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CCSI Membership

Purchase and
Instructor Kit
May 2010

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What is Changing?

 Previous Process
 Learning Partners ordered individual electronic Instructor Kits for their CCSIs through the
Cisco Learning Network Store
 New Process
 Learning Partners, or CCSIs with permission of the LP, are required to order an annual Base
or Premium membership from the Cisco Learning Network Store allowing CCSIs to download
their own Instructor Kits
 Membership information can be found at
 Base membership includes access to instructor kits for all Associate level courses
 Premium membership includes access to all instructor kits for all Associate, Professional and
Specialization courses. Note: Instructor Kits for Special Practice Program (i.e. Cisco 360 for
CCIE, UCS, etc.) are distributed manually and are not part of the Premium membership
 Instructor Kits are downloaded by the instructor after membership purchase and the click-to-
accept CCSI agreement is accepted
 Reduces overall cost and complexity of ordering individual instructor kits
 Ensures only active instructors who have purchased a membership and accepted the CCSI
agreement can obtain authorized Cisco instructor kits
 Provides CCSIs with immediate access to Instructor Kits
 Instructor materials are protected from unauthorized distribution

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Membership Ordering and Instructor Kit Access
Five Step Process
• Step 1: Preparation
• Step 2: Order a Membership
• Step 3: Download LockLizard Digital Rights Management (DRM) Viewer and
Register Your License
• Step 4: Accept CCSI Agreement and Download the Instructor Kit
Downloader Program
• Setp 5: Download Instructor Kit(s)

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Step 1: Pre-Order Preparation
Merge CCO ID to Cert Tracking System Db
(required for all CCSIs and CCSI Candidates - LP Admins do not need to perform this step)

• Login to the Certification Tracking System (

• Merge your CCO Id ( id) to your

Certification Tracking System profile in one
of two ways 1 2
 Note the Authorization Code is your VUE
registration # found on your VUE Score

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Result of Merge
• Merge adds “CCO ID” field in Certification Tracking System profile

• CCO ID is automatically pulled into CCSI profile (using CSCO# as the key/lookup field) from
Cert Tracking System profile. No action by Learning Partner is required

NOTE: It takes up to 24- 48 hours from

the time one merges their CCO id to their
Certification Tracking profile for their
CCO ID to get pushed to the CLN Store
so ordering membership immediately
CSCO109xxxx after merging will result in error.

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Step 2: Order A Membership
• LP Admin or CCSI (if approved by the LP) goes to
• Click on Log In in the upper right
• Click on Instructor Kits under Learning Partner Products
• Order Base or Premium membership(s) for existing CCSIs
• Order ICP Preparation membership for CCSI candidates
 LP must enroll candidate for ICP Event in LPMS first (Instructor
Management -> Manage New CCSI -> Request for Joint ICP Enrollment)

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Step 2: Order A Membership (continued)

• LP Admin can order both Base and

Premium memberships by first adding the
Base membership to the Cart then
selecting Continue Shopping to add the
Premium membership. Adjust quantities
as necessary
• We recommend LP Admin order no more
than 5 memberships at a time

• Both the Learning Partner and the CCSI will receive a membership purchase
confirmation email with step-by-step instructions for accepting the CCSI agreement.
• CCSI will also receive an email with instructions for installing the LockLizard Viewer
program and license
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Step 3: CCSI Downloads LockLizard Viewer and
Registers the LockLizard License (2 options)

Option 1
• Exit any screen capture programs
• Read the “Accessing your protected files from Cisco” email and follow
instructions to install the Viewer program and LockLizard license

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Step 3: CCSI Downloads LockLizard Viewer and
Registers The LockLizard License
Option 2
• Exit any screen capture programs
• Login to CLN Store then go to
Order Status & History
• Read “installation instructions”
and install the LockLizard Viewer
program for the Instructor Kits
• Select “click here” to
download/Save the LockLizard
license to your desktop, select
Run to install the license then
wait for “Registration successful”
• Note: CCSI does not need to do this step if
already have 1 or more instructor kits
before April 4, 2010

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Step 4: CCSI Accepts CCSI Agreement and Downloads
Instructor Kit Downloader Program
(Note: step-by-step process included in membership purchase confirmation email)

1. CCSI logs in to the CLN Store, go to Order Status & History, click on membership
Order# link

2. On the Order Detail screen click on the Download button to accept the CCSI
agreement then download the Instructor Kit Downloader program

3. Read then click

the checkbox
to-accept the
4. Click Submit

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Step 4: CCSI Downloads Instructor Kit
Downloader Program (continued)

• Save (Run not

recommended) the
Instructor Kit
Downloader program
to your desktop or a

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Step 5: CCSI Downloads Instructor Kit(s)
• Choose Download Location for the
• Launch/Run the Instructor Instructor Kits
Kit Downloader program
• Select kit(s) to download
• Select Download
• Open each IK to test

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Five Types of Files in Instructor Kit

 Student Guide
 Lab Guide
 Course Administrative Guide (CAG)
 Instructor Guide (PPT)
 Course Support Files

Note: Not every course has all types of documents

Instructor Kits can be downloaded in one file or individually

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Instructor Kit Document Entitlements

DRM Allow Number of Watermar
File Type Screen
Protected Printing Prints k
Yes No Yes 2 Yes

Lab Guide Yes No Yes 2 Yes

CAG Yes No Yes Unlimited Yes

Instructor No
Guide Yes No Viewing N/A none
(PPT) Only
No N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Thank you!

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