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Craft a value matrix to help identify messaging.

After mapping your buying center personas, it’s time to map out your value

A value matrix is a breakdown of each buying center persona, their

business problems, how your product is valuable in solving those problems,
and a relevant marketing message tying the problem and solution together.

Create a chart with each persona in one column. Below each persona, list
the pain points they face on a daily basis. If your product can solve or ease
any of these problems, include them in a row below.

Lastly, the message needs to capture the pain point and value in a
meaningful way. The best way to achieve this is to agitate the pain point.
People will take a painkiller to cure a headache but are much less likely to
take a daily vitamin to prevent the pain in the first place. The value your
product brings should solve the pain, not act as a vitamin.

Here’s an example of a complete value matrix

Test your messaging.

Once your value matrix is in place, it’s time to test your messaging. Start
advertising on marketing platforms using the messages you’ve just created
for various audience members.

You’ll have three variables to test: the channel you advertise on, the
audience you target, and the message you share.

When deciding where to test, first consider where you audience is. Possible
paid digital ad channels might be LinkedIn, Google Ads, Facebook, and
Twitter. Test the various channels and continue advertising on those
showing high conversions. And stop investing in channels where you see
low conversions

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