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1. Particle size analyses were carried out on two soils-Soil A and Soil B-and the particle size distribution curves are shown
in Fig. E3.8. The Atterberg limits for the two soils are:

A 26 19
B Non Plastic Non Plastic

 Classify these soils according to the Unified Soil Classification Scheme.

 Is either of the soils organic?


Step 1: Determine the percentages of each soil type from the particle size distribution curve.

Constinuent Soil A Soil B

Percent of Particle Greater than 0.075mm 12 80
Gravel Fraction % 0 16
Sand Fraction % 12 64
Silt Fraction % 59 20
Clay Fraction % 29 0

Step 2: Use the flowchart. (Figs. 3.11.a,b)

Step Soil A Soil B

1 % < No. 200 = 59 + 29 = 88% % < No. 200 = 20% (silt)
2 % sand > % gravel % sand > 15%
3 Gravel < 15% Fines = ML
4 Group Symbol = ML Gravel = 16%
5 Group Name = Sandy Silt Group Symbol = SM
6 - Group Name = Silty Sand with Gravel
Step 3: Plot the Atterberg limits on the plasticity chart.

Soil A : PI =26−19=7 %

The point (26,7) falls above the A-Line, the soil is inorganic.

Soil B: Nonplastic and inorganic.

2. Classify Soil A and B in previous example according to the AASHTO System. Which soil is better for a subgrade?

Step 1: Make a table of values.

Soil A Soil B
No. 10 100 70
No. 40 100 40
No. 200 88 20
LL % 26 NP
PL % 19 NP

Step 2: Determine percent passing No. 200 sieve

Step Soil A Soil B

1 88% passing No. 200 20% Passing No. 200
2 > 35% passing No. 200 < 35% passing No. 200
3 Silty-Clay Granular
Step 3: Solve for Group Index

Soil A:

Group Index=GI =( F−35 ) ( 0.2+0.005 ( ¿−40 ) ) +0.01 ( F−15 ) ( PI −10 )

GI =( 88−35 ) ( 0.2+ 0.005 ( 26−40 ) ) +0.01 ( 88−15 ) ( 8−10 )=5.4=5.0

Soil B:

Group Index=Non plastic=GI =0

Step 4: Use table 3.7 to classify the soils.

Soil A is A-4 (5). Note: The value in parentheses is GI.

Soil B is A-1-b (stone fragments, gravel, and sand)

Step 5: Decide which soil is better for a subgrade material.

Soil B (A-1-b) is an excellent material for a subgrade. Soil A is fair to poor. Soil B is then the preferable material.
3. A soil has the following particle-size distribution:

Gravel 20%
Sand 10%
Silt 30%
Clay 40%

Classify the soil according to USDA textural classification system.


Modified percentages of sand, silt, and clay:

% sand 10
Modified % sand= = =12.5 %
100−% gravel 100−20

% silt 30
Modified % silt= = =37.5 %
100−% gravel 100−20

% clay 40
Modified % clay= = =50.0 %
100−% gravel 100−20

The lines correspond to each percentages on the clay region thus, the soil is clay.
2. Classify the following soils by the AASHTO Classification System

Description Soil A Soil B Soil C

Percent finer than No.10 Sieve 83 100 48
Percent finer than No.40 Sieve 48 92 28
Percent finer than No.200 Sieve 20 86 6
Liquid Limit 20 70 -
Plasticity Index 5 32 Nonplastic
Soil A:

Percent passing No. 200 = 20% < 35%

The soil is either A-1, A-3, or A-2
% Passing No. 10 = 83% > 50, it is not A-1-a
% Passing No. 40 = 48 < 50
% Passing No. 200 = 20 < 25
Thus, the soil is A-1-b, with G.I. = 0
A-1-b (0)

Soil B:

Percent passing No. 200 = 86% > 35%

The soil is either A-4, A-5, A-6, or A-7
LL = 70 > 40, it is not A-4
PI = 30 > 10, it is not A-5
LL = 70 > 40, it is not A-6
LL – 30 = 40
PI < LL – 30, the soil is A-7-5
GI = (86-35)(0.2+0.005(70-40))+0.01(86-15)(32-10) = 33.47 use 33
Therefore the soil is A-7-5(33)

Soil C:

Percent passing No. 200 = 6% < 35%, it is A-1, A-3, or A-2

% Passing No. 200 = 6% < 50
% Passing No. 40 = 28% < 30
% Passing No. 10 = 48 < 50
Thus the soil is A-1-a and GI = 0

4. The table below shows the laboratory results of the sieve analysis of a sample. Plot the grain size curve of the soil. The
soil has a liquid limit of 35% and plasticity index of 26%. Classify the soil according to:


Size (mm) Weight Retained

0.25 18.96
0.149 33.18
0.074 45.03
0.052 54.51
0.02 42.66
0.01 11.85
0.004 4.74
0.001 4.74
Pan 21.33


Diameter (mm) Mass Retained % Retained Ʃ(% Retained) % Finer

(grams) Mr (Mr/M) x
0.25 18.96 8.00 8.00 92.00
0.149 33.18 14.00 22.00 78.00
0.074 45.03 19.00 41.00 59.00
0.052 54.51 23.00 64.00 36.00
0.02 42.66 18.00 82.00 18.00
0.01 11.85 5.00 87.00 13.00
0.004 4.74 2.00 89.00 11.00
0.001 4.74 2.00 91.00 9.00
Pan 21.33 9.00 100.00 0
TOTAL 237 100

Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve (0.074) = 59% > 50%

Therefore, the soil is FINE-GRAINED

LL = 35% < 50% (ML, CL, or OL)

From plasticity chart, with LL = 35% and PI = 26%, the soil is CL.


Percent Sand (2.0mm to 0.05mm in diameter) = 100 – 33 = 67%

Percent Silt (0.05mm to 0.002mm) = 33 – 10 = 23%

Percent Clay = 10%

From the chart shown, the soil is sandy loam


Percent passing No. 200 sieve (0.074mm) = 59% > 35%

“Silt-Clay materials’’.

The soil cannot be A-4 because its PI = 26% > 10%

The soil cannot be A-5 because its LL = 35% > 41%

The soil is A-6

Solving for GI:

GI =( F−35 ) ( 0.2+ 0.005 ( ¿−40 ) ) +0.01 ( F−15 )( PI −10 )

GI =( 59−35 ) ( 0.2+0.005 ( 35−40 ) ) + 0.01 ( 59−15 )( 26−10 )

GI =11.24

Thus, the soil is A-6(11)

5. The table below shows the laboratory results of the sieve analysis of a sample.

Determine the following:

a) Determine the nearest value of the effective size.

b) Determine the nearest value of the coefficient of uniformity, Cu.

c) Classify the soil according to the USCS.

Sieve No. Diameter (mm) Percent Passing %

4 4.76 90
8 2.38 64
10 2.00 58
20 0.84 35
40 0.42 22
60 0.25 15
100 0.149 10

200 0.074 4
D 10=0.149 mm

D 60=2.2 mm

D 60 2.2
Cu= = =14.8
D 10 0.149

D 30=0.63 mm

Cc= =1.21
0.149 x 2.2

Classification of Soil

Percent gravel ( retained ∈¿ 4 sieve )=100 %−90 %=10 %

SinceCu>6 , Cc is between 1∧3 , the soil is SW (Well graded sand)

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