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Imam Malik Secondary School Level :02nd SE Teacher : M.

Unit I: Make Peace Topic : Peace and Conflict Resolutions
Sequence 02: Developing Skills Rubric: Reading and writing
Used Materials: WB, worksheets, data show, pictures.
Learning objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to
 Read and interpret a text about human right’s abuse in America.
 Skim and Scan a reading passage to get general and specific information.
 Familiarize Ss about oratorical style characteristics.
Time Sequences Procedures / Tasks Rationale

05mn Warming
-T greets her Ss then makes a quick review about the Refresh Ss’
up T/S
previous lesson through the following question: would you mind and pave
suggest some examples of students’ rights and duties. the way for
what’s ahead
-Ss answer differently
-T displays the data show on a ship slave picture then asks
her Ss some questions to gauge their knowledge about the
Pre topic:
15mn Reading --What does the picture represent?
--Where do you think the boat is and where is it going to ?
--Have you ever heard about Martin Luther king? Engage Ss’
interests in
racial issues by
-Ss share their answers depending on their cultural interpreting
background. S/T
picture / video
N.B: Ss’ responses might not be correct
-T displays a video (slavery) on the data show in order to
bring Ss into the situation then asks Ss to listen carefully,
take notes and check their answers to the previous
questions. T/S

-Ss discuss what have been said before ( racial issues) to

ensure a correct understanding.
Check Ss’
-T hands out a copy of a text entitled ‘Martin Luther King predictions
the man of peace’ and direct Ss to skim though the text
and do the tasks given on the worksheet.

During Task 01: Skim through the text and circle the correct
Reading answer:
15mn 1- How many paragraphs are there in the text? a-04 b-03
2-The man in the picture is : a-listening b-speaking
key: b- 03 paragraphs b-speaking
Look for
-T corrects with her Ss then guides them to read the
general ideas
reading passage and do Tasks 02-04

-T moves around and checks her Ss from time to time .

Task 02 : Read the text then answer the following
questions :
1- What were king’s hopes and wishes ?
2- Did he use violence to protest ?
3- Martin Luther King’s address in the article was
written in an oratorical style what are The
characteristics of this style, and why did he use it ? Read for gist to
Discuss understanding

Key :

1- Dr king wished that the next generation would live

free from racial descrimination and segregation .
2- No , he did not.
3- He adressed the speech in an oratorical style which
is characterized by repitition of words and pharases
in order to stimualate the audience emotionaly
about injustice treatement of the black race.

N.B : if the question number 03 seems difficult to Ss T

may provide more clarification.

Task 03: Match words in column A with their definition in

column B.

a-The domination of one
1-Protests race over others Enrich Ss’
2-Racism b-Performing a speech to a S/T vocabulary
3-Assassinate live audience
4-Public speaking c-Murder a famous person
for political reasons
d-An action expressing


1 2 3 4
d a c b

-T corrects Ss responses of each Task.

Task 04: Fill in the blanks with the right words to
complete the summary
for his efforts - the same rights - set out to -led peaceful
marches - continuous to touch
Years ago , black people did not have ………1……as
Post white people. The man who ………2….change all this
Reading Conduct a
was Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. He ………3……. in many
10mn summary
cities and demanded equal rights . He later won the Nobel
Peace Prize……4…Dr King was assassinated in Memphis
but his dream ……5…....the lives of many people.

1- The same rights
2- Set out to
3- Led peaceful marches
4- For his efforts
5- Continuous to touch
-T records Ss resopnses on the WB and asks them to
correct mistakes.

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