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IES Mechanical Engineering Reference Books List

1. Thermodynamics

 Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Yunus A

Cengel; Michael A Boles

 This book is very good to build your concepts. All concepts

are explained in clear and simple way to understand.
Recommended to read this book to understand the concepts
and then prepare PK Nag book for practicing problems.

2. Thermodynamics

 Engineering Thermodynamics by PK Nag

3. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery

 A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by

Dr. R.K. Bansal

4. Power Plant

 (i) Fundamentals of Compressible Flow by S. M. Yahya

 (ii) Gas Turbines And Propulsive Systems by P R Khajuria, S
P Dubey

5. IC Engines:

 Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan

6. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by C P Arora

7. Heat Transfer

 Heat Transfer (In SI Units) by JP Hollman

8. Renewable Sources of Energy:

 Introduction to Renewable Energy By Vaughn C. Nelson

9. Theory of Machines

 Theory of MACHINES by RS Khurmi and GK Gupta

10. Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials)

 Mechanics of Materials by Punamia

11. Machine Design

 Design of Machine Elements: by V B Bhandari

12. Industrial Engineering and Management by O P Khanna

Gate book

Strength of Materials SS Rattan

Theory of Machines RS Khurmi

Mechanical Vibration GK Grover

Design Of Machine Elements VB Bhandari

Engineering Mechanics SS Bhavikatti

Fluid Mechanics RK Bansal

Heat & Mass Transfer PK Nag

Engineering Thermodynamics Cengel & Boles

Internal Combustion Engine V Ganesan

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning CP Arora

Material Science UC Jindal

Production Engineering Amitabh Ghosh

Industrial Engineering OP Khanna

Here list of books for GATE preparation.

1. Thermodynamics -- P K Nag.

2. Fluid mechanics -- Bansal/ modi & seth /SOM

(Bansal is simple and upto the mark.. Modi & Seth is good book for clearing
concepts.. SOM is good book if you are good in vector mechanics and differentail

3. Heat and mass transfer -- Sachdeva/Holman

(Sachdeva & Holman books are same, fundamentals of Heat and mass transfer by
sachdeva is Indian edition of Holman book)

4. SOM -- B.C. Punamia / Timoshenko.

(Punamia is good for both concept and problems... Timoshenko gives full clearity of
all concepts but you won't find GATE related problems)

5 . I C engine -- Mathur & Sharma / V Ganeshan

(I used V ganeshan book its good and have sufficient problems... Mathur & sharma is
aloso good book i heard it from friend but i never used)

6. Material science -- Narula & Narula / Callister / IP Singh

( Callister is very good but very vast, if you time then refer some times.. Narula &
Narula and IP Singh good books for GATE point of view).

7. Theory of Machines and Mechanical vibration– SS Rattan.

8. Machine Design -- Bhandari/ Shigley.

(Bhandari is perfect book for GATE and IES... Shigley is very good book for concept).

9.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-- P. K Nag /CP Arora Domkundwar

10. Industrial Engg -- O. P. Khanna Buffa & Sarin

(for Industrial Engg i used hand made notes, so i am not sure of how khanna book is,
you can take help of others to decide the book)

11. Operational research --- kanti swarup/ SD Sharma.

12.Manufacturing process -- P N Rao Vol 1& 2/ R K Jain/ Hajra & Choudhary/S K

mondal notes which is available in major book houses.

Or A text book on Production Engineering- Dr. Swadesh Singh.

( while preparing for MP be little choosy and stick to the syllabus, because as per my
knowledge no book will give you complete information, but i am not sure)

13.Mathematics --BS Grewal/Erwin Keyshia. Or Made easy publication books.

14.Aptitude -- made easy publication books.

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