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Tuesday | December 29, 2020

OH, DEER! Study: Kids

Deer processors being overwhelmed get virus at
as harvest reaches mid-point gatherings more
often than school
Study also said the ‘lack
of consistent mask use’
in schools led to some
spread of the virus

dren are more at risk
of contracting the
coronavirus at a so-
cial gathering than
in a classroom or
childcare setting, ac-
cording to a study re-
leased by the Univer-
sity of Mississippi Medical Center.
The study, conducted in partner-
ship with U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, was fea-
tured in the U.S. Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention’s Dec.
18 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Researchers surveyed patients
younger than 18 who had tested
positive for the virus in emergency
departments and outpatient health
facilities during September, Octo-
ber and November.
The study found that compared
with children who tested negative,
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Nancy and Jack Larmour, owners of Fork ‘N Road Deer Processing in Caledonia, say their three coolers are filled to capacity those who tested positive were
with approximately 500 deer waiting to be butchered, processed and packaged into as many as 19 products. The Larmours more likely to have attended gather-
say they are turning away customers for lack of cooler space this year. “We’re working seven days a week, long hours every ings and have had visitors at home.
day, and we still can’t keep up,” Nancy said. Additionally, parents or guardians
of children who were infected were
BY SLIM SMITH we had another 200 deer come in. We’ve on what cuts the customer requests. At less likely to report wearing masks added a cooler, and we have 500 deer Fork ‘N Road, customers can have their at those gatherings.
hanging now waiting to be processed. deer processed into 19 different prod- “Household contacts versus a
Bagging that deer is one thing. Get- contact at school appeared to be
It will be like that right on through Feb- ucts — everything from burgers and
ting it to your kitchen table may be more important in a child’s risk
ruary.” steaks to jerky and tamales.
quite another. for being infected,” said Dr. Char-
It’s much the same story at Wil- Now, the same orders are taking 15
Halfway through the deer season in lotte Hobbs, professor of pediatric
son’s Deer Processing in Pheba, which to 20 days, Larmour said, even though
Mississippi, deer meat processors are infectious diseases at UMMC and
having a difficult time keeping up with serves customers from Oktibbeha and they’ve added staff and now have 14 lead author on the study’s findings.
demand. Clay counties and has a cooler capacity employees — most of them high school Co-authors include experts from
“We’ve probably doubled what we of 200 deer. and college students on winter break — the University of Mississippi School
had done at this point last November,” “I can’t remember anything like to try to meet the demand. of Nursing and the Mississippi State
said Nancy Larmour, who with her hus- this,” owner Christi Wilson said. “We’ve It’s much the same for Wilson. Department of Health.
band, Jack, has operated Fork ‘N Road had deer brought in from as far away as “There’s not much we can do, real- State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul
Deer Processing in Caledonia for 11 Corinth. We’ve had to turn people away. ly,” Wilson said. “A deer has to hang for Byers, who contributed to the re-
years. “We’ve had to stop taking in deer Every processor I know is in the same three to four days before we can even search study, said the report high-
because of the capacity. We’re working predicament.” start processing it. In those three to lights what health professionals
seven days a week, long hours every Under normal circumstances, it four days, more and more people are have seen “played out time and time
day, and we still can’t keep up. From takes seven to 10 days to have a deer coming with their deer. So it’s almost again” during the pandemic.
Saturday morning until noon Sunday, butchered and processed, depending See DEER PROCESSORS, 6A See STUDY, 3A

Fireworks vendors anticipate high demand for New Year’s

Slade Ferguson, 16,
adjusts a display of Fireworks sales could COVID-19 pandemic.
“It’s all about getting out
fireworks on sale at
the Orbit Fireworks increase 20 to 30 with your family and having a
good time, since you can’t be
tent on Highway 182
just west of Starkville percent, weather around a whole lot of people
on Monday. He and right now,” Ferguson said.
his father, Eric Fergu- permitting Sales for New Year’s Eve, the
son, have run the tent only other holiday that drives
around the Fourth of BY TESS VRBIN the sale and use of fireworks
July and New Year’s both in general and in the Gold-
Eve for the past en Triangle, have been average
two years. Demand The Orbit Fireworks tent so far but are increasing daily,
increased around the on Highway 182 just west of Orbit owner Deborah Turman
Fourth of July this
year as the COVID-19 Starkville nearly sold out of said.
pandemic continued, some of its products for the She and Jon Lee, president
Eric Ferguson said, Fourth of July this year. of Alabama-based Ninja Fire-
and New Year’s Eve Eric Ferguson, who runs works, agree that people will
sales are currently the tent with his 16-year-old want to celebrate the end of a
on par with last year son Slade, said it was clear that particularly tough year. Orbit
but could go up in the has eight locations in the area
people wanted to get out of their
next few days.
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff houses thanks to the ongoing See FIREWORKS, 6A


1 Which two original “Full House” cast mem- MEETINGS
bers did not return for “Fuller House”? Dec. 30: Lowndes Coun-
2 What member of the Shoshone tribe ap- ty Board of Supervisors
peared on the Golden Dollar coin in 2000? meeting, 9 a.m., Lown-
3 Who authored the unfinished novel “The des County Courthouse,
Last Tycoon,” which Amazon turned into a TV
series in 2017?
4 What tech company, run by Meg Whitman, desCountyMississippi/
Presley Fields Jan. 4: Lowndes County
was given a SmaterWay Excellence Award by
Second grade, Annunciation Board of Supervisors, 9
the EPA in 2017 for environmental leadership?

59 Low 51
5 What is the name in cricket for bowling a ball a.m., Courthouse, face-
High that spins in the opposite direction to what
you expect — boogly, googly or woogly? tyMississippi/
Mostly cloudy
Answers, 6B Jan. 5: Columbus City
Full forecast on
page 3A. Council, 5 p.m., Munici-
pal Complex, facebook.
INSIDE com/CityofColumbusMS/
Jan. 11: Columbus
Classifieds 6B Health 6A Municipal School District
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B Board of Trustees, 6
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A Sallina Schaffer of Starkville likes to get p.m. Brandon Central
141st Year, No. 248 Dear Abby 3B food with friends. Services


2A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Fate of Trump’s $2,000 checks

now rests with GOP-led Senate
House Speaker: ‘Republicans have a choice: Vote rather than buck the outgoing pres-
ident and constituents counting on
for this legislation or vote to deny the American the money. Democrats led passage,
275-134, but 44 Republicans joined
people the bigger paychecks they need’ almost all Democrats in approval.
Senators were set to return to
BY LISA MASCARO House, Senate Democratic leader session Tuesday amid similar, stark
AND JILL COLVIN Chuck Schumer warned, “There is GOP divisions between those who
The Associated Press
no good reason for Senate Republi- align with Trump’s populist in-
cans to stand in the way.” stincts and others who adhere to
“There’s strong support for what had been more traditional con-
— President Don-
these $2,000 emergency checks servative views against government
ald Trump’s push for
from every corner of the country,” spending. Congress had settled on
$2,000 COVID-19 re-
lief checks now rests Schumer said in a statement late smaller $600 payments in a compro-
with the Senate af- Monday. He called on McConnell to mise over the big year-end relief bill
ter the House voted make sure the Senate helps “meet Trump reluctantly signed into law.
overwhelmingly to the needs of American workers House Speaker Nancy Pelosi de-
meet the president’s Trump and families who are crying out for clared, “Republicans have a choice:
demand to increase the $600 sti- help.” Vote for this legislation or vote to
pends, but Republicans have shown The House tally was a stunning deny the American people the big-
little interest in boosting spending. turn of events. Just days ago Re- ger paychecks they need.”
The outcome is highly uncertain publicans blocked Trump’s sudden The showdown could end up
heading into Tuesday’s session. demands for bigger checks during as more symbol than substance
Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc- a brief Christmas Eve session as he if Trump’s effort fizzles out in the
Connell has declined to publicly ad- defiantly refused to sign the broad- Senate.
dress how he plans to handle the is- er COVID-19 aid and year-end The legislative action during the
sue. But Democrats, sharing a rare funding bill into law. rare holiday week session may do
priority with Trump, have seized As Trump spent days fuming little to change the $2 trillion-plus
on the opportunity to force Repub- from his private club in Florida, COVID-19 relief and federal spend-
licans into a difficult vote of either where he is spending the holidays, ing package Trump signed into law
backing or defying the outgoing dozens of Republicans calculated it Sunday, one of the biggest bills of
president. was better to link with Democrats its kind providing relief for millions
After bipartisan approval by the to increase the pandemic stipend of Americans.

House votes to override Trump’s veto of defense bill

Bill affirms 3 percent pay raises for U.S. troops and authoriz-
es more than $740 billion
Senate Armed Services
Committee, called the
troops, authorizes more than $740B in military programs and
bill “absolutely vital to
our national security and
in military programs and construction House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, D-Calif., said after
our troops,’’ adding, “Our
men and women who vol-
BY MAT THEW DALY also needs to approve it by the vote that the House unteer to wear the uni-
The Associated Press a two-thirds majority. had done its part to en- form shouldn’t be denied
Trump rejected the de- sure the NDAA becomes what they need — ever.”
WASHINGTON — law “despite the presi- Trump has succeeded
fense bill last week, saying
The Democratic-con- dent’s dangerous sabo- throughout his four-year
it failed to limit social me-
trolled House voted tage efforts.’’ term in enforcing party
dia companies he claims
overwhelmingly to over- Trump’s “reckless veto discipline in Congress,
were biased against him
ride President Donald would have denied our with few Republicans
Trump’s veto of a defense during his failed reelec-
service members haz- willing to publicly oppose
policy bill, setting the tion campaign. Trump
ard-duty pay,’’ removed him. The bipartisan vote
stage for what would be also opposes language
key protections for global on the widely popular de-
the first veto override of that allows for the renam- peace and security and fense bill showed the lim-
his presidency. ing of military bases that “undermined our nation’s its of Trump’s influence in
House members voted honor Confederate lead- values and work to com- the final weeks before he
322-87 on Monday to over- ers. bat racism, by blocking leaves office, and came
ride the veto, well above The defense bill, overwhelmingly biparti- minutes after 130 House
the two-thirds needed known as the National san action to rename mil- Republicans voted against
to override. The Senate, Defense Authorization itary bases,’’ Pelosi said. a Trump-supported plan
which is expected to vote Act, or NDAA, affirms Sen. Jim Inhofe, to increase COVID-19 re-
on the override this week, 3 percent pay raises for R-Okla., chairman of the lief checks to $2,000.

Biden warns of Trump officials’ ‘roadblocks’ to transition

BY ALEXANDRA JAFFE day in Wilmington, Dela- team needs “full visibility” his incoming national se-
The Associated Press ware, Biden said his team into the budget process at curity adviser. The pres-
has faced “obstruction” the Defense Department ident-elect said his team
WILM- from the “political leader- “in order to avoid any win- found that agencies “criti-
ship” at the Defense De- dow of confusion or catch- cal to our security have in-
Del. — Pres-
partment and the Office of up that our adversaries curred enormous damage”
ide nt - ele c t
Management and Budget may try to exploit.” He also during President Donald
Joe Biden
is warning as they’ve sought to gather said they need “a clear pic- Trump’s time in office.
of massive necessary information to ture of our force posture “Many of them have
d a m a g e continue the transition of around the world and of been hollowed out in per-
done to the Biden power. our operations to deter our sonnel, capacity and in
national security appara- “Right now we just ar- enemies.” morale,” he said. “All of
tus by the Trump adminis- en’t getting all the informa- Biden’s remarks came it makes it harder for our
tration and “roadblocks” in tion that we need from the after he was briefed by government to protect the
communication between outgoing administration in members of his national se- American people, to de-
agency officials and his key national security ar- curity and defense teams fend our vital interests in
transition team that could eas. It’s nothing short, in and advisers, including his a world where threats are
undermine Americans’ se- my view, of irresponsibili- nominees for secretary of constantly evolving and
curity. ty,” Biden said. State, Defense and Home- our adversaries are con-
During remarks Mon- He warned that his land Security, as well as stantly adapting.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 3A

Mississippi defends initiatives Nashville bomber

in medical marijuana lawsuit left hints of trouble,
Madison mayor filed the lawsuit opposing Initiative sissippi Supreme Court, Butler’s at-
torneys said legislators have known
but motive elusive
65 because it limits cities’ ability to regulate the for years about the problem in the
initiative process but have killed NASHVILLE, Tenn. — In the days before he det-
location of medical marijuana businesses multiple proposals to fix it. The at- onated a bomb in downtown Nashville on Christmas,
torneys said the secretary of state Anthony Quinn Warner changed his life in ways that
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS State attorneys argued Monday should not have relied on an attor- suggest he never intended to survive the blast that
The Associated Press that Mississippi law still mentions ney general’s opinion about signa- killed him and wounded three other people.
the state having five congressional tures coming from the five outdated Warner, 63, gave away his car, telling the recipi-
JACKSON — A mayor’s lawsuit
districts. districts. They argued that doing so ent that he had cancer. A month before the bombing,
is making baseless arguments as it
Partisan fighting in the Leg- amounted to one executive-branch he signed a document that transferred his longtime
seeks to overturn a medical mari-
islature stalled congressional re- agency listening to another, when home in a Nashville suburb to a California woman
juana initiative that Mississippi vot-
districting in the early 2000s, and decisions should be made by the for nothing in return. The computer consultant told
ers approved, state attorneys said
the lines ended up being drawn by legislative branch. an employer that he was retiring.
in court papers filed Monday.
federal judges. State attorneys said Butler is a Republican, as are At- But he didn’t leave behind a clear digital footprint
Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins
Butler filed the lawsuit in late Oc- in court papers Monday that legis- torney General Lynn Fitch, Watson or any other obvious clues to explain why he set off
tober. She opposed Initiative 65 lators never updated state laws to and Hosemann. the explosion in his parked recreational vehicle or
because it limits cities’ ability to reflect four congressional districts Initiative 65 specifies that the played a message warning people to flee before it
regulate the location of medical instead of five. state Health Department has until damaged dozens of buildings and knocked out cell-
marijuana businesses. “As a result, four congressional mid-2021 to establish rules for a phone service in the area.
Voters on Nov. 3 approved Ini- districts exist in Mississippi under medical marijuana program. While investigators tried to piece together a
tiative 65 by a wide margin, but the a federal injunction for congressio- The Health Department, the possible motive for the attack, a neighbor recalled
court fight continues. nal elections, but five congressio- Mississippi Municipal League a recent conversation with Warner that seemed om-
The attorney general’s office nal districts exist under state law and some others have filed briefs inous only in hindsight.
filed arguments Monday on behalf and may be used for anything but supporting Butler’s lawsuit. The Rick Laude told The Associated Press on Mon-
of Secretary of State Michael Wat- congressional elections,” the state Health Department argued that day that he saw Warner standing at his mailbox less
son, attacking the premise of But- attorneys wrote. Initiative 65 seeks to transform than a week before Christmas and pulled over in his
ler’s lawsuit. Butler argues that the The Mississippi attorney gener- the department “into something it car to talk. After asking how Warner’s elderly moth-
initiative process in the Mississippi al’s office issued a legal opinion in is not,” even as the department is er was doing, Laude said he casually asked him, “Is
Constitution is outdated because 2009 saying that initiative sponsors stretched because of the coronavi- Santa going to bring you anything good for Christ-
it requires petitioners to gather an should collect signatures from the rus pandemic. mas?”
equal number of signatures from five congressional districts used “Rather than allowing the agen- Warner smiled and said, “Oh, yeah, Nashville
five congressional districts. in the 1990s. In September 2019, cy to focus its resources entirely and the world is never going to forget me,” Laude
Mississippi dropped from five then-Secretary of State Delbert on public health, it requires MSDH recalled.
congressional districts to four after Hosemann said the medical mar- to get in the business of appropria- Laude said he didn’t think much of the remark
the 2000 Census. Butler argues that ijuana initiative qualified for the tions, agriculture, packaging and and thought Warner only meant that “something
this creates a mathematical impos- ballot because petition sponsors transport, advertising, marketing good” was going to happen for him financially. He
sibility: With four districts, more had enough signatures from each and penalty schemes — just to was speechless when he learned that authorities
than one-fifth of the signatures of those five districts. name a few,” wrote attorneys repre- had identified Warner as the bomber.
must come from each. In a Dec. 8 filing with the Mis- senting the Health Department. “Nothing about this guy raised any red flags,”
Laude said.
As investigators continued to search for a motive,
body camera video released late Monday by Nash-
ville police offered more insight to the moments
leading up to the explosion and its aftermath.

Teen makes ‘hugging booths’ for nursing homes amid pandemic The recording from Officer Michael Sipos’ cam-
era captures officers walking past the RV parked
across the street as the recorded warning blares and
17-year-old’s Eagle Scout project allows ily members can book an
appointment to use them.
derbrand said. “That’s
mama. I’m her baby girl
then helping people evacuate after the thunderous
blast off camera. Car alarms and sirens wail as a
families to embrace loved ones safely Since the start of the
pandemic, those who
so that’s special, that police dispatch voice calls for all available person-
means a whole lot.” nel and people stumble through downtown streets
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that had to be separated have family members at Resident Kathleen littered with glass.
because of the virus, he the facility could only Griffin began crying with
YAZOO CITY — A wanted to do something have window visits with joy when she had the
Mississippi 17-year-old to help. their loved ones. chance to see and hold
created “hugging booths” Earlier this month,
Hugging booths are her youngest son.
for a local assisted living families had a chance to
structures made with a Stayce Allen, life en-
home as part of an Eagle try the booths for the first
Scout project so that fam- plastic sheet with arm- richment director at
ilies can embrace loved holes loved ones can use Gale Hilderbrand said Martha Coker Senior
ones safely during the to embrace. Williams it was the first time in Services, said seeing res-
coronavirus pandemic. built each booth himself. eight months she had idents use the booths was
Cooper Williams of One booth was donat- hugged her mother. “moving” and “uplifting”
Madison County told ed to each building within “We’ve been looking during a time that has
WLBT-TV that after see- Martha Coker Senior Ser- for this and been begging been difficult for many
ing so many families vices in Yazoo City. Fam- for it for a long time,” Hil- families.

Former Mississippi lawmaker dies with COVID-19 complications

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS She posted Monday that He did not seek re-elec- Democratic primary and
had died. tion in 2019, saying that then defeating a Repub-
JACKSON — A former Nolan Mettetal was a he and his wife wanted lican in the general elec-
Mississippi lawmaker pharmacist from Sardis. to spend more time with tion.
died Monday after being He was in the Mississip- their family. Kay Mettetal Republican Lt. Gov.
hospitalized with pneu- pi Senate from January was frequently at the Delbert Hosemann said
monia from COVID-19, 1996 to January 2012, Capitol with her husband Monday on Twitter: “No-
his wife said. then served eight years in during legislative ses- lan provided leadership
Nolan Mettetal was 75. the House in a district in- sions. for over 2 decades not
Kay Mettetal said in cludes parts of Lafayette, Nolan Mettetal was only on policy, but also
a Facebook post Dec. 23 Panola and Tallahatchie first elected as a Demo- on personal character/
that her husband was “in counties. He was chair- crat and became a Repub- statesmanship.”
the hospital in Oxford man of the House Univer- lican in early 2008. He
fighting with COVID sities and Colleges Com- switched parties months
pneumonia in both lungs.” mittee. after narrowly winning a


2 killed and baby injured in car-train killed or injured were in the Nissan Al-
tima. The baby was taken to a local hos-
crash in Mississippi pital.
HAT TIESBURG — Two adults were Forrest County deputy coroner Lisa
killed and a baby was injured in a colli- Klem told the Hattiesburg American on
sion between a car and an Amtrak train Monday that those killed were 21-year-
in Mississippi. old Adrian Cox and 19-year-old and Lex-
Hattiesburg Police Department iana Gholar. Both lived in Hattiesburg.
spokesman Ryan Moore said the acci- Information about the baby’s condi-
dent happened Saturday night. Those tion was not immediately available.

Continued from Page 1A
“It is imperative that we is essential to keeping the virus as of Sunday eve-
arm parents and families state’s schools and daycar- ning. The department also SOLUNAR TABLE
with the information need- es open. reported 28 new deaths, The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tue. Wed.
ed to prevent infection in “We all know the vital saying that 25 of them Major 12:13a 1:06a
themselves and their chil- nature of school for our occurred between Nov. Minor
dren,” Byers said. children developmentally, 12 and Dec. 20 and infor- Minor 8:08a 9:03a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
The study also said academically and social- mation was obtained later of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
that the “lack of consistent ly,” she said. from death certificates.
mask use” in schools led to The state Health De- The state has reported
some spread of the virus. partment reported Mon- 208,089 cases of the virus
Hobbs said protecting day that Mississippi had and 4,634 deaths from it The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
children from becoming 1,701 new confirmed cases since the start of the pan- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
infected with coronavirus of the highly contagious demic. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Points out China’s growing
strength during pandemic
In his recent letter to the editor,
Ghanshyam D. Heda hopes for more
information out of China where the
virus is claimed have originated. But
now, it is very surprising that China is
no more in the news when it comes to
this virus.
China has largely brought the
coronavirus under control with no
Unlike our President, who from the
beginning declared the virus to be a
“hoax” created by the Democrats to
hurt him in the election, the speed
of China’s response was the factor in
their successful control of COVID-19.
Wuhan was put under strict
lockdown for 76 days. Soon, similar
measures were implemented in every
city in Hubei province. Fourteen-thou-
sand health checkpoints were set up
at transportation hubs. Within weeks, BIDEN ADMINISTRATION
9 million people were tested in Wuhan

A controversial nominee for some, Biden’s HHS pick

alone. Other countries delayed their
response, like the U.S. and Trump,
and that meant they lost control.
China readily adopted mask wear-
ing, and compliance was very high.
Even in September, our president
treated Joe Biden wearing of a mask
offers a promising path forward for all Americans
as a weakness to be ridiculed. Because bible-pound- tweeted: people’s lack of access. African Ameri-
Profits at China’s industrial firms ing has become a favored “In Congress, I helped cans and Latinos are disproportionate-
grew robustly in November for the sev- tactic of politicians, it pass the Affordable Care ly dying.
enth straight month. Because China was only a matter of time Act. As California’s Attor- We need to fight for healthcare,
brought the virus under control, the before one of the cabinet ney General, I defended for the nation as a whole, even if that
economists claim it will shorten the choices of the incoming it. As Secretary of Health means setting aside personal beliefs.
time that China’s economy becomes Biden administration and Human Services, I will Raised Roman Catholic, I was in-
bigger than the U.S.’s by five years. would set off screeds of build on our progress and fluenced by my mother who struggled
There’s so much demand for contain- fire and brimstone. ensure every American has with multiple miscarriages and came
ers to ship products from China to the California Attorney access to quality, affordable to Catholicism through her marriage
U.S., that some companies are send- General Xavier Becerra health care - through this to my father. As she aged, began to in-
ing empty boxes back to Asia. has become the target. pandemic and beyond.” telligently analyze the faith’s practical
In the U.S., the only way we can Becerra has been nom- Mary Sanchez The point at the end of and impractical impact on families.
keep capitalism from crashing is to inated to be the Secretary the statement drew some She knew that some were highly
practice socialism with money we of Health and Human Services, a cru- better angels to stand up on Becerra’s stressed financially and emotionally
don’t have. cial role not only because of the pan- behalf. by having large families. There were
And we all remember in the pri- demic, but because president-elect Joe Catholic Health Association issued also the medical risks of repeated
mary Trump saying China was eating Biden will be focused on preserving their support, in statements and in pregnancies, particularly if the births
our lunch, because Bush and Obama and hopefully improving Obamacare, follow-up comments. came later in the life of the mother.
didn’t know how to negotiate with the Affordable Care Act. CHA noted that Becerra “has been She failed to see how preventing a
China, that he and his “art of the deal” Becerra, a Catholic, faces the a strong partner with CHA in de- pregnancy through contraception was
would change that. gauntlet of the finger-pointers, those fending the Affordable Care Act and anywhere near the same as ending a
After four years of Trump, our who question another’s sanctity, the for advocating for greater access to life by abortion.
deficit with China is the largest it fitness of their soul. quality, affordable health care cover- I believe this as well.
has been in 14 years. Now we know It’s due to abortion, Becerra’s role age for everyone, particularly the most The majority of Catholics in the na-
Trump’s art of the deal was all talk in defending Obamacare and his vulnerable.” tion, as evidenced in repeated polling
and no substance, just like the election support for the original exemptions it Given the massive imprint of Ca- by many different entities, share simi-
fraud: all talk and no proof. offered to religious non-profits regard- tholicism on health care in America, lar beliefs. Is this the often-mentioned
Since Trump can’t beat China eco- ing mandates to provide coverage for the statement is noteworthy. One in cafeteria Catholic in action?
nomically, it seems he wants to hold contraception, versus the far broader every seven U.S. patients is cared for Absolutely, it is choosing which of
them accountable by going to war with ones demanded in lawsuits. in a Catholic hospital, according to the the faith’s many rules coincide with
them, which would be even worse. The Federalist headline on the Association. personal feelings.
China is a no-win for Trump. pick: “Declaring War on Nuns, Biden Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, President But my mother also revered the
James Hodges to Nominate Becerra for HHS Secre- and CEO of the Association defined work of Little Sisters of the Poor and
Steens tary.” the support for Becerra to the National wanted any donations to charity upon
That’s a nod to the lawsuit Becerra Catholic Reporter saying, “There have her death to be received by them, a
A letter to the editor is an excellent participated in involving the Little Sis- been so many political battles over request that was granted.
way to participate in your community. ters of the Poor, which was among the the course of the past four years that To some, that might seem a contra-
We request the tone of your letters be nonprofits that challenged the Obama we really have not advanced much in diction. I think it’s honoring sacred
constructive and respectful and the administration and won in court. the area of health care. We know that work.
length be limited to 450 words. We The Washington Examiner lead no individual will have all of the same It’s in that spirit and the hope for a
reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, with “Xavier Becerra for HHS Means policy positions that we might have, healthier and more co-existing United
grammar and length. We welcome all Biden is Dead Serious About Sticking but we have to find common ground.” States that the support for Becerra’s
letters emailed to It to Religious Freedom.” She’s right. nomination is well-placed.
or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters Others called him “aggressively COVID-19 has morbidly showcased Readers can reach Mary Sanchez at
to the Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus, pro-abortion.” the flaws of our current health care and fol-
MS 39703-0511. Upon the announcement, Becerra systems, in particular lower income low her on Twitter @msanchezcolumn.

2020: America’s wake-up call
Who could have closed and emp- antifa and Black Lives Matter was almost painfully obvious in evoked only verbal protests.
predicted how ty, and scores of suddenly became, “Defund the his few public appearances. By year’s end, it was not
dreadful a year 2020 thousands of stores, Police!” That anti-cop slogan Another wake-up call to America warning China but
would be. bars and restaurants did for law enforcement reform how polarized we are came Beijing warning America that
By this New shuttered, many what rioters’ cries of “Burn, with an orgy of icon-smashing manifestations of political or
Year’s Eve, 19 never to open again. baby, burn!” did for the civil of statues and monuments, military solidarity with Taiwan,
million to 20 million Yet, in the same rights movement in the ‘60s. from Columbus to presidents and arms sales to the island,
Americans will have year, the Dow Jones By the time the fires burned Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, would constitute interference in
contracted a deadly Industrial Average out, Middle America was Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow the internal affairs of China —
virus in a pandemic broke every record, recoiling against the left for Wilson. as Taiwan belongs to China.
that exploded out of crossing the 30,000 indulging the anarchists and A large slice of America’s Suddenly, a great awaken-
China to carry off mark, again and denouncing Democratic leaders academic and intellectual elite ing about the character of the
333,000 Americans, Patrick J. Buchanan again, with the who refused to condemn the detests the men who created regime we have pampered with
one of every 1,000 NASDAQ and S&P rioting. and built the country America investment and trade for three
of us. 500 reaching new highs. Still, despite the pandemic, has become. Not a positive decades appeared stark.
As 2021 begins, Americans Thus, as tens of millions of the third of a million dead, omen for those who believe Unable to stand up to a
will be dying at the rate of Americans saw their savings the crash and the seemingly America has done great things, China in which they invested so
10,000 a week and contracting wiped out and had trouble mak- endless riots, President Donald greater than any nation, and many hopes, the American es-
the virus at a rate of more than ing rent payments and feeding Trump won 74 million votes, the can do them again. tablishment turns to Russia — a
1 million new cases a week. their families, some investors largest total of any president in As America was shaken by nation with one-tenth China’s
Yet, during that same year, saw their stock portfolios surge. history. And he held the Senate its vulnerability to a pandemic, population and one-tenth of its
miracles occurred. Vaccines Yes, Virginia, there are two for the Republicans and added the U.S. saw its warships and economy, and no army or navy
were created, tested and Americas. more than a dozen seats in the warplanes challenged in the to match Beijing’s — as its
mass-produced by Pfizer and On Memorial Day weekend, House. South and East China Seas adversary of choice.
Moderna that could, with 95% a white police officer in Minne- Yet, Joe Biden, who would be and Taiwan Strait by a China, But while President Vladimir
effectiveness, stop this virus apolis was taped kneeling for crushed in the Iowa caucuses which, admonished to allow Putin may fulfill well the role
cold. nine minutes on the neck of a and New Hampshire primary greater democracy in Hong of villain, his principal foreign
If Americans can reach Black suspect. and lose Nevada to Bernie Kong, proceeded to extinguish intervention in 2020 was to play
“herd immunity” — from Hours later, George Floyd Sanders, would be rescued by a the existing democracy there. the role of peacemaker in the
having caught and survived the would die, and his death would massive Black turnout in South And the world and the West did South Caucasus’ war between
virus or having been vaccinat- trigger protests against police Carolina. Revived, he would go nothing. Azerbaijan and Armenia.
ed against it — the COVID-19 brutality that quickly degen- on to win the Democratic nomi- Revelations that China was Patrick J. Buchanan, a
pandemic might be contained erated into radical and racial nation on the first ballot. running concentration camps in nationally syndicated columnist,
by the summer of 2021. rioting unseen since the 1960s. Sheltering in his basement its interior to “reeducate” Mus- was a senior advisor to presi-
Economically, the pandemic The arson, looting and through the fall, Biden would lim Uighurs in what it means to dents Richard Nixon, Gerald
caused the worst crash since attacks on police caused a run up a 7 million-vote victory be a patriot in a nation dominat- Ford and Ronald Reagan. His
the Great Depression with backlash that spread across the over Donald Trump, though his ed by Han Chinese and ruled by website is
scores of thousands of schools country when the demands of verbal and mental deterioration the Chinese Communist Party blog.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 5A

More COVID-19 vaccines in the pipeline as US effort ramps up

The Trump administration’s Operation Warp
Speed expects to have shipped 20 million Will COVID-19 vaccines work on the new coronavirus variant?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the U.S. also will do tests to be sure.
doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to Will COVID-19 vaccines work on the new
Viruses often undergo small changes as they
reproduce and move through a population. In
states by the beginning of January coronavirus variant? fact, the slight modifications are how scientists
Experts believe so, but they’re working to track the spread of a virus from one place to an-
BY LAURAN NEERGA ARD the shot — a different kind than confirm that. other.
AP Medical Writer its Pfizer and Moderna compet- A coronavirus variant in the United Kingdom But if a virus mutates significantly enough,
itors — really works and is safe. has caused alarm because of the possibility that one worry is that current vaccines might no
A huge U.S. study of anoth- “If you want to have enough it might spread more easily. But even if that longer offer as much protection. And although
er COVID-19 vaccine candidate vaccine to vaccinate all the peo- turns out to be true, experts say the COVID-19 that’s a possibility to watch for over time with
got underway Monday as states ple in the U.S. who you’d like to vaccines being rolled out will likely still work on the coronavirus, experts say they don’t believe it
continue to roll out scarce sup- vaccinate — up to 85 percent or the variant. will be the case with the variant in the U.K.
plies of the first shots to a na- more of the population — you’re Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious dis- “My expectation is, this will not be a problem,”
tion anxiously awaiting relief going to need more than two ease expert, said data coming from Britain indi- said Moncef Slaoui, the chief science adviser for
from the catastrophic outbreak. companies,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, cates the vaccines still will block the virus. But the U.S. government’s COVID-19 vaccine push.
Public health experts say the top U.S. infectious disease
more options in addition to the expert, told The Associated over the past few weeks. es of the Pfizer and Moderna more than 2.1 million vaccina-
two vaccines now being dis- Press on Monday. And the U.S. could be facing vaccines to states by the be- tions out of 11.4 million dos-
pensed — one made by Pfizer The coronavirus is blamed a terrible winter: Despite warn- ginning of January, fewer than es shipped — but the agency
and its German partner BioN- for about 1.8 million deaths ings to stay home and avoid oth- originally estimated to the knows that count is outdated. It
Tech, the other by Moderna — worldwide, including more ers over Christmastime, nearly frustration of states and health can take days for reports from
are critical to amassing enough than 330,000 in the U.S. This 1.3 million people went through officials trying to schedule the vaccine providers to trickle in
shots for the country and the has been the deadliest month the nation’s airports on Sunday, shots. and get added to the site.
world. of the outbreak in the U.S. yet, the highest one-day total since There is no real-time track- “Just because a vaccine ar-
The candidate made by with about 65,000 deaths in De- the crisis took hold in the U.S. ing of how quickly people are rives doesn’t mean we can put
Novavax Inc. is the fifth to cember so far, according to the nine months ago. getting the first of the two re- an on-the-spot clinic up and
reach final-stage testing in the COVID Tracking Project. The The Trump administration’s quired doses. As of Monday, running,” said Jenny Barta, a
United States. Some 30,000 vol- nation has repeatedly recorded Operation Warp Speed expects the Centers for Disease Control public health official in Carlton
unteers are needed to prove if more than 3,000 dead per day to have shipped 20 million dos- and Prevention had reports of County, Minnesota.

Ohio police officer fired in fatal shooting of Black man Mormon church sued for alleged
‘The evidence provided solid rationale shooting of Andre Hill is a Quinlan expedited role in Boy Scouts sex abuse
tragedy for all who loved the investigation and by- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
for termination. Mr. Coy will now have him in addition to the
community and our Divi-
passed procedure to file
two departmental charges PHOENIX — The Church of Jesus Christ of
to answer to the state investigators sion of Police.” alleging critical miscon- Latter-day Saints was hit with several lawsuits
Coy remains under duct against Coy in the Monday for allegedly covering up decades of
for the death of Andre Hill.’ criminal investigation for death of Hill. sexual abuse among Boy Scout troops in Ar-
Columubus, Ohio, Police Chief Thomas Quinlan last week’s shooting. “This is what account- izona, marking the latest litigation before the
The decision came ability looks like. The state’s end-of-year deadline for adult victims to
BY FARNOUSH AMIRI Columbus police offi- after Pettus concluded evidence provided solid sue.
Report for America/The cer Adam Coy was fired a hearing to determine rationale for termination,” The church “must be held accountable in
Associated Press hours after a hearing was whether the actions tak- Quinlan said after Coy’s order to bring healing and closure to Mormon
held to determine his em- en by Coy in the moments termination Monday af- victims of childhood sexual abuse,” Hurley
COLUMBUS, Ohio ployment, Columbus Pub- before and after the fatal ternoon. “Mr. Coy will McKenna & Mertz, a law firm that focuses on
— A white Ohio police lic Safety Director Ned shooting of Hill on Tues- now have to answer to the church sex abuse, said in a statement.
officer was fired Monday Pettus Jr. said in a state- day were justified. The state investigators for the In the seven lawsuits each representing sev-
after bodycam footage ment. public safety director up- death of Andre Hill.” en different male victims, attorneys say church
showed him fatally shoot- “The actions of Adam held the recommendation Members of the local officials never notified authorities about abuse
ing 47-year-old Andre Hill Coy do not live up to the of Police Chief Thomas Fraternal Order of Police allegations. Public records show members of
— a Black man who was oath of a Columbus Police Quinlan, who made a vid- attended the hearing on church-sponsored Boy Scout troops who were
holding a cellphone — officer, or the standards eo statement Christmas behalf of Coy, who was not abused would tell church bishops about what
and failing to administer we, and the community, Eve, saying he had seen in attendance, according they had experienced. The lawsuits allege bish-
first aid for several min- demand of our officers,” enough to recommend to a statement from Pet- ops would then tell the victims to keep quiet so
utes. the statement read. “The Coy be terminated. tus’ office. the church could conduct its own investigation.
6A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Get sunlight every day: Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for overall health, and sunlight is
one of our best sources of it. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day—preferably in the afternoon. Not
much sunlight in the winter where you live? It might be worth supplementing with a vitamin D supplement and/or
other food sources of this essential nutrient.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Reducing your risk for Type 2 tein levels and sity. So next in the next six to 12 months by at a far greater risk of diabetes
signs of insulin time you head getting back to her exercise and associated complications,
diabetes one bite at a time resistance. to the grocery routine and eating a healthy from heart woes and stroke to
In the 1984 comedy They found store, make diet. depression and dementia.
“Splash,” Madison, a mermaid that women up a shopping That’s fortunate, because So if you’ve gained weight
played by Daryl Hannah, finds on a Med- list without red a new study shows the longer during the pandemic or typical-
herself at a fancy restaurant style diet had and processed you’re overweight, the more ly gain weight in the winter-
on a date. She’s literally a lower levels of meats, eggs, damage you do to your car- time, make a commitment to
half-fish out of water, but when inflammation, full-fat dairy diovascular and metabolic shed a pound a week. You can
a steamed lobster arrives on were less likely or highly health — increasing your risk do that by eliminating 500
her plate, she gleefully picks it to be insulin processed of metabolic dysfunction and calories a day from your diet
up and takes a bite out of the resistant and foods. Check diabetes. and getting 10,000 steps a day
crustacean. slashed their Drs. Oz and Roizen out www. The study, published in Plos or the equivalent, plus at least
Mermaids shouldn’t be the risk of Type 2 One, looked at the body mass two days a week of strength
only females excited about diabetes by 30 for helpful and index, blood pressure and the training. You’ll reduce your
dining on this staple of the percent. A study published in tasty shopping lists based on cholesterol and glycated hemo- weight and reduce damage to
Mediterranean diet, which also Diabetes Care found adding Dr. Mike’s book “What to Eat globin (blood sugar) levels of your heart, brain and endo-
consists of omega-3 rich fish more olive oil along with wal- When.” 20,746 participants from age 10 crine system. Now that’s a
like anchovies and sardines, nuts and Brazil nuts to a Med- to 40. Researchers found that Happy New Year!
fruits, vegetables, legumes, iterranean diet could reduce folks who were obese for five or Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
whole grains, nuts and olive oil. the risk of Type 2 diabetes over Taking off new weight fewer years had an A1C (blood “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
A new study, published in four years by 52 percent. gain is heart smart glucose) level that was just 5 Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
JAMA Network Open, looked The Mediterranean diet is Renee Zellweger gained 30 percent higher than folks with Officer and Chair of Wellness
at more than 25,000 women also associated with a lower pounds to play Bridget Jones no years of obesity. But those Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
who were followed for over 20 risk of other chronic illnesses, in 2001, 2004 and 2014! Each who had been obese for 20 to To live your healthiest, tune
years. The researchers tracked such cardiovascular disease, time, after filming ended, she 30 years had a level that was 20 into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
their cholesterol and lipopro- Alzheimer’s disease and obe- returned to her normal weight percent higher — putting them

Continued from Page 1A
— two near Starkville, what we normally do.” Starkville also prohib- once you tell them, ‘Hey, an increase in those calls ly. Lee said people should
three in Columbus and Droughts in the sum- its the sale of fireworks you’re not supposed to this week. be careful to keep chil-
one each in West Point, mer also interfere with in the city, so Orbit’s two shoot fireworks in the Columbus Police De- dren and pets away from
Louisville and Macon — sales sometimes if cities locations in Oktibbeha city, please stop,’” Mc- partment issued only two fireworks, have a bucket
and Ninja Fireworks has a or counties issue a burn County are just outside Curdy said. “It’s very, fireworks citations during of water handy to put out
location in Columbus. ban, Lee said. city limits. very rare that you have the Fourth of July this any stray sparks and be
Both Lee and Turman “It’s a very risky busi- The Starkville Fire to go through with actual year compared to six last sure not to keep any fire-
said increased demand ness to be in because Department tickets or a court order.” year, Chief Fred Shelton works debris near a build-
for fireworks has driven we’re only open eight is responsi- Lowndes and Oktib- said, likely because the ing in case of accidental
prices up, but this has not days each season, so it’s ble for issu- beha counties have no city had a curfew at the fire.
deterred customers. an industry where you’re ing a court limitations on the use of time keeping people in- Lee encouraged safe-
Lee predicts a 20 to 30 only open 16 days a year, summons fireworks outside the cit- doors. CPD issued 16 ci- ty and caution in order to
percent increase in the and you’ve got the weath- to citizens ies. Oktibbeha County tations on New Year’s Eve enhance the celebration
sale and use of fireworks er to dance around,” he who use Sheriff’s Office responds last year. of the end of a hard year
on New Year’s Eve this said. fireworks in to calls of apparent shots Columbus’ fine for the and the anticipation of a
year unless bad weather The use of fireworks in- the city, but McCurdy fired that are actually just use of fireworks is $252. better one.
gets in the way. side the city limits of both Fire Mar- fireworks every Fourth of Turman emphasized “Especially after a
“It’s hard to shoot fire- Columbus and Starkville shal Mark McCurdy said July and New Year’s Eve, following the instructions pandemic year, everyone
works in the rain, and it’s is prohibited. Columbus the vast majority of viola- Capt. Brett Watson said, on the fireworks package should be wanting to get
going to rain on the 31st,” has an ordinance making tors stop as soon as the but he does not expect in order to use them safe- away from 2020,” he said.
Lee said. “We might not it illegal, and Starkville police give them a warn-
see that 30-percent (in- abides by the National ing and no citations are
crease). We might see Fire Protection Associa- issued.
a 30-percent drop from tion code. “Most people comply

Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff

To help keep pace with demand, the Larmours employ college and high school staff
who are off for winter break. The Larmours have 14 employees this year to help
them process deer from December through the end of February.

Deer processors
Continued from Page 1A
like a cycle. As soon as we low the mid-90s, when the how much you could buy.
clear cooler space, it fills harvest was consistently I think people still had
up. We stop taking in deer 300,000 or more. that in mind as the hunt-
when the coolers are full. If demand for their ing season started.”
That’s happening every services is any indicator, Lifelong Lowndes
week now.” Larmour said this year’s County resident Dale Par-
Based on what they harvest may even exceed ra has been deer hunting
have seen so far, both Lar- those numbers. for almost 60 years. He,
mour and Wilson expect “People are getting too, said he’s never before
to process more deer than frustrated,” Jack Larmour seen such difficulty in
ever before. said. “I had somebody having a deer processed.
Wilson said the most come and after I told him “It used to be much
deer her company has I couldn’t take his deer, he easier,” he said. “You nev-
ever processed in a sea- said he should open up his er even thought about it. I
son was 1,200. For the own deer-processing busi- don’t know how to account
Larmours, the figure is ness. I told him, ‘Fine. Get for that. I don’t know if
4,500. yourself $100,000 worth more people are hunting,
There are no statewide of equipment and a build- but I do know more deer
figures posted yet for this ing and have at it.’” are being brought in for
year’s deer harvest. Until Nancy Larmour said processing. I think peo-
this year, the Mississippi she and her husband have ple are prepping for hard
Department of Wildlife, thought about why the de- times, kind of like folks
Fisheries and Parks had a mand is so high this year. did in the Depression,
deer count program fund- ‘“I think it’s a combina- maybe.”
ed by the state. But in the tion of things,” she said. For those with deer
2019 legislative session, “With COVID, people are who can’t find a proces-
funding for 2020-21 was quarantined so they may sor, Nancy Larmour said
not approved. have more time to hunt. people should cut the
In 2019-20, the data Then, there’s the econom- deer into quarters and
showed a harvest of ic part. Back in March, keep it on ice.
221,000 deer statewide, hamburger was up to “That will buy you
up from 197,000 harvest- around $5.25 per pound some time until a spot
ed in 2018-19 but well be- and there was a limit on opens up,’” she said.

Bills earn first sweep of Patriots since ’99 with 38-9 win
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS since Bill Belichick’s first passing are the fewest by
season in 2000. a Patriots starting quar-
FOX BOROUGH, Allen was 27 of 36 for terback since 1993.
Mass. — Josh Allen 320 yards. He now has 34 The Bills had no
passed for four touch- touchdown passes, sur- trouble moving the ball
downs and the Buffalo passing Jim Kelly to set against a depleted Patri-
Bills became the first a franchise single-season ots defense that was miss-
AFC East foe to sweep record. With his eighth ing linebacker Ja’Whaun
the season series with the 300-yard game, he also Bentley and defensive
New England Patriots in surpassed Drew Bled- tackle Lawrence Guy,
two decades with a 38-9 soe’s single-season team who were inactive with
victory on Monday night. record of seven. shoulder injuries.
A week after unseating Stefon Diggs had nine Their absences were
the Patriots as AFC East catches for 145 yards most glaring in the pass-
division champions, the and three touchdowns, ing game. New England
win also keeps alive the setting a Bills single-sea- struggled to put pressure
Bills’ hopes of securing son record for receiving on Allen, allowing him
a top-three seed for the yards. time to find open receiv-
AFC playoffs. The Patriots struggled ers. The Patriots allowed
The Bills (12-3) last to move the ball for most a season-worst 474 yards
swept the Patriots in of the night with running total for the game.
1999. The last division back Damien Harris out The Patriots closed to
opponents to sweep the for the second straight 10-9 on Newton’s 9-yard David Butler II/USA TODAY Sports
Patriots were the Jets and game with an ankle injury. TD run in the second Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen (17) reacts after his touchdown pass against the
Dolphins in 2000. The Pa- Cam Newton had a touch- quarter, but Nick Folk New England Patriots in the second half of Monday night’s game at Gillette Stadium
triots’ 19 straight seasons down run but was just 5 missed the extra point in Foxborough, Mass. Allen finished 27 of 36 passing for 320 yards. He now has 34
without losing both games of 10 for 34 yards passing and the Bills pulled away touchdown passes, surpassing Jim Kelly to set a franchise single-season record.
to a divisional opponent before being pulled in the from there. With his eighth 300-yard game, he also surpassed Drew Bledsoe’s single-season
was an NFL record. New third quarter for backup Buffalo used its pass- team record of seven. The Bills beat the Patriots 38-9 to earn the first sweep of the
England (6-9) will finish Jarrett Stidham. ing game to march down season series of the Patriots by an AFC East opponent since 2000. New England
with its first losing record Newton’s 34 yards See NFL, 2B will have its first losing record since that season, Bill Belichick’s first as head coach.


releases 2019
pick Haskins Bulldogs hit the road to face Georgia to

Washington released
2019 first-round pick
Dwayne Haskins on Mon-
open 2020-21 conference schedule
day, less than 24 hours
after he committed three
turnovers in a loss to
Carolina and in the after-
math of another violation
of pandemic protocols.
Haskins started in
place of injured quar-
terback Alex Smith de-
spite being disciplined
for breaking COVID-19
rules by partying with
several people without
a mask. He was fined
$40,000 and stripped of
his captaincy, but coach
Ron Rivera opted to stick
with Haskins because
Smith was still injured
and he didn’t have anoth-
er established QB on the


Pats pick up a
pair of wins

Heritage Academy boys
Jim Lytle/Dispatch file photo
basketball team held off
Players like Tyson Carter won’t be available for Mississippi State this season as the Bulldogs open their SEC slate Wednesday at Georgia.
host Magnolia Heights UGA ranks in the top 20 nationally in tempo, offensive rebounding percentage and steal percentage. “It’s going to be a very formidable
48-46 on Monday at the opponent, and we’re going to have to play really well to have success on the road at Georgia on Wednesday,” coach Ben Howland said.
2020 Denny Brewer Me-
morial Classic in Senato- BY THEO DEROSA the nation’s top-ranked team. the friendly confines of Stege- possession crucial.
bia. So when Mississippi State man Coliseum in Athens. “We’ve got to handle the ball,
Trey Naugher scored (5-3) visits its fellow Bulldogs That doesn’t mean Howland take care of the ball, make good
16 points for the Patriots, STARKVILLE — Mississip- at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Athens, is ready to write off his foes, decisions with it,” Howland said.
and Mack Howard had pi State men’s basketball coach Howland knows what his team though. As of the end of MSU’s Despite Georgia’s excellence
13. Ben Howland has transitions on will be up against. win over Valley on Dec. 21, the in a few key areas, though,
Heritage Academy his mind. “It’s going to be a very formi- coach had yet to watch any film Wednesday’s matchup is far
will face Bayou Academy Not only is Howland prepar- dable opponent, and we’re going from Georgia’s first six games; from a mismatch. Mississippi
at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday as ing to lead the Bulldogs into to have to play really well to have he’s now watched quite a few. State slots in at No. 81 in the
the tournament contin- the grind of an 18-game South- success on the road at Georgia And what Howland has seen has KenPom rankings; Georgia is
ues. eastern Conference schedule — on Wednesday,” the coach said. left him impressed. just behind at 85th.
during a pandemic, no less — Howland’s Bulldogs have On Monday, apart from Geor- Howland stressed that get-
Heritage Aca. girls 40, but Mississippi State’s very first taken care of business in each gia’s willingness to get out and ting his key players fresh ahead
Tri-County Academy 35 SEC game will be an early test
of its strength and stamina as
of their past two games, wins of run (the Bulldogs’ tempo ranks of Wednesday’s game and the
CANTON — The 16 and 39 points against Central 19th in the country), Howland rest of the Bulldogs’ season will
Patriots girls came out the 2020-21 campaign rolls on. Arkansas and Mississippi Val- pointed to his opponents’ of- be paramount. He said he plans
with a 40-35 win over That’s because Georgia, the ley State, respectively. fensive rebounding rate of 38.6 to deploy an eight- or nine-man
Tri-County Academy on first opponent on the conference And though neither the percent, No. 11 in the nation. rotation, pointing to guards
Monday at the Canton slate for Howland’s maroon and Bears nor Delta Devils — the He noted that Georgia sits one Iverson Molinar and D.J. Stew-
Christmas Classic, host- white Bulldogs, has used a po- worst team in Division I, per spot ahead of Mississippi State art and forwards Tolu Smith and
ed by Canton Academy. tent transition offense to get out — is a world-beat- in total rebounding, something Abdul Ado as the team’s likely
Lucy Sharp led Her- to a 7-0 start. er, Georgia’s opponents thus that will be critical Wednesday minutes leaders going forward.
itage Academy with 15 “They’re coming at you so far this season have generally evening. With 18 SEC games and a
points, and Reagan Mer- hard,” Howland said during lacked quality, too. “We’ve got to do a great job Jan. 30 SEC/Big 12 Challenge
chant had 13. Emma Britt Monday’s media availability The best win for the red and of blocking them out,” Howland contest against Iowa State, the
had four, Chloe Boyd session. “They run the floor so black Bulldogs came Dec. 19 said. Bulldogs will certainly need to
and Taylor Wheeler had hard.” against Cincinnati, an 83-68 He also brought up the multi- be ready.
three, and Ellie Dawson Georgia pushes the ball hard Georgia win. But third-year ple defenses Crean and his staff “We’ve got a grueling 19-
had two. off both made shots and misses, coach Tom Crean’s team hasn’t employ: a zone (that can fea- game schedule ahead of us
Heritage Academy’s taking 34.5 percent of its field played anyone near the level of ture the occasional trap), man- against really good teams night
next game is at noon goal attempts in transition — the Bearcats, KenPom’s No. 77 to-man and a rare but effective in, night out, and having stami-
Wednesday against host good for No. 13 in the country, team; Georgia’s next-best win is press. Georgia ranks 10th in na and keeping ourselves fresh
Canton Academy as the one spot behind the unstoppable against No. 147 Montana. Plus, the country in steal percentage, will be very important to having
tournament continues. offensive force that is Gonzaga, all seven games have been in making each Mississippi State success,” Howland said.
2B TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Lawrence, Fields land on title stage after lobbying to play

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS season amid the corona- of Floyd’s death. fect on the college level,” pects. downs, was named the
virus pandemic. College — In August, Law- Lapchick said. Lawrence signed with ACC player of the year
There has never been athletes were angered rence and Fields were The quarterbacks’ ef- Clemson, where he’s won and Heisman Trophy fi-
any doubt about the foot- by the deaths of George among those who start- forts had an impact: The a national title, three ACC nalist.
ball abilities of Clemson’s Floyd, Breonna Taylor ed the “#WeWantToPlay” Atlantic Coast Confer- crowns and gone 34-1 as a Fields has struggled
Trevor Lawrence and Jus- and others. They also movement that even ence opened play in Sep- starter. at times to find his 2019
tin Fields of Ohio State. were disheartened and caught the ear of First tember while the Big Ten Fields, after a bumpy
Their youth quarterback form when he threw for
confused by questions Fan, President Donald reversed course and start- first year at Georgia,
coach could see the pow- if they would or should Trump, who spoke with ed in mid-October. Now, transferred to Ohio State 41 touchdowns and just
er arms, nimble feet and play as the virus raged Lawrence by phone. the two signal callers are where the Buckeyes have three interceptions. He’s
accurate decision-making throughout the country. — When the Big Ten a victory away from the gone 19-1 with him as the passed for 1,521 yards
when they were budding Both steadied their Conference initially national title game. starter. The lone loss: A with 15 touchdowns and
Georgia prep stars. teammates and gave fans called off its fall season, Lawrence won his drama-filled 29-23 Clem- five interceptions. He
Ron Veal also saw the something to rally around Fields created an on- third ACC championship son win at the Fiesta Bowl also injured his thumb in
character and resolve in through their words and line petition to play that as a starter, throwing for in CFP semifinals. the Big Ten title game,
Lawrence and Fields. actions, Veal said. gained 300,000 signers two touchdowns and run- Lawrence entered his although Buckeyes coach
“Both were mostly qui- “They were leaders in less than a week. “We ning for a third as the sec- junior year as the likely Ryan Day said Fields will
et, taking everything in” when their teams needed wanted to come together ond-ranked Tigers (10-1; overall No. 1 NFL draft be fine to face Clemson.
as rising Georgia prep them,” he said. and have a voice so people No. 2 CFP) routed Notre pick while Fields is pro-
“I just have to be bet-
quarterbacks, Veal said in The actions Lawrence who are making decisions Dame 34-10 two weeks jected to go a few spots
a phone interview. “Until ter, and that’s that,” Fields
and Fields took often can hear,” Fields said. ago. later, possibly as high as
it was time to speak up.” landed them in the spot- The kind of player Lawrence is pleased No. 2. Both could’ve eas- said after the Northwest-
The quarterbacks felt light: activism Lawrence and with his play but isn’t sat- ily opted out without im- ern win. “I’m not trying to
it was time during the off- — In June, Lawrence Fields demonstrated is isfied. pacting their NFL futures make excuses.”
season, and now they’ll was among Clemson one of the most positive “I have goals for myself even though the Tigers Lawrence has no re-
square off in the College players who organized a things to come out of the and for my team,” he said. and Buckeyes were both grets about his choices in
Football Playoff semifi- march for social justice pandemic, said research- “I want to put us in the expected to challenge this strangest of seasons.
nals when Clemson takes near campus. er Richard Lapchick, who best position to win.” again for the national title. He’s grateful he stayed
on Ohio State in the Sug- — Fields and team- heads the The Institute Ohio State (6-0; No. 3 “That’s not what the course and found
ar Bowl on Friday night. mates put out a powerful of Diversity and Ethics in CFP) topped Northwest- they’re about,” Veal said. strength to rally others to
It was their off-field video for social change Sports at UCF. ern for its fourth consec- It hasn’t been easy. play.
actions that helped set up with social media hastags, Lapchick said player utive Big Ten crown. Lawrence missed two
“I became a better per-
the the showdown. “ # B l a c k L i ve s M a t t e r,” voices can cause change Lawrence played at games after testing pos-
Lawrence and Fields and “#FightForChange.” and determine who Cartersville High in Geor- itive for COVID-19 in son,” Lawrence said. “I’ve
spoke out on social jus- Fields was part of a cam- schools hire to lead foot- gia while Fields was about October, including Clem- learned a lot about myself
tice issues and were out- pus demonstration where ball and basketball teams. 20 miles South at Harri- son’s lone loss at Notre about, who I want to be,
spoken to ensure players’ Ohio State players, stu- “It has an affect on so- son High in Kennesaw, Dame, 47-40 in double just all those things. Obvi-
views were heard in dis- dents and staff knelt for ciety in general and it’s becoming the nation’s top overtime. He’s passed for ously, I want that to end in
cussions about having a nine minutes in the wake also going to have an ef- college quarterback pros- 2,753 yards and 22 touch- a good way football-wise.”


No. 21 Minnesota beats bad-shooting No. 17 Mich. St.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and a determined team,” Robbins said. offseason, Minnesota has made the coach Tom Izzo said.
“It just shows this group is just willing to most of this pandemic. Robbins, the 7-foot transfer from
MINNEAPOLIS — Three days after do anything to get it done.” “We try to spend as much time as Drake, held his own against Iowa star
surging back to beat Iowa in overtime Marcus Carr scored 19 points with possible together,” Johnson said. “Our Luka Garza and found more room to
behind a stream of 3-pointers, Minneso- five assists, as the Gophers (9-1, 2-1) bond, it grows every game.” roam with a 3-inch edge on Michi-
ta followed with a decisive victory over never trailed the sputtering Spartans Aaron Henry had 11 points and three gan State’s Joey Hauser. Robbins hit a
Michigan State on the strength of a sti- — who missed 52 of 70 field goal tries assists for paltry team highs as the Spar- 3-pointer on the opening possession,
fling defense. — and outrebounded them 52-36. This tans (6-3, 0-3) hit their first 0-3 start in mixed in a handful of successful soft
The Gophers have made their case to was Minnesota’s largest margin of victo- conference play in 19 years. They lost hooks and showed off his passing skill
be included in the crowd of contenders ry ever over Michigan State, matching last week to Northwestern and Wis- with a slick high-low feed to Gach for a
in this loaded Big Ten. a Jan. 4, 1997 game later vacated by the consin, two of the record nine Big Ten layup and a three-point play after a foul
Liam Robbins had 18 points, nine re- NCAA. teams that landed in the latest Associat- on Hauser that gave the Gophers a 46-21
bounds and three blocks, helping No. 21 Despite three transfers — Robbins, ed Press poll. lead.
Minnesota beat No. 17 Michigan State Brandon Johnson and Both Gach — in “We don’t have great leadership. That “That’s my guy. He had this type of
81-56 on Monday night while holding the the starting lineup and a freshman get- doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just hard to performance in him,” Johnson said. “He
Spartans to 25.7% shooting. ting sixth man minutes — point guard find one of those alpha dogs. I’ve had just had to relax, find his tempo of the
“It confirmed that we’re a tough team Jamal Mashburn Jr. — out of a limited four or five of them my whole career,” game, and pick his spots.”

Continued from Page 1B

the field on the ensuing yards for the touchdown Bower left in the first
drive. Allen completed 5 to make it 24-9. quarter with a neck injury.
of 7 throws for 59 yards The Allen-Diggs con- … LB Josh Uche exited in
and a 4-yard TD to Lee nection worked again on second quarter with a foot
Smith. the opening drive of the injury. … LB Terez Hall
After a quick three- second half. Allen found left in the third quarter
and-out by New England, Diggs three times during with an ankle injury. … S
the Bills went right back an eight-play, 75-yard Devin McCourty exited
to work. drive that ended with an in the third quarter with
Allen misfired on his 18-yard TD play by the a shoulder injury. … C
first pass of the drive, star receiver. David Andrews left in the
and then connected with third quarter with a calf
Diggs for 17 yards to get Injuries injury. … RG Shaq Mason
the ball to midfield. Diggs Bills: S Jordan Poyer exited in the third quarter
got free again on the next was helped off field late in with a foot injury. ... LB
play, slipping behind J.C. second quarter to be eval- Anfernee Jennings left in
Jackson on a slant and uated for a head injury. the fourth quarter with an
sprinting the final 32 Patriots: DE Tashawn undisclosed injury.

Continued from Page 1B
“My time with the who hadn’t played in the tried not to let his tumul-
WFT has unfortunately NFL since 2018. Rivera tuous week of attending
come to an end,” Haskins was asked what he’d like his girlfriend’s birthday
tweeted. “I thank the team to see from Haskins in the party with several people
& fans for the opportuni- next week and responded, not wearing masks, pho-
ty to play for the team I “Just improvement.” tos surfacing on social
grew up rooting for. I take That will have to come media, apologizing to
full responsibility for not elsewhere. He has some coaches and teammates,
meeting the standards of tools to succeed in the being fined and losing his
an NFL QB & will become pros, but hasn’t been able captaincy affect his play.
a better man & player be- to put it all together in 16 But he was clearly down
cause of this experience.” appearances. in the dumps and despon-
Rivera said Monday “You watch his talent, dent in a postgame video
morning either Smith or and you see the arm,” call he did after driving
Taylor Heinicke would Rivera said. “That’s the home from the stadium.
start the regular-season thing that I think is his “It was definitely the
finale at Philadelphia with most redeeming quality hardest week of my life,”
the NFC East title on the as a quarterback, which I
Haskins said. “I’m just
line. It was clear Rivera think is probably the most
going to bounce back and
was done with Haskins, important thing.”
move forward, pray and
whom he had shuffled to But it’s far from the
get my life together.”
the bottom of the depth only thing, his off-field be-
Washington’s previous
chart for the second time havior outweighed his po-
this season. tential. A favorite of own- regime drafted Haskins
“Sometimes you have er Dan Snyder’s from his 15th overall in 2019, the
to hit rock bottom before time at a Washington-ar- third QB taken after Kyler
you can dig your way back ea high school, Haskins Murray and Daniel Jones.
out of it,” Rivera said. “I missed the final play of He finishes his time with
hope he learns from these his first NFL victory last the organization 3-10 as
experiences. Hopefully, year while taking a photo the starter, including
they’ll make him stronger with a fan in the stands, 1-5 this season, with 12
and they’ll help him and, disappeared from prac- touchdowns and 14 inter-
hopefully, when he gets tice with a mysterious ill- ceptions.
his next opportunity, he’ll ness after being benched The team’s last first-
make the best of it.” and demoted in October round QB bust, Robert
Haskins was 14 of 28 and twice violated rules Griffin III, tweeted Mon-
with two interceptions for conduct in the middle day: “Wishing the best for
and a fumble against the of a pandemic. (Haskins). You are only
Panthers before being The 23-year-old Ohio 23! Learn from this and
benched for Heinicke, State product said he bounce back.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 3B

Alabama’s Jones, Smith, Harris lead 6 Tide AP All-Americans

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Surtain II gives the Crim- Dickerson, senior, Ala- emiah Owusu-Koramoah, Tackles — Liam Ends — Jaelen Phil-
son Tide six first-team se- bama. senior, Notre Dame; Jo- Eichenberg, senior, Notre lips, senior, Miami; Pat-
Heisman Trophy final- lections, the most in the Tight end — Kyle Pitts, seph Ossai, junior, Texas. Dame; Christian Darri- rick Jones, senior, Pitt.
ists Mac Jones and DeVon- nation. junior, Florida. Cornerbacks — Pat- saw, junior, Virginia Tech. Tackles — Alim Mc-
ta Smith have been se- The 2020 AP All-Amer- Receivers — DeVonta rick Surtain II, junior, Guards — Cain Mad- Neil, junior, North Caroli-
lected to The Associated ica team: Smith, senior, Alabama; Alabama; Shaun Wade, den, junior, Marshall;
na State; Haskell Garrett,
Press All-America team, Elijah Moore, junior, Mis- senior, Ohio State. Kenyon Green, sopho-
leading a contingent of senior, Ohio State.
sissippi. more, Texas A&M.
five Alabama players on First team All-purpose player —
Safeties — Talanoa
Center — Tyler Linder- Linebackers — Mike
Offense Hufanga, junior, Southern
the first-team offense. Travis Etienne, senior, baum, sophomore, Iowa. Rose, junior, Iowa State;
Quarterback — Mac California; Brandon Jo-
Crimson Tide running Clemson. Tight end — Hunter Nik Bonitto, sophomore,
Jones, junior, Alabama. seph, redshirt freshman,
back Najee Harris, tack- Kicker — Jose Borre- Long, junior, Boston Col- Oklahoma; Nick Bolton,
Running backs — Na- Northwestern.
le Alex Leatherwood and gales, senior, Miami. lege. junior, Missouri.
jee Harris, senior, Ala- Punter — Pressley
center Landon Dickerson Receivers — Jaelon Cornerbacks —Tre’Vi-
bama; Breece Hall, soph- Harvin III, senior, Geor-
are also first-team selec- Defense Darden, senior, North us Hodges-Tomlinson,
omore, Iowa State. gia Tech.
tions. No. 1 Alabama is Ends — Rashad Weav- Texas; Jonathan Adams sophomore, TCU; Ahmad
the first team since 1980, Tackles — Brady er, senior, Pitt; Tarron Jr., senior, Arkansas
Christensen, junior, BYU; Second team Gardner, sophomore, Cin-
when the AP All-America Jackson, senior, Coastal State.
Alex Leatherwood, se- Offense cinnati.
team began featuring two Carolina. All-purpose player —
wide receivers and two nior, Alabama. Quarterback — Kyle Safeties — Trevon
Tackles — Daviyon Kadarius Toney, senior,
running backs, to place Guards — Aaron Nixon, junior, Iowa; Dari- Trask, senior, Florida. Florida. Moehrig, junior, TCU;
a quarterback, running Banks, senior, Notre us Stills, senior, West Vir- Running backs — Jaret Kicker — Cade York, James Wiggins, senior,
back and receiver on the Dame; Wyatt Davis, ju- ginia. Patterson, junior, Buffalo; sophomore, LSU. Cincinnati.
first team. nior, Ohio State. Linebackers — Zaven Javonte Williams, junior, Punter — Lou Hedley,
Cornerback Patrick Center — Landon Collins, junior, Tulsa; Jer- North Carolina. Defense junior, Miami.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: have both be- behaved and don’t cause any
I have been trayed the trust problems.
married for of their spouses. However, we have a new
19 years now. A That he would employee, “Michelle,” who has
few years back, expect you to do started bringing her 4-year-old
I came to know something in bed with her. The child, I’ll call her
about my hus- that he knows Autumn, is in her mother’s of-
band’s platonic she is doing is fice, but she’s so loud, she can
relationship with substituting your be heard all the way across
his old girlfriend. body for hers, the building! I thought surely
She lives in a and frankly, it Michelle would close her office
different state strikes me as door and contain Autumn’s
ZITS and is married. another form of “jolly” voice inside her own
My husband cheating. Obscur- area, but she seems perfectly
has long chats ing her name in happy to let her daughter make
with her every day his contact file as much noise as she wants.
about everything, Dear Abby illustrates that he I don’t understand this.
including our sex has no intention Other parents make sure their
life. I confronted of ending their kids behave and act appropri-
him and asked him to end their relationship. ately. What can I do to let Mi-
relationship because knowing You feel cheated on be- chelle and my supervisor know
that he wants me to do some- cause you HAVE been cheated that while yes, she can bring
thing in bed because his friend on. It will continue as long as her child with her, it’s still her
does it bothers me a lot. He you allow it. Because you’re responsibility to make sure the
promised at the time that he afraid you will take a wrong kid isn’t creating a distraction?
wouldn’t talk or chat with her step, start quietly gathering — TIRED OF THE NOISE
GARFIELD anymore, and I trusted him. all the financial information DEAR TIRED OF THE NOISE:
A few weeks ago, I discov- you can and talk with several I do not think it would be
ered that he still chats with her lawyers before deciding which prudent to talk about this with
every day, and he changed her one will work hardest to protect Michelle, which is sure to make
name in his contact list to hide your interests and proceed her defensive. You should,
his relationship. I feel cheated from there. however, inform your supervi-
on, and I want to end this mar- DEAR ABBY: Due to COVID sor that because Michelle’s
riage. Please help me. I don’t shutting schools down, my em- door is left open, her daugh-
want to make a wrong step. — ployer is now allowing staff to ter’s “jolly” voice is creating
BETRAYED IN FLORIDA bring their kids to work if they a distraction. If it has been
DEAR BETRAYED: A cou- don’t have alternative child causing a problem for you, the
ple’s sex life is supposed to be care. I bring my 8-year-old, and chances are it is doing the
private. Your husband and his I have seen many other kids same for other employees and
supposedly platonic “friend” around. Most of them are well reducing productivity.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. the deal. leaning changes the balance,
29). You’d rather have one TAURUS (April 20-May 20). and into magnanimity you’ll
authentic exchange than a Without grace, beauty doesn’t topple.
hundred generic gestures. The breathe; ornamentation doesn’t LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll
gems of your year will be just sparkle. With grace, bad ideas be asked to make a judgment,
the sort of wonderful events pass for brilliant; the mundane and you really don’t have to. A
that thrill and fortify you. Ever becomes magical. What exactly stance of no stance keeps you
the cheerleader, you’ll use your is grace? Whatever it is, you in a perfect position. You can
airtime to promote others, and have it today. say very little, keep the mood
you’ll thrive in spite of this — GEMINI (May 21-June light and move on swiftly.
or, more likely, because of it! 21). Even though you think it’s VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Gemini and Leo adore you. Your obnoxious to draw attention to Work absorbs and excites you.
lucky numbers are: 40, 3, 22, your work, attributes and good You’ll make a difference and
BABY BLUES 12 and 18. deeds, the fact is that unless have an impact. These are the
ARIES (March 21-April 19). you are seen exemplifying a sorts of efforts that make time
Someone wants you to make quality, they will not understand speed. You’ll be happy for the
a change from your standard who you are. Don’t do it for ego. puzzles that make everything
terms, and if you bend, he or Do it for clarity. stop for a minute.
she will, too. There is a place CANCER (June 22-July 22). LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
to meet — perhaps not in the You’ll lean toward acts of gal- 23). The uphill climb won’t
middle, exactly, but you’ll still lantry, nobility, high character, be safe until after the thaw.
be better off for having made forgiveness, generosity. This But wouldn’t it be silly to wait
around? Since that won’t get
you there at all, there’s no glory
in taking that route. Go easy.
Actually, it’s the only open route
right now.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
BEETLE BAILEY Right now it’s a little hard to
get people to give you what you
need, maybe because you’re
not entirely clear on it. Explore
the topic. Ask yourself the sharp
21). To complain always brings
someone discredit. There’s a
lot else to try before it comes to
that. Offer a solution if you can.
Another way is to praise the way
someone else did it and see if
others don’t follow suit.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
MALLARD FILLMORE 19). What you admire in others
you can cultivate in yourself.
This will eliminate the need for
you to carry around the kind of
heavy energy that comes from
wanting things from people.
Self-sufficiency is incredibly
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You have friends in pow-
erful places. Though you rarely
ask anything of these connec-
tions, it’s a secure feeling to
know that if you needed to, you
could. Still, the best security
FAMILY CIRCUS is knowing you have your own
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Maybe you don’t complete-
ly judge a book by its cover, but
you do get a pretty good idea
about what language it’s written
in, what era it comes from and
more. Today, you’ll use every
hint you can get!

From now on
4B TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH In addition to her
Bobby Harcrow Waymon Tilley
OBITUARY POLICY parents, she is survived Beloved husband, father, Waymon Earl Tilley, 77, of Ethelsville, AL
Obituaries with basic informa-
by her children, Jaylen and grandfather, Bobby Har- ,passed away Saturday, December 26, 2020, at
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided free Williams and Kash crow, 75, passed away Wednes- Baptist Memorial Hospital – Golden Triangle,
of charge. Extended obituaries Mandel; and stepfather, day, December 23, 2020, at his Columbus, MS.
with a photograph, detailed Jonathan Parnell. home. A graveside service will be Tuesday, Decem-
biographical information and Memorials may be A funeral service was held ber 29, 2020, at 11:00 AM at Forest Cemetery,
other details families may wish made to St. Jude Chil- Monday, December 29, 2020, Ethelsville, AL, with Rev. Linda Shelton officiat-
to include, are available for a dren’s Research Hospi- at 2:00 PM at Lighthouse Bap- ing, and Lowndes Funeral Home directing.
fee. Obituaries must be sub-
tal, 501, St. Jude Place, tist Church, Columbus, MS, Mr. Tilley was born December 1, 1943, in Co-
mitted through funeral homes
unless the deceased’s body
Memphis, TN, 38105. with Bro. Chris Rutledge and lumbus, MS. Poppa was a lifetime member of the
has been donated to science. Rev. James Black officiating. A Forest Community and Forest UMC. He was al-
If the deceased’s body was Frank Whisler visitation was one hour before the service. Inter- ways eager to help his family, friends, and neigh-
donated to science, the family STARKVILLE — ment followed at Friendship Cemetery, Colum- bors in any way he could. He adored his wife and
must provide official proof of
Frank Duane Whisler, bus, MS, with Lowndes Funeral Home directing. family and loved working on his farm with his
death. Please submit all obitu-
86, died Dec. 22, 2020. Bobby was born on March 24, 1945, to the late cattle and equipment.
aries on the form provided by Earl McKinley Harcrow and Bertha Harcrow, in Mr. Tilley is survived by his wife, Vera Cook
The Commercial Dispatch. Free Celebration of Life
notices must be submitted to services will be held Lowndes County, MS, and graduated from Liber- Tilley, Ethelsville, AL; his son, Joseph E. Tilley;
the newspaper no later than 3 at Starkville Church of ty High School in 1963. He served in the Missis- daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Jim Ray; and
p.m. the day prior for publica- Christ. Burial will be sippi Army National Guard for six years. Bobby grandson, J.D. Ray II.
tion Tuesday through Friday; held at a later date at married Thretha Yearby on October 7, 1967. He Memorials may be made to Forest United
no later than 4 p.m. Saturday
the Wedestown, West served roles in many work environments – Hum- Methodist Church, Cemetery Fund, 189 County
for the Sunday edition; and no
Virginia Cemetery. boldt Products for 13 years, Federal Aviation for Road 89, Ethelsville, AL 35461.
later than 7:30 a.m. for the 7 years, Weyerhaeuser maintenance technician
Welch Funeral Home of Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home
Monday edition. Incomplete no-
tices must be received no later Starkville is in charge of for 30 years where he retired in 2013. He loved
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday arrangements. music, reading books, gardening, fishing, and
through Friday editions. Paid Mr. Whisler was Alabama football. Bobby mostly loved watching
his son Todd grow up playing sports, coaching

Elizabeth Holder
notices must be finalized by 3 born Nov. 20, 1934, in
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Burton, West Virginia, several of his Propst Park teams, and enjoying
Monday through Thursday; and
to Robert and Mildred spending time with his grandsons. Bobby was
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church for 20
Liming Whisler. He was
and Monday publication. For
years, where he loved being a part of the develop- Elizabeth Ann Holder, age
more information, call 662- a graduate of Morgan-
ment of a blossoming young church. 83, a resident of Fairhope,
328-2471. town High School,
In addition to his parents, Bobby was preced- AL, passed away Tuesday,
WVU and the Univer-
ed in death by his daughter, Lisa Maria; 2 broth- December 22, 2020.
sity of Illinois. He was
Hattie Davis formerly employed with ers; and 3 sisters. She was a member of First
MACON — Hattie Bobby is survived by his wife of 53 years, Baptist Church, Fairhope,
USDA-ARS, with the
Davis, 73, died Dec. 28, Thretha Harcrow; son, Todd (Laurie) Harcrow; where she was active in the
U.S. Water Laboratory
2020, at Baptist Memo- grandsons, Cayden and Cooper Harcrow; and a Sunday School Class.
and as a scientist and
rial Hospital-Golden host of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death
professor in the field by her husband, Thomas
Triangle. Pallbearers will be Dylan Fullilove, Larry Full-
of Soil Physics in the Virgil Holder; and brother, Joe
Arrangements are ilove, Tim McDill, Jerry McDill, Robert Clay, and
Plant and Soils Science McDaniel.
incomplete and will be Bob Johnson.
Department of MSU. Her survivors include her daughter, Sharon
announced by Carter’s Honorary pallbearers will be members of
He is survived by his (Rick) Williams of Fairhope; son, Jerry (Betty)
Funeral Services of Lighthouse Baptist Church along with David and
wife, Ethel A. Fairchild Holder of Gulf Shores; brothers, Wesley
Macon. Michelle Miller, Ron and Angela Koch, and Hoot
Whisler; children, Eldon McDaniel of Coffeeville, MS and Billy McDaniel
N. Whisler of Starkville, and Sharron Garriga.
Memorials may be made to Lighthouse Bap- of Gore Springs, MS; sister, Doris Kent of Webb,
Monique Spohn Robyn Beal of Van-
tist Church, 5030 Hwy 182 East, Columbus, MS MS; other relatives and friends.
COLUMBUS — Mo- cleave, Eric W. Whisler
39702. Graveside services will be held Tuesday,
nique Denay Spohn, 30, of Nashville, Tennes- December 29, 2020, at 1:30 PM at the Alabama
Compliments of
died Dec. 11, 2020, in
see, Kirk B. Whisler
of Macon, Georgia and
Lowndes Funeral Home State Veteran’s Cemetery, Spanish Fort, Alabama. Due to Alabama State Veteran’s Cemetery’s
A private service Helena Goodyear of flower restrictions, please make donations to
will be held at a later San Antonia, Texas; 13

Ralph Taylor
Parkinson’s Association of Alabama at www.
date. Lowndes Funeral grandchildren; and 19
Home of Columbus is in great-grandchildren.
charge of arrangements. Memorials may be Paid Obituary - Wolfe-Bayview Funeral
Ms. Spohn was born made to Oktibbeha Ralph Thomas Taylor, 74, of Shuqualak, MS, Homes & Crematory Inc.
Nov. 25, 1990, in Cali- Regional Medical Cen- passed away Tuesday, December 22, 2020, at
fornia, to Terry Spohn ter, 400 Hospital Road, Baptist Medical Hospital in Jackson, MS.

Dr. Michael Henry

and Michelle Dinger Starkville, MS, 39759. A graveside service was held Monday,
Parnell. See OBITUARIES, 5B December 28, 2020, at Butler Cemetery in
Shuqualak, MS, with Bro. Gerald Butler and Bro.

Gary Miller
Jared Glover officiating. Memorials may be made Michael Alan Henry, MD
to Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church, P.O. Box passed away in Starkville,
474, Shuqualak, MS 39361 or Shriners Hospital Mississippi, on December 19,
for Children, 2900 Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, FL 2020, at the age of 69. He was
Gary Miller, 73, of Macon, MS, passed away
33607. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to be a beloved father, physician,
at Rush Hospital in Meridian, on Wednesday,
entrusted with arrangements. PoppaDoc, and friend.
December 23, 2020.
Ralph Thomas Taylor was born on April Mike Henry was born July
A memorial service was held at Salem
23, 1946, to Baker and Rosalie Thomas Taylor. 22, 1951, to Jesse Richard and
Cemetery, near Macon, on Saturday, December
He was the fifth of five children. He attended Nathalia Rose Forbes Henry
26, 2020, with Bro Sean Greer officiating.
Shuqualak Elementary School and high school at in Louisiana. He grew up the
Memorials may be made to Concord Baptist
Noxubee County High School. Ralph joined the middle child of a military family
Church, c/o Kay Papas, 187 West St., Macon,
U.S. Navy in 1967 and served until August of 1971. and spent his formative years stationed across the
MS 39341. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is
On February 16, 1968, he married his soulmate, pond in England, a country he would always hold
honored to have been entrusted with the service
Betty Jean Presley, at Butler Pentecostal Church dear. Just after returning stateside, he graduated
near Shuqualak. After returning home from the from Gosnell High School in Blytheville, AR.
James Gary Miller was born on December
military, he worked in the road construction He continued his education at Louisiana State
31, 1946, to the late Thurston and Johnnie Nell
business until 1990 when he purchased what University where he earned a BS in Zoology,
Sanders Miller. He was a graduate of Noxubee
became Taylor Supply, Inc., auto parts business enlisted in Air Force ROTC, and earned an MS
High School and East Mississippi Junior College
in Shuqualak. Ralph sold Taylor Supply in 2015 in Physiology. He then attended the Tulane
and was a member of the U.S. Army National
after twenty-five years. Upon selling the store, University School of Medicine, graduating in
Guard from 1966 until 1980.
he went to work for Tanner Farms as a heavy 1979. During his time at Tulane, Mike belonged
He married the love of his life, Lynn Hightower,
equipment operator which he loved doing. His to a small but distinguished group of medical
on June 21, 1967 and began working at Four
health began to deteriorate in his seventies, students known as the Tulane Piemen. After
County Electric Power Association in 1975. In
and he was forced to slow down. Ralph was a completing his residency in General Surgery at
January, 1980 Gary suffered a terrible accident at
wonderful and loving husband and father. He Tulane, Dr. Henry was assigned to Columbus
work that left him a triple amputee. After suffering
enjoyed fishing and most anything outdoors. AFB in Columbus, MS.
these terrific injuries that would have defeated
His happiest times were the times he spent with After leaving the Air Force, Dr. Henry
many other men, with God’s help, Gary attacked
his family. Ralph was a faithful member of Soul practiced medicine in the Golden Triangle
his disability with a determination to overcome
Harbor Pentecostal Church in Shuqualak and area for 35 years as a General Surgeon and an
his disabilities and not let them define his life.
personally helped build their new sanctuary and Emergency Room Physician. He loved his work
Each day was a struggle, but his determination
fellowship hall buildings. and the communities he served. Dr. Henry took
continually showed through. He never gave up
He is preceded in death by his parents; his up his battle with cancer with his trademark
and never gave an inch. He loved farming and
brother, Joe Taylor; his mother-in-law, Bessie determination, and continued to work as an ER
did row crop farming before turning to timber
Presley of Shuqualak, MS; brothers-in-law, physician long after his diagnosis. When he
farming and raising hay. Gary raised pure
Rodney Gill of Shuqualak, MS, Bobby Presley, wasn’t “saving lives and stamping out illness,”
Bermuda Grass hay, which is much in demand
and Hubbard Presley of Shuqualak, MS, and Sam Mike was an avid traveler and fisherman. His
and kept him busy from early spring to the final
Vernon of Brooksville, MS. years were benchmarked by annual trips with
cutting in the fall. With two prosthetic legs and
Ralph is survived by his wife of 52 years, his family to the Gulf Coast. He loved deep sea
one prosthetic arm, he could (and did) operate
Betty Jean Presley Taylor of Shuqualak, MS; son, sport fishing, experiencing new cultures, and
any piece of equipment on the farm. Gary was
Lonnie Thomas Taylor of Ridgeland; one sister, vacationing in Belize as often as he could. He
always willing to help anyone in need. He often
Opal Gill of Shuqualak, MS; two brothers, Otis battled cancer with unwavering resolve and,
hired young people to help on the farm and there
Taylor (Jean) of Columbus, MS and Olin Taylor while the cardiac event that ultimately took his
have been many testimonials to the trust and
(Annette) of Preston, MS; three sisters-in-law, life was unexpected, he found both peace and
responsibility that Gary gave these young men.
Olga Vernon, Brooksville, MS, Nancy Presley victory over cancer that day.
His leadership as an employer has helped many
Weaver of Shuqualak, MS, and Frances Taylor of Mike Henry is survived by his sons, Jeffrey
of them succeed in their own lives. Gary enjoyed
Wesson, MS. Beauregard Henry (Anna) and Brian Gill
traveling and camping in his fifth wheel RV and
Ralph also had four special nieces he claimed Barnett (Margaret); and his daughters, Allie
fishing. He loved Concord Baptist Church, his
for daughters, Sheila VanDevender (Tol) of Courtney Henry Workmon (Charlie) and
life-long church and led the choir for many years,
Shuqualak, MS, Pam Norris (John) of Macon, Katheryn Grace Henry Zumo (Luke); along with
both in regular services and in the Christmas
MS, Robin Dalrymple (Doug) of Columbus, 17 grandchildren, Kate, Lucy, Sam, Ellie, Molly
cantatas. He was also very involved in community
MS, and Kathy Glover (Jared) of Steens, MS. Rose, and Joe Workmon, Rocky, Cecilia, Birdie
and civic organizations. He was a member of the
He claimed their children as his grandchildren, Clare, Blaise, and Isaiah Zumo, Elizabeth, Kate
Macon Lion’s Club where he served as secretary
Christopher Newman, Cole Newman, Jack Rose, and Grace Barnett, Ian Graham, and Evie
and treasurer and was involved with their annual
VanDevender, Bhett VanDevender, Sarah Norris, and Malcolm Lewis. He is also survived by his
bar-be-que event for over 30 years. Gary was
Wyatt Norris, Jase Dalrymple, Taylor Dalrymple, brother, Richard Arthur Henry.
always willing to talk about his prosthetics to
Thomas Glover, Audrey Glover, Houston Glover, He was preceded in death by his parents, Jesse
anyone and would encourage other amputees at
and Kayrn Glover. He also leaves a host of nieces and Rose; and his sister, Patricia Grace Henry
the prosthetics clinic to not give up. He was often
and nephews, cousins, and many friends. Gaylor.
called by the clinic to speak to those who were
having difficulty dealing with the process. Paid Obituary - Cockrell Funeral Home A private family service will be held at a later
Gary was preceded in death by his parents; date.
and two brothers, Johnny Miller and Kenny In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
Miller. in memory of Dr. Michael Henry to Tulane
Gary is survived by his wife, Lynn Miller; A club for boys and girls University School of Medicine. Visit
siblings, Diane Miller Ricks and Mike Miller; and click “Schools & Units” to give
also his special pet dog, Oreo.
Boys and Girls Club of Columbus directly to the School of Medicine.
Paid Obituary - Cockrell Funeral Home Paid Obituary - Welch Funeral Home
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020 5B

Studies find having COVID-19 may protect against reinfection

Researchers found that people who kind of protection you’d
get from an effective vac-
detect the virus itself or
bits of it, suggesting cur-
223 of them tested positive
for infection in the roughly
ond infection if antibodies
were present, Sharpless
made antibodies to the coronavirus cine,” of getting the virus rent or recent infection. six months that followed. said.
His institute’s report
again, said Dr. Ned Shar- One study, published The National Cancer
were much less likely to test positive pless, director of the U.S. Wednesday by the New Institute study involved was posted on a website
National Cancer Institute. England Journal of Med- more than 3 million peo- scientists use to share re-
again for up to six months “It’s very, very rare” to icine, involved more than ple who had antibody tests search and is under review
get reinfected, he said. 12,500 health workers at from two private labs in at a major medical journal.
BY MARILYNN to six months and maybe The findings are “not
MARCHIONE The institute’s study Oxford University Hospi- the United States. Only
longer. a surprise ... but it’s really
AP Chief Medical Writer had nothing to do with tals in the United King- 0.3 percent of those who
The results bode well reassuring because it tells
cancer — many federal re- dom. Among the 1,265 initially had antibodies
for vaccines, which pro- people that immunity to
Two new studies give voke the immune system searchers have shifted to who had coronavirus anti- later tested positive for the
the virus is common,” said
encouraging evidence to make antibodies — sub- coronavirus work because bodies at the outset, only coronavirus, compared
Joshua Wolf, an infectious
that having COVID-19 stances that attach to a of the pandemic. two had positive results with 3 percent of those
disease specialist at St.
may offer some protection virus and help it be elimi- Both studies used two on tests to detect active in- who lacked such antibod- Jude Children’s Research
against future infections. nated. types of tests. One is a fection in the following six ies. Hospital in Memphis who
Researchers found that Researchers found that blood test for antibodies, months and neither devel- “It’s very gratifying” had no role in either study.
people who made anti- people with antibodies which can linger for many oped symptoms. to see that the Oxford re-
bodies to the coronavirus from natural infections months after infection. That contrasts with the searchers saw the same
were much less likely to were “at much lower risk The other type of test uses 11,364 workers who initial- risk reduction — 10 times
test positive again for up ... on the order of the same nasal or other samples to ly did not have antibodies; less likely to have a sec-

Continued from Page 4B

Liza White Richard Townsend and ba County, to the late today, at Hairston and a U.S. Army veteran and
Amanda Townsend. She Luther and Beulah Hairston Funeral Home. was formerly employed
MABEN — Liza
was formerly employed Hickman Sloan. She Hairston and Hairston Charles Harmond
Harpole White, 92, died as a truck driver with Visitation:
Dec. 19, 2020, at her as an entrepreneur. attended Van Buren Funeral Home of Co- Montana Farms. He was Tuesday, Dec. 29 • 1-2 PM
College St. Location
residence. In addition to her par- School and was former- lumbus is in charge of a member of Shiloh Full Services:
A graveside service ents, she was preceded ly employed with the arrangements. Gospel M.B. Church. Tuesday, Dec. 29 • 2 PM
in death by her siblings, garment plant, as a tax Ms. Taylor was born College St. Chapel
was held Tuesday, Dec. In addition to his Burial
22, at Providence Meth- John R. Townsend, Rev. preparer, as a bookkeep- July 14, 1953, in Macon, father, he was preceded Friendship Cemetery
odist Church Cemetery, Roy C. Townsend, Rev. er with Monroe County to Willie Earl Taylor in death by his brother, College St. Location

with the Rev. Cary Arthur R. Townsend Hospital and with H&R and Lizzie Lou Hopkins Sydney Doughty.
and Ernestine Tee Block. Taylor. Jack Owens
Sutphin officiating. In addition to his Visitation:
Welch Funeral Home of Rogers. In addition to her She is survived by mother, he is survived Wednesday, Dec. 30 • 11-12 PM
Starkville was in charge She is survived by parents, she was pre- her brother, Willie C. by his wife, Linda College St. Location
her children, Loddie ceded in death by her Goodman of Alabama. Services:
of arrangements. Jordan Doughty of Co- Wednesday, Dec. 30 • 12 PM
She was preceded in Kennard of Columbus husband, Boyd Allen; lumbus; children, Stacy College St. Chapel
death by her parents, and Johnnie Brank son, Anthony Allen; two Stace Doughty Burial
Hilario and Anstacia Memorial Gardens of Columbus
Oswald Harpole and of Detroit, Michigan; brothers; three sisters; COLUMBUS — Doughty, both of Colum- College St. Location
Virgie McMullen Har- siblings, Mattie Foun- and one great-grand- Stace Earl Doughty, 58,
tain, Mary Harrell bus; siblings, Sammie
pole; husband, Edsel child. died Dec. Talmadge Wilson
and Amanda Sykes Doughty, Gary Dough-
White; son, Gary White; She is survived by 21, 2020, at Incomplete
all of Starkville; three ty, Dwight Doughty,
and sister, Billie Jean her son, Donnie Allen of his resi- College St. Location
grandchildren; and two Becker; sister, Ruth Wil- Jennifer Washington,
Barton. dence. and Sheresa Edwards,
She is survived by great-grandchildren. liams of Germantown, Grave-
Tennessee; five grand- all of Columbus, Calvin
her children, Mickey side ser- Doughty of Jackson, and
White of Maben and Talmadge Wilson children; and seven vices will Aljamar Carter of Tusca-
Dena Miller of Tupelo; COLUMBUS — Tal- great-grandchildren. be at 2 p.m.
madge R. Wilson, 62, loosa, Alabama; and one
siblings, Gay McCain Wednes- Doughty
of Denham Springs, died Dec. 28, 2020, at Lizzie Taylor day, at Me-
Louisiana, O.D. Harpole his residence. COLUMBUS — morial Gardens Ceme-
of Brandon and Henry Arrangements are Lizzie Mae Taylor, 67, tery. Burial will follow.
Harpole of Ettrick, incomplete and will be died Dec. 24, 2020, at Visitation is from noon-6
Virginia; five grandchil- announced by Memorial Baptist Memorial Hospi- p.m. today, at Carter’s
dren; five great-grand- Gunter Peel Funeral tal-Golden Triangle. Funeral Services. Car-
children; and five Home and Crematory, Graveside services ter’s Funeral Services of
great-great-grandchil- College Street location. will be at 11 a.m. Columbus is in charge
dren. Wednesday, at James of arrangements.
Antionette Allen Creek MB Church Cem- Mr. Doughty was
Eva Whiteside ABERDEEN — An- etery of Brooksville, born Aug. 18, 1962, in
WEST POINT — tionette Sloan Allen, with the Rev. Michael Columbus, to Martha
Eva Townsend White- 93, died Dec. 27, 2020, Tate officiating. Visi- Doughty and the late
side, 87, died Dec. 23, at the Care Center of tation is from 1-5 p.m. Sam Doughty Jr. He was
2020, in Columbus. Aberdeen.

Charles Harmond Holley Ashcraft

Graveside services Graveside services
are at 1 p.m. today, at will be at 11 a.m.
New Hope M.B. Church Wednesday, at Oaklawn
Charles Edward Harmond passed away peace- Holley Mac Ashcraft was
Cemetery, with the Rev. Cemetery, with Robert
fully at home, in Hattiesburg, on Christmas day called home to be with his Lord
Thomas Boyd Jr. offici- Earl Fowlkes officiating.
2020, at the age of 77. on December 25, 2020. Those
ating. Carter’s Mortuary Tisdale-Lann Memo-
Charles was born in Steens, Mississippi, was who loved him, find peace in
Services of West Point rial Funeral Home of
proud graduate of Lee High School and Missis- knowing that he’s reunited with
is in charge of arrange- Aberdeen is in charge of
sippi State University, where he was a member his beautiful wife of 41 years,
ments. arrangements.
of the Famous Maroon Band. After serving as an Thelma. Polar opposites in so
Mrs. Whiteside was Mrs. Allen was born
officer in the U.S. Army’s XVII Airborne Corps many ways, they were perfect
born June 2, 1933, in in the Peaceful Valley
during the Vietnam War, he returned to Lowndes for each other.
Starkville, to the late Community of Itawam-
County. Born May 7, 1930, in
Granddad, to those who loved him most, was Starkville, Mississippi, Holley

Connie Mason
a CPA and partner at T.E. Lott & Co., and later, Mac was the eldest son of Charles and Rhoda
General Manager of the Commercial Dispatch. Junkin Ashcraft. Early on in life, his family
He was active in the community as a lifelong moved to Columbus, Mississippi, where he spent
Anita Colleen (Connie) member of Central United Methodist Church, his childhood and adolescence surrounded by a
Raines Mason passed away the Exchange Club, Rotary Club, and Columbus large, close knit group of extended family. His
on December 20, 2020, in Air Force Base Community Council. He was a ties remained close there over the years with his
Huntsville, AL. true servant leader, and his public actions always yearly trips back to reconnect with family and
Mrs. Mason was born in matched his private beliefs. friends. As an adult, Holley Mac eventually found
Bowie, TX, on October 5, 1927. More importantly, Granddad loved his family. his way to Canton, Texas, where he and his wife,
She lived 93 wonderful years. He was the father of three sons, grandfather of Thelma, lived out their best years on a beautiful
She married John Wallace twelve, and a friend to all. His laughter was in- property that they fondly referred to as “Almost
Mason on June 8, 1946. fectious, his singing of Kingston Trio songs was Heaven”. They led a good, simple life.
She was preceded in death hilariously bad, and his wisdom will be cherished In his 90 years, Holley Mac lived a full life. A
by him, and her parents, Myrtle for generations. veteran of the U.S. Army, he served as a medic in
and Calvin Raines. Charles was preceded in death by his parents, the Korean War. He also spent 28 exciting years
Mrs. Mason lived in Columbus, MS, for 62 John and Katherine; and his beloved wife, Sher- with the Dallas Police Department, retiring in
years, prior to moving to Madison, AL, in 2007, ry. 1982. He was a much loved and valued member of
to be near family. He is survived by his siblings, Tom, Mildred, the First Baptist Church in Canton. Their prayers
She is survived by her three daughters, and John; and his sons and grandchildren, liv- and kindness, especially through his later years,
Gayle M. George (Richard), Mary Beth M. ing all across the world, share his love of travel. meant a lot to him. Initiated in the East Dallas
Strain (Mike) of Madison, AL, and Robin M. They are Edward (Terry) and their children, Wil- Masonic Lodge back in 1962, Holley Mac became
Boyles (Durr) of Jackson, MS. Mrs. Mason was son, Brianna, Brooke, Thomas, Bryce, and Noah; a highly respected Master Mason. In addition to
a beloved “Nana” to seven grandchildren, Mason Bill, (Paula) and their children, Austin, Jordan, over 50 years of service, he was awarded one of
Caldwell, Kimberly George Salvail (Patrick), Alana, and Karsyn; and Josh (Shelly) and their the most prestigious honors a mason can receive
Erin Roberts (Brent), David George (Heather), sons, Joseph and Elijah. – a Golden Trowel. He was an active member in
all of Madison, AL, and Gray Boyles and Connor Services will be held at 2:00 PM Tuesday, De- several lodges in North Texas over the years –
Boyles of Dallas, TX, and Reed Rutledge. She has cember 29, 2020, at Memorial Gunter Peel Funer- most recently, the Castillian Lodge in Canton
5 great-grandchildren, Katie Lauren and Haley al Home & Crematory Chapel, College Street lo- and the Grand Saline Lodge. The friendships he
Claire Salvail and John Brooks, Ellison Brynn cation. Burial will follow at Friendship Cemetery. made there were life-long. They may not have
and Jay Davis Roberts, all of Madison, AL. Visitation will be one hour prior to services at been blood, but they were his brothers.
Connie was a true southern lady, a devoted, the funeral home. Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Holley Mac is preceded in death by his wife,
wife, mother, grandmother, and great- Home & Crematory, College Street location, has Thelma Pauline Ashcraft; and two brothers,
grandmother. been entrusted with the arrangements. Samuel and Charles Richard Ashcraft. He will be
Mrs. Mason has one sister, Mrs. Bob Spooner Pallbearers are Justin Harmond, David Har- greatly missed by his two sisters, Mary Jo Hays
of Warrenton, MO. mond, Clif Swedenburg, Winston Swedenburg, and Vivian Lowe; brother, Rayburn Ashcraft;
She was a member of First Baptist Church in Dwayne Young, and Austin Tollett. nieces, nephews, cousins and so many others.
Madison. Mr. Ashcraft has been laid to rest alongside
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to his wife, Thelma, at a private graveside service
Hospice Family Cares at Huntsville Hospital at Crandall Cemetery in Crandall, with Brother
Foundation or to the First Baptist Church in Steve Glosup officiating.
Madison, AL. Sign the online guest book at
Paid Obituary - Legacy Chapel Paid Obituary - Eubank Funeral Home
Funeral Home & Crematory 903 College Street • Columbus, MS Haven of Memories
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Legal Notices General Help Wanted Mobile Homes for Rent


least 4 yrs. of experience.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Ideal candidate will have an Utilities & cable included,
Call us: 662-328-2424 J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE AC- eye for detail, be depend- from $145/wk − $535/mo
QUISITION CORP., able, have good communic- Columbus & County School
Legal Notices PLAINTIFF, ation skills, reliable trans- locations. 662−242−7653
portation & basic tools. We or 601−940−1397.
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF VS. specialize in home remod-
LOWNDES COUNTY els & new construction.

Real Estate
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Call 662-312-3130 for info.
QUISITION CORP., PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane.

PLAINTIFF, Columbus, MS 39705
DEFENDANTS. Ads starting at $25
CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2
Ads starting at $25 Houses For Sale: East
PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Apts For Rent: North FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof,
Columbus, MS 39705 new paint, fenced

DEFENDANTS. TO: John Doe, n/k/a Marty backyard, driveway leads
newly renovated with bonus behind house. $128,000.
CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2 662−889−1443.
You have been made a Defend- room. HUD accepted.
SUMMONS ant in the suit filed in this
Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage
Lots & Acreage Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff,
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 6 7 1 4 9 5 2 3 8
seeking possession of prop- 1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/
erty at 106 Westview Lane,
1 & 2 BR near hospital. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 3 5 9 2 6 8 7 1 4

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

TO: Delores A. Atkins $595−$645 monthly. Bad Credit Options. Good
Columbus, MS 39705. Defend-
Military discount, pet area, credit as low as 20% down, based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 4 8 2 3 7 1 6 5 9
ants other than you are De-
You have been made a Defend-
ant in the suit filed in this lores Atkins and the Unknownpet friendly, and furnished $499/mo. Eaton Land, grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 6 8 5 4 3 1 2 7
Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage Occupants of 106 Westview corporate apts. 662−361−7711.
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 5 1 3 7 8 2 4 9 6
Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff, Lane, Columbus, MS 39705. 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
box 7 2 4 9 1 6 5 8 3
seeking possession of prop- GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
contains the1sameto 9 number
erty at 106 Westview Lane, You are summoned to appear ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
Columbus, MS 39705. Defend- and defend against the Com- ON SITE MANAGEMENT. the empty spaces so 1 4 5 6 3 9 8 7 2
ants other than you are John plaint or Petition filed against only once. The difficulty 8 3 7 1 2 4 9 6 5
you in this action at 1:30
24−HOUR CAMERA that each row, each
Doe, n/k/a Marty Atkins and level increases from
the Unknown Occupants of 106 o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of
Ads starting at $12 column and each 2 9 6 8 5 7 3 4 1
Westview Lane, Columbus, MS January, 2021, before Judge Al- Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/28

39705. lison Kizer, in the courtroom of

the Lowndes County Court loc- Apts For Rent: West the same number only once. The difficulty level
You are summoned to appear ated at 502 2nd Avenue, General Merchandise increases from Monday to Sunday.

and defend against the Com- Columbus, Mississippi, and in
plaint or Petition filed against case of your failure to appear Roper Dryer, standard size,
and defend a judgment will be

you in this action at 1:30 good condition, $200.
o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of entered against you for the
money or other things deman- 662−312−6617.
January, 2021, before Judge Al-
lison Kizer, in the courtroom of ded in the Complaint or Peti-
the Lowndes County Court loc- tion. Apartments & Houses
ated at 502 2nd Avenue, Sporting Goods
Columbus, Mississippi, and in
case of your failure to appear
You are not required to file an
answer or other pleading but
1 Bedrooms
2 Bedroooms
you may do so if you desire.
and defend a judgment will be Open for season!
3 Bedrooms
entered against you for the
money or other things deman- Issued under my hand and the Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
ded in the Complaint or Peti- seal of said Court, this 8th day Over 50 years experience!
tion. of December, 2020. Furnished & Unfurnished Repairs, cleaning, refin−
ishing, scopes mounted &
You are not required to file an
answer or other pleading but
Lowndes County Court Clerk
502 2nd Avenue 1, 2, & 3 Baths zeroed, handmade knives.
Lease, Deposit
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
you may do so if you desire. Columbus, MS 39703 of West Point, turn right on
Issued under my hand and the (Seal) & Credit Check Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
seal of said Court, this 8th day By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. left on Darracott Rd, will see sign, 2.5mi ahead
of December, 2020.
PUBLISH: 12/22/20, shop on left.
Lowndes County Court Clerk 12/29/20 & 1/5/21 662−494−6218.
502 2nd Avenue
Apts For Rent: Other

(Seal) SIPPI
By: Ann marie Langford, D.C.
12/29/20 & 1/5/21 RISH, DECEASED Ads starting at $12


PLAINTIFF, Letters Testamentary have
been granted and issued to
VS. Karen McDaniel, Executor of
the Estate of Keith Ward Par-
DELORES A. ATKINS; JOHN rish, deceased, by the Chan-
DOE N/K/A MARTY ATKINS cery Court of Lowndes County,
AND THE UNKNOWN OCCU- Mississippi, on the 21st day of
PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane. December, 2020. This is to
Columbus, MS 39705 give notice to all persons hav-
DEFENDANTS. ing claims against the estate
to Probate and Register same
CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2 with the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
SUMMONS within ninety (90) days from the
date of first publication of this
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Notice. A failure to so Probate
and Register the claim will
TO: Unknown Occupants forever bar the same. RENTALS
You have been made a Defend- THIS the 22nd day of Decem-
ant in the suit filed in this ber, 2020. 1 BEDROOM ACROSS
Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage
Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff, Estate of Keith Ward Parrish 2 BEDROOMS 1 Lighthouse
seeking possession of prop- By: Karen McDaniel, Executor 3 BEDROOMS settings
erty at 106 Westview Lane,
Columbus, MS 39705. Defend- OF COUNSEL: 6 Pacific island
© The Dispatch

ants other than you are De- John W. Crowell (MSB 7906) group
lores Atkins and John Doe, Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC
Post Office Box 1827
DEPOSIT 11 Make a
n/k/a Marty Atkins.
Columbus, MS 39703 AND Five Questions: speech
PHONE: (662) 243-7308
You are summoned to appear
and defend against the Com- CREDIT CHECK 12 Want badly
plaint or Petition filed against 13 Jokester
you in this action at 1:30 PUBLISH: 12/29/20, 1/5/21
o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of & 1/12/21 662-329-2323 1 Mary-Kate and 15 Snaky shape
January, 2021, before Judge Al-
lison Kizer, in the courtroom of 2411 HWY 45 N Ashley Olsen 16 Flock father
the Lowndes County Court loc- 17 History
Employment stretch
ated at 502 2nd Avenue,
Columbus, Mississippi, and in
case of your failure to appear Houses For Rent: North 2 Sacagawea 18 Some square
and defend a judgment will be dancers
entered against you for the Call us: 662-328-2424 COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. 20 Plopped
money or other things deman-
ded in the Complaint or Peti-
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 3 F. Scott Fitzger- down
tion. bath townhouses. $650 to
Customer Service $750. 662−549−9555. 21 Water cooler 42 Glue’s kin 19 Long car
You are not required to file an Ask for Glenn or text. 22 Sitar’s cousin 43 Spirited horse 22 Tree part
answer or other pleading but LOCAL LAW FIRM is seek- Mobile Homes for Rent 23 Slugger Sosa DOWN 23 Eat greedily
you may do so if you desire. ing Receptionist/Secretary.
Previous experience
4 Hewlett-Pack- 26 Used a 1 Shrink in fear 24 Pennsylvania
Issued under my hand and the
seal of said Court, this 8th day helpful but not necessary.
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
$650 dep + $650/mo. No ard sponge 2 Stand city
of December, 2020. Computer skills a must. pets, quiet area. Leave full 27 Singer Laine 3 Out of style 25 Grazing
Email resume to: name & message, 28 Sleeve filler 4 Summer, in areas
Lowndes County Court Clerk
502 2nd Avenue 205−712−6697. 5 Googly 29 — loss (con- Paris 26 Twists in pain
Columbus, MS 39703
fused) 5 Requirement 28 Woeful cry
By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. Good help isn’t hard to find if you know 30 “Open Sesa-
me” sayer
for surprise 30 Tolerate
6 Con games 31 Wise saying
PUBLISH: 12/22/20,
12/29/20 & 1/5/21
where to look. Start your search here. 34 Scepter 7 Curved path 32 Southern lass
35 Slugger’s 8 Fabricates 33 Inquired
need 9 Pigged out 38 Rent out

Service Directory
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