AIR Pollution: Presented By: Ashhadul Islam

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Presented By:
Ashhadul Islam
• Introduction
• Types of air pollution
• Smog
• Acid rain & effect
• Green house & effect
• Effect on ozone layer
• Causes of air pollution
• preventions

• Air pollution is the introduction of

chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials
that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other
living organisms, or cause damage to the natural
environment or built environment, into the

• There are several types of air pollution, Mainly

Indoor Air Pollution and Out Door Air Pollution.
These include smog, acid rain, the green house
effect and hole in the ozone layer.
• One type of air pollution is the release of particles
into the air.
• Another type of pollution is the release of poisonous
• Smog is a type of large scale outdoor pollution. It is
caused by chemical reactions between pollutants
derived from different sources.

It is caused when a pollutant

combines with droplets of water
in the air.

The effects of acid rain on the

environment can be serious
 Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams .
 It contributes to the damage of trees and many sensitive
forest soils.
 It accelerates the decay of building materials and
paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and
sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage.
• It generally comes from the
build up of carbon dioxide gas
in the atmosphere.
• Carbon dioxide is produced
when fuels are burnt.
• In this type of pollution sun
rays go to the atmosphere and
they are trapped by green
houses gases. So the
temperature on the earth
 It is another result of air
 Chemicals released by
our activities affect the
 Release of CFC from
heating, aerosol cans
, refrigerator
equipments remove
some of the ozone
, causing “ HOLES” .
- It is more dangerous than SOURCES OF INDOOR AIR
the outdoor POLLUTION
pollution, because we do
everything in enclosed
environments where air
circulation may be - VAPORES FROM
 Dust raised on the ground during dust storms.

 Stone dust raised by crushing of stones in quarries.

 Smoke emitted by vehicles.

 Smoke from forest fires.

 Smoke raised by burning of coal in powerhouses.

 Burning of wood, cow dung cakes, garbage etc.

 Germs from coughing and sneezing.

 Some individuals are much more sensitive to pollutants than are
 Air pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short term
and long term effects.
 Many different chemicals in the air affect the human body in negative
• Older people are highly vulnerable to diseases induced by air
pollution. Those with heart or lung disorders are under additional risk
• Children and infants are also at serious risk.
• Air pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide also
have harmful effects on natural ecosystems. They can kill plants and
trees by destroying their leaves, and can kill animals, especially fish
in highly polluted rivers.
Below are a few efforts that you can make to help clean our air

 Car Pool: Forming and implementing a car pool will reduce the
number of cars, thereby, preventing air pollution by cutting down
the use of fossil fuels. This way, it will help in the sustainable use
of fossil fuel and its conservation for the future generations.

 Vehicle Care: Timely servicing of the car helps to keep it in a

good condition, and also minimizes fuel exhaust. Driving the car
at an average speed and turning off in traffic are the thumb rules
to save fuel. Make sure to use unleaded petrol and opt for regular
pollution checking of your car.
• Public Transport: Whenever possible, try to travel by public transports. This
helps in two ways; prevents air pollution and increases public income. If you
are going to a nearby place, go by walking or use a bicycle, instead of using
your vehicle. The objective is to minimize the use of fuels as far as possible.

• Alternative Energy Sources: Another effective way to prevent air pollution is

to use alternative energy sources such as solar energy, hydroelectric
energy, and wind energy. Nowadays, sophisticated technologies such as wind
turbine, solar water heaters are introduced to generate electricity and other
energy forms for household uses.

• Saving Energy: Saving energy will, of course, help to prevent air pollution.
Switch off the lights, fans, air conditioners, televisions, and other
appliances, when not in use. You can also share a room with others when the
air conditioner or fan is on, instead of switching them on in every room.
• Minimize Air Pollution: Always try to minimize smoke emission, as
it contributes a lot to air pollution. One way is to compost dried leaves
and kitchen waste, instead of burning them. Composting will also
give you organic fertilizer for your garden. Other tips include
replacing old wood stoves or gas furnaces, avoiding solvents, and
most importantly, do not smoke in the home.

• Recyclable Materials: Recycling is a simple approach to reduce

pollution in two ways; save energy which is required for disposing
and minimize the pollutants released during manufacturing. The list
of recyclable materials include plastic bottles, aluminum cans and
utensils, paper, craft papers, cardboard and glass bottles.

• Smart Purchasing: Remember to carry paper bags and minimize

using plastic bags. While buying the products, always choose air-
friendly and recyclable products that will minimize the emission of
pollutants. Also, shop for only energy-efficient appliances that use
less packaging.

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