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Issue No.

March, 2001

The International Geosphere–Biosphere

Programme (IGBP):
A Study of Global Change

w w w. i g b p. k IGBP is sponsored by the International

Council for Science (ICSU)

Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere

Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)
The Amazon contains and around 600 sci-
the largest extent of entists from South
tropical forest on Earth. and North America,
However, the Amazon Europe and Japan.
is rapidly changing due Ultimately, in addition
to human activities. to augmenting our
This special edition understanding of the
NewsLetter focuses on importance of Ama-
LBA - now one of the zonia for the planet,
largest coordinated scientific endeavours in the humid LBA will enhance the scientific understanding needed
tropics, involving 80 closely-linked research groups to guide the sustainable use of the Amazonian forests.

A new IGBP web site LBA Special Edition

has been launched! Contents
The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere
Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) .......................... 2

Predicting Location and Magnitude of

Land Use and Land Change ............................... 4

The Interaction of Clouds and Rain with

the Biosphere ..................................................... 8

Unveiling the Lively Atmosphere-Biosphere

Interactions in the Amazon ............................... 12

Investigating the Carbon Cycle of the

Amazon Forests ................................................. 15

Land Use Changes and the Biogeochemistry

of River Corridors in the Amazon ...................... 19
Please visit the new IGBP web site. We welcome
your feedback! EOS Terra: First Data and Mission Status ….... 23

IGBP and Related Meetings …......................... 32

w w
As a response to this rapid
development, the Brazilian sci-
The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmo- entific community – joined and
sphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) supported by an international
by C. A. Nobre, D. Wickland and P. l. Kabat team of scientists in -1993 began
to plan a continental scale exper-
iment. They addressed this by
creating The Large Scale Bio-
The Amazon Basin contains the largest extent of tropical forest sphere-Atmosphere Experiment
on Earth, over 5 million km2, and accounts for a large propor- in Amazonia (LBA) to study
tion of the planet’s animal and plant species. However, over how Amazonia currently func-
the past 25 years rapid development has led to the deforesta- tions as a regional entity in the
tion of over 500,000 km2 in Brazil alone. A small number of Earth system and how changes
in land use and climate will
field studies carried out over the last 15 years showed local
affect the biological, physical
changes in the water, energy, carbon and nutrient cycling,
and chemical functioning of the
and atmospheric composition caused by deforestation and region’s ecosystems.
biomass burning. LBA is one of the largest
coordinated scientific endeavors
in the humid tropics. The
project’s implementation began
in 1998 and has advanced rap-
idly since. Today LBA studies
comprise over 80 closely-linked
and coordinated research groups
involving about 600 scientists
from South and North America,
Europe and Japan.
The LBA research strategy is
two-pronged. The first strategy
being to carry out a collection
of process-based studies at small
scales where models and remote
sensing are used to scale up to
the basin scale. And the second
is a study focused along two eco-
logical transects with ecoclimatic
and land use intensity gradients
across the basin (Figure 1). LBA
studies are organized around 7
themes (physical climate, atmo-

“As the scientific community prepares its mid-term evaluation of LBA, it is with great satisfaction that
we have witnessed progress on several fronts.
The LBA programme has served to integrate Brazilian, North and Latin American and European
researchers from diverse areas of knowledge in a concrete multi-dimensional research activity. The
research teams have made a wide range of observations on topics related to Amazonia’s biospheric
-atmospheric interactions from the physical-chemical-biological aspects to the human component.
The LBA programme constitutes a nucleus that unites and recruits research in this area of science.
The programme results support the Brazilian Science and Technology Ministry (MCT) as it develops
appropriate science and technology policy for the Amazon region.
International cooperation in LBA is an essential and fundamental element in both reinforcing national
leadership as well as the establishment of national science and technology policy for Amazonia.”
Esper Cavalheiro, Secretary for Science and Technology Policy and Programmes, MCT, Brazil

and on 283 posters that covered
the full range of LBA’s scientific
themes. While there is still much
to understand about how the
Amazon region functions, the
conference showed progress in
many areas including a greater
understanding of the relation-
ships among these 7 disciplinary
research themes. The following
five articles describe what LBA
Aerosol particles in the atmosphere
research teams have learned and
make up cloud condensation nuclei highlight some of the unan-
that join with water vapor to make swered questions that guide
clouds. What happens when aerosol
particle concentrations increase?
continuation of LBA study.
See page 11. Many challenges lie ahead for
LBA science. Greater scientific
involvement of the research
communities of all of the Ama-
spheric chemistry, carbon stor- In June of 2000 LBA held zonian countries is needed. Also,
age and exchange, its first scientific conference in to answer the overarching ques-
biogeochemistry, hydrology and Belém, Pará, Brazil, where over tions, LBA needs to effectively
surface water chemistry, land 350 participants met to present integrate, coordinate and syn-
use and land cover change, and their findings in open meetings thesize a wealth of thematic
the human dimension of Ama-
zonian development) that cut
across the realm of Earth System
Science. LBA has benefited from
interaction with a number of the
IGBP core projects and activities
(including BAHC, GCTE, IGAC,
which have been instrumental in
both coordinated planning and
From its early planning, LBA
has been concerned about capac-
ity building in the region. LBA
leaders and collaborators place
a strong emphasis on building
a cadre of trained scientists
in Amazonia able to carry on
research after LBA has com-
pleted its mission. To date,
through the efforts of the LBA
Training and Education Com-
mittee, the project has supported
field and laboratory training
for over 200 individuals who
are actively making contribu-
tions to answer LBA’s research
questions. In the future, these
well-trained scientists and future
leaders in the project’s several The probability of a forest completely
disciplines will certainly prove burning after it has been burned
to be LBA’s greatest legacy. once is very high. See page 5.

research results and this perhaps
presents, in itself, the greatest
challenge for Earth System Sci-
ence. Ultimately, in addition
to augmenting our understand-
ing of the importance of Ama-
zonia for the planet, LBA must
enhance the scientific under-
standing needed to guide the
sustainable use of the Amazo-
nian forests.
Carlos A. Nobre
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas

Diane Wickland
Terrestrial Ecology Program
300 E Street, SW -- Room 5R13
Washington, DC 20546

Pavel Kabat
ALTERRA Green World Research,
Wageningen University and
Research Centre,
NL-6700 AA Wageningen,
The Netherlands

families while conserving

Predicting Location and Magnitude of the region’s rich biological
Land Use and Land Change To answer these questions these
by E. Moran and T. Krug research teams study:
• the rate, location and spa-
tial pattern of forest con-
version to agropastoral
Understanding land use and land cover change necessitates
documentation of past and current alterations in land cover in
the Amazon Basin. LBA supports 19 projects that contribute • forest succession rates;
to this understanding. Fourteen of these projects treat land • the parameters that control
use and land cover as a secondary topic to their focus on land use, using case stud-
atmospheric sciences, hydrology, nutrient or carbon dynamics. ies, census data, remotely-
Research in the remaining 5 projects focus solely on building sensed data and GIS;
their ability to predict both the location and magnitude of future • fire frequency and sus-
changes to the Amazon region and seek to answer the follow- ceptibility in logged forest
ing overarching questions: and savannas using
• What are the characteris- at various scales from local AVHRR and field valida-
tics defining the diverse to global? tion;
land uses present in Ama- • extent of inundation using
• How can the land be
zonia? microwave, visable and
used to provide a sus-
• How is land use changing tainable income for its infra-red remote sensors;

• the driving forces of land Events such as tight credit, of interest in the analysis;
use change and future hyperinflation, and other Focusing on the impact of forest
landcover using models at market signals affect the fragmentation on land cover and
various scales. magnitude of deforesta- species, William Laurance et al.,
One study transects the Amazon tion but not its trajectory INPA and Smithsonian Institu-
Basin looking at the biophysical (Figure 1); tion continue their long-term
and social dimensions of land 6. Stages of secondary suc- study of the Minimum Critical
use and land cover at 7 sites: cession are associated with Size of Ecosystems Project and
Marajo island, Zona Bragantina spectral patterns that can report the following findings:
and Tome-Acu, Altamira, San- be captured by TM imag-
tarem, Manaus, and Rondônia. 1. Rainforest fragmentation
ery and used to determine
The research group, led by results in a substantial loss
biomass spatial distribu-
Emilio Moran, Eduardo Bron- of forest biomass, mainly
tion with high accuracy.
dizio (Indiana University), Paul due to elevated tree mor-
Intensive field campaigns
Mausel (Indiana State Univ), tality;
are carried out to verify
Dalton Valeriano and Flavio the accuracy of the spectral 2. Biomass losses from frag-
Ponzoni (INPE, Brasil), contrib- information; mented tropical
utes the following findings: landscapes may be a sig-
7. It is important to discrim-
nificant source of green-
1. Differences in soil quality inate classes accurately.
house emissions;
explain much of the vari- There is variance in bio-
ance in rates of secondary mass estimates depending 3. Intact Amazonian forests
succession, crop choice, on the allometric equation appear to be a globally sig-
and farmer persistence on used to estimate it. A com- nificant carbon sink;
a rural property; parative paper assesses the 4. In Amazonian terra firme
accuracy and results of forests, soil fertility has an
2. Differences in soil quality
applying 13 different allo- important effect on tree
show up as most
metric equations used rou- and liana biomass;
important determinants
tinely by the research
when making comparisons 5. Current and projected
between regions; land-use trends are caus-
8. In understanding land use ing rapid, unprecedented
3. Land use or management
and land cover we need changes in Amazonian for-
explains differences in
to consider the role of bio- ests;
rates of secondary succes-
physical variables as well
sion better when compar- 6. Land use history has an
as social variables such as
ing sites within a region; important effect on
land tenure, time and type
4. There is a consistent of settlement, understand- regrowth composition and
generational trajectory to ing of the developmental the rate of regeneration;
deforestation by house- cycle of households, and to A third project is led by Daniel
holds in the Amazon fron- period and cohort effects Nepstad, of Woods Hole
tier (cohort effect) in which on patterns of land use; Research Center, Paulo
households follow an ini- Moutinho, IPAM; Carlos Klink
9. Processes of secondary
tial period of high rates and Heloisa Miranda from Uni-
succession, biomass
of deforestation, followed versity of Brasilia. It deals with
change, and land use/
by a steadily declining the present and future effects
cover change vary accord-
reliance on mature forest of ground fires on forest carbon
ing to scale. Great care
deforestation until the next stocks, metabolism, hydrology,
must be taken in data
generation takes over the and economic value in Amazo-
collection and analysis to
property at which time nia and the Cerrado. Among the
recognize the scale-depen-
there is a new (but not as findings of this project are:
dence of most processes,
steep) increase in defores-
and to examine how the 1. There is a significant
key variables at any one impoverishment of Ama-
5. The cohort effect persists level are nested at the level zonian forests by logging
in spite of period effects. above and below the level and fire;

Figure 1. The colonist footprint: Average deforestation trajectories across cohorts.

2. Selective logging leads to burning altogether is very the reach of roads into
an increased probability of high; areas heretofore undevel-
fire spreading unintention- oped will result in major
4. Many of these fires occur
ally into the forest; losses due to clearing, log-
at ground level and are not
ging, and fragmentation
3. After each ground fire, it easily visible from the air
and are likely to result in
becomes much easier for or satellite platforms until
major species losses and
it is too late;
the forest to be re-ignited carbon emissions;
so that after two fires, the 5. Current road-building pro-
6. Through the efforts of
probability of the forest grams that will expand
Urbano Lopez of the

Meeting in the Middle: The challenge of mesolevel integration

One of the primary challenges facing the land use/land cover change research community
is forging robust linkages between fine-grained understanding of land use decisions and
broad-scale models of land cover. To address this issue, and learn from projects already
addressing this challenge, the Focus 1 Office of the Land Use and Cover Change (LUCC)
Project held a workshop in Ispra, Italy in October 17-20, 2000. The purpose of the workshop
was to enhance collaboration between those who study household decision-making and its
land-cover consequences, and those who seek to explain broader-scale land cover through
socio-economic driving forces.
The preliminary conclusion of the workshop is that the land cover class system (LCCS) is
a useful tool, based on a sound strategy for harmonizing land cover which should not – at
least in the short-term – be expanded to encompass a full range of land use attributes. The
full report of the workshop is being finalized and will, upon approval of the LUCC Scientific
Steering Committee, be published in the LUCC Report Series. More information about the
workshop is available at: act/focus1/mnm
William J. McConnell, LUCC Focus 1 Officer E-mail:

Amazon Research Institute a decade earlier, and thus pro- Brown and Alberto Setzer of
(IPAM) the project is vides a fine window into decadal Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
developing an Amazon- change. The study has resurveyed Espaciais (INPE) show pre-
wide model to predict small farm households as well as liminary findings from their
forest susceptibility to fire. filled in the analysis with Landsat research carried out for the most
The need for this model TM scenes, DEM, and GIS for the part in Acre state in the western
became clear during the
area. Richard Bilsborrow and Ste- Amazon region:
1997-98 ENSO event and
phen Walsh, University of North
the model was successful 1. In contrast to areas in
even in its preliminary Carolina at Chapel Hill are cur-
rently at the stage of reanalyzing the eastern Amazon, sec-
form to predict areas most
the data to prepare for publica- ondary forests in western
at risk of accidental fires.
tion. Amazonia are not impor-
A study on the impacts of col- tant carbon sinks.
onization by small farmers on Researchers at Federal Univ.
land cover change and landscape of Acre and Woods Hole 2. Official estimates of log-
structure builds on research done Research Center let by Foster ging in Acre State differ

LBA Uses INPE Amazon Research Data

Ongoing studies on land use and land-use change in the Brazilian Amazon by INPE have pro-
vided essential information to LBA. Airborne and orbital platforms give a remote view and better
understanding of the dynamics of land-use change in Amazonia. INPE provides the Brazilian
government with official data and information on annual rate and extent of deforestation. These
data are based on analysis of 229 wall-to-wall TM-Landsat scenes, and detection of “hot spots”
using the NOAA satellites to locate and prevent spreading of wild fires in the Brazilian Amazon
Specific INPE research projects include :
(1) Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions due to Fires in the Brazilian Cerrado, with emphasis
on those areas not affected by anthropogenic activities. Results based on the analysis of 156
TM-Landsat scenes indicate that: (i) although there is significant area burned each year these
areas recover quickly to their original cover. (ii) average fire recurrence is 3 years. (iii) normally,
the number of fires is small but together they affect a large area; (iv) fires which are set to clear
pastures for agriculture are rapid, explaining estimate difference generated by different sensors;
(v) burned forest area is small compared to burned cerrado; (vi) forest burning generally occurs
months after deforestation and clears tree stumps, leaves, branches and other residuals; (vii)
estimating burn area requires data with a good spatial resolution (TM-Landsat or better).
(2) Estimating the Area Subject to Selective Logging (from 1988 until 1998) Results based on
11 years of research (1988-1998) show that: (i) studies based on remote sensing analyses
and those based on information provided through interviews of lumber mill operators may vary
substantially. One possible causes of this disagreement is that mill operators report the volume
of timber processed. When the same areas are logged selectively in multiple years, the intensity
of exploitation increases but the total area affected does not increase. (ii) a significant percent-
age (40%) of the areas subject to selective logging are abandoned, compared to 15% of those
areas which are deforested; and (iii) selective logging activities are concentrated in about 26 out
of the 229 TM-Landsat scenes that cover the Brazilian Amazonia.
(3) Estimating the Annual Rate and Extent of Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia. This study
shows that: (i) the deforestation in Amazonia is a complex process which is in general associ-
ated with the economic trends in the country or region. However, due to high fluctuation in the
annual deforestation rate other factors must be considered; (ii) most of the deforestation is con-
centrated in a relatively small portion of the Amazon region; During the last 3 decades, 75% of
the deforestation was seen in 45 out of the 229 TM-scenes that cover the region; (iii) it is pos-
sible to reliably estimate the rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazonia based on a sample
of TM-Landsat images. The latest estimates of the gross deforestation rate, based on a sample
of images, differed from the wall-to-wall estimate by only 1 to 3%.

20-fold. Approximately based on GOES-8; estation and burning will be
90% was illegal in the late more difficult than is currently
6. Deforestation in Extractive
1990s; recognized and may affect the
Reserves tends to concen-
3. Estimates of area defor- implementation of the Kyoto
trate in specific areas that
ested in Acre State by Protocol.
may generate conflicting
different institutions vary land-uses in the coming Emilio Moran
by 20 to 40+%. Con- Anthropological Center for Training and
sequently, uncertainty in Research on Global Environmental
rates of deforestation, a Change
Reliable information is not a Indiana University Indiana,
critical factor in carbon trivial issue for studies of land USA
budgets, is probably
use and land cover change. Offi- Email:
greater than 40%;
cial data often differ by an
4. Carbon stocks in forests of Thelma Krug
order of magnitude for logging Earth Observation
eastern Acre are compara- and burning activities. Regional Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
ble to those of central Ama- carbon budgets have greater Espaciais (INPE),
zonia. Sao Paulo,
uncertainty than are currently Brazil
5. Estimates of hot points recognized due to significant Email:
(burning) differ 20-fold differences among estimates of
between those based on deforestation. Estimating the
NOAA/AVHRR and those effects of public policy on defor-

tivities above the 0oC isotherm,

The Interaction of Clouds and Rain are mainly associated with ice,
with the Biosphere and lightning is observed. Large
scale forcing is seen locally in
by M. Assunção F. Silva Dias, C. A. Nobre, and the southern half of the Amazon
J. A. Marengo basin as a low level westerly
regime; while during the break
periods the low level flow is
In January and February of 1999 LBA launched its first Wet dominated by easterlies (Ricken-
Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign (WETAMC), orga- bach et al, 2001). The changes in
nized jointly with the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission – lightning flash density between
the easterly and westerly wind
TRMM – validation campaign (known as TRMM/LBA). Both
regimes (see Figure 2) are con-
campaigns took place in Rondônia, Brazil’s southwest Amazon
sidered significant as they indi-
(see Figure 1 for map of observation sites). Preliminary results
cate marked changes in cloud
indicate a picture of an intrinsically coupled rain producing vertical structure. Similar regime
system where different processes interact at different space variability in the lightning flash
and time scales and where the underlying surface, either forest densities has also been observed
or deforested, actively participates in several mechanisms of by the TRMM Lightning Imag-
cloud formation. ing Sensor (LIS). The differences
Precipitation over Amazonia or even the establishment of in sub-grid convective cloud
varies from continental behavior the South Atlantic Convergence structure between the wind
at the onset of the rainy season Zone. Rainfall is more contin- regimes are verified from the
to a more maritime regime uous throughout the day and precipitation radar on the
during the rainy season. During occurs also at night when a large TRMM satellite and the TRMM-
the rainy season alternation scale forcing is present. Radar LBA ground-based field radar
between a maritime and a con- profiles indicate low reflectivi- data (Petersen et al., 2001; Cifelli
tinental regime is associated ties in the upper half of the tro- et al., 2001).
with large-scale controls, such posphere and detect minimum Differences between the east-
as the presence or absence of lightning. In the absence of large erly and westerly regimes or
(large scale) low-level conver- scale forcing, convective systems wind periods referred to in
gence provided by approaching form in the afternoon, which are Figure 2 have resulted in differ-
mid-latitude frontal boundaries more isolated, have large reflec- ences in the timing and intensity

itation maximum at late night-
early morning, and a slightly
larger peak at mid-afternoon.
The westerly regime shows rain
peaks at mid-afternoon. Easterly
regimes are also associated with
long-lived squall-lines or insta-
bility lines. Westerly regimes are
associated with the low level jet
east of the Andes (LLJ), although
they are not exclusively linked.
Williams et al. (2001) showed
that concentrations of cloud
condensation nuclei (CCN)
throughout the rainy season are
lower in the westerly regime
Figure 1. Location of raingauge networks, rainfall sites, S-POL and
at about 400 cm3 while in the
TOGA radars and other LBA-WET AMC and TRMM-LBA easterly regime they average
about 800 cm3 (see Figure 4).
As a result of biomass burning
during the dry season CCN
of the diurnal cycle of rainfall rainfall intensity between 1200 concentrations increase to about
by Marengo et al. (2001a). From and 1600 LST, and even 1800 10,000 cm-3 Rosenfeld (1999).
the analysis of rainfall from the LST. In some periods a second TRMM radar data shows that
4 raingauge networks displayed maximum shows up between smoke-laden tropical clouds
in Rondônia (Figure 3), a prefer- 0000 and 0400 LST. The easterly have to grow beyond the
ence was detected for maximum regime tends to exhibit a precip- -10 oC isotherm to precipitate,

Figure 2. During the rainy season, the daily detection of cloud-to-ground lightning activity for the TRMM-LBA domain
of the Amazon shows a factor of four increase during 850 hPa easterly wind regime periods (yellow boxes).
The marked oscillations associated with these different convective regimes are apparent in the Brazilian
Lightning Detection Network data, radar data and also in TRMM satellite Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS)
data. (Petersen et al. 2001)

with an average imbalance of
almost 44%, meaning that some
of the moisture that converges
in the Amazon region is not
accounted for.
A new version of the
Hydro-NET (C. Vorosmarty,
University of New Hampshire,
USA, personal communication)
or Hydrological Routing Net-
work is being developed for
the Amazon, which will simu-
late time-varying flow and stor-
age of water in hydrological
systems, including rivers, flood-
plains, wetlands, lakes, and
human-made reservoirs. A
hydrological model for Brazilian
macro basins is also being devel-
oped which will integrate exist-
ing meteorological, topographic,
vegetation and pedological data,
together with remote sensing
Figure 3. Mean diurnal cycle of rainfall for networks 1-4 (full thick line), aver- derived products. Research is
age of the westerly regime (thin full line), and easterly regime (thin
broken line). Values are in mm/hour and time is LST (Marengo et
underway to understand and
al. 2001a). model the influence of land-
cover change on the stream flow
of Amazonian river basins with
areas of approximately 10,000
km2. To achieve that goal, the
indicating suppression of the based on rainfall observations research will try to quantify
warm rain processes based on in the region and estimates the influence of both climate
collision and coalescence. Silva of moisture transport from the and land-cover change on river
Dias et al (2001) discuss the NCEP reanalysis (Marengo et al. flow in mesoscale Amazonia
interaction between CCN and 2001b) show that there is a sea- to understand processes gov-
cloud regime during the wet sonality and interannual vari- erning those influences, and to
season. They point out that an ability of the water balance define the range of basin size
intrinsically coupled mechanism that varies across the basin. over which land use affects the
is underway and is externally Because of its larger size, south- hydrology of rivers. The results
forced by the large-scale atmo- ern Amazonia dominates the will be expressed in the form of
spheric circulation and inter- entire region’s seasonal cycle a mathematical model, checked
nally by the availability of of the water balance, while at against the response of river
biogenic aerosols, which replen- interannual time scales rainfall flow, driven by measurements
ish the atmospheric reservoir of anomalies in northern Amazo- of rainfall, energy sources and
CCN during the easterly periods nia modulate the water budget terrain characteristics, derived
where rains are more localized. of the entire basin. This is due to initially from ground-based
Early results from LBA relatively strong links between measurements and eventually
hydrological studies are advanc- the hydrometeorology of north- from satellites. The model will
ing the application of models ern Amazonia and the tropical be applicable to mesoscale
for water management. A water Pacific interannual variability. In basins in other physiographic
budget closure system (WBC- the entire Amazonia, precipita- regions of the Amazon Basin.
LBA) for computing high-reso- tion exceeds evaporation repre- A microscale basin study
lution water balance elements senting a sink of moisture (P>E). has been implemented close
is being established. Preliminary Our estimates of the Amazon to Manaus to gain understand-
results of the atmospheric water region’s water balance do not ing of the carbon exchanges
balance in the Amazon basin, show a closure of the budget, between soil vegetation and

Figure 4. Looking at concentration of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) through-
out the year during the wet season, with its easterly and westerly
regimes, and during the dry season.

atmosphere on a pristine forest. The

hydrological component will try to
understand the main mechanisms of Cifelli, R. C., W. A. Petersen, L. D. Carey, and S. A. Rutledge, 2001. Radar
runoff generation on tropical basins, observations of the kinematic, microphysical and precipitation character-
istics of two MCSs in TRMM/LBA. J. Geophys. Res. Submitted.
the functioning of deep roots in the
dry season and the role of intercep- Marengo, J., Fisch, G., Vendrame, I., Cervantes, I., Morales, C., 2001a:
On the diurnal and day-to-day variability of rainfall in Southwest Amazonia
tion in the partitioning of energy. during the LBA-TRMM and LBA-WET AMC Campaigns of summer 1999.
This research will be crucial to con- J. Geophys. Res. Submitted.
ceptualize macroscale hydrological Marengo, J., Nobre, C., Sanches, M. B, 2001b: On the atmospheric water
models. balance and moisture cycling in the Amazon basin. Characteristics and
space-time variability, J. of Hydrometeorology. Submitted.
Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias Insti-
tuto Astronômico e Geofisico, Petersen, W. A., Rutledge, S., Blakeslee, R. and Cifelli, R., 2001. Con-
Universidade de São Paulo vective Regimes during TRMM-LBA: An integrated view from the TRMM
Satellite and Brazilian Lightning Detection Network. J. Geophys. Res. Sub-
Carlos A. Nobre Rickenbach, T.M., R. Nieto Ferreira, M. A. F. Silva Dias, J. Halverson, 2001:
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Cli- Modulation of convection in the western Amazon basin by extratropical
maticos, baroclinical waves. J. Geophys. Res. Submitted
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
Espaciais Rosenfeld, D. 1999: TRMM observed first direct evidence of smoke from
E-mail: forest fires inhibiting rainfalL. Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, 3105-3108 .

Silva Dias, M. A. et al 2001: Clouds and rain processes in a biosphere

Jose A. Marengo atmosphere interaction context in the Amazon Region, J. Geophys. Res.
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Cli-
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Williams, E. et al, 2001: Observational tests of the aerosol hypothesis for
Espaciais precipitation and electrification in Rondônia, Brazil. J. Geophys. Res. Sub-
E-mail: mitted

does not show any significant
Unveiling the Lively Atmosphere-Bio- gradients, but the coarse mode
fraction shows an increase of
sphere Interactions in the Amazon almost a factor of 2 in aerosol
by P. Artaxo, M. O. Andreae, A. Guenther and D. Rosenfeld concentration at the ground
level, mostly at night time.
The surprise came when we
looked at the phosphorus con-
From an Earth System point of view, it is impossible to decouple centration at the three levels
during day and nighttime,
the atmospheric properties and composition from the Amazo-
shown in Figure 1b. At night,
nian ecosystem as a whole. The atmospheric composition in
the ground based coarse mode
Amazonia and its physical and chemical properties are very
phosphorus concentration
much regulated by the underlying Amazon tropical rain forest. jumps from 15-30 µg/m3 to a
The forest has a great deal of importance in regulating the very high 70 µg/m3 at the
concentration of key trace gases such as O3 (ozone), CO ground. Why are the plants
(carbon monoxide), HC (hydrocarbons), VOC (volatile organic emitting phosphorus only at
compounds) and many others. The forest is responsible for ground level and only at night-
the emission of significant amounts of natural biogenic aerosol time? Phosphorus is the limiting
particles, which provide most of the CCN (Cloud Concentration nutrient in the Amazon forest. It
Nuclei) that are key to the Amazonian hydrological cycle. The appears that the forest releases
aerosol particles carry and distribute essential plant nutrients phosphorus only at nighttime
such as phosphorus. The direct radiative effects from the layer and only in the coarse mode
to minimize the risk of phos-
formed by aerosol particles plus the indirect effects of clouds
phorus loss to the overall eco-
strongly impact the atmospheric radiation balance in Amazonia.
system, sharing this key nutrient
The powerful convection in Amazonia makes global transport of
with only the nearest neighbors.
trace gases and aerosol particles plus water vapor very efficient. It is unclear why such strong
Understanding the production together with their biogenic sul- phosphorus enrichment occurs
mechanisms, composition and fate content, explains why these mostly at nighttime. At night-
physico-chemical properties of particles can act efficiently as time, the atmospheric conditions
natural biogenic aerosol parti- CCN. An LBA aerosol experi- are very stable, thus minimizing
cles are an important contribu- ment on a tower in a primary the risk of large convection that
tion of LBA. The Amazonian forest in Rondônia showed very could send these particles far
forest covers about 6 million km2 surprising and interesting away.
in South America, and together results, linking the cycling of The aerosol particles are
with other tropical areas in nutrients to the biogenic aerosol. closely linked to the hydrologi-
Africa and Asia, constitute a Phosphorus is the most impor- cal cycle because they constitute
significant contribution to the tant and limiting nutrient in the CCN particles that together
global budget of aerosol parti- Amazonia. Phosphorus concen- with water vapor make clouds.
cles. The average concentration trations in Amazonian rainwater In the wet season, the particle
of natural biogenic aerosols in are extremely low (below 2 ppb), number concentration is about
Amazonia is about 10-15 µg/m3, while we found that most of the 300 particles/cm3. Whereas
most of it (~70%) in the coarse airborne phosphorus is actually during the dry season, concen-
mode size fraction (2<dp<10 in coarse mode aerosol particles. trations of more than 20,000
µm). These particles consist of Figure 1a shows the average particles/cm3 are common in
plant fragments, fungus, spores, aerosol concentration in the fine areas with high biomass burn-
bacteria, plant fluids, and a size fraction (dp<2µm), and in ing emissions. This very large
myriad of particle types. A the coarse mode size difference in CCN
detailed investigation of the (2<dp<10µm) for three levels concentrations makes very dif-
organic content of these particles (upper level: 52 m, canopy level: ferent cloud properties. During
indicated that, in the dry season, 28 m, ground level: 2 m) on the wet season, the cloud
70-80% of the organic aerosol a primary forest tower in Ron- structure in Amazonia looks
mass is water soluble, which, donia. The fine aerosol fraction very similar to maritime clouds,

Figure 1a. Average aerosol concentration in the fine size fraction (FPM) (dp<2µm), and in the coarse mode size
(CPM) (2<dp<10µm) for three levels (upper level: 52 m, canopy level: 28 m, ground level: 2m) of a
primary forest tower in Rondônia.

Figure 1b. Average coarse mode phosphorus concentrations at the three levels of the primary forest tower in
Rondônia for daytime and nighttime samples.

as they would be in open 5-15 µm, that changes cloud cloud structure with that of
tropical ocean areas, instead of albedo, making clouds much Africa, (See Figure 2) it was
the expected continental clouds brighter during the dry season. observed that clouds are more
(Williams et al). This is why Recent observations using the continental over Central Africa
some of the LBA/TRMM sci- TRMM satellite show that deep than the Amazon. In Africa there
entists call the Amazon in that tropical clouds precipitate half is a smaller particle effective
season the “Green Ocean”. The the rainfall under conditions radius, half the rainfall per light-
clouds are shallow, with very of suppressed coalescence (Silva ning, more population and pol-
small or non-existent glaciation Dias et al). Also, it was observed lution, more desert dust, less
stage, and little lightning. recently in the INDOEX exper- available moisture and possibly
Average droplet size is in the iment that clouds enriched in stronger updrafts (Daniel Rosen-
range of 15-25 µm. During black carbon evaporate without feld, personal communication).
the dry season, with 20,000 precipitation more easily than The scarcity of natural aero-
particles/cm3, the average cloud clouds in clean conditions. Com- sols during the wet season
droplet size is much smaller, paring wet season Amazonian means that without human-

Figure 2. Effective cloud droplet size for Wet Season Amazonia and Africa. Daniel Rosenfeld AVHRR analysis.

induced smoke and air pollu- this reduction was measured at tion of the carbon flux between
tion, the air would have been up to 40%. In absolute terms an ecosystem and the atmo-
normally much cleaner and the aerosol particles in the visible sphere in at least some land-
clouds would have been less range absorb in the visible range scapes. The fate of most VOCs
“continental”, and could pro- about 100-200 watts/m2, a large is oxidation to CO2. These CO2
duce precipitation at lower radiation deficit on the ground precursors may need to be con-
heights, faster and more effi- that certainly has impacts on the sidered in an accurate account-
ciently. This implies that man- Amazonian ecosystem. ing of global CO2 sources and
kind already has significant In terms of trace gases, LBA sinks. The major VOC emission
impact on the tropical rainfall in focuses on the role of biogenic sources in the Amazonian region
particular, and through that on VOCs on the ecosystem, and are biomass burning and veg-
the whole climate system. on fluxes of important trace etation foliage. These sources
Biomass burning is of course gases such as O3, CO, NOx occur under natural conditions
a major driving force in the and organic compounds. Bio- but are strongly influenced by
atmospheric composition in genic VOC emissions can influ- human activities. Although bio-
Amazonia. Concentrations of ence the chemical composition genic emissions from vegetation
trace gases and aerosols vary of the atmosphere, including and soils are typically consid-
dramatically between dry and radiatively active constituents ered to be a natural source,
wet season. Some examples that can modify the physical they are dramatically changed
from Rondônia: CO (wet: 150 environment resulting in climate by human activities (e.g., defor-
ppb, dry: 900 ppb); O3 (midday: change. The chemical and phys- estation). Some of the VOCs
wet: 13 ppb, dry: 41 ppb), NO2 ical environment, in turn, can (mostly terpenes) are responsi-
(wet: 0.34 ppb, dry: 2.14 ppb), significantly influence the bio- ble for a significant production
black carbon (wet: 200 ng/m3, sphere through non-linear rela- of aerosol particles. In the wet
dry: 10,000 ng/m3), aerosol par- tionships with the ecological season, the Amazonian vegeta-
ticle number (wet: 300 cm-3, dry: and physiological processes con- tion, through emission of pri-
15,000 cm-3), aerosol mass con- trolling VOC emission. This mary biogenic particles, VOC
centration (wet: 15 µg/m3, dry: interaction may result in global and biogenic sulfur gases, could
300 µg/m3). The very high con- feedbacks involving both chem- well be the largest source of
centration of aerosol particles ical and physical systems that CCN which are responsible for
during the dry season makes a operate over a wide range of the precipitation pattern in the
strong reduction in the photo- time and spatial scales. area above the vegetation.
synthetic (PAR) and visible radi- Volatile organic compounds The LBA study has included
ation at the ground. For PAR, may comprise a significant por- a number of experiments

designed to improve our ability be important, especially near Alex Guenther
to predict emissions of reactive population centers and during NCAR – National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder,
trace gases from the Amazon. the fire season. CO,
A variety of flux measurement USA
Paulo Artaxo E-mail:
techniques are in use to char- Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de
acterize fluxes over a range of São Paulo, Daniel Rosenfeld
Brazil Jerusalem (HUJ),
time and spatial scales. The
E-mail: Jerusalem,
results of these experiments are Israel
being incorporated into bio- Meinrat O. Andreae E-mail:
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry,
spheric emission models that Mainz,
predict emissions at the high Germany
resolution needed for reactive E-mail:
trace gases. Initial tests of these
models suggest that these
emissions do influence the
atmosphere and that they will References
be significantly perturbed by Andreae, M. O., et al., 2001.Towards an understanding of the biogeochemical
expected levels of land-cover cycling of carbon, water, energy, trace gases and aerosols in Amazonia: The
LBA-EUSTACH experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted
and climate change.
Artaxo, P., E. T. Fernandes, J. V. Martins, M. A. Yamasoe, P. V. Hobbs,
The LBA atmospheric chem- W. Maenhaut, K. M. Longo, and A. Castanho, 1998. Large-scale aerosol
istry programme has initiated source apportionment in Amazonia, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103,
efforts to determine the contri- 31,837-31,847
bution of VOC to the total eco- Artaxo, P., J. V. Martins, M. A. Yamasoe, A. S. Procópio, T. M. Pauliquevis, M. O.
Andreae, P. Guyon, G. Roberts, L. V. Gatti, and A. M. C. Leal, 2001. Physical
system carbon flux. Estimates and chemical properties of aerosols in the wet and dry season in Rondônia,
of annual emissions of isoprene Amazonia, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted
and monoterpenes range from Guenther, A., C. N. Hewitt, et al., 1995. A global model of natural volatile organic
compound emissions, , Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 8873-8892
about 3 to 15 g carbon per
Rosenfeld D., 1999. TRMM Observed First Direct Evidence of Smoke from
m2 and there is some evidence Forest Fires Inhibiting Rainfall. Geophysical Research Letters. 26, (20),
that other VOC may contribute 3105-3108
a similar amount suggesting a Rosenfeld D., Suppression of Rain and Snow by Urban and Industrial Air Pollu-
total emission of 6 to 30 g carbon tion. Science, 287 (5459), 1793-1796, 2000.
per m2. This value represents a Silva Dias, M.A.F. et al., 2001. Clouds and rain processes in a biosphere
atmosphere interaction context in the Amazon Region, Journal of Geophysical
significant percentage (up to 9%) Research, submitted
of the CO2 net exchange. Addi- Williams, E. et al., 2001. The Green Ocean Over the Amazon: Implications for
tional studies have shown that Cloud Electrification, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted
the deposition of other VOC can

Human activities are rapidly

Investigating the Carbon Cycle of the changing the face of the Amazon
through conversion of forest to
Amazon Forests agricultural and pasture, log-
by M. Keller, H. Rocha, S. Trumbore and B. Kruijt ging and fire (Houghton et
al. 2000, Nepstad et al 1999,
Cochrane et al 1999). LBA
researchers aim to understand
The Amazon region contains the largest extent of tropical both the natural cycle of carbon
in Amazonian ecosystems and
forest on earth. These forests contain about 70 Pg of carbon
the effects of anthropogenic dis-
aboveground and similarly large stocks of carbon below-
turbance on those ecosystems.
ground. For comparison, total terrestrial biomass contains
Current deforestation rates
about 830 Pg-C. While about 90% of the Amazon region is average nearly 20,000 km2 per
still covered by natural forest and savanna vegetation, the year. Quantifying the carbon
Brazilian government estimates that in their country’s legal flux from this large scale change
Amazon region over 500,000 km2 of forest has been cleared in forest cover is a major chal-
for development since the 1970’s (PRODES). lenge for LBA. The greatest

uncertainty is the total carbon
stock in the forests that are being
cleared (Houghton et al. 2000).
The estimation of biomass from
local forest surveys incorporates
substantial uncertainties (Keller
et al. in press) along with the
extrapolation of these local sur-
veys to the regional scale.
Currently LBA researchers are re-
analyzing existing data on carbon
stocks in forests and developing
new networks of plot studies to
supplement existing data and to
reduce the uncertainties.
Land clearance is not perma-
nent. Quantifying the total area
and the carbon stocks in second-
ary regrowth forest areas is an
important research area for LBA.
Secondary forest areas are fre-
quently used and re-cleared by
local populations. Predicting the
dynamics of secondary forests
requires a profound understand-
ing of the human dimensions of
land use change (see Moran and
Krug article) another important
area of study for LBA.
Selective logging (removal of
about 1 to 9 high value trees per
hectare) reduces forest biomass
stocks, at least temporarily. Both
the extent of logging, and the
carbon dynamics following log-
ging are poorly quantified (Neps-
tad et al. 1999). The question
of how much area is logged
annually sparked a heated debate
at the First LBA Scientific Con-
ference in Belém, Pará, Brazil
last June. Depending upon the
research approach, area estimates
for logging varied by at least a
factor of two. The best available
published information is based
Figure 1. Net ecosystem production across the Amazon Basin. Spa- on informant surveys of total pro-
tial variability in net ecosystem production (g C m-2 yr-1) in cessed log volume from sawmill
the combined simulation of transient climate and transient owners and managers. These
atmospheric CO2 during three phases of El Niño-Southern
oscillation: A) an El Niño year (1987); B) a neutral year data suggest that the area logged
(1981); and C) a La Niña year (1989). Regions that act as annually is rapidly approaching
a source of atmospheric carbon (i.e. annual NEP is nega-
the annual area of land clearance
tive) are designated with shades of brown, red or yellow
and regions that act as a sink of atmospheric carbon (i.e. (Nepstad et al. 1999). LBA
annual NEP is positive) are designated with shades of blue researchers are developing
or green. Source: Tian et al. Nature, 396:664-667.
remote sensing methods to quan-

tify logging area as an alterna-
tive to survey approaches. The
effects of logging on the carbon
budget remain poorly quanti-
fied. LBA researchers are using
conventional forestry and eco-
logical methods as well as eddy
correlation approaches to quan-
tify the sources and sinks of
carbon following logging.
Fire is a constant threat to
Amazonian ecosystems. Savan-
nas may burn annually while
forests may burn only on mil-
lennial time scales. The distur-
bance of forest by logging and
The 50 meter tall tower (named K34) was built in May 1999 on the Cuieiras
the increased likelihood of igni-
Reserve, 70 km NW of Manaus. Cuieiras Reserve is a federal protected area
tion of natural forest by fires and belongs to the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA). The
used for land management has instruments on this tower measure: meteorological variables such as rainfall,
windspeed, wind direction, PAR, short and long wave radiation, air tempera-
long been recognized as a poten- ture profile, air pressure, surface temperature by infrared sensor, relative
tial threat to Amazon ecosys- humidity, soil variables such as soil heat flux, soil temperature and soil mois-
tems, particularly in seasonally ture, CO2 and H2O concentration on a vertical profiles, and CO2 and H2O
fluxes by eddy covariance technique providing sensible and latent heat flux
dry areas. Current research indi- and carbon dioxide fluxes.
cates that wildfires may be
widespread and that they can
cause significant tree mortality
(Cochrane et al 1999). LBA
research will continue to investi- 1999, CO2 fluxes have been mea- unknown in the local carbon
gate this threat to the integrity sured almost continuously using budget is large scale advection
of Amazonian forest ecosystems the eddy correlation method, of CO2, a poorly measurable
and the degree to which wild- with similar systems and analy- factor that is usually assumed
fires may perturb the carbon sis procedures, at three Amazon to be small but could be substan-
budget. forest locations, near Manaus, tial if strong horizontal gradi-
Despite the rapid changes, (central Amazon), Ji-Parana ents of CO2 concentration exist
the Amazon is still mostly for- (Rondônia, Southern Amazon) (Kruijt et al, 2001). The prelimi-
ested. How does the world’s and in the Caxiuana reserve nary values for total uptake are 5
largest tropical forest contribute (Eastern Amazon, between San- to 6 Mg C ha-1 y-1.
to the global budget of carbon? tarem and Belem) (Andreae et Uptake rates vary according
During the 1990s data from al, 2001). Additionally fluxes to corrections applied to account
several sources indicated that are being monitored in pasture for potential problems in the
Amazon forests may be a sub- (near Ji-Parana) and at a second estimations of the nocturnal
stantial sink for carbon (Grace site near the primary Manaus flux. However, there are still
et al. 1995; Phillips et al. 1998). site. The diurnal variation of serious debates about the valid-
LBA researchers are currently CO2 exchange, the magnitude ity of these findings. Preliminary
using a variety of approaches of daytime uptake rates (gov- data for a forest site outside
including measurement of forest erned by photosynthesis), and of Santarem, Para, suggests an
plots and eddy correlation to the response of fluxes to radia- annual sink as large as 9 Mg
quantify carbon budgets at the tion are remarkably similar for C ha-1 y-1. However, when these
stand scale. In general, eddy all Amazon forest sites studied same data are screened for more
covariance based estimates of so far (Andreae et al, 2001). Esti- turbulent conditions (u* > 0.3
carbon uptake from published mates of annual totals vary with m/s) the apparent sink is
studies and from ongoing LBA analysis methodology, but in at reduced to just 1 Mg C ha-1 y-1.
work suggest that almost all the least one of the sites (Ji-Parana) This correction for calm nights
forest sites are absorbing large there is no indication of noc- is uncertain though, since these
amounts of carbon. Since early turnal flux losses. A remaining turbulent conditions occurred

on only 8% of the nighttime nocturnal flux, the sum of het- reach a near zero net exchange.
periods studied (Michael Goul- erotrophic and autotrophic respi- Currently, global models have
den, personal communication). ration. CO2 flux measured at the large bounds of uncertainty in
Given changes in atmo- soil surface incorporates a major- the Amazon region because of
spheric CO2 and nutrient bud- ity of the respiration in Amazon the lack of atmospheric sam-
gets, it is plausible that tropical forest systems. CO2 emissions pling stations there. Recent sen-
forests may be growing more from soils have been measured sitivity studies (Scott Denning,
rapidly than they were in the at various locations over the last Colorado State University, per-
past. Chambers et al. parame- 20 years using portable cham- sonal communication) suggest
terized a model for woody bio- bers in Amazonia. There are a that weekly aircraft flights to
mass with field data from forest wide range of estimates with measure CO2 profiles at a two
sites outside of Manaus. They values from 17 to 26 Mg-C ha-1 points in the Amazon (one
increased productivity in their yr-1 (Sotta pers. comm). Soil CO2 coastal, one interior) could
model by 25% over a 50 year emissions measured thus far in decrease uncertainty by 75%
period and then maintained pro- the southwestern Amazon are to within a few tenths of
ductivity at the new increased even more variable (10 - 21 Mg-C a Pg-C. LBA researchers are
level. Even with this large step in ha-1 yr-1). There are increasing testing methods for routine
productivity in their model, the efforts to quantify soil CO2 flux implementation of these aircraft
net uptake of carbon in woody and other respiration fluxes at measurements.
biomass only increased by 0.2 to key LBA sites considering spatial In the future, LBA will con-
0.3 Mg-C ha-1 y-1. Can carbon be and temporal variation. tinue to refine the limits of
accumulating in other pools or is LBA researchers are currently uncertainty on carbon cycling in
carbon being exported in other using models to predict pro- the Amazon at scales from the
forms? Mahli et al. (1999) esti- ductivity at stand to continental stand to the region. Researchers
mated a net storage of carbon scales. Tower based eddy cova- will move towards an integra-
belowground of ~3.6 Mg-C ha-1 riance measurements provide tion of long-term biomass and
y-1 for a forest site near Manaus valuable data for parameter- soil carbon studies with cham-
based on a combination of eddy ization of these physiologically ber and eddy flux measurements
covariance results and other eco- based models. One result emerg- and bottom up models. Isotope
logical studies in their region. ing from all continental scale budgets and atmospheric inver-
However, direct measurements models is that inter-annual vari- sion techniques will also start to
of the rates of carbon cycling ability in rainfall affects terres- play a role. All methods have
through soils show a much trial vegetation as well as river different limitations and uncer-
more limited capacity for carbon basin hydrology (see Figure tainties. However, through com-
uptake (Trumbore 2000). For 1). These results are consistent bined efforts LBA research will
example, a 25% increase in C with satellite observations show- gain greater understanding of
inputs to Oxisols like those ing that vegetation indices also the Amazon carbon cycle.
found in near Manaus results varied from year to year in
Michael Keller
in C storage rates over the first time-series during the 1980s and University of New Hampshire,
20 years of only ~0.3 Mg-C ha-1 1990s (Asner et al. 2000). USA
yr-1. Current LBA research in Estimation of the Amazon
atmospheric chemistry examines region’s contribution to the Humberto Rocha
the balance of volatile organic global carbon cycle can be Universidade de Sao Paulo,
carbon compounds emitted from done using bottom up models Brazil
forest vegetation and the depo- as described above or by top- E-mail:
sition of carbon in the form down approaches. Recent inver-
Susan Trumbore
of organic acids, aldehydes, and sion models based on global University of California,
other compounds (see article by atmospheric CO2 concentrations Dept. of Earth System Science,
Artaxo et al.). Dissolved organic generally suggest a small net USA
matter exports to deep soils exchange of carbon in the
cannot be ruled out. Amazon. As Mahli and Grace Bart Kruijt
A great deal of the uncer- (2000) point out, the size of both Netherlands
tainty in stand-level estimates of the carbon source from land use E-mail:
carbon balance for Amazon for- change and the carbon sink from
ests is found in the estimates of forest growth may cancel out to

Andreae MO, de Almeida SS, Artaxo P, . Brandão , F. E. Car- Kruijt,B., Elbers, J., von Randow, C., Araujo, A.C., Culf, A.,
swell FE, Ciccioli P, Culf A, Esteves JL , Gash J, Grace J, Bink, N.J., Oliveira, P.J., Manzi, A.O., Nobre, A.D., Kabat, P.,
Kabat , Lelieveld J Malhi Y, Manzi AO, Meixner FX, Nobre A, 2001, Aspects of the robustness in eddy correlation fluxes for
Nobre C, de LourdesRuivo MA, Silva-Dias MA, Stefani P, Val- Amazon rainforest conditions. JGR special issue on LBA, sub-
entini R, von Jouanne J, and Waterloo M (2001). Towards an mitted
understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, water,
energy, trace gases and aerosols in Amazonia: The LBA- Malhi, Y., Baldocchi, D.D., and Jarvis, P.G., 1999. The carbon
EUSTACH experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research balance of tropical, temperate and boreal forests., Plant, Cell
(submitted). and Environment, 22, 715-740

Asner, G.P., A.R. Townsend, and B.H. Braswell. 2000. Satel- Nepstad, D.C., Verissimo, A., Alencar, A., Nobre, C., Lima, E.,
lite observation of El Niño effects on Amazon forest phenology Lefebvre, P., Schlesinger, P., Potter, C., Moutinho, P.,, E. Men-
and productivity. Geophysical Research Letters 27:981-984. doza, Cochrane, M., and V. Brooks, 1999. Large-scale impov-
erishment of Amazonian forests by logging and fire, Nature,
Chambers, J.Q. Higuchi, N., Tribuzy, E.S., and S.E. Trumbo- 398, 505-508
reet al. (2001) Sink for a Century: Carbon sequestration in the
Amazon. Nature 410: 429 Phillips, O.L., Y. Malhi, N. Higuchi, W.F. Laurance, P.V. Nunez,
R.M. Vasquez, S.G. Laurance, L.V. Ferreira, M. Stern, S.
Cochrane, M., Alencar, A., Schulze, M., Souza, C., Nepstad, Brown, and J. Grace, 1998. Changes in the carbon balance of
D.C., Lefebvre, P., Davidson, E.A., (1999) Positive feedback in tropical forests: Evidence from long-term plots, Science, 282,
the fire dynamic of closed canopy tropical forests., Science, 439-442
Grace, J., Lloyd, J., McIntyre, J., Miranda, A.C., Meir, P.,
Miranda, H.C., Nobre, C., Moncrieff, J., Massheder, J., Malhi, Tian, H., J. Melillo, M., D.W. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire, J.V.K.
Y., Wright, I., Gash, J., (1995) Carbon dioxide uptake by an Helfrich III, B. Moore III, and C.J. Vorosmarty, 1998. Effect of
undisturbed tropical rain forest in southwest Amazonia, 1992 interannual climate variability on carbon storage in Amazonian
to 1993, Science, 270, 778-780. ecosystems, Nature, 396, 664-620

Houghton, R.A., Skole, D. L., Nobre, C. A., Hackler, J. L., Law- Trumbore S. E., 2000. Constraints on below-ground carbon
rence, K. T., Chomentowski, W. H., 2000. Annual fluxes of cycling from radiocarbon: the age of soil organic matter and
carbon from the deforestation and regrowth in the Brazilian respired CO2, Ecological Applications, 10:399-411
Amazon., Nature, 403, 301-304
Keller, M., M. Palace, and G.E. Hurtt. Biomass in the Tapajos
National Forest, Brazil: Examination of Sampling and Allome-
tric Uncertainties. Forest Ecology and Management. In Press.

What are the consequences

Land Use Changes and the Biogeo- of the land use changes occur-
ring in the Amazon for the flow
chemistry of River Corridors in Amazon of water through the impacted
by J.E. Richey, A. Krusche, L. Deegan, V. Ballester, drainage basins, with conse-
T. Biggs and R. Victoria quent feedbacks on the sediment
transport and biogeochemistry
of the river systems? These
The Amazon basin is a region defined by its abundance of issues lead to two of the primary
water. Winding through the 5 million km2 of moist forest are LBA Questions:
over 10 million km of stream and river corridors. These cor- • How do changes in
ridors range from the very small primary streams less than land-use and climate alter
a meter wide to the several kilometer wide main stem of the the stocks, processes and
Amazon River. The riparian zones of small streams and rivers fluxes of dissolved and
particulate organic matter,
may cover about 1 million km2 (Junk and Furch 1993). These
nutrients, and trace gases
periodically or permanently flooded areas play important roles
from the uplands across
in the hydrology and biogeochemistry of the basin. the riparian zones and
Stream corridors and rivers are strain constituent budgets in any floodplains and down the
connected to the adjacent particular place and we also channels of river corri-
uplands by flows of water and need to understand how these dors?
nutrients and provide a path- materials are transformed as • What is the importance of
way for transporting materials they move across the landscape periodically “wet”
across the basin. Thus we need to integrate at the basin-wide environments (from moist
to understand the connection level soils to standing and flow-
between land and water to con-

cal Laboratory- MBL).
To scale up from the single
plot and small watershed scale
(<10 km2) to larger watersheds
(10-10,000 km2), the research
accounts for both regional varia-
tions in soil properties and the
impacts of different types of
land use, in order to detect and
quantify the impact of deforesta-
tion on stream nutrients.
A team from the Center for
Nuclear Energy in Agriculture
at the University of Sao Paulo
(CENA/USP) and the Univer-
sity of California Santa Barbara
(UCSB) conducted synoptic sur-
veys across Rondônia in a dry
and a wet season to examine the
effect of watershed soil and land
Figure 1. Study sites within the state of Rondônia: The Fazenda Nova Vida (blue use characteristics on stream
star) (paired basins study) near Ariquemes, the synoptic survey is con- chemistry on a “point” basis.
ducted at specific sites (green dots) throughout the region. The meso-
scale study is in the Ji-Parana river basin (outlined in red). Finally, a team from CENA and
the University of Washington
examined river dynamics for the
Ji-Parana River Basin by measur-
ing waters) for the land Amazon (Figure 1): a paired
ing chemical compositions over
and atmospheric balances single land use water shed
the hydrograph in the Ji-Parana
of CO2, nutrients, trace approach at Fazenda Nova Vida
River and its primary tributar-
gases, and water and and a cattle ranch in central
ies. The Ji-Paraná river basin
energy on multiple scales? Rondônia (the Centro de Energia
(drainage area ~65 000 km2 ) is a
These questions are being inves- Nuclear na Agricultura -CENA),
transitional catchment character-
tigated at different scales by and a single site detailed investi-
ized by extensive development
three LBA projects in the Rondô- gation of forest dynamics versus
in the upper basin with slight
nia region of the South-Central pasture streams (Marine Biologi-
modification in the lower 400
km, before it meets the Madeira
river near Calama.

Paired Single Land

Use Watershed
Approach / “Single
Site truth”
Land use change has altered
terra firma biogeochemical
cycles, which is clearly detected
in small streams draining water-
sheds of either forest or pasture.
As expected from previous
work, forest soil water had
higher NO3- concentrations than
pasture but similar concentra-
tions of NH4+ and PO43- Particu-
Figure 2. Increase in TDP (Total Dissolved Phosphorus) vs unit increase in the late organic P is more available
fraction of a catchment in arable cultivation. Black circles—ranching
only; red circles—urban areas; blue triangles—greater than 1% inten- in pasture than forested water-
sive agriculture; magenta asterisk—high urban and greater than 1%
intensive agriculture.

Figure 3.
PO43-, NO3-, and NH4+ in
pasture vs forest envi-
ronments of the Fazenda
Nova Vida. The lastpanel
indicates potential for N
vs P limitation.

sheds. These differences in N stantially from pasture streams. The fraction of the catchment
and P cycling in upland systems For example, we find that NO3- in arable cultivation is the most
are apparent in small second moves over 100x farther in forest statistically significant predictor
order streams (Figure 3). streams compared to pasture of the land use signal for total
Forest streams had higher streams. We also find that pas- dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and
NO3- than pasture streams due ture streams are more active in total dissolved phosphorous
to the delivery of NO3- from transforming particulate mate- (TDP). In addition, a unit
forest soils. Higher inputs of rial into dissolved forms of increase in the fraction of a catch-
particulate organic P and the N and P. These findings have ment in arable cultivation corre-
release of iron occluded P by important consequences for the sponds to an increase in TDN
the anoxic conditions of small development of nutrient bud- and TDP (Figure 2) approxi-
pasture streams result in higher gets at larger scales and for the mately 10x the average response
PO43- concentrations in pasture delivery of materials to larger from a unit change in ranching
compared to forest streams. The downstream rivers. (Biggs et al., in prep). Such
higher NH4+ in pasture streams regional analyses show that 50%
is a result of decay of large Synoptic Surveys deforestation of a watershed
inputs of surrounding wetland area correlates with increases in
In comparison to repeated mea-
vegetation. These changes in stream chloride (5x on average),
surements at one site, the syn-
inputs and availability of nutri- TDP (3x), TDN (2x) and NO3-
optic survey method relies on
ents have important conse- (3x). These results agree with
a more statistical approach to
quences for the use and findings at smaller scales with
relating observed distributions
processing of materials in stream the exception of NO3-, which was
to system properties. Forested
ecosystems. lower in smaller streams with
watersheds show empirical rela-
If we use the Redfield ratio deforested watersheds. Such dis-
tionships between soil prop-
as a guide to the nutrient that crepancies may indicate that in-
erties and stream nutrient
would most limit in situ pro- stream processes enhance NO3-
concentrations that can be used
duction we see a change from concentrations at larger scales.
to model the “pre-disturbance”
P limitation in forest streams In addition, the signal responses
or background concentration for
to N limitation in pasture are highly variable across water-
all sampled watersheds. The
streams. This change in limiting sheds, and whether the signals of
modeled pre-disturbance con-
nutrient indicates that down- these 10-10,000 km2 watersheds
centration is then subtracted
stream transport of material in persist at larger scales is not
from the observed concentration
forest streams will differ sub- known.
to yield a signal concentration.

local site comparing pasture
and forest environments, we
observed that impacted streams
and rivers tended to have higher
PO43- and lower NO3- than forest
streams. These results are
exactly the opposite of what
we would have predicted from
studies in the temperate zone,
where conversion from forest
to agriculture almost universally
leads to higher NO3- in agricul-
tural streams. Results are still
too preliminary to conclude how
Figure 4. Na+, NO3-, and PO43- in the Ji-Parana basin over the discharge hydro- far downstream and to what
graph for the Ji-Parana River (upstream to downstream), the head- spatial extent these results can
water rivers H (as average of Comemeracao and Pimento Bueno), be extended.
impacted rivers I (Jaru, Rolim, Machadinho, Urupa), and downstream
blackwater river B (the Rio Preto) Jeff Richey
University of Washington
The Ji-Paraná Basin and lowest in the upstream
and blackwater systems, with Alex Krusche
Scale the mainstem representing a
The question then is does the mix between the two. However, E-mail:
pattern of elevated NO3- in for- there are differences in soil types
Linda Deegan
ested streams relative to pasture between the sub-regions of the Woods Hole Marine Biological Institute
streams, and elevated PO43- in basin, which could yet account USA
pasture streams relative to forest for the observed differences. E-mail:
streams persist downstream in Victoria Ballester
larger rivers? Results from Ji- CENA/USP
Paraná Basin Study are sug-
Conclusions Brasil
gestive but not conclusive. For Overall, this scheme allows
comparison to the small streams, comparison between biogeo- Trent Biggs
chemical cycling mechanisms University of California
results from sampling the Ji- USA
Paraná from upstream to down under differing degrees of land E-mail:
over an annual hydrograph use, as well as study of how the
biogeochemical signal changes Reynaldo Victoria
were averaged, and then com- CENA/USP
pared to the average of the during transport along river sys- Brasil
upstream rivers, the impacted tems. In this note we focus E-mail:

rivers, and a black water river on dissolved nutrients. At a

(Figure 4).
These results show that
indeed the patterns observed at References
smaller scales persist. For refer- Neill, Christopher, Linda A. Deegan, Suzanne M. Thomas, C. Cerri. (2001).
ence, Na+ (which exhibits behav- Deforestation for pasture alters nitrogen and phosphorus in soil solution and
stream water of small Amazonian watersheds. In press.
ior similar to other cations) is
much higher in the impacted Garcia-Montiel, Diana, Chistopher Neill, Jerry Melillo, Suzanne Thomas, Paul
Steudler, and Carlos Cerri. 2000. Soil phosphorus transformations following
rivers than in the upstream forest clearing for pasture in the Brazilian Amazon. Soil Science of America
rivers, resulting in an interme- Journal 64: 1792-1804.
diate composition of the main- Biggs, T.W., Dunne, T., and Domingues, T.F., 2001. The effect of deforestation
stem. The Rio Preto is low, on mid-size stream nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. In prep.
comparable to the upstream. Biggs, T. W. (2000). Land use change effects on stream chemistry at the
NO3-, on the other hand, was ele- regional scale: a deforestation signal in the Brazilian Amazon. M.S. Thesis,
Department of Geography. Santa Barbara, University of California.
vated upstream and in the main-
stem relative to the impacted Cochrane, T. T. (1998). Sigteron: Sistema de Informação geográfica paras os
terrenos e solos do estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Porto Velho, Tecnosolo/DHV
streams. In contrast, PO4 was Consultants BV.
highest in the impacted streams

The EOS Terra Mission
Global observations of Earth are exceptionally important for the future of Earth System Sci-
ence, and for IGBP in particular. Beginning with NewsLetter No. 40 (December 1999) we are
highlighting the significant contributions that space agencies are making, in partnership with
the research community, to understand our home planet much better.

In this NewsLetter we are especially pleased to have a substantial contribution on NASA’s

new Terra mission, the flagship of its Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite series. This
is without a doubt one of the most ambitious, comprehensive and integrated observational
campaigns ever launched, and promises a revolution in our ability to describe, understand
and simulate the functioning of the Earth System.

The authors have included a substantial amount of detail on Terra, including many useful
contacts for more information. We hope that the article acts as useful reference material for
the many IGBP scientists who can benefit from Terra data. For example, most of the exam-
ples given in the article show how Terra is already supporting the LBA regional research
project, highlighted in this issue of the NewsLetter.

Will Steffen, Executive Director, IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm, Sweden

project is now focused on

EOS Terra: First Data and addressing the following ques-
Mission Status “How is the Earth changing
by K. J. Ranson and D. E. Wickland and what are the consequences
for life on Earth?”
The magnitude and scope of
this question are too large to
From its inception, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Pro- allow a simple answer, so a
gramme (IGBP) recognized that “observations of the Earth from next tier of questions provides
space are an essential element of the IGBP” (IGBP, 1986). Since a structure constituting the con-
then, the world’s space-faring nations have been planning and ceptual approach ESE is taking
developing new Earth remote sensing instruments and satellites to improve our knowledge of
to address the global change goals of the IGBP and their own the Earth system.
national global change research programmes. The EOS Terra • How is the global Earth
spacecraft (formerly EOS AM-1), launched in December 1999, is system changing?
not the first of these new satellites to fly in space. But for the U.S. • What are the primary forc-
at least, if not the world, it represents a fundamental advance and ings of the Earth system?
a major leap forward in quality and capability. • How does the Earth
While the overarching goals of first solicitation for EOS science system respond to natural
the IGBP and the USGCRP, and instruments. NASA has and human-induced
to which the EOS programme just completed a new science changes?
responds, have not changed research strategy for 2000-2010 • What are the consequences
since the mid-1980’s, specific that responds to current and of change in the Earth
objectives and scientific research anticipated global change system for human civiliza-
priorities have evolved consid- research priorities and demon- tion?
erably. The observations now strates quite well the continued
being obtained by Terra are as relevance of EOS measurements. • How well can we predict
relevant to the global change Scientific research conducted future changes to the Earth
science of 2001 as they were within NASA’s Earth Science system?
to the USGCRP research pri- Enterprise (ESE) and under its NASA’s ESE research strategy
orities articulated in NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) can be found at:

Terra has five complementary
scientific instruments that will
extend the measurements of
heritage sensors such as the
Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer (AVHRR) series, the
Coastal Zone Color Scanner
(CZCS), and the Earth Radiation
Figure 1. The EOS Terra spacecraft with the five science instruments. Budget Experiment (ERBE),
with enhanced capabilities and
a higher degree of calibration
and characterization. Figure 1
depicts the spacecraft and the across the equator in the morn- five instruments. Table 2 (page
visions/researchstrat/index.htm. ing when daily cloud cover 30) summarizes the main charac-
Terra will provide the first over the land tends to be mini- teristics of the instruments.
comprehensive global picture mal. Currently (February, 2001) • ASTER, the Advanced Space-
or set of initial-condition mea- Terra’s equator crossing time borne Thermal Emission and
surements to begin nearly two is about 10:42 am; this will Reflection Radiometer (Fujisada
decades of quantitatively moni- change gradually until 10:30 et al., 1998), collects high spatial
toring the Earth’s lands, oceans, am is attained in 2002. Terra resolution (15-90 m), multi-spec-
and atmosphere to address these uses the Worldwide Reference tral (visible through thermal
questions. Terra, along with System, along with Landsat 7, infrared) data for local and
Landsat 7, will acquire many and crosses the equator about 40 regional process studies. ASTER
of the measurements required minutes later than Landsat. This is a cooperative effort between
to advance understanding the facilitates joint use of Landsat NASA and Japan’s Ministry of
Earth system as identified in and Terra data. The Aqua space- Economy, Trade and Industry
Table 1 (page 29). craft (formerly EOS PM-1), cur- (METI), with the collaboration of
These measurements will rently scheduled for launch in scientific and industrial organi-
enable scientists to monitor: 2001, will fly in an ascending zations in both countries. ASTER
global biological productivity orbit with a 1:30 pm equatorial consists of three distinct tele-
(land and oceans); land use and crossing time and will enable scope subsystems: visible and
land cover; snow and ice dis- study of diurnal variability with near infrared (VNIR), short-
tribution; global surface tem- the MODIS and CERES instru- wave infrared (SWIR), and ther-
perature (day and night); the ments on both Terra and Aqua. mal infrared (TIR). It is a
distribution of clouds, as well as
their structure (including mac-
rophysics, microphysics, and
radiative properties); radiative
energy fluxes; water vapor; the
distribution and properties of
aerosols; fire occurrence; and
trace gases. This will improve
our ability to detect human
impacts on the Earth system,
identify “fingerprints” of human
activity, and predict climate
change through the use of
sophisticated computer models
Figure 2. ASTER visible and near infrared composite images of the (left)
Tefe and (right) Ji-Parana LBA study sites in Brazil showing the
The Terra Spacecraft level of detail available from the 15 m resolution VNIR camera.
Tropical rainforest appears bright red, while pale red and brown
Terra flies in a near-polar, sun- areas represent cleared land. Black and gray areas may indicate
recently burned areas. Rivers appear blue.
synchronous orbit that descends

long-term record useful for cli-
mate change studies.
• MISR, or Multi-angle Imaging
SpectroRadiometer, provides
imagery at moderate resolution
(275 m to 1.1 km) for nine dif-
ferent viewing angles. MISR
has nine cameras pointed along
track at different angles. One
camera points toward nadir,
Figure 3
and the others provide forward
a. (Above) Illustration of data
acquisition by the nine cam- (along track) and aftward view
eras of MISR. b. (Left) MISR angles, at the Earth’s surface, of
visible image showing con-
fluence of the Rio Solimoes
26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees.
and the Rio Negro forming As the instrument flies over-
the Amazon River. Manaus head, each region of the Earth’s
is the gray patch to the right
of the image center. surface is successively imaged
by all nine cameras in each of
four wavelength bands (blue,
green, red, and near-infrared), as
illustrated in Figure 3a.
high spatial, spectral, and radio- extremely high radiometric mea-
The multi-angular data of
metric resolution, 14-band imag- surement precision and accuracy
MISR enables the study of the
ing radiometer. (Wielicki et al. 1998). CERES
angular properties of scattering
Unlike the other instruments measures the Earth’s radiation
of sunlight by surface cover,
aboard Terra, ASTER does not budget and provides cloud
aerosols and clouds, as well as
collect data continuously; rather, property estimates to assess the
retrieval of aerosol plume and
it collects an average of 8 role of clouds in radiative fluxes
cloud heights stereoscopically
minutes of daytime and 8 from the surface to the top
(Diner et al. 1998). MISR
minutes of nighttime data per of the atmosphere. The Terra
monitors the monthly, seasonal,
orbit. All three ASTER tele- spacecraft carries two identical
and long-term trends in: the
scopes are pointable in the cross- instruments: one operates in a
amount and type of atmospheric
track direction. ASTER acquires cross-track scan mode and the
aerosol particles, including those
multi-spectral data of surface other in a biaxial scan mode.
formed by natural sources and
temperature and surface reflec- The cross-track mode observa-
by human activities; the amount,
tance, and enables mapping of tions essentially continue the
types, and heights of clouds;
soils, geological formations, and measurements of the Earth Radi-
and the distribution of land-
land cover change (Yamaguchi ation Budget Experiment (ERBE)
surface cover, including vegeta-
et al. 1998). In addition, ASTER mission as well as the Tropical
tion canopy structure. Figure 3b
produces stereoscopic images Rainfall Measuring Mission
shows a nadir looking image
and terrain elevations. Figure 2 (TRMM). The biaxial scan mode
(275 m resolution) over the
is an example of visible and provides new angular flux infor-
vicinity of Manaus, Brazil, and a
near-infrared composite ASTER mation that is improving the
portion of the Amazon River.
data over the Large Scale Bio- accuracy of angular models used
• MODIS, or MODerate resolu-
sphere-Atmosphere Experiment to derive the Earth’s radiation
tion Imaging Spectroradiometer,
in Amazonia (LBA) study sites balance. CERES provides accu-
provides comprehensive near-
at Tefe and Ji-Parana. These 60 rate measurements of the radia-
daily observations of Earth’s
km X 60 km images show the tion budget that can be related
lands, oceans and atmosphere
current condition of the forest to the earlier ERBE measure-
with 36 spectral bands ranging
at higher resolution (15 m) than ments as well the next genera-
from 250 m to 1 km in spatial
Landsat 7. tion of measurements planned
resolution (Barnes et al., 1998).
• CERES, the Clouds and the for the National Polar-orbiting
Simultaneous, congruent obser-
Earth’s Radiant Energy System Operational Environmental Sat-
vations are being made of
is a broadband scanning therm- ellite System (NPOESS) missions
atmospheric properties (aerosol
istor bolometer package with later this decade, providing a
properties over land and ocean,

precipitable water vapor, atmo- for imaging specific surface or correlation spectroscopy to mea-
spheric temperature profiles, atmospheric features. MODIS’s sure upwelling and reflected
cloud droplet size, cloud height observational requirements infrared radiance in three
and cloud top temperature), oce- necessitate very high radiomet- absorption bands of carbon
anic properties (sea-surface tem- ric sensitivity, precise spectral monoxide and methane. The
perature and chlorophyll), and band and geometric registration, instrument modulates sample
terrestrial properties (land cover, and high calibration accuracy gas density by changing the
land-surface temperature, snow and precision. Figure 4 presents length or the pressure of the gas
cover, and vegetation proper- examples of the normalized dif- sample in the optical path of the
ties). These MODIS data pro- ference vegetation index (NDVI) instrument. MOPITT has a spa-
vide a basis for studies of global product available from MODIS, tial resolution of 22 km at nadir
dynamics and processes at the contrasting South American and a swath width of 640 km.
Earth’s surface and in the lower vegetation in the tropical wet The MOPITT instrument team
atmosphere. and dry seasons. has assigned early priority to
MODIS is a whiskbroom • MOPITT, or Measurements producing their carbon mon-
scanning imaging radiometer Of Pollution In The Tropo- oxide data products; the meth-
consisting of a cross-track scan sphere, was designed to provide ane data product, which is
mirror, collecting optics, and global maps of tropospheric more challenging to derive, will
a set of linear arrays with spec- carbon monoxide in three alti- follow. Early MOPITT images
tral interference filters located in tude layers and total column shown in Figure 5 compare
four focal planes. MODIS has a methane (Drummond et al., carbon monoxide distributions
viewing swath width of 2330 km 1998). MOPITT is a collabora- over South America during the
(the field of view sweeps ±55 tion between NASA and the wet and dry seasons. The higher
degrees cross-track) and pro- Canadian Space Agency (CSA). carbon monoxide emissions
vides high-radiometric MOPITT data will enhance our observed in the dry season are
resolution images of daylight- knowledge of the lower atmo- attributed to increased biomass
reflected solar radiation and sphere and its interactions with burning.
day/night thermal emissions the biosphere. Its specific focus For additional information
over all regions of the globe. The is on the distribution, transport, about the Terra spacecraft and
broad spectral coverage of the sources, and sinks of carbon links to each of the five
instrument (0.4 to 14.4 µm) monoxide and methane in the instruments, the reader is
is divided into 36 bands of troposphere. MOPITT is a scan- invited to visit the Terra Project
various bandwidths optimized ning radiometer employing gas Science homepage at http://

Ground and Data

The data generated by each
Terra instrument are written
to a solid state recorder that
holds approximately two orbits
of data, and stores about 140 Gb
of data using advanced technol-
ogy solid state memory devices.
The data are transmitted to
the primary ground receiving
station at White Sands, New
Mexico, or to polar ground sta-
tions in Alaska and Norway.
Data from Terra flow via the
Tracking and Data Relay Satel-
Figure 4. MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data from lite System (TDRSS) to White
(left) wet season, day 145 (May 21), and (right) dry season, day
241 (August 29), of year 2000. Green colors represent high veg- Sands, where the data are cap-
etation density, browns indicate vegetation of lower density, and tured, corrected to eliminate
white indicates snow or no vegetation.

transmission errors and arti-
facts, separated by instrument of
origin, and stored. This initial
processing is known as Level 0
processing and is performed by
the EOS Data and Operations
System (EDOS). Level 0 data
for each instrument are then
transferred to the appropriate
EOS Distributed Active Archive
Center (DAAC) for further pro-
cessing. The amount of down-
loaded data from Terra is
unprecedented, with about 195
Gb of level 0 data received each
day; this represents over a tera- Figure 5. Preliminary carbon monoxide distributions recorded from the
byte of processed higher-level MOPITT sensor. Left, wet season data show lower levels of
science products. carbon monoxide (white and blue colors) and right, dry season
data show higher carbon monoxide levels (yellow, orange, pink,
Currently, the majority of white, and black) due to biomass burning.
planned Terra science products
is available through the EOS
Data Gateway. At this point in
the mission, most products are
not fully calibrated and vali- In addition to Terra data subsystem and system levels.
dated and have been given the from EOSDIS, continuous direct Unprecedented attention is
label of “beta” data. This means broadcast of MODIS data is being paid to instrument cali-
that the data product is still available on X-band and can be bration on Terra, including: pre-
being evaluated and quality- acquired by anyone with the flight comparison among the
checked and is not considered appropriate hardware and soft- instruments; installation of cal-
to be ready for routine scientific ware. Several such stations are ibration devices on the instru-
research uses. However, the sci- now operating, or will be in ments for on-orbit calibration
ence community is encouraged the near future, including one and characterization; and on-
to obtain these data, explore in Brazil and one in Argentina. orbit maneuvers of the Terra
their potential for various uses, See platform for additional calibra-
and provide feedback to the eosdb/ for more information. tion and characterization includ-
Terra instrument science teams. ing possible deep space and
In the near future, intermediate Calibration moon-viewing maneuvers.
“provisional” validated prod- Additionally, MODIS’s
The ability of EOS researchers
ucts and science quality prod- detailed internal calibrations
to produce global, consistent,
ucts will be forthcoming. Many will be used, along with simul-
long time series, remote sensing
of these are planned for release taneous geo-located measure-
data sets requires the ability
in summer, 2001, and most ini- ments, to help in the calibration
to discriminate between satellite
tial science quality data products of ASTER and MISR. The
instrument on-orbit changes and
should be available by the end MODIS and ASTER high-res-
changes in the Earth biophysical
of 2001. Nonetheless, validation olution multi-channel observa-
processes being monitored.
research will continue through- tions of clouds will be used in
Making this discrimination on
out the lifetime of the Terra analyzing CERES’s low-resolu-
a pre-launch, post-launch, inter-
mission, and it is reasonable to tion radiative flux
instrument, and inter-platform
expect that Terra data products measurements. MISR’s multi-
basis crucially depends on the
will continue to be improved angle measurements will deter-
calibration of the instruments
over time. For the latest infor- mine the angular reflectance
with respect to a set of rec-
mation on the status and avail- of land surface features, ocean
ognized physical standards or
ability of data from Terra and glint, and clouds, all of which
processes and on the careful
other EOS missions, see: http:// will be used by the MODIS,
characterization of the instru- ASTER, and CERES teams to
ments’ performance at the
correct their data.

Validation field campaigns where Terra ence approaches to specific
investigators are collaborating problems. For example, in the
The validation of instrument cal- to improve product validation case of forest fires, the active
ibrations is attained by com- (e.g., LBA, TARFOX, GEWEX). fire area will be observed by
paring satellite observations to Abundant correlative data, MODIS and ASTER, and emitted
simultaneous aircraft observa- including valuable acquisitions smoke particles will be observed
tions and to targets on the from airborne simulator under- by MISR and MODIS. Resulting
Earth’s surface and in the atmo- flights of Terra, have been col- deforestation and burned areas
sphere that have known, stable, lected, and validation scientists will be measurd by ASTER
or well-measured biophysical are now awaiting new or re- and MODIS, and the emitted
properties. EOS programme processed Terra data to com- trace gases--carbon monoxide
sponsors are supporting major plete their initial analyses. See and methane--will be measured
field and aircraft campaigns the EOS Project Science web site by MOPITT. The broader scale
as well as smaller calibration for current information on val- impact of radiative forcing of
experiments to ensure quality idation activities climate will be monitored by
scientific data. ( CERES.
The quality and uncertainties eos_homepage/field.html). Scientists will merge data
of the EOS science data products from both Terra and Landsat
also are being assessed. This
“validation” work requires
Science Data 7 in regional process studies
and models that will enable
information related to the accu- Products the detection of annual changes
racy and precision of the instru- In addition to providing the in land cover (e.g., deforesta-
ment product, and knowledge basic measurements of the land, tion) and certain land uses. It
of the scales and conditions ocean, and atmosphere listed in is anticipated that similar global
of interest to the users of the Table 1, Terra scientists have “snapshots” will be taken that
derived geophysical and bio- committed to providing higher- combine Terra data with data
physical data products. Gen- level, derived data products, from other platforms such as
erally, EOS validation is such as primary productivity, Jason-1 and Aqua.
accomplished by direct com- albedo, and topography. Some After Terra science quality
parisons with independently of these higher-level data prod- data products are released
obtained correlative measure- ucts will require in situ data, beginning in 2001, EOS scientists
ments and by intercomparisons data from other Terra sensors or plan to correlate land use pat-
with independently derived other satellites, or data assimila- terns and land surface change
satellite retrievals. Pre-launch tion for their production. Some with the observed global distri-
validation activities for Terra data products and uses of Terra butions of aerosol, water vapor,
included evaluation of algo- data are described below. clouds, radiation, trace gases,
rithms and characterization of Aerosol properties will be and oceanic productivity. These
uncertainties resulting from measured by MODIS using its measurements will be fed into
parameterizations and their wide spectral range and 1 to regional and global climate
implementation in algorithms. 2 day single view coverage, models. Later these comparisons
Post-launch activities now being and also independently by MISR may be repeated with Jason-1
conducted include refinement using its multi-angle data, nar- and Aqua data. It is anticipated
of algorithms and uncertainty rower spectral range, and 6 to 9 that within its first few years
estimates based on near-direct day global coverage. Vegetation Terra will provide observations
comparisons with independent properties including type, extent that will improve forecasts of the
measurements or estimates of and productivity will be derived timing and geographical extent
the same properties obtained from MODIS or MISR data. of transient climatic anomalies.
under well-understood Water vapor will be derived In addition, the new data sets
conditions – often at carefully independently from MODIS— from Terra should enable the
selected field sites. Several EOS from near-infrared reflectance development of improved meth-
major field campaigns (e.g., or based on the attenuation ods for disaster prediction,
SAFARI-2000, PROVE, SCAR, and emission of terrestrial infra- characterization, and risk reduc-
CAGEX) have been and are red radiation. The simultaneous, tion from wildfires, volcanoes,
being conducted to aid in these geo-located products will allow floods, and drought. A list of
analyses. There are many other scientists to develop broad sci- Terra instrument’s data products

and links to the appropriate initiatives are being designed the scientific community and the
data center are at: http:// for elementary through gradu- general public concerning Earth ate levels. They include pro- science. Brochures, NASA Fact
eosdata/terra/ grammes designed to enhance Sheets, handbooks, newsletters,
terra_dataprod.html. teacher/faculty knowledge and videos, and Internet sites are
research skills and provide cur- being made available. For exam-
Education and riculum support with instruc- ple, the Terra home page
tional products. They also ( ) gives
Outreach present research experiences for more details on the Terra
The EOS project has made students at NASA and related mission, while the Earth
a strong commitment to educa- sites; produce programs and Observatory (http://
tion in its broadest forms. This products that use advanced
addresses a NASA ESE goal technologies for education; and enables visitors to explore in-
to “stimulate broad interest in promote activities involving col- depth the causes and effects
and understanding of Earth laborative efforts with a range of climate and other environ-
system science, research tech- of partners seeking to enhance mental change through the use
nologies, and applications and multiple aspects of the educa- of remote sensing data from a
encourage young scholars to tional process. variety of EOS satellites. Since
consider careers in science and Informal education initiatives its public debut in April 1999,
technology.” Formal education are directed toward educating more than 10 million visitors

from over 100 countries have
accessed the Earth Observatory, References
downloading in excess of
Barnes W.L. et al., 1998. “Pre-launch characteristics of the moderate resolu-
100,000 data sets.
tion imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) on EOS AM-1,” IEEE Trans. Geosci.
Exhibits are currently being Remote Sensing, 36(4): 1088-1100.
installed or planned for several Diner, D. et al., 1998. “Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instru-
museums. Where possible, the ment description and experiment overview,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote
latest multimedia technologies Sensing, 36(4):1072-1087.
for interactivity and data visual- Drummond, J.R. and G.S. Mand, 1996 “The measurements of pollution in
ization are being used to encour- the troposphere (MOPITT) instrument: Overall performance and calibration
requirements,” Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 13, pp.
age a “hands on” approach that 314-320.
is educational, entertaining and Fujisada, H. , F. Sakuma, A. Ono, and M. Kudoh. 1998. Design and preflight
inspiring. Other outreach activ- performance of ASTER instrument protoflight model. IEEE Trans. Geosci.
ities include a “Writer’s Work- Remote Sensing, 36(4):1152-1160.
shop” conducted in July 1999 to IGBP, 1986. The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of
acquaint the science press with Global Change. IGBP Report no. 1. Stockholm, Sweden.
the goals of EOS. The spacecraft Kaufman, Y.A, et. al., 1999. The Earth Observer, 11(01), NASA GSFC, Code
900, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA.
name, Terra, was selected by
a “Name the Platform Contest” King, M. D. 1999. EOS Science Plan: The State of Science in the EOS
Prgram. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, Mary-
that involved middle and high land.
school students. Additional
Wielicki, B.A. et al., 1998. “Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System
educational materials can be (CERES): Algorithm Overview,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing,
obtained through the EOS 36(4):1127-1141.
Project Science Web site at: Yamaguchi, et al., 1998. “Overview of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emis- sion and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER),” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens-
ing,36(4): 1062-1071
or the Earth Observatory web Junk, W.J. and K. Furch. 1993. A general review of tropical South American
floodplains. Wetlands Ecology and Management 2:231-238.
site noted above.

The EOS Terra mission, with programme of quantifying the netic wavelengths, EOS Terra
its five instruments and careful health of planet Earth. Analo- and other international satellites
attention to calibration and eval- gous to modern day diagnostics will spectrally image the three-
uation of the quality of its data of three-dimensional imaging of dimensional structure of the
products, has begun a long-term the body in various electromag- planet. Advances in theory and

in situ observations will enable ings. These results will help K. Jon Ranson
us to convert these images into us to predict how our planet Terra Project Scientist
understanding of change in the is expected to change, to Code 923
environment, including: the dis- understand the potential conse- (Bldg. 33, Rm. G-417)
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
tribution of pollution in the air, quences of climate and other
land and ocean; the fraction environmental changes for soci-
of natural, minimally disturbed eties, and to provide decision- Diane E. Wickland
Terrestrial Ecology Program
ecosystems and the fraction that makers with quality scientific NASA Code YS
is significantly influenced by information that they can use to 300 E Street, SW -- Room 5R13
humans; and the interactions weigh options for response. Washington, DC 20546
between atmosphere, land, and E-mail:
oceans subject to multiple forc-

LBA and Challenges of a Changing Earth

Global Change Open Science Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-13 July 2001
On July 10-13, 2001 IGBP, IHDP and WCRP will host a major scientific conference to bring
together scientists, policymakers and government and private sector leaders to discuss and
debate global environmental change and its implications for human systems. As perhaps the
largest and most advanced of the regional studies of global change, LBA science will feature
promimently in the Global Change Open Science Conference.LBA-related highlights include:
• The Amazon Basin and Land-Cover Change: A Future in the Balance? Plenary lecture by
Dr. Carlos Nobre, Scientific Coordinator for LBA.
• Does the Land Surface Matter in Climate? Introduction and synthesis by Dr. Pavel Kabat,
Coordinator for the European Union’s activities in LBA.
• LBA, integrated regional research in Amazonia. A poster cluster on LBA.
• Numerous abstracts from LBA teams have been submitted for poster displays or parallel
The Conference will also focus upon actions and solutions to the problems facing human societ-
ies in relation to global change. The issue of transition to a more sustainable relationship with
the global environment is an overarching theme for the meeting. In keeping with this focus on
the future, the conference organisers strongly support and encourage student attendance; see
the conference web site (below) for more information. NASA is supporting participation of 15
Brazilian students who are already involved in LBA.
For more information on the meeting, please consult:

IGBP and Related Biodiversity of Coastal Marine Ecosys-
tems Pattern and Process - A Euroconfer-
Meetings ence
5-10 May, Corinth, Greece
Contact: Euresco Office,
LUCC: RICAMARE Workshop on Land
Use and Cover Change and Water
Resources in the Mediterranean Region GEOTROP 4th International Conference
on Environmental Chemistry & Geochem-
20-21 April, Medenine, Tunisia istry in the Tropics
Contact: Juan Puigdefabregas,
7-11 May, Townsville, Australia
Contact: Greg Brunskill, or
GCTE: Linking Biodiversity Models to Contact:
21-30 April, TBA, The Netherlands GCTE: Plant Functional Types in Relation
Contact: Peter de Ruiter, to Disturbance and Land Use: Synthesis
and Challenges
START: SASCOM Meeting 9-11 May, Valencia, Spain
22-24 April, Kathmandu, Nepal Contact: Juli Pausas,

Contact: A.P. Mitra,

HDGEC International Conference on
IGBP, IHDP WCRP: Final Planning Biodiversity and Society
Meeting of the IGBP-IHDP-WCRP Global 22-25 May, Columbia University, New York,
Environmental Change & Food Systems USA
Programme Christine Alfsen-Norodom, or
23-25 April, Washington, USA
Contact: John Ingram,
GLOBEC: GLOBEC Scientific Steering
Committee Meeting
LOICZ: LOICZ-UNEP Americas Thematic
Workshop on Upscaling and Assessment 23-26 May, Lima, Peru
of Nutrient Fluxes in Coastal Estuarine Contact: GLOBEC IPO,
29 April-2 May, Ensenada, Mexico GCTE IGBP: Nonlinear Responses to
Contact: LOICZ IPO, Global Environmental Change: Critical
Thresholds and Feedbacks. GCTE/IGBP
Nonlinear Initiative
South Asia Water Workshop
26-29 May, Duke University, Durham, North
30 April-2 May, San Diego, California, USA Carolina, USA
Contact: A.P. Mitra, Contact: Pep Canadell,

GCTE: Focus 1 Workshop: Using Isotopic GLOBEC: GLOBEC Focus 1 Working

Traces in Elevated CO2 Studies Group Meeting
2-4 May, Beufort NC, USA 27-28 May, Lima, Peru
Contact: Diane Pataki, Contact: GLOBEC IPO,

LOICZ: SAMBAS II Workshop on South GLOBEC SPACC: Retrospective Data

American Basins and Caribbean catch- Analysis Meeting
ments - Coastal Fluxes and Human 29 May-1 June, Lima, Peru
Dimensions Contact: Tim Baumgartner, tbaumgar@cicese. mx or
2-6 May, Forteleza, Brazil GLOBEC IPO,

Contact: LOICZ IPO,

tinental Margins Workshop on Polar Mar-
May, TBA,
Contact: Dr. Robie W. Macdonald,

9th European Regional Conference of ICID PAGES: Earth System Processes
on Sustainable use of Land and Water 24-28 June, Edinburgh, Scotland
4-8 June, Brno and Prague, Czech Contact:
Contact: Research Institute for Soil and Water Conserva-
JGOFS-WOCE-IOC: CO2 Transport Work-
tion, or shop
27-29 June, Southampton, UK
Contact: Paul Robbins,
START: START Oceania Committee
6-7 June, Guam, USA Change and Sustainability of Pastoral
Land Use System in Temperate East
Contact: K. Koshy,
Asia: An Open Symposium
27-30 June, Mongolia
Climate Change and Variability in Northern Contact: T. Chuluun,
Europe - Proxy Data, Instrumental Records,
Climate Models and Interactions
LOICZ-IOC-IGU: Joint Meeting
6-8 June, Turku, Finland
Contact: Mia Rönkä,
28-29 June, IOC Paris, France
Contact: IOC Secretariat, Paris

GCTE: An Integrated Assessment of the

Ecological, Meteorological, and Human LUCC: Open Symposium on Change and
Dimensions of Global Desertification Sustainability of Pastoral Land Use Sys-
tems in East and Central Asia
10-15 June, Berlin, Germany
28 June-1 July, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Contact: James F. Reynolds,
Contact: Chuluun Togtohyn, or
Dennis Ojima,
Millennial-scale Events in the North Atlan-
tic Region During Termination 1
13-18 June, University of Ulster, Coleraine, RICAMARE Training Course on Water
Northern Ireland, UK Resources and the Mediterranean
Contact: Dr. Jasper Knight, June (tentative), Toledo, Spain
Contact: J.M. Moreno,

PAGES: HITE Workshop

14-17 June, Bern, Switzerland LOICZ: Afri Basins II Workshop on
Contact: Isabelle Larocque, African River Basins and Catchments –
Coastal Fluxes and Human Dimensions
2-5 July, The Hague, The Netherlands
Optical Plankton Counter Workshop
Contact: LOICZ IPO,
17-20 June, University of Tromso, Tromso,
Contact: Meng Zhou, or LOICZ: LOICZ-UNEP Africa and Europe
Janne Wilhelmsen, Thematic Workshop on Upscaling and
Assessment of Nutrient Fluxes in
CoastGIS 2001: 4th International Confer- Coastal Estuarine Systems
ence on Computer Mapping and GIS for 2-5 July, The Hague, The Netherlands
CZM-Managing the Interfaces Contact: LOICZ IPO,
18-20 June, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
LOICZ: LOICZ Scientific Steering Com-
mittee Meeting
IGAC: Workshop on Emissions of Chemi- 7-8 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
cal Species and Aerosols into the Atmo- Contact: LOICZ IPO,
19-22 June, Paris, France
JGOFS: 16th JGOFS Scientific Steering
Committee Meeting
7-8 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: Roger Hanson,

Global Synthesis Working Group Meeting LUCC: International Conference on Land
9 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Use/Cover Change Dynamics,Institute of
Contact: Reiner Schlitzer,
Resources Science 26-30 August, Beijing, China
Contact: or
IGBP, IHDP, WCRP: Global Change Open
Science Conference: Challenges of a PAGES: PAGES - PEP III Past Climate
Changing Earth Variability in Europe and Africa
10-13 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 27-31 August, Les Centre de Congrès, Aix-
Contact: Congrex Holland BV, or en-Provence, France
http// Contact: Dr. Catherine Stickley, or
8th Scientific Assembly of IAMAS
10-18 July, Innsbruck, Austria GLOBEC: Paleoceanography Methodol-
Contact: ogy Workshop
August (tbc), Munich, Germany
BAHC: BAHC Scientific Steering Commit- Contact: Jurgen Alheit,
tee Meeting and GEWEX-ISLSCP Science
14-15 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: Sabine Luetkemeier, sabine.luetkemeier@pik-

Land Use/Land Cover Changes in the

Period of Globalization
14-20 July, Prague, Czech Republic
Contact: International Geographical Union, or

GLOBEC: OPC Workshop

16-19 July (tbc), Tromso, Norway
Contact: GLOBEC IPO,

Detecting Environmental Change:

Science & Society
16-20 July, London, UK
Contact: Dr. Catherine E. Stickley,

GCTE: Focus 3 Agroecology and Produc-

tion Systems Production Systems Open
Planning Workshop
19-21 July, Tune, Denmark
Contact: John Ingram,

Climate Conference 2001

20-24 August, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Contact: M. van Haersma Burm, or

World Climate Research International Geosphere-Biosphere International Human Dimensions
Programme Programme Programme on Global Environmental

Global Change The Earth’s environment and

habitability are now, as never
before, affected by human activ-

Open Science
ities. This conference presents
the latest scientific understanding
of natural and human-driven
changes on our planet. It will

examine the effects on our societ-
ies and lives, and explore what
the future may hold.


4 0 % B i rd”
h “E
10-13 July 2001
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“Early Bird” registration closes 30 April 35
Next edition of the IGBP
LBA Data Information System Newsletter…
LBA has become a major integrated research programme in
• IGBP Core Project highlights.
Amazonia, as was well demonstrated at the First LBA Science
Conference in June 2000 through the large number of high-
quality contributions from various disciplines. Recognizing the
value of this information for continued research and application
LBA has established a data management system (LBA Data
and Information System, LBA-DIS) to service the LBA inves-
tigators and the scientific community at large. Data, as well
as publication lists, can be accessed via the LBA website:
The LBA-DIS working group has developed this unique system
and encourage other programs, projects and experiments to
make use of the LBA experience and benefit from the blueprint
that LBA-DIS provides for the coordinated management of
diverse and distributed data sets. IGBP-DIS and LBA DIS Correspondence
share the same search and query protocol. That ensures easier Letters can be in response to an
access to LBA results by the Global Change community. article in an earlier edition of the
NewsLetter or about IGBP science/
issues in general. Please keep let-
ters as brief as possible (maximum
of 200 words) and send to Susan-
nah Eliott at the IGBP Secretariat.
Fax: 46 8 16 64 05

ISSN 0284-5865

Addendum: IGBP NewsLetter 44: the caption to the figure on page 3 in Edited by Susannah Eliott
the article by Tom Pedersen was omitted. The correct caption is: LBA articles Co Edited by Janice Wiles
Technical Editing by John Bellamy
Greenhouse gas levels from the Vostok ice core extrapolated to present
Requests for reproduction of articles
day values and to the full range of IPCC 2001 scenarios. appearing in this distribution should be
addressed to the Editor:
From: Keith Alverson, PAGES International Project Office.
NewsLetter requests and change of
address information should be sent to:
Erratum: In IGBP NewsLetter 43: The article by Guy Brasseur and Ron
IGBP Secretariat
Prinn (page 12-13) had an error in the last paragraph. The sentence The Royal Swedish Academy of Science
should have read: Box 50005, S-104 05 Stockholm,
“In summary, recent analyses suggest that the oxidising power of the Tel: (+46-8) 16 64 48
atmosphere has remained relatively constant since the preindustrial Fax: (+46-8) 16 64 05
era, with a decrease in the OH concentration, and hence increases in E-mail:
the lifetimes of major primary pollutants (or greenhouse gases like
methane) that have not exceeded 20%.” The IGBP Report Series is published in
annex to the Global Change NewsLetter
The authors wish to thank Mr Eilrich Bernd for pointing this out.

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