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The Millionaire Mindset

This is Sidharth Shah. I am going to share with you an awesome tool by which you can
analyse you Mindset in the most objective way.

But first let’s understand the top 10 Qualities of a Millionaire Mindset.

Through several years of my research, experiences and observations, I have distilled the
Top 10 most important qualities of a Millionaire Mindset. They are as follows:

1. Optimism: A belief in and expectation of positive outcomes, even in the face of

difficulty, challenge, or crises.

2. Enthusiasm: Having high level of interest, positive energy, passion, or personal


3. Belief: Trusting in oneself, and/or a higher spiritual power to provide support and
guidance when needed

4. Integrity: Acting on a personal commitment to honesty, openness, and fairness;

living by and for one’s standards

5. Courage: The willingness to take risks and overcome fears, even when the outcome
is uncertain
6. Confidence: Being personally assured of one’s abilities, capabilities and potential

7. Determination: The tireless pursuit of a goal, purpose, or cause
8. Patience: The willingness to wait for opportunity, readiness, or results from oneself
and others
9. Calmness: Maintaining serenity and seeking balance daily in response to difficulty,
or crises; taking time to reflect and think
10. Focus: Attention directed through the setting of goals and priorities

Sidharth Shah


For this test, I want all of you to read the 50 statements below and put a score as per the
rating instructions given. Every Quality has been assigned 5 Statements. As there are 10
Qualities, there are 50 statements which you have to put a score.

But here is the catch! I have mixed and jumbled all the statements, so that you don’t know
which statement is assigned for which quality! I have done it on purpose, so that you and I
can get the most objective results without any biases and prejudice.

Be as candid and straightforward as you can;

Go with your first instinct. Don’t over analyse. Are you Ready?

Indicate how frequently you engage in the thought feeling, or action described in each
statement by rating it from 0 to 5.

5: Almost always 2: Sometimes

4: Most of the time 1: Almost never
3: Usually 0: Not relevant; not sure
1. I know there is power beyond myself from which I can draw strength
2. I am committed to living my life to high standards and a higher purpose
3. I don’t let my mistakes discourage me
4. I allow people time to reach their own solution
5. I have the quality of being able to stick to plans and projects
6. I see individual events as part of a greater plan
7. I don’t let danger or crises paralyze me
8. I keep control over my emotions
9. I tell the truth
10. I don’t let doubt affect my pursuit of a worthy goal
11. I rise to the occasion when goals seem out of reach
12. I keep my eye on my goals, even through daily distractions
13. I speak up on behalf of unpopular positions if I think they have merit

Sidharth Shah

14. I use the same standard of measuring my own behavior as the behavior of others
15. I make a conscious effort to react evenly
16. I wake up feeling excited about the day ahead
17. I react to stress with self-control
18. I thrive on finding needs that interest me and fulfilling them
19. I stay in touch with my goals
20. I take on assignments that interest me even when the odds of a favorable outcome
are slim
21. I meet challenges with a sense of control
22. I stay on course even when things get uncertain
23. I make sure fear and feelings of inferiority don’t drive my actions
24. I don’t allow anxiety over an outcome to rattle my composure
25. I concentrate my energy where it will do the most good
26. I am able to control my worries and resentments
27. I summon up the energy needed to see a job through
28. I act with a sense of hope about what lies ahead
29. I contribute to the group’s morale even under difficult circumstance
30. I practice affirming myself in my skills and my outlook
31. I show energy about project that excite others
32. I create a mental plan to get a task done
33. I move forward decisively
34. I have a clear picture of where I want to be in my life
35. I don’t obsess over an issue
36. I work to minimize the impact of my doubts and fears
37. I don’t act or speak hastily without considering the consequences
38. I don’t cop out hoping others will get the job done
39. I avoid gossiping about others
40. I gear myself to be positively hopeful in my attitudes and expectations
41. I keep my spirits up even when things aren’t going well
42. I don’t allow worry to get the best of me
43. I am not from the “let’s just be done with it” school of fast solutions

Sidharth Shah

44. I am energetic in pursuing outcomes
45. I engage in those activities that are necessary to meet my goals
46. I get a kick out of life
47. I treat people evenhandedly and fairly
48. I do not allow my fears to set my goals
49. I don’t engage in playing off one person against another
50. I don’t panic when adversity occurs

Now that you have analyzed all the 50 statements and scored them, wait for my next
instructions before I open the suspense where you will come to know about your
Millionaire Mindset!

Sidharth Shah

The Top 10 Qualities of a Millionaire Mindset

Let’s study the Top 10 Qualities of a Millionaire and the definition of each Quality

Sidharth Shah

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