94 without a proper
awareness of how to use it safely could lead to fatal or other serious personal injury.

Adequate training
Do not use the DIAGNOST 94 for any application until you have received adequate
and proper training in its safe and effective operation. This information is given in the
section 1.1.7 Training. If you are unsure of your ability to operate this equipment
safely and effectively DO NOT USE IT. Operation of this equipment without proper
and adequate training could lead to fatal or other serious personal injury, or to
clinical misdiagnosis.

Safety devices
Never attempt to remove, modify, override or frustrate any safety device on the

DIAGNOST 94. Interfering with safety devices could lead to fatal or other serious
personal injury.

1.2.1 Emergency procedures

Operators of the DIAGNOST 94 must read, understand and know all the emergency procedures
described in this section before attempting to use the system with a patient. In particular, they
must know the locations of the emergency buttons and switches and what the exact functions of
these are.

All of these emergency instructions refer specifically to the Philips DIAGNOST 94, and are in
addition to best clinical and radiological practice.



Emergency stop
It may be essential to stop the system quickly in an actual (or before an expected) emergency, such
as sudden patient distress, fire, imminent power supply failure or some other circumstance.

If such an emergency occurs, first locate a red Emergency stop button:

Emergency stop
[120] on the imaging module (next to the generator control panel in the
control room) or
[160] on the nearby control panel
(fitted to the tabletop or a nearby pedestal) or
[180] on the tableside control panel.

Hit the red Emergency stop button. All motorized movements will stop, all radiation will cease
and all electrical power to the DIAGNOST 94 system will be shut off.
The DSI processor cabinet remains switched on.

System off
If it is only possible to shut down the system in an emergency from the generator
control panel, then hit the System off key [B]. All motorized movements will stop and
radiation will cease. (However, the DSI processor cabinet remains switched on.)

Restoring power and restarting the system

Once you are certain that it is safe to switch the system on again, you may restart the system by
going through the normal start-up procedures described in Chapter 3 Preparing the System of this
operator’s manual. The Emergency stop button [120, 160, 180] is reset automatically during
system start-up.

Collision protection
The DIAGNOST 94 is fitted with a collision protection system, which ‘beeps’ if an imminent
collision is detected and stops system movement temporarily. If an operator then continues the
movement, a collision may take place.
If a collision has occurred, you should first attempt to recover from the collision - if it is safe to do
so - by making a motorized movement away from the collision point.








Collision detector under compressor unit

Under the protruding part of the compressor unit a collision detector will prevent collision of the
patient or any obstacle with the system [234].
Collision detector behind Tabletop
Over the full length behind the tabletop a collision detector will prevent collision of the patient or
any obstacle with the tabletop support structure [235].
Collision detectors at both sides of the serial changer
Beneath the image intensifier/serial changer unit collision detectors will prevent collision of the
system with any obstacle on the floor [236].
Connector for switch mat (optional)
A switch mat on the floor under the table will block stand movements once activated.
This prevents collision between the stand and any obstacle on the floor [237].

1.2.2 Electrical safety

! Do not remove covers or cables from this equipment unless expressly instructed to do
so in this Operator's Manual. High electrical voltages are present within this
equipment. Removing covers or cables could lead to serious or fatal personal injury.

Covers or cables on this equipment should only be removed by qualified and authorized service
personnel. In this context, qualified means those legally permitted to work on this type of medical
electrical equipment in the jurisdiction(s) in which the equipment is being used, and authorized
means those authorized by the user of the equipment.

Only use this equipment in rooms or areas that comply with all applicable law (or regulations
having the force of law) concerning electrical safety for this type of equipment.

Always electrically isolate this equipment from the mains electrical supply before cleaning,
disinfecting or sterilizing it.

Equipotential ground connection

An equipotential ground (earth) connection point is provided. This equipment may only be used
in areas meeting local standards for electrical safety in rooms used for medical purposes, for
example the US National Electrical Code. IEC 601 also gives guidance about an equipotential
ground (earth) connection point.

1.2.3 Mechanical safety

! Do not remove covers from this equipment unless expressly instructed to do so in this
Operator's Manual. Moving parts are present within this equipment. Removing covers
could lead to serious or fatal personal injury.

Covers on this equipment should normally only be removed by qualified and authorized service
personnel. In this context, qualified means those legally permitted to work on this type of medical
electrical equipment in the jurisdiction(s) in which the equipment is being used, and authorized
means those authorized by the user of the equipment.



1.2.4 Explosion safety

! Flammable or potentially explosive disinfecting sprays must not be used, since the
resultant vapour could ignite, causing fatal or other serious personal injury and/or
damage to the equipment.

This equipment must not be used in the presence of explosive gases or vapours, such as certain
anaesthetic gases. Use of electrical equipment in an environment for which it was not designed
can lead to fire or explosion.

1.2.5 Fire safety

! Only use extinguishers on electrical or chemical fires which are specifically labelled for
those purposes. Using water or other liquids on an electrical fire can lead to fatal or
other serious personal injury.

Use of electrical equipment in an environment for which it was not designed can lead to fire or

Fire regulations for the type of medical area being used should be fully applied, observed and
enforced. Fire extinguishers should be provided for both electrical and non-electrical fires.

All operators of this medical electrical equipment should be fully aware of and trained in the use
of fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment, and in local fire procedures.

1.2.6 Radiation safety

! Never attempt to remove, modify, override or frustrate any safety device on the
equipment. Interfering with safety devices could lead to fatal or other serious personal

Only qualified and authorized personnel may operate this equipment. In this context, qualified
means those legally permitted to operate this type of medical electrical equipment in the
jurisdiction(s) in which the equipment is being used, and authorized means authorized by the user
of the equipment.

Personnel operating the equipment and personnel within the examination room must observe all
laws and regulations which have the force of law within the jurisdiction(s) concerned. If you are in
any doubt about the laws and regulations which apply to your operation of this equipment, do
not use it.

In addition, operators are strongly urged to acquaint themselves with the current
recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, and in the United
States, with those of the U.S. National Council for Radiological Protection.
• ICRP, Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Beijing, Frankfurt, São Paulo, Sydney, Tokyo,
• NCRP, Suite 800, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA



Full use must be made of all radiation protection features on the equipment, and of all radiation
protection devices, accessories, systems and procedures available to you as the operator.

Use only the prescribed dose necessary to perform a particular examination or treatment.

1.2.7 Mobile telephones and other similar products

! Philips strongly recommends that you do not allow any portable radio transmitting
devices (such as mobile telephones) into the examination room - whether switched on
or off. Such devices could exceed EMC radiation standards and, under unusual
conditions, interfere with the proper functioning of the DIAGNOST 94. This could, in
extreme cases, lead to fatal or other serious personal injury or to clinical misdiagnosis.

The Philips DIAGNOST 94 complies with the requirements of applicable EMC standards.
Other electronic equipment exceeding the limits defined in such EMC standards, such as certain
mobile telephones, could, under unusual circumstances, affect the operation of the






! Do not start up the DIAGNOST 94 unless you and all other operators present have
read, fully understood and know all the safety information and emergency procedures
given in the Safety section 1.2 of this Operator's Manual. Operation of the
DIAGNOST 94 without having read, understood and knowing ALL the safety
information and procedures in the Safety section could lead to fatal or other serious
personal injury.

This chapter describes the DIAGNOST 94 system and subsystems, paying special attention to all
controls, indicators and display layouts. The Legend, Chapter 11 at the end of the manual, gives an
overview of the location of all controls and indicators and folds out for easy reference.

The most extensive configuration of the DIAGNOST 94 system is described, with the maximum
functions, options and accessories. Not every function described may be available on your system.

List of abbreviations
APR Anatomically Programmed Radiography
BCR Bolus Chase Reconstruction
DICOM Digital Communication in Medicine
DSI Digital Spot Imaging
EV EasyVision Workstation
EXAM Examination
FPF Film Plane Fluoroscopy
FPR Fluoroscopically Programmed Radiography
GSE Grayscale Enhancement
HCU Hardcopy Unit
HLR High Line Rate
II Image Intensifier



IR Infra Red
LIH Last Image Hold
RF Radiography-Fluoroscopy
RIS Radiology Information System
SID Source to Image Distance
SLR Standard Line Rate
TDC Tomography Density Control

Glossary of terms
Archived: Stored on a nonvolatile medium, such as optical disk,
EasyVision, DICOM or hardcopy
Current examination: Patient file selected for acquisition
Examination: Group of X-ray images obtained for one patient session
File: Computer disk copy or hardcopy of X-ray images
Processed images: Images viewed and manipulated in the DSI system
Run: Group of X-ray images within an examination
Stored: Saved on optical disk, EasyVision or Dicom
Unprocessed images: Images printed or stored without being manipulated in the DSI system

Types of examinations
The DIAGNOST 94 is a multi-functional, universal X-ray system with remote-controlled
facilities. It performs a wide range of routine examinations and interventional procedures.

Routine examinations
Routine examinations that can be performed with the DIAGNOST 94, using the automatic serial
changer or the digital acquisition system, DSI include:
• Gastro-intestinal examination
• Urography
• Bronchography
• Arthrography
• Hysterography
• Myelography
• Lymphography
• Skeletal radiography
• Tomography

Special procedures
Special procedures that require subtracted and non-subtracted digital imaging include:
• Angiography
• Peripheral angiography (bolus chasing)
• Vascular and non-vascular interventional procedures

2.1 Configuration and Options

All versions of the DIAGNOST 94 have a similar structure.
The system is composed of the following subsystems: Stand, X-ray generation, X-ray tube and
Collimator, Image Intensifier-TV subsystem and monitors, control desks and digital acquisition
subsystem (DSI).

The Stand
• The basic stand has a table tilting range of : +90° to -30° Trendelenburg.
Optionally, the tilting range can be extended to -90° Trendelenburg.



• The low, flat tabletop allows patients to be positioned with ease and comfort.
• The serial changer with optional L/R film marker is designed for highly accurate diagnosis.
Instead of the serial changer, an automatic bucky can be delivered with the DIAGNOST 94.
The bucky does not allow L/R film indication and is only to be used for overviews.
• Scanning can be done at continuously variable speeds and provides full body coverage.
• The pressure applied by the motorized compressor is adjustable.
The compressor can be parked outside the X-ray beam.
• The SID is adjustable from 110 cm/44 inches to 150 cm/60 inches.
• The column has an angulation range of + 40° to - 40°.
• The manually rotatable X-ray tube allows exposures on a wall bucky stand, or on free
cassettes, both on the table or for patients confined to their beds.

X-ray Generation
The generator is based on converter and microprocessor technologies.
External functions can also be included to meet the needs of individual users.
Standard Features
• Automatic X-ray tube load monitoring
• Automatic Exposure Control
• APR (Anatomically Programmed Radiography)
• Fluoroscopy
• FPR (Fluoroscopically Programmed Radiography) (only with super generators)
Optional Features (only super generators)
• TDC (Tomography Density Control)
• Area Dose Indicator

X-ray Tube and collimator

The DIAGNOST 94 X-ray tube is a high-powered tube with:
• Rotating-anode
• Superimposed focal spots
The automatic collimator is equipped with:
• A set of lead shutters that automatically matches the X-ray fields to the selected cassette
format and film subdivisions and allows user-controlled collimation of the field of view.
• An iris diaphragm that automatically matches the X-ray field to the selected image
intensifier field size.

Image Intensifier TV System and Monitors


The IMAGICA II-TV system, included in all versions of the DIAGNOST 94, features:
• A 38 cm /15 inch Triview Image Intensifier, with Plumbicom Pick-up tube and
XTV -11 imaging chain, prepared for acquisition of digital images.
• Instead of a 38 cm image intensifier, a 23 cm/17 inch Triview Image Intensifier with XTV-8
imaging chain for fluoroscopy is included in the non-digital configuration of the
• A 50 cm /20 inch, high-contrast, multi-standard monitor with automatic brightness control

Control Panels
Depending on the configuration, the DIAGNOST 94 is equipped with:
• Remote control panel, acquisition control, stand control and other system controls
• DSI control panel with keyboard, viewing module, viewpad and monitor
• Tableside control panel for all table controls
• Nearby control panel to be mounted either on pedestal or on the flat rail of the patient table



DSI: Digital Acquisition

The Digital Spot Imaging (DSI) system is a digital processing system suitable for acquiring and
viewing X-ray images.
The general outline of an examination procedure is as follows:
• An examination schedule and patient data are entered into the system.
Up to 14 examinations can be scheduled at one time.
• After DSI has been selected on the system console, images are acquired and are available
instantly during the examination. The patient identity is linked to the clinical data
automatically. Real-time image processing generates optimal images automatically.
• Up to 16 images can be displayed on the examination monitor allowing a quick overview
and check on the examination before the patient leaves the table.
Unnecessary exposures can be deleted.
• Images can be processed manually and stored on film, optical disk, the EasyVision
workstation or the DICOM network server.
• The storage process takes place in batches (all the images of one examination) and in
background, allowing another examination to be made during the storage process.
• After printing or storing, images can be deleted from the memory by the operator, thus
creating space for further images.

Image processing
With DSI, adaptive image processing generates an optimal display of the acquired image
automatically. Manual image processing may also be performed.
On-line image processing involves a combination of processing functions.
First, the image is digitally harmonized, producing an image with optimal local contrast.
Next, contrast-adaptive edge enhancement is applied to the image to enhance fine detail.
This function works selectively within an image so that the image is sharpened without
introducing artefacts near high-contrast edges or noise in low-contrast areas.
Finally, the image is automatically windowed (displayed as large as possible), for optimal display.
This adaptive processing is necessary for optimal digital subtraction, as well as excellent, non-
subtracted digital images in single-shot or serial imaging.

The system allows either digital (processed) continuous fluoroscopy or bypass (unprocessed)

Digital fluoroscopy
If digital fluoroscopy is selected, fluoroscopy images can be obtained, using a combination of
digital processing functions:
• noise reduction (with or without movement detection)
• contour edge enhancement
• contrast enhancement (default contrast).
The system incorporates automatic last image hold (LIH) which holds the last fluoroscopy image
on display. This allows the operator to evaluate images with a reduced radiation load. The LIH
image is identified by a marker to distinguish it from live fluoroscopy and from DSI acquisition.
It is also possible to grab one fluoroscopy image or a whole run of fluoroscopy images for storage
in the patient file.
If the system has digital fluoroscopy and subtraction, trace-subtract fluoroscopy is also possible.



Bypass fluoroscopy
When bypass fluoroscopy is selected, images are not sent to the DSI and thus no image processing
is performed during live fluoroscopy. However, automatic last image hold (LIH), including image
processing, is possible in bypass fluoroscopy. It is also possible to grab fluoroscopy images and put
them in the patient file.

DIAGNOST 94 System Configurations

The following table gives an overview of the available configurations of the DIAGNOST 94.
• The DIAGNOST 94 SC 50-23 is a non-digital system, equipped with a Medio 50 X-ray
generator and a 23 cm Image Intensifier. It features an automatic serial changer.

• The DIAGNOST 94 BU 65-38 DB is a digital system. It is equipped with a Medio 65

X-ray generator, a 38 cm Image Intensifier and DSI-Basic. It features an automatic Bucky.

DIAGNOST 94 System Configuration SC 50-23 BU 65-38 DB

Serial changer functionality * o

L/R indication o o1
90° / -30° tabletop tilt * *
90° / -90° tabletop tilt o o
Preparation for digital (38 cm II + XTV 11) o -

DSI Basic o *
DSI Universal o o
DSI Interventional - o

Generator 50 kW (Medio) * -
Generator 65 kW (Medio) o *
Generator 80 kW (Super) o o
X-ray tube rotalix RO 1750 * -
X-ray tube super rotalix SRO 33 100 o2 *
X-ray tube super rotalix metal SRM 0612 o3 o
Bolus chase package - o4
Reference monitor - o5

Nearby control panel and pedestal o o

* = Standard; - = Not available; o = Optional

Only if serial changer is present in the system
Only in combination with generator other than Medio 50
Only with a Super generator
Only with DSI Interventional and a Super generator
Only with DSI Universal or DSI Interventional



DSI Configurations DSI DSI DSI

Basic Universal Interventional

Patient/examination administration
Enter data via keyboard (name, date of birth, sex) * * *
Enter examination date * * *
Select patient/examination from schedule * * *
Selective deletion of examinations * * *

Digital HiRes fluoroscopy (adaptive noise reduction) - * *
On-line digital image processing (contrast, edge
enhancement, adaptive noise reduction) - * *
Fluoroscopy image freeze (last image hold) * * *
Fluoroscopy frame grabbing * * *
Dynamic fluoroscopy grabbing - * *
Trace subtract fluoroscopy - - *

8-Bit ADC * - -
10-Bit ADC - * *
5122 matrix resolution * * *
10242 matrix resolution * * *
Acquisition speed (images/second) up to 4 up to 8 up to 8
Single shot * * *
Support for digital tomography * * *
Instant variable frame rate * * *
Real-time digital subtraction - - *
On-line digital image processing * * *
Image display during acquisition * * *
Storage capacity in MBytes (amount of images) 16 (16 or 64) 64 (64 - 256) 64 (64 - 256)
Grab and display external video images - * *

Image processing
Automatic on-line image processing * * *
Manual post-processing * * *
Horizontal/Vertical manual and automatic
electronic shutters * * *
Pixel shift - - *

* = Standard; - = Not available o = Optional




Basic Universal Interventional

High line rate output to HLR monitor and HCU * * *
Manual post-processing * * *
Overview of 16 images * * *
Selective image deletion * * *
15 inch console monitor - * *
Zoom function - * *
Run cycle - * *

Data link to laser HCU/analog link to HLR
video HCU (configurable) * * *
Interface for special DSI multi-format
camera (PMI 3000) * * *
Batch/Background documentation - * *
Automatic hardcopy annotation * * *
Free text annotation * * *
Optical disk recorder * * *
Film feedback - * *

User interface
Display in English, German, French and Spanish * * *
Compatible with English, German, French,
Spanish, Swedish and Danish keyboards * * *
Viewpad - * *

Ugrades and Options

Upgrade package to DSI universal o - -
Upgrade package to DSI interventional - o -
Additional storage capacity (MByte) up to 64 up to 256 up to 256
Reference monitor - o o
EasyVision workstation - o o
RIS interface - o o

Network functions (connectivity package)

EasyVision Bolus Chase Reconstruction - o o
EasyVision Export facility - o o
EasyVision Print facility - o o
EasyVision Send facility - o o
EasyVision Store facility - o o
EasyVision Print to HCU - o o
RIS interface for connection to a RIS system - o o
Select up to 5 external export destinations - o o
DICOM Export facility - o o

* = Standard; - = Not available; o Optional



2.2 Controls, Indicators and Accessories

This section describes all DIAGNOST 94 controls, indicators, and accessories and their
relationships. The numbers refer to the numbers shown on the illustrations and to the list of
controls and indicators given in Chapter 11, Legend.

1. generator control panel

2. remote control panel 9
3. imaging module
4. monitor 7
5. tableside control panel
6. collimator controls 8
7. DSI keyboard
8. DSI viewing module
9. DSI acquisition module



2.2.1 Generator control panel

46 49 9 42 10 35 43 36 37 40 41

47 38
48 39

12 20
11 27
2 21

B 45

5 6 13 15 17 18 16 14 23 25 26 24 29 31 33 34 32 30

A System on
Pressing this key switches on the system and the system performs a self-test. If a fault is
detected, ‘Call Service’ is displayed in [42], the text ‘Err’ is shown in the mAs display
field and a fault code appears in display [43].
If the self-test does not detect a fault, the product release number is displayed and the
‘Ready’ indicator [42] lights.
Pressing [A], when the system is already switched on, resets the generator only.
B System off
Pressing this key switches off the system (except DSI).

Note At System on, DSI is switched on automatically; however DSI must be switched off at the DSI
processor cabinet.

Auxiliary selection for Super CP generator


1 Serial changer

2 Serial changer in tomography mode (indication only)


4 DSI in tomography mode (indication only)

5 Free cassette on tabletop



6 Wall bucky

Auxiliary selection for Medio CP generator

1 Free cassette on tabletop

2 Wall bucky

3 Serial changer (including tomography)

4 DSI (including tomography)

Exposure technique setting

Manual setting or to change the programmed setting in the selected FPR/APR
7 kV-

8 kV- kV-mA-ms

Focal spot setting

Manual setting or to change the programmed setting in the selected FPR/APR
9 Small focal spot

10 Large focal spot

11-18 FPR selection (with 80/100 kW generator) (Fluoroscopically Programmed Radiography)

FPR Adjusts the exposure kV, based on the kV last used for fluoroscopy. The set values are
shown on the generator control panel and can be manually overridden using patient
thickness compensation [38, 39] or manual kV setting [35].
The system can be configured so that when manual kV setting is used, the generator will
be in override mode and FPR will not be active.

19-26 APR selection (Anatomically Programmed Radiography)

APR Provides a choice of 8 sets of programmed parameters

27-33 APR kV selection

80 kV To select a specific kV value



34 Bolus chase program (with 80 kW generator)

Pressing this key selects a programmed set of parameters for a bolus chase procedure, as
set at installation. The exposure control is automated using phototiming and a kV
reduction technique (depending on generator type). This technique automatically adapts the kV
value to the object thickness.
The initial kV value can be automatically adjusted by using fluoroscopy before theexposure series
(FPR). It can also be changed by selecting thick or thin patient, [38, 39] or manual kV [35].
See Chapter 4 for a description of how to perform a bolus chase procedure.
35-37 Exposure parameter setting and display
Manual setting, or to change the programmed setting in the selected APR. Values that would
overload the X-ray tube or fail to produce a permissible mAs value cannot be set.
35 kV setting and display
The set kV value is shown in the display above the kV control keys, and can be modified with the
- and + keys.
36 mA or mAs setting and display
The set value is shown in the display above the mA / mAs control keys, and can be modified with
the - and + keys.
37 Time setting and display
The set ms value is shown in the display above the ms control keys, and can be modified with the
- and + keys.
Caution When keys [35-37] are used, the generator is in override mode and the display shows
"OR". The APR and FPR programs do not function in override mode, although the
corresponding keys remain lit. Reselect APR or FPR to return to APR or FPR mode.

38 Patient thinner than normal compensation

Creates a kV and/or density level lower than programmed in the selected FPR/APR.

39 Patient thicker than normal compensation

Creates a kV and/or density level higher than programmed in the selected FPR/APR.

Note Keys [38, 39] light when they are selected. Pressing the lit key cancels the selection.

40 Generator reset
This key may have to be pressed more than once, because it is used for several functions.
The order is as follows:
1. Switch off error display

2. Reset incorrect exposure indicator

3. Reset fluoroscopy time indicator
4. Start data printout (if area dose indicator is installed).
See Chapter 6 Archiving and Retrieving Images for a description of the area dose printout.
41 Fluoroscopy buzzer reset
A buzzer sounds and this key lights after 5 minutes cumulative fluoroscopy time. Pressing this key
switches off the buzzer. If this is not done, fluoroscopy will be switched off automatically after a
further 5 minutes: the key flashes and the buzzer sounds again.
42 Warning/exposure display
Displays exposure settings and symbols representing system conditions such as READY, RADIATION
ON and TUBE LOAD, or error situations. For a survey, see Chapter 8 System and Error Messages.



43 Fluoroscopy display
Displays fluoroscopy current, voltage and time
44 Service use only
Service keys for generator programming, calibration and adjustment
45 Preparation/exposure control:
The preparation/exposure control has two positions. It can be pressed in halfway for preparation
and then pressed in all the way to begin exposure. The key can also be pressed all the way down
and the system will go through the preparation step automatically and then begin exposure.
(1) Preparation (key depressed halfway)
The green ‘Ready’ indicator in display [42] goes out for about 1 second and then lights
again when the system is ready for exposure.
(2) Exposure (key depressed fully)
During exposure the ‘Radiation On’ indicator in display [42] remains lit; after exposure a
short audible signal is given.
If the switch is released while an exposure is being made, radiation will stop immediately.
Note The preparation/exposure control [45] in the generator control panel is only effective when free
cassette or wall bucky imaging modes are selected.

Super generator:
Keys [46-48] select measuring fields and simultaneously switch the automatic exposure control on
or off.
Medio generator:
Keys [7 or 8] may be pressed to deselect Amplimat.

46 Left measuring field

47 Middle measuring field

48 Right measuring field

49-51 Film/Screen Selection

These keys can be used to select film/screen combination, if configured.



Hand and footswitches and speed controls

52 Exposure Handswitch
53 Exposure Footswitch
Hand- and Footswitch function identically and work in parallel.
The switches have two positions:
(1) Pressing the switch to the first position initiates preparation of the X-ray tube and
exposure. The preparation time is about 1 second.
Hold the key. The READY indicator [42] will go out. When it lights again:
(2) Pressing the switch to the second position initiates exposure.
During exposure the RADIATION ON indicator [42] will remain lit.
At the end of the exposure a short audible signal will be given.
If the switch is released while an exposure is being made, radiation will stop immediately.
The key can also be pressed immediately to the second step.
54 Fluoroscopy Footswitch
Pressing the pedal initiates radiation for fluoroscopy. Releasing the pedal stops radiation
55 Speed Control Handswitch
Pressing the spring-loaded button during fluoroscopy or an exposure run, begins moving the
column to the right. The movement speed is controlled by the degree to which the button is
pressed. The maximum average speed is about 10 cm/ s.




Exposure handswitch 52 Exposure and fluoroscopy footswitches 53 and 54




Exposure and fluoroscopy footswitches 53 and 54 Speed control handswitch 55



2.2.2 Remote control panel

The system can be controlled via one of two control panels: the nearby control panel, which can
be attached to the tabletop or to the pedestal, and the remote control panel, located next to the
generator. Both control panels have similar functions. In this section, only the function keys on
the remote control panel are described. The remote control panel extends along the length of the
DIAGNOST 94 desk, but both sections are grouped together on this page to keep all of the
remote control functions together.
Joysticks and buttons cannot activate functions and movements beyond the specified limits.
If a limit is reached, the requested function is blocked and a ‘beep’ is heard. The key or display of
the function causing the block flashes, and this key must be used to remove the block.
See Chapter 8 System and Error Messages.
67 69 68 73 71 77 72 74 79 78 80 86 88 87 90


65 94
60 89
70 85
75 81-84




97 96 95 100 99 98 102 101 105 103 104 109 106 107

Reset stand movements

60 Reset stand
Pressing and holding down this key moves the tabletop to its default position.
The movements continue as long as the key is held down. Releasing the key stops the
movements immediately, except SID and compressor movements.
When entering or leaving tomography mode, the key must be held down until the reset
movement is finished, indicated by a beep and a solid green light in the tomography
select key [65]. The default positions and order in which they are reset is as follows:

In Normal Mode In Tomography Mode [65]

Compressor : parked : parked
SID : 1100 mm : 1100 mm
Scan position : centered : in working area
Beam angulation : 0º : 0º
Table tilt : 0º : not influenced
Table lateral : centered : not influenced
Layer height : 80 mm (serial changer mode) : not influenced
: 58 mm (DSI mode/38 cm II)
: 77 mm (DSI mode/23 cm II)



Tomography control
During tomography the column rotates around a horizontal axis, the height of which can be
adjusted from 20 to 250 mm above the tabletop. The X-ray tube moves in an arc in one direction
while the film plane or image intensifier moves in the other direction. The exposure parameters
can be set manually (using key [8]) or automatically (Tomo Density Control TDC).
The tomography movement can be made with the table at any tilt angle but only at an SID of
1100 mm. There are 6 tomography programs:

Tomography sweep angle Low speed High speed

8O 0.6 s 0.3 s
20O 1.5 s 0.75 s
40O 3.5 s 1.5 s

Note Left/Right indication [142-145] is not possible in tomography mode.

61 Previous tomography program

62 Next tomography program
Keys [61, 62] can be used to walk through the above 6 programs.
+ The selected angle and time are displayed in [63, 64].

63 Tomography angle display

64 Tomography time display

Caution Be aware that manually adjusting exposure parameters can cause over/underexposed
tomograms and may make it necessary to repeat an examination and expose the
patient to additional radiation.

65 Tomography mode select

Pressing this key switches the system to the tomography mode when DSI or serial
changer is selected.
If key [60] RESET STAND flashes when key [65] is pressed, the stand is not ready to
perform tomography. To allow tomography, key [60] must be held down and the stand
moved until the key stops flashing.

66 Tomography interrupt
When the system is in tomography mode, pressing this key allows a normal exposure
to be made without losing the selected tomography parameters.

Layer height control

67 Reduce layer height

68 Increase layer height

The rotational axis of the tomography movement can be set to any height (layer height) from
20 to 250 mm above the tabletop. The layer height can be changed only when the system is in the
tomography mode. After deselecting tomography, the layer height is automatically reset to the
default position (see default positions on previous page).



69 Layer height display

Displays actual layer height and warnings related to layer height. See Chapter 8 Error and Warning

Eject cassette
70 Eject cassette
Ejects the cassette tray of the serial changer. The key is lit when a cassette is present.
The cassette is ejected automatically after the last cassette exposure, or parked in an
X-ray protected area in the serial changer, depending on setting at installation.
The cassette can be inserted and ejected at the table using key [199] on the tableside
control panel.

Film subdivision selection

It is not possible to choose film subdivisions with systems which are delivered with an automatic
bucky instead of a serial changer.
Wall bucky mode
It is not possible to select film subdivisions with a wall bucky system. It is only possible to make
an overview on any size film cassette.
Serial changer mode
When a standard cassette is inserted, the keys of the allowed subdivisions light up and the cassette
size is shown on display [77]. Subdivisions can be selected from the lit keys. Pressing a lit key
deselects the subdivision. A film subdivision must be selected before an exposure can be made.
Changes in the subdivision cannot be made after the first exposure or if SKIP EXPOSURE [79] is used.
Inserting a nonstandard cassette automatically selects [71] NO SUBDIVISION.
Every cassette between 190 x 177 mm and 470 x 470 mm will be accepted and can be subdivided
into 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4.
The system can be configured so that after a cassette is inserted in the serial changer, the collimator:
• collimates to the maximum size of the inserted cassette or
• applies the previous collimator settings to the inserted cassette
Joystick [94] can be pressed in to restore the collimator to maximum field size at any time.

The collimator light can also be configured to:

• Switch on automatically whenever the previous cassette was collimated manually or
• Never switch on automatically

71 no subdivision (1:1)

72 2 vertical subdivisions (1:2)

73 3 vertical subdivisions (1:3)

74 4 vertical subdivisions (1:4)

75 2 horizontal + 2 vertical subdivisions (2:2)



76 2 horizontal + 3 vertical subdivisions (2:3)

18 x 24 cm 8 x 10”

24 x 18 cm 10 x 8”

20 x 40 cm 7 x 7”

40 x 20 cm

24 x 30 cm 10 x 12”

30 x 24 cm 12 x 10”

30 x 40 cm 11 x 14”

40 x 30 cm 14 x 11”

35 x 35 cm 14 x 14”

35 x 43 cm 14 x 17”

43 x 35 cm 17 x 14”

18 x 43 cm 7 x 17”

43 x 18 cm 17 x 7”

1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 2:2 2:3 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 2:2 2:3

Possible film subdivisions in centimeters and inches

77 Display of cassette size

When a cassette is inserted its size is measured automatically and displayed in [77].

The system can be programmed for either cm or inch cassettes. Cassettes with a width of less than
18 cm or 7 inches are rejected. However, if an inch cassette is used with a system programmed for
cm, the display shows the nearest cm sizes, from an internal conversion table. If the deviation of
the measured sizes from the sizes in the table is more than 2.5 cm or 1 inch, the cassette is
considered to be an unknown size. The display will be blank but subdivisions 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4
will be possible. The same rules apply to a cm cassette used with an inch system.

78 Display of remaining exposures

When a subdivision has been selected this display shows the number of exposures that can still be
made. The display counts down until all exposures have been made. If there is no cassette in the
serial changer, the display is blank.
Displays warning messages related to exposures. See Chapter 8 Error and Warning Messages.



79 Skip exposure
Pressing this key before or during an exposure series causes an exposure position on the
film to be skipped and display [78] decreases by 1. If the last exposure position on the
film is skipped, the display shows zero and the cassette is ejected or parked in an X-ray
protected area in the serial changer, depending on setting at installation.

80 Rapid sequence exposure

Makes a series of exposures on one film in rapid sequence. After the film subdivision has
1 been selected and this key has been pressed (key lights), all subdivisions are exposed in
sequence at a rate of about 6 exposures in 4 seconds, for as long as the exposure switch is
held down. If the exposure switch is released during a sequence, the sequence stops.
This function is not available with an automatic bucky.

81-84 Not used

Compressor Control
85 Compressor selection
When this key is pressed (lit), the compressor moves from its parked position to its
working position (in the center of the X-ray beam).
Pressing key [85] a second time, returns the compressor to its parked position.
Note The compressor can be used only if the column is angulated less than 20°. If not, pressing [85]
causes display [100] to flash, indicating that the angulation must be reduced.

86 Decrease compressor pressure

87 Increase compressor pressure
Keys [86, 87] can be used to set the minimum or maximum amount of pressure applied
+ to the patient. The minimum and maximum amount of pressure can be preset to a value
between 4 and 16 kg.
The pressure setting is displayed in [88].

88 Compressor pressure setting display

Displays the pressure setting of the compressor.

89 1 Compressor movement control

Pulling [89] towards the operator (2), moves the compressor down from its working
0 position towards the patient, at a set speed, until the control is released.
Pushing [89] away from the operator (1), moves the compressor up or decreases the
2 applied pressure. When the control is set in the middle position (0) the compressor
remains in the set position.
When the compressor pressure exceeds 4 kg, the movement of [89] controls the rate at
which the applied pressure is increased.
When the actual pressure reaches the preset maximum, further increase in pressure is
blocked. The pressure is also stopped automatically if it exceeds 20 kg.
If reverse pressure is sensed, the compressor is adapted to keep the applied pressure
constant. The actual amount of pressure applied to the patient is displayed in [90].

90 Actual compressor pressure display

Displays the actual amount of pressure being applied to the patient.
Displays warnings related to compressor position. See Chapter 8 Error and Warning Messages.



Collimator control
91 Collimator control key
Inserting key [91] and turning it to the locked position switches the system to manual
collimation mode and enables the operator to use joystick [94].
The maximum collimator field size is always automatically matched to the image intensifier field
selected or to the size of the inserted cassette. After key [91] is inserted and turned to the locked
position, the collimator shutters can be opened using joystick [94] to a size larger than the cassette
or image intensifier input field size.
The key must be removed before free cassette or wall bucky is used.

92 Spotfilm full size: North American versions only

HHS regulations require that the format for exposures on film be the same as or smaller
than the image intensifier field. When the system is switched on, the exposure format is
automatically matched to the image intensifier field, but this can be overruled by
pressing [92]. The maximum exposure field is then determined by the cassette size.

93 Collimator light on
The collimator light shows the area to be irradiated. The light remains on for about 1
minute after being switched on.
This function is duplicated by [171] on the nearby control panel and by [182] on the
tableside control panel.

94 Manual collimator field size joystick

The joystick makes the following movements within the limits set by the system:

Joystick away from operator: opens vertical shutters

Joystick towards operator: closes vertical shutters
Joystick to the right: opens horizontal shutters
Joystick to the left: closes horizontal shutters
Pressing joystick down: *restores maximum field size

*depending on the selected image intensifier field size or cassette size

The manual collimator field size isactive for both DSI and serial changer imaging techniques.
The collimator shutters can be manually set only to field sizes smaller than those set automatically.
If free cassette or wall bucky imaging technique is selected, the collimator shutters can only be

adjusted using the manual control on the collimator itself [216] (indicator [222] on the collimator
The actual shutter positions are indicated on the collimator on scales [211, 214].
Depending on the system setup during installation, the collimator light switches on automatically
if the cassette is changed or another film subdivision is chosen.
See Section 2.2.2 Film subdivision selection for a description of the possible configurations of the
collimator with cassettes.
These functions are duplicated by [172] on the nearby control panel and by [183-186] on the
tableside control panel.



Table tilting
95 Table tilt control
The joystick tilts the table at a variable speed, depending on the angle at which the
joystick is moved. A horizontal stop can be used to prevent the table from being tilted
further than horizontal. To tilt the table further than horizontal, key [96] must be unlit
and joystick [95] must be moved again.

Joystick right: Tilt table clockwise to +90° max.

Joystick left: Tilt table counterclockwise to -30° or -90° max.

These functions are duplicated by [169] on the nearby control panel and [191, 192] on the
tableside control panel but at a fixed speed, configurable during installation.

96 Horizontal stop release

This key toggles the horizontal stop on and off.
When the key is lit, the horizontal stop is active.

97 Table tilt angle display

Displays degree of table tilt

Column angulation
98 Column angulation
The X-ray tube and column can be angulated at a variable speed, depending on the
angle at which the joystick is moved.
A vertical stop can be used to prevent the column from angulating further than vertical.
To angulate the column further than vertical, key [99] must be unlit and joystick [98]
must be moved again.

Joystick right: Angulate column clockwise to +40° max.

Joystick left: Angulate column counterclockwise to -40

When the compressor is used, the column angulation movement stops at + or - 20°
After the compressor is parked the column can be further angulated to a max. of + or - 40°.
These functions are duplicated by [170] on the nearby control panel and [187, 188] on
the tableside control panel but at a fixed speed, configurable during installation.

99 Vertical stop release

This key toggles the vertical stop on and off.
When the key is lit, the vertical stop is active.

100 Column angle display

Displays the degree of column angulation and error messages relating to column movements.
See also display [102] and Chapter 8 Error and Warning Messages.



Scanning movements control

101 Scanning movement joystick
This joystick controls both longitudinal and lateral table scanning movements.
The speed depends on the angle at which the joystick is moved.
The lag time between the joystick [101] and table movement is configurable during installation.
These functions are duplicated by [161] on the nearby control panel and [195-198] on the
tableside control panel, but at a fixed speed, configurable during installation.
Note The scanning movements at the remote control panel are designed to be used while watching the
examination monitor. For instance, if the joystick is moved to the left, the monitor image moves left
(the table moves away from the operator).

Joystick up: Column towards right side of table

Joystick down: Column towards left side of table
Joystick right: Table lateral backwards towards stand
Joystick left: Table forwards towards operator

Longitudinal scanning movement

The column, carrying the X-ray tube and the serial changer moves along the length of
the table over a distance of 800 mm to the left and right of the center of the stand
(1600 mm total range).

Lateral scanning movement

The table can be moved transversely over a distance of up to 150 mm backwards or
forwards (300 mm total range).

102 Potential collision display

The display flashes if the requested tilt or angulation function is blocked by the scan position.
This prevents a potential collision with the floor or ceiling. Moving the scan joystick [101] to the
right removes the block. See Chapter 8 Error and Warning Messages.

SID selection
103 Tube down - SID 1100 mm
Moves tube down to an SID of 1100 mm.

104 Tube up - SID 1500 mm

Moves tube up to an SID of 1500 mm.

The keys light when the tube is in position.

Moving the tube upwards and downwards sets the distance between the focal spot and the film
(SID) from 1100 mm to 1500 mm. The key lights when the tube is in position.
The actual SID is displayed in [105].
These functions are duplicated by [189, 190] on the tableside control panel.

105 SID display

Displays actual SID and warnings related to SID position.
See Chapter 8 Error and Warning Messages.

106-108 Not used

109 Error display

Displays error messages relating to blocked stand movements.
See Chapter 8 Error and Warning Messages.



2.2.3 Imaging module

122 123 121 128 129 135 140 146 141

124 120

126 127 131 133 134 132 137 136 138 139 142 144 145 143

120 Emergency power off

In an emergency situation, pressing this key switches off the power to the system
(except the DSI), stopping all motorized movements and radiation.
This function is duplicated by [160] on the nearby control panel and [180] on the
tableside control panel.

Image intensifier field size selection

Three image intensifier input fields can be selected. The diaphragm follows the selected size.
Selecting a smaller image intensifier field increases the electronic enlargement, as the monitor and
print presentation remains full size. For nominal field sizes see Chapter 10 Technical Data.

121 Image intensifier field size display

The actual field size is displayed in centimeters.

122 Decrease field size selection

123 Increase field size selection

Pressing keys [122, 123] selects a smaller or larger field size within the three field sizes
These functions are duplicated by [164a-c] on the nearby control panel.

124-130 Not used

Measuring field
131 Measuring field selection
Measuring field selection for fluoroscopy
Selects either 60% of the image area as the measuring field for automatic brightness
control (key not lit) or 40% of the image area (key lit).
This function is used when the region of interest occupies only a small, central part of
the image, or when there are large variations in absorption over the whole image.
Note Small measuring field selection is not advised when DSI-FPR technique is used because it may reduce
image quality.



132 kV kV/mA lock-in

mA This function freezes the current kV and mA fluoroscopy values (key lights).
Thus, after the correct fluoroscopy settings have been determined by the automatic
control system, the measuring field can be positioned completely within the region of
interest and the lock-in function can be activated.
Image inversion
Keys [133, 134] allow 4 different image orientations to be selected for fluoroscopy and DSI
acquisition. The image on the monitor can be left/right and top/bottom inverted, depending on
the patient's position (prone or supine).
133 Image inversion left/right

134 R Image inversion top/bottom

! It is the responsibility of the authorized user to make sure that the correct indication
[133, 134] and [141-145] is obtained on the film and that no mistake occurs as a result
of incorrect image inversion.

Dose selection for digital acquisition

135 High exposure dose
A typical use for high dose is with subtraction.
136 Normal exposure dose
Normal dose is used typically for single dose and non-subtracted examinations.

137 Low exposure dose

Low dose is used typically for paediatric cases and hysterosalpingography.

Fluoroscopy parameters manual adjustment

The fluoroscopy kV and mA parameters are normally set by the system, but they can be manually
adjusted by the operator as well. The preferred setting is automatic control (controls turned fully
counterclockwise and clicked into position).
138 Fluoroscopy kV adjustment (medio and super generators)

139 Fluoroscopy mA adjustment (super generator only)

140 Not used



Left /Right indication

141 L/R indication deselection
142 L Marker for supine patient position

143 R Marker for supine patient position


144 Inverted R Marker for prone patient position


145 Inverted L Marker for prone patient position


146 Not used

• The L/R indicator is intended for marking films in the serial changer, for marking DSI
images, and for use during fluoroscopy.
• The selected marker is indicated by a lit key. Pressing L/R DESELECTION [141] switches off the
L/R indication.
• After each exposure or exposure run, the L/R indication is switched off automatically.
• If a key flashes after selection, the marker cannot be positioned properly and no exposures
can be made. Pressing [141] switches off the L/R indication and allows exposures to be
• In tomography mode, L/R indication cannot be selected.
• The selected marker is positioned at the edge of the automatically-selected field size, above
or below the center of the image.
• The markers follow the lateral shutters of the collimator if the field size is increased or
• The minimum field size is approximately 7.5 x 10 cm/3 x 4 inches and is smaller than the
smallest subdivision that can be obtained automatically.
• Correct positioning of the selected marker is only guaranteed if the tube angulation and
table tilt are at zero degrees.
• When the X-ray beam is angulated, the table is tilted, or the field size on the film is smaller
than 10 x 10 cm/4 x 4 inches, the visibility of the markers should be checked before
exposures are made using fluoroscopy.

Note The markers are only correct when patients are positioned with their feet at the footend of the table.

! It is the responsibility of the authorized user to make sure that the correct indication
[133, 134] and [141-145] is obtained on the film and that no mistake occurs as a result
of incorrect image inversion.



2.2.4 Nearby control panel

The Nearby Control Panel may be mounted on any position of the flat channel rail of the
tabletop or on the pedestal.
The control panel is clicked on to the tabletop and is designed to be operated with the table in the
horizontal position.

171 172 174 173 164a 164b 164c 162 161 163

169 165 166 160 167 168 170

Caution Make sure that both control units are parked on the pedestal delivered with the
system, before tilting the table to prevent them from dropping.

To move the nearby control panel:

(1) Grip the panel at both sides with two hands, thumbs up, fingers on the side lock releases.
(2) Pull both lock releases to release the panel and, at the same time, lift the panel.
(3) The panel can now be lifted off the tabletop or pedestal and moved to another location.

Notes - If the panel has not been installed properly at the tabletop or pedestal, the keys on the panel will
not function.
- Both lock releases must be released before the nearby control panel can be clicked onto the

tableside or pedestal.

160 Emergency power off

In an emergency situation, pressing this key switches off power to the system (except
the DSI), stopping all motorized movements and radiation.
This function is a duplication of [120] on the imaging module and [180] on the
tableside control panel.

Scanning movements
161 Longitudinal and transversal scanning movement control
The way in which the table moves in relation to the joystick, depends on the
configuration: monitor-oriented or system-oriented.
The movement speeds are fixed, but configurable during installation.
This function is a duplication of [101] on the remote control panel and [195-198] on
the tableside control panel.



162 Monitor-oriented movement

When configured, the image on the monitor moves in the same direction as the scan
joystick. For example, if the joystick is moved to the left, the monitor image moves to
the left. The key lights if it is configured.
163 System-oriented movement
When configured, the table or column moves in the same direction as the scan joystick.
For example, if the joystick is moved to the left, the table moves to the left.
The key lights if it is configured.

Image intensifier field size selection

164a Small image intensifier field size

164b Medium image intensifier field size

164c Large image intensifier field size

These functions are a duplication of [122, 123] on the imaging module.

165-168 Not used

Table movement controls

169 Table tilt
The way in which the table moves in relation to the joystick, depends on the
configuration: monitor-oriented or system-oriented.
The movement speed is fixed, but configurable during installation.
The tilt angle is displayed in [97] on the remote control panel.
This function is a duplication of [95] on the remote control panel and [191, 192] on
the tableside control panel.

Column movement controls

170 Column angulation
The way in which the column moves in relation to the joystick, depends on the
configuration: monitor-oriented or system-oriented.
The movement speed is fixed, but configurable during installation.
The column angle is displayed in [100] on the remote control panel.
This function is a duplication of [98] on the remote control panel and [187, 188] on
the tableside control panel.

Collimator controls
171 Collimator light on
This function is a duplication of [182] on the tableside control panel. There is also a
switch on the collimator itself, which can be used when FREE CASSETTE has been chosen
as auxiliary.
172 Manual control of collimator field size
This function is a duplication of [94] on the remote control panel and [183-186] on
the tableside control panel.

173 Not used

174 Indicator
Lights to indicate that a joystick must be used to resolve a blockage in the system.
See Section 2.2.2 Remote control panel.



2.2.5 Tableside control panel

180 181 182 183 184 187 188 191 192 195 196 199 200 180

185 186 189 190 193 194 197 198

180 Emergency power off (duplicated)

In an emergency situation, pressing this key switches off power to the system (except
the DSI), stopping all motorized movements and radiation.
This function is a duplication of [120] on the imaging module and 160] on the nearby
control panel.

Collimator controls
181 Automatic collimator adjustment
This function is a duplication of [216] on the collimator itself.

182 Collimator light on

This function is a duplication of [93] on the remote control panel and [171] on the
nearby control panel. There is also a switch on the collimator itself, which can be used
when “free cassette” has been chosen as auxiliary

183 Close vertical shutters

184 Open vertical shutters

185 Open horizontal shutters


186 Close horizontal shutters

These functions are a duplication of [94] on the remote control panel, [172] on the
nearby control panel and [216] on the collimator itself.

Column angulation
187 Counterclockwise column angulation

188 Clockwise column angulation

These functions are a duplication of [98] on the remote control panel and [170] on
the nearby control panel.
The movement speed is fixed, but configurable during installation.
The column angle is displayed in [100] on the remote control panel.



SID selection
189 Tube up - SID 1500 mm

190 Tube down - SID 1100 mm

These functions are a duplication of [103, 104] on the remote control panel.
The actual SID is displayed on [105].

Table tilting
191 Counterclockwise table tilting

192 Clockwise table tilting

These functions are a duplication of [95] on the remote control panel and [169] on the
nearby control panel.
The movement speed is fixed, but configurable during installation.
The tilt angle is displayed in [97] on the remote control panel.

193, 194 Not used

Scanning movements
195 Left longitudinal scanning movement

196 Right longitudinal scanning movement

197 Backwards transversal scanning movement

198 Forwards transversal scanning movement

These functions are a duplication of [101] on the remote control panel and [161] on the
nearby control panel.
The movement speeds are fixed, but configurable during installation.

Eject cassette
199 Eject cassette
A cassette in the serial changer can be ejected by pressing this key.
The cassette is ejected or moved to the park position after the last exposure, depending
on setting at installation.
This function is a duplication of [70] on the remote control panel.

200 Cassette present indicator

The indicator is lit when a cassette is loaded.



2.2.6 Collimator controls and accessories

218 217 216 215 214 213 212 222


223 221 212 220 221

211 Scale indicating lateral shutter position

212 Table of values for aperture settings. The values are relative to SID and field size
213 Additional filtration selector
214 Scale indicating longitudinal shutter position
215 Collimator rotation lock
216 Manual control of collimator field size
Operable only if free cassette or wall bucky imaging mode is selected
217 Collimator light on
This function is duplicated by [171] on the nearby control panel and by [182] on the tableside
control panel.
218 Lamp compartment
219 Rail clamp
220 Accessory (in this case a field indication plate)
221 Accessory rail
222 Manual mode indicator lights when the collimator has been set manually

223 Lamp cover retaining screw


224 Cerebral filter

A filter can be ordered from your Philips representative for use in cerebral angiography.
The filter is placed in the X-ray beam to compensate for large differences in the absorption of the
object being irradiated.



The filter is placed in the sliding rails of the collimator as follows:

(1) Slide the filter on to the accessory rail [221] on the collimator.
(2) Lock the filter into position using the rail clamp [219].

Positioning the cerebral filter

Correctly placed filter

Caution Make sure that the filter is locked into place before performing an examination.



2.2.7 Table indicators and collision detectors








231 Tilt angle indicator

On the left support beam of the tabletop, an indicator displays the tilt angle. See also [97].
232 Column angle indicator
A scale on the front of the column support indicates the beam angle. See also [100].
233 Power supply connector and earth connector for contrast agent injector

The front of the right support structure is equipped with a power connector with a separate earth
234 Collision detector under compressor unit
Under the protruding part of the compressor unit a collision detector prevents a collision between
a patient or any obstacle with the system.
235 Collision detector behind tabletop
Over the full length behind the tabletop a collision detector will prevent collision of the patient or
any obstacle with the tabletop support structure.
236 Collision detectors on both sides of the serial changer
Beneath the image intensifier/serial changer unit collision detectors will prevent collision of the
system with any obstacle on the floor.
237 Connector for switch mat (optional)
A switch mat on the floor under the table will block stand movements once activated.
This prevents collision between the stand and any obstacle on the floor.



2.2.8 Patient positioning accessories

This section shows all the accessories designed for use with the DIAGNOST 94.

Standard accessories
The following accessories are included in all deliveries of the DIAGNOST 94:

241 Footrest
242 Handgrips

Optional accessories
The following accessories can be ordered separately from a Philips representative:

243 Shoulder supports 251 Pair of leg supports

244 Head clamp 252 Holder for accessories
245 Ankle clamps 253 Infusion bottle holder
246 Compression ratchet set 254 Pair of adjustable positioners
247 Lateral cassette holder (not shown)* 255 Parking frame for accessories (not shown)
248 Adjustable cassette clamp* 256 Peripheral wedge filter set
249 Rotatable stool for footrest 257 Mattress
250 Catheterization arm support 258 Overhead handgrip bar (not shown)

* Items 247 and 248 are useful only if a second X-ray tube is present.



249 245









Paediatric accessories
The following additional accessories may be ordered for use with paediatric patients:

261 Paediatric footrest

262 Child seat
263 Baby support
264 Wall storage rack for baby support
265 Child harness
266 Metal storage stand for accessories









2.2.9 DSI processor cabinet


• The DSI alone is switched on at the DSI processor cabinet for programming and/or
• The DSI and the acquisition system are switched on together at the generator control panel.
• The DSI only is switched off at the DSI processor cabinet.

C On and Reset
Allows programming or viewing without switching on the acquisition system.
If DSI is On, the key lights.
If a malfunction should occur when the system is already on, pressing [C] resets the
system, without loss of examination data or images.
The system should be ready for further operation after 40 seconds.

D Off

Before switching Off, check that all relevant images have been archived, see Copy screen [F2].

Caution Do not press System on [C] again during start-up or it may interfere with the start-up



2.2.10 DSI keyboard

The keyboard includes an integrated acquisition module (left side) and viewing module (right
side) and supports character sets for English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish and Danish. The
required settings can be configured at installation.
Some character keys may have three different functions in combination with other keys:
• - (normal)

• + Shift
• + Alt/Alt Gr
279 283 286 289

311 278 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

281 282 284 285 287 288

1x /s /s

319 320 321 276 0

322 323 324 Enter F9 F10 277 292 293 291

275 ABC
F11 F12 F8 300 F7 301

273 271 274 290 298 299 302

316 317 318

1 1
294 295
296 297

acquisition module viewing module

271 Cursor up
272 Cursor down
273 Cursor left
274 Cursor right
Cursor keys [271-274]
• select items, e.g. functions and examinations, in the various screens and
• change viewing parameters (pixel shift, manual electronic shutters and
subtraction contrast value) and
• position text annotations and
• zoom area selection and
• change the view rate of the run cycle and
• change the order of image display (forward or reverse) during run cycle.

275 Enter
Confirms a keyboard entry or selection.

276 Backspace
• deletes text during annotation and
• adapts text in screens F1 to F6

277 Reset
Resets pixel shift, electronic shutters and zoom area
Clears annotation string and all KEEP symbols in the current run during run cycle

278 Escape (ESC)

Esc Cancels data input or selected function in F1-F6 screens.



279 Function Keys (see Section 2.3 Preset DSI Default Parameters)
F1 The function keys F1 to F6 allow insertions or changes to patient, examination and
system data.
The Administration, Copy and Transfer screens apply to examinations (data, status).
The System, Physician and Acquisition screens set operation parameters.
F1 Administration Screen
F2 Copy Screen
F3 Transfer Screen
F4 System Screen
F5 Physician Screen
F6 Acquisition Default Screen

The function keys [F7 - F12] on the keyboard no longer function. Dedicated keys on the viewing
module have taken over the numbers [F7 - F12] with the following icons:

F7 Flags a run for Bolus Chase Reconstruction on the EasyVision workstation.

See Chapter 5, DSI Viewing Procedures.

F8 Zoom
Enlarges a portion of the image by a factor of 2.
See Chapter 5, DSI Viewing Procedures.

F9 Pixel shift
Shifts the mask image to correct motion artifacts in subtracted images.
See Chapter 5, DSI Viewing Procedures.

F10 Manual electronic shutters

Blacks out white areas that can occur during image processing.
See Chapter 5, DSI Viewing Procedures.

F11 Subtraction contrast change

Changes contrast in subtracted images.
See Chapter 5, DSI Viewing Procedures.

F12 Annotate
ABC Adds alphanumeric characters to the image via the keyboard.
See Chapter 5, DSI Viewing Procedures.



2.2.11 DSI viewing module

283 286 289

281 282 284 285 287 288

276 0

Enter F9 F10 277 292 293 291

275 ABC

F11 F12 F8 300 F7 301

273 271 274 290 298 299 302

1 1
294 295
296 297

During viewing, the user can change the contrast, brightness and edge enhancement levels applied
to the displayed images. These functions are available only if the corresponding indicators are lit;
they are not available during acquisition, when no indicators are lit.
With a single-shot image, the new levels are applied to that image only.
With an image run, the new levels are applied to all images in that run.
Processing parameters are applied separately to subtracted and non-subtracted images within a run.
If the current image is subtracted, all subtracted images are processed, except for the mask image.
Similarly, if the current image is non-subtracted, all non-subtracted images are processed.
The mask image is always processed non-subtracted.
Images are archived with the last-used levels. The levels cannot be changed when an examination
has been labelled for hard copying, saving to disk or transferring to EasyVision or the DICOM
network server.
See Section 2.2.10 DSI Keyboard for a description of function keys [F7-F12].

! In normal viewing mode and overview mode, it is possible to view next or
<! > previous examinations. If the operator then makes new exposures or grabs
images, they are stored in the examination selected for acquisition on the
administration screen, which may be different from the examination
displayed on the examination monitor.
If this situation exists, a warning marker appears on the monitor.



281 Decrease contrast (see note)

282 Increase contrast (see note)

283 Contrast level indicator

Fifteen levels of contrast can be applied to images during viewing.
The default contrast level is shown by indicator [283] and can be decreased or increased with
[281] or [282] respectively.

284 Decrease brightness (see note)

285 Increase brightness (see note)

286 Brightness level indicator

Fifteen levels of brightness can be applied to images during viewing.
The default brightness level is shown by indicator [286] and can be decreased or increased with
[284] or [285] respectively.

287 Decrease edge enhancement (see note)

288 Increase edge enhancement (see note)

289 Edge enhancement level indicator

Four levels of edge enhancement can be applied to images during viewing.
The default edge enhancement level is shown by indicator [289] and can be decreased or increased
with [287] or [288] respectively.
Note The controls for contrast [281, 282]; brightness [284, 285] and edge enhancement [287, 288] can
be adjusted by holding down the key and releasing it when the required level has been reached.

290 Overview on/off

Up to 16 images in one examination can be displayed at the same time.
All viewing functions can be used in the overview mode. When overview is switched on
(key lights), the display shows a group of images, including the current image, displayed in single-
image mode. The number of the current image is highlighted inverted.
The 16 images are displayed in a 4 x 4 matrix on the examination monitor.
The sequence of the image numbers is illustrated:
1 2 3 4
The number of each image is displayed in the lower 5 6 7 8
left-hand corner of each image. Missing image numbers 9 10 11 12
are the result of a previous clear action. 13 14 15 16

Each image is displayed using its associated image-processing parameters.

Run boundaries within an examination are indicated by a vertical line between successive runs,
and the run number is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the first image in each run.



Pressing [290] again returns the display to the single-image mode, and the current image (number
highlighted inverted) is displayed in single-image mode.
This function is also available on the viewpad [e].
Notes When grabbing external images, the overview is not directly updated.
The overview is updated, the next time that images are displayed.

291 Park image/Grab external video image

Park image
This function stores images on the reference monitor for reference or comparison.
The function can be activated (key lights) when viewing in single-image or overview mode.
The current image is displayed on the reference monitor with its current image-processing settings.
An image stored on the reference monitor cannot be processed further on this monitor.
It can only be replaced by another image, or cleared from the screen by selecting a new
examination or viewing a PREVIOUS or NEXT EXAMINATION [294, a or 295, b].
Grab external video image
If external video is displayed on the reference monitor, key [323, m], an external video image can
be grabbed and stored in the examination when [291] is pressed, depending on installation
After a grabbed image is successfully stored in the examination, the grab external video icon will
be inverted (key is still pressed) and an audible signal is given. It is not possible to grab external
images when live fluoroscopy is performed on the examination monitor.
The grabbed image is stored as a single image run and labelled as external video image in the
examination and is marked with the external video symbol during viewing.
The image of the previous examination remains displayed on the reference monitor unless the user
takes explicit action or if fluoroscopy is used in the following examination.
This function is also available on the viewpad [l].
Note Clear the reference monitor at the end of each examination by selecting a new patient (screen F1).

292 Image polarity inversion on/off

Displays images with inverted polarity.
With a single-shot image, the inverted polarity is applied to that image only.
With an image series, the inverted polarity is applied to all images in that run, but subtracted and
non-subtracted images are processed separately. Polarity inversion on or off, can be set separately
for subtracted and non-subtracted images.

If the current image or run is already inverted (during acquisition or previous viewing), the key
lights, and pressing the key switches to normal polarity mode.
Images are stored with the last-used setting of this function.

293 Subtraction on/off and Remasking

Double function:

- Activates or deactivates the subtraction mode during viewing and

- Selects the image to be used as a mask
When the current run has not been subtracted (during acquisition or previous viewing), pressing
this key switches subtraction on and the key lights. If the current run is already a subtraction run,
the key lights, and pressing the key switches the run to non-subtraction mode. The run currently
on display is then displayed non-subtracted.



When viewing a subtracted run, the mask image is shown non-subtracted and appears as the first
image, even though it may not have been the first image in the run. Its correct number is
displayed, followed by a '—' to indicate that it is the mask image.

The image on display in single-image mode, or the image with an inverted number in overview
mode, is used as the subtraction mask.
To select a new mask image, press the key once to deactivate subtraction, then select the desired
image using PREVIOUS and/or NEXT IMAGE [296, 297] and press [293] again to reactivate
subtraction. Alternatively, pressing [293] several times, shifts the mask through the run.
In single-image mode, if the key is held down for longer than 1 second, images are displayed at a
rate of 3 per second, alternating subtracted and non-subtracted, and the mask is shifted forward
one image each time. For example, if a run consists of 10 images, the display sequence is: ..., 2, 3-
2, 3, 4-3, 4, 5-4, ... 10-9, 10, 9-10, 9, 10-9, 10, etc.
Images are stored with the last-used setting of this function.
This function is also available on the viewpad [j].

294 Previous examination

Display the first image of the previous examination or the first 16 images in overview mode.
295 Next examination
1 Display the first image of the next examination or the first 16 images in overview mode.
Keys [294] and [295] affect only those examinations that have been acquired, i.e. are
held in the memory, and can be used repeatedly by depressing the key for longer than 1 second.
The action is repeated until the key is released or the first image of the last or first examination is
displayed. Releasing and pressing the key again repeats the function.
These functions are also available on the viewpad [a, b].

296 Previous image, or Decrease acquisition speed, or Previous run

Triple function:

• Display the previous image of the examination being viewed, or

• Decrease acquisition speed one step during acquisition, or
• Display the previous run in run cycle mode

297 Next image, or Increase acquisition speed, or Next run

Triple function:

• Display the next image of the examination being viewed, or

• Increase acquisition speed one step during acquisition, or
• Display the next run in run cycle mode
These functions are also available on the viewpad [c, d].

During viewing:
The images are displayed in the sequence in which they were acquired. The image number is
shown in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, and the patient’s name in the upper left-hand
corner. When the currently displayed image is the first or last image of the examination, pressing
PREVIOUS or NEXT IMAGE [296, 297] again, shows the first or last image of the examination.
When viewing a subtracted run, the mask image is shown non-subtracted and appears first, even
though it may not have been the first image in the run. Its correct image number is displayed,
followed by a '—' to indicate that it is the mask image. Keys [296] and [297] can be used



repeatedly by depressing the key for longer than 1 second.

While the function remains activated, an automatic repeat function displays next or previous
images until, either the function is deactivated, or the boundary of the current run is reached.
To view the next or previous run, the function must first be deactivated and then reactivated.

During acquisition:
Pressing [296] or [297] decreases or increases the acquisition speed by 1 step within the range:
single-shot, 1 image per 2 seconds or 1/2/3/4/6/8 images/second. The actual acquisition speed is
displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the monitor.

During run cycle mode:

Pressing [296] or [297] displays the previous or next run, see key [302].

Note When too many viewing keys are pressed at once, an audible signal is given and no action occurs.

298 Keep image selection or Grab image

During viewing:
If the key is not lit, pressing the key labels the displayed image KEEP and the image is not deleted
when CLEAR RUN [299] is pressed.
If the key is lit, the displayed image is already set as KEEP and pressing the key removes the KEEP status.
The KEEP status is indicated by the KEEP symbol on each image in the lower left-hand corner of the
monitor in single-image, overview and run cycle modes.
Grabbed images are marked with the fluoroscopy symbol during viewing.

During fluoroscopy:
This function adds one fluoroscopy image (fluoro grab) or a whole run of fluoroscopy
images (dynamic fluoro grab) to the image file of the current examination.
• A single image is grabbed during fluoroscopy if the key is pressed less than 0.5 s.
A single audible signal is given and the grab symbol is displayed briefly on the image.
• A fluoroscopy run is grabbed during fluoroscopy if the key is pressed longer than 0.5 s.
A double audible signal is given and the grab symbol is displayed as long as dynamic fluoro
grab is active.
As long as key [298] is pressed, fluoroscopy images are stored into the image file of the
current examination.
- Continuous fluoroscopy: every other image is stored

• Dynamic fluoro grab is not possible with trace-subtract.

After a grabbed image is successfully stored, the grab icon is inverted and an audible signal is
This function is also available on the viewpad [g].

During run cycle:

Pressing KEEP [298] continuously, toggles the KEEP status on/off for each image until the key is
released. Images that were marked as KEEP prior to this action will have the KEEP marker cleared;
images that were not marked as KEEP will be marked as KEEP.
When RESET [277] is pressed, the KEEP marker is removed from all images marked for KEEP.



299 Clear run

When pressed, all images in the run are deleted except those labelled KEEP with [298].
After the key is pressed, there is a delay of 2.5 seconds, during which the key and the
symbol on the monitor flash. The number of images to be deleted is displayed below the symbol.
The CLEAR symbol appears on any image not labelled KEEP.
If the key is released while the light is still flashing, no deletion takes place.
After the delay, [299] remains lit and the run is cleared.
In single-image mode, the monitor is blank after the deletion, unless the current image was
labelled KEEP.
In overview and single-image modes, the image and capacity displays are updated after deletion.
If the run was in subtraction mode, the mask image is not deleted, whatever its KEEP status, unless
no other images of that run were kept.
This function is also available on the viewpad [f ].

300 Large format selection

Pressing [300] labels the displayed image to be copied in LARGE FORMAT.
The LARGE FORMAT status is shown by the LARGE FORMAT symbol, for both single-image
and overview modes in the lower left-hand corner of the images.
During subsequent viewing, the key lights if the current image was labelled with the LARGE FORMAT
The symbol can be removed by pressing [300] again on a currently displayed, LARGE FORMAT image.
This function is also available on the viewpad [h].

301 Start hardcopy

If the HCU is remote controlled, pressing this key for longer than 2.5 seconds starts a
sequential (batch) copying process of all images of the current examination in background.
After the key is pressed, there is a delay of 2.5 seconds to avoid unintentional action.
During this period, the key and the symbol on the monitor flash. Copying is a background
process which means that while it is being performed, all DSI functions, e.g. starting the next
examination, can be used without interfering with copying.
Once copying has begun, the examination is considered finished and no more images can be



The images are copied to the HCU with the last-used processing settings for each run, together
with the relevant patient, physician and examination data.
With a subtracted run, the mask image is copied first, non-subtracted, and its number is followed
by a '—' to identify it.

Images labelled for LARGE FORMAT with [300] are copied first in the large format of the HCU.
If the HCU is controlled manually, and batch processing is not active, single images can be
selected and copied using the control keys of the HCU. The image copied is the image selected as
current on the monitor.
This function is also available on the viewpad [i].
Notes - During installation, the system can be configured so that key [301] starts the copying process on
the HCU of either the DSI or EasyVision workstation.
- The film usage and format information can be set during installation.

CAUTIONS - Do not change anything on the display while manual hardcopying is in progress.
- When copying single images, make sure that the image selected for copying is the
current image and is a stable image, i.e., that all post-processing such as edge
enhancement, has been completed.

! The operator should verify that the physical hardcopy of images is present, before
deleting any images from the system.

302 Run cycle

The images of the current run are displayed dynamically, from the first image through
the last image, repeating the cycle from the first image. In subtracted runs, the mask is
not displayed. The cycle stops automatically after a certain amount of time (service configurable)
has elapsed.
Note At least one complete run will be displayed before the cycle stops.
The cycle may be stopped manually by:
- pressing key [302] again
- selecting any menu (F1-F6)
- beginning an Acquisition
After stopping:
- the last image displayed remains on the monitor
- after selecting a menu or beginning an Acquisition, the related menu/acquisition screen is displayed

Run Cycle functions:

The cycle speed approaches the acquisition speed and can be increased or decreased using the up/
down cursor keys. The maximum speed is 12.5 or 15 images/second.
The cycle direction can be set forward or reverse using the left/right cursor keys.
Another run in one examination is displayed cyclically, using the PREVIOUS/NEXT IMAGE keys
[296, c 297, d].
The first run of the previous or next examination is displayed cyclically, using the PREVIOUS/NEXT
EXAMINATION keys [294, a; 295, b].
During run cycle, the IMAGE POLARITY [292], CONTRAST [281, 282], BRIGHTNESS [284, 285] and
EDGE ENHANCEMENT [287, 288] of the run may be adjusted using the respective keys.

Holding down KEEP [298] toggles the KEEP status on/off for each image until the key is released.
Images that were marked as KEEP prior to this action will have the KEEP marker cleared; images that
were not marked as KEEP will be marked as KEEP.
This function is also available on the viewpad [h].



Pressing the RESET key [277] during run cycle mode, resets the run cycle display speed
to the acquisition speed and sets the display direction to forward. All images marked
KEEP have the KEEP status cleared.
Note Runs acquired by DSI-software prior to release 4.2 are displayed at a rate of two frames per second.

Other image processing functions are::

F7 Flags a run for Bolus Chase Reconstruction on the EasyVision workstation.
See Chapter 5, Viewing Images.

F8 Zoom
Enlarges a portion of the image by a factor of 2.
See Chapter 5, Viewing Images.

F9 Pixel shift
Shifts the mask image to correct motion artifacts in subtracted images.
See Chapter 5, Viewing Images.

F10 Manual electronic shutters

Blacks out white areas that can occur during image processing.
See Chapter 5, Viewing Images.

F11 Subtraction contrast change

Corrects contrast in subtracted images. See Chapter 5, Viewing Images.

F12 Annotate
ABC Adds alphanumeric characters to the image via the keyboard.
See Chapter 5, Viewing Images.



2.2.12 DSI acquisition module

311 278

1x /s /s

319 320 321

322 323 324


316 317 318

311 Capacity display

The first line shows the number of images that can be acquired before the memory is full.
This number changes if another matrix resolution is selected. The display shows the message
(CAPACITY!) if the remaining capacity drops below a value configured by Service. The second line
displays the selected acquisition speed.
Messages related to acquisition, such as status of the HCU (hardcopy unit) and images remaining
to be copied are displayed on the film selection line of the copy screen [F2]. See Section 2.4
Overview of DSI Screens.

316 Subtraction on/off during acquisition

Images can be displayed subtracted or non-subtracted during acquisition, depending on
the default setting. If subtraction is default, the key lights. Pressing the key switches the
subtraction mode off. If non-subtraction is default, pressing the key switches the
subtraction mode on, and the key lights. Deactivation is not possible during acquisition.
At installation, service sets the mask sequence number in the image run. If the number
of the mask image is N, the first N images in the run are displayed non-subtracted
during acquisition. Images number (N + 1) and higher are displayed subtracted.

317 Image polarity on/off during acquisition

Acquired images can be displayed with normal or inverted polarity during acquisition,
depending on the default setting. If inversion is default, this key lights. Pressing the key
switches inversion off. If normal display is default, pressing this key switches inversion
on, and the key lights. Deactivation is not possible during acquisition.
The image polarity can be set separately for subtracted and non-subtracted acquisition.
For subtracted acquisition, the image polarity of the mask is the image polarity set for
non-subtracted acquisition.
Runs acquired with subtraction or polarity inversion on, are labelled as such so that the
images are displayed subtracted or with inverted polarity during viewing.

318 Matrix resolution

The resolution can be changed from 5122 to 10242 during an examination, before
starting a new run. The key lights if 10242 matrix resolution is the default setting.



Pressing the key changes the matrix resolution.

Deactivation is not possible during acquisition.

319 Single-shot selection

One single image is acquired when exposure is activated.

320 Acquisition speed decrease


321 Acquisition speed increase


The default acquisition speed is displayed on [311].

Selectable speeds are: single-shot, 1 image per 2 seconds and 1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 6 or 8 images/second.
The exact speeds depend on the power supply frequency and matrix resolution.
The acquisition speed can be changed at any time, even during an exposure run (variable frame
rate), by pressing [320 or 321]. Alternatively, but only during acquisition, the NEXT IMAGE [297, d]
and PREVIOUS IMAGE [296, c] keys on the viewing module and viewpad can be used to increase and
decrease the acquisition speed.
Notes - The maximum attainable acquisition speed for DSI Basic 4 images/s can be configured by Service.
- The maximum attainable acquisition speed for DSI Universal/Interventional with 50 Hz power
supply is 8 images/s (5122) and 6 images/s (10242).

322 Fluoro grab/Dynamic fluoro grab

During fluoroscopy:
This function adds one fluoroscopy image (fluoro grab) or a whole run of fluoroscopy
images (dynamic fluoro grab) to the image file of the current examination.
• A single image is grabbed during fluoroscopy if the key is pressed less than 0.5 s.
A single audible signal is given and the GRAB symbol is displayed briefly on the image.
• A fluoroscopy run is grabbed during fluoroscopy if the key is pressed longer than 0.5 s.
A double audible signal is given and the GRAB symbol is displayed as long as DYNAMIC FLUORO
GRAB is active.

As long as key [322] is pressed, fluoroscopy images are stored in the image file of the current
- Continuous fluoroscopy: every other image is stored
• DYNAMIC FLUORO GRAB is not possible with trace-subtract.

After a grabbed image is successfully stored, the GRAB icon is inverted and an audible signal is given.
323 External video
Ext Switches the image on the reference monitor between the reference image and an image
from an external video source.
Key [323] lights when external video has been selected.
Images grabbed from an external video source can be displayed, processed and stored.
See description of key [291] for information about grabbing images from an external video source.
External video is deactivated on the [F1] screen, Select RIS or [m] on the viewpad.
Deactivating external video re-displays an existing reference image.
324 Trace-subtract
Activates trace-subtract fluoroscopy. The movements of guidewires and catheters are
displayed against a peak-opacified trace image of the vessel structure.
See Section 4.4 Performing Fluoroscopy for an explanation of a trace-subtract procedure.



2.2.13 DSI viewpad

The viewpad is a remote-control device using infrared radiation. The IR transmitter is located on
the front of the viewpad and no signals are transmitted if it is obstructed.
The location of the IR receiver is fixed during installation. A green light on the receiver indicates
that the selected command has been accepted.
The viewpad functions when packed in a transparent sterile cover.
The viewpad is battery-powered and the batteries must be replaced regularly.
Note that identical viewpads are interchangeable, therefore, if 2 identical viewpads are used in the
same room, they may interfere with each other, causing uncontrolled behavior.
If several systems are located in the same room, viewpad commands for one system may initiate
actions on another system.

! - Do not use the viewpad when more than one system is in use in one room.
- Infrared signals from the viewpad may interfere with other infrared-controlled
equipment in the same room.
- Before using the viewpad in a procedure, check that no interference is caused with
other equipment.

Several controls on the viewing and acquisition modules are duplicated on the viewpad:
Function Acquisition/Viewing Module

a Previous examination 294

b Next examination 295
a 1 1 b
1 c d
c Previous image (during viewing) 296
Decrease acquisition speed (during exposure) e
Previous run (during run cycle)
f g
d Next image (during viewing) 297 h i
Increase acquisition speed (during exposure)
j k
Next run (during run cycle)

l Ext m
e Overview selection on/off 290

f Clear run 299

g Keep image selection (during viewing) 298/322

Grab image (during fluoroscopy)



Function Acquisition/Viewing Module

The function of key [h] is configurable during installation.

h Large format selection or 300

Run cycle 302

i Start hardcopy 301

j Subtraction on/off or 293


k Trace subtract
Allows the operator to perform a trace-subtract 324
procedure. See Section 4.4 Performing Fluoroscopy.

l Park image or 291

Grab external video images

The function of key [m] is configurable during installation.

m Zoom F8

External video 323

Switches the image on the reference monitor between the reference image and an image
from an external video source. Key lights when external video has been selected.
See description of key [201] for information about grabbing images from an external
video source.



2.2.14 Monitors

Standard monitors

333 337

331 332 330 334 335 336

Examination room monitor and, if Control room slave monitor: 15 inch

installed, Reference monitor: 20 inch

330 Power on/off switch with indicator

331 Brightness control (Service adjustable)
332 Contrast control (Service adjustable)
333 Sensor for automatic brightness adaptation
334 Power on indicator
335 Brightness control (Service adjustable)
336 Contrast control (Service adjustable)
337 Sensor for automatic brightness adaptation

Power on/off switch

Power to the monitors is switched on and off together with the system power.

Brightness and contrast controls

These controls can be adjusted by Service.
For most applications, no further adjustment of brightness or contrast is necessary.
If corrections are necessary they should be carried out by Service because other parameters need to

be changed as well to maintain the same grey levels in the images on the monitors and the

The monitors have an automatic brightness adaptation control. The circuit detects the ambient
light level by means of a photoelectric sensor, and adjusts both brightness and contrast to
compensate immediately for any change in light level, This maintains the image appearance (as
determined by the preset controls), if the room lighting changes. The operation level of this
function can be set by Service.



2.2.15 Optical disk drive unit

The optical disk drive unit is built into the processor cabinet.
The disk drive accepts erasable 5 1/4 -inch disks.
Non-erasable (WORM) disks may cause system malfunctioning.
341 Busy indicator
Not lit when a cartridge is inserted. Flashes when no cartridge is inserted
and when the drive is performing a Read, Write or Erase operation.
342 Eject cartridge
When briefly pressed, ejects the cartridge currently present.
A cartridge cannot be removed while a save, retrieve or
erase process is busy.
343 Manual cartridge ejection
After a power failure or an optical disk drive fault, a cartridge
may become locked in the operating position. The cartridge must be
them be removed by Service.
Optical Disk
Each side of a disk has a storage capacity of 320 Mbytes, sufficient for
approximately 285 images (10242) or 1140 images (5122). A new disk must be formatted before
use (Erase function on the Transfer screen). This process takes about 10 minutes. Saving images
on or retrieving them from the optical disk takes place as a batch process in the background. This
means that DSI remains available for acquisition and viewing of other examinations during the
transfer process. An optical disk is encased in a cartridge, a hard cover envelope with an optical
window. The cartridge is equipped with two slots providing write-protection on either side of the
disk. Saving on a write-protected side is not possible.
Inserting and removing a cartridge
The cartridges are mechanically keyed so that they
cannot be improperly inserted.
An error message is given, if an incompatible cartridge
is inserted. The cartridge must be inserted with the side
to be read or written facing the right (side A in
To remove a disk, press Eject [342]. The disk is partially ejected from the drive and can be
removed by hand.
Write Protection
The cartridge is provided with a write-protect switch on each side.
To protect a side of a cartridge, set its switch to the protect position.
Cartridge Handling
• Do not remove the disk from the cartridge.
• Do not touch the disk surface through the optical window.
• Use, handle and store in clean office conditions.
• Do not smoke while handling the cartridge. Smoke particles contaminate disks.
• Do not eat or drink while handling the cartridge to prevent spilling liquid on the disk.



2.3 Preset DSI Parameters

At installation or during planned maintenance, several parameters that determine the system
functions and the image display can be configured by Service to suit user requirements.
Most of these parameters can be overruled manually.

Acquisition speed
The default acquisition speed can be selected from the range:
• single shot
• 1 image per 2 seconds
• 1 image / second
• 2 images / second
• 3 images / second
• 4 images / second
• 6 images / second
• 8 images / second
The default acquisition speed can be modified per examination type on the Acquisition default
screen F1, and can be overruled before or during each acquisition run.
Note - The maximum attainable acquisition speed for DSI Basic is 4 images/second.
- The maximum attainable acquisition speed for DSI Universal/Interventional with 50 Hz power
supply is 8 images/s (5122) and 6 images/s (10242).
Automatic shutter positions
The internal shutter algorithm detects the shutter position. These detected shutter positions are
used to put the electronic shutters in the image. A choice has to be made between minimal and
maximal shuttering. Minimal shuttering may lead to some white, unshuttered bands beside the
image. Maximum shuttering may hide some clinical information near the edges of the image.
A choice of 6 different shutter positions are possible.
Disk/Film information and usage
The film format, layout and usage indication can be configured by Service.
Fluoroscopy modes
Either digital (processed) fluoroscopy or bypass (unprocessed) fluoroscopy can be selected on the
System screen [F4]. The default choice is set by Service.
Fluoroscopy noise reduction
Selection is possible between: Dynamic low / medium / high; Fixed low / medium / high and Off
and can be modified on screen F6.
Grayscale enhancement (GSE) curve

The GSE curves determine the response of the DSI system and can be modified on the F6 screen.
There are 5 GSE curves (A, B, C, S and L) that can be used for specific applications.
The default curve can be either L (for URF systems) or B, and is specified during installation or
The L curve corresponds to the linear behavior of the DSI and produces high-contrast images in a
variety of URF applications.
In comparison with the L curve, the C curve produces increased contrast in medium-absorption
areas with less contrast in the low and high-absorption areas. This curve gives good contrast-rich
results for non-barium studies of medium-absorption areas.
The S curve functions similarly to the C curve and is optimized for abdominal tomography.
The A curve gives high contrast in high-absorption areas and low contrast in low-absorption areas
with less contrast in medium-absorption areas.
The B curve is optimal for subtraction.



For a survey of the GSE curves with an overview of applications see Chapter 7, DSI System Setup
Note It is important to note that applying a GSE curve to the data is irreversible.
Choosing the wrong curve degrades the image quality to an extent that can be only partially
recovered by image processing.
Hold time
This is the amount of time that the last image of a run or the Last Image Hold (LIH) remains
displayed after DSI acquisition or fluoroscopy. The image disappears when the hold time has
elapsed. The time can be set between 0 and “infinity”, that is, at system switch-off or at the start
of a new examination or run.
Image-processing parameters during acquisition
In addition to automatic adaptive image processing, contrast, brightness and edge enhancement
have separate default levels for three different modes:
• exposures
• fluoroscopy
• subtraction
These default levels apply if they are not changed by the user at the viewing module.
The default setting for image polarity (normal or inverted) can be modified per examination type
on the Acquisition default screen. It can also be overruled before each acquisition run at the
acquisition module, and can be changed during viewing at the viewing module.
Matrix resolution
A default matrix resolution of 5122 or 10242 can be set, and can be modified per examination type
on the F6 screen, and can also be overruled before each acquisition run.
Memory almost full - indication
The minimum remaining capacity can be set between 0 and 320 images.
Network selection
The export function is set to a maximum of 5 different export destinations.
Run cycle time
The run cycle time can be set between 0 and 655 seconds
Subtraction contrast value
The default setting for the subtraction contrast, a value between 1.0 and 16.0, can be set and
modified for each type of examination on the Acquisition Default screen F6. It may be changed
while viewing a subtracted run [F11].
Subtraction during acquisition
The default setting for subtraction during acquisition is Yes or No and can be modified on the F6
screen. If Yes, the default value for the number (N) of the image to be used as the mask must be
set as well.
System and Hospital name
The system name and hospital name can be entered into the system using a maximum of 15 / 26
The hospital name automatically appears in the upper right-hand corner of every film.
Time and date format
The hardcopy and text screens show the examination time and date. The format of this display
can be adapted to local requirements (YY-MM-DD , MM-DD-YY , or DD-MM-YY).
Viewpad keys:
Key h: Large format selection or run cycle
Both functions are available on the viewing module.
Key l: Park image or grab external video images
Key m: Zoom or external video
Zoom is also available on the viewing module.
Note For default parameters that can be set by the user, see Chapter 7, DSI System Setup Functions.



2.4 Overview of DSI Screens

The system provides 6 different screens which allow patient, examination and system information
to be inserted or changed.
The Administration F1, Copy F2 and Transfer F3 screens apply to examinations (data, status).
The System F4, Physician F5 and Acquisition default F6 screens are used to set parameters before
The user can select between English, French, German and Spanish via System screen F4.
The HELP function has been incorporated in the System screen F4.

Line 1 PHILIPS SYSTEM NAME 1995-09-01 13:40:36 Sample screen FX

Line 2 Time Name Birthdate S Registr.No. Exam Phy Imgs Status

08:00 Borden, A 27-01-25 Y6417568230 BaMeal GWE 30 Retrieved
Field 3
07:30 Clayton, B 51-02-06 + P4523879161 Arthro GWE 17 Not arch
08:15 Dary, C 44-03-21 P6578696721 BaMeal FGH 11 Current

08:25 Eden, D 33-04-12

P5780384549 Colon AWZ 0 Scheduled
08:35 Fort, E 45-05-14 + P6234887245 ECRP FGH 0 Scheduled

Disk/film line 4 film / disk information ^ 3/3

Function line 5 Function A Function B Function C Function D Function E
Prompt line 6 Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

Message line 7

Screen layout
Line 1: System name, actual date and time, screen name and function key number.
The system name is Service adjustable during installation (15 characters).
The date and time are user adjustable via System screen F4.
Line 2: Description of the columns of field 3
Field 3: Patient and Examination data (adaptable by the user) and Status information (generated
by the system).
Line 4: Disk/Film information line in Copy and Transfer screens: displays information
about disk and film usage, if configured during installation by Service.
Line 5: Function line: displays selectable functions; one function is displayed highlighted

Another function can be selected by using the left/right cursor keys and confirmed by
pressing Enter. The active function is displayed highlighted.
Line 6: Prompt line: displays user instructions.
Line 7: Messages line: displays system messages. For a survey, see Chapter 8, System and Error



Administration screen F1

PHILIPS DSI 1995-09-01 13:41:36 Administration F1

Time Name Birthdate S Registr.No. Exam Phy Imgs Status

08:00 Borden, A 27-01-25 Y6417568230 BaMeal GWE 30 Retrieved
07:30 Clayton, B 51-02-06 + P4523879161 Athro GWE 17 Not arch.
08:15 Dary, C 44-03-21 P6578696721 BaMeal FGH 11 Current

08:25 Eden, D 33-04-12 P5780384549 Colon AWZ 0 Scheduled
08:35 Fort, E 45-05-14 + P6234887245 ECRP FGH 0 Scheduled

Select-RIS Select Add Delete Modify

Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

The Administration screen allows an examination schedule to be set up by the user before
acquisition is started. Up to 14 patients can be selected for examination in any sequence.
The system checks and displays the status of each examination.
Scheduled examinations are separated from completed examinations by an empty line.
The schedule can be entered or modified at any time. For example, the day’s schedule can be
entered in the morning, or entries can be made in-between examinations.
Patient and examination data can be imported directly from the RIS, if a RIS database is available.

For each examination, data can be entered under the headings:

TIME: Scheduled start of the examination - 4 characters (HH:MM)
NAME: Patient’s name - maximum 20 characters; mandatory entry
DATE OF BIRTH: 6 characters - only a feasible date is accepted in the indicated format
(either YY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YY or DD-MM-YY)
SEX OF PATIENT: Male or female symbol, or none
REGISTR. NUMBER: Maximum 12 characters
EXAMINATION TYPE: Maximum 6 characters as entered on Acquisition Default screen F6 or
free choice
PHYSICIAN: Maximum 3 characters as entered on Physician screen F5 or free choice
All entries can be skipped, except the Name.
There is no check on the validity of entries, i.e. any character can be entered; but for DATE OF
BIRTH only a feasible date is accepted.

The following data is added by the system:

IMGS Number of images acquired for each examination
STATUS Status of examination. See Chapter 8, System and Error Messages for a list of messages.

The function line displays the selectable functions, which are:

SELECT-RIS Import and select patient examination data from the radiology information system
SELECT Select a patient for acquisition
ADD Enter new examinations data
DELETE Delete an examination
MODIFY Change patient or examination data.

Use of the functions is described in Chapter 3, Preparing the System.

The SELECT function is described in Chapter 4, Acquiring Images.



Copy screen F2

PHILIPS DSI 1995-10-01 13:42:36 Copy F2

Time Name Birthdate S Registr.No. Exam Phy Imgs Status

08:00 Borden, A 27-01-25 Y6417568230 BaMeal GWE 30 Copy done

07:30 Clayton, B 51-02-06 + P4523879161 Arthro GWE 17 Not copied
08:15 Dary, C 44-03-21 P6578696721 BaMeal FGH 11 Current

Information film use
Copy EV-Print EV-Send Export EV-Store Cancel
Make choice with➔ and

arrows and press ➥ ENTER

The Copy screen:

- Displays all of the examinations that can be copied, or that have been given a status related
to the copying, transfer or storage process.
- Allows examinations to be scheduled for copying to the local HCU or to the HCU of
EasyVision, and for transfer or storage to EasyVision workstation or Dicom network server.
The export destination is selected on the System screen F4. If export destination on F4
screen is Dicom, EV-Print, EV-Send, and EV-Store functions do not appear on F2 screen.
Export destination on F2 screen must be set to EasyVision, for other EV functions to appear.
- Displays which examinations have been selected for copying, transfer or storage and for
which examinations copying, transfer or storage is BUSY, COMPLETED, CANCELLED or ERROR.
- Displays copying, transfer or storage error messages.
- Displays amount, setup/divisions and film sizes used after selecting COPY on information line
(if configured).

If the START HARDCOPY key on the viewing module or viewpad is pressed while another
examination is being copied, the status of the related selected examination becomes COPY FLAG
(with local HCU) or PRINT FLAG (HCU of the EasyVision).
The number of images displayed (IMGS) is the number of images that remain to be copied or
transferred. Each time an image is copied or transferred, this number is counted down until zero.
When zero has been reached the status of the examination is set to COPY DONE or EXPO DONE,

STORE DONE, PRINT DONE or SEND DONE and the number of images is reset to its original value.

indicates the number of images remaining to be copied.

See Chapter 8, System and Error Messages for a list of status messages.

The function line displays the selectable functions:

COPY Copy all images of one examination to the HCU directly connected to
the DSI.
The status becomes COPY FLAG followed by COPY BUSY and COPY DONE.
EV-PRINT Copy all images of one examination to the HCU connected to
The status becomes PRINT FLAG followed by PRINT BUSY and PRINT DONE.



EV-SEND Send all images of one examination to the database of EasyVision.

When sent, the images can be processed on EasyVision.
The status becomes SEND FLAG followed by SEND BUSY and SEND DONE.
EXPORT Transfer all images of one examination to the database of a Dicom
network server.
The status becomes EXPO FLAG followed by EXPO BUSY and EXPO DONE.
EV-EXPORT Transfer all images of one examination to the database of an EasyVision
Workstation and transfer via the workstation to an externally connected
The status becomes EXPO FLAG followed by EXPO BUSY and EXPO DONE.
EV-STORE Stores all images of one examination to the database and the removable
optical disk unit of EasyVision.
The status becomes STORE FLAG followed by STORE BUSY and STORE DONE.
CANCEL Cancel the selected process. The status changes to the previous status
After cancellation, the examination can be treated normally and copied

Use of the functions is described in Chapter 6, Archiving and Retrieving Images.



Transfer screen F3

PHILIPS DSI 1995-10-01 13:43:36 Transfer F3

Time Name Birthdate S Registr.No. Exam Phy Imgs Status

08:00 Borden, A 27-01-25 Y6417568230 BaMeal GWE 30 Retrieved
07:30 Clayton, B 51-02-06 + P4523879161 Arthro GWE 17 Not saved
08:15 Dary, C 44-03-21 P6578696721 BaMeal FGH 11 Save done

08:25 Eden, D 33-04-12 P5780384549 Colon AWZ 0 Not saved

08:35 Fort, E 45-05-14 +
P6234887245 ECRP FGH 0 Current

Save List Retrieve Erase Cancel

Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

This screen allows examinations to be saved to and retrieved from the optical disk.
The examinations displayed are:
- those on the Administration screen F1 which can be selected to SAVE or,
- examinations on the disk, if LIST or RETRIEVE from optical disk is selected.
The number of images displayed for an examination which is being saved or retrieved is the
number of images remaining to be saved or retrieved, counting down to zero.
During LIST and RETRIEVE, the amount of DSI memory occupied is displayed.
The system calculates if enough space is available for saving an examination on the optical disk, or
for retrieving an examination into the DSI-memory. If no space is available, the system will not
complete the save or retrieve action. The system displays a message.
See Chapter 8, System and Error Messages for a list of status messages.
The disk information line can display: ERASE BUSY: the optical disk is being reformatted.

After selecting LIST, the disk contents information is displayed in the data field.
After selecting RETRIEVE, the list of the optical disk contents is displayed.

List, PHILIPS DSI 1994-11-01 13:44:36 Transfer F3

Retrieve and Name Registr.No. Birthdate Exam date Phy Exam Imgs Blocks
Erase Borden, A Y6417568230 27-01-25 94-11-01 GWE BaMeal 30 105
Clayton, B P4523879161 51-02-06 94-11-01 GWE Arthro 17 48
Dary, C P6578696721 44-03-21 94-11-01 FGH BaMeal 11 39
Eden, D P5780384549 33-04-12 94-11-01 AWZ Colon 6 15

Fort, E P6234887245 45-05-14 94-11-01 FGH ECRP 3 12

10 blocks free on disc 2 examinations free on disc ^ 3/3

Save List Retrieve Erase Cancel
Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

The function line displays the selectable functions:

SAVE save to the optical disk
LIST display the disk contents (directory) and disk status information
RETRIEVE retrieve an examination from the optical disk
ERASE erase an optical disk. New disks must be formatted with this function before
they can be used for data storage. Selective erasure is not possible.
CANCEL cancel the selected function.

Use of the functions is described in Chapter 6, Archiving and Retrieving Images.



System screen F4

PHILIPS DSI 1995-10-01 13:45:36 System F4

Fluoroscopy mode : DSI fluoro HLR

Brightness Correction : on
Automatic electronic shutters : on
Automatic windowing : on
Language : English
Export destination : Dicom
Make test examination

Set-time Set-date Set-config Help Service

Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

SET-TIME allows the time to be set manually to the actual value (6 characters HH:MM:SS)
SET-DATE allows the date to be set manually to the actual value in the indicated format
(8 characters; either YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY)

Switches between DSI (processed) fluoroscopy and bypass (unprocessed)
It is possible to select high line rate (HLR) and standard line rate (SLR) in both
fluoroscopy modes.
When DSI fluoroscopy is selected, fluoroscopy images can be obtained with a
combination of digital processing functions:
- noise reduction with or without movement detection
- contour edge enhancement
- contrast enhancement (default contrast).
When bypass fluoroscopy is selected, no image processing is performed.
SLR or HLR is possible in both modes. Last Image Hold (LIH) is still provided.
When a patient is selected, it is possible to grab fluoroscopic images so that they
are included in the examination.

During serial acquisition, small changes in the generator output and X-ray tube
may occur. In a non-subtracted image series, the effect of these changes is
scarcely visible; but in a subtraction series such changes could lead to
unacceptable variations in brightness. DSI automatically corrects such changes in
real time, if the brightness correction is on.
The default setting is configurable during installation.
Mechanical collimation produces black borders around the image. With video
inversion, these borders show up as white areas, which negatively affect the image
quality. The automatic electronic shutters can be used to avoid this.
After calculating the correct position, the white areas are replaced by electronic,
black shutters on all images in the current run.
The calculated shutter position may be changed, using the MANUAL ELECTRONIC
SHUTTER function F10 (see Chapter 5, Viewing Images). The default setting at

DSI power on is set by Service.



Note The internal shutter algorithm detects the shutter position.

These detected shutter positions are used to put the electronic
shutters in the image. A choice has to be made between
minimal and maximal shuttering. Minimal shuttering may lead
to some white, unshuttered bands beside the image. B E
Maximum shuttering may hide some clinical information
near the edges of the image. A choice of 6 different
shutter positions are service configurable:
A minimal shuttering;
F maximal shuttering and A C F D
B, C, D, E settings in between. (exaggerated sketch)
Enhances contrast details in dark and light regions to fit as well as possible in the
available grayscale.
The default setting at DSI power on is ON.

The language used in screens and messages. The choices are:

English, French (Français), German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español).

Depending on connectivity, images and examinations can be sent via the

network to an external database:
- an EasyVision workstation
- a DICOM network server
Up to 5 export destinations are configured by Service during installation.

Makes a grayscale calibration image to check the consistency of the hardcopy

process. The calibration image should be made after the system has warmed up
and is in a representative state. The calibration image is the standard grayscale
test image with 10242 resolution. No image processing can be applied to this
image. The calibration image can be viewed normally, enabling the user to check
the monitor settings as well. See Chapter 6, Archiving and Retrieving Images.
HELP Displays a survey of the Control and Status screens.

PHILIPS DSI 1995-10-01 13:46:36 System F4

DSI R 4.2.1

F1 = Administration
F2 = Copy
F3 = Transfer
F4 = System
F5 = Physician
F6 = Acquisition default
ESC = Cancel selection or input
if applicable * = Function is not available

Set-time Set-date Set-config Help Service

Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

SERVICE gives access to the system for service purposes and is available only to authorized service

Use of the functions is described in Chapter 7, DSI System Setup Functions.



Physician screen F5

PHILIPS DSI 1995-10-01 13:47:36 Physician F5

Physician name Physician code

A. Nordic ANO
B. Easter BEA
G. Wester GWE
F.G. Hotel FGH
A.W. Golf AWG
H. Ford HFO
I. Johnson IJO
J. Charles JCH

Add Delete Modify

Make choice with ➔ and arrows and press ➥ ENTER

Up to 14 (unique) Physician codes can be entered for use in the examination schedule.
A physician code (max. 3 characters) is an abbreviation of the physician's name (max. 26
characters). The code can be entered on the Administration screen F1 and the full name of the
physician appears on films.
If no matching physician can be found, the physician code entered on the Administration screen
F1 appears on films.

The function line displays the selectable functions, which are:

ADD add a physician's name or code
DELETE delete a physician's name or code
MODIFY change a physician’s name or code
The MODIFY function is upper/lower case sensitive.

Use of the functions is described in Chapter 3, Preparing the System.

The method of updating the screen is described in Chapter 7, DSI System Setup Functions.



Acquisition default screen F6

PHILIPS DSI 1994-11-01 13:48:36 Acquisition default F6

exam type speed resol. polarity gse subtr. sub.contr NR

SWALLW 6/sec 512 invert L off 2.5 NR off
BAMEAL 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. low
COLON 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. low
MYELO 1x 1024 normal L off 2.5 dyn. med
ARTHRO 1x 1024 invert L off 2.5 fix. low
ERCP 1x 1024 normal C off 2.5 dyn. med
NEPHRO 1x 1024 normal C off 2.5 fix. med
SIALO 1x 1024 invert L off 2.5 dyn. med
MCU 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. med
IV DSA 2/sec 512 normal B on 5 dyn. med
Add Delete Modify
Make choice with ➔ and ➥ ENTER

arrows and press

This screen is used to define the examination types and their associated default acquisition
EXAMINATION TYPE : maximum six characters; each combination to be unique
ACQUISITION SPEED: number of images per second: 1 per 2 seconds; 1/second to 8/second
MATRIX RESOLUTION: 5122 or 10242
IMAGE POLARITY: normal / inverse during acquisition
SUBTRACTION: ON / OFF during acquisition
SUBTRACTION CONTRAST VALUE: 1.0 to 16.0 in steps of 0.5

NOISE REDUCTION TYPE: for continuous fluoroscopy: fixed or dynamic;

low, medium or high; or off.

Up to 14 examination types can be defined.

When the entry under EXAM on the Administration screen is exactly the same as the EXAM TYPE
entry on this screen, the associated acquisition parameters are used during acquisition unless
manually overridden by the user. Any parameter not relevant for a configuration, is suppressed in
Any parameter setting will apply only if it is entered before selecting an examination for
acquisition. For EasyVision print, the examination type defines the layout of the film.
The name of the examination type must therefore be known and linked to the EasyVision film

layout. If the entry under EXAM on the Administration screen does not match any of the entries
on this screen, acquisition is carried out with the parameters set as default by service, unless they
are manually overridden by the user.

The function line displays the selectable functions, which are:

ADD adding an examination type
DELETE deleting an examination type
MODIFY changing examination type data.

The use of these functions is described in Chapter 3, Preparing the System.

The method of updating the screen and information about the use of Gray Scale Enhancement
and Fluoro Noise Reduction is given in Chapter 7, DSI System Setup Functions.



2.5 Overview of Image Displays

NAME ZOOM / ABC / C: 2.5



2 of 2 2/sec

11-2 11-2 491

Upper left-hand corner Upper right-hand corner

NAME Name of patient ZOOM Zoom active

flashing Start hardcopy Manual electronic shutters active

3 2 Film usage information Pixel shift active

Center left-hand side
Displayed examination is not current acquisition
flashing Clear with number of images <!> examination
23 to clear (also in center of image)
C:nn.d Subtraction contrast active
Run cycle nn.d value between 1.0 and 16.0 in steps of 0.5

The image on display is being ABC Annotate is active

grabbed from an external video
Ext source or fluoroscopy session
Grabbing executed successfully

Lower left-hand corner Lower right-hand corner

Exposure run for Reconstruction 2/sec Acquisition speed and

flagged 491 remaining acquisition time in seconds
With single-shot and during fluoro filming,
Large format storage capacity is expressed in number of images


Zoomed image

2 2 = Run number
11-2 11 = Number of current image/2 = Number of mask image
4 4 = Number of current image

Ext Grabbed external video image

Fluoroscopy symbol on grabbed fluoroscopy images



Symbols displayed in overview mode

NAME C:2.5

17 18 19 20

21 22 1 2
23 3

MASK 1-2 1-3

3 1 2 3

1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7

4 5 6 1 >

Upper left-hand corner Upper right-hand corner

NAME Name of patient Manual electronic shutters active

> Arrow indicating more images in
exam before current images Pixel shift active

flashing Start hardcopy

Displayed examination is not
<!> current examination

3 2 Film usage information C:nn.d Subtraction contrast active

nn.d value between 1.0 - 16.0 in steps of 0.5
Left middle

flashing Clear with number of images to delete

23 after current images

The image on display is being grabbed

from an external video source.

Image area Lower left-hand corner of each image


Runs are separated with a vertical bar Exposure run for Reconstruction flagged

3 Run number is displayed in upper left Large Format

corner of the first image in each run

2 Image number is displayed in lower Keep

left corner of each image
Each run starts with 1
For a subtracted run, run number Zoom
and then image number: 1-1, 1-2...

18 Number of current image is highlighted > Arrow indicating more images in exam



Symbols displayed on fluoroscopy images (during fluoroscopy)




Upper left-hand corner Upper right-hand corner

NAME Name of patient (during LIH) Fluoroscopy

Last Image Hold

Center left side Prestabilization phase (2.5 seconds)

During fluoroscopy, the image

on display is being grabbed from Injection phase
a fluoroscopy session

Grabbing executed successfully Subtraction phase

Lower right-hand corner when LIH is on display

2/sec Acquisition speed and remaining

491 acquisition time in seconds
With single-shot, storage capacity is
expressed in number of images.
If the bottom number is decreasing,
dynamic fluoro grab is active.

Note If no name appears on the monitor screen, no patient has been selected and no images may be





Do not start up the DIAGNOST 94 unless you and all other operators present have
read, fully understood and know all the safety information and emergency procedures
given in section 1.2, Important Safety Directions of this Operator's Manual. Operation
of the DIAGNOST 94 without having read, understood and knowing ALL the safety
information and procedures in the Safety section could lead to fatal or other serious
personal injury.

This chapter gives instructions on preparing the DIAGNOST 94 for image acquisition.
Procedures for switching the system on and off are explained, as are techniques for warm and cold
restarts. Instructions are given in the use of all the geometry-setting controls. Finally, guidance is
given on the use of both standard and optional patient positioning accessories.
The numbers given in brackets refer to Section 2.2 Controls, Indicators and Accessories.

Before attempting to operate the DIAGNOST 94, you are strongly recommended to read
carefully Chapter 1, Introduction and Safety and Chapter 2, System Description. These chapters give
you a good introduction to the facilities of the DIAGNOST 94 and make it easier for you to
follow the instructions in this and subsequent chapters.
You are further cautioned to stay within the operating procedures and intended uses described in
this Operator's Manual.

DSI Operating Modes

DSI can be used with the DIAGNOST 94 in two ways. Depending on which mode is selected,
the ways of switching on, switching off and restarting the equipment vary. These different ways
are explained below, following a brief explanation of the two modes.

DSI can be used with the main acquisition system. Examination and control room monitors will
then display DSI images and text messages or fluoroscopy bypass images if this facility was
selected from System screen [F4].

DSI can also be used as a stand-alone system for scheduling, viewing and image manipulation.
While other acquisition systems are running, real-time images will be displayed on the
examination room monitors, although the control room monitor remains available for post-

processing DSI images and patient administration.

3.1 Switching On

! Do not use the DIAGNOST 94 for any medical application unless you are certain that
the User Routine Checks Programme has been satisfactorily completed, and that the
Planned Maintenance Programme is up to date. See Chapter 9, Maintaining the
System of this Operator's Manual. If any part of the DIAGNOST 94 is known (or
suspected) to be defective, DO NOT USE IT until a repair has been made. Operation
of the DIAGNOST 94 with defective components may expose the operator or a
patient to radiation or other safety hazards. This, in turn, could lead to fatal or other
serious personal injury. It could also lead to clinical misdiagnosis.


! Do not operate the DIAGNOST 94 with patients unless you have a good
understanding of its capabilities and facilities. Using this equipment without such an
understanding may compromise its effectiveness and/or reduce the safety of the
patient, yourself and others.

Switching on the whole system

(1) Press System on [A].
The DIAGNOST 94 system and DSI system are both switched on.
The system performs a self-test and after about a minute the READY indicator lights.

Switching on the DSI viewing and programming functions only

(1) Press DSI on [C] on the DSI processor cabinet.
Only the control room monitor is dedicated to DSI.
After start-up, the Administration screen F1 is displayed. Other screens can be selected using
the Function keys [F1-F6].

Caution Do not press DSI on [C] again during start-up or it may interfere with the DSI start-up

3.2 Switching Off

! Do not switch off the DSI system before all examinations have been copied or saved,
to avoid loss of images.

(1) Press System off [B] on the generator control panel to switch off the DIAGNOST 94
(2) Press DSI off [D] to switch off the DSI system.
The DSI system must be turned off separately from the DIAGNOST 94 system.

3.3 Restart
Restarting the DIAGNOST 94 system
(1) Press System off [B] to restart the DIAGNOST 94 system.
Wait for 10 seconds.
(2) Press System on [A].

Restarting the DSI system

Warm restart
(1) Pressing DSI on [C] when a malfunction occurs, restarts the DSI system, without losing
examination data or images.
The DSI system should be ready for further operation after 40 seconds.

Caution Do not press DSI on [C] again during start-up or it may interfere with the start-up



Cold restart
Depending on the type of malfunction, the DSI system can execute a restart automatically.
But, if a warm restart does not overcome the error, a cold restart is necessary.
(1) Press DSI off [D].
Wait for 10 seconds.
(2) Press DSI on [C].

! Cold restart of DSI will cause an irreversible loss of image data if such images have not
yet been archived.

3.4 Examination Scheduling

Correcting mistakes
To make corrections in newly entered text, press Escape [278] or one of the Function keys
[F1 - F6] to cancel the input. Select the required screen and start again.

Entering Examination Data

From the RIS database

If the RIS Database option is available, patient and examination data from the Radiology
Information System can be imported directly.
(1) Select the SELECT-RIS function using the left/right cursor keys, and press ENTER.
A list with a maximum of 42 patient examinations is displayed over three screens.
An arrow indicates the presence of more screens. It is possible to display the total list by
scrolling, using the up/down cursor keys.
(2) Select the examination to be inserted using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The selected examination is added to the examination list in the Administration screen F1
with status CURRENT. At the same time, the patient is selected for acquisition and the
patient's name is displayed on all monitors.
(3) Select the Administration screen F1 to add more examinations and repeat steps (1) and (2)
Note The EXAMINATION TYPE description need to be identical in both the RIS database and DSI to make full
use of this function.

From the local database

(1) Use the left/right cursor keys to select the ADD function.

(2) Press Enter to confirm selection.

• Data can now be entered via the keyboard: press ENTER to confirm or skip entries.
• There is no check on entry validity. All entries can be skipped, except for the
name entry which must be entered.
• If a correction needs to be made in text just entered, return to the previous field using
the cursor key and repeat the field input.
(3) Enter the planned start of the examination (4 characters HH:MM) in the TIME field.
Press ENTER. The cursor moves to the NAME field.
(4) Enter the patient’s name (20 characters maximum). This entry is mandatory.
Press ENTER. The cursor moves to the BIRTH DATE field.
(5) Enter the patient’s date of birth (6 characters: YY-MM-DD / MM-DD-YY / DD-MM-YY).
An entry is not required, but only feasible dates are accepted.
Press ENTER. The cursor moves to the SEX field.


(6) Enter the patient’s sex. Make a choice between the international symbols for male and
for female, or a blank using the cursor keys.
Press ENTER. The cursor moves to the REGISTR. NO. field.
(7) Enter the patient’s registration number (12 characters maximum). Press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the EXAM field.
(8) Enter the examination type (see Note below). Press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the PHY field.
(9) Enter the physician code (see Note below). Press ENTER.
When the procedure is finished, the examination status changes to SCHEDULED.
(10) To enter more examinations, repeat steps (1) - (9) above.

Notes At steps (8) and (9) respectively, the Exam/Phy field is highlighted and an exam type/phy code from
the Acquisition default screen F6/Physician screen F5 is displayed. Select the required items on these
screens using the cursor keys. One of the items is a blank line which can be filled in by typing a new
item; confirm the input using ENTER.
New Examination or Physician codes can be entered. See Chapter 7, DSI System Setup Functions.
Deleting an Examination
Examinations can be removed with the DELETE function.
An examination being archived (ARCH BUSY in the status field) cannot be deleted until the process
has been completed.
(1) Press [F1] to display the Administration screen.
(2) Select the DELETE function using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
(3) Highlight the examination to be deleted using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The question DELETE EXAMINATION? YES NO appears and, if the examination has not been
archived the question EXAMINATION NOT ARCHIVED, DELETE? YES NO appears.
(4) To delete the examination, select yes using the left cursor key, and press ENTER.
The highlighted examination is deleted.
Press ENTER to cancel the DELETE function.
(5) To delete more examinations, repeat steps (3) and (4) above.

Modifying Examination Data

Examination data can be modified using the MODIFY function.
An examination being archived (ARCH BUSY in the status field) cannot be modified until the
process has been completed.
(1) Press [F1] to display the Administration screen.
(2) Select the MODIFY function using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
(3) Highlight the examination to be modified using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
(4) Select the data field to be modified using the left/right cursor keys.
(5) Modify the data in the selected field, and press ENTER.
(6) Skip through the remaining data fields by pressing ENTER repeatedly.
(7) To modify more examinations, repeat steps (3) to (6) above.

Caution If an examination had the status ARCHIVED before being modified, the status will remain
ARCHIVED after being modified.



3.5 Positioning the System

This section describes the ways in which the DIAGNOST 94 may be positioned for
examinations. Refer to Section 2.2 Controls, Indicators and Accessories for a description of the
function of the keys illustrated in these operating instructions.
The left side of the drawings show the various control panels from which the movement may be
made. The numbers on the control panels show the direction the joysticks should be moved to
make the corresponding movements on the right side of the drawing.

Some system positioning will be performed without a patient present. More usually, a patient will
be in position when movements are made. Instructions and warning in this section all assume that
a patient is present. Instructions on the use of both standard and optional patient positioning
accessories are found in Section 3.6 Positioning the Patient.

! - Before moving the DIAGNOST 94, make sure that you know and understand all the
safety and emergency procedures in Chapter 1 of this operator's manual. If you do
not know these procedures, you may not be able to stop the system and release the
patient in an emergency, or recover from a collision. This could lead to serious injury
to the patient.
- Before using the DIAGNOST 94, check that all collision detectors, as described
below, are functioning properly.
- Before moving the DIAGNOST 94, check the surrounding area to verify that no part
of the patient's clothing is in contact with any of the equipment's moving parts and
that the stand is free to move; also check that the surrounding area is free of
obstacles for all table movements.

- If the equipment functions abnormally during a patient examination:

(1) Switch off immediately [120], [160], [180], [B].

(2) Remove the patient
(3) Perform the user Routine Checks Programme. See Chapter 9,
Maintaining the System.
(4) If the fault persists, contact service.
(5) Do not use the equipment again until the fault has been rectified.

3.5.1 Collision detectors

The tabletop, image intensifier, compressor, and stand are fitted with collision detectors which
allow movements to be made without risk of injury to the patient. If a collision detector is
activated, a beep is heard and the colliding movement stops. The key or display on the remote
control panel of the related function causing the block flashes, and this key must be used to
remove the block. The location of the collision detectors is given in Section 2.2.14. Table indicators
and collision detectors.


3.5.2 Performing movements with the DIAGNOST 94

Movement Controls on Control Panel Reset

Remote Nearby Tableside Normal Tomo

A Longitudinal/
lateral scanning 101 161 195-198 60 60
B Table tilt 95 169 191; 192 60 ----
C Column angulation 98 170 187; 188 60 60
D SID 103, 104 -- 189; 190 60 60
E Tube rotation 5; 6 or 1;2 manual -- -- -- --
F Collimator control 91, 92, 94 172 183-186 -- --
on collimator: 216
G Compressor control 85; 86, 87 60 60

Emergency Stop 120 160 180


A2 A1

Movements provided by the DIAGNOST 94



Stand Reset
60 Reset stand movements
Pressing [60] resets the stand to its default positions:

In Normal Mode In Tomography Mode [65]

Compressor : parked : parked

SID : 1100 mm : 1100 mm

Scan position : centered : in working area

Beam angulation : 0° : 0°

Table tilt : 0° : not influenced

Table lateral : centered : not influenced

Layer height : 80 mm (serial changer mode) : not influenced

: 58 mm (DSI mode/38 cm II)
: 77 mm (DSI mode/23 cm II)

press 60


A Scanning movements
To activate the scanning movements, move joysticks [101] or [161] or press keys [195-198].
The scanning joystick on the remote control panel [101] and are monitor oriented. For instance,
if the joystick is moved to the left, the monitor image moves left (the table moves towards the
operator). The scanning keys on the tableside control panel [195-198] move the table in relation
to the patient (for instance, left key moves the column to the left). The keys on the nearby control
panel can be configured either monitor-oriented or system-oriented.

1 2
3 1 2
2 1 150 mm max 2 150 mm max
3 4
4 3 4
1 2
3 3 800 mm max 4 800 mm max

4 3 4

B Table tilt

1 2

1a 1b
1 2

1 2 2

! - Do not tilt the table in the Trendelenburg position unless the patient is safely
secured. If the patient is not secured they could fall off the table when it is tilted.
- Secure the barium cup holder before tilting the table downwards, so that it does not
fall off the table.



To tilt the table, move joysticks [95, 169] or press keys [191, 192].
The column and tabletop can be tilted from 90° head up to -30° or -90° (Trendelenburg) head
down, depending on the system configuration.
As the column and tabletop tilt, the carriage moves upwards or downwards automatically to
prevent any part of the stand from colliding with the floor. The tilt movement is blocked if the
column is in or near its outer left or right position, to prevent a possible collision. Move the
column to a safe position to unblock the tilt movement.
Pressing [60] also resets the table tilt.

Note Collision detectors under the table prevent the system from coming into contact with any object on
the floor.

C Column angulation
To angulate the column, move joysticks [98, 170] or press keys [187, 188].
The column can be angulated from 40° to -40°.
As the column angulates, the image intensifier moves to the other direction for parallax
Pressing [60] resets the column angulation.

1 2

1 -40° max 2 +40° max

1 2

1 2


To select a SID of 1100 mm, press key [103, 190].

To select a SID of 1500 mm, press key [104, 189].
Pressing [60] resets the SID to 1100 mm.

Note Exposure is not possible during the SID movement.

1 2

1 1 1100 mm 2 1500 mm


E Tube rotation
The tube housing and collimator can be rotated manually over 360°.
There are stops at 0°, ±45°, ±50° and ±90°.

+90° max -180° max

F Collimator control
The collimator alone can be rotated manually over 90°. There is a stop at 45°.

G Compressor control
The compressor pressure can be adjusted to between 4 and 16 kg.


(1) Press keys [86, 87] to increase or decrease the maximum allowable pressure.
Display [88] shows the maximum pressure setting.
(2) Press key [85] to select the compressor.
The compressor is moved from the parked position into the beam.
(3) Apply more or less pressure using joystick [89].
Display [90] shows the actual pressure being applied.
(4) Press [85] a second time to return the compressor to its parked position.

Note The compressor can be used only if the column is angulated less than 20°.



3.6 Positioning the Patient

Many patient positions are possible with the DIAGNOST 94 system. The way in which a patient
is positioned on the system is a matter of clinical judgment.

Several patient positioning accessories are available. A comprehensive list of accessories which are
supplied as standard and as additional options for the DIAGNOST 94 is given in Section 2.2
Controls, Indicators and Accessories.
All the standard and optional patient positioning accessories are described below, together with
guidelines for their use. These accessories were designed specifically for the DIAGNOST 94 and
must not be used with any other system.

Nothing in these guidelines is intended to override best clinical practice and the individual
judgement of radiographers, radiologists or physicians.

Note Proper hygienic procedures should be used for all accessories. Suitable guidelines are given in
Section 9.3 Cleaning and Disinfection.

! To avoid continually interrupting the flow of instructions, individual warnings and
cautions do not appear below. But, if any check or instruction does not produce the
expected result, do not use that accessory. Using an accessory that does not perform
as predicted in these instructions could lead to serious injury to the patient, operator
or others. It could also lead to serious damage to the DIAGNOST 94.

3.6.1 Using the standard accessories

A footrest is provided to help support the patient during tabletop angulation. It is also used as a
secure mounting point for other accessories, for example, the stool or ankle clamps. It has a
clamping and locking mechanism on both sides to attach it securely to any position on the side
rails of the tabletop securely.


Attaching the footrest

To attach the footrest:

(1) Make sure that the tabletop is horizontal.
(2) Hold the footrest by the handles with both hands.
(3) Slide the footrest along the side rails of the table into position.
(4) Clamp the footrest by moving both handles down, until a 'click' is heard confirming that
the clamps are locked.
(5) Check that the footrest is secure by attempting to slide it along the tabletop in both
directions (but without excessive force).

Do not angulate the tabletop until check (5) has been made.
When the footrest is used to support a patient's feet, make sure that the patient has both feet flat
on the footrest during tabletop angulation.

Removing the footrest



To remove the footrest:

(1) Make sure that the tabletop is horizontal.
(2) Pull both handles up and away from the table.
(3) Hold both handles and slide the footrest backwards and off the side rail of the tabletop.

Left and right handgrips are designed to allow a patient to support him/herself in the required
position with straightened wrists. Used with other patient positioning accessories, these handgrips
are particularly valuable for giving a patient an additional feeling of safety. Handgrips should be
used in pairs. Using only a single handgrip could cause patient discomfort and possible injury.

Patient using a pair of handgrips

Normally, the patient should be on the horizontal tabletop before the handgrips are attached.

To attach each handgrip:

(1) Attach the handgrip to the rail along the side of the tabletop.
(2) Position the handgrip and fold the clamp down to tighten it to the tabletop.
(3) Check that each handgrip is securely attached to the tabletop.
(4) Check that the patient is able to grasp each handgrip securely and comfortably.
Do not angulate the tabletop until checks (4) and (5) have been made.

3.6.2 Using the optional accessories

Shoulder supports
Left and right shoulder supports are designed to help position and restrain the patient during

angulation towards the Trendelenburg position. Shoulder supports must always be fitted on both
the left and right sides of the patient.


Normally, the patient should be lying on the horizontal tabletop before the shoulder supports are
attached to the table. However, if sterile covers are to be used, the shoulder supports should be
attached to the tabletop first and then slid up towards the patient's shoulder. Finally, the sterile
cover should be put on the patient.

To attach the shoulder supports:

(1) Place the both shoulder supports in the required positions and parallel with each other on
the side rails of the tabletop. Always use the shoulder supports in pairs.
(2) Fold the clamps of the shoulder supports out and down onto the side rails of the tabletop.
(3) Loosen the screw on the shoulder support to move the pad towards the patient.
Position the shoulder supports as closely as possible to the patient's shoulders.
(4) When the pad is in position next to the patient's shoulders, tighten the screw hand tight.
(5) Check that each shoulder support is securely attached to the tabletop.
(6) Check that the shoulder support is positioned as close as possible to the patient's shoulder.

Do not angulate the tabletop until checks (5) and (6) have been made.

Shoulder supports positioned with patient



Adjustable positioners
The adjustable positioners come in pairs and should be used in pairs. They are used to keep the
head in a fixed position and should be used with a foam pad when the patient is in a prone

To attach each positioner:

(1) Place a foam pad under the patient's chin, if they are lying in the prone position.
(2) Place the clamps of both positioners in the required position and parallel with each other on
the side rail of the tabletop. Always use the positioners in pairs.
(3) Fold the clamps of the shoulder supports out and down onto the side rail of the tabletop.
(4) Loosen the screw on the positioner to move the pad towards the patient.
Place the positioner as close as possible to the side of the patient's head and out of the region
of interest.

(5) When the pad is in position next to the patient's head, tighten the screw hand tight.
(5) Check that each positioner is securely attached to the tabletop.
(6) Check that the positioner is positioned as close as possible to the patient's head and that it is
out of the region of interest.

Do not angulate the tabletop until checks (5) and (6) have been made.


Ankle clamps
Ankle clamps may be used to help hold the patient in position during tabletop angulation.
They must not be used for any other purpose, such as securing a patient's wrists. Ankle clamps can
only be used with the footrest attached (see Footrest above).

Attaching the ankle clamp assembly to the footrest

To attach the ankle clamp assembly:

(1) Pull back the spring-loaded collar.
(2) Press in the spring-loaded knob.
(3) Fit the pin into the footrest, push home and release the knob.
(4) Check that the mounting is secure by trying to pull it away from the footrest.
The ankle clamp assembly can be rotated to suit a patient lying in either a prone or a supine

Attaching the ankle clamps to a patient

To attach the ankle clamps to the patient:

(1) Place the patient on the horizontal tabletop.
(2) Fasten the ankle clamp buckles securely, but avoid rubbing caused by over-tightening.



(3) Check that the ankle clamp assembly is securely attached to the footrest and that it cannot
be pulled away from the footrest.
(4) Check that the footrest is properly secured to the tabletop and that it cannot be moved in
any direction.
(5) Make other adjustments to the patient's position as necessary.

Do not angulate the tabletop until checks (3) and (4) have been made.

Patient with ankle clamps lying in prone position

To remove the ankle clamps:

(1) Make sure that the tabletop is horizontal.
(2) Undo the ankle clamp straps carefully.
(3) Remove the patient from the tabletop.
(4) Pull back the spring-loaded collar.
(5) Press in the spring-loaded knob and gently withdraw the ankle clamp assembly from the


Compression ratchet set

A compression ratchet set may be used to apply moderate compression to the patient on the
tabletop, to improve visualization of internal organs. Sometimes a balloon is placed between the
compression band and the patient, for example, during intravenous pyelography (IVP).

Attaching the compression ratchet set

Notes - The patient must be lying on the tabletop before the compression ratchet is attached.
- It may only be used with the tabletop horizontal, and never during angulation.
- Only the Philips-supplied compression band should be used.

To attach the compression ratchet set:

(1) Position the patient on the tabletop.
(2) Open the clamps on both sides of the compression ratchet set.
(3) Fit the free side of the set over the side rail of the stand side of the tabletop and pull the
clamp down towards the patient to tighten.
(4) Guide the compression band over the patient.
(5) Fit the ratchet side of the ratchet over the side rail of the 'operator' side of the tabletop and
pull the clamp down towards the patient to tighten.
(6) Use the knob on the ratchet to take up the slack in the compression band.
(7) Place a hand between the patient and the compression band (or the balloon and the
compression band) both to judge the compression force and avoid friction.
(8) Tighten the ratchet to achieve the required compression force on the patient.
(9) Check that both clamps and the compression band are secure.



To release the compression band:

(1) Place a hand over the compression band and apply light pressure.
(2) Press the silver button on the ratchet set to release the ratchet.

Releasing the ratchet set

Lateral cassette holder

The lateral cassette holder can be attached to either of the tabletop on the side rails. The holder is
spring-loaded for different film formats. When using the lateral cassette holder, be careful to keep
fingers out of the cassette spring range.

Lateral cassette holders positioned on both sides of the tabletop

To attach the lateral cassette holder:


(1) Provide a foam cushion to support the patient as needed.

(2) Place the clamps of the lateral cassette holder in the required position on the side rail of the
(3) Fold the clamp of the lateral cassette holder out and down onto the side rail of the tabletop.
(4) Loosen the adjustment screws on the cassette holder as necessary to move the lateral cassette
holder into position.
(5) When the pad is in position, tighten the screws hand tight.
(6) Check that the lateral cassette holder is securely attached to the tabletop.


Patient positioned next to lateral cassette holder

Rotatable stool for footrest

A rotatable stool may be attached to the footrest.

Attaching the rotatable stool

To attach the stool:

(1) Attach the footrest to the footend of the tabletop. (See Footrest above.)
(2) Position the tabletop vertically.
(3) Align the metal pin on the bottom of the stool with the hole on the footrest.
(4) Place the stool in the hole securely.
(5) Check that the stool is securely positioned.
(6) Position the patient for the examination.

! Do not angulate the table when the stool is attached.
The stool may only be attached to the footrest when the table is vertical.



Patient positioned on the rotatable stool.

Catheterization arm support

This accessory may be used to support an arm outside the area of the tabletop during

Adjusting catheterization arm support Catheterization arm support used with patient

Use of a cushion between the patient's arm and the support is recommended to avoid unnecessary
pressure. The end of the support should be located as close to the patient's shoulder as possible.

Hygiene can be improved by covering the arm support with a cover.

To attach the catheterization arm support:

(1) Position the patient on the tabletop.
(2) Place the clamps of the arm support in the required position on the side rail of the tabletop.
(3) Fold the clamp of the arm support out and down onto the side rail of the tabletop.
(4) Turn the arm support up and out to the required position and adjust the clamp under the
arm support to secure it into position.
(5) Check that the arm support is securely fastened before placing the patient's arm.
(6) Place the patient's arm gently on the arm support. Make sure the arm is positioned
comfortably to avoid unnecessary strain on the patient's arm.


Leg supports

Patient positioned with leg supports

To attach the leg supports:

(1) Place the handgrips of both leg supports in the required position and parallel with each
other on the side rails of the tabletop. The cups of the leg supports should be placed with
the widest lip nearest to the patient. Always use the leg supports in pairs.
(2) Fold the clamps of the leg supports out and down onto the side rails of the tabletop.
(3) Check that each leg support is securely attached to the tabletop.
(4) Place the patient on the tabletop.
(5) Loosen the screw on the arm of the leg support to move it into position with the patient.
Make sure to support the patient while making adjustments.
(6) When the leg support is in position, tighten the screw hand tight.

Peripheral wedge filter set

A set of peripheral wedge filters is available to improve image quality during certain examinations,
such as a Bolus Chase. They also help to improve patient positioning and comfort. Each set
comprises three filters: central, left and right. Markers are placed along the center line of the
central filter for measurement during digital spot imaging (DSI). Each marker has a diameter of 5
mm (approximately 0.2 inches) and the markers are spaced at intervals of 50 mm (approximately
2 inches).

Peripheral wedge filters are flexible, but should be stored on a flat surface when not in use.
These filters are not designed to be sterilized, but can be treated with normal cleaning and
disinfecting materials.

Correctly placed peripheral wedge filters



To use the peripheral wedge filters:

(1) Make sure that the patient is in the required position on the tabletop.
(2) Place the central filter between the patient's legs, with the flat surface on the tabletop and
the narrow end towards the patient's body.
(3) Move the narrow end of the central filter as far as possible into the patient's groin without
causing injury or discomfort.
(4) Attach the remaining filters snugly to the outside of the patient's legs, flexing the filters
gently if necessary.
(5) Make sure that the filters are fitted around the patient's knees and ankles correctly, to
prevent reduced image quality from excess radiation exposure.

Incorrectly placed peripheral wedge filters.

Overhead handgrip bar

A pair of handgrips attached to a bar are used when the patient is required to have his or her arms
above the head.

Note The overhead handgrip bar will usually be used in combination with a footrest.

Overhead handgrip bar with patient on the tabletop

To attach the handgrip bar:

(1) Open the handgrips on either side of the bar.
(2) Clamp the bar onto the side rails of the tabletop in the desired position.
(3) After positioning the bar, fold both clamps down and in towards the patient.
(4) Check that the handgrip bar is attached to the tabletop securely.
(6) Check that the patient is able to grasp the handgrip bar securely and comfortably.
(7) Make additional adjustments to the patient's position as necessary.

Do not angulate the tabletop until checks (5) and (6) have been made.


3.6.3 Using the paediatric accessories

Paediatric accessory footrest

A special footrest with three holes for attaching paediatric accessories is provided.
The paediatric accessory footrest is attached in the same way as the footrest accessory.
See description of Footrest above.

All of the paediatric accessories are attached to the footrest in the same manner. The metal pin
extending down from the bottom of the accessory is fitted into one of the three holes, depending
on the size of the patient, and pushed down until it locks into place. A check should be made that
the accessory is securely fastened in the hole, by attempting to turn the accessory, before
proceeding with a patient.

Locking mechanism of paediatric accessory footrest

Child seat
The child seat can only be used with the paediatric footrest.

Attaching the the child seat:

(1) Attach the paediatric footrest to the footend of the tabletop and rotate the tabletop to 90°
fully vertical. See description of paediatric footrest above.
(2) Fit the metal pin on the bottom of the accessory into one of the two rear holes on the
(3) Pull back the metal lever at the back of the accessory and place the plastic seat over the metal
pins on the top.
(4) Release the metal pin to secure the plastic seat in place.
(5) Slide the plastic foot support into one of the four grooves provided at the bottom of the



(6) Check that the accessory is securely locked into place on the footrest.
(7) Check that the plastic seat is securely fastened into place.
(8) Check that the footrest is securely fastened into place.
(9) Position the patient on the child seat and adjust the footrest as necessary.

Do not place the patient in position until checks 6-8 have beeen made.

Notes - Move the patient back as close to the tabletop as possible, for the best image quality.
- Do not use the outermost of the three locking positions on the paediatric footrest when using the
child seat.

Correct position of the child seat on the paediatric footrest

Baby support
A wall mounting frame can be ordered for storing the baby support.
Contact a Philips representative for more information.

Attaching the the baby support:

(1) Attach the paediatric footrest to the footend of the tabletop and rotate the tabletop to 90°
fully vertical. See description of paediatric footrest above.
(2) Fit the metal pin on the bottom of the accessory into rear most locking hole on the footrest.
Use the red lever on the accessory to lock it into place.
(3) Use the wheel on the bottom left of the accessory to rotate the central part of the support.
(4) If necessary, use the rear locking pin to remove the central part of the support.
(5) Use one of the top straps to secure the patient's head.

(6) Use the two lower straps to secure the patient's wrists.
The straps can be adjusted for up to four different diameters.
Use only the straps provided on the accessory for securing the patient.

Notes Always secure the baby support in the rear most locking position on the paediatric footrest.


Child harness
Attaching the the baby support:
(1) Attach the paediatric footrest to the footend of the tabletop and rotate the tabletop to 90°
fully vertical. See description of paediatric footrest above.
(2) Fit the metal pin on the bottom of the accessory into center locking hole on the footrest.
Use the red lever on the accessory to lock it into place.
(3) Pull the while lever on the bottom of the accessory forward to rotate and lock the accessory
in place. Grasp the harness by its handholds to rotate it.
(4) There is an adjustable handbar provided on the top of the harness.
Pull the metal pin down to adjust the position of the handbar.
(5) Check that the accessory is securely locked into position on the footrest.
(6) Place the patient into the harness and secure the patient with the velcro straps provided.

Do not place the patient in position until check 5 has beeen made.

Caution The child harness should not be used with patients whose height is greater than the
height of the frame.

Child harness positioned correctly on the paediatric footrest




This section describes how to acquire images using the DIAGNOST 94 system.
Image acquisition is described in the following order:
4.1 Standard Image Acquisition Procedure
4.2 Tomography Procedure
4.3 Bolus Chase Procedure
4.4 Performing Fluoroscopy
4.5 Acquiring Images in Free Cassette Imaging Mode
4.6 Acquiring Images in Wall Bucky Imaging Mode
4.7 Acquiring Images in Serial Changer or Automatic Bucky Imaging Mode
4.8 Acquiring Digital Images

It is vital that the operator understands Chapter 2 System Description, and has performed all
actions described in Chapter 3 Preparing the System relating to acquisition, before carrying out any
procedures described in this chapter.
To prevent interruption in the flow of the instructions, where possible, all warnings and cautions
are placed at the beginning of the applicable section.

! Do not attempt to use the DIAGNOST 94 unless you know and understand all the
safety and emergency procedures in Chapter 1 of this Operator’s Manual. If you do
not know these procedures, you may not be able to stop the system and release the
patient in an emergency, or recover from a collision. This could lead to serious injury
to the patient.
- When examining a patient who is sitting or lying on his left side with raised knees,
be very careful while scanning, angulating or during tomography, since the
compressor may collide with the patient’s knees.
- Be careful angulating when using accessories on the compressor side of the table.
- Be careful not to let covers (drapes) hang over the edge of the tabletop since they
may activate the collision detectors and cause all movements to stop.

4.1 Standard Image Acquisition Procedure

A standard image acquisition procedure can be described in a number of steps:
(step 1) Switch the System on [A]. See Section 3.1.

(step 2) Select Imaging Mode with keys [1 - 6]. See Section 4.1.1.
(step 3) Select Imaging Technique:
• for fluoroscopically programmed radiography (FPR), keys [11-18]
• for anatomically programmed radiography (APR), keys [19-33]
• for tomography, key [65]
• for bolus chase, key [34]
See Section 4.1.2.
(step 4) If necessary, adjust exposure parameters for serial changer or other default settings.
See Section 4.1.3.
After steps (1) to (4) have been completed, the system is ready to perform the chosen technique.
(step 5) Position the patient on the table.
(step 6) Position the stand using the controls on the tableside, remote or nearby control panel.
(step 7) Initiate exposure with footswitch [53] or handswitch [52].
The following sections begin after switching the system on (Step 1).



4.1.1 Imaging mode (step 2)

Select one of the four possible imaging modes: Free Cassette, Wall Bucky, Serial Changer or DSI.

Free cassette
This mode is selected if applications are performed with a film cassette placed on the tabletop.
It can also be used for patients confined to their bed.

Wall bucky
This mode is selected if images are to be obtained with a wall bucky unit.

Serial changer
This mode is selected to acquire images on cassette film using the fully automatic serial changer or
the automatic bucky. The serial changer permits a wide range of different film subdivisions and
cassette sizes, so that several images can be acquired on one film.

This mode is selected to acquire 10-bit deep digital images. These images are stored in the
memory of the DSI subsystem. They can be reviewed, archived and printed.

4.1.2 Imaging technique (step 3)

Select one of the four possible imaging techniques: FPR, APR, Tomography and Bolus Chase.

Fluoroscopy programmed radiography (FPR)

The FPR technique is available for systems with Super CP generators for DSI and Serial Changer
imaging modes.
With FPR, the acquisition procedure provides optimal exposure parameters for each exposure
FPR adjusts exposure kV to a value based on the kV value last used for fluoroscopy.

Various FPR curves are provided, expressing the relationship between exposure kV and
fluoroscopy kV. The curves match the focal spot and contrast medium used. The settings are: no
contrast medium, barium and iodine contrast media. A curve expressing a linear relationship
between exposure and fluoroscopy kV values is provided as well.
When FPR has been selected and before fluoroscopy has taken place, the generator will display an
initial kV value for exposure. After about 2 seconds of fluoroscopy the correct value of kV for
exposure will have been calculated, following which the fluoroscopy kV will be measured at 1
second intervals and the radiography kV will be determined from the curve assigned to the chosen
FPR program.
If the kV value so determined deviates by more than 3 kV from the current value, a new value is
calculated and displayed.

If fluoroscopy is terminated the last-determined set of data is preserved.

Patient thickness compensation [38, 39] can be used but only the density correction is calculated
because the special purpose of FPR is to correct the kV value.



Anatomically programmed radiography (APR)

This technique provides preprogrammed fixed exposure parameters (e.g., fixed kV values) for
various anatomical regions and organs. The preset parameter values can be selected with the APR
keys [19-26]. For each selected APR, a kV range can be selected with keys [27-33]. When an
auxiliary has been selected, all the APR keys applicable to this auxiliary light for about 3 seconds.
Pressing one of these keys selects and displays the preset parameter values automatically. These
values can be changed by pressing one or more of the parameter control keys, in which case the
APR function is overridden. OR (override) is displayed in [42] and the light in the selected APR
key goes out. To cancel the override, press the appropriate APR key again.

Tomography density control (TDC)

The tomography technique may be supplemented by the optional tomography density control
which automatically regulates the tube current during tomography to ensure a correct and
constant level of image contrast. The final value of the current is used as the initial current for the
next exposure. The default exposure values are displayed.
Patient thickness compensation can be applied [38, 39].
If the correct image density cannot be attained or if the mAs product is greater than the maximum
allowed, automatic exposure control is switched off and the image may be underexposed.
No action is possible until RESET STAND [60] and GENERATOR RESET [40] have been pressed.

Bolus Chase (option)

The Bolus Chase technique is a dynamic screening method for lower peripheral angiography.
An overview of the peripheral arteries is obtained with only one contrast injection.
The contrast bolus is followed on its way through the arteries in a smooth continuous movement.
The movement is the motorized longitudinal X-ray beam scanning.
The speed of the movement is controlled interactively with a hand-held speed controller, based on
the acquired images which are simultaneously visible on a monitor.
In Bolus Chasing the exposure control [34] is highly automated by using phototiming and a kV
reduction technique (depending on generator type). This technique automatically adapts the kV
value to the object thickness.

4.1.3 Changing predefined parameters (step 4)


Exposure parameter selection for serial changer, automatic bucky or DSI

Notes - When DSI is used, only the middle measuring field can be chosen.
- When the side measuring fields are covered by the collimator they cannot be chosen and are
switched to the middle field automatically.
Side fields are selected again when the collimator is opened.

kV Operation
(1) Select a measuring field or a combination of measuring fields [46, 47, 48].
This switches on automatic exposure control. The film/screen selection keys [49, 50 or 51]
activated during the previous exposure will light. If required, make another selection.
(2) Select kV operation [7].
(3) Select the focal spot [9, 10].
(4) Set the kV value [35].



(5) Apply patient thickness compensation [38, 39] if required.

(6) Activate exposure after the READY indicator [42] has lit.

kV/mA Operation (only Super CP generator)

(1) Select a measuring field [46, 47, 48].
(2) Select kV/mA operation [7].
(3) Select the focal spot [9, 10].
(4) Set kV and mA values. [35, 36].
(5) Apply patient thickness compensation [38, 39] if required.
(6) Activate exposure after the READY indicator [42] has lit.

kV/mAs Operation
(1) Select kV/mAs operation [7].
(2) Select the focal spot [9, 10].
(3) Set the kV value [35].
(4) Set the mAs value [36].
(5) Apply patient thickness compensation [38, 39] if required.
(6) Activate exposure after the READY indicator [42] has lit.

kV/mA/ms Operation
(1) Select kV/mA/ms operation [8].
(2) Select the focal spot [9, 10].
(3) Set the kV value [35]
(4) Set the mA value [36].
(5) Set the ms value [37].
(6) Apply patient thickness compensation [38, 39] if required.
(7) Activate exposure after the READY indicator [42] has lit.

Other predefined parameters

After completing steps 2 to 4, the operator can position the patient and acquire images.
If FPR or APR has been selected, no further parameters need to be set during the examination.
Otherwise, acquisition parameters such as the frame rate of digital exposures, the size of the digital
acquisition matrix, cassette subdivisions, tomography angle and speed and film screen
combinations may be changed before starting the acquisition.
Specific fluoroscopy and exposure modes and parameters may also be selected.

4.2 Tomography Procedure

(1) Switch the system on [A].
(2) Select DSI [4] or Serial Changer [2 or 3].
(3) Position the patient on the table.
(4) Prepare the system.
(5) Press [65] to select tomography.
(6) Keep key [60] depressed until a solid green light appears in key [65] and the system is in
position for tomography. The system performs the following steps automatically:



Compressor parked
SID 1100 mm
Scan position in working area
Beam angulation 0°
Layer height 80 mm (serial changer mode)
58 mm (DSI mode/38 cm II)
77 mm (DSI mode/23 cm II)

After the above movements are performed, the key remains lit and the system is ready for

Select acquisition settings

The anatomical part that is being examined determines the settings that should be chosen.
(7) For DSI, select the various DSI parameters (1024 matrix, single shot, etc.)
(8) Select layer height using keys [67, 68]. The layer height is displayed in [69].

Note For DSI, because of the curved shape of the entrance plane of the image intensifier, the layer is not
flat and shows some curvature.
(9) Select preferred tomography program (angle and speed) using keys [61, 62].

Tomography sweep angle Low speed High speed

8O 0.6 s 0.3 s
20O 1.5 s 0.75 s
40O 3.0 s 1.5 s

The table below lists examples of DSI tomography exposure parameters:

DSI Tomography Exposure Parameters

Anatomy Angle kV mA sec focus cm II

lung ap 40 60 6.6 2 small 25

lung ap 40 60 6.6 4 small 17
wrist 40 45 13.2 2 small 17
ankle 40 50 12 4 small 17
hip 40 60 6.6 4 small 17

kidneys 40 60 20 4 small 25
lumbar sp. lat 40 70 70 4 small 25
lumbar sp. ap 40 60 33 4 small 25
IVC 20 70 33 1 small 25
skull 40 60 27 4 small 25
dorsal spine lat 40 55 16 4 small 25

Notes - DSI image quality is influenced dramatically by direct radiation on the image intensifier.
Therefore, pay extra attention to collimation. Select optimal image intensifier format.
- Exposure parameters depend on the image intensifier format and therefore need to be adjusted
when changing formats.

(10) Select the applicable generator settings.

The exposure parameters can be set manually or automatically-using TDC.
(11) For Serial Changer, insert film cassette and choose film subdivisions.



(12) Show the patient the test sweep.

(13) Check that all settings are correct.
(14) Adapt, if necessary, generator settings.
(15) Perform the actual tomography series.
When preparation is commanded, the column goes to an initial position.
After pressing the exposure command, the actual tomography sweep begins.
Make sure that the footswitch is fully pressed when the tube arm starts its swing.
When the tomography time has expired, exposure is stopped automatically.
Keep the preparation button [45] depressed until the column has returned to the center position.

Interruption during tomography sweep

It is possible to interrupt a tomography examination to make an exposure without movement by
pressing the tomography interrupt key [66]. The selected tomography settings remain unchanged.

4.3 Bolus Chase Procedure

This section describes the way in which the patient should be prepared for a bolus chase
examination and the way in which the filter accessory set should be positioned for the best result.
(See also Section 2.2.15 Patient Positioning Accessories.)

! Make sure that the filters are placed correctly. Incorrectly placed filters cause poor
quality images and may make it necessary to repeat the examination, thus exposing
the patient to additional radiation.

(1) Position the patient on the table, lying on his back, with his feet facing towards the footend
of the table (right side of the DIAGNOST 94).
Make sure that the longitudinal movement range of the tabletop/stand is sufficient to cover
the entire area from the abdomen to the feet.
(2) Prepare the patient for disinfection and catheterization.
(3) Place the straps under the patient for use in positioning the filters.
(4) Position the central leg filter. Place the filter between the patient's legs with the flat surface
on the tabletop and the narrow end towards the patient's body. Move the narrow end of the
central filter as far as possible into the patient's groin without causing injury or discomfort,
and parallel to the longitudinal table axis.
(5) Position the lateral filters (outside filters). Make sure the filters are shifted far enough under
the legs. The edge of the filter should be near the projection of the bone.
(6) Secure adjustable straps around the legs, above the knees, and around the ankles to hold the
legs in place.
(7) Cover the patient with sterile sheets and finish the rest of preparation.

Correctly placed peripheral wedge filters Incorrectly place peripheral wedge filters



This section describes how to acquire images using the bolus chase technique.
Basically, the bolus chasing technique provides non-subtracted images. However, additional
subtracted images can be obtained at the beginning and end of the run as described in steps (9,10).

(1) Select DSI on the generator control panel.

(2) Select the APR for Bolus Chasing [34] to set all relevant parameters. With the Bolus Chase
procedure, the initial kV exposure is derived from the kV value used for fluoroscopy.
Using kV reduction, the generator adapts the kV to the anatomical density automatically.
(3) Set the DSI parameters. For example:
Matrix resolution [318]: 5122 or 10242
Subtraction on/off [316]: off
Image polarity on/off [317]: off
Acquisition speed [320]: 2 or 3 images/second
(4) Position an appropriate catheter just above the bifuraction, but below the renal arteries.
(5) Prepare the contrast medium injection. There must be a correct time delay between
injection and first exposure. The contrast bolus should be of sufficient length and
concentration to follow. For example:
Concentration: 360 mg/ml Iodine
Volume: 60-80 ml
Flow: 8-12 ml/second
The above parameters result in an injection duration of 5-10 seconds.
Note The injection is not coupled to the system and must be operated independently from the exposure

(6) Use one of the scanning movement joysticks [101, 161] to bring the X-ray beam over the
bifurcation of the legs.
(7) If possible, perform a test scan movement under fluoroscopy to check the filter position and
the line-up of the patient's legs related to the longitudinal scan movement. The forward scan
movement can be operated using the speed controller [55]. The backward movement can be
made using the left longitudinal scanning movement control [101, 161].
Note Make sure that no highlights are visible in the fluoroscopy image; they will deteriorate the quality of
your exposures.

(8) Before starting the bolus chase, bring the X-ray beam, under fluoroscopy, precisely over the
start position.

(9) If no mask image is desired, start the injection and exposure at the same time.
Exposures can be made when the READY indicator [42] is lit, using the handswitch [52] or
footswitch [53].
If a mask image is desired, start the exposures using the handswitch [52] or footswitch [53].
Start the injection after the first image is displayed on the examination monitor. This first
image (without contrast) will serve as a mask image later. Watch the contrast flowing into
the vessels. Wait until the contrast reaches the bottom half of the screen, and then begin the
movement of the table/stand using the speed control handswitch [55].
Note Adapt the movement speed to the flow in the vessels, trying to keep it steady and without extreme
variations. Try to be slightly ahead of the peak of the contrast bolus.

(10) Stop the movement at the most distal position at which images are required. Keep on
making exposures (preferably at a low frame speed) until all the contrast has disappeared.
If desired, the last image can also serve as a mask for subtracted images.
(11) Stop exposure.



4.4 Performing Fluoroscopy

! In case of an emergency, press emergency stop [120, 160, 180] to switch off power to
the DIAGNOST 94 system, stopping all movements and radiation.
This switches off the acquisition system only; not the DSI system.
If the power to the DSI cabinet is also switched off, all images are lost.

To perform fluoroscopy:
(1) Switch the system on [A].
(2) Select either DSI [3 or 4] or Serial Changer [2 or 3].
Fluoroscopy is not possible with the Wall Bucky or Free Cassette.
For DSI, fluoroscopy images are not stored in the DSI memory.
(3) Position the patient on the table.
(4) If the READY indicator [42] is lit, fluoroscopy can be initiated with footswitch [54].
During fluoroscopy the kV and mA values and cumulative time are displayed in [43].
Press [40] to reset. After 5 minutes of fluoroscopy the buzzer on the control room operating
panel will sound. Press [41] to reset buzzer.

DSI fluoroscopy functions

Fluoroscopy images are not stored in the DSI memory; only the image on display can be grabbed.
If the system is equipped with DSI, the fluoroscopy functions described below are available:

Last image hold

After fluoroscopy is terminated by releasing the switch, the last image of a fluoroscopy
run remains on display (LIH) for the preset hold time or until the display is used for
another function.
The LIH image is identified by a marker to distinguish it from live fluoroscopy.

During LIH the following is displayed:

• In the upper lefthand corner, the patient name, if a patient has been selected.
• In the lower righthand corner, the free DSI storage capacity and selected frame speed.
The capacity is given in seconds, related to the selected frame speed.
Note No LIH image is stored if no patient is selected.

Grab image
To activate, press GRAB IMAGE [298, 322, g] during fluoroscopy or LIH display.

During fluoroscopy:
This function adds one fluoroscopy image (FLUORO GRAB) or a whole run of fluoroscopy
images (DYNAMIC FLUORO GRAB) to the image file of the current examination.
• A single image is grabbed during fluoroscopy if the key is pressed less than 0.5 s.
A single audible signal is given and the GRAB symbol is displayed briefly on the image.
• A fluoroscopy run is grabbed during fluoroscopy if the key is pressed longer than 0.5 s.
A double audible signal is given and the GRAB symbol is displayed as long as DYNAMIC FLUORO
GRAB is active.

As long as key [298, 322] is pressed, fluoroscopy images are stored in the image file of the
current examination.
- Continuous fluoroscopy: every other image is stored



After a grabbed image is successfully stored, the GRAB icon is inverted and an audible signal is given.
If no storage space is available, no image is stored.
Notes - If no patient is selected, no live fluoroscopy or LIH image is stored.
- FLUORO GRAB images look different from live fluoroscopy and Last Image Hold images.
Sometimes postprocessing, like contrast and brightness, should be used to obtain satisfactory images.
- During bypass fluoroscopy, only single image grab is available.
- DYNAMIC FLUORO GRAB is not possible with trace-subtract.

Trace subtract
DSI-Interventional makes it possible to perform Trace-Subtract examinations.
(1) Press TRACE SUBTRACT [324, k].
The monitors are cleared and the PRESTABILIZATION PHASE symbol is displayed.
(2) Initiate fluoroscopy using the footswitch [54].
The PRESTABILIZATION PHASE symbol remains displayed for 2.5 seconds until
fluoroscopy is stabilized, followed by the INJECT PHASE symbol.
(3) Start the contrast medium injection.
The system builds a trace image (maximum opacification) in which the lowest
value of each pixel is stored. In this way an image of the complete blood-vessel
tree is built-up and displayed.
(4) Stop fluoroscopy; the LIH symbol is displayed.
(5) Start fluoroscopy again to start the subtraction phase.
The vessel tree is displayed white on a gray background, with the SUB PHASE
(6) Each time fluoroscopy is initiated, the images are subtracted from the Trace Mask
Image, so that the catheter is displayed black over a white vessel tree (or inverted).
The SUB PHASE symbol remains visible.
(7) To deactivate the function, press [324, k] again or activate another function.
Notes -The GRAB function can be used during TRACE SUBTRACT. All grabbed TRACE SUBTRACT images belonging to
one mask are stored in one subtracted run with the mask.
-Dynamic fluoro grab is not possible with trace subtract.



Grab external video images

To acquire an image from an external video source:
(1) Press EXTERNAL VIDEO [323, m] to switch the image on the reference monitor to
an external video source. The key lights when external video is selected.
The reference monitor displays an image from the external video source.
(2) Press GRAB EXTERNAL VIDEO [291, l] to store an external video image in the
current examination.
The GRAB EXTERNAL VIDEO icon is displayed on the examination monitor.
A beep is heard and the GRAB EXTERNAL VIDEO symbol is displayed inverted on the
Ext examination monitor. The grabbed image is stored as a single image run and
labelled as an external video image in the examination.
It is not possible to grab external images when live fluoroscopy is performed on
the examination monitor.
Images can be displayed, processed and archived after grabbing.
(3) Press EXTERNAL VIDEO [323, m] a second time to deactivate external video.
The key is not lit.
! If the displayed external video images are grabbed, they are stored in the
<! > examination selected for acquisition on the administration screen, which may
be different from the examination displayed on the examination monitor.
If this situation exists, a warning marker appears on the monitor.

4.5 Acquiring Images in Free Cassette Imaging Mode

(1) Switch the system on [A].

(2) Select Free Cassette [5 or 1].
(3) Select APR 3-button imaging technique.
(4) Adjust exposure parameters.
(5) Position free cassette.
(6) Check that all settings are correct.
(7) Adapt, if necessary, generator settings.
(8) Perform the actual image acquisition.

4.6 Acquiring Images in Wall Bucky Imaging Mode

(1) Switch the system on [A].

(2) Select Wall Bucky [6 or 2].
(3) Select imaging technique.
(4) Adjust exposure parameters.
(5) Insert cassette into Wall Bucky.
(6) Collimate the X-ray beam to the region of interest.
(7) Set the stand in relation to the Wall Bucky.
(8) Position the patient.
(9) Check that all settings are correct.
(10) Adapt, if necessary, generator settings.
(11) Perform the actual image acquisition.



4.7 Acquiring Images in Serial Changer or Automatic Bucky Imaging Mode

To acquire images using the Serial Changer, the film cassette has to be inserted and the Serial
Changer imaging mode must be selected.
For an overview of cassette sizes and possible subdivisions, see Section 2.2.2 Remote control panel.
There are four ways of operating the DIAGNOST 94 using the Serial Changer, keys [7, 8, 46-48]:
• kV Operation
• kV/mA Operation (only Super CP generators)
• kV/mAs Operation
• kV/mA/ms Operation

If the steps described in sections 4.1 to 4.5 have been performed and the READY indicator [42] is
lit, exposures can be made with the footswitch [53] or handswitch [52].
After a film has been exposed the cassette will be automatically ejected from the serial changer or
placed in the park position (service setting during installation).
Radiography will be blocked until the cassette has been completely removed.

4.8 Acquiring Digital Images

Emergency patient handling

(1) Switch the system on [A].
(2) Select DSI [3 or 4].
The system displays the Administration screen F1.
(3) Select [F1] ADD and enter at least 1 character (not a space) in the NAME field, if no patient
has been scheduled yet.
(4) Press ENTER.
(5) Press SELECT to continue with the examination.

Standard procedure
(1) Switch the system on [A].
(2) Select DSI [3 or 4].
The system displays the Administration screen F1.
(3) Highlight SELECT, using the left/right cursor keys, and press ENTER.
(4) Select the desired examination, using the up/down cursor keys, and press ENTER.

The examination status changes to CURRENT and the DSI monitors display the patient’s
name in large characters.
• If the examination type scheduled for this patient has been programmed on the
acquisition default screen F6, the related settings are automatically selected for this
acquisition. The corresponding keys at the acquisition module light. If the examination
type has not been programmed, the default system parameters are selected.
• Acquisition stops when the memory is full. Therefore, check if the remaining image
capacity allows a sufficient number of images to be stored, or check the run time in
display [311] and on the examination monitor in the lower right-hand corner.
• If necessary, archive and then delete images of previous examinations to increase
memory space.



(5) If required, change the DSI settings for the current examination:
• Acquisition speed [319-321]. The selected acquisition speed is displayed in [311].
During acquisition, the acquisition speed can also be changed using keys [296, 297] on
the viewing module and keys [c, d] on the viewpad.
• Matrix resolution [318]. The key lights if 10242 resolution has been chosen.
Using standard resolution (5122), the storage capacity is higher.
• Subtraction display during acquisition [316]. Key lights if subtraction is activated.
• Image polarity inversion during acquisition [317]. Key lights if polarity inversion is on.
(6) Set the parameters of the acquisition system (See Section 2.2.1 Generator control panel).
Note The actual number of exposures per second is equal to the selected number of exposures per
second, based on a fixed exposure time. If the actual exposure time is longer than the default, the
frame rate will be lowered accordingly. No feedback is given to the operator.

(7) Position the patient on the table.

(8) Position the stand.

Image Acquisition
(9) Initiate exposure with the appropriate handswitch [52] or footswitch [53].

! In case of an emergency, press emergency stop [120, 160, 180] to switch off power to
the DIAGNOST 94 system, stopping all movements and radiation
This switches off the acquisition system only; not the DSI system.
If the power to the DSI cabinet is also switched off [D], all images are lost.

Acquired images
Acquired images are displayed immediately. A single-shot image or the last image of a run remains
displayed for the preset hold time or until a new exposure or fluoroscopy is initiated. Images
acquired after that are added to the examination file of the current patient with a run number and
image number. The acquired images can be viewed at any time, except during exposure and
acquisition; the viewpad can be used to view images easily.
Important viewpad functions during the acquisition process are:
• OVERVIEW [e], to have a quick overview of the current examination,
• PREVIOUS/NEXT IMAGE [c, d], to step through the images

• RUN CYCLE [h], to review images dynamically,

• PARK IMAGE [l], to obtain a reference image on the reference monitor.



After acquisition
• Another patient can be selected for examination.
Press [F1] to display the Administration screen.
Continue from step (3) above.
• Viewing procedures can be started (see Chapter 5, Viewing Images),
• More images can be added to a previously acquired examination, provided no archiving is in
progress. Any examination can be made current again using SELECT.

Notes -Acquisition (exposure and fluoroscopy) has the highest priority.

This means that whatever mode the system is in, viewing or programming, acquisition is performed
if initiated.
-No exposure can take place if no examination has been made CURRENT.

! In normal viewing mode and overview mode, it is possible to view next or
<! > previous examinations. If the operator then makes new exposures or grabs
images, they are stored in the examination selected for acquisition on the
administration screen, which may be different from the examination
displayed on the examination monitor.
If this situation exists, a warning marker appears on the monitor.






This chapter describes viewing procedures in the DSI, including selecting and processing images
and preparing images for archiving. Preparing images for archiving is not a viewing procedure.
It is covered in this chapter because these functions are performed at the viewing module or
viewpad while processing the images.

Images stored in the memory can be viewed and processed with the functions provided on the
viewing module or viewpad. When an examination is finished, it is advisable to take time to select
images for archiving, and delete unwanted images to increase memory capacity for the next
examination. Useful functions for this purpose are: OVERVIEW [e], RUN CYCLE [h], KEEP [g] and
CLEAR RUN [f ]. These are all available on the viewpad.

It is important that the operator first read Chapter 2, System Description, to understand the
procedures used in this chapter.

5.1 Selecting Images

! In normal viewing mode and overview mode, it is possible to view next or
<! > previous examinations. If the operator then makes new exposures or grabs
images, they are stored in the examination selected for acquisition on the
administration screen, which may be different from the examination
displayed on the examination monitor.
If this situation exists, a warning marker appears on the monitor.

294, a Previous examination and Next examination

In normal viewing mode: Displays the first image of the previous or next examination.
1 When the last or first examination is selected, the keys do not cycle through the
295, b examinations again. After the desired examination has been selected, the PREVIOUS/NEXT
IMAGE keys [296, 297, c, d] can be used to step through the images of that examination.
1 In overview mode: Displays the first 16 images of the previous or next examination.
In run cycle mode: Displays the first run of the previous or next examination cyclically.

296, c Previous image and Next image

In normal viewing mode: Displays the previous or next image of the examination
being viewed. The images are displayed in the sequence in which they were acquired,
297, d except with a subtraction run, when the mask image is displayed first, non-subtracted.
In overview mode: Displays the first 16 images of the previous or next overview.
In run cycle mode: Displays the previous or next run within one examination cyclically.

290, e Overview
Up to 16 images within one examination can be displayed at the same time by pressing
[290, e]. Key [290] lights. The multi-image display gives a quick overview of the
examination. Each image's number is displayed in its lower left-hand corner. The image shown
with a highlighted number was the image on display (current image) before overview was selected.
This means that the operator can switch between overview and single image without losing track
of the current image.



PREVIOUS IMAGE [296, c] and NEXT IMAGE [297, d] can be used to make another image the current
image. Its number is highlighted.
If the examination contains more than 16 images, a left arrow in the upper left-hand corner or
right arrow in the lower right-hand corner, appears when there are images with lower or higher
numbers, respectively, than those currently displayed. PREVIOUS IMAGE [296, c] and NEXT IMAGE
[297, d] display the previous/next overview. PREVIOUS EXAMINATION [294, a] or NEXT EXAMINATION
[295, b] display an overview of the first 16 images of the previous or next examination.
All viewing and image-processing functions can be used when overview is selected, except Zoom,
Annotate and Run Cycle.
When [290, e] is pressed again, the light in [290] goes out and the system returns to single-image
mode. The current image in overview is displayed.

302, h Run cycle

The images of the current run are displayed consecutively, from the first image through
the last image, repeating the cycle from the first image, etc.
Note At least one complete run is displayed before the cycle stops.
The cycle stops automatically after a certain amount of time (service configurable) has elapsed.
The cycle may be stopped manually by:
- pressing key [302, h] again
- selecting any menu (F1-F6)
- beginning an Acquisition
After stopping:
- the last image displayed remains on the monitor
- after selecting a menu or beginning an Acquisition, the related menu or acquisition
screen is displayed
Run Cycle functions:
The cycle speed approaches the acquisition speed and can be increased or decreased using the
up/down cursor keys. The maximum speed is 12.5 or 15 images/second.
The cycle direction can be set forward or reverse using the right/left cursor keys.
Another run in one examination is displayed cyclically, using the PREVIOUS/NEXT IMAGE keys [296, c
297, d].
The first run of the previous or next examination is displayed cyclically, using the PREVIOUS/NEXT
EXAMINATION keys [294, a; 295; b].
During run cycle, the IMAGE POLARITY [292], CONTRAST [281, 282], BRIGHTNESS [284, 285] and
EDGE ENHANCEMENT [287, 288] of the run may be adjusted using the respective keys.

During run cycle, holding down KEEP [298], toggles the KEEP status on/off for each image until the
key is released. Images that were marked as KEEP prior to this action will have the KEEP marker
cleared; images that were not marked as KEEP will be marked as KEEP.
Pressing RESET [277] during run cycle mode, resets the run cycle display speed to the
acquisition speed and sets the display direction to forward. All images marked KEEP have
the KEEP status cleared.
Note Runs acquired by DSI-software prior to release 4.2 are displayed at a rate of two frames per second.

m External video
Ext Key [m] on the viewpad can be configured for external video.
This key switches the image on the reference monitor between the reference image and
an image from an external video source.
Key [m] lights when external video has been selected.
Images grabbed from an external video source can be displayed, processed and archived.



See description of key [291] for information about grabbing images from an external video source.
Deactivating external video re-displays an existing reference image.
External video is deactivated during Select RIS [F1 screen].

! If the displayed external video images are grabbed, they are stored in the
<! > examination selected for acquisition on the administration screen, which may
be different from the examination displayed on the examination monitor.
If this situation exists, a warning marker appears on the monitor.

5.2 Processing Images

281-289 Modifying image appearance

During viewing, the operator can change the contrast, brightness and edge enhancement
levels applied to the displayed images. These functions are available only if the
corresponding indicators are lit; they are not available during acquisition, when no
indicators are lit.
With a single-shot image, the new levels are applied to that image only.
With an image run, the new levels are applied to all images in that run.
Processing parameters are applied separately to subtracted and non-subtracted images
within a run. If the current image is subtracted, all subtracted images are processed,
except for the mask image. Similarly, if the current image is non-subtracted, all non-
subtracted images are processed.
The mask image is always processed non-subtracted.
Images are archived with the last-used levels. The levels cannot be changed after an
examination has been labelled for hard copying, saving to disk or transferring to
EasyVision or the DICOM network server.
Contrast and brightness can be changed in 15 steps, edge enhancement in 4 steps.
When another examination is selected for viewing, its last selected settings will apply.

Keys and Indicators:

Function Decrease Increase Indicator

Contrast 281 282 283

Brightness 284 285 286

Edge enhancement 287 288 289

These functions can be used when the indicators are lit.

292 Image polarity inversion

Displays images with inverted polarity (white bones).
For a single-shot image, the inverted polarity is applied to that image only.
For each run, the inverted polarity is applied to all images in that run.
This does not apply to invert in subtracted runs, where the mask is treated
independently from the other images. If the current run is already inverted (during
acquisition or previous viewing), pressing the key switches the run to normal
(non-inverted) polarity.



The images are stored with the last setting of this function.
Inversion of black borders can be avoided by applying the AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC
SHUTTERS (System screen F4) or the MANUAL ELECTRONIC SHUTTER function [F10].

F10 Manual electronic shutters

Pressing [F10] activates the manual electronic shutter function. A symbol is displayed
with the current image. If the automatic electronic shutters are already in use for this
run, their positions are used as the starting positions for the manual shutters.
Otherwise, the manual shutters are initially positioned at the edges of the screen.
Automatic shutter detection can be switched off on the System screen F4.
The pairs of horizontal and vertical shutters move symmetrically.

When the vertical, left-hand shutter is moved using the left/right cursor keys, the right-hand
shutter moves in the opposite direction. When the horizontal upper shutter is moved using the
up/down cursor keys, the lower shutter moves in the opposite direction.
Any combination of horizontal and vertical movements is possible. A single pressure on a cursor
key moves the associated shutter one step of 4 pixels. Holding the cursor key down increases the
shutter movement progressively. Deactivate the manual shutter function by pressing [F10] again;
the shuttered images remain shuttered and are displayed as such during later viewing.
Pressing RESET [277] on the viewing module, resets the shutters to their zero starting

293, j Subtraction on/off and Remasking

Activates or deactivates the subtraction mode during viewing and selects the mask image.
When the current run has not been subtracted (during acquisition or previous viewing),
pressing one of these keys switches subtraction on; at the same time the image currently on display
is used as the subtraction mask.
If the current run is already a subtracted run, pressing the key switches the run to the
non-subtracted mode. The images are stored with the last setting of this function.

To select a new mask image, press key [293, j] once to deactivate subtraction, select the desired
mask image using the left/right cursor keys and press key [293, j] again to reactivate subtraction.

F7 Flag a run for Bolus Chase Reconstruction (BCR)

This function flags a run for reconstruction into one Bolus Chase image on EasyVision.
After a Bolus Chase run has been selected with PREVIOUS or NEXT IMAGE [296, c; 297 d],
the run can be flagged by pressing [F7] on any image in the run. Flagged runs are displayed with
the BCR symbol. Pressing [F7] again unflags the run. More than one run in an examination can
be flagged.
EV-SEND Sends a Bolus Chase Run to EasyVision for reconstruction and storage in the
EasyVision memory.
EV-PRINT Sends a Bolus Chase Run to EasyVision for reconstruction, storage and



EV-STORE Sends a Bolus Chase Run to EasyVision for reconstruction and storage in the
EasyVision memory and on the EasyVision Optical Disk.
EV-EXPORT Send a Bolus Chase Run to EasyVision for reconstruction and storage in the
EasyVision memory and exporting to the externally connected system.
Bolus Chase may only be exported to an EasyVision Workstation.
Use of these functions is described in Chapter 6 Archiving and Retrieving Images.

Notes - A Bolus Chase run can be flagged only if the destination configured in screen F4 is an EasyVision
with a Bolus Chase option.
- If the HCU of the system defaults to the HCU of the EasyVision, the function Start Hardcopy
[301, i] can be used instead of the EasyVision copy function.
- The film layout depends on the EasyVision default printing protocol for BCR. With a specific
EXAM type, defined on the Acquisition default screen F6 during acquisition, it is possible to

select a specific printing protocol for Bolus Chase Reconstruction images.

F8, m Zoom
Magnifies a part of the displayed image (single image mode) by a factor of 2.

Using [F8] on the viewing console:

(1) Press [F8]
The corners of a square and a cross are displayed to indicate the borders and center of
the image area to be magnified.
(2) Select the region of the image to be magnified using the cursor keys.
(3) Press ENTER to begin Zoom calculation.
A clock symbol is displayed during the calculation. Pressing [F8] or another function while
this symbol is displayed cancels the Zoom function.
(4) Press ENTER or [F8] to deactivate the function.
The image returns to the original image.
(5) Press RESET [277] to reset the zoomed image to its original center position.
Using [m] on the viewpad:
(1) Press [m]
The corners of a square and a cross are displayed on the center section of the image to be
magnified. No replacement of the area to be magnified is possible.
The Zoom calculation starts immediately.
In single image mode, every time a zoomed image is selected for viewing or image processing is
applied, the original image is displayed briefly during the zoom calculation, before the zoomed

image is displayed.
In overview mode, a zoomed image is displayed non-zoomed with the zoom symbol in the lower,
left-hand corner. After being sent, both the original and zoomed data are available for processing
on EasyVision.
When an examination with zoomed images is exported to a Dicom system, the zoomed images
will be exported as unzoomed images.

Cautions - Annotations in the original image are not displayed when the image is zoomed.
- Deactivating zoom removes annotations entered on the zoomed image.
- Check that the annotation has been entered correctly before proceeding.



F9 Pixel shift
Activates the pixel shift function when the current run is a subtracted run.
The symbol indicating PIXEL SHIFT ACTIVE is displayed together with the displayed image.
The mask image shifts, with respect to the displayed image, in steps of 1/4 pixel using
the cursor keys. Holding a cursor key down repeats the shift. Pressing RESET [277] resets
all shifts to zero. Any combination of horizontal and vertical shifts is possible up to a
maximum of 7 3/4 pixels in each direction.
The amount of shift is indicated in the pixel shift symbol.
Since the shift is in pixels, the geometrical shift differs for 5122 and 10242 images.
Press [F9] again to deactivate the function; the shifted images remain shifted and are
displayed as such during later viewing.
If the run is changed to the non-subtracted mode, the shifts are reset to zero and the
pixel shift function is terminated.

F11 Subtraction contrast

The subtraction function applies a subtraction gain to correct contrast in subtracted
images. The subtraction gain is a preset value for all examinations and can be changed
on the Acquisition default screen F6.
With subtraction contrast, the contrast of arteries can be changed, to more or less transparent.
Pressing [F11] activates the function. The preset value is displayed and is used as the starting value.
Pressing the up/down cursor keys increases or decreases the value from 1.0 - 16.0 in steps of 0.5.
Pressing [F11] again, or selecting a non-subtracted run, deactivates the function. The last-set value
is stored with the run.

F12 Annotate
ABC The annotate function adds or modifies text in a displayed image. Using the cursor keys,
text can be positioned anywhere on the image except over other text and symbols.
Annotations have a maximum of 40 alphanumeric or special characters and are displayed white on
a black background, so they are readable in all image areas.
To enter an annotation:
(1) Type in text.
(2) Press ENTER to confirm input.
(3) To deactivate the function, press ENTER or key [F12].
To copy annotation string:
(1) Press [F12] on another image in the same run.
The same text is displayed on the image. The cursor is positioned at the end of the text.
(2) Press RESET [277] to delete the text, or use BACKSPACE [276] on the keyboard to remove
individual characters.
Annotations are exported to EasyVision but do not appear in their original location on the image.
Annotations are exported to Dicom but do not appear in their original location on the image.

Cautions - Annotations in the original image are not displayed when the image is zoomed.
- Deactivating zoom removes annotations entered on the zoomed image.
- Check that the annotation has been entered correctly before proceeding.



5.3 Preparing for Archiving

298, g Keep image selection

During viewing:
If the key is not lit, pressing the key labels the displayed image KEEP and the image is not deleted
when Clear run [299, f ] is pressed.
If the key is lit, the displayed image is already set as KEEP and pressing the key removes the KEEP
The KEEP status is indicated by the KEEP symbol on each image in the lower left-hand corner of the
monitor in single-image, overview and run cycle mode.
During Run cycle:
During run cycle, holding down KEEP [298, g], toggles the KEEP status on/off for each image until
the key is released. Images that were marked as KEEP prior to this action will have the KEEP marker
cleared; images that were not marked as KEEP will be marked as KEEP.
When RESET [277] is pressed, the KEEP marker is removed from all images marked for KEEP.

299, f Clear run

When pressed, all images in the run are deleted except those labelled KEEP with [298, g].
After the key is pressed, the key and symbol on the monitor flash for 2.5 seconds and a
CLEAR symbol appears on the screen. The number of images to be cleared is displayed below the

symbol. After the delay, [299, f ] remains lit and the run is cleared.
If the key is released while the light is still flashing, no deletion takes place.
If the run was in subtraction mode, the mask image is not deleted, whatever its KEEP status, unless
no other images of that run were kept.
In single-image mode, the monitor is blank after the deletion, unless the current image was
labelled KEEP.
In overview and single-image modes, the image and capacity displays are updated at the end of the

! With the CLEAR RUN function, all images in the run not labelled KEEP are deleted; this
also applies to images not displayed.
The image data that is cleared is not retrievable.

300, h Large format selection

Pressing [300, h] labels the displayed image to be copied in LARGE FORMAT.
The large format status is shown by the large format symbol, for both single-image and
overview modes, in the lower, left-hand corner of the images.
During subsequent viewing, key [300, h] lights if the displayed image was labelled with the large
format symbol.
The symbol can be removed by pressing [300, h] again on a currently displayed, LARGE FORMAT
With EasyVision, images marked LARGE FORMAT are treated specially for EV-PRINT.



301, i Start hardcopy

After images have been selected and processed, the copy process can be started.
To avoid starting the copy process unintentionally, an examination is not labelled for
copying unless the key is pressed for longer than 2.5 seconds, as indicated on the monitor.
The number, setup/divisions and sizes of films are displayed in the upper, left-hand section of the
screen (if configured during installation).
After starting the copy process, no more images can be added to the examination.

5.4 Switching Off DSI

Press DSI off [D] to switch off the system, but not before all examinations have been saved or

Caution If power to the DSI processor cabinet is switched off, all images which have not been
saved or copied will be lost.




This chapter describes all the ways in which images can be archived and retrieved.
Archived in this context means that an image is stored on a nonvolatile medium, such as an
optical disk, EasyVision workstation, Dicom network server or hardcopy.
All archiving and retrieving is performed in background.

! The operator should verify that the physical hardcopy of images is present, before
deleting any images from the system.

DIAGNOST 94 h Dicom
EasyVision f External
c a b g e

Optical HCU Optical HCU

disk disk

Overview of possible archiving routes:

The diagram above shows all possible connections of a DIAGNOST 94 system equipped with
DSI and an EasyVision workstation. The DSI subsystem has a built-in optical disk, while the
EasyVision workstation has an optional optical disk
Both DSI and EasyVision can be directly connected to a Hardcopy Unit (HCU).
The EasyVision workstation can be further connected to an external system such as a Radiology
Information System.
a. Manual hardcopy to HCU directly connected to DSI
Copies one single image to the HCU directly connected to DSI.

b. Copy to HCU
Copies an examination to the HCU directly connected to DSI.
c. Copy to DSI optical disk
Copies an examination to an optical disk in the DSI.
d. EV-Send to EasyVision
Transfers an examination to EasyVision.
e. EV-Print to HCU connected to EasyVision
Same as d, and then to the HCU connected to EasyVision.
f. EV-Export to external system
Same as d, and then to an external system.
g. EV-Store to EasyVision optical disk
Same as d, and then to EasyVision optical disk.
h. Dicom
Transfers an examination to an externally connected system.



6.1 Copying with the Hardcopy Unit (HCU)

For operating instructions, see the Operator’s Manual for the HCU installed.
Information on compatible HCU's is available from your national Philips Medical Systems

6.1.1 GrayScale reproduction

To check the grayscale reproduction of the hard copy process (HCU settings and film
development chemicals), a calibration image can be made using the System screen F4:
SET-CONFIG: MAKE TEST EXAMINATION. This check should be performed at least once a week, but
daily testing is recommended if significant variations are seen.
The calibration image consists of a film with 16 decreasing density grayscale values presented in
16 fields. Four bars around these fields give additional quality measuring possibilities.
During installation a hard copy of the calibration image is made on film to provide a standard.
Three positions on the film, marked B1, B2 and B3 in the illustration, are selected to establish
standard values.
The densities must be measured
and noted as standard densities.
Films exposed during later
constancy testing should be
within the following tolerances B 3
compared to the standard values
B1 : standard value ± 0.05
B2 : standard value ± 0.15
B3 : standard value ± 0.25
If these tolerances are not met the
film stock used and the film B 1 B 2
processor should be checked.
If the results remain unacceptable,
contact Service.

6.1.2 Manual copying (a)

The displayed image can be copied using the controls of the HCU directly connected to the DSI.
Refer to the operator's manual of the HCU.
Manual copying does not influence the archive-status of the patient.

Cautions - Do not change anything on the display while manual hard copying is in progress.
- When a batch hardcopy is in process, wait until it is finished before selecting the
image for manual copying.

! The operator should verify that the physical hardcopy of images is present, before
deleting any images from the system.

6.1.3 Copying to HCU directly connected to DSI (b)

An examination that is displayed on a monitor can be copied to an HCU by:
• using the Copy screen [F2] procedure or,
COPY • pressing START HARDCOPY [301, i] (if configured)
Image processing cannot be applied to examinations with the flagged or busy status.
The copy procedure is as follows:
(1) At HCU: Check the contents of the autoloader and choose the film size.



(2) Display Copy screen [F2].

The copying status is shown for examinations which have been labelled for copying.
(3) Select COPY using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
The film use information is displayed, if configured.
(4) Select the examination to be copied using the up/down cursor keys. Press ENTER to confirm
the selection.
To copy more examinations, repeat steps (2)-(4).
• The system performs the copy cycle for all examinations in background.
• Images labelled with LARGE FORMAT [300, h] are copied first in the large format of the HCU.
• With a subtracted run, the mask image is copied first, non-subtracted.
• Images are copied with the last-set processing parameters.
Indicators on acquisition module:
• During a copy cycle, the HCU BUSY message is displayed on Copy screen [F2].
• As long as examinations remain to be copied, the COPY IMAGE message is displayed on Copy
screen [F2].
• If a user-correctable error occurs during a copy cycle, the CHECK HCU message is displayed on
Copy screen [F2]. Depending on when the error occurs, the examination has the status COPY
ERROR. In that case:
- Check whether or not the camera is switched on.
- Read the message on the camera screen and perform the actions described in the
operator's manual of the HCU.
After the problem has been solved, the DSI usually continues with the copy cycle.
When the examination has been given the status COPY ERROR, select [F2] COPY or START
HARDCOPY [301, i] again to restart the copy process.

Caution Do not switch off the system while the CHECK HCU message is displayed, otherwise all
images are lost.

! The operator should verify that the physical hardcopy of images is present, before
deleting any images from the system.

Cancel Copying
To cancel the copying process on the Copy screen [F2]:
CANCEL (1) Select the CANCEL function using the left/right cursor keys.
(2) Select the examination for which copying is to be cancelled using the up/down cursor keys

and press ENTER.

The status changes to COPY CANC.
Examinations flagged for copying or being copied are returned to their original status.
Note Perform a warm restart if the system does not respond to a cancel function.

6.1.4 Copying to HCU directly connected to EasyVision (e)

Note To start the copying process after sending images to EasyVision, refer to the operator’s manual of the

An examination that is displayed on a monitor can be copied to the HCU directly connected to
EV-PRINT the EasyVision Workstation by:
• using the Copy screen [F2] procedure or,
• pressing START HARDCOPY [301, i] (if configured)
Image processing cannot be applied to examinations with the flagged or busy status.



The copy procedure using the Copy screen [F2] is as follows:

(1) Check that the EasyVision is operational.
(2) Check that the export destination on System screen [F4] is set for EasyVision.
(3) Display Copy screen [F2].
(4) Select EV-PRINT using the left/right cursor keys.
(5) Select the examination to be copied, using the up/down cursor keys. Press ENTER to confirm
the selection.
The DSI starts the print cycle for this examination.
The copying status is shown for examinations which have been labelled for copying.
Images are printed with the last-set processing parameters.
The annotation entered on the DSI may appear smaller on the hardcopy, depending on the
chosen print format.
As long as examinations remain to be printed, the COPY IMAGE message is displayed on Copy
screen [F2].

Caution Do not switch off the system while COPY IMAGE message is still on the screen, otherwise
all images are lost.

! The operator should verify that the physical hardcopy of images is present, before
deleting any images from the system.

Cancel EV-Print/Copying
To cancel the copying process on the Copy screen [F2]:
CANCEL (1) Select the CANCEL function using the left/right cursor keys.
(2) Select the examination for which copying is to be cancelled using the up/down cursor keys
and press ENTER.
Note Perform a warm restart if the system does not respond to a cancel function.

6.2 Sending to the EasyVision (d)

Images can be sent to an EasyVision Workstation for further analysis, copying and archiving as
described in the EasyVision operator’s manual.
Image processing cannot be applied to examinations with the flagged or busy status.
EV-SEND To transfer images from DSI to EasyVision proceed as follows:
(1) Check that EasyVision is operational.
(2) Check that the export destination on System screen [F4] is set for EasyVision.
(3) Display the Copy screen [F2].
(4) Select EV-SEND using the left/right cursor keys.
(5) Select the examination to be transferred using the up/down cursor keys.
(6) Press ENTER to confirm the selection.
During transfer, the number of images remaining to be transferred is shown on the Copy screen [F2].
• After an examination is labelled for transfer, it shows the status SEND FLAG or SEND BUSY.
• The examination is given the status SEND DONE after the transfer is successful.
• The examination is given the status SEND ERROR and the transfer process stops if the transfer
is not successful.
• If there is insufficient storage capacity in EasyVision, the DSI displays a message and no
transfer can take place until space is made.
• Image processing functions cannot be applied to examinations with the status SEND FLAG,



Cancel a send process

To cancel the copying process on the Copy screen [F2]:
CANCEL (1) Select the CANCEL function using the left/right cursor keys.
(2) Select the examination for which transfer is to be cancelled from those with the status
SEND FLAG or SEND BUSY using the up/down cursor keys.

(3) Confirm the cancellation by pressing ENTER.

The status changes to SEND CANCELLED.
Transfer stops when transfer of the current image is completed.
The examination status returns to what it was before transfer began.
Note Perform a warm restart if the system does not respond to a cancel function.

6.2.1 EV-Export (f)

This function is identical to EV-SEND, but the examination is also sent to an external network via
EV-EXPORT EasyVision.
The export destination on System screen [F4] must be set for an EasyVision Workstation.
The final destination is configured in EasyVision.

6.2.2 EV-Store (g)

This function is identical to EV-SEND, but the examination is also saved on the optical disk of the
EV-STORE EasyVision Workstation.
The export destination on System screen [F4] must be set for an EasyVision Workstation.
Status messages are listed as STORE FLAG, STORE BUSY, STORE DONE, STORE ERROR and STORE

6.3 Export (h)

Images can be sent to an external system for further analysis, copying and archiving via the Export
function. Image processing cannot be applied to examinations with the flagged or busy status.
EXPORT To transfer images from DSI to the Dicom network server proceed as follows:
(1) Check that the Dicom network server is operational.
(2) Check that the export destination on System screen [F4] is set for the Dicom network
(3) Display the Copy screen [F2].
(4) Select EXPORT using the left/right cursor keys.
(5) Select the examination to be transferred using the up/down cursor keys.
(6) Press ENTER to confirm the selection.

During transfer, the number of images remaining to be transferred is shown on the Copy screen [F2].
• After an examination is labelled for transfer, it shows the status EXPORT FLAG or EXPORT BUSY.
• The examination is given the status EXPORT DONE after the transfer is successful.
• The examination is given the status EXPORT ERROR and the transfer process stops if the
transfer is not successful.

Cancel Export
To cancel the export process on the Copy screen [F2]:
CANCEL (1) Select the CANCEL function using the left/right cursor keys.
(2) Select the examination for which exporting is to be cancelled using the up/down cursor keys
and press ENTER.
The status changes to EXPORT CANC.
Examinations flagged for exporting are returned to their original status.
Note Perform a warm restart if the system does not respond to a cancel function.



6.4 Optical Disk Functions

Examinations can be saved on and retrieved from a removable, eraseable optical disk.
Notes - Non-eraseable, WORM (Write Once Read Many) disks may cause system malfunctioning.
WMRM (Write Many Read Many) disks are required.
- EasyVision disks are formatted differently from DSI disks, so do not mix these disks.

6.4.1 Saving to optical disk (c)

(1) Insert an optical disk in the disk drive.
(2) Press [F3].
The TRANSFER SCREEN is displayed, showing all examinations ready for saving or transferring.
SAVE (3) Select SAVE using the left/right cursor keys.
(4) Select the examination to be saved using the up/down cursor keys.
Press ENTER to confirm the selection.
The size of each examination is shown in both number of images and blocks of 1/4 MByte
(1 block = 1 image/5122 or 4 blocks = 1 image/10242).
The number of free blocks on disk is displayed together with the number of blocks in the
selected examination.
The examination shows the status SAVE BUSY and the save process starts.
Note During the save process, the RUN CYCLE function is not available.

6.4.2 List
Use [F3] LIST to display the contents of the optical disk.
(1) Insert an optical disk in the disk drive.
LIST (2) Press [F3].
(3) Select LIST using the left/right cursor keys.
The disk directory is displayed with the number of free blocks and examinations on the disk.
The number of exams and screen number is shown on the film/disk information line.
A list with a maximum of 42 patient examinations is displayed over three screens.
(4) Use the up/down cursor keys to display other screens.
(5) Press any other key to exit the LIST function.
The DSI examination list is shown again.

6.4.3 Retrieving from optical disk

(1) Insert an optical disk in the disk drive.
(2) Press [F3].
RETRIEVE (3) Select RETRIEVE using the left/right cursor keys.
The disk directory is displayed together with the number of free blocks and examinations in
the DSI memory.
A list with a maximum of 42 patient examinations is displayed over three screens.
(4) Select the examination to be retrieved using the up/down cursor keys.
Press ENTER to confirm the selection.
The examination is given the status RETR BUSY and the retrieval process starts.
Retrieved images can be viewed and processed immediately (except REMASK) while the
retrieval process continues.
Note During the retrieve process, the RUN CYCLE function is not available.



6.4.4 Erasing an optical disk

New disks must be erased (formatted) before they can be used for image storage.
This function is not available when a save or retrieval process is active.
ERASE It cannot be applied to non-eraseable and write-protected disks.
Only a complete side can be erased, not individual examinations.
(1) Press [F3].
(2) Select ERASE.
The disk directory is displayed with the question OK TO ERASE ALL?
(3) Select the YES option from the menu.
Disks with incorrect or unknown formats can also be erased. In this case the message at step (2) is
If required, repeat the action for the other side of the disk.
If the system does not respond during ERASE, repeat procedure.

Caution EasyVision disks are formatted differently from DSI disks, so do not mix these disks.

6.4.5 Cancelling a save, retrieve or erase process

(1) Press [F3].
CANCEL (2) Select CANCEL. Select the examination for which the save or retrieval process is to be
cancelled. Press ENTER to confirm the selection.
When SAVE is cancelled, the disk directory is not updated.
When RETRIEVE is cancelled, the retrieved images are kept in the DSI memory.
The examination is given the status RETR. ERROR.
If the system does not respond during ERASE, repeat procedure or execute a warm restart.

Caution If ERASE is cancelled, it is not possible to read or write the disk until a complete erase
has been performed.

6.5 Area Dose Printout

Area-dose data will be printed only if a dose indicator has been installed.

Switching on
The data printer is always switched on with the X-ray generator automatically. Therefore, the
switch on the printer should always remain in the ON position. The green POWER and SEL lamps
should be lit.

In case of a fault

• Incorrect printing position POWER

Move the paper with the thumbwheel so PAPER
that approximately 2 mm of the upper edges of the labels, SEL
or the upper edge of the continuous form paper,
are visible behind the ribbon.
• The green SEL indicator is not lit SEL

Press DESEL/SEL below the indicator. F.F.

• The printed text is too large

After the text has been printed out, press LF/DRAFT briefly. NLQ

An audible signal is heard. Start a new printout. L.F.

• The red PAPER lamp is lit

Insert new labels or continuous form paper. DRAFT

For inserting new labels or paper and changing the ribbon, see the data printer operator's manual.



Data printout
Pressing GENERATOR RESET [40], located on the generator control panel, starts the printout.

PATIENT: 123 ∆ 1 Room rrgg 95-4-21/14.30

17 12 120 102 45/28 102 12 1 60 4.5 30/30 4.9
5 8 95 30 20/24 40 1 2 80 20 24/24 15
9 2 120 102 45/28 38 10 1 60 4.5 30/30 4.
5 1 95 4.5 20/24 10 1 2 80 20 24/24 15

Top lines
PATIENT Consecutive identification numbers beginning with 1 each day.
The numbers 1, 2 ... on the printout will be the same as the ID number
only if more than one printout with the same patient number is made.
ROOM Alphanumeric characters, programmed by Service, for up to three
rooms. The date and time follow.
Exposure data
APR Number of APR program selected.
EXP Number of exposures with the same APR program.
KV Exposure voltage.
MAS Accumulated total mAs for all exposures made with the same APR
program and exposure data.
FORMAT Details of exposure format used.
DOSE Cumulative total dose in dGy.cm2 from all exposures made with this
Bottom lines
FLUOROTIME Cumulative fluoroscopy time in minutes and seconds.
SUM OF EXPOSURES Total number of exposures.
FLUORODOSE Cumulative dose received during fluoroscopy in dGy.cm2.
SUMDOSE Cumulative dose from all exposures and fluoroscopy in dGy.cm2.

Data deletion
Data is deleted automatically, if it has been printed, when a new exposure is made or when
fluoroscopy is switched on.

Additional filters
If additional filters are used in the collimator, the following correction factors must be applied to
the dose values.

kV 1 mm Al 2 mm Al 1 mm Al 0.1
+ 0.2 mm Cu

40 0.60 0.39 0.17

50 0.66 0.47 0.25
70 0.73 0.56 0.37
100 0.80 0.66 0.50
150 0.86 0.75 0.65




This chapter describes the DSI parameters that can be changed by the user; these are different
from Service-adjustable parameters. To cancel the input entered, press ESCAPE [278] or one of the
FUNCTION KEYS [F1 - F6]. Select the required screen and start again.

7.1 System Data F4

It is possible to configure three functions on the System screen:
The SERVICE function is available only to authorized service personnel.
Set time
(1) Select SET TIME using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
The system prompts for entry of the new time in 6 characters (HH:MM:SS).
(2) Enter new time and press ENTER.
Set date
(1) Select SET DATE using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
The system prompts for entry of the new date in 8 characters:
(2) Enter new date and press ENTER.
Set config
(1) Select SET CONFIG using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
The selected item is highlighted.
(2) Use the up/down cursor keys to make a choice from the programmed settings or values.
Press ENTER to confirm choice.
Fluoroscopy mode:
The possible fluoroscopy modes are:
DSI HLR: Optimal image quality with noise reduction.
DSI SLR: Digital fluoroscopy with noise reduction.
A standard line-rate VCR may be connected to the system.
Bypass HLR: Image quality is almost the same as DSI HLR with noise reduction OFF.
However Bypass HLR gives more spatial resolution.
Bypass SLR: Image quality is almost the same as DSI SLR with noise reduction OFF.
However Bypass SLR gives more spatial resolution.
A standard line-rate VCR can be connected to the system.
The preferred setting is DSI HLR.
Export destination:

Depending on connectivity, examinations can be sent via the network to an external

- an EasyVision workstation
- a DICOM network server
Up to five export destinations are configured by Service during installation.

7.2 Physician Code F5

A maximum of 14 physician codes can be stored and recalled.
(1) Press [F5]. The Physician screen is displayed offering the functions:
• Add
• Delete
• Modify
(2) Select the desired function using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.



Adding a New Physician Code

(3) Type the full name of the physician and press ENTER.
(4) Type the corresponding physician code and press ENTER.
Note The physician code must be unique. The system accepts no duplications.

Deleting a Physician Code

(3) Use the up/down cursor keys to highlight the name to be deleted and press ENTER.
(4) Using the left cursor key select YES and press ENTER, or press Y on the keyboard.

Modifying a Physician Code

(3) Use the up/down cursor keys to highlight the name to be modified and press ENTER.
(4) Modify the name and/or code and press ENTER.
Note If a physician code entry is modified or deleted while being used for a SCHEDULED or CURRENT
examination, the existing physician name is used.

7.3 Acquisition Default Parameters

Every system configuration is installed with a selection of examinations:

Swallow SWALLW 6/sec 512 invert L off 2.5 off
Barium meal BAMEAL 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. low
Small intestine SMLINT 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. low
Large intestine COLON 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. low

Myelography MYELO 1x 1024 normal L off 2.5 dyn. med

Arthrography ARTHRO 1x 1024 invert L off 2.5 fix. low
ERCP. ERCP 1x 1024 normal C off 2.5 dyn. med
Nephrostomy NEPHRO 1x 1024 normal C off 2.5 fix. med

Tomo of abdomen TOMABD 1x 512 invert S off 2.5 fix. high

Tomo of Lung(s) TOLUNG 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. med

Sialography SIALO 1x 1024 invert L off 2.5 dyn. med

Miction MCU 1x 512 invert L off 2.5 dyn. med
Skeletal SKELET 1x 1024 invert L off 2.5 dyn. med
Intra Venous angio IV DSA 2/sec 512 normal B off 5 dyn. med

Angio of abdomen ABDDSA 2/sec 512 normal B on 2.5 dyn. high

Cerebral angio CERDSA 2/sec 1024 normal B on 2.5 dyn. high
Peripheral angio PERDSA 2/sec 512 normal B on 2.5 dyn. med
Bolus chase angio BOLCHS 2/sec 512 normal B off 2.5 dyn. low

A maximum of 14 examination types, configured during installation or added later, can be stored
and recalled.
(1) Select the Acquisition default screen [F6] offering the functions:
. Add
. Delete
. Modify
(2) Select the desired function using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the EXAM TYPE field and an EXAM is highlighted.



Adding an Examination Type

(3) Enter the examination type (6 characters) and press ENTER.
The code must be unique.
The cursor moves to the SPEED field and a speed is highlighted.
(4) Select the desired speed using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the RESOLUTION field and either 5122 or 10242 matrix
resolution is highlighted
(5) Select the desired resolution using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the POLARITY field, and either NORMAL or INVERTED is highlighted.
(6) Select the desired polarity using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the GRAYSCALE ENHANCEMENT field, see Section 7.4.
(7) Select the desired value using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the SUBTRACTION field and either ON or OFF is highlighted.
(8) Select the desired value using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the SUBTRACT CONTRAST field and value 2.5 is highlighted.
(9) Select the desired value (between 1.0 and 16.0) using the up/down cursor keys and press
ENTER. The cursor moves to the FLUORO NOISE REDUCTION field, see Section 7.5.

(10) Select the desired value using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
To enter more default settings for other EXAMINATION types, repeat steps (3) to (10).
Note Fields may be absent, depending on the system configuration.

Delete Examination Type

(3) Highlight the examination type to be deleted, using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
(4) Use the left cursor key select YES or "Y" on the keyboard and press ENTER.

Modify Examination Type

(3) Highlight the examination type to be modified, using the up/down cursor keys and press ENTER.
(4) Highlight the default to be modified, using the left/right cursor keys and press ENTER.
(5) Make a new selection from the range of programmed values using the up/down cursor keys
and press ENTER.

7.4 Grayscale Enhancement (GSE)

Grayscale enhancement optimizes the appearance of the image. The table explains the function of
the different GSE’s and suggests some typical applications.
Applying a GSE curve to an image is irreversible and may only be partially corrected by image



GSE Contrast amplification in Contrast attenuation in Examination types

GSE = A high absorption areas low absorption areas Single contrast colon
GSE = B medium absorption areas low absorption areas Digital subtraction
GSE = C medium absorption areas low and high ERCP, T-drain, IVP
absorption areas
GSE = L ---- ---- Oesophagus; Barium meal;
Colon double contrast;
Arthrography; Myelography
Tomography lungs; skeletal
GSE = S medium absorption areas low and high Digital tomography of
absorption areas abdomen
Note: No lung tomography

7.5 Fluoro Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction factors and their influence on images are detailed in the table enclosed:

Fluoro N R Advantages Disadvantages Applications

Dynamic High High noise reduction; Less Intensive lag I.A. Angiography;
noise reduction at moving during motion P.T.A procedures
objects in the image

Dynamic Medium High noise reduction; Less Lag during motion I.A. Angiography;
noise reduction at moving I.V. Angiography;
objects in the image E.R.C.P.

Dynamic Low Little lag during motion Low noise reduction Oesophagus; Barium
meal; Arthrography;
Bolus chase

Fixed High High noise reduction; Intensive lag I.A. Angiography;

Consistent noise behavior during motion P.T.A procedures
over complete image

Fixed Medium Average noise reduction; Average lag I.A. Angiography;

Consistent noise behavior during motion E.R.C.P.
over complete image

Fixed Low Little lag during motion; Less noise reduction Barium meal;
Consistent noise behavior Arthrography
over complete image

Off Almost no lag No noise reduction Swallow

Note Last Image Hold, Fluoroscopy Grab and Trace-Subtract function during all fluoroscopy noise
reduction modes.




This chapter describes the built-in user-guidance system for the DIAGNOST 94.
System messages are divided into generator and stand messages. They are displayed in the ‘error
displays’ on the generator and remote control panels.

Messages related to the digital acquisition system are shown on the message line of the DSI

If problems occur that cannot be solved locally, contact your Philips Medical Systems Service

8.1 Generator Error Messages

Symbols representing a system condition or error situations are displayed in the warning display
[42] and, if applicable, the text 'Err' and a fault code appear in the mAs and ms display
fields respectively.

Call Service when this symbol appears

Exposure error

'Ready' indicator

'Radiation on' indicator

'Tube overload' indicator


'Generator overload' indicator

'Door open while radiation on'

The door contact and the door lamp functions are safety features.
A lamp outside the room indicates that radiation is present. If any person
then opens the door, the door contact will switch radiation off.
The door contact and the door lamp are the responsibility of the user.



8.2 Stand Error Messages

63 64 69 77 78 88 90

61 62 67 68 71 72 79 80 86 87

73 74 81 82

65 66 60 70 75 76 83

85 89 94

97 100 102 105 108

91 96 99 103 104 106 107


93 95 98 109


This section describes the message displayed when an error relating to the position of the stand
occurs and the actions that should be taken to correct the error. Error messages relating to the
position of the stand are displayed on the remote control panel.

Messages displayed on error display [109]

Message Reason; Solution

‘10’ flashing The tilt movement is blocked because the ‘floor mat’ is activated.
Release floormat to continue.
The floormat can be released by moving the stand or table.

‘20’ flashing The requested movement is blocked because the ceiling

suspension (second tube) is not in its parked position.
Put second tube into parked position to continue.

‘30’ flashing The requested movement is blocked because the collision

detector mounted near the compressor is activated.
Remove obstructing object.

‘telephone’ indicator A failure occurred while executing a requested function.

and 5-digit number Call service.

Error messages indicated by flashing displays on remote control panel

Display Name and Number Reason; Solution

Column angle [100] The request is blocked due to the current column angle
(collision with floor; angle > 20°).
Move column [98] to release blockage.

Actual compressor pressure [90] The request is blocked because the compressor is selected or
Deselect compressor [85] or release pressure [89] to continue.



Display Name and Number Reason; Solution

Layer height [69] The angulation request is blocked because the layer height is not
equal to 80 mm.
Use RESET STAND joystick [60] to make layer height 80 mm.

SID [105] 1. The exposure/fluoroscopy is blocked because the SID is not

equal to 1500 or 1100 mm.
Press Tube down/up keys [103, 104] to release blockage.
2. The movement request is blocked because of a potential
collision with the floor, ceiling or wall.
Decrease SID [103] to continue.
3. The exposure/fluoroscopy is blocked because the tube is not
in the zero position.
Manually rotate tube to zero position and lock rotation.

Table tilt [97] The request is blocked due to a potential collision with the floor,
ceiling or wall.
Use tilt table [95] to release blockage.

Remaining exposures [78] The exposure is blocked because no cassette is loaded or no

exposures are available.

Error messages indicated by flashing key lights

Key Name and Number Reason; Solution

Compressor selection [85] The 20 kgf switch is active and the compressor is switched off.
Press key [85] to reselect compressor.

Reset stand [60] 1. The angulation request is blocked because the layer height is
not equal to 80 mm.
Use RESET STAND joystick [60] to make layer height 80 mm.
2. The tomo movements are blocked because the stand is not
within the tomo working area (i.e., where collision-free
movement is possible).

Use RESET STAND to set position within tomo working area.

Allowed film subdivisions 1. The exposure is blocked because no subdivision has been
[72-76] selected.
2. The 1-1 division is selected automatically.
The allowed subdivisions cease flashing after a few seconds.
3. The requested subdivision is not allowed.
Select one of the flashing subdivisions.

Eject cassette [70] 1. The exposure/ fluoroscopy is blocked because a cassette is

loaded or a cassette is in the (un)load position.
Remove cassette to continue.
2. An error has occurred while handling a cassette.
Press [70] to eject cassette.



Key Name and Number Reason; Solution

Tomography select [65] The request is blocked because tomo mode is selected

Other indications

Indication Reason; Solution

double beep 1. The exposure request is made before DSI is ready.

See DSI screen for specific error message.
2. The exposure request is made before the generator is ready.
See generator control panel [42] for specific error message.

flashing light above The request is blocked because of a potential collision with the
scanning movement joystick floor, walls, ceiling or patient.
Use joystick indicated to move away from collision.

8.3 Hardcopy Error Messages

Hardcopy error messages are displayed in the hardcopy display.

See the operator's manual for the hardcopy unit for more information.

8.4 DSI Message Line

Messages and prompts are displayed on the message line of the screens and most of them are self-
explanatory. If not, additional information is given in this chapter.
The messages are presented in alphabetical order:

Message Reason; Solution

Blocks free Disk information

Blocks free on disc Disk information
Blocks free on DSI DSI memory information
Blocks in examination Examination size information

Check HCU An error has been reported by the hardcopy unit.

Check the hardcopy unit.
Copy busy, deletion not allowed Wait until copy action has been completed
Copy busy, modification not allowed Wait until copy action has been completed

Delete examination? yes no The highlighted examination is lost after deletion

Delete exam type? yes no Exam type will be deleted
Delete physician code? yes no Physician code will be deleted
Disc changed Disk has been changed in between actions
Disc is corrupted Disk is no longer usable. Try to erase with
ERASE function on F3 screen

Disc is full Not more than 42 patients (or 1147 blocks) can be
saved on one side of the disk. Use ERASE to clear
entire disk or use a new disk
Disc is write protected Unprotect the disk



Message Reason or solution

Disc still busy Wait until the disk action has been completed

EV-Print not available EV function selected, but not configured

EV-Send not available EV function selected, but not configured
EV-Store not available EV function selected, but not configured
Enter new date: Fill in the actual date
Enter new time: Fill in the actual time
Enter password: only for service
Erase busy on film/disk information line during ERASE
Examination not archived, delete? yes no Images not archived are lost after deletion
Examinations free on disc Disk information
Examinations free on DSI DSI memory information
Examination too large to fit on disc The examination to be saved occupies more
space than is left on the disk. Use Keep and
Clear functions to delete unwanted images, or
use another disk
Exam type administration full Use DELETE function on F6 screen to make space
for new examination types
Exam type already exists Use a unique name for the examination type

Incorrect date: Enter a feasible date

Incorrect password: only for service
Incorrect time: Enter a feasible time
Insert disc and press ENTER The requested action requires a disk, insert same

Local batch copy not available Use HCU keypad to copy images manually

New disc, use erase to make disc Format the disk first with ERASE on F3 screen
useable for DSI
No acquisition examination selected Use SELECT function on F1 screen to select a patient
for acquisition
No examination available Use ADD function on F1 screen to add a new patient
No examination available on DSI disc Disk is empty, but useable for DSI
No exam type available Use ADD function on F6 screen to enter a new

exam type
No images to copy Copy selected, but examination contains no images
No images to save Save selected, but examination contains no images
No images to view available Trying to view an image, but no image available
Non DSI disc, list not possible The disk format is unknown
Non-DSI disc, OK to erase? yes no The disk format is unknown. Answer YES to
erase the entire disk
Non-DSI disc, retrieve not possible The disk format is unknown
Non-DSI disc, save not possible The disk format is unknown
No optical disc available Optical disk function selected, but not configured
No patient available Use ADD function on F1 screen to add a new patient
No patient available from RIS Add patient and examination data on F1 screen
No physician available Use ADD function on F5 screen to enter a new
physician code
No RIS interface available RIS not configured



Message Reason or solution

Not enough space to make test examination Use DELETE function on F1 screen or delete images
with CLEAR RUN to make space for scheduling new
Not enough space to retrieve examination Use DELETE function on F1 screen, or Keep and Clear
to delete unwanted examinations/ images
OK to cancel erase disc action? yes no After answering YES, the disk is not usable
OK to erase all? yes no The disk contains the examinations listed. Select
YES to erase all. Be aware, all data are lost

OK to erase empty disc? yes no Not necessary., only if disk is not working correctly
Optical disc busy, deletion not allowed Wait until optical disk action has been completed
Optical disc busy, modification not allowed Wait until optical disk action has been completed
Optical disc option not configured Optical disk function selected, but not configured
Optical disc still busy Wait until optical disk action has been completed

Patient administration full Use DELETE function on F1 screen to make space for
scheduling new examinations
Physician administration full Use DELETE function on F5 screen to make space for
additional physician names.
Please wait The action requested takes some time. Wait
Press any key to continue Press F1. . . F6 to continue
Process in background still busy for Wait until the archiving process of this examination
this examination has been completed
Process in background still busy Wait until all archiving processes have been completed

RIS dataserver not responding RIS not connected or not switched on

RIS interface still busy Wait until select-RIS action is completed

This field must be filled in At least 1 character to be filled in, but not a space

Selection not allowed Examination is currently being archived

Start service mode (only for service)

Unable to erase write once disc A WORM disk cannot be erased

X-ray system not responding Check that the Acquisition system is switched on

8.5 DSI Status Field Messages

Administration screen F1 Status:

Message Reason

ARCH BUSY the examination has been:

- labelled for copying or is being copied to HCU or
- labelled for transfer or is being transferred to the EasyVision workstation
or Dicom network server
- is being transferred to optical disk
ARCH ERROR copying to HCU, transferring to EasyVision workstation or Dicom network
server, or saving to optical disk has failed or was cancelled



Message Reason

ARCHIVED last performed archiving actions have been completed successfully

CURRENT acquisition in progress

NOT ARCH. acquisition completed but not yet archived

RETR. BUSY the examination is being retrieved from optical disk

RETR. CANC retrieval of the examination is cancelled by the user
RETR. ERROR retrieval of the examination is cancelled by the user or stopped because of a
system error.
RETRIEVED the examination has been retrieved from optical disk

SCHEDULED examinations remaining to be done

Copy screen F2 status:

COPY BUSY copying in progress

COPY CANC. the user has cancelled copying and cancelling is still busy
COPY DONE copying successfully completed
COPY FLAG labelled for copying on local HCU

CURRENT acquisition in progress

EXPO BUSY export in progress

EXPO CANC. the user has cancelled the export and cancelling is still busy
EXPO DONE export successfully completed
EXPO ERROR an error has occurred during the export process
EXPO FLAG labelled for export

NOT COPIED acquisition completed but not yet copied or COPY CANCELLED completed
NOT EXPORT acquisition completed but not yet exported or EXPORT CANCELLED completed
NOT PRINT. acquisition completed but not yet printed or PRINT CANCELLED completed
NOT SENT acquisition completed but not yet sent to EasyVision or SENT CANCELLED

NOT STORED acquisition completed but not yet stored or STORE CANCELLED completed

PRINT BUSY printing in progress

PRINT CANC. the user has cancelled printing and cancelling is still busy
PRINT DONE printing successfully completed
PRINT ERROR an error occurred during the PRINT process or PRINT was cancelled
PRINT FLAG labelled for printing on HCU of the EasyVision

RETRIEVED the examination has been retrieved from optical disk

SEND BUSY sending in progress

SEND CANC. the user has cancelled the sending and cancelling is still busy
SEND DONE SEND successfully completed



SEND ERROR an error has occurred during the SEND process

SEND FLAG labelled for SEND

STORE BUSY STORE in progress

STORE CANC. the user has cancelled storing and cancelling is still busy
STORE DONE STORE successfully completed
STORE ERR. an error has occurred during the STORE process
STORE FLAG labelled for storing to optical disk of the EasyVision

Transfer screen F3 status:

CURRENT acquisition in progress
NOT SAVED acquisition completed but not yet saved

RETR BUSY retrieval in progress

RETR CANC the user has cancelled the retrieval in progress and is still busy
RETR ERROR an error has occurred during the retrieval process and after CANCEL
RETRIEVED the examination has been successfully retrieved

SAVE BUSY the examination is being saved to optical disk

SAVE CANC. the user has cancelled the SAVE action
SAVE DONE the examination has been successfully saved
SAVE ERROR an error has occurred during the SAVE process or SAVE was cancelled
SAVE FLAG examinations are labelled for saving

ERASE BUSY the optical disk is reformatted.




This chapter describes the maintenance, cleaning and sterilization procedures for the

9.1 Planned Maintenance and User Routine Checks

The DIAGNOST 94 not only requires proper operation, but also planned maintenance and user
routine checks. Such planned maintenance and user routine checks are essential to keep the
equipment operating safely, effectively and reliably.

9.1.1 Planned maintenance programme

Planned maintenance may be carried out only by qualified and authorized service technicians, and
is comprehensively described in the service documentation. In this context, qualified means those
legally permitted to work on this type of medical electrical equipment in the jurisdiction(s) in
which the equipment is being used, and authorized means those authorized by the user of the

Philips provides a full planned maintenance and repair service on both a call basis and a contract
basis. Full details are available from your Philips Service Organization.

A summary of the preventive maintenance program is given in the following table.

Although the operator does not carry out planned maintenance, he or she should always take all
practical steps to make sure that the Planned Maintenance Programme is fully up to date before
using the equipment with a patient.

Check Reason Frequency

Earth (ground) Check maximum earth (ground) of whole system 6 monthly

Power supplies Check AC supply voltage 6 monthly

Check internally-generated voltage 6 monthly
PCBs and racks Ensure secure fitting and check for dust and corrosion 6 monthly
All motorised
movements Check electrical and mechanical settings 6 monthly

Interlocks Check proper functioning 6 monthly

Bearings Check freedom from dust 6 monthly
Grease and oil 6 monthly
Controls and Check accuracy and functioning of:
indicators All controls 6 monthly
All visible/audible indicators 6 monthly
Table controls/movements 6 monthly
SIDs 6 monthly
Alignment Collimator alignment and field limitation 6 monthly
Beam alignment and centering 6 monthly
Collision protectors Check that applied movement is inhibited and an
audible alarm generated 6 monthly
Mechanical Counterweight fasteners and cables 6 monthly
All mechanical limits 6 monthly
Drive chains Check for wear and correct tension Yearly



9.1.2 User routine checks programme

The user of the equipment must institute a User Routine Checks Programme as detailed in the
table below. Normally, the user will instruct operators to perform these checks and any
corresponding actions. In any case, it is for the operator of the equipment to make sure that all
checks and actions have been satisfactorily completed before using the equipment for its intended

Check Reason Frequency

Grey scale reproduction Print test examination, see Chapter 6 Daily*

All accessories Availability and integrity Daily*

All controls Ensure correct functioning Daily*

Brakes and wheels Ensure correct functioning Daily*

All indicators Ensure correct functioning Daily*

Cabling Inspect for kinks and/or cracks Daily*

Inscriptions and labels Check for legibility Weekly

* Visual and/or audible checks during routine use. Refer to Service Documentation

9.2 Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization

Cleaning and disinfection of the Philips DIAGNOST 94 will be required from time to time.
Guidelines for each are given below.

Sterilization is not a maintenance operation, but is described in this section, since the processes are
similar to those of disinfection.

Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization techniques for both the equipment and the room must
comply with all applicable laws and regulations which have the force of law within the
jurisdiction(s) in which the equipment is located.

! - Always isolate the equipment from the mains electrical supply before cleaning,
disinfecting or sterilizing it, to prevent electrical shocks.
- Never allow water or other liquids to enter the equipment, since these may cause
subsequent short-circuits or metal corrosion.

9.2.1 Cleaning
Enamelled parts and aluminum surfaces should only be wiped clean with a damp cloth and a mild
detergent, and then rubbed down with a dry woollen cloth. Never use corrosive cleaning agents,
solvents, abrasive detergents or abrasive polishes. If you are not sure about the properties of a
cleaning agent, do not use it.

Chrome parts should be cleaned only by rubbing down with a dry woollen cloth.
Do not use abrasive polishes. To keep the finish, use a non-abrasive wax.



9.2.2 Disinfection and sterilization

All parts of the equipment, including accessories and connecting cables, can be disinfected or
sterilized by wiping them with a cloth dampened with a suitable agent. Never use corrosive or
solvent disinfectants or sterilizing agents. If you are not sure about the properties of a disinfectant
or sterilizing agent, do not use it.

If non-flammable, non-explosive spray disinfectants are to be used, the equipment must first be
switched off and allowed to cool down. This prevents convection currents drawing spray mist into
the equipment. Plastic sheeting must be used to cover the equipment thoroughly, after which
spraying can begin.

Once all traces of the disinfectant vapour have dispersed, the plastic sheeting can be removed and
the equipment itself can be disinfected or sterilized in the way recommended above.

If a spray was used, you must be satisfied that all traces of the vapour have dispersed before
switching the equipment on again.

Disinfection techniques for both the equipment and the room must comply with all applicable
laws and regulations which have the force of law within the jurisdiction in which the equipment is

! Do not use flammable or potentially-explosive disinfecting or sterilizing sprays. Such
sprays create vapours which can ignite, causing fatal or other serious personal injury.

Caution Disinfecting or sterilizing a medical equipment room by means of sprays is not

recommended, since the vapour can penetrate the equipment, causing electrical
short-circuits, metal corrosion or other damage to the equipment.






10.1 Introduction
Philips equipment is designed and manufactured to comply with relevant guidelines for
environmental protection. As long as the equipment is properly operated and maintained, it
presents no environmental risks. However, the equipment does contain material(s) which may be
harmful to the environment if disposed of incorrectly. Use of such material(s) is essential to
performing the functions of the equipment, and to meeting statutory and other requirements.

Philips Medical Systems is concerned to help protect the natural environment, and to help ensure
continued safe and effective use of the DIAGNOST 94 through proper support, maintenance and

This section of this Operator's Manual is directed mainly at the user of the equipment or system -
the body with legal authority over the equipment. Operators are not usually involved in disposal,
except in the case of certain batteries (see Section 10.4 Batteries below).

10.2 Passing the DIAGNOST 94 on to Another User

If the DIAGNOST 94 is to be passed on to another user who intends to use it for its intended
purpose, then it should be passed on in its complete state. In particular, the existing user should
make sure that all the product support documentation - including this Operator's Manual - is
passed on to the new user.

A new user should be made aware of the support services that Philips Medical Systems provides
for installing, commissioning and maintaining the equipment or system, and for the
comprehensive training of operators.

It must be remembered by all existing users that passing on medical electrical and equipment to
new users may create serious technical, medical and legal risks. Such risks can arise even if the
equipment is given away. Existing users are strongly advised to seek advice from their local Philips
Medical Systems representative before committing themselves to passing on any equipment.
Alternatively, contact Philips Medical Systems at the address given below.

Philips Medical Systems


P.O. Box 10 000

5680 DA BEST
The Netherlands

Facsimile: +31 40 276 2205

Once the equipment has been passed on to a new user, a previous user may still receive important
safety-related information, such as bulletins and field change orders. In many jurisdictions, there
is a clear duty on the previous user to communicate such safety-related information to new users.
Previous users who are not able or prepared to do this should inform Philips Medical Systems
about the new user, so that Philips Medical Systems can provide the new user with safety-related

multi DIAGNOST 3


10.3 Final Disposal of the DIAGNOST 94

! Do not dispose of the DIAGNOST 94 (or any parts of it) with industrial or domestic
waste. This system contains hazardous materials which requires special disposal.
Incorrect disposal of any of these materials may lead to serious environmental

Final disposal is when the user disposes of the equipment or system in such a way that it can no
longer be used for its intended purpose(s).

Philips supports users in:

• recovering reusable parts
• recycling of useful materials by competent disposal companies
• safe and effective disposal of equipment

For advice and information, contact your Philips Service Organization first, or otherwise Philips
Medical Systems at the address below:

Philips Medical Systems

P.O. Box 10 000
5680 DA BEST
The Netherlands

Facsimile: +31 40 276 2205

10.4 Fitting, Removing and Disposing of Batteries

Battery Replacement for Viewpad

For safe operation, the batteries have to be replaced at regular intervals. To replace the batteries,
open the cover on the rear of the viewpad, remove the old batteries and place new batteries in the
position indicated in the battery compartment.
Battery type: Philips ‘PENLITE’ LR03.
Batteries harm the environment; dispose of the old batteries in an environmentally acceptable way.

Caution Remove the batteries if the viewpad will not be used for a long time.

multi DIAGNOST 3



The Philips DIAGNOST 94 complies with relevant national and international standards,
regulations and laws.
Information on such compliance will be issued on request by your Philips Medical Systems
representative or by:
Philips Medical Systems
Dept. Corporate Technology
P.O. Box 10.000
5680 DA BEST,
The Netherlands
Fax: + 31 40 2762205

Stand movements
Table tilt 90° to - 30° or to - 90° Trendelenburg
Tilting speed variable from 1 to 4.5 °/s
The tilting speed is automatically reduced to zero near horizontal
and end positions.
Transversal travel 30 cm
Scanning X-ray beam scanning range: 160 cm
Patient coverage approximately 198 cm (38 cm II)

Tube column Tube angulation: 40° to either side with orthogonal stop
SID 110 and 150 cm
Tube rotation Manual 180° to either side with stops at 0°, 40°, 50° and 90° on
both sides
Tomography Linear movement at 40°, 20° and 8°
Speed selectable for each tomography angle
40° in 3 or 1.5 seconds
20° in 1.5 or 0.75 seconds
8° in 0.6 or 0.3 seconds
SID during tomography 110 cm

Layer height range: 0-25 cm

Stand dimensions
Tabletop to floor distance 80, 84 or 88 cm (set during installation)
Tabletop Dimensions: 240 x 69.5 cm
Materials: low absorption tabletop; 0.6 mm Al equivalent
flat with flat accessory rails
Collimator Automatic with near-focus iris shutters, coupled to cassette format,
film subdivision (if applicable), SID and image intensifier field,
rotatable manually over 45° to both sides
Serial changer fully automatic insertion for cm and inch cassettes
for an overview of cassette sizes and possible subdivisions, if
applicable, see Section 2.2.2 Remote control panel.
L/R indicator (optional)



load/unload time, approximately 2 seconds

preparation time for exposure, approximately 1.2 seconds
rapid sequence exposures, approximately 6 exposures /4 seconds
grid: carbon fibre, 60 lines/cm, ratio 1:13, SID 120 cm
lead shutters
automatic density control with AMPLIMAT system

Automatic Bucky (option replacing Serial changer)

similar specifications as Serial changer, but no support of film
subdivisions and L/R indication

Compressor parkable compressor cone, fully motorised

pressure adjustable between 4 and 16 kg

X-ray tubes Compatible with Rotalix and Super Rotalix tube assemblies

Image intensifier 23-cm and 38-cm Triview image intensifier with one channel
Nominal field sizes: 23/17/14 cm: 9/7/5 inches
38/25/17 cm: 14/10/7 inches

Imaging chain XTV8 and XTV11

Monitor 50 cm/20 inch, high-contrast

Generators Output
Medio 50 CP 650 mA at 80 kV
500 mA at 100 kV
400 mA at 125 kV
320 mA at 150 kV
Nominal power 50 kW IEC (9601-2-7/1987)

Medio 65 CP 700 mA at 80 kV
650 mA at 100 kV
500 mA at 125 kV
400 mA at 150 kV
Nominal power 65 kW IEC (9601-2-7/1987)

Super 80 CP 1000 mA at 80 kV
800 mA at 100 kV
630 mA at 125 kV
500 mA at 150 kV
Nominal power 80 kW IEC (9601-2-7/1987)

Automatic load control

AMPLIMAT automatic exposure control with falling load or fixed current
APR programmed exposures with multiprogramming, free settings,
1, 2 or 3-factor technique. Connection for 2 double-focus tubes.



Thyristor timer
Quartz controlled, minimum switching time 1 or 3 ms

Operating controls
All DIAGNOST 94 operating controls are centralized in a remote user-interface.
The essential controls for table movements are duplicated on an optional nearby control panel
which can be mounted anywhere on the tableside, or on a separate mobile pedestal.The controls
used most frequently for radiography are duplicated on the front panel of the serial changer or
automatic Bucky.

Voltage ranges
40 to 150 kV for radiography
40 to 110 kV for fluoroscopy

Power consumption and connection

Automatic mains compensation.
3-phase connection to 380 V ±10%, 50 or 60 Hz
Power consumption DIAGNOST 94 3.5 kVA
DSI 1.5 kVA

Data display with fluoroscopic image on monitor
Printer for printout of exposure parameters and area-dose product
Automatic exposure control for tomography on serial changer

DSI System
Dimensions (w x h x d)
Processor cabinet 58 x 154 x 91 cm
Keyboard With viewing module: 51 x 6 x 22 cm
Operating modules Acquisition module 1x 3M: 21 x 6 x 13 cm

Electrical Power Supply

Voltage 100, 110, 120, 127, 220 or 240 Volt
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz

Power Consumption
1.5 kW

Operating Room Temperature

14 °C to 35 °C / 57 °F to 95 °F

Cable Lengths
cabinet to imaging chain 20 m
cabinet to generator 20 m
cabinet to console or operating modules 20 m
cabinet to local HCU 30 m



Optical Disk
5 1/2- inch erasable (WMRM) disk
Access time < 6 seconds
Save speed 8 seconds per 10242 image
3 seconds per 5122 image
Retrieve speed Directory display < 5 seconds
First image available < 10 seconds; thereafter
8 seconds per 10242 image
3 seconds per 5122 image
Erase speed Directory display < 5 seconds
1 side of disk within 10 minutes
Eject time Disk can be removed < 5 seconds

46 49 9 42 10 35 43 36 37 40 41 12-1

47 38
Generator Control Panel 51
A System on 11-18 FPR selection 48 39
B System off 19-26 APR selection 7
27-33 APR kV selection
Auxiliary selection for Super CP generator 34 Bolus chase program 20
1 Serial changer 35 kV setting and display 11 27
36 mA or mAs setting and display 28
2 Serial changer in tomography mode 2 21
3 DSI 37 Time setting and display 1
4 DSI in tomography mode 38 Patient thinner than normal A
5 Free cassette on tabletop 39 Patient thicker than normal 3

6 Wall bucky 40 Generator reset

B 45
41 Fluoroscopy buzzer reset
Auxiliary selection for Medio CP generator 42 Warning/exposure display 52
1 Free cassette on tabletop 43 Fluoroscopy display 5 6 13 15 17 18 16 14 23 25 26 24 29 31 33 34 32 30
2 Wall bucky 44 Service use only Generator control panel Exposure handswitch
3 Serial changer (including tomography) 45 Preparation/exposure control
4 DSI (including tomography) 46-48 AMPLIMAT
49-51 Film/screen selection
52 Exposure handswitch 54
Exposure technique setting
7 kV-mAs 53 Exposure footswitch
8 kV-mA-ms 54 Fluoroscopy footswitch 55
55 Speed control handswitch 53
Focal spot setting 54
9 Small focal spot
10 Large focal spot
Exposure and Fluoroscopy footswitches Exposure and Fluoroscopy footswitches Speed Control handswitch

Remote Control Panel

60 Reset stand 85 Compressor selection
61 Previous tomography program 86 Decrease compressor pressure
67 69 68 73 71 77 72 74 79 78 80 86 88 87 90
62 Next tomography program 87 Increase compressor pressure
63 Tomography angle display 88 Compressor pressure setting display
64 Tomography time display 89 Compressor movement control 62
65 Tomography mode select 90 Actual compressor pressure display 61
66 Tomography interrupt 91 Collimator control key
67 Reduce layer height 92 Spotfilm full size 65 94

68 Increase layer height 93 Collimator light on 60 89

70 85
69 Layer height display 94 Manual collimator field size joystick 75 81-84
95 Table tilt control 76
70 Eject cassette
71 No film subdivision 96 Horizontal stop release 108

72 2 vertical subdivisions 97 Table tilt angle display 91

73 3 vertical subdivisions 98 Column angulation
74 4 vertical subdivisions 99 Vertical stop release
75 2 horizontal/2 vertical subdivisions 100 Column angle display
76 2 horizontal/3 vertical subdivisions 101 Scanning movement joystick
77 Display of cassette size 102 Potential collision display
97 96 95 100 99 98 102 101 105 103 104 109 106 107
78 Display of remaining exposures 103 Tube down
79 Skip exposure 104 Tube up Remote control panel
80 Rapid sequence exposure 105 SID display
81-84 Not used 106-108 Not used
109 Error display


Imaging Module 122 123 121 128 129 135 140 146 141
120 Emergency power off 136 Normal exposure dose
121 Image intensifier field size display 137 Low exposure dose
122 Decrease field size selection 138 Fluoroscopy kV adjustment
123 Increase field size selection 139 Fluoroscopy mA adjustment
124-130 Not used 140 Not used 124 120

131 Measuring field selection for fluoroscopy 141 L/R indication deselection 125

132 kV/mA lock-in 142 L Marker for supine patient position

133 Image inversion left/right 143 R Marker for supine patient position
134 Image inversion top/bottom 144 Inverted R Marker for prone patient position
135 High exposure dose 145 Inverted L Marker for prone patient position 126 127 131 133 134 132 137 136 138 139 142 144 145 143
146 Not used
Imaging module
Nearby Control Panel
160 Emergency power off 165-168 Not used 171172 174 173 164a 164b 164c 162 161163
161 Longitudinal and transversal scanning 169 Table tilt
movement control 170 Column angulation
162 Monitor-oriented movement 171 Collimator light on
163 System-oriented movement 172 Manual control of collimator field size
164a Small image intensifier field size 173 Not used
164b Medium image intensifier field size 174 Indicator
164c Large image intensifier field size

Tableside Control Panel

180 Emergency power off 190 Tube down - SID 1100
181 Automatic collimator adjustment 191 Counterclockwise table tilting
182 Collimator light on 192 Clockwise table tilting
183 Close vertical shutters 193, 194 Not used
169 165 166 160 167 168 170
184 Open vertical shutters 195 Left longitudinal scanning movement
185 Open horizontal shutters 196 Right longitudinal scanning movement Nearby control panel
186 Close horizontal shutters 197 Backwards transversal scanning movement
180 181 182 183 184 187 188 191 192 195 196 199 200 180
187 Counterclockwise column angulation 198 Forwards transversal scanning movement
188 Clockwise column angulation 199 Eject cassette
189 Tube up - SID 1500 200 Cassette present indicator

Collimator controls
211 Scale indicating lateral shutter position 185 186 189 190 193 194 197 198

212 Table of values for aperture settings

Tableside control panel
213 Additional filtration selector
214 Scale indicating longitudinal shutter position 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 222
215 Collimator rotation lock
216 Manual control of collimator field size
217 Collimator light on
218 Lamp compartment 224
219 Rail clamp
220 Accessory (in this case a field indication plate) 211

221 Accessory rail

222 Manual mode indicator
223 Lamp cover retaining screw
224 Cerebral filter

223 221 212 220 221

Collimator controls DIAGNOST 94


Table Indicators
231 Tilt angle indicator
232 Column angle indicator
233 Power supply connector and earth
connector for contrast agent injector
234 Collision detector under compressor unit
235 Collision detector behind tabletop
236 Collision detectors on both sides of
serial changer 235

237 Connector for switch mat 233

Standard Accessories
241 Footrest
242 Handgrips

Optional Accessories
243 Shoulder supports Table indicators
244 Head clamp
245 Ankle clamps
246 Compression ratchet set 257
247 Lateral cassette holder (not shown) 264
248 Adjustable cassette clamp
249 Rotatable stool for footrest 241

250 Catheterization arm support 261

249 242
251 Pair of leg supports 245
252 Holder for accessories 262
253 Infusion bottle holder
254 Pair of adjustable positioners 254
255 Parking frame for accessories (not shown)
256 Peripheral wedge filter set 251
257 Mattress
253 246 263
Paediatric Accessories 243
248 265
261 Paediatric footrest
262 Child seat
263 Baby support 266
264 Wall storage rack for baby support

265 Child harness

266 Metal storage stands for accessories
Standard and optional accessories Paediatric accessories
DSI Processor Cabinet
C On and Reset
D Off


DSI processor cabinet


DSI Keyboard
271 Cursor up 279 Function keys
272 Cursor down F1 Administration Screen
273 Cursor left F2 Copy Screen
274 Cursor right F3 Transfer Screen
275 Enter F4 System Screen 279 283 286 289

276 Backspace F5 Physician Screen 311 278 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

277 Reset F6 Acquisition Default Screen 281 282 284 285 287 288
/s /s
278 Escape (ESC) 1x

319 320 321 276 0

DSI Viewing Module 322 323 324 Enter F9 F10 277 292 293 291

281 Decrease contrast 296 Previous image; Decrease acquisition speed; 275 ABC
F11 F12 F8 300 F7 301
282 Increase contrast Previous run
283 Contrast level indicator 297 Next image; Increase acquisition speed;
273 271 274 290 298 299 302
316 317 318
284 Decrease brightness Next run
285 Increase brightness 298 Keep image selection or Grab image 272 1 1

294 295
286 Brightness level indicator 299 Clear run 296 297

287 Decrease edge enhancement 300 Large format selection

DSI acquisition module DSI viewing module
288 Increase edge enhancement 301 Start hardcopy
289 Edge enhancement level indicator 302 Run cycle
290 Overview on/off F7 Flags a run for Bolus Chase Reconstruction
291 Park image/Grab external video image F8 Zoom
292 Image polarity inversion on/off F9 Pixel shift
293 Subtraction on/off and Remasking F10 Manual electronic shutters
294 Previous examination F11 Subtraction contrast change
295 Next examination F12 Annotate

DSI Acquisition Module Viewpad Duplicated

311 Capacity display a Previous examination 294
316 Subtraction on/off during acquisition b Next examination 295
317 Image polarity on/off during acquisition c Previous image; decrease acquisition speed; 296 a 1 1 b
318 Matrix resolution Previous run
c d
319 Single-shot selection d Next image; increase acquisition speed; 297
320 Acquisition speed decrease Next run
321 Acquisition speed increase e Overview selection on/off 290
322 Fluoro grab/Dynamic fluoro grab f Clear run 299 f g
323 External video g Keep image or grab image 298/322

324 Trace-subtract h Large format or run cycle 300 or 302 h i

i Start hardcopy 301 j k
s j Subtraction /Remasking 293
k Trace subtract 324 l Ext m
l Park image 291
m Zoom or F8
External video 323

DSI Viewpad



333 337
Examination Room Monitor
330 Power on/off switch with indicator
331 Brightness control
332 Contrast control
333 Sensor for automatic brightness adaptation

Control Room Monitor

334 Power on indicator
335 Brightness control
336 Contrast control 335 336
331 332 330 334
337 Sensor for automatic brightness adaptation
Standard monitors
Optical Disk Drive Unit
341 Busy indicator
342 Eject cartridge
343 Manual cartridge ejection




Optical disk drive unit






The numbers within brackets refer to numbers assigned

to the function keys within the manual. See Section 2.2 Controls,
Indicators and Accessories.

A export 6-5
Abbreviations 1-3, 2-1 HCU 6-2
Accessories, 2-32, 3-10 optical disk 6-6
optional 2-32 [243-257], 3-12 preparation 5-7
paediatric 2-33 [261-266], 3-23 Area dose printout 2-11 [40], 6-7
standard 2-32 [241-242], 3-10 Automatic shutter position 2-51
Accessory rail 2-29 [221]
Acquisition 2.1.4, 4.3 B
digital acquisition 4-11 Baby support accessory 2-33 [263], 3-24
display 2-45 [311] Bolus chase 4-3
dose selection [135-137] flag for BCR [F7]
module 2-45 procedure 4-6
image acquisition 4-1 program 2-11 [34]
image polarity on/off 2-46 [317]] speed control 2-13 [55]
imaging mode selection 2-9 [1-6], 4-2 Brightness
image processing parameters during 2-52 control on monitors 2-49 [331, 335]
imaging technique selection 2-10 [11-34], 4-2 decrease 2-38 [284]
matrix resolution 2-46 [318] increase 2-38 [285]
parameters 7-2 indicator 2-38 [286]
single-shot selection 2-46 [319] Bypass fluoroscopy 2-4
speed default setting 2-51
speed selection 2-40 [296, 297], C
2-46 [320, 321] Capacity display 2-45 [311]
subtraction during 2-45 [316], 2-52 Cartridge (optical disk)
Acquisition default screen 2-61 [F6], 7.3 eject 2-50 [342]
Adjustable cassette clamp accessory 2-32 [248] handling 2-50
Adjustable positioners, pair 2-32 [254], 3-14 inserting and removing a cartridge 2-50

Administration screen 2-54 [F1], 3-3 manual eject 2-50 [343]

Amplimat Cassette
measuring fields 2-12 [46-48 or 7-8 cassette present indicator 2-28 [200]
Anatomically Programmed Radiology 4-3 eject 2-16 [70, 199]
kV selection 2-10 [27-33] film subdivision with cassette 2-16
selection 2-10 [19-26] size 2-17 [77]
Ankle clamp accessory 2-32 [245], 3-15 Catheterization arm support 2-32 [250], 3-20
Annotate 2-36 [F12], 5-6 Cerebral filter accessory 2-29 [224]
add text 2-35 [276] Child harness accessory 2-33 [265], 3-25
delete text 2-35 [276, 277] Child seat accessory 2-33 [262], 3-23
Archiving Clear run 2-42 [299, f], 5-7
EasyVision 6-4 Cold restart (of DSI) 3-2
EasyVision export 6-5 Collimator
EasyVision store 6-5 automatic adjustment 2-27 [181]



control, turning collimator itself 3-9 Copying

control key 2-19 [91] with the hardcopy unit 6-2
controls 2-27 [181-186] to HCU connected to DSI 6-2
display shutter position [291,294] to HCU connected to Easyvision 6-3
field size 2-19 [94],2-26 [172],
2-27 [183-186], D
2-29 [216] DSI
light 2-19 [93], 2-26 [171], acquisition module 2-45
2-27 [182] auxiliary selection 2-9 [3], 2-10 [4]
manual control 2-19 [94], 2-26 [172], capacity display 2-45 [311]
2-29 [216] copying to HCU 6-2
manual mode indicator 2-29 [222] copying to HCU via EasyVision 6-3
spotfilm size (HHS) 2-19 [92] default parameters 2-51
Collision detectors 1-6, 2-31 [234-237] fluoroscopy functions 4-8
Collision protection 1-6 keyboard 2-45
compressor unit 2-31 [234] message line 8-4
serial changer 2-31 [236] modifying parameters 4-3
switch mat 2-31 [237] operating modes 3-1
tabletop 2-31 [235] procedure 4-11
Column processor cabinet 2-34
angle display 2-20 [100] setup functions 7-1
angulation 2-20 [98], 2-26 [170], status messages 8-6
2-27 [187, 188], 3-8 symbols displayed on screen 2-62
collision display 2-21 [102] transfer to EasyVision 6-4
scanning movement 2-21 [101], 2-25 [161], viewing module 2-37
2-28 [195, 196], 3-7 viewpad 2-47
vertical stop release 2-28 [99] Deleting an examination 3-4
Compatibility 1-2 Digital
Compliance 1-3 acquisition 4-11
Compression ratchet set 2-32 [246], 3-17 Displays
Compressor capacity display (DSI) 2-45 [311]
actual pressure display 2-18 [90] cassette size 2-17 [77]
movement control 2-18 [89], 3-9 collimator shutter position 2-29 [211, 214]
pressure 2-18 [86, 87] collision (potential) 2-21[102]
pressure setting display 2-18 [88] column angle display 2-20 [100]
selection 2-18 [85] compressor actual pressure 2-18 [90]
Contrast compressor setting pressure 2-18 [88]
control on monitors 2-49 [332, 335] errors (movement) 2-21 [109]
decrease 2-38 [281] field size 2-22 [121]
increase 2-38 [282] fluoroscopy display 2-12 [43]
indicator 2-38 [283] kV 2-11 [35]
Control and status screens 2-53 layer height 2-16 [69]
acquisition default screen 2-61 [F6] mA/mAs 2-11 [36]
administration screen 2-54 [F1] ms 2-11 [37]
copy screen 2-55 [F2] remaining exposures 2-17 [78]
physician screen 2-60 [F5] SID 2-21 [105]
system screen 2-58 [F4] tilt angle display 2-20 [97]
transfer screen 2-57 [F3] tomography angle 2-15 [63]
Copy screen 2-55 [F2] tomography time 2-15 [64]
warning display 2-11 [42]



Dose report 6-7 mA adjustment 2-23 [139]

start printout 2-11 [40] measuring field selection 2-22 [131]
noise reduction 2-51, 7-4
E procedure 4-8
EasyVision 6 reset time indicator 2-11 [40]
copying to HCU 6-3 symbols 2-64
transfer from DSI 6-4 trace-subtract 4-9
Edge enhancement Focal spot
decrease 2-38 [287] large focal spot setting 2-10 [10]
increase 2-38 [288] small focal spot setting 2-10 [9]
indicator 2-38 [289] Footrest, standard accessory 2-32 [241], 3-11
Emergency 1-5 Footrest, paediatric 2-33 [261], 3-23
emergency stop 1-5 [120],[160],[180] Footswitches
patient handling 4-11 exposure 2-13 [53]
procedures 1-5 fluoroscopy 2-13 [54]
system off 2-9 [B] Free cassette
Error messages 8-1 auxiliary selection 2-9 [5],2-10 [1]
DSI 8-4 procedure 4-10
generator 8-1 Function keys
stand 8-2 control and status screens 2-53 [F1-F6]
Examination DSI 2-36 [279]
modifying 3-4
previous/next 2-40 [294, a],[295, b] G
scheduling 3-2 Generator control panel 2-9
Exposure Glossary 1-4, 2-2
control 2-12 [45] Grayscale enhancement curve (GSE) 2-51, 7-3
dose selection 2-23 [135-137] Grayscale reproduction 6-2
footswitch 2-13 [53]
handswitch 2-13 [52] H
rapid sequence exposure 2-18 [80] HCU 6-2
skip exposure 2-18 [79] copying 6-2
speed control 2-13 [55] grayscale reproduction 6-2
large format selection 2-42 [300, h]
F start hardcopy 2-42 [301, i]
FPR 4-2 Handgrip accessory 2-32, [242], 3-12
selecting 2-10 [11-18] Handswitches

Field size exposure 2-13 [52]

display 2-22 [121] speed control 2-13 [55]
measuring field selection 2-22 [131] Head clamp 2-32 [244]
selection 2-22 [122,123], Holder for accessories 2-32 [252]
2-26 [164]
Film I
film/screen selection 2-12 [49-51] Image intensifier
subdivision 2-16 [71-76] field size display 2-22 [121]
Fluoroscopy field size selection 2-22 [122, 123],
buzzer reset 2-11 [41] 2-26 [164]
display 2-12 [43] Image (during acquisition)
footswitch 2-13 [54] image polarity on/off 2-45 [317]
grab image/run 2-40[298, g] inversion 2-23 [133,134]
kV adjustment 2-23 [138] L/R indication 2-24 [141-145]
kV/mA lock in 2-23 [132]



Image (during viewing) function keys 2-36 [279]

annotate 2-36 [F12] reset 2-36 [277]
brightness control 2-38 [284, 285] kV
contrast control 2-38 [281, 282] adjustment 2-23 [138]
edge enhancement control 2-38 [287, 288] display 2-11 [35]
keep 2-41 [298, g] setting 2-11 [35]
manual electronic shutters 2-36 [F10] kV/mA lock in 2-23 [132]
overview on/off 2-38 [290, e] kV-mA-ms
park/grab 2-39[291] exposure technique setting 2-10 [78]
pixel shift 2-36 [F9] kV-mAs
polarity inversion on/off 3-39 [292] exposure technique setting 2-10 [7]
processing 5-3
run clear 2-42 [299, f ] L
run cycle 2-43 [302, h] Lateral cassette holder accessory 2-32 [247], 3-18
selection 5-1 Layer height
subtraction contrast change 2-36 [F11] display 2-16 [69]
subtraction on/off -remasking 2-39 [293, j] height control 2-15 [67, 68]
zoom 2-36 [F8] Leg supports, pair 2-32 [251], 3-21
Image mode 2-9 [1-6], 4-2
Image selection 5-1 M
external video 2-46 [323, m] mA
next/previous examination 2-40 [294,a],[295, b] adjustment 2-23 [139]
next/previous image 2-40 [296, c],[297, d] mA/mAs
next/previous run (run cycle mode) 2-40 [296, c],[297, d] display 2-11 [36]
overview 2-38 [290, e] setting 2-11 [36]
Image technique 2-10 [11-34, 65], 4-2 Mattress accessory 2-32 [257]
Imaging module 2-22 Measuring fields
Indicators selection (Amplimat) 2-12 [46-48]
brightness level 2-38 [286] selection (fluoroscopy) 2-22 [131]
cassette present 2-16 [70], 2-28 [200] Metal storage stands for accessories 2-33 [266]
contrast level 2-38 [283] Modifying examination data 3-4
DSI in tomography mode 2-9 [4] Monitors 2.2.9
edge enhancement level 2-38 [289] controls, standard monitors 2-49 [330-337]
L/R indication 2-24 [141-145] Movements 3-5
manual collimator mode 2-29 [222] collimator 3-9
optical disk busy 2-50[341] collimator field size 2-19 [94], 2-26 [172],
radiation on 2-11 [42] 2-27 [183-186]
ready indicator 2-11 [42] column angulation 2-20 [98-100], 2-26 [170],
serial changer in tomography mode 2-9 [2] 2-27 [187-188], 3-8
table indicators 2-31 [231-237] compressor 2-18 [85], 3-9
tube load 2-11 [42] error display 2-21 [109]
Infusion bottle holder accessory 2-32 [253] positioning the system 3-4
Injector, contrast agent connector 2-31 [233] provided by the DIAGNOST 94 3-5
Intended use 1-2 reset stand 2-14 [60], 3-6
scanning 2-21 [101-102],
K 2-25 [161],
Keyboard 2-35 2-28 [195-198] , 3-7
backspace 2-35 [276] SID 2-21 [103-105],
cursor keys 2-35 [271-274] 2-28 [189-190], 3-8
enter 2-35 [275] table tilt 2-20 [95-97], 2-26 [169],
escape 2-35 [278] 2-28 [191-192], 3-7



tube rotation 3-9 cycle 2-43 [302, h]

ms overview 2-38 [290]
display 2-11 [37] Rotatable stool for footrest 2-32 [249], 3-19
setting 2-11 [37]
Nearby control panel 2-25 control 2-21 [103-104],
Noise reduction 7-4 2-28 [189-190], 3-8
display 2-21 [105]
O Safety directions 1-4
Optical disk drive unit 2-50 Scanning movement 3-7
busy indicator 2-50 [341] control 2-21 [101-102],
eject cartridge 2-50 [342, 343] 2-25 [161],
functions 6-6 2-28 [195-198] , 3-7
inserting/removing cartridge 2-50 Screen
saving to optical disk 6-6 film/screen selection 2-12 [49-51]
Overhead handgrip bar accessory 3-22 overview of DSI screens 2-53
Overviews Serial changer
image displays 2-62 auxiliary selection 2-9 [1], 2-10 [3]
symbols in overview mode 2-63 cassette size display 2-17 [77]
symbols on fluoroscopy images 2-64 eject cassette 2-16 [70], 2-28 [199]
modifying parameters 4-3
P procedure for acquiring images 4-11
Patient rapid sequence exposure 2-18 [80]
L/R indication 2-24 [141-145] remaining exposures display 2-17 [78]
positioning 3-10 skip exposure 2-18 [79]
positioning accessories 2-32 Shutters
thicker/thinner compensation 2-11 [38-39] collimator 2-19 [94], 2-26 [172],
Peripheral wedge filter set 2-32 [256], 3-21, 4-6 2-27 [182-186],
Physician code 7-1 2-29 [216]
Physician screen 2-60 [F5] manual electronic shutters 2-36 [F10]
Print out dose report 2-11 [40],6-7 Subtraction
pixel shift 2-36 [F9]
R subtraction contrast change 2-36 [F11], 2-52
Reference monitor subtraction during acquisition 2-45 [316]
park/grab image 2-39 [291, l] subtraction on/off -remasking 2-39 [293, j]

external video 2-46 [323, m] System

Remote control panel 2-14 DSI switch off 2-34 [D], 3-2
Report DSI switch on/reset 2-34 [C], 3-1
dose report 6-7 [40] positioning 3-4
Reset restart 1-6, 3-1, 3-2
collimator maximum field size 2-19 [94] setup functions 7-1
DSI 2-34 [C] switch off generator 3-9 [B], 3-2
DSI functions 2-34 [277] switch on/reset generator 3-9 [A], 3-1
fluoroscopy buzzer 2-11 [41] System screen 2-58 [F4]
generator 2-9 [A], 2-11 [40] Shoulder support accessory 2-32 [243], 3-12
stand movements 2-14 [60]
Retrieving images 6 T
optical disk 6-6 Table
Run horizontal stop release 2-20 [96]
clear 2-42 [299, f ] scanning movement 2-21 [101], 2-25 [161],



2-28 [197-198] , 3-7 W

tilt angle display 2-20 [97] Wall bucky
tilt control 2-20 [95], 2-26 [169], 2-28 [191-192],
auxiliary selection 3-7 2-10 [6], [2]
TDC 4-3 procedure 4-10
Tableside control panel 2-27 Wedge filters, peripheral 3-21
Tabletop positioning 3-21, 4-6
free cassette selection 2-9 [5], 2-10 [1]
Tomography X
display- angle/time 2-15 [63, 64] X-ray
DSI selection 2-9 [4] generation 2-3
interrupt 2-15 [66] tube and collimator 2-3
mode select 2-15 [65]
procedure 4-4 Z
program - previous/next 2-15 [61, 62] Zoom 2-44 [F8]
serial changer selection 2-10 [3]
Trace subtract fluoroscopy
control 2-46 [324]
procedure 4-9
Training 1-3
screen 2-57 [F3]

external 2-46 [323, m]
grab external video image 2-39 [291, l]
Viewpad 2-47
battery disposal/replacement 10-2
controls 2-47 [a-m]
Viewing 2-37, 5
annotate 2-36 [F12]
brightness control 2-38 [284, 285]
contrast control 2-38 [281, 282]
edge enhancement control 2-38 [287, 288]
keep 2-41 [298, g]
manual electronic shutters 2-36 [F10]
module 2-37
overview on/off 2-38 [290, e]
park/grab 2-39[291]
pixel shift 2-36 [F9]
polarity inversion on/off 3-39 [292]
processing 5-3
run clear 2-42 [299, f ]
run cycle 2-43 [302, h]
selection 5-1
subtraction contrast change 2-36 [F11]
subtraction on/off -remasking 2-39 [293, j]
zoom 2-36 [F8]
Viewing module 2-37


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