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15-02-2011 Nibiru Collision and 2012 Theory Explai…

The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2012 is becoming the topic of discussion of more and more people with
each passing day toward 2012. Doomsday has been a subject of immense interest and curiosity to most of
us. After all who remains unfazed when they get to know of the time fixed for the ultimate demolition of
earth and all life surviving on it. One such recent theory that has been doing rounds for quite some time is
about the impending collision between Earth and a planet called Nibiru sometime in 2012.

Just like any other theory or hypothesis, this one too has its fair share of believers, followers and of course
people who out-rightly reject it from the start.

The idea or the theory was set in motion by a Wisconsin woman Nancy Lieder who says that as a young
girl she was contacted by extra terrestrials called Zeta’s who had set up a communication device in her
brain and sent out messages to her, that she disseminates through her website. According to her, she has
been chosen to warn mankind regarding the impending doom.

Though she had predicted the year of doom as 2003, however it has been linked with the year 2012 after
the interpretations with Sumerian and Mayan calendars. According to the interpretation recorded by
astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin, it is said that a planet that crosses Earth once in 3600 years and is an
opportunity for the Annunaki (the inhabitants of Nibiru) to interact with the humans.

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Lieder has drawn a conclusion linking her Planet X with Nibiru and says that there will be a giant collision
between the two planets in 2012 which will wipe away all signs of life on earth. There has been widespread
debate over the accuracy of these claims. Most of the scientific community has refuted these claims as
false and pseudoscientific. NASA has also not given much importance to it. The scientists maintain that, if
there was such a planet, it would have been visible to the naked eye by now.…/nibiru-collision-earth… 1/2
15-02-2011 Nibiru Collision and 2012 Theory Explai…

However, the supporters too have come up with various reasons to believe otherwise. They say that this
cannot be taken as an evidence, as many asteroids also go unnoticed. Plus they also feel the governments
world over are playing down the importance of it all to avoid panic, while they are building safe escapes for
the high and mighty office holders. Somehow makes me think of the movie 2012 End of the world.

Now, the world has seen many such claims of doom come and go. How much of this one is true remains to
be seen. Yet, there will be many lives affected by it and many people who succumb to panic.

And you? Do you believe in the Nibiru “hoax?” ?

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