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IIT Bhubaneswar

PDS Lab (Section 4)

Assignment 2 Date: 9/12/2020
1. Read coefficients a, b and c for a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c = 0. Print the roots and
characteristics of the roots in following format:

The roots are real and distinct

Root 1 = <root1> and Root 2 = <root2>

The roots are real and equal

Root 1 = Root 2 = <val>

The roots are imaginary

Root 1 = <p> + i <q> and Root 2 = <p> - i <q>

2. Read an integer X. Determine if X is divisible by 5 and by 3. The output should be in the

following format:

<value of X> is divisible by 5 and not divisible by 3

<value of X> is divisible by 3 and not divisible by 5
<value of X> is divisible by both 5 and 3
<value of X> is neither divisible by 5 nor by 3

3. Read two numbers X and Y. Swap (exchange) the value of X and Y using arithmetic
operations. The output will be in the following format:

Before swap
X = <val1> Y = <val2>
After swap
X = <val 2> Y = <val 1>

4. A messaging system reads message as 4-digit positive integer d1d2d3d4 and stores
encoding of the message e1e2e3e4 for security reason. The encoding process is as follows:
ei = (ei+i) mod 4

For example, if message is 4590, the encoded message is 1300.

Read any arbitrary message and display the encoded message in the following format:

Original message =
Encoded message =

5. Your score of PDS Lab is determined as follows:

Final Score (T) = Marks obtained (M) X Attendance weight (W)

Attendance weight (W) = no of classes attended (N) / Total number of classes conducted

Then your grade is decided as follows:

T >= 90 ➔ Grade = EX
T >= 80 and T < 89 ➔ Grade = A
T >= 70 and T< 79 ➔ Grade = B
T > = 60 and T < 69 ➔ Grade = C
T > = 50 and T < 59 ➔ Grade = D
T > = 40 and T < 49 ➔ Grade = P
T < 40 ➔ Grade = F

Read the values of M, N and K such that M is between 0 and 100; N < = K and print Final
score and Grade in the following format:

Final Score =
Grade is

6. Implement a simple calculator with four operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,

Division using switch statement:

Case ‘+’ : Result = <operand 1> + <operand 2>

Case ‘-’ : Result = <operand 1> - <operand 2>
Case ‘x’ : Result = <operand 1> x <operand 2>
Case ‘/’ : Result = <operand 1> / <operand 2>

Your program will read operand 1 and operand 2 and the character constant c for the
respective operation and will display:

Operation is <Addition/Subtraction/multiplication/Division>
Result =

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