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SL.No.: ACHC/17 uses rian 2017. Qurgy sifley Sq nfstuc éror Gomi : 3 wax] [Guang eBLQueimscr : 300 Aamesgreg uPoshigapen Spsscin_ explajcopscoat saicnonsi: Uyssa1 pabu oPajoyasr 1. Qs Gams Asrgiy Gsiay ApmaigapHs 10 PL asEsG Ceres AeramiugnTiseTes, AIPESLLOD. Dis Bars Careiu pe Copepen(Bbp udepap)s CancnOsrag. 2. Bip eBags Aprgcr1 200 Hemascoaré GancinQsrengy. Ber uctés Agr kigidand PaAem~QsrenIo stdan sHemésianb Lb upp érorerour ceuensuib Glo _ude gb Gaubpys—reradi 2 srorenaur seRueNBU4. sRLumisg AsncraTay.. eCpend GmpUTO GUE, per uss Hts e5s Ger , furs edrer Cardone cams ApreinSaner Qupgé Gander Caxcir Ob. Cpa, Agm iudlus én, GepaLind Dens Qprgiy npA6 smu wni ings. 3. then flamase sce cen _udiésaid, rdor Semés(@d soionen oPlsAueirac Qesaairees 4, erite@nLus UPlal sTétonae Dis UspPldr asmg Cod :ade xg HAsar seoinpgcror Oi SH Pesce aqys Caxsie@i. Coup stonpusb Blanté Qanguide ougps Lng. 5. Boor smear @fligi smi ster, Doo serch perp 2 sETdg seivenahLnenyTe pL. 6. erhsigsoLu uBay cain, Gsiaggner cir py SemZ@sreiy auflens cra (SI. No) gppOuapapuys Borgpraiér Qrannd UsssPlo soas@rasrs Kowpgidie Dissho fas sos sooo Ho @m0yoLw Uigieparan Cuamdiamd @p\e5é sn Caisii id. Ginpscim cima cflen_gprofic friar Glogs 5m. 6 garflama Gptamoramis oAsOs8S GHAI Oatorarg pLaigdos Cop GsncraniiiGe 7. gasamg flanrayd (A), (B), (C) gu (D) car pcg Blan acoaré AancinGareng. Bruni srenaussthed Gr gp afro Bao sous Cpita, Anisgy lan spratke GPlegis ans CarcinOd. geIpse Gos: afusmen aSleor_sct Gu Case, Beoiugred acPamé frasc ss shunangs any stongé seg SisCam ibs orcas lor gproie eDiess SLL CouainGd. cULQLNEDD GE Cars GCr Ge cn _awssnen CpiPAGSs CouinGid. ‘eK; Qiong 9G serach fruscr longo elie ssn_Oib oftusnen Blan ati crane ensonux Qn Blan ggnahas gaaing GacreA ceineatipeid ahd @, G).© soppid) sren pacing, flan! uscr © cranes. OO Cr cBlrwafiés Biiscr elOwen sEgId Benes GCs Go Bon. av AB WL Od vidgs ponents Cuamesard Giggs am CacnOib. GAGE CxiniG Go Sencus CEMBACDEG Bon pera eles Cand. $6 Cams gaDEG Cixpucr cAeo_ufisprd ops can samnarrs EBIGD. 2gnemons ruse) crenueng efiuner olen uinsé seoSerré sons craxpionp GPsgHs a Caxsin(b. @@00 9. flisdr Aems AprgiGen «ppd vssserpud SesCan sdog AYlesCar ang. Gaia; ConsBO Dis erré OpregisSenerGur cing cen pprarGuin Gps me fg LD GovehiSd aOieg Aedasen-r4) i GaeingQib 10. GPlLysdr PPE UMTCLGE cans ApNgIe saoA L&KKplng cpemudspens 2. uGUrApgss Gancrenaomb. 11. pido aigailés GanGssLur Oster GALL scrgnén CoRanapTeid 12, elon Apr GLiI oor.cows GHUMCawr, GAG GS src asm oarngy, 13. Copsdm. sPlajorsdhd cogurag lama Gpicrmamud (AAaGEGd pLaysmsseres ecroms SEAS cron sPansssuGdng. ‘SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKLET FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS [Turn over Dimensions of momentum are () ML°T wm MLT? © Mitr? 7 ©) MPT? 2p 6Alér Uftonemissamares @) ML?T ®) MLT* © MT ® MET? ‘Technique used in mass production of integrated chips is (A) _ photography (B) atomic force microscopy FY photo lithography @) holography eotBmerésiut Alsmer ifs ser AaiuiuGasisns as ApmPoge uid LUéLidssOUGSDg? A) 2.GumeGundigms B) siguedes naGynerGand (© Cum Gun edsGpndipma D) Cponondignd A satellite is orbiting the earth, if its distance from the earth is increased, then (a) its angular velocity would increase (b) _ its linear velocity would increase (©) __ its angular velocity would decrease (a) _ its time period would crease (A) (a) and (b) are correct (B) (a) and (c) are correct (© — @)and (©) are correct v%' (©) and (4) are correct 8G AouparsCans YNous spf aGdang. UABAG SE sie sPpLUTEnELE Agree, Pehés ium, Z (a) sign Garang Bone Corsid nfiafins a Qid b) ser GpiGamt Of Done Cais oflafasé mGid © ser Canang Dons Cais Genus Mid @ . sg sppLunenseOU EG Yop apf ag srod mPsNisé a Gid A) @) opp (b) efwunencoes B) @ opp ©) sfwrermar ©) ) wg (©) sflusmereoeu ©) (©) wipe @) afurencoss 3 ~ ACHC/_T [Turn over 4, Find out the incorrect statement(s) : ae I. Magnesium can reduce oxides of Aluminium, Zine, Iron and Copper. IL. Copper cannot reduce the oxides of Iron and Zine : TIL Zinc ean reduce the oxides of Al and Mg IV. Aluminium can reduce the oxide of Mg @ = JandIt : tana (C) Malone ©) IWalone sarpien QenpOpntemaré snare : L agWetud, Miss, QGdy WppId smut yrcroGscer Qwichduid g@ssd Aniéipgs IL Q@dy vapid Fis yémerQama anit gOseafioma - IL SiqWeud vpgid Qoschaugier yamerGamrar dis 9OsG8DE IV. QuéehAupéien syacnsen oguafud eOaeAngs A) Topp ®) Wwpgi tv ©. Mwi.oo ©) Vwi.od 5. The blue colour in Borax Bead test is dite to the presence of (A) Iron B) Nickel GI Cobalt @)' Zine Cunprécunanf isle So Dnsang AanOsew pallid A aig ®) fase © Camara, @) Awe 6 Choose the incorrect match : (A) Baking soda ~ Sodium hydrogen carbonate (B) Washing soda — sodium carbonate (©)__ Bleaching powder ~ Calcium oxychloride * Limestone — Calcium sulphate Soupnen Gung spss Cie Geiss : (A) senouds Com Comqutd opp regen ariiGunGen. +B) samen Gomn— Comqund sien. : . CO Getehis guar sndvBuid sede Gareng® D) seiramnidiyé50 ~ erdbuid edie. ACHC/17 4 7. _ + The biogenesis of 80 S ribosomes takes place in (A) ver © ©) Nucleus Nueleolus Golgi complex Endoplasmic réticulum 80 S enyGunGombscre pugSuneid Grid @ ® © @) Bysdatucr BysAahCunarcir Candie mat Opty rain CL mSamciviSs axenso A sample of 100 persons, 84 were Phenyl thiocarbamide tasters (T). Calculate the gene frequency of non-tasters (t) “ wr © @) 06. 0.4 02 08 100 puiacr Genein. nB Aide ered sGuneriicn0® (T) sone: 2amiGeunit 84 Cut erénpaed, sone Damprpaursaficn pei flaipGascin (t) ards somsG co) @®) © @) 0.6 04 0.2 08 9. Which of the following statement is wrong? @ + @) © ‘The colourless plastids are leucoplasts Amyloplasts are examples for colourless plastids Chloroplasts are green coloured plastids WPT Aleuroplasts are starch storing plastids. SG yp Aan Gs Giiror apgesatid seuprengs org? (a) ®) © @) SysCantierncive Qact ccnienes Plpopp sehsiisaneid HowCaniemnent Osc ceria Apopp sefsiiserig oOsg4 am_Gsenrgo, GConnrGpmcienncve. act crenisnes Lites Ppionen Yarncoqt scr. aSisComsarene Gad crénionsy doc nitslenen Codlegid Camm igt aorn@d 5 ACHC/17 {Turn over 10. _ Transposons were originally discovered from which of the following WT Maize # (®) Human (C) Fruit-fly-Drosophila (D) -Bacterium © Sbsain_aypile ygncncoCunench apgdd asahe Bobs sarG9ysasUCL gi? A) wésréGerend : B) waliger (©) up-w-_@ynGendeon a @) undi_ Awe 11. Which one of these are called polymorphonuclear leucocytes? (A) T. Lymphocytes HM Neutrophils (©) B. Lymphocytes (D) Monocytes QapHe og UnchomiGur Sujsefumir Sys Canes ch cromsiQBennen? (A) T.ciisGunenac scr : B) Bye Cynara (©) B.dkdGunena scr @) GunGerrenat scr “12. ‘The hormone responsible for the process of parturition (A) Thyroxine WH Oxytocin (©) Secretin (D) Vasopressin osiCup flaypéblenus eopay ns Osgd aontGioren orgs? (A) e@pyréélen B) yaaSGL afer (©) Gséfigen @) anGemagher ACHC/17 6 13, 14, Match List I and List II List I List IT (@) Yardangs 1. Lime stone region (®) Moraines 2. Rivers © Canyons 3. Wind @) Stalactite and Stalagmite 4. Glacier ® ® © @ a) 3 2 4 1 ® 4 2 1 3 : Wor 3 4 2. 4 @ 4 Ey 1 2 , aufiens I wi pid aufiens Igener Gung pais eflens I euflene I 0) wri mincts 1. seireanminy ypCgaib ©) Quonenpescir 2 ao : “© | Cserunenscr 3. anpy @ crease opgidcorroseor 4. vefungs @ b) © @) @ 3 2 4 1 ® 4 2 1 3 © 3 4 2 1 @) 4 3 1 2 Identify the one which is a volcanic-crater lake in India (A) Chilka lake in Odisha (®B) Dal lake in Srinagar (©) Kollerulake in Andhra Pradesh, gy Lonar lake in Maharashtra Gan Gastuc Gcrar DsPus Mares erhiocos aumis genus sfeoLwsrenb sneies A) qyerofe 2 dren Bdsm gf B) patter o.crar ind 6A CO BATA EHB He octet AandGag qf (D) wsnynegy gree 2 cron Caompmi gf 1 ACHC/N7 [Turn over 15. The percentage of SC population to the total population in India as per 2011 census is WF 166 ®) 16.2 © 160 ~ @) 174 Bphy wasc Agree caréQeGc 211-dr Ug, Gonkp wes Corea smpspcuce aigudentien sgehgib @ 166 ®) 162 ©. 160 @) 174 16. The programme associated with ‘Food for Work’ is (A) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (®B) Annapurna Scheme (©). Save grain campaign HM Sompoprna Gramin Rozgar Yojana ‘ramefipans Covena-uy er Opn fryer Bib A) srbpCuengswn s1én0n Cunggenn B) serenyirenn BLL (©) prof ungemsy Quésid Pees (D) stbyytes ApmBlés Consett Curmgorn : 17. Assertion (A) : The area lies to the South of Tropic of cancer is hot Reason (R) : Tropic of cancer divides India into two halves. (A)_., Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (©) (A)is true but (R) is false ©) G/is false but ®) is true app (A) : si straség OpiGe 2 crar ue 8 Geuciuoneng, anger (R): aL sCrons @Gurma Qe a0 ugPsams GMNsSngs A) A) wbpw R) sfunargy, Ciognd (A)-c afhunen Berdsid R) aed B) A) opr (B) sfusmengy gyormed, (R), (A)-ct sflusmran eBlaraseeveo ) ACHC’7 8. ° 18. 19. Match A with B, and choose the correct answer from the codes given below : A (@) Treaty of Pondicherry 1754 () Treaty of Madras 1769 (©) Treaty of Mangalore 1784 (@ Treaty of Srirangapatnam 1792 Codes : (a) ) © (dy (A) © @) Hee www e B II Mysore war TI Mysore war I Mysore war II Carnatic war AaiarB g Qurag 6 Sy GarGseiu Oster GHSGSsAAG Eg) shuren BeoLanu CpIbA5O : A (@) . 1754, uneira.£@af 2.1 og on (b) 1769, Qascronan w.Ldnui_ boos © 1784, wise aLduydens @ 1792, uBpistiLggr 2 Lemig sens GEO (a) ) © @ @ 3 4 1 2 @®) 4 3 2 1 @©1 8 2 4 @ 1 2 4 8 1 2 3. 4. B pap enogi Gun Qy emi wig Gumi Ysambd qogit Gumi Qreior mid signs Gumi Even before the Meerut incident in 1857 which nature infantry at Berhampur refused to - use the newly introduced Enfield rifles. (A) 17 Infantry G19" Infantry (B) 18% Infantry @) 34" Infantry 1857-1 again Bor. Psipay THUOEBHS CPeCL, Quipomayhe exp «GpA Lenseficn fies, Pers eiPlapsid GriwiULe én gunédeou LUdLOSs OpssE (A) 17-tb genqise (©) 19-b sempre. B) 18-1 gangs (D) 34-0 semen. ACHC/17 [Turn over 20. Who.among the following described the educated Indian Community of the Indian National Congress as ‘microscopic minority’ (A) Lord Lytton (B) Lord Curzon SO Lord Dufferin’ . () Sir John Lawrence 8) GALALLatsahd OpAu Cpu smiAyald odror Unss OHSu Sagdlencny “peneau Apuncrmodeni” crag sSwast wnt? (A) ficLer Gry B) sites py (© | LAohe Opy D) si gren onqrénciy 21. Consider the following statements and choose the, correct answers from the codes given below : 1 On Feb. 18, 1929 the Simon Commission Landed at Madras TI, A. Ramasamy Mudaliar of Justice party welcomed the Simon Commission IIL. Rajaji was arrested and sentenced for six months in jail due to Vedaranyam March IV. _ Swadeshi steam Navigation company was founded by V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (A) Tis correct @) Land Il are correct (© Wonly correct : DY 1, and Il are correct snGssiuc Ocror cunsBusssne 5iGpAe Aaneir® shun anéSlu/rsener -eddachdoss Gpirey Geiwani. 1. 1929, aoe 181 erg andr Gey Gaerne apps. I, SPs AGS QEGG-21 gmoonA eppSiunt newer Ege anCaxppri. TH, Caupraimad unpeoréers @ongn) ong GetUcul® yy wep Aenpp peir_coor Quip. TV. axe. Aipiound erenar aGpA fonel sind sbCucioow sieungri, (A) WwecQoei B) Lwopgo I of © Teceos : @) 1, Hoppe Il of ACHC/17 : 10 ° 22. 23. Which of the following statements is not correct? (A) @) © Rajaji Formula was proposed by C. Rajagopalachari with a view to resolving the political deadlock in the country : In November 1932 the British Government called the Third Round Table conference in London Sir Cripps arrived in Delhi on March 22, 1942 wor Cripps Mission proposed the formation of Constituent Assembly Epsain andduiscla ass ands sfusmenena: 0? «& @) © ©) C. prgGsmuronéenflunfies “mgr PLUS" pm ger sinus Gardens SidGd Cords Osan Gaugiudig, 1932, peubu@d eamafd gpcrpmb ali Cimg wmpr® GALgdy sirsmiisiand ACLU AAied SIGHS UY OLODSG 22 writs 19420 axes Afiicd srs GW Li7Ausd lier sou s1on0ds UAlsgo07 Qetisgy Who were known as “No-changers”"? eee (a) © Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Dr. Ansari Rajendra Prasad Sindhia 1, 2 and 4 only B) 2,3and 4 only 1,3 and 4 only PP 2, 2 and 3 only “omppd AgbunGsni” cen senpdscu eevee unit? 1 2. 3. 4. @ © signi cudeumis UCLA Cnet sensi * gnGgiéln Spang Ajfun 1,2 wp 4 wL Ow B) 23 opp 4 ol Gd 1, 30ppb 4 wo. Ow @) 1.2 vb9d3 0. Od 1 ACHC/17 [Turn over 24. Match List I with List I. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below : List I List IL (@) Purandaradasa 1. Tanjore (b) Arunachala Kavi 2 Tiruvarur (©) Syama Sastri 3. Pandharpur @ = Tukkeram 4. Debu @ &) © @ (A). 2 1 4 3 1 2° 4 © 4 2 1 3 © 2 4 1 3 Lcgusd Tord ucquid gg Aung pA), sfhunen Hlmau HUGE CpIsAsO: hag usc T uc iquasd TL (@) Unpprpreit sh sesnayit ) syqemnéem sefl 2 Agangi © Sumon srevgif 3 uppiygt @ gésryma 4 pane () ®) © @ A 3 2 1 4 ®) 3 1 2 4 : © 4 2 1 3 @) 2 4 1 3 25. Which Maratha ruler of Tanjore was called as Vidyabhoja? (A), Sahaji NAT Serfojit (© Ekojil @) = Ekojr Il WiGLngN” cen SienpERLULL sesons WITsBu ac Ausront wnt? aging : pam s7Gungy ppamb aaCarg) - Qyeim_md réCongh ACHC/17 12 26. 27. Which of the following is not related to the Justice Party’s achievements? @) @) © wr Establishment of Kamarajar University ‘The Hindu Religious Endowment Act ‘The Madras State Aid to Industries Act ‘The Staff Selection Board Spain exp Pe oroneu FA a Auden enpenenuy cs Qom iAdanggs? (a) @) ro) @) Bbq onPoous 5d Ascnenes wnfla Asmpa epee Ld vasfurenit Cpioys Gp Smomigi Udsmed spe sends iULL gy Which of the following pairs is/are not matched correctly? L Communal Government Order I. The Staff Selection Board 11. Annamalai University IV. . Defeat of Justice Party WI Wonly (B) IandIil (C) WandIV @) Land II 1921 ‘The Panagal Ministry 1929 1935 Epenend Qeramachia gi/ctenor afiusnes Goneariseslérena? 1 a. mm. WV. @ @®) © @ Qevauntiusmen 517s syeoeor Lasfiusmanit Gpitey aunflusd Sidremmoensrti Udsonersypetd $6 aC A Cprereucoge Voroo TH wppe I THppo 1V Tipp HT 13 1921 Lense penwésqeoas 1929 1935 ACHCN7 [Turn over 28. Match List I with List I. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below List I List I (@) © Archaeological survey of India 1 1972 (b) National Archives of India 2 1909 (© Madras Record Office 3. 1891 @) Antiquities and Art Treasures Act 4. 1861 (a) ) © @. m3 4 02 7 wo 4 3 2 1 @©2 8:4 4° @) 1 3 4 2 UCgUd Ig ULqnd IT eidr Goansg, Sy GanDssiuL Gere ULguS@ is effusren Beocoug Cpira; Qaiss. ucqud I Utgivd IT (@) QprédcStud UpcLmiays gion 1. 1972 ©) GpAus gevemd ants 2 1909 © Qot“gneo gjouesr sigyeueraid 3) 1891 @ AgndiQun@sr wprd sone wyLyenenwo aid 4° 1861 (@) ) © @ ) 3 4502 1 ®) 4 3 2 1 © 2 3. 4 1 @ 1 3 4 2 - ACHCII7 _u _¢ 29, 30. Mention the namé of the leader who went to London to present the despicable position of the Non-Brahmins before the British parliamentary committee for demanding the necessity of communal representation and died in London. (A) Thiru MC. Raja (B) Thiru Natesa Mudaliar SH Thiru TM. Nair © @)_ Thiru Pitty Thiyagarayar agiuen WPAPsgUsAer DeGumouioomu yuo umMEDoEDs Gder wor adriald aAgerssad Gpmoemi sdantpriidr OPPaoau «O pgs apa acm dr sé Cungy, 21iGaGu Qing soomouit unit? A) Bg. ob.A. ongr B) Ag. pC_s gpscumit © Aq. —.ond. srw DO) A694 Bumsgrust Match the Chief Ministers with the spots where the World Tamil Conferences organised by them and choose the correct answer from the codes given below : A, B (@) | Mr. N. Annadurai 1. Madurai (®) Mr. M. Karunanidhi 2 Chennai ( Mr.M.G.Ramachandran 3. Tanjore (@ Miss. J. Jayalalitha 4. Codissia @) ) © @ a) 2 3 4 @® 3 @ 2 wr? GsrGssIULGcrer Epeawisisd ULguMeUsd, Seuted pL.sHu eass sO wMBTO Qiaisenenuyd Gur sA. sAusnen enous GHUGsAO Qe ps) CarbAEO. A B omens 2 4 3 1 4 1 (@) Aq. p. sidnamngsaoy 1. gion ©) Aq. ep. sqanmpp 2. Qsdrenen © PEdg. Oonstepfner 3. peoreyit @ Qadir Ag. Agquirsist 4. Gamadiwi @ b) oO @ @ 2 3 4 1 ® 3 2 4 1 © 2 3 1 4 @) 2 4 1 3° 15 ACHCN7 [Turn over 31. . Match the following and select the correct answer : @) oy © @ Planning and the poor Democratic Socialism Second Five Year Plan ‘The New Economic Policy, 1991 (@) co) © ens @ orean 1 2. 3. 4. P.V. Narashimma Rao B.S. Minhas Jawaharlal Nehru P.C. Mahalonobis Bereugacraupenps AungéAl sflunen Heneuw Cpip@sGasayd : @ o © @ @) @) © @) BLL gud senpserid QepTUS KosgOd Qreim_md gegnanG SO 1991-15 oir Bus Gungemsiné Qancns 4. GA. wan GarGpmddy (a) RH ew “@) Howe © eae ovens L.. Ge. pydtouopres 2. Gedy. Béranreis 3. gausnteond Gag 32. Which of the following is not the other name for New Agricultural Strategy? @ ®) © JH New Revolution Modern Agricultural Strategy Seed-Fertilizer-Water Technology Green Revolution pu Caamrairenn BLU Hld6 WpGLUITE Aéraugaereiiper og Biden? @ @®) © @) ACHC/17 efor Geuemeinenia gu_uib ong-a.pb-psotreir CU sed yA. Yow yp 16 33. 35. Which of the following scheme aims at providing dwelling units free of cost to the poor families of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes? (A) Indira Awas Yojana (B) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (© _ Gram Sadak Yojana wr Ambedkar Awas Yojana Apascim. H/rischd, ag apes anGd yA DoncA. wssepsqw, upeiGyerGeewd Qoais Sad sohsdenng? (A) Qibslor syoundo Gunggenir B) pSCungur ser Curgem (©) Agmd ené Cumggenr (D) — subCugait sarriv Guunggen * The Uruguay Round Agreement was associated with the setting up of () WHO wrwro (C) WIPO ®) World Bank 2 G6Ca aL QULITEEADS Dis Aged ComigAéaciu pew Apminy ean@ (A) WHO ®) WTO (© WIPO z D) eased In India, the proceeds of disinvestment has been put into consolidated fund which is used for 2 Transport development and social sector schemes (B) Poverty alleviation (© Employment generation (D) Meeting budget deficit DiGuncde, pager Gaohuirycr ead den sg ienseng, eGidoanis MAME CoiésiuLG, 36 Spiscin ap flog UséUOspsiLOSErps (A) Gund gaurigy e1emidheg wpm sqps gimp PLL B) agen ePudog (CO) Came amistion sPaAting ie ©) PALupprégmpau seis "7 ACHC/I7 [Turn over 36. National policy on Education announcement of free and compulsory.edueation for children upto the age of 14 was based on the recommendations of: (A) University Education Commission SOF Kothari commission : (C) Mehrotra committee @) National Knowledge commission 5A serch Aanéronsule uUPpneng aug, ampuner GpposaaseG Boas wogd sims sacBlenus aipris, UMpgeo7 Balsgs: A) Ldsamdsps sid Guy @) Canbpafi ow ©) QwoginGpngyr 5iBiy DO) CpAw sPlaysni Ey 37. The rate of eaving is low in India for the following reason I. Low per capita Income TL Poor performance and legs contribution of public sector TIL. Poor contribution of Household sector TV. Savings potential of the rural sector not tapped fully WA 1,11, Ware correct ‘ B) I, Wand Il are correct (©) 1,1, Wand IV are correct (D) I, Hand IV are correct Epéscin axyamiisama BipBuineBér Gadi, pid Gempains esters) L— @apép sar agiorend : TL Gunga gimpen Gonsroren Geud.n@ wp urkig, TL. @Oibus geopia CoBider Gaapis Lite, TV. Agro yptiacten GaSe ysBiner cocoons Sri Lneni0 A) LU, wapo ven ; ®) 1, Mwpge 1 oA © 11, Wop Iv of ®) LL Ven ACHC/A7 : 18 ° 38. 39. Assertion: Tribunals exist in order to provide simpler, speedier, cheaper and more accessible justice. Reason : Tribunals have limited jurisdiction and their errors are subject to judicial review. (A) Both [A] and [R] are correct and [R] is correct explanation for [A] WH Both [A] and [RJ are correct but [R] is not the correct explanation for [A] (©) [Ali right [R] is wrong () | [Alis wrong (R] is right app: crafienn, Benray pid wdeuner $A neiushdsns Bicumusiec QepsSénpen. enqami : SrounumsEdr coe aMmUpssLULLg Cngld smaschéer sansdr, PPsyepmicdiog ecucig. A) adg Lipd sramnd Au QravGid sflurndar sngamd mpPH\péanen ewer Aedes Gd B) apy wig snyand yAu QDranOw shuren. genre sngomd sip PHipsrer oonsad S160 © app ef anjamd gary ©) aby sap sryamd of A money bill can originate (A) _ Ineither house of parliament \@f Only in the Lok Sabha (© - Only in the Rajya Sabha (D) Only ina joint sitting of the two houses Lar w@engn Cprengiaig: A) unprgsweep Bp seraisaflay B) wésctonanSed wt._Gib (CC) onfleorsseronaude wo Gib DO) Qraw@ seaseficn mG sider Gung wi Od 19 ACHC/17 {Turn over. 40. Which of the following statements related to the central administrative tribunal are correct? It is a statutory body Its members are drawn from administrative background only It is not-bound by the procedure prescribed in the code of civil procedure Its jurisdiction corers the members of All India services as well as central services and central govt. posts _ 5. ‘It was set up in 1985 2, 3 and 5 @) land4é we 1,8,4and5 ®) 2and3 Ae pp 80p sriuC Gear appedté wipe Plains Bicumuggl ce Opn iyoLw appes og afiusraig oranda? 1 Qs1e@ ALL yianoner senwty 2. Dade e pinonisct Pramas DerorohIDeysy sre ugpnitacs 3. pflenoie sc. APsees CULL pow 4 ode @p Gul verisc, wéfu verisd opp opus spenive upehO gyda wre Ose sists cdemse oCuceutadr 5. Dip somo 1985.44 yon ePUGEBULL g A) 2, 8wpguds B) 1wppo4 © 1,3, 40ppo5 @D) 2wpgid3 41. Who has the authority to endorse that a bill is a money bill? (A) Finance Minister ®) President (©) Finance Commission . NA Speaker ~ uri 9@ WGanpr ‘ff wGorgr cig Sionahagid sPanrsas upp BGeApri? A) SB sides B) Gauss sami (©) BB egmomruid 7 ©) sunprusit ee . ACHC/17 20 ° 42, 43. 44, Article 870 has given a special status to (A) _ Sikkim SOF Jammu and Kashmir (© Nagaland @) Arunachal Pradesh

@D) oniusdssmt 46. Match List - I with List - II; Personalities States (®) Virandra Patil L ®) © Ajay Mukherji 2 Orissa (©) Sardar Gurnam Singh 3. Karnataka (@ RN: Singh Deo 4. Punjab West Bengal ~ ® © © @ Ee aero ea Neate fH AO eee aeeee eee @) 4 2 1 3 UCgwid I= g udquid I — 21 er Quigg gs sooeuitecr womplermuser. ~ : (@) Cap 8 umes 1. Gnpg artisan (b) ouggis dpatig 2 gfleon © sigmit wip Ara 3. sipm_en @) "agora, Bis. Gus Augers ® ® © @ (a) ® © @) moe pene ACHC/17 22 41. 48. 49, If f: A> B isa bijective function and if n(A) = 5, then n(B) is equal to @ 10 ® 4 Ws : ©) 25 FASB gw Qqups aniny wppid n(A)=5 rales, n(B)= 10 ®) 4 © 5 @) 25 Slope of a straight line parallel to "Y" axis is ) 0 ® 1 - Vo — @) -1 "Y" ssné@ Qoreerunen CpiGsm yen emis, wm 0 @) 1 © o @) -1 Find the number that must be subtracted from each term of the ratio 27 : 43 to make it 7:15 wou ® 2 © 2 WWI 13 27: 43 aap AASEAAGESH apLYysAD OSE ods ceimman sles 7: 15 ceeHerp Béptd Ber aid ) 17 (B) 20 © 2 © 2B 23 ACHCI17 {Turn over 50. 51. 52. 53. ‘The compound interest on Re. 8,000 at 5% p.a. for 3 years is (A) Rs. 1281 @®) Re. 1871 (©) Re. 1361 WI Re. 1261 LD arin penpude G, 8,000, 3 goin Osc 5% GL aly cSpiiLig AOL SEL aut’ig crduaveraj? A) @ 1251 ®) @. 1871 © @ 1361 @) «1261 If the range of a function is a singleton set, then it is a constant function (B) an identity function (© a bijective function () an one-one function * 9 anin@ex Ses SEMIYS semorEMTd, 2181 GH (A) compos ty ®B) svahs ant 7 © — Qqupé ening . ©) sepag garpren oniny ‘A solid having six equal square faces is called a cube ~(®) cuboid (© square *(D) rectangle QD ewsgiTiss@ar (psriusorTad Aemeim_ ecard (A) senagypid B) sersQedievnid © sgnid OD) Ades If p,q, 7, 8. are in AP, then the value of p—4q+6r—4+t is @ il @) 2 © 3 Wo” PLT, $,t crénsor oj Opn i eutensud QegrnGeir p—4q+6r—ds+t = wma ® 2 © 3 . @ 0 ACHC/17 24 é ° 54. 56. 56. In how many years will a sum of money doubles itself at 8% SI per anttum? we wk years ®) 133 years (© l4years @) 15 years OG Aprons 8% yond soRauy. cpenpild @py.crune ony oisponer yer Oacr Eb “ wi ume tissr @) wi ieee © Maguiad ©) Bagiwscr A book contains 120 pages. Each page has 30 lines. How many pages will the same matter of the book contain if every pages has 25 lines? @) 175 @) 150 © 164 wer 144 PAIGanG UdssAQHd 30 aiflscrerd Gancin. UppmsGén Gongpll Udsmisdr 120. Cs Aou— Padang usssPgud 25 aflacms Qossrd yssasPer Gonsgc vsstiisaiar croienflecns, sréseueray? a) 175 ®) 150 © 164 ©) 144 Aman white washes 96 sq.m of a compound wall in 8 days. How many sq.m will be white washed in 18 days? WS 216sam B) : 218 sq.m © 198q.m ) 2206q.m GO put 96 a8 Umcuietney 8 prisatd Gardiner sinfpni oral 18 prescfd sréuevaray UpLerency Gausrenen ~ 20% goer ASG id eurUIG, mun crdreusray isons Aegis GacinOus? (A) €2,00,000 ®) %3,00,000 (© — €4,00,000 @) = *5,00,000 65. ‘Two boys can finish a work in 10 days when they work together. The first boy can do it alone in 15 days. Find in how many days will the second boy do it all by himself? (A) 24 days : Wh 30 days ©) 32days D) 40 days Drean® Apasiage Corps AeinydCurg GE Cammeu 10 prischd qpgtiuk. Ed Apeuer © wciGamomugs pollu 15 prische paged, Orem md Agasct seu BsiCorsoareous appear pm safle Aaligy apg ium? A) Apmisa ®) 30 pmLsdr (© 32 pmescr (D) 40pmtscr ACHC/17 28 Ba 67. 68. 69: If 2r+3y=13 and y -8 then the value of 8x° + 27y° is (A) 693 We 793 © 893 @) 0 2x+8y=18 wp y = Laat 82° +279? -arinflciy z @) 693. @) 793 © 3893 @) 0 The difference of the squares of two positive numbers is 84. The square of the highest number is 25 times the smaller number. Find the numbers. (A) 15,12 wh 4,10 © 1.8 () 16,4 Qran® Bers coinsclen autssiscier AsSumeb 84, Gut crdnener cutdsoneng, Aus creiranficn 25 L.A PE wid craic sibs creitscnend sins, (A) 15,12 ® 4,10 © 1,8 @) 16,4 101* Constitutional Amendment Act refers to _ G) Extending reservation for SC & ST (B) National Judicial Appointment Commission (©). National Commission for BC WT Goods and Services Tax 101 sf AWoeLiiy BE ss 1 Asm nyo wg (A) SCuoppd ST GAAerisnen OL ggs8Lor SySUB B) Spf SLPscr Buren gram (CC) Cp dw MUG ssOULCLmr&sron gyenemund D) 78s WOM Gsmre auf We received Dinanath Mangesrkar Award 2017? Sankha Ghosh (B) Kasirathuni Vishwanath wr ‘Aamir Khan (D) Kailash Satyarthi - 2017-1 geira paren Hongrfs wisCacigat Hog Quppsy unit? (A) atm! B) srAqngenfi Aevaisns © sabitsner (D) cnsancg sgusmigs 29 = ACHC/17 [Turn over 70. n. 72. 3. ‘The Union Cabinet approved the New National Health Policy on (A) April 15, 2017 (B) June 15, 2017 aT March 15, 2017 @) May 15, 2017 off s1mvss7e0a1 Sap YPu Cpu eLape | gCrrbGu Gancinsag pUYEO wiehiegg. . (A) gisg@ 15, 2017 (B) Oar 15,2017 © wmié 15, 2017 @) G15, 2017 What is the meaning of a stripe in our National Currency symbol £? WS Equality ®) Faith (© Truth @) Chivalry pb Gpdu pramup Ben nonuimenpplen Jon Cu agi Cam n,d@ Ginger ung €7 (A) sopgieub ®B) padsns © eeincow ©) fre Which among the following goods is exempted from G.S..? ) Milk powder : WA Newspapers (C) Fertilizers @) Tea Epscmr_aup ile app s78ADG e18¢ wppid emer aifl Hoss sass Gererg? A) une veut - @). Qsispppnsrscr © ond D) Cpe ‘The year of inception of NEET for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate medical and dental courses is A) 2015 (B), 2016 7 © 2011 wer 2010 QaPaw, wp Poe, wosse Ugty wpgid UdWGsge1, UqLI peter, NEET secu aren Coins Opmsatie yen (A) 2015 + f ®) 2016 © 2011 @) 2010 ACHC/17 7 30 : o 14. 1. 16. Asia's largest optical telescope is situated in (A) Kavalur in Tamilnadu (B) Hanle in Ladakh WP Devasthal near Ninital (D) Indore in Madhya Pradesh gAundler Dat Quflu gehiue snips AgrenaGenéd xenopgicror Lo (A) sragnt, sSipprO B) — gorenGe, ond CO Gpacvpe, opaird sp8e D) Bpgrtws Guts InGsewd Super computer jointly developed by IIT- Guwahati and C-DAC is named as. (A) PARAM PADMA (B) PARAM 10000 \ PARAM ISHAN (D) PARAM YUVA fem Aserars) upp Arne (CDAC Qoansg, aganshu KeApér seafa (Super computer)Ser Quit (A) umb ugion (B) umd 10000 (© — umd Qevren D) umd your North Korea tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile on (A) August 4, 2017 A duiy 4, 2017 (C) duly 4, 2016 @) June 14, 2017 eu Qanfiuin isdn age Sent AC sar tb Ura erayssonearoous Gangsenen Geils pd (A) yacvc 4, 2017 B) gIene 4, 2017 © -pSee4, 2016 D) Oa 14, 2017 31. ; ACHC/17 [Turn over 77. What is Nabanna March? (A) March of communist party of India to Nabanna to resist Trinamool Government in West Bengal \WP March of left and BUP to resist to Trinamool Government in West Bengal (©) Amarch to State Secretariat in West Bengal (©) March of Trinamool Congress Party Busrent pooLLiweamid erépmed erenes? A) Cope artianns Aa ANemnend onde aByns siyyalss 5A ppp pom iweb B) Copp asianen Pilamgpd spens xPirés Oi genilagrid BIP-b pL sPu por suwemd ©) Cape artisan sindicn panmoné Qownssens Cprélus peo. swemb D) Aannapa snide a Aude pen_Cuweerid \ 78. — Which one of the following communication satellites was inducted into the INSAT/G SAT system on June 29, 2017? (A) GSAT-18 (© GSAT-9 Nef csaraz @) GSAT-19 Apscmapger aps Aprenassm ity QswpossGersr, grdr 29, 2017 & INSATIG SAT OpriaiinsId gpg) Alera gausuLtg1? (A) Gent-18 © Sen-9 79. USA recently withdrew from (A) London nuclear (© Geneva peace abuphed oQoRéan (A) weir ar sap © Agetieur sreo10 ACHC/17 @B) gen -17 ©) gen-i9 agreement. Se Paris climate @) Rome nuclear SUUEEEAN GSE Hodugy CB) unfiein ESpreigemrplence ©) Comb sip 32 + 81. 82, Sagar vani is the name of Mobile application launched by Government of India for ovean related information (B) Television program initiated by Government of India for ocean related information (©) Nuclear submarine launched by Government of India (D) Mobile application launched by Government of India for disseminating earth quake parameters Senet cuneat” ordnp Quiusgrongy A) | BpAu ci7s QaohiICL GuGtELA sniisg Hleuptisslesdsrer ensCUuAl Gaus B) BiGu sins and9s5 CuGBaLo snitds Aeupisepsaren Asronaéam’S Hapa ©) OpGu sins QachICLr sepsss Sieppa D) Pau sins QaohALr PapOsad oBés siera\qeacr Asuncion asCudl Aewcd ‘The draft new. National Forest Policy was published by Indian Institute of Forest Management in the year (2014 Ve 2016 © 2017 @) 2013 QprHu siOscr Coordnow Ayacpprd Op SuneSen wa apes Cpfus sr@scr Aancraos ACL GaieMGL GCL gein® (A) 2014 -@) 2016 (© 2017 @) 2013 UN declares 2017 as the International year of (A) Conservation of natural resources " (B) Peace and friendship (©)_ Protection of natural heritage WA Sustainable tourism for development idle 2.005 prGsdt Sjon0isLy 2017 exgsinenL. (A) Quibens eusnfongs unguandigid syeim_ns +(B) songnengpid ACpAlsqpd enaint .gysin nas O — Qubeader Qugeweow ungisndgi yoirnes D) spporuivansslen Sypsmonen aicriéésnen sein_ns 33 Plieamdiigicrergy ACHC/17 [Turn over 83. Which one of the following is not correctly matched? @) Sadja @®) Rishabha ©) Gandhara vw Madhyama - Sa - Ri - Ga - Pa Asn Oéalucmascio ars gery efiuirs Quneierps? A) spoon ®).. four © — ssnon ©) orpuro, - 68 - 8 - 6 - u 84. Consider the following statements Assertion (A) : Reason (R) (A) -G)is true WF Both (A) and () are true ‘The notion of hierarchy was present and all powerful in regulating human conduct in every minute aspect of life. A basic aspect of traditional society in India was the principle of hierarchy. @) (A)is false (D) Both (A) and (Ry‘are false Parag emefuriecmand sarafl apBuiner few (A): 6 QssamA Besse. 91g) ampcdr dan Peravignd wellpaiér BLEMEDL PLMGUGSHAAS Waa adleno amis gers DELS. sngam (R) @DpGuneS GE woy umpduthis sypssPlen s1q.cvewWra Pepsg) () “Gyan ®) @efuseo © Ajupo, ®) -v af ACHC/17 ©)” A) Wo, ®) - fur 34 z ° 85. 86. Arrange the following Azhvars according to the chronological order 1. Poyekai Azhvar I. Periyazhvar Ul. Andal IV. Thirumangai Azhvar 1,10, 1V, 11 (8) 1,1,1V,0 w LUV, ©) WU, 01 STEELY, cris -pipeumiasr cperEprenflucstedr adres asflmsiuGsserb T. Qumisens yspourir TL, Qufwinigeunt TI. xsein_net IV. Squiies gipouri @& LULVv,0 ® ULLV,0 © LiLMw () 1,0, 1,1 ‘The process through which culture influences a social system is called (A) Modernization WA Institutionalisation (©) Socialization ) _Popularization SeNBETTD GO Cpenpider Eparb saps sen1nLiEDL QedeuTse Aupé Qaiidpgy cre: (A) sefenounonpe 8) Sgaeuonga (©) sepswouongsa D) wreigid sfuyduy. Qaiigsd 35 ACHC/I7 [Turn over 87. “Shathram Sareeraprashtharam” means Koil is built like human body ®) © @) Bridge is built like human body Pillar is built like human body ‘Statue is built like human body “Cempfinb efpiuIgcopnms” crepe evi spid @ ®) © @) List 1 Thiruvarur Madurai ‘Thiruppathur ‘Thiruchengattangudi @) @) © @® @) p 4 ®) 3 ©. 2 @) 1 norm we one 1 2. 3. 4. gins wofipgpoo_uu eb Gums Gosrefhed LLL Gerengys toefipgpiooLus o.byy Gund Lumen CL UUC @drergy Wwa@fipgooLus o-LbYy Gum grein @LLLUL Garengy wwalipgIooLw eb Cum Alene LU Oeérergy Match List I with List II and select correct answer using the code given below : List II Ganstheetcharam Thiruthali Aalavai Poong Koil Uciud Lend uCgwd gh Gung ep key & car Opngiddebg turer cen sener Opa Anis, Udiquid I Aang wogog palate Agios iG, @ @ 4 @® 3 © 2 @ 1 @) ) © @ wonees ware ACHC/17 eepe s Prey ucuqusd IT semupien i Boise. goo yaCande 89. 91. 92, God is referred to “He”, “She”, “It” in school of Saivism. (A) Sivadvaita WA saiva-Siddhanta (©) Trike @) Pratyabhijna _Geoparcnan “ sicuss”, “sieuct’, “igs” ater GAAIGID owsou s.owsLn9fley yo A) Aanpeoaipid B) csaudissnppid ©) Ber DO) Gygumdeg5r Virasaivism is also called as (A) Sivadvaita (B) Kashmira Saivism WH Linzayata () Ssiva-Siddhanta Sroosand Peveinpid oenypssUuGid (A) Aargeagis B) sxsyibnenseud © Qairasmugio ©). asubgsnbsid According to Virasaivism, eight rules that are the aids to the path of moksa for the'soul is known as (&) Bhasya WWM Astavarana (©) Astangamarga (D) Astangikamarga cBpeoees soUp Pe ek epdSvenaigiaren anleg e.paib mys en_G Asdr cron senpasLiLiGtb. A) umeiquinb B) s1c9neupamd CO sic miasmbdeid D) Hequmiaomised Srikantha accepts in (A). Asatkarya-vada (8) Brahma-parinama-vada (©) Vivartavada I Sotkarya-vada Wapai ops Aenéraugs (A) supanflucnggong B) Ipdouenmoangsong O Aeviggsangieng (D) apanflwanspons 37 ACHC/17 {Turn over 93. The Official Secret Act was passed in India in : (A) 1921 B) 1922 1928 7 @) 1924 DpPunchies 2 gH\Guns psf Ld Quppouce gsirG? () 1921 ®) 1922 ) = 1923 (D) 1924 94. The term ‘accountable’ came into usage in the language of WA English ®) French (©) Latin ©). Spanish “Gung cuines” crénp ani song UUM 4G expe Qomé B®) yada B) GAnes © apse @) ‘couretien 95. Consider the following relating to Ethics. I. If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If Health is lost, something is lost. I, If character is lost, everything is lost. (A) Only Tis true WO only His true © Only Lis false D) Only Ilis false 2p Quge 1. Masciiggy wi pib ulsint Ase (0) muir Greyeir 2 Gea Susi (c) Seucrans 3. Qed cen OI4.0Y (@) seefhen 4. Bujéafused sein Gig. (a) ) © @ aii 2 3 4 @) 3 4 1 2 © 2 3 4 1 @) 3 4 2 1 7 Identify the most suitable biofertilizer for casuarina cultivation (A) Rhizobium OP Frankia © Azolla @D) Azospirillum Eprem cuban sayq wy cont yss sfuron perenud 29d og? (A) ny GamIud (B) Ayrvisdtusn (© aGsran D) sGsndroigdad Colostrum is rich in which class of these antibodies? WT JeA B) ke © IgG @) IgM Founda ob ccs eAHAUTGL sé oPsors sramiiGAeyper? Ted ®) gE © WG ©) Ie 43 ACHC/7 [Turn over 111. Which one of the following is correctly matched? (A) Kanha National Park — Orissa (8) Kaziranga National Park - Kerala (©) Bandipur National Park - Manipur \W” Ranthambore National Park — Rajasthan Aerorgacrerpysr orgy furs Gung sBuysrorgs? (A) sérgon Gps wrist - gfleveon B) srBpien Cg AL yruem~ Caen ©) ureing gi CpAus yer weahcngt D) — oneagieCumi Be Suid yyriesn— grggeigsme 112. The small central part of a hurricane known as the “eye” is a region of WO calm and clear eky (B) very strong winds (©) torrential rain (©) low temperature ‘sei cron enpéatiOib spACsahér Fifiu od UB Bésesugs A) se wig Ogeflarnen earemb &.ao.wg) B) s18Cas anpenp eon ings © Besxfs wenypts Quinpfenss Qsnein g OD) Gapps Gauigens 2 ougs ACHC/7 44, 113. 114. Northwestern Kalbaisahi occurs in the Indian states of (A) West Bengal and Odisha (B) _ Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu V2" Assam and West Bengal (D) Bihar and Odisha aLGupg sduniisd o5U0% Bis orplawasr (A) Gps anisrend wpb gyor B) BsAo WCsed vdpo sSipprO ©) siemd wpprd Cope estanand ©) Ssnit opm g_sr ‘The outer most ring of the Von-Thunen’s Agricultural land use model denotes (A) Three tied system (B) Crop farming with fallow WH Live stock farming @) _ Fire wood production and lumbering eurérgjarafids Couerreir Jloociumdrum@ wongMuden Qeveftan vd LU) A) poUCe@r Cavern gponp B) pie Popgrer nyu Lidlp cirencer (CC) sneypenr_Lidsrenassr D) cling 2Husf wignd wns Gout Oped 45 ACHC/17 [Turn over > 115. The National Institute of Hydrology is located at GI Roorkee ®* (©) Lucknow ©) pA Shwe. set Powund semopgidrer Qid A) gies ® (©) e&Cenr ®) Dhanbad New Delhi premgs Bly, QL 116. Match List-I with List-II Correctly and select your answor using the codes given below : List-I River) List-II (Waterfalls) (a) . Cauvery 1 dog (®) Sharavati 2. Dudhsagar (© Narmada 3. Siva Samudram @ Mandovi 4. Marble Codes : (a) ) © @ (A) 3 2 4 1 ®) 2 3 1 4 ors 1 4 2 M4 38 2 1 Ucqud-Ig Ucgud-IT acd GunG sO &Cy AenGsaLULQerer GAUGE Ganein@ funn laLew CpipisQes. Uc_we-T (99) UQwe-II (Bir ofipee) (@) anGauft 1 Gagné (b) ogonaid 2.” gyberat © pies 3. Bausepséind @ wrcinG_e8t 4. wonder GAUSO: @ — ® © @ @ 3 2 4 1 @B 2 3 1 4 © 3 1 4 2 @) 4 3 2 1 ACHC/17 46 ad 117. 118. Which among the following is/are not correct about Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. 1. An ardent patriot and Nationalist Il. He did not support the Ibert Bill Ill, He held that Hindus and Muslims are two eyes of India IV. He started the united India Patriot Association @ = 1, Mand II PF Monly (© Wonly @) I, MlandIv Baagd mppadid ot sug seg sid GES pUDTE Go Soo GépsG COSULL aunédlustusenet 6 6uSQ apood Cpiray Qauss. L grades pre Quudm wig Gesciupgien wert IL. Gaui wCangrona: gpMsscdice Ill. Qgssenw. pardibsepd Qs Sune QyainG ssinesar crdnpnit IV. gé8u @Gu pre. G swagorg giousBonnit (A) 1, Woppe I ®) Totes © Woe ®) I, Wopge1v Give the correct chronological order : 1. Gandhi-Irwin pact 2. Bengal Division 3. Surat Split 4, Simon Commission WI 2,341 ® 31,24 © 3,214 @) 13,4,2 oflisiran sina) BILL euenomrens BOG 1. snp gl-@ireien gcusppib 2. eutisirant AAloner 3. Gu Bara; 4. enawen 6K A 23,41 ® 3124 © 3244 @) -1,3,4,2 a7 119. Which one of the following chronological sequence is correct? Swadeshi Movement, Home Rule League, Simon Commission, Indian National Army Home Rule League, Swadeshi Movement, Simon Commission, Indian National Army Swadeshi Movement, Home Rule League, Indian National Army, Simon Commission Swadeshi Movement, Simon Commission, Home Rule League, Indian National Army @) © ©) Berargd Ogmtsae sfiwnen srocufiens Qgm_it arg? SC 6A Qussb, gcronn A onssid, newer Guy, @dSu Cpéw Myngprend Sera A atisib, 6CpA Qusad, conode Gy, QsHu Chu Oyrgyad AC 5A Quissid, scram A aivdid, QsBurCsAus Oyr—praid, esrodr Gy - 858i Quési, maven Gy, scram A sie, shu CrAw @qrepand “ ®. © ® 120. @ 0) © @ “ ae © @) A Fazari movement Wahabi movement Pagal Pandi movement Kuka movement @®@ © © 4 2 3 2 3 1 one 1 4 2 @ 1 3 2 4 Ae ir Match A with B and choose the correct answer from the-codes given below B Karam Shah Shariatullah Bhagat Jawahar Mal Sayid Ahmed siLLeman A-a_ar By Gung pel, £Gp QsrGssciuc Qeror GAUOsahe ois) aiumen afleoLeous Gpiray eins : (a) ) © @ @ @®) © @) ACHC/17 A Susi Ques curgond Qian Unsd Up Bwraésid 65n Quaid (a) o 2 rewe wanes 4 1 3 aeons Seve B smb er ogrfusgicoeor Lua ppousit wd aU 1608) 121. 122, Find the odd one out (A) Lalithangura Pallaveswar (B) Naravaraha Avatar (© Govartana Girinathar YP Vadabhadrasai Gopure Baiégs BEI Qerenp eoLwremb sein A) adlgmigy UdaGacvagt = — B) rasan sagnnd 7 ©) Ganevigen Appi - D) anuggemd Gsmynd i Trichirappalli Udayagiri Mamallapuram Srivilliputiur POAgMaLcraA : epudf womodetygib Badsysgnit Match List I with List II of the following and choose the correct answer from the codes given below = List I Battle of Toppur Battle of Vellore Battle of Uttiramerur Battle of Tamiraparani @) ) © @ @ ) ( Al 2 ) @ Hee eee 4 4 3 List II 1601 A.D. 1532 A.D. 1604 A.D. 1616 AD. Ucgwd I g uCigue I - aqrer Qunaggis. efturer lercow GerGasiucr GPUiGsaHAess pray Qeis uciquie I Cpniiyyt Cunt Garg Guim 2.6P0Cwgpt Gurit smBiquigeahl Guinit @) &) © @ eer &) 2 @ (A) @) © @ Roons ome Hewes ea ucque IL 8.9, 1601 A.9, 1532 @.9, 1604 6.19. 1616 49 ACHC/17 [Turn over 123. Which of the following statement is not correct? L TL. m1. W. (a) © The company’s trade monopoly with India was abolished by the Charter Act of 1813. The Christian Missionaries were allowed to come to India after seeking permission of the Government by the Charter Act of 1813. As per the charter Act of 1833 the British Citizen were permitted to purchase land in India. The system of competitive examination was introduced for the civil services by the Charter Act of 1833. I ®) mm wv 40 pp QanQéstut Geror eurdBusiasahe orgy easing? 1 a. m1. WwW. «a © 1813 gen@ Uciws sd Baatucig. 1813 gen ULLUs sib, SFM UE SH QUOP Qupp APerges sows Upsumeiesdr BpAunaieg a7 sosiss. 15d ee ULus Hib OPundd Pad amis GAind Guosnaess enpuctiggg. 18330 ger ULLUs aL spre Bed sicAherdarar Cums Cpiay gpenpeous syplepard Aadunn egy Pureyener siGueiier emesis epipfens I ®:1 MI : OW 124. Find the odd one out @ @) © SF A. Subbarayalu Reddiyar Panagal Raja B. Subbarayan M.A. Muthiah Chettiar Spsreinueubpsr seleg: BiG geronp sinGGy f A) ¢.acuupmugy Qnaguinit B) verse sie ©) Qadupmucs @D) orb.g. Cpserguwn QaLiquinit ACHC/17 50 o 125. Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below List I List II (®) Narayanaguru 1. Pune () Vaikunta samy 2 dankara _ (© Swami Dayananda 3. Kanniyakumari (@ Jyotibai Phule 4 Aruvipuram: (@) &) © @ a 3 4 1 2 wr 4 3 2 1 oO. 3 4 2 @ 2 4 1 3 Gar Gastuc Geren UCQWe Ig UL quid I eer QunG EA, eflunen eo cu EMUOEad Doss Spiba50 ucqusd I : ucqwe I @) promuen 6 1. yew ©) magis ond 2. genangn © seumB sunenipr 3. serafungio® @ CgrBuniiyCo 4. sqeiynd @) ) © @ @ 3 4 1 2 ® 4 3 2 a © 1 3 4 2 @) 2 4 1 3 oa 51 ACHC/17 [Turn over 126. Find the.odd one out 1. Chipko struggle I — Sastea Sahitya Parishad II, Narmada Bachao Andolan IV. Sampoorna Kranti (A) and Ionly ®) 1, Wand Ill only (©) Mend IV only 7 Wonly SpSancnicreugysr Gung serps pero GHUIGS Lo AdCenCunpmis IL. srsvgor ordeBus UMass TIL. pinogm usGer ysGgraide TV. abyion Bynes @) Twig Tw Gd ®) 1, Wupged 1 ve@o © Mwpgo IV oceo ©) Worge 127. Who is the “Father of modern Punjabi literature”? (A) LC. Nanda . (B) Jaswant Singh Kanwal \7 > Bhai Vir Singh (D) Mohan Singh pele igs Qossuiphen spars ceny snipes Guo wnt? AQ BA. pipe B) — geveucir Bris seneured © — umis oir Bs @) Cuomscr Sis ACHC/17 52 128. Match the following : (@) Committee on Financial Sector Reforms 1. §.D. Tendulkar (b) Committee on Financial Inclusion 2, Raghuram Rajan © _ Direct Taxes Enquiry Committee 3. C. Rangarajan (@ Methodology for Estimation of Poverty 4. Wanchoo (@) ) © @ @o4 3 2 ay 2 3 4 1 © 3 4 1 2 ©) 4 2 3 1 Spéscin_aspenps Gungsgss @) BAsS@p FiPosss ow 1. | SD. Qu din@eosit @) APrcon ssi ew 2. geqmb omggein ©) Gprg eufisé Bemrenemés Gp 3. C. pivermaeet @ aiparo wALUSLG qponp 4 anise, @® ) © @ @ i. 3 2 4 B® 2 3 4 1 © 3 4 1 2 oO 4 a 3 1 129. The Gross Capital Formation (GCF) in agriculture and allied sectors of India during 2010-11 was (A) 9.7% of GDP @) 13.5% of GDP ©) 16.1% of GDP. we 20.1% of GDP, 18.5% of GDP @sAunesley 2010-11-b ayaings Caurrnoir wpb ents gieopscia Qungs gpagen ysapér s1sT9y A) Gongs erp @ 2 pupBuder 9.7% B) Gongs ocr 2 pusAHde 13.5% (©) Gungp e.crpm@ a pupPidd 16.1% CD) Qungp 2 cipal @ 2 pupPuded 20.1%, 18.5% 53 ACHC/17 [Turn over 130, Which of the following is not a method of calculating National Income? « (A) Income method WF Saving method (©) Expenditure method @) Product metiod BILD ugUTenseng sensO’ Hepsi PérpIS Thagameppe app ocr Dama? A) aigurer pany B) - Cafe cpenp © Gamay cpap @) 288 ap 131. Which one of the following public sector undertaking is not included in the nine unit Navaratna organised by Government of India? «@) oNcc . ®. NTo (© BHEL wt unr BiBL sus. apudu papa comp sefous Guors Gunpp son Bpsienid Apéancmumandtier ag? (a) ONGC (8) NTC (© BHEL ©) EMT 132. The second stage of demographic transition is characterised by (A) _ High birth rate and high death rate GI High birth rate and falling death rate (©) Low birth rate and low death rate (D) Low birth rate and high death rate wasdQgrens wnpps Per Ordon neg Planar, &péscm ops Quy eougl? A). Ss Mpsiy Ssepd, oP Opty Fgepd B) HPs Api Fpepd, Gapuyd Opty sep © Gopas Spin Sgqpd, Geapds Qouy Seep DO) Gampigs Ipc cgapw, 18s oc Seapid ACHC/17 4 ° 133. What are the components of Gross Domestic Capital formation? (A) " Gross domestic savings and government borrowings {B) Gross domestic savings and foreign institutional investment (©) Gross domestic savings and foreign direct investment LDH Gross domestic savings and capital inflows and gross domestic fixed capital formation and change in stock Guns 2 ger 660 Bren gt (parflads rain. Cogid 10 Har oLmwG ayGarcr. cetera 6 ye aiGgl. SHIA Boo sGib ray an 4-6 Cairgene, 114 Boor sb, araflé crongs wAliGucren? (A) 220 : ®) 440 © 550 ©) 660 65 ACHC/17 [Turn over 163. The length of the arc of a sector having central angle 90° and radius 7 emia ) 2em ®) 44em WH Mem ©) 33cm CULL eDUghd piiiG Canamid 90° wiper gpmid 7 GaiS crafted, aut. rele fer A). 22Qa5 B) 44Qa5 © eds - ©) 3308 ‘ 164. «fy i}: ey ‘- [5 ‘} the values of s are 3a} La 4) °|3 7 A) 23 ®) 2-3 © 3-1 r-31 x? 1] fae 3]_f8 4) 0 [E SJo[ Jeb donee capin A 23 @) 2,- © 3-1 @) -3,1 - 165. A man buys 3 tables and 12 chairs for Rs. 2,400. He.sells the a profit 20% and chairs at a profit of 10% and makes a total profit of Rs.300. At what price did he buy one table? @ © 100 er © 200 © *300 @) 250 PGacs 3 Compgscr wpgid 12 span asmaacr yAuapap 2400 dg aumgélpren. Cirmgacer 20% omipAdewd pnpste @Qgaasaenar 10% amugéla epee Gung 5,300 emurons, Qupdipner cafés 9G Compan as flomig aumishAgiiinen? = 100 @®) © 200 © © 300 @) ©2650 166. The difference between the C.I and S.I for a sum for two years at 8% rate of interest p.a. is ‘Rs.40. What is the sum? (A) © 2,000 : ®) © 4,000 (© © 5,500 er © 6,250 BG ApnonssG DranO yeinHawsg 6% aly cipsAd aXO alysgb gall argo o.crer Ais Gusnsid 40 srae, enibgs Qpene wings? (A) © 2,000 ; ®) © 4,000 «) © 5,500 @) © 6,250 ACHC/17 66 od 167. 168. 169. 170. Who among the following is a recipient of 2017 year Padma Vibhushan Award? Mr. K.J. Yesudas (B) Mr. Ratna Sundar Maharaj. (©) Ms. Anuradha Koirala @®) Mr. Cho Ramasamy (Posthumous) Bip QaenGSsLUCLeviadhd ungGSe 2017-1 qainGdsres usin Aare Alongs eupmsciiL. g1? A) Bq. Gs.Qg. Gusev B) AG. ober a5 wanroTgy - ©) Qsere seignge Asmisgroon ©) AG. Ger. Ormond (Opps Ger) Deen Dayal upadhayaya Gram dyoti Yojana is launched in India for (A) Urban Empowerment ), Semi urban Empowerment (©) Panchayat’s Empowerment Rural Empowerment fer puncr eupwmun pmo Cyr Cungam @pSunha opbars Asm vst Quppgs? (A) ps7 Gwbur® B) ep-ps7 GoduT® E (©) ugssmuggs Gobun@ WM) Apmo Gordur@ ‘The 52° Jnanpith Award was conferred on WE Mr. Sankha Gosh (B) Mr.S.M. Khan (C) Mr. Kailash Satyarthi ) Mr. NK. Pandey 52" @ranS_ fig —————- sartsnag eupistiil gy A) Ag.siisn Caney B) Sq. cev.ond. snes O 8G. esaney spunis D) AG. cc6r.0s, unex In which year, Parliament passed the HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Bill? @) 2014 Wr 2017 (© 2015 (@) 2005 66

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