Short Circuit Levels Adequation by Network Topology Modifications Using Genetic Algorithms

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Short circuit levels adequation by network topology modifications using genetic


Conference Paper · June 2002

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2856.0646

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4 authors, including:

Ramon Ventura Villasana Alberto Urdaneta

Simon Bolívar University 54 PUBLICATIONS   1,834 CITATIONS   

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César M. Dacchille, Juan F. Dupouy, Ramón Villasana, and A. J. Urdaneta

Abstract-- A new methodology is proposed to adequate the In this work an automatic methodology is proposed that
short-circuit levels on the buses of an electrical power system allows to adapt the short-circuit levels in busbars and the
as well as to control the fault current contributions through maximum fault current contributions by their ties, through
the bus ties, using a genetic algorithm to optimize the the optimized modification of the system topology using a
network topology by positioning and controlling the genetic algorithm [1], [2], [3].
operation of the bus-tie breakers. The problem is stated as an The problem is stated as an optimization problem, with the
optimization problem, formulated as to maximize the number objective function defined to maximize the reliability of the
of closed bus-tie breakers, subject to the short-circuit system. The problem restrictions are given mainly by the
capabilities of the equipment and the normal operation maximum short-circuit levels in busbars and the maximum
constraints. The problem is of combinatorial nature for which contributions of fault currents, as well as those limits on the
the genetic algorithm constitutes a powerful tool for its operation variables associated to permissible system
solution. The methodology was successfully applied to the operation conditions in steady state. The operation states of
electrical power system of AES Venezuela - C.A. La the bus-tie breakers are chosen as control variables for the
Electricidad de Caracas consisting of eight (8) 230 kV definition of new topologies. Based on the evaluation of the
substations and seventeen (17) 69 kV substations connected previous operating conditions of the breakers, the genetic
to 30 kV and 12.47 kV. networks. algorithm promotes changes on their state and determines the
"fitness" of each resultant topology as a solution, and direct
Key Words -- Genetic algorithms, network topology, the search towards the best network configuration, if it does
optimization, power systems, short-circuit level adequation, exists.
switching. The main difficulty of the problem lies in its combinatorial
nature and its increasing dimensionality with the size of the
system under study. The search of an adequate solution is not
I. INTRODUCTION trivial and to the authors knowledge no mathematical
The short-circuit levels in busbars of an electrical power methodology has been proposed so far to approach this
system can be changed by modifying the state of operation problem, except for the "trial and error" option.
(switching) of the bus-tie breakers. By this means, the
possibility of adapting the short-circuit levels of a power II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
system as well as the maximum fault current contributions
from busbar ties appears, by changing the network topology As previously mentioned, the problem of adequating the
through operations of the existing bus-tie breakers, power system buses short-circuit levels by network topology
maintaining the system operative limits and appropriate changes reached through operations on the existing bus-tie
reliability indices. breakers, can be outlined as an optimization problem.
The high short-circuit levels not only affect the substations From the theoretical point of view, the objective function
breakers but other substation equipment. The replacement of is defined as the maximization of the reliability of the
any of these devices of the system due to the increase of the electrical network, which is a function of the network
short-circuit levels, could lead to the need of high topology.
investments. The costs of greater capacity equipment, mainly The problem can be outlined as:
breakers, could be deferred in the time if the short-circuit
levels could be adjusted through changes in the network Maximize F(I) , (1)
topology. This could represent important savings if it is Subject to: g(I )≤ 0
achieved without reducing the reliability level required in the
network. 4 where
F(I): is the “System Reliability Level”, and
g(I): represents the problem constraints. They depend
C. M. Dacchille and J. Dupouy are with AES Venezuela-Electricidad de basically on the system short-circuit levels and system
Caracas, Venezuela (e-mail: .
A. J. Urdaneta and R. Villasana Soto are with Universidad Simón Bolívar,
Aptdo. 89000, Caracas, Venezuela (e-mail:

operating conditions (equipment loading, voltage levels, etc.), Ii,j Fault current contribution through the switch located
which at the same time are function of the bus-tie breakers in substation i that flows from the extreme j
state, that is, the system topology.
I: binary array with the states of the candidate bus-tie • Power flow by transmission lines or transformers.
breakers. (1 = closed, 0 = open) Maximum and minimum voltages allowance:
From an engineering point of view, the term reliability is
used to indicate the quality and continuity of the electrical Sbranch k ≤ 100 % (7)
service. In general, the calculation methods and the selection Vmin≤V≤Vmax (8)
of an adequate reliability index depend upon several factors.
The reliability indices of the power system can be evaluated where
using different techniques proposed in the literature [4], [5], S Apparent power.
[6], [7], [8]; however they require the use of time consuming min minimum allowed value.
digital programs that manage relatively complex algorithms. max maximum allowed value.
In this work, to simplify the statement of the problem as V Vector of bus voltage
well as the solution process, without loss of generality, the
number of closed bus-tie breakers for a given network The voltage restriction can also be relaxed including only
topology was chosen as the index to be maximized instead. those buses with critical voltage problems.
Although it is not a reliability index itself, there is a close
relationship between the number of closed bus-tie breakers of
the system for a given network topology and its reliability. III. SOLUTION METHODOLOGY
Under this premises, the problem to be solved can be The proposed methodology is based upon the application
written as: of a genetic algorithm as optimization technique, interacting
Maximize F(I) = Σ i∈ B Ii (2)
with a load flow and a short-circuit calculation modules. The
calculations are performed for a set of relevant scenarios,
considered as representative of the system, and selected
where under certain previously established rules and criteria with
i represents the index of each candidate bus-tie the advise of system experts.
breaker Fig.1 illustrates general solution procedure. It consists of
B is the set of candidate bus-tie breakers three layers:
Using a relaxed approach, the constraints g(I) are stated - a top level where the system experts have the task of
only for those devices or equipment were the allowable limits selecting the relevant scenarios,
are being violated as well as for those elements in the - an intermediate or optimization level, which solves the
proximity of the violation of such limits. They include problem of finding the bus-tie breaker positions by a
restrictions of the type: genetic algorithm for the selected scenarios, and
- a bottom layer or simulation level where the behavior
• Short-circuit Levels: indices and optimization constraints are evaluated [9],
Ncc1ϕ≤ Ncc1ϕmax (3) The optimization block selects the network topology; that
Ncc13ϕ≤ Ncc13ϕmax (4) is, the position of the bus-tie breakers, considering that the
number of bus-tie breakers that remain closed will be
where maximized.
Ncc short-circuit level The combinatorial nature of the problem is handled by
max maximum allowed value means of the genetic algorithm with the advice of system
i buses with short-circuit level exceeded or near experts. It searches the solution between multiple network
to be exceeded. topologies which are evaluated by the simulation block as a
1φ, 3φ Upper index of “Single Phase” and “Three Phase” calculation subprocess based upon computational programs
. devised to calculate the load flow solution, the short-circuit
levels of the system and the fault current contributions [15],
• Fault Current Contributions: [16].
A. The Genetic Algorithm
Ii,j1ϕ≤ Ii,j1ϕmax (5)
The genetic algorithms technique, have been widely used
Ii,j3ϕ≤ Ii,j3ϕmax (6) in engineering and in particular in the power systems area
[9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]. They represent relatively a
where simple alternative to deal effectively with problems of a
i Terminal where the fault occurs. combinatorial nature, like the one outlined in this paper.
j Terminal from where the fault current By means of a direct analogy with natural evolution
contribution flows. processes, each potential problem solution is represented as
an individual with its particular characteristics, which are the genetic algorithm will adapt the short-circuit levels of the
strictly determined by a set of chromosome genes. The system and the maximum fault current contributions, while
individuals are subject to the natural selection process, where enforcing the operation constraints.
In this application, the constraints associated with the
power flow limits through transmission lines and
i: 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . . . . . . n

1 0 1 1 0 1 . . . . . 0

Fig. 2. General structure of a chromosome

transformers, in addition to voltage limits, maximum short-

GENETIC circuit levels at busbars and maximum fault current
ALGORITHM contributions are treated as "hard" feasibility constraints.
They were managed by punishing the unfeasible
"individuals", with very large penalty factors.


LOAD CIRCUIT The proposed methodology was applied to a portion of the
FLOW CALCULATION electrical transmission system of the AES Venezuela - C.A.
La Electricidad de Caracas. Fig.3 depicts a simplified one-
line diagram of the system. This network delivers
Fig. 1. General Block Diagram of the Proposed Methodology
approximately 15% of the total electric energy consumption
of Venezuela. It is mainly composed by two interconnected
the “best ones” are more likely to reproduce and interchange networks at the 230 kV and 69 kV voltage levels. The bus-tie
genetical information with other individuals. Chromosomes breakers of the transformation buses of the 30 kV distribution
may be structured as a binary string and are subject to a network were also included in the problem formulation. This
mutation process. The reproduction leads to the creation of system is interconnected with the rest of the Venezuelan
new generations of individuals. References [1], [2] and [3] national electrical grid through two 765/230 kV
present a good treatment to this topic. autotransformers and two 230 kV transmission lines.
In order to apply the genetic algorithm to the network The power system under study consists of 91 busbars. It
topology selection to adapt the short-circuit levels, the includes 8 230 kV substations of the one and a half breaker
following definitions were made: type and 17 69 kV substations. Fig.3 shows mainly those
1) Gen (or alelle): binary variable associated to a bus-tie busbars included in the study containing 33 bus-tie breakers
breaker of the set that will be used for the network identified by sequential numbers located on top of each one
topology modification. This binary variable defines of them. The 30 kV distribution network, with 10 bus-tie
the bus-tie breaker state as 1=closed or 0=open for the breakers, is modeled as concentrated loads in the
purpose of evaluating the objective or adaptability transformation buses.
function. With this information, the chromosome was integrated by
2) Chromosome: array containing the genes. Its 33 genes or bits, each one of them representing a bus-tie
dimension is given by the set of bus-tie breakers with breaker. The bus-tie breakers are represented in the
which the genetic algorithm will manage to produce chromosome as follows: from bit 01 to bit 10, the bus-tie
changes in the network topology. The chromosome breakers 1 to the 10 (30 kV); and from bit 11 to bit 33, the
carries the information that the genetic algorithm bus-tie breakers 11 to the 33 (69 kV).
sends to the simulation block. To depict difficulty of the search, if we were to analyze
3) Individual: topology option or network alternative, exhaustively the whole family of individuals for this case,
defined by the subset of bus-tie breakers selected by there will be a total of 8.589.934.592 individuals to be
the genetic algorithm, to have open states. evaluated. Considering that the evaluation of the objective
4) Adaptability or Fitness Function: is the function that function in our computer, for each individual, takes about 5
expresses the adaptability level of each individual. It is seconds, the systematic analysis of all the individuals would
defined here as the network reliability level; to be require approximately 1.362 consecutive years to guarantee
maximized by the genetic algorithm and was the optimum solution. Therefore, the trial and error
expressed in general form as the amount of bus-tie alternative may be very time consuming, even with the
breakers in closed state. intervention of the system experts at the beginning of the
Fig. 2 illustrates the general structure of a chromosome, study to discard a high number of individuals. The average
where "i" represents the index of each candidate bus-tie solution time using the proposed methodology was never
breaker, and "n" represents the total number of candidate higher than 80 minutes.
bus-tie breakers. With the advancement of the search process,
In order to present the statistical behavior of the proposed number of 50 individuals each. Uniform crossing type was
methodology, a total of 150 simulations were made, initiating used for the interchange of the genetic information and the
every time, randomly, with different populations. Fifty (50) mutation probability was fixed in 0,02.
generations were simulated in each trial integrated by a
C.R.Z. Plant 230 kV

Tacoa 230 kV Boyacá 230 kV Convento 230 kV

C.R.Z. Plant
69 kV 33 Boyacá 69 kV Convento 69 kV 11 12 13

15 Arrecifes Guaira 69 kV
17 16
69 kV
4 5 6

Chacao 69 kV Convento 30 kV

32 19
20 21 22 Magallanes
69 kV Tarzilandia 69 kV
2 3 Curupao 69 kV

Catia 30 kV

Cota Mil
69 kV
Prado de María 30 kV
7 Generator
Bambues 30 kV
230/69 kV
31 1 Transformer
Prado de María
8 9 10
69 kV 69/30 kV
Barbecho 69 kV Santa Rosa 30 kV Transformer

27 Boulevard 69 kV 765/230 kV
Panamericana Auto-
69 kV
Antimano 69 kV Pedrera 69 kV
26 23 Breaker
30 kV Network
230 kV
14 18 Papelón 69 kV
Junquito 69 kV 29
OAM 69 kV
OAM Plant
69 kV Papelón 230 kV
Junquito 230 kV

O.M.Z. 230 kV National Interconnected System Sta. Teresa 230 kV

Fig. 3. Transmission system of the C.A La Electricidad de Caracas Used as Test Case

For the test case, the obtained solutions correspond to six stage, the production of new qualified individuals decreases
(6) topologies (individuals) which satisfy all the constraints since the population is limited.
with a maximum historical value for the adaptability function In average, the historical maximum was reached after 24
of thirty (30), i.e., with the 3 bus-tie breakers open. generations.
Analyzing the results, the best solutions are based on the
opening of the combinations of three bus-tie breakers in the 35
whole system. These are: bus-tie breakers No. 2 or No. 3 in 30
the substation Catia 30 kV; bus-tie breakers No. 8, No. 9 or
Fitness Function

Average of the

No. 10 in the substation Santa Rosa 30 kV; and bus-tie

breakers No. 12 in the substation Convento 69 kV. 20

Fig. 4 depicts the average values of the maximum and 15

minimum adaptability function values versus the generation 10
number. A rising behavior of the curve can be observed, which 5
verifies the improvement or evolution of the individuals as the
algorithm proceeds. The maximum adaptability function 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49
increases the most during the first 20 generations, to be Generation Num ber
attenuated afterwards but still increasing as a consequence of
the increasing amount of feasible individuals in the successive Fig. 4. Average Fitness Function Value vs. Generation Number
populations .
Since there is a reduced number of feasible individuals in 91.3% of the individuals of the last generation present a fitness
the first generations, the genetic exchange between them does function value of thirty (30). Solutions with adaptability
not improve substantially the general performance of the function value of "29", that is, topologies structured with the
population. It improves considerably as new individuals with opening of 4 busbars union breakers, (one more than the
greater adaptability function are generated. In the last historical maximum), represented 4% of the total. Topologies
generations, many of the individuals have an average with smaller values for the adaptability function represent less
adaptability function value close to the maximum. At this last than 1%. The number of unfeasible individuals represented
less than 4% of the total.
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