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CCST SI.No.: $9.1. 906» Register Number 2013 Qun gs Swept Ourg) 29 Pleyrd epost Deron revi : 3 wore | [Guongss wHUGweisracs : 300 Awd UPros eer Bpsscir sHlajmyaonen seyerorsis ig dseyLb. YsDus syPayeng ace 1. Qite BerrsOsreEiny guy Crrguenpenn QAgse usspengis QaireisGeiren g Gorey Qgm_HgGLb Gor sHo GeagAgsrGueus Hysgenuy seesrenfiiurent mod uogied Cogyesncous Hpsod ase gy. Hearse Guous DyksnuywiTen Qevens secraceniiumont Haba Wyppayscr Crogyenpuserr ein giupsong suerinTs Apis Dpds CarinGed ssn Ien CacirBaences Mer_weiinns Or isecurib. 2 Bis Bornes Asrecry 200 Aavrdscoords DarcinGcron gy. Beorwsiiss Asm wgupsr QerBonns BemeuSer ersvoor Saxrrdsientd Quid Duyp.picreranaua ereLienpsulb Geor_uhed «gud Geudspissrsiract adronemeur ercnciength oifluriig ge Qlacrérorayta, 2 erevevn emrssenietd om .woMidscych erevovr Menrrdsiendestb S wL0TET wHsOissie se Greta eo. 4 afimgnon_w UB, oTaincme Dass usssDor Dig) CusreponanTe 1B HOaer openohi guciron Qs Bled Brisas erups Cascio. Cougs erenggujt aDeurrrg Derg eT(upgedk sul Hs 5. lemsenerds Gigi 511 cron, Ren peircin Qeirgy asusendgs acbreTeRMC senses woMUTEs BIOL. Sie ssrohar (pEd Ud6EDd ahisenooLw UBS crater, Quart, Bonn gener outers vais (S1.No.) Lpgd CaO Gurisner Suace caps Cacin@d. sapien ehaorg Borger ecrorsg SHUI. 6 adimonenuy UiBey crain, Gatydgrrcir sreisr wxh pid Ben sOsmescy arflens crain (SLNo.) wpsuaxperpujr Ben _sprefler Qyair md dss Ge qenasensare gemiopsscron Qu sahicd forrd scary spent Dp moyeow Usgupemsns Guenter Edlésik ami Cartn@d. Cropacir. augivecoon Bie ppirafied Piss GASB srs seuglonred astiacir Menr_Agrren OacdounrgsirdaiiGUb. 1. goiGievis eBomreyto (A), (B), (C) io gnd (D) crear preing Ren_sevars DarrsieGerengy. Biusdir s1oousefes 907 Gey erfurron cBeo1cous Gpitey Ooty eBen_Aproler GB gIe ars Covsiogh serie Cus shuren Beoracr 90 Garis Qgwugras «GPerred Siac se sures crorgy creek AGE PA son His Beo_eow Bea psrToRes GRSS re Govsin ud. erp Liredenitd XG Caine is B07 9G Deoroussrer CrigOshar CacinOd razenorw Gwass UBIOUwach Pivscr Bea paretics Pgs K7Oid rfusron Beorseticin crehreisennonus DIT pi B-gy. 8, floor pprefied geiBouns Bascal ereimentipegid AIA), [B], {C] wopznd [Detar grring, eos 1 iuacir arora. go Cxstchag Boo_uchex Kinadt sue 406.510 Beoi.cou GBT GX ent Aas ged Loe Oub igs pone Guamraienres Gi 516 8111 Corsin Gud, geiDaur Cacia dato 515 oeo1_couss GaAs gy Boo dsrafies wxhde; CovcinGud. gq Caciraing ger mde Gopi. after wehss576 55 Heo gaprengirs sO BIUGW. a.grrcemoré Sivssir[B] erciuag efusren Ke urss xepBewrred oes Sexergorin GBSse om. Casein Gud (4) WLC] ©] 9. Sivas Bern gQpreciter 1h5t udsponsuid feaGem obug MPsmCout Tg). pita) Corso Qs Pon sOgrecnimeCun yciergy Heor_sgrenenGun Opies mi Heng GG Oevohder OSHS Oscreusani gy Carrey wg spideer Sic ainsenoou seni_garrenends asin areniiCiuiTor Rss OKIE! AL Carcin@ts, Qaisherns AgreriIere Caray pg ssa sh Pivscir ature or IPSAe Qasveveurd. 10 geusser eerBouTIcuBdE sens Dame sem A UsaEBiG Wridabos aiBunRpere creraur, 11. Ginpacir PDair crmgwrrevgy Splemrey Gaireurencorusth (ply DeuPagid Buy henaneydng, © crear AphGro cro spay pssiUGHOE 12. 101 apacd 200 evenuierren eSlenrésoe) gy kiAey ong oie AaMPRRLILL Geren eu yacigrret (pig ouremgiresd 13, Bens prGcnIey Hem_cow GUI Cour, Men Gide sr Gowrr grass g. [ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET] eNO SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ccsT 2 Seip ysrrer, srdgoi ween ‘yovoust oretray SASeTenges LuMgTg.wourt writ ? (A) um Bwert ®) uTgDgrecr QP QorttGanang aor ©) DGsséaCgorr “Opodgytd auigs%Cp” sre Lirrt_enevts Limig_wourt (A) gorenanucrr (B). s9evrr “ (©) urgent WI Cur Exons Heo Optra “udAE Hone) po Oemi1s Gants umgw #69 over” erérgy umm cit eutr (A) ‘torransasourrerair WD cesiypni my © MG@rrebupgir ©) De@sraysageir Sam Barre. Liter. HvsAeMus UMsocusct (A) Siefi,couev B) sreny,246br60rLb A yorueis O) HL HsTHId, GGG ¥ Lisi SDSTORESEL QUTGSETS Deredronovs sats 8) abpb ©) s@uwrip PM quorimid SaAoner ursAusengss sain. iH. A Deaifuscr asaeyrcd DA rer 8B) Ds Puctr ones ge ORerpres (C) Ga Pwieir asnepxch opi _rrobr (D) aeng5rcd DePusorred ci +S) aursRus gyeoornIencrds soiorgpSlasad ‘Qiofussir 2 cisrasorrr Bletrprrotr’ STSICUEDS ONTEAUUD store HDS. Coe (A). Gew® arg Rus B) 2emrréh oywré&luwib GP) cr crum@ aréAurd (D) atHriwom arsAusd aiTsAus soon Ioncss sobri_pssd sIvGb ugcMEGd LITEW LITLdvsKcr YpETsyTbp> Gis Quibpicirann, (A) Seco curs Ausd 8) OQewiM arréHusd GP goo curr Mund ©) Og ours Hud we mot GPP - srerLissr Qarssords GMI SHS (A) 2LamwgsOsTOS B) UsisrysOS TODS DP Sonar gOgron5 (D) 2hongOgsTHDsH Quras gis Qos grer56n srrevtb (a) corficarre_od Q) Quem sippreis@ (b) AwiuHsrgid 2) Bap 500 epged AV. 300 cusoy (c) Ggaurgeb QB) B.o4lb grbpireis® @ Gyrus Bisgsmer (4) 7 ab gIhpTsin® @ ©) © @ (A) (4 @) @) @) NS ®) (1) 2) 3) (4) 2) a) @ @) ©) B) @ 0) @) GB) ay 37. Qut Gs Hs @) () (©) @ (A) Ger Osa FbSib wiresorrt Siar (a) Q) (b) a) 7 4) GB) © (1) Q) @) @) @) © @) (a) ay @B) ©) @) (2) QB) Q) @® a) ay 4) 4) Qa Q) @) @) qd) qa) QQ) (4) a ug. Ih O Qos Q uLe Q) Len (A) 8" =32, creed m oir LoAUILy 3 2 As ®) § 5 5 © 3 @) 5 . The missing number from the given diagrams is, SEE (A) . (B) 8 ) 26 SnGusatis 1 LL mKMDG 5s) Aut creisr LX LX LX « ‘6 @) 8 («© 12 (D) 20 21 CCSE 104, Which of the following four figures when placed at the vacant part shall complete the figure? Bupsanrreapie (B) c r% () Ao_saher cross CorsASHSS) sreDusrr0st QrsHed QuT@sPanred web “papeow g}oo1_ujtb. 105. The number opposite to 1 in the given die is 1 3 4 3 2 2 @) 3 6 v (B) @) 8 6 a DsTGSHlu_Ostron useo1_uIss 15 THI v.ciron oroisr 3 4 3 2 2 (A) 3 © 5 CCSE 6 (B) 4 () 6 22 ® 306. 107. Which of the following four figures when placed at the vacant part shall complete the figure? 3 Oo ° A ®) ° ° 3 3 © ©) BCyp — Dsnssien Geren sb (upenwn—ayoor_ws Den Heat Osror prone Pon_saie sMurrer ofeoreous CstdOSOSH srcBurror Gi_sHed Qur@ssayo. ° ° ° (a) (B) ° ° 3 3 © ©) The day designated by the UNO as the UN Public Service Day is 23" June (B) 24" October (C) 25" May (@®) 27" April Lor. soouuTsd, oT. Qurg Groner Hemors soirsovun 1 Sob (A) @Ocir 23 41d piTor (B) Grout 24 gpd pret (C) Gio 25 a41b pprreir (D) Geis 27 apd Bren 23 CCSE 108. Match the Countries with its National Emblem using the codes given below : 10 $s Countries Emblem (2) Bangladesh 1. Com Flower (&) Denmark 2. Eagle (©) Germany 3. Golden Rod @ USA. 4. Water Lily (© Syria 5. Beach Codes : @) ) © @ © v7 4 1 23° 5 ® 5 4 3 1 2 ©1 23 4 5 M4 5 1 3 2 BIOsenor s350r CZAW Acrontuscner Bipscim._ GUUPGsoMer points Dum 515: Ba@scr Sorvesr (2) umiserrGgely 1. Geneon Ly (ob) Qu_sireomrrds 2, UGE (©) @eprriocsA 3. grit HDL @) a@Quwhser 4. Br ge09) (©) Pwr 5. Sl pReag @ © © @ © @ 4 1 2 3 5 ®) 5 4 3 1 2 © 1 2 3 4 5 M4 5 13 2 The world’s fastest supercomputer released in June 2013 by China is (A) Titan -2 (8) 0T™M , (©) C-DAC PP Tianhe -2 ct 2013 Bid Farreursd GevehuMi cut over 9HGos HsKooohiorh (A) omt_t_otr-2 B) geusrib. (C) Gus ©) ywerGam-2 CCSE 24 e 110. Find out the correct matching from the following : 11. List -1 List - IT (Indian Space Research Organisation Kota (ii) Indian Institute of Science Ahmedabad (iii) National Physics Laboratory Mumbai - (iv) Indian Institute of Space Technology Trivandram. (A) (i) only (B) (i) only (©) (iii) only A (iv) only Bipscim odoin org) & furs QirGb.g/F By ug ue) 1 uted I @® QsBw Mein@ouoh gygrrvséH sorcowd (ISRO) Garret (i) QeBu sPlBusr syed MHFLSTUTS (i) QsDQu QudIuer gyuwrousrd (ben (iv) QsGu MeinQeueh ygruisA sipstd Agucrpbsyrd (A) (0e_Gub (B) (ii) wt_@ub (©) (iti) we Gud (D) (iv) tor Gud Assertion (A): Monoclonal antibodies are the antibodies produced by the cloned cells. Reason (R) : They are used for treatment of viral diseases. (A) (A) is wrong, (R) is correct. (B) (A)and (R) are wrong. (OP(A) and (R) are correct. (D) (A) is correct, (R) is wrong. oy Sisohy (S) —: wrGarr@eGorrend §— or Hiren) ~— Qu ae_ascir srsirLie961 @Gonmer Assaonme AGarssws oHicny QureGr_ser youd. sje (RK) : Qn snags Ggruiscnor GowrliuGsSL Lumsir LG Ratry oor. (A) (A) Saray (R) eA (B) (A) Wbpd (R) Souyy (C) (A) wigs (R) eA (D) (AeA R) sams 25 CCSE 112. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) was launched by National Rural Health Mission. Its main purpose is (A) It entitles all pregnant women delivering in Public Health Institution to absolutely free and no expense delivery, including caesarean section. (B) Aimed to train health personnel in basic new born care. @ To promote institutional delivery among the poor pregnant women. (D) To eradicate polio in India covering children in the age group 0-3 years. GsAu Agro sargrg Bayes, Qe ives 1 sero agéoyr Guirragemt SY) M1 sMer Cprsarorrom gy. A seb) sGabp gmblorisxemb, Ours — sasmpmr Ageuenivsche, Gsevdevors, Qlarovs.oren (MsGqfucir eLuL) Usa! agaIdencr Qups SGESuysoL_woug ravers ®) Unis Gyheoguidr pfeorbd GCuspaghGe, KergTT Lowhurent rks IIL LUIDPucMAS 5d C) WOES Feocncsr Heed, FGRYDD aolp Sino air zeus Hooor Cip@arrerors@auiscd ©) QsGBurcher 0-3 aw Mg iucr. ESphegssohed snenud GuneIGur Gorutener uprMand Kaqssv 113. Which of the following are the Rocket Launching Centres of ISRO ? 1, Thumba - 2. Sriharikota 3. Mahendragiri 4. Bangalore Choose the correct options. M1 1 and 2 (B) Land3 , (C) 2and3 (D) 2and4 Bpsscim_aybmicr Q)svGyrafen Bein@oua gran! Toygoriuscir crenou ? 1. gytbuirr 2. fam ACen 3. wCabRTAA 4. OumiKeHr (A) 1 wppud 2 ®) 1 wpb 3 (©) 2 wipnd 3 (D) 2 wihpnd 4 CCSE 26 2 14. 115. 116. 417. ‘Where was the “Largest Biogas plant of the world” inaugurated in March 2013 2 (A) U.S.A. (B) Ireland 7 AP rintand (D) Germany w wimits 20136, 2aPer HaiQuiu ouIt ory 2pusH Psosvrd orig Glyioucn gy ? (A) OwAsar (B) qwiteorp sy (C) Detours () DaggrrioeA The acronym VoIP used in communication stands for (A) Video over Internet Protocol GH Voice over Intemet Protocol (C) Video over Interphase (D) Venue on Intemet Pathway saad AgrsrAed wwedtuGib ‘VoIP’ srayid aGHsav@wusr Gog (A) Video Over Intemet Protocol (B) Voice Over Internet Protocol © *\# (C) Video Over Interphase (D) Venue On Intemet Pathway The quadruplet ‘Raja, Rani, Roarer, Rocket’ refers to (A)__ the names of Indian Missiles. (297 the streams and falls in Sharavati river. (C) the terms related to Chess. (D) the power reactors in Kalpakkam. ‘Qatar, Q)rresh, Gong, gré@er’ steyid preract Gp Qsoors GPSGd. A) QsBu aaysmanraofcr Quuitacir B) aggraD pH ocrer SCorem_ whpibd si qoRserMetr Quuwrreset ©) ¢gThseSGEIQ OsmriysmM_w Osnhscr (D) seuTsssHayciron Dnsr Mencrssciischer Quits Dr. Visweswaraiah Science Museum is situated at (A) Hyderabad * GH) Bangalore (C) Mysore (D) Pune Liré_it PsivGosvgunir oGhisr Aud 2cror Bib (A) mangsorunrgs, B) Quase_a (C) eoumer ©) yer 27 CCSE 118, W.H.O. headquarters is situated at (A), New York (B) London Geneva (D) Moscow | QWs FETETT Qwidord Quiged SonovenuouI1bd ssm.055 Gib (A) Buguirirs (B) svatert_oit (©) Qegeour (@) wrsivGar 119. Match List-I with List-II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List -1 List (a) Assam 1. Onam (b) Gujarat 2. Mopip. (c) Arunachal Pradesh 3. Bihu (@) Kerala 4. Makar-Sankranti @ (>) © @ (2 13 4 ws 4 2 1 ©4 2 3 1 1 4 3 2 ucygwe 1 2 utywed T ater QurGgsh, 8Cp Oan@sstuc@Qerer GMuUIGserors Garang © guia Aon_ows Cera. “ Lit 19.ui6d -1 ug used 11 (a) gyertb 1. good 6) GarTs 2. GiomDetr ©) w3oarréee DTGSEL 3. IG (d@) Gagennr 4. way hag bH @ © © @ () 2 13 4 ®3 4 2 1 ©4 2 3 1 @ 1 4 3 2 120, Silver Revolution denotes (A) Milk production + W) Egg production (C)_ Rive production (D) Cotton production Dausirahs YTLA corms stongés EDSHD Ss? (A) ured 2 HusH) 8) Meo epugH © RA apusHD ©) uGSH 2HusH) CCSE 28 a 121. 12 123. Who was called as the father of Indian archacology ? (A) John Marshall cB) SR.Rao ¢ (©) RS. Bisht A) Alexander Cunningham QsBu PsrdoBucdor sheng ctrerpoopSsi Loui wir ? (A) epitett worriraprr B) orev gyr gras (©) proreiv Dev, D) sOodsorvrciret KotroNtammbd Consider the statements regarding Gupta’s age and choose the correct answer 1. The Allahabad Pillar inscription provides a detailed account of Chandra Gupta IL 2. The Meherauli Iron Pillar inscription mentions conquests of Chandra Gupta I 3. Samudra Gupta issued gold coin and silver coin with the legend restorer of the Aswamedha. 4. — Chandra Gupta II called himself Vikramaditya. ’ WA 2,3and4 (B) 1,2and3 (© 1,3and4 (D) All are correct Gust sragos upiu mbgismot sof. sMusresranbenp CarbO30. lL gwarung grow siGQutG Qysm_mbd sh A SLissogLs Lipp sroudrsonors H>Rasy 5. 2 Quang Babys gretr seiGon_Q wpsovmid FHATSISAer Lom _QuGuysonerds GINGA 3. sEPsD7 Gusher QarcioM, gis prow AQuchI® soueny WorvaCwg wrasong srdssourr crows srr 1gw SH) 4. Qos shDy GUST sore MsgunBSscr sre Hoops Hid Qarresortsrit (A) 2,3 bpnbd4 ®) 1,2 wi md3 (©) 13 whmpnb4 (D) aomarg sud #1 v Who was the author of Tarikh-i-Mubarik-Shahi ? (A) Hasan-un-Nizami WA earcr-ud-din (C) Amir Khusro (D) Amir Hassan STAG-B)-Cpurps-oyr Bue gyRAusit wri? (A) apres act far (B) Ud@Sotr (C) od Gav (D) 2.80 amrecr 29 CCSE 124, “If T were guilty of an statement is this ? (A) Babar (C)_Iahangir “grot bRGG QarenGousrmruRet QairenGoustr” BB) (A) urur (©) ganriSrr 125. Match the following a. Babar - b. Humayun - ©. Akbar - 4. Shahjehan a b wr 4 ®) 22 © 4 3 ) 3 2 Qu Gs gis: with a orruyeir ysis apt Qomrret b BNO Be awe aege (A) (B) (C) (D) eaREne RNwHO Benen 4 1 3 2 unjust act, I would rise in judgement against myself." Whose ws ‘Akbar ©) Aurangazeb Ypbutes bp sL_egsemsacror Guo Ike chyna Sirviicou gor anphRes wiTHoOL_Ws Saf? B) sour O) soy7heFLs c Buland-Dar-waza Kabul Bagh Diwan-i-Khas Din-panch Ree LYyouer giraurem Brr4ed Ld Bourret sree Besriscarr PUN 126, Arrange in chronological order 1. The First Battle of Tarain 2. Arab Conquest of Sind 3. Somnath expedition of Mahmud of Ghazni 4. Establishment of Slave dynasty rule in Delhi 23,14 (B) 1,2,3,4 (©) 3,214 () 4,1,3,2 FID UMOFUIDH SIE: . lL (psemb gonguIer Burtt 2 Apso Bs aGr9w vem _OQwOy 3. Sage wrepgicer Grruopray7 Ue QuwGuy 4 QredaIuPed spg.6m10 ads 4° A HporciiGsod (A) 2,3,1,4 (C) 32,14 (@) 1,2,3,4 @) 4,1,3.2 30 o 127. 12 129. e Whjch of the following statement is correct ? Coronation of Shivaji, 1674. (B) Treaty of Purandar, 1664, (C) Shivaji was born on 1637. (D) Shivaji breathe his last, 1666. Bpssaisr_ mmppisoie aumrongy tH? 5OSHIS6T: (A) For) ui Lib Giqw gsi, 1674 (B) YTbgsir v1 ching dons, 1664 (C) Pare Inds —ysierG, 1637 D) Aaah Qwoss —ysierH, 1666 In 1948, the first Linguistic Provinces Commission was headed by (A). Sitaramiah (8) Fazal Ali (SK. Dar (D) MP.Sivagnanam 1948-0 (yaurag) OwimpPourA wren genous genereyrh (A) &grgremour B) user 09 © avGsgmrir ©) wOuTrAaxsyrerbd Match the following : List-I List a. Choleswara temple 1. Kulottunge-I b. Koranganatha temple 1. Aditya-I cc. Balasubramanyan temple Ii. Parantaka-I d. Kampahareswara temple IV. Vijayalaya a boc 4 @ to ou mow @®m wii ov m nit Oo t wim Qur@Gsgis: a Gamfewauyir 1. GCourg gytuasctr-l Garmudsd bo. CarghapTsstr I, yD Swesr-1 Gamuded co UTED T eA UL uiTgTSKee 1 Gamer 4. slburamfsvens IV. aSlgguirravuicst ” Garuded abe 4d ®t wom wv ® um Wit ot ©wVv mut Ou 1 Vv mw . 31 CCSE 130. Match the following lists and select correct option 131. List-1 List - I Respiration - 1, Chloroplast ve Protein synthesis Mitochondrion Ben c, Photosynthesis = Dictyosome d. Secretion - Ribosome abc da () 13 2 4 ® 42 3 1 © 3 8 4 2 ey M2 4 13 afloos 1 whmib afeos 1 ySwoauseon QurgGgsB, #Ausresr Ashencr C5iray Qeuses: aufane 1 auflene I a 2 1 GCornGgrPonreiv_ b. ~ 2 emo Gera Ausretr ¢ - 3. hg GurGerud d, - 4. esgGunGem a bc d () 13°02 4 @®) 4 2 3 1 o (© 3 1 4 2 2 4 1 3 To get a high yield, which gene from Bacteria can be introduced to non-leguminous crops? (A) Tr gene (B) B, gene nif gene (D) antisense gene FG YHA, UTA MUITADGSS THSHIULG, ww dong sroupisohic QegyssuGur sserr org? (A) T, @atr (8) B, aftr () Peper Beir (D) 2enmirgan_ Sor CCSE 32 2 132. Pick out the odd one out 13. s 1. Tuberculosis 2. Leprosy 3. Cholera 4. Polio , Ms ®) 2 O11 @) 3 GGp AsnGsariucGeror genfler QunGbsrs BabA: 1. are Cops 2. @srap rms 3. arevger 4. Gure3Guir (A) 4 @) 2 © 1 (D) 3 Which of the following statement is correct ? ATP molecule consist of (A) Adenine, Ribose sugar and two phosphate groups (B) Adenine, Deoxyribose sugar and three phosphate groups (C) Thiamine, Ribose sugar and three phosphate groups QM Adenine, Ribose sugar and three phosphate groups paren Meragucrapaycit tg) fuer asrsRund? ATP epovsened nu Rujstron eno A) sparc, ACuncy sitéseng wohmid Gein virswGrn!. Ose B) 24cercr, WmsrINGUTEH sFrdéKooT LOpMd perry) urrsivGu. Qgr@uny ©) osuier, ACumsw sitdsco7 wbhmd epsra wumevCu Osmetny ©) ayer, AGursw sirssooT whond epergy uTswGuc_ Osreiy 33 CCSE 134, 135. The origin and conduction of heartbeat takes place through 1. Atrio ventricular node 2. Sinu auricular node 3. Purkinje fibres 4. Bundle of His The correct sequence of conduction is (A) 1,3,4,2 Wo 1,43 (C) 3,2,1,4 (D) 4,3,1,2 * Qsu Quwéss groin Cancun wpmid usaygailer Gswsruigud 1emi0njaer - lL GACT Qasr Agar sem) 2. wsey gyhs@orrir sexy 3. Lyrae Glanpscir 4. aisivAsir hoop Qou Quissid Kt SSID sMusrrer 1g flenevscir- (A) 1,3,4,2 (B) 2,1,4,3 (C) 3,2,1,4 (D) 4,3,1,2 Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Menstruation happens at the end of Juteal phase Reason (R) The decrease in the progesterone and oestrogen hormone ievels brings about menstruation. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below (A) Both (A) and (R) are false and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (B) (A)is true but (R) is false. (C) (A) is false but (R) is true, Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). Bipscior curs Rustysoners soso : Toho (A) + Ouytiigwsr HonouAsir @)myHuRcd comgsohrrus IDUGH SI Sobol (RB): YCrnG@agshuggrresr Loh pst arsivt_ Gyre anirirGuorreit soot SUiey Sopargosred worse THUGAMOS! GGyp EPUN_Osron GPus_y od shurrer Meorcows CarpASD : (A) (A) Wb Nd (R) QacivGib gargs, Gugyrb (R) creir1gs) (A) DS Fiuutar Mors s Dever B) Aah spore (R) Sum) © Asam geared (R) ef @) (A) WopMiLd (R) QaciaGw Ff, Crogud (R) sreirugy (A) IHG eMusrosr Mer sarb. CCSE 34 ° 136. Arrange the following according to Energy Flow in an Eco-system 137. 1. Producer 2. Top camivores 3. Herbivores 4. Camivores 471,342 (B) © 43.1,2 (0) GipHerc wsirwvsPed gybmev anes UGS Bi 1 abug Buren 2. awh Baving 2 ctranflescir 3. greg 2 cisrensflecit 4. Moving 2civronhact (A) 13,42 (B) () 4,3,1,2 (D) 3,4,2,1 2,1,3,4 Oy PSA. Gp sain_eudeny 3,4,2,1 2,143.4 What are the diseases caused by eating improperly cooked measly pork ? 1 Leishmaniasis IL. Til. IV. @ © ©) shure sows stung iBeived THUG Gpmisscir wirreoou ? L BsvCrncofluimAciy Cysticercosis Ascariasis Taeniasis, Tand Il Land IIT U. Ashu etGarAsw I. systuairifsty IV. wofwmrAciv (A) Tepgyub 1 @) (C) Leoppned at (D) 35 WI anaiv IM and [V Lusi) GlonsPenus 2cimiigied I wipyb IV Il wof pb IV CCSE 138. 139, Match List I & Ul correctly and select your answer using the codes given befow : List—1 List - a, Citric acid - 1. Stomach juices b. Tartaric acid - 2 Tea c. Hydrochloric acid - 3. Lemon juice dd. Tannic acid - 4. Grapes a c d A 3 1 2 4 (2 3 4 1 Mt 2 3 4 v M3 4 1 2 afer 1& I» QunGéh Bpacimoy mor sAurtet Seow Carbs : ouone 1 amene I a ALAS op Bovid - 1 Qyteou fir b. Lomi_rfé _gblovd - 2 Gasfir c Sam Gyr GCorrhs gSerd - 3. argydsons Upson 4. rails “opBleord - 4 Sores a ec od (A) 3 t 2 4 @) 2 3 4 1 (1 2 3 4 @) 3 4 1 2 Match List I & II and select correct answer using the codes given below List-I List - IT a, Bleaching powder - 1. _ Insectiside b. Plasterofparis = - —-2.-—-—Diisinfectant ‘. - 3. Purification of drinking water d. Potash alum 4. Plastering the fractured bone abc d@ (Q1 2 4 3 Wr 4 1 3 © 3 1 2 4 - @) 4 3 2 4 ucgwe 1 @ urnmwd I ster GuTGgsH GCy DsrGsaiuLGeror SPuIGsevor OarreieG sAusrrer ePeoeows CBIb™ASD + uLigwev 1 uLigued I a suas grat = ye ASMEMvAD b. unfly smb gy = 2. AegwprFe c. DDT - 3. Gg Bear srileowiPs s1sov do Qurtiirely euperrgub - 4 (pmlbs orgyibeou plr_t_omugssed b c d (A) i 2 4 3 (@) 2 4 1 3 (3 1 2 4 (D) 4 3 2 21 CCSE 36 a 140. 141. Read the following statements with reference to fertilizers : 1. Nitrogen is highly essential for rapid growth of plants. II. Phosphate promotes early growth as well as early maturity of plants. III. Potassium develops a healthy root system. Which of the statement(s) is / are correct ? (A) Land IT @ 1, Wand 1 (C) Land mt (D) Lonly aghast Ogrityco_u Bipsain aursAusisener wg deaycd. L eopgager, — Sourrghyenerflatr Gousstorresr ants Aa, eajouPuscorrangsrreeb v L. graughacher gis cuentsASGLd UpHrséAS ed wrcivCu GCgone TM. avasntowrresr Gaurr IoOLDLIEHLI Quert_t_rPusnbd LGUTEGADS Cunpacion orig. ours Ruscb/oursRusiusoir #1? (A) [topped It B) 1 Meobpybd I (©) luo pyeb UI (D) TLL Gub Match List I & If and select correct answer: List-1 List - 1 a. Etchingon glass - 1. Zinc carbonate b. Calico printing - 2, Bordeaux mixture c. Skinointment = 3, Hydrofluorie acid 4. Fungicide - 4. Potassium dichromate a boc d v3 4 1 2 @ 1 3 4 2 ©2 13 4 @ 4 2 1 3 udygwe 1@ ucgued Teter QurGsH sfwirer Meorcow CsibOsO uu) I uu a SeirereTig. Seed - 1. gldids wmrinsGoor’ b sreiGar 9¢AOS - 2. Gurmittorasty sarenar c. Garey safiiby = 3. ean Gyr LyenAds —9Slevd 4 sirenren Qa = 4. Que Fund o_@GorGun. abe d (a) 3 1 2 ® 13 4 2 ©2 13 4 © 4 2 1 3 37 CCSE 142. Match List I & II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List -1 List - 11 a. Newton - 1. Elliptical orbit of planets around the Sun b, Johannes Kepler 2. Mass of the Earth c. Cavendish - 3. Helio Centric Theory 4. Copemicus - 4, Lay of Gravitation Codes : abc 4 1 23 4 Ms. 1 2 3 ©4 3 2 1 @ 3 2 1 4 ugwe | ULLigucd I over Aum sH, GCp OsrHias uc Ostor EMWUGsmns GarainG@ shwrer er_onus CarsOSOsHayd : Ue wid T uid I a Bluse’ t_soir - 1. GanreraoMer Ber atts uirengufer Gude b. Geramarts Qavionit- 2. yaduiletr Sloop ce. Srreuaisrig.ciy - 3. GAweonws Care _uT® 4 Carrurr Blasio - 4 yoRuFireny MB abc d @ 12 3 4 ) 4 1 2 3 43 2 1 . ®3 2 1 4 ‘ 143. 1. Centrifugal force is the force acting towards the centre. Il. Butter is separated from curd due to centrifugal force. (A) Statement I is correct but Statement II is wrong. (B)_ Neither I nor II is correct. Statement I is wrong but Statement II is correct, (D) Neither Inor Tl is wrong, 1 onMabiusg Pons srovigi inougeng CprsA OsusctruGud aenewsr ed 1 gut sooruiuGid Curgy Oacia@erur IMSOSOSHL LDUG) MOLUMVS EG Denswired srrebr A) abo leh genre spo WM samy (8) mbay gorGor G)yeisGior sfwever (C) wmpOll SQ! WHpLd saho I eh O) abo petGpr QyrairGior soupsder CCSE 38 e 144, 145. Fuse wire has property of a. High resistance and low melting point b. Low resistance and low melting point c. High resistance and high melting point 4, Low resistance and high melting point WA) ais comect (B) biscorect | (©) ciscomect ) discorrect 2GG Boop a DS Mer Zo up Gopyss 2G G Honsvujd Qsrreir_gy b. Gopps Mor sor1_yh Soophs 25 Hencvuytd Qsrratsr_gy c 9Da Bett Zon_uyd 9S amEHenovupd Qsrreirs1 dA Gepss WeirgZor1uprd BHF 2 GEHenoutd Qsreisr gs) (A) aah (B) bef () c eh @) def th The temperature in Celsius scale at which the temperature in Fahrenheit equals u its value (in Celsius scale) is (A) 0°C (B) 40°C AP 80°C @) -40°C , AsvAusw QarwiwuGers yorsyCarrefe -speoui@ugid Boucns Pooler "2 wer QuGs5 wPNUNGS srowren SumperoBe BawwPerw Wiig SG, QarwsGlencs (GrerPuserSev) (A) 0°C (B) 40°C (©) 80°C () -40°C 39 CCSE 146. 147. Match the following : a. Concorde aircraft - London to Paris 1 b. Seabed Travel way- -2.-—-Chennai to Mysore «TGV - 3. London to Newyork 4. Satabhthi - 4, Paris to Lyons abc d (a) 4 3 1 2 @ 3 2 4 1 ts 24 13 “ @ 12 3 4 otrargpeusreupenny QUT Gs g5 : a amram. Puomembd - 1. Blaveim_or apged curfew b Fwd Goro ay) - 2 Desroncr psc moet celal. - 3. Qevsior_oir epsed Huywrrs 4 eg7B - 4. unTfee (pged enovusrsiretv abc d (a) 4 3 21 2 ® 3 2 4 1 (2 4 1 3 M12 3 4 Tick the correct answer : The word ‘Klima’ which means climate is derived from the language i Persian I. English TI Greek IV. Latin (A). lis only correct (B) IV and I are correct (A) itis only correct (D) IVisonly correct . siuiren Bent_onu GUIDE : srofervcou GMsed ‘Melon sey Osrd rhs Our YUIAIGSSI Ospivese G1? L QurPwetr U. -gpvGloveb I, AGyHacbd IV. ws Horr (A) to @ub #f B) Womb eh (C) UWL Quid fA ©) Wil Gw efi CCSE 40 2 148, 149. The length of the growing season in “Taiga” forests (A) 150 days (B) 120 days (C) 110 days (A? 130 days “core” gsronshisones ouomirs@ srrevtbd (A) 150 57i_air (B) 120 gr_aeir (C) 110 grrt_acir (D) 130 BTL ssair Match List-I with List-II correctly & select your answer using the codes given below List-I List-II a. Chinook - 1. Northem Italy b. Fohn - 2 Thar Desert in India ©. — Sirocco - 3. USA d. Loo - 4. Sahara Desert Code : a boc d (1302 4 ® 2 1 4 3 Ps 1 4 2 (D4 3 2 1 uiwgwe 1 — uryuc UN cist QumGsG BCp QsnGssin Doron SPuIGsnsrs OQsreinG shuren Menranus SsibOSO cn. 1 ug 0 a Aeireyns ~ Lb ase QSzirh) >. sivuurreér - QaBurcier sri uiressvouems « AgréGar «gw - OMA piAu BB Ren FSMTT LITEHEVOUGTLD (A) (B) ©) (@) Renee wens Rea RO Sewnea 41 CCSE 150, Match List ~ I with List - I correctly and select your answer : List -I Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars aegse a (a) 1 Byp4 SP? ©) 4 UL usd | Garner a Yyger b 2 3 3 3 HeNwe Qausiraf b. c. yust d. eaters a (A) 1 (@) 4 (2 (D) 4 b 3 Harwo List — 11 Duration of Revolution 1. 687days 2. 87.97 days 3. 224.7 days 4. 365 YA days Roo ne ue wed IT GAwencrs spor peurr.ay sidplouced Serevtd 687 GrrL_asir 87.97 pr_soir 204.7 pprr'_acir 365% pre_soir Beppe Ree ke 151. Choose the correct answer ~ This is WA) The eye of the cyclone (C)_ Windward side efurrer Beco CgtbOSG --Q)BI (A) yusdesr sater (B) Symbol of the cyclone (@)._Incoming air ee B) Ywodeir GUTH © stbg Curgitd udsid (D) 26rGor Gib srbmy CCSE 42 e 152. 153. Choose the correct statement : (A) Andaman sea lies between Andaman island and Taiwan (Of) Andaman sea lies between Andaman island and Thailand (©) Andaman sea lies between Andaman island and Cambodia (D) Andaman sea lies between Andaman island and Malaysia shuren aréAusens CHHBOSD Ss A) sigs BaysGLbd smboraysGLd Boru aciror sod bSwirott isd 8) sdsworsr Bysgqid srisorsHsGud QlooruIs aciron sod bSwoTET Sod © abstr BaysGb smbCumigwrreysGb B)eor_uded 2 ciren FG oybBLoITET Lod O) absurd BayjiGud wCvAuTaAMherd Qarr_ued aciror sod bso GLb Choose the correct answer : Five Stages of Economic Growth is the view of (A) Malthus (B) Alfred Marshall 0? Rostow (D) Lionel Robbins shuren Hen cou CerbOsO: ur@snTsT7 aentéA Boose cpsiGorm gpbgy cusosusrros SLi fisener Hors Ruystrorourt (A) worse (B) evoIT@ Lorrrragad (C) GrrsivGrorat (D) Q)vwesred grPetrsv .. Which social reformer developed a “feeling of oneness” by popularising Hindi ? (A) Rajaram Mohan Roy <@) swamy Dayanand Saraswathi (C) Shri Ram Krishna (D) Madame Blavatsky aDbD Gump epard “smeracsd gogarG7” soir 2 averrrooa THUGSHU FeLpaH BDGssouTO wrrit? (A) Qoregromb Guorscirgmis (B) seul guTeHbs s7cveuH) (C) yeforrin Aepelyossrrr ) Gui Yorauri_svG) 43 CCSE 135. Which of the following periodicals is not correctly matched with its editor ? (A) Bande Mataram ; Aurobindo Ghosh (B) New India : Bipin Chandra Pal (C) Yugantar ; Bhupendranath Dutta DP) Sandhya : Barindra Ghosh Ths Dapscr s561 yAPhuCor® ehurs Qur@pgeileverc ? A) wWSCS Wigs: 97696Car Carrel 8) Glu, QeBur: MI #>Hyvrre (©) ysber: wCupsTpTs S56 ©) s6Bur: wig Bon Caroty 156, Who said “I am an Indian Tom Tom” ? (A) Madame Gama (B) Sister Nivedita 0 Annie Besant (D) Kadambini Ganguli “gre QU QBw Lworgio” sroiryy saplusourr? (A) Guot_tb #rruorr (8) eGargh AGuBsr (C) ase) Ques. O) srgb9ah singed 157. All India Congress sessions held at Karachi in 1931 under the leadership of (A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B),, Mahatma Gandhi , (C) Rajaji @P) Vailabhbhai Patel 1931-4 yet) aITEFUIe Ho Oupm 8H QsDu srvGyerw WTBTLGSG SoMa serkRusourt A) gaantorsd Cae 8) warguwr 5759 ©) Qyrtarsh (D) arsbovuiruy Ud CCSE 44° a 158. 159. Which one of the following was the recommendation of the Cripps proposal ? WA) Proposed for a Constituent Assembly (B) Introduction of Dyarchy at the Centre (©) Accepted the demand for Pakistan (D) Indians were given control over defence Apso ar mor Hcy sresqupoer UbgeoT TSI? A, A) 27Awed Hircor soo syooidH% Hd B) wsHuIed Qo ye A sPwssuGssv ©) urTAengrer sol pr@ Carhsensonu ysAs sod ©) QPidursense Qrrapagseng su -GLuGSS o-AMeno Who said, “Give me your blood, I will give you Independence” ? (A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (B) Lala Lajpat Rai (©) Bipin Chandra Pal A Subhash Chandra Bose “‘amacr @Oydss0g DanGwecr; poor sabPrS005 QarOsACoin” croit.yy Oarsirereurr writ? (A) ute shars7 Dover \e () wrevr vad gris (©) WG F5Dipurrd (D) sunsiv 5D Currey 45 CCSE 160. Match the List — I with List - IT List-1 List - (1) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (a) Kesari Q) Ambedkar (b) Tattvabodhini Patrika (3) Devendranath Tagore () AlHilal (4) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (4) Mooknayak ©) @ @ Mo @ & @ ® % © © @ OM ®% © @ OM ® © ULipwod 1 ap LiL. wied ator Qumend gE uewg wed -1 uigwiev -T1 Q) QuerevTer sy sour rts (2) Coeh 2) apbCugemir 6) gdeuCunPesh UsSOMsonrs GB) CsGabpSoprs Soir (©) 260 atovrred 4) ure sharsr Doar @) apd prud a @ 6) @ A © @ ® & @) (b) ©) @ © @®@ %& © @ ©) @ @ © 161. When was the Tashkent Peace Conference held ? AD January 1966 (B) February 1966 (©) March, 1966 (D) April 1966 SIoyScr 3oUwoH orgr@ eriGurg peor_Quby gs ? (A) Qerraurh 1966 (B) Wcigeurh 1966 (©) write 1966 (D) gue 1966 ‘CCSE 46 162. 163. Kamaraj was famous for his policy called (A) ‘S’ Plan (B) ‘L’ Plan (©) ‘K’ Plan (@) ‘J’ Plan srogragher Igueuorer Qarratrens (A) ‘erotu’ Hb (B) ‘are’ HL . WP) Ga Hub (D) ‘Ogg’ Bub Consider the following statements : Assertion (A): The Constitution of India contains seven Fundamental Rights at the beginning. Now, the Constitution of India classified the Fundamental Rights under six groups. Reason (R) : Right to Property has been abolished by the 44" Amendment Act, 1978 (Now select your answer according to the codes given below) 1) Both (A) and (R) are true, (R) is correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A). (© (A)is true, but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false, but (R) is tue. Bpssaim curd Ruskyxovonds soucshsssnoyed : . abo :@eBu syAwoswcny Agni 45sHod Fup BGiuDL. oRevsencrd Dareimg hss). sHGurs YD! O19-Lisco1_ aslenuoacir grreir ostream. Srrarsrto : 1978-6) 4401 g) aq Pusan ye Fg HosssBerg, DarsgiMenoeucrgs 99-CHI69_ aA g) BGard Qrimin G oH’ 1_gy shurer Aov_ous CrthOsQas A aba wpb sree A. mahoserosr srgesrid sf B) aby wWhond srgembd A. sm ssresr sirpesred sou gy © aby #Ah. srgemb gouny O) aiy sug). aTze0rb #f. a7 164, Match the following : List -¥ List - 11 (a) President (1) Real head in the State Executive (b) Prime Minister (2) The First Citizen of India (c) Chief Minister (3) Nominal Head in the State Executive (d) Governor (4) Head of the Government of India wS 8 8 8 ee) 4 ) @) © @ G) @) @ ", © @ @ B QunrG S515 @ Gywgss Sonat (1) wTHovsHiet 2cisroo.owres Henoveurt. () 75 syoouwssit (2) QbDwralctr epsod Giy-Lowoir c) (psuoger GB) rAd Hctr Quugorays Seneveut @ ) Emergency due to failure of (2) Article 352 Constitutional Machinery in States (©) Financial emergency @) Article 356 f@) 0) © Ayes 2) 2) Ba) © @ @) 6) ©) 8 M QuTGSEIS : wag. wed 1 Lit ag- wed 1 @) CgZAu OsGssy. Hons (1) shad 360 ) wrble Op mse. Hlenev (2) syfusLd 352 © BD O5qs5uy. Honor G) gyre 356 (@) (b) © (4) B) @ @ @®) @) @) () © @ (1) ©) © 8 M @ Consider the following statements : 1. Secretariat is the nerve centre of the State Administration. Il, District is the basic unit of administration in India. IL. The District Collector is the head of the District Administration. IV. Governor is the administrative head of the State Administration. Which statement is not correct ? (A)_ lis not correct. PHY IV is not correct. (C) Land 11 are not correct. (D) Wand IV are not correct. Ripsscim ours Purkisarcrd Kouehsoyib : L wife PircuTsdsHer pyibiy waisri_evwwrs Osucvsid © cron gy I. QbDu PireurasBer sg cusoo_— syovsrs — wrrou__1b Doiron gy T. wren. PGrrerag Bier serovars want gy Puen ponent. v V. wrbe SiruragHor Hrauras sooovosrs myowpir 2 crowns. Qapoisr 1H says? (A) Il wor_@ub gous (B) Vir Gib sary. (©) Lwofpytb I Sous (D) Wop pyebd 1V soumy . CCSE 50 2 170. Which is the correct statement ? 1. Indian Constitution is a written one. Il Indian Constitution consists of features of both flexible and rigid Constitutions. IIL Indian Constitution established a Secular State. IV. Indian Constitution is against the Federal System of Government. (A) Tonly correct (B)_ Wonly correct (C) I, Hand IV only correct 1) 1, Thand II only correct shure Senos CriTbOSD LL QbGu o7Awrcmotny, TES sTAUEDErDLIY . I. QpHw 7 Puvorocny DBAuped, OpRipT Quscryoor_w re I QspDw 27Awecweny wesTtUpM 297s 26o1L_wWH) V. Qs8w si7Puwowny mlincA yop s17%56 oH eT gy . (A) Luo @ib fh (B) Wo Gib ef (©) 1 Muobpnd WV orb sf (D) 1, Uuobaped MW w01_Gub #7 171. Match the following, (a) Act1S3 — 1. National Emergency () Act163 — 2. Governor (©) Act352 - 3, State Emergency (@) Act356 ~ 4. ChiefMinister @) () (©) @ a3 2 4 1 @®) 1 3 4 2 ©4 3 2 1 Mr 4 13 Qurgs ge : @ AHP193- 1. CeAw gue7 Aono ) oH163- 2. -KonpT (©) 9352-3. worher surg Hoo @ AH356- 4. (psovenoé str @ ® © @ (3 2 4 1 (B) 1 304 2 4 3 2 1 @ 2 4 1 3 e 51 CCSE 172. 1733. Match List-I with List-II : List-l List-II (2) IMF 1. Lower Servicing Charge on loans (b) WTO — 2. Separate legal entity (©) IFC 3. Resolving trade disputes (4) IDA 4. Short term credit institution @ 6) ©) @ ° (ay) 2 30 1 4 @) 1 2 4 3 4 3 21 m3 4 1 2 ueLigwed 1@ ui igwed Naor QuTGsgi : uw I ue use) Th @ ustrenT@ BD 1. Gompss ony HH Blproussrib 2.508) (b) 2e05 uTgsHs 2. FLL eyirou Soot BH) yomuoeny yer © udrenmG@ APS 3. arses SST DISOoT Sipsid ensure sed (@) wistrost_G) 4. @MAwarn Slot ene AS sypsid anpingio Baavesrb f(b) (©) (a) (a) 2 3 1 4 ® 1 2 4 3 M4 3 2 1 3 4 1 2 Find the odd term out : (A) Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) 1 Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) (©) Unit Trust of India (UTD) (D) General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC ) SDereugpouctou pier OATH LSTSOS Ht Kam HS. (A) QybDus yuyjstt wren F_G) Sipsscb (LIC) 8) QsGu OQsrPor HHS sypsb (IFC) © yooh yrsie gprs Qs Hwir (UTD D) QsBw Qurgs srcnP_Os-sipsud (GIC) CCSE 52 174. Assertion (A): Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1991, there has been a 175. a qualitative change in our planning. Reason (R): The central objective of planning in India is to raise the standard of living of the people. A (4) and (R) are correct (B) (A) is wrong, (R) is correct. (C)_ (A) and (R) are wrong. (D) (A) is correct, (R) is wrong Siomhty (A) 1991- apse yOu Qurmenrrgr7$ FrPasstiscr SDYSIUGSSIUIA Sr Hogs DL MHZAI” pedo STLo«rer DWiThpiEeT GDLLQeroren. srgesmib (2) Q/bBu Her w@sAcr conwGprésibd wésseMesr UM PHOS GTSOS 2. wists Fi GOMEL. (A) (A) wpapnbd (R) ef (B) (A) Sormy (R) & (©) (A) wobapnbd (R) soupy (D) (A) ef (R) Sern) The first product to be registered from Tamil Nadu under the ‘Geographical Index Registration and Protection Law’ is (A) Madurai Malli (B) Tanjore Veena (C) Pathamadai Mat Salem Sungudi Saree ‘yo srt GHWIG? F111 epard sipssDGS) UBay Osun (pss Quimper wrrgy ? (A) wgien7 wwsve9) B) S65FT ALT Sener (©) uss uw ©) Crab 51544 Crono . 53 CCSE 176. Choose the correct answer : 177. 3 Which theory brings out the relationship between the birth rate and the death rate ? (A) Malthusian Theory of Population. (B) The Theory of Optimum Population. @ The theory of Demographic Transition (D)_ Rostow’s stages of Economic Growth sAurret Boo_cou Corhos®. Ipcn) S5SHHSL, Qolny SSSHHG ocron apenas Mord Gid CsmLung (A) woradgAct wiser Agrenad Cart_uT@ (B) aggw yorays Gart_ut® () wéacr Osrons conirgAS 1_& Cam _un® (D) GyirsvGoraler coritéA Honvacr Match the following : (a) Land Reforms (b) April 1999 ()_ August 15, 195 (6) October 2, 1993 @ ®) © @ . National Social Assitance Programmes (NSAP) Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) Jawahar Gram Samidhi Yojana (JGSY) . The Abolition of the Zamindari System eye 4 3 1 2 ® 1 4 2 3 ©3 2 4 1 M2 13 4 Hpsscir_ouheoy auras WuTeGs ge (2) Blow 1. BrU@ saps 2 go9SHr1_cd(NSAP) Pi GGsoivscr (bo) gLigey 1999 2. Gamma 2.9) DSHL1 (EAS) (©)

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