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Final Demo Reflection

The most awaited day that every student teacher was the day of final demonstration.
The day of mine that I felt excited, nervous, and blessed. During my demonstration, I feel so
confident that I can finish my topic and I will not forget the flow of my lesson plan. I was so
happy in my final demonstration teaching in grade 9- Pearl. My topic is all about “Law of Sines”,
at first I feel nervous because I know that most of students when they hear the subject
“Mathematics” first thing that comes in their mind is boring and difficult subject because it is
more on solving and computing, so I made a motivation that can catch their attention because it
is the primary key to get the students’ attention. My motivation is a trivia and it is entitled “Fact
or Bluff”, I showed to them a trivia about math and I will give the 10 secs to think if the trivia is a
fact or bluff, if their answer is fact they will stand up and if the answer is bluff they will raised
their hands. I can see that they really enjoyed the motivation part and I really appreciate their
cooperation in my whole discussion.

Honestly, I can consider this teaching demonstration is one of the tiring, sleepless and
expensive demonstration I experienced. After my demonstration, I felt happy and thankful
because I saw the excitement and their eager to learner and solve problems. I am happy
because when I asked them to try to solve a problem, most of them are raising their hands. I
realized that I love what I’m doing and I love my future job.

Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. To be a teacher does
not only imply to know the subject to be taught, it also includes being willing to constantly
improve oneself integrally, as much as updating the resources and materials one uses in
teaching. Reflecting and analyzing over and over again the best way to teach to learn and how
to make students to extend what has been learned. I am thankful and blessed to be a teacher, a
teacher that will guide them, and help them to reach success.

I believed that I did give all my best to succeed in my final demonstration teaching. I
cannot do this alone, thank you so much to all who support me especially to my cooperating
teacher for guidance.
Best Lesson Plan Reflection

Daily teaching really helped me a lot to improve my skills in teaching, teaching

strategies, and boosted my confidence. Teaching on-campus is different in my teaching in San
Jose National High School because every week we have to switched to another cooperating
teacher, that’s why every week we have different classroom, different faces of the students, and
different cooperating teacher. Based on my experiences during my daily teachings I faced
problems and like on how to manage a classroom and how to catch their attention when you felt
that they are not listening to you. The challenges I encountered gives me a strong foundation to
be a better and effective teacher.

I was excited, happy, and nervous during my daily teaching since I was handled by
different cooperating teachers every week, that’s why I handled different grades and sections, In
my main cooperating teacher I handled the Grade 9-Pearl, Grade 10- Marcos, Grade 10-
Macapagal, Grade 10- Magsaysay, Grade 10- Laurel, and Grade 10- SSC Luminescence. In my
second cooperating teacher, I handled the Grade 9- SSC Alkyne, Grade 9- SSC Alkane, Grade
9- Jade, Grade 9- Emerald, and Grade 9- Crystal. In my third cooperating teacher, I handled the
Grade 8- SSC Einstein, Grade 8- SSC Newton, Grade 8- Narra, Grade 8- Banaba and grade 8-
Apitong. The rest week is we go back to our main cooperating teacher. I was very lucky and
happy because I was handled by 3 teachers and I was abled to know what is their strategies
and styles in teaching. Those cooperating teachers are strict and supportive critic teacher, they
were strict in terms of lesson planning, my lesson plans should be checked first before my daily
teaching and I was lucky of that because I trained my self very well and learned a lot of things,
strategies and techniques in lesson planning.

The responsibility as a second parent is not easy and I am aware how hard is the life of
a teacher. To decorate a classroom was a fun thing to do but was very costly and tiring,
Teachers should practice cleanliness and creativeness inside the classroom so that students
can practice it as well. These were only few of the million roles of a teacher. I had almost 2
months only but I’ve experienced enough to see my life as a teacher in the future.

. Despite the responsibility of a teacher and its hardships, I can tell that it will be worth it.
The joy fulfillment in teaching and seeing students succeed, it will always be worth it. It is not
going to be easy but it will be worth it.
Students Works and Feedbacks Reflection

Knowing that it will be the end of my deployment, I was very happy, excited and sad.
Happy and excited because I was tired of sleeping late and waking up early, I was tired of so
many requirements and I was so stressed of hearing the noise but I am also sad because I
know that I will be missed them.

Their performance really reflects to me a lot because based on my observation to them

their quizzes and group performance have really improved and they are all excelling very well. I
am happy because they learned a lot from me in my teaching styles and strategies. I am
thankful to my cooperating teacher for sharing his knowledge to me and teaching me a lot of
strategies and techniques in handling students very well. Classroom management is very
important in order for the students to listen to the lesson what I’m teaching. For example is when
I am teaching in Grade 8- Banaba, their building is near to the highway, I noticed that the boys
that sitting to the window side are always looking outside and they didn’t listening to the
discussion, that’s why I asked them to stop looking outside and they moved their chairs, so that
there will be students will look outside.

Every week I always asked them to give feedback because we changed cooperating
teacher will. Whenever I asked students to give feedbacks, they were sad and asking me,
“Ma’am, sana ikaw nalang lagi samin magturo kasi nage-gets po naming agad turo”, “Ma’am,
babalik ka pa po samin ulit”, I can’t explain my emotion every time I hear those words, I am very
thankful to them. Majority of the students feedbacks was giving thanks to me because they had
a student teacher like me, a teacher that is very kind to her students, her level of patience, and
her love to the students, I am thankful to all my students, to their appreciation for all my effort
and sacrifices in teaching.

All the feedbacks and the things that I have learned was worth it. Even though I haven’t
eaten anything every time I teach in the morning, I never felt hungry at all. I know that this is not
the end yet. I am at the beginning of my dreams.
Description of Site
(Off Campus)

My Immersion on field Study 7 off campus is on San Jose National High School which I
handled Junior high School. The San Jose National High School is a little bit closer to the
highway of San Jose, it will take a 6-minutes to walk from the highway to reach the campus. It
has a well environment and the location of the site is conductive learning by which the students
needed most. It has a gym at the center of the school which also used by the students for their
classes because of lack of facilities and large number of students in it. Classrooms are well
ventilated and well lighted although the students were using the gymnasium as a classroom is a
little bit prone to noise. They have three canteens, and the laboratory tools and equipment
especially in cooking, etc. for their TLE subject. Guards are also patrolling for the maintaining
the strict and safe environment for the students. Overall, the features and the environment of
the site are very good and helpful in maintaining the student’s conductivity in learning.
Description of Site
(In Campus)

My Immersion of Field Study 7 is on Palawan State University Main Campus which I

handled PSU- Laboratory Junior High School Grade 10- Pangolin and Grade 10- Mouse Deer
section that having subject related to Mathematics. The PSU- LHS is situated inside the PSU-
College of Teacher Education (CTE). The building on the picture are the rooms of Grade 10
students that we were assigned to teach and supervised during their Mathematics classes. The
Location of the site is conducive to learning by which the students needed most. Classroom are
well-ventilated and well lighted. Room are fully equipped to what students expected to have.
They have mini library on the back of the rooms and locker for their belongings. They also have
a white board and some projectors for their technical purposes. In terms of security, installed of
CCTV cameras are on the line. Guards are also patrolling for maintaining the strict and safe
environment for the students. Overall, the features and the environment of the site are very goo
and helpful in maintaining the student’s conductivity in learning.
Reflection of Site

I don’t have any background about San Jose National High School. Actually, the school
that we wanted to teach is on the Palawan National School because it is closer to my house but
in the letter that was already signed, the school is San Jose National High School. I don’t have
any idea how bright or naughty will be the students, I don’t even know what kind of teacher I will
be assigned.

During my first day, struggle is real because I lived in Burgos Street, the distance
between my house to the school is so far, I have to wake up so early because my first class
started at 6:50 AM, so I have to wake up 4:00 to prepare and to travel. I commute three times
before I reach the school and sometimes there is no Multicab that the routine is on Alta homes.

In my first day, the students was happy and they were saying “Ang swerte naman natin
sa practice teacher natin” I don’t know how they could say such words without knowing me. The
Students are very cheerful, helpful and respectful. Even though they were not my students, they
greet me “Good morning Ma’am” and I appreciate it.

The ambiance of the school is good. Even teachers greet student teachers with “Ma’am
or Sir”, I told myself that it is a good place to teach.

During the middle part of the deployment, I can see the high expectation of my
cooperating teacher to me, she is strict to me and I take it positively because all things she’s
doing is for all my improvement and for me to be an effective teacher. I am lucky that I have that
kind of cooperating teacher and I am very happy that I’ve really learned a lot from her.

As teachers, we must make a better place to learn for our students. We must approach
our students as our children and teach them with a heart, we must not hit our student in order to
follows us or to learn. Teachers have only one goal and that is to make students love learning.

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