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User Guide

Based on Android Version 2.3

ezPDF Reader Guide - Android

© 2013 by Unidocs Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced

or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
prior written permission of Unidocs, Inc.

If you have any question, please contact us at

info @

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ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
File Manager

❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❶ Create a PDF for note (See

Next Page)
❷ Import files and folders to
❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ My docs
❸Manage files – create
❿ ⓫ folder, rename, delete, copy or
move files and folders
❹ Expand screen, back button
to restore to original mode
❺ Open Menu
❻ My document folder – you
may physically copy files into
⓬ this folder (We will provide an
option to set your own folder)
❼ Most recently viewed file
❽ Search PDF files inside the
SD Card – display the folder list
that contains PDF files, expand
the folder to see PDF file list
❾ Browse web to download /
Access to Google Docs
⓭ ❿ Search files inside My docs
and its sub folders
⓫ Set a specific folder as the
“My docs” folder (Able to use
an external SD Card); Go to
that default folder
Menu Button – Brings up additional ⓬ Folder list inside My docs
menu options where available ⓭ File list inside My docs
Back Button – Cancels previous
action, move up sub-folder
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
File Manager

❶ Create a new PDF

❶ for memo – File
Name, PDF file size
and the number of
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
File Manager – Shortcuts

Just long-click on folder or

file on the list.

❶ Open (File Only) – Open

selected file; Same as
tapping the file name
❷ Delete File or Folder –
Delete selected file or folder;
❶ This command will erase
anything inside the folder
❷ ❸ Rename File or Folder –
Rename selected file or

❹ Send To (File Only) –
Share the selected file with

other installed applications –
Sending the file as an

attachment via Email, share
with Google Docs or
❻ Dropbox, and more
❺ Upload to Dropbox –
❼ Only available for users with
old accounts (Prior to the
API change from Dropbox)
❻ Upload to Dropbox to
the dedicated app folder
❼ Upload to Google Docs –
Send the long-clicked file to
Google Docs
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
File Manager – Menu Options

Menu option is displayed

when “Menu Button” is

❶ Sort by – Sort file list by

file name, file size, created
or modified date in
ascending or descending
order (by toggling)
❷ Manage files – create
folder, rename, delete, copy
or move files and folders
❸ Global settings for
reading PDF
❹ About Page – Copyright
info, version info, and brief
descriptions of new changes

❶ ❷ ❸ ❹
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
File Manager – Menu Options – Sort File List

Menu option is displayed

when “Menu Button” is

Select “Sort by” button to

sort file list

❶ Sort by created or
modified date; may change
to ascending or descending
order by selecting the same
option again (toggling)
❶ ❷ Sort by file name; may
change to ascending or
❷ descending order by
selecting the same option
❸ again (toggling)
❸ Sort by file size; may
change to ascending or
descending order by
selecting the same option
again (toggling)
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
File Manager – Menu Options – Manage Files

Menu option is displayed

when “Menu Button” is

Select “Edit” button to

manage files

Apply checkmarks on the file

list to select

❶ Create a folder – Do not

need to select; Folders can
be created inside sub-folder
❷ Copy files and folders –
Select files and folders first,
then click Copy Button to
initiate copying procedure;
Paste option must be
followed for copying
❸ Cut (Move) files and
folders - Select files and
folders first, then click Cut
(Move) Button to initiate
moving procedure; Paste
option must be followed for
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ moving
❹ Paste – Once files and
folders are selected and
applied with Copy or Cut option, then you may go to a desired folder to copy or
move. Click Paste button to complete copying and moving.
❺ Delete files and folders – Select items you want to delete, then Click Delete
Button to delete files ,folders, and anything that is contain inside folders.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing

PDF can be viewed from ezPDF
Tap Area – Previous Page Reader’s built-in file manager
or by selecting Send To option
❶ One-finger tap : that links to ezPDF Reader form
Open menu option other application
❷ Two-finger tap : You may flip, swipe, scroll or
Zoom-out tap to navigate page (depends
on your scroll/flip option)
Previous Scroll Next ❶ One-finger tap brings the
Swipe menu option or flip page
depends on where it touches
❸ Three-finger tap :
Change to Text Reflow ❷ Two-finger tap zooms-out

❹ Four-finger tap : ❸ Three-finger tap changes

Hide or Restore Status view mode to Text Reflow or
Bar on top back to PDF

❺ Five-finger tap : ❹ Four-finger tap hides or

Hide or Restore restores the status bar (❻) on
Annotations Tool Bar top
on top
❺ Five-finger tap hides or
Tap Area – Next Page restores the annotations tool
bar on top
Double Tap – Zoom in or Zoom out depends on your current state. If column
fitting mode is on, it will zoom in to fit the width of column box or image.
Once zoomed in, another double tap will zoom out for text, but no change on
Pinch Zoom is available.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – Text Selection & Annotations

Text selection and annotation

features can be activated with
a long-click on PDF.
❷ ❸ ❹ ❺❻ ❼ ❽ ❶ Drag handles to select a
desired portion of text
❿ ⓫ ❷ Copy saves the selected

text to clipboard to be used
❾ later

❸ Search a selected word or
words inside the PDF
❹ Web sends the selected
❽ text to Google search
❺ Send sends the selected
❿ text to other applications
❻ ColorDict sends the
selected text to ColorDict
application for dictionary
function; must install ColorDict
(Free App) from Google Play.
❼ Reads the selected text
(Device must support TTS
❽ Highlight marks the
selected text with highlighting.
❾ Underline marks the
selected text with underline.

❿ Strike-Out marks the selected text with cross-over.

⓫ Additional annotations (Sticky-note, Freehand, Figure, Textbox, Image)
and File Attachment
Text annotations (Highlight, Underline, Strike-Out) can have its own title,
author’s name, and color value. You can also add description and comments
(reply) for collaboration. Just tap the annotation and choose Properties.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – Annotations

Annotation features can be

activated with a long-click on
PDF. You may also turn on or
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ off Annotation Tool Bar at
top from the menu Settings.
❻ ❶❷ ❹ ❺❸
❶ Sticky-note adds a
memo inside of an icon.
There are different types of
❹ icon images to select from
❷ Freehand Draw, Pressure
sensitivity is available if your
device permits.
❸ Figures draws shapes of
rectangles, oval, line and
❹ Text Box draws a box and
❸ fill in with text
❺ Able to add an image
from camera or gallery
❻ Attach a file into PDF

Annotations can have its

❺ own title, author’s name,
❷ color value and thickness.
You can also add description
and comments (reply) for

Annotations can be freely

moved and resized.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – Annotations

❶ Fold or Unfold the tool bar

❷ Shrink the whole toolbar as one icon
❸ Edit the annotation list, Check the
annotations you would like to use and
Uncheck the annotations you do not
want to show on the annotation tool bar.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – Annotations

❷ ❸

❶ Digital Signature – You can create your own digital signature

❷ You can issue a PDF with your digital signature. It shows the validity.
❸ Once the document is altered, then it displays.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – Annotations
❸ ❶ ❷ ❹ ❺ ❻

❶ Pen Freehand feature – Vector based drawing, sharp when enlarged,

Undo and Redo feature while writing
❷ Brush feature – Image based drawing, Eraser feature while drawing
❸ List annotations used in the file – You may select the annotation types
you want to display, search a word, Save or send as XFDF, FDF, or text format.
❹ Highlight / Continuous Highlights
❺ Strikethrough / Continuous Strikethrough
❻ Underline / Continuous Underline
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – Menu Options
Menu option is displayed
❶ ❷ ❸ when “Menu Button” is
pressed if the menu display
option is turned off or just
tapping on the middle of the
❶ Go back to file list
❷ Display file name
❸ Go to text reflow mode
❹ Current Page / Total
Page; Tap here to go to a
certain page
❺ Mini scroll images; Used
for page navigation, scroll
and click an image to go to
⓯ that page; Red ribbon is
displayed when bookmarked
❻ Display zoom rate; Tap
here to bring zoom-in slide
❼ Search inside the file
❽ Outlines or Table of
❹ contents
❻ ⓮ ❾ Bookmarking – Add,
❺ delete & manage bookmarks
❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ❿ History Backward – Go
back to previous page

⓫ History Forward – Go back to previous page prior to History Backward

⓬ TTS (Text-to-Speech) Feature, Must have TTS engine and TTS voice data
inside the Device
⓭ Go to more options
⓮ Page viewing option – Single Page, Dual Page with the front cover, or Dual
Page without the front cover
⓯ Display PDF
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – More (…) Options
View Mode Options
❶ Change to Text Reflow mode
❷ Change to a new Text Reflow mode
❶ ❸ Display pages as thumbnail images
There is also the Default PDF View option.
❷ This option only displays when the view is
❸ either Text Reflow or Thumbnail images.
View Options
❹ Fit to column size of text

❺ Page viewing option – Single Page, Dual
❺ Page with the front cover, or Dual Page
❻ without the front cover
❻ Change reading direction – Default
❼ direction, Left to Right, Right to Left
❽ ❼ TTS (Text-to-Speech) feature, The device
must have the TTS engine and its voice data
❾ ❽ Night Mode – Inverted mode for PDF for
easy reading at night time
❾ Page Auto Flipping – Slide mode for page

viewing; Specify the interval between the
⓫ page turning (in seconds); This feature also
⓬ works as auto scrolling when the displayed
page height is longer than the screen size. It
⓭ scrolls up one screen full of image until it
reaches at the bottom of the page, and then
move the next page.
Edit Options
❿ Crop page – Remove margins
⓫ Rotate pages – current, range, odd, even,
all; 90, 180, 270
⓬ Add a blank PDF page (Once you add the
page, there is no feature to delete the page)
⓭ Take a snapshot, able to crop
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – More (…) Options

Annotation & Form Options

❶ List annotations used in the file – You may
❶ select the annotation types you want to
❷ display, search a word, Save or send as XFDF,
FDF, or text format.

❷ Export annotation and/or form field as
❹ XFDF or FDF format, Option to Send to or Save

❸ Import annotation and/or form field
❹ Flatten all annotations
❻ ❺ Display the list of attached files. You may
attach a new file to PDF. There are options to

Preview, Save As, and Delete. You may
❽ preview the file when there is an associated
viewer program that is installed in your

❿ File Options
❻ Share the PDF file with other app
❼ Save As – Save file; May change the file
name and location
❽ File Info – Various file information

Help Options
❾ Global settings for reading PDF
❿ About Page – Copyright info, version info,
and brief descriptions of new changes
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – More (…) Options
General Options
❶ Option to remember the last page that
❶ was opened
❷ Option to prevent sleeping mode;
❷ Unmark this to save battery
❸ Screen orientation option – Follow
❸ system setting, Portrait, Landscape, Auto
❹ Reading direction – As specified in the
❹ file, forced to read left to right, or forced to
read right to left; Good for Arabic, Chinese,
Japanese and Hebrew
❺ ❺ Option to display the notification

❻ Control Options
❻ Change the settings of Volume Key
❼ Action – None, Page Flipping, Column Move,
Zoom In/Out
❽ ❼ Side swing gesture to turn page (Screen
rotation should be turned off)
❽ Change the direction of DPAD (for only
❾ selected models)

❿ Page Scrolling Options

❾ Pre-render the current page (good for
⓫ zooming process)
❿ Pre-render the next page
⓫ Error reporting level – Do not use, Warn,
Error, Fatal

Zooming Options
⓭ ⓬ The maximum zoom in percentage
⓭ Page viewing mode – image full, paper
⓮ full, and fit to width or height
⓮ Option to moving around when applying
pinch zoom
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – More (…) Options
Page Scrolling Options
❶ Option for page navigation with vertical
❶ or horizontal scroll, or no scroll
❷ Allowance of how much scroll is required
❷ for the page to turn (in %)
❸ Option to disable scroll page navigation
when column fitting mode is on
❸ ❹ Auto page interval

❹ Page Flipping Options

❺ Option to use page turning animation
❻ Speed setting for page turning animation

Voice Reading Options
❼ Color option for the Highlight a part of
❻ text while read outloud
❽ Detect headset plug to play or stop TTS

Form Options
❾ Option to Save Form automatically

Annotation Options
❿ Viewing size option for sticky note and
❾ file-attachment icons
⓫ Option to use palm rejection (Usage for
an integrated stylus pen, such as S-Pen)
❿ ⓬ Option to disable Back and Menu
buttons while using freehand annotation

ezPDF Reader Guide - Android
PDF Viewing – More (…) Options
Link Options
❶ ❶ Option to confirm prior to link
❷ ❷ Option to display links with
highlighted color
❸ ❸ Option to display the link info if
there is any link
Text Reflow Options
❹ ❹ Text color in night mode (Text
Reflow only)
❺ ❺ Background color in night mode
(Text Reflow only)
❻ Line Spacing between the lines

(Text Reflow only)
Menu Options
❼ Option for toolbar – Disable or

Show Annotation
❽ Toolbar item size (in Pixel Size)

❾ Opacity of toolbar (less
percentage is more transparent
❾ effect)
❿ Option to show menu button on
❿ the screen. (Display on the far right
⓫ ⓫ Option to show the menu when
PDF is opened
⓬ ⓬ Option to automatically hide
⓭ ⓭ Change the size of Context Menu
⓮ Change the background color of
⓮ Context Menu
Document Management
⓯ ⓯ Option to display Recent tab –
Bookcase Style or List Style
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android

FAQ (Frequently-Asked Questions)

Q. Why charged twice from Google?
A. While it may appear that you've been charged twice for an order, the
pending item you noticed on your bank statement is actually an
authorization. Authorizations are the initial communication between
Google’s billing system and the bank's billing system. While you may
see multiple pending listings in your account, only one charge will be
deducted after the authorization is completed. When this final
deduction occurs, the charge will be posted to your account as
successful. Google will not bill an account until they receive an
approved authorization from the bank.

Q. Trouble downloading with “Download unsuccessful” message

A. If you receive a "Download unsuccessful" message when attempting to
download an app, try the following troubleshooting steps to resolve
the issue:
• For paid applications, confirm your credit card information is up
to date by signing in to your Google Checkout account.
• Clear your Market cache (visit Settings > Applications > Clear
• Restart your phone, then try downloading the app again.
• Wait 10 minutes, and try your download again.
• Confirm there is connectivity to either a wireless or cellular
network on your device, and contact your mobile service
provider if you aren't connected.
• Ensure there’s enough space on your phone or tablet for the app
to install.
• If none of the above steps work, try remounting your SD card.
Visit Menu > Settings > Storage > Unmount SD card; then
remount the SD card from the same menu by selecting
Remount SD card, or restart the device if the remount option
isn’t available.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android

FAQ (Frequently-Asked Questions)

Q. Trouble downloading with “Starting download” message
A. If your application has stalled at "Starting download", please use the
following troubleshooting steps to help complete your download:
• For paid applications, confirm your credit card information is up
to date by signing in to your Google Checkout account.
• Cancel and restart the download.
• Restart your phone, then try downloading the app again.
• Confirm there is connectivity to either wireless or cellular
networks on your device, and contact your mobile service
provider if you aren't connected.
• Try your download(s) using both wireless and cellular network
connections, and ensure firewalls aren’t blocking access to ports
required for Android Market (TCP and UDP 5228).
• Make sure your device is signed into Google Talk by following
these steps:
1. Go to your phone’s app launcher, and press the Talk app.
2. If you’re already signed into Talk, press Menu, and then
touch Sign out.
3. Launch Talk again to sign in.
Q. Why you need the permission for network communication?
A. We provide a webview browsing feature to open or download PDF files
from websites / FTP sites inside the app. A convenient feature to get
the PDF files to My Docs folder.
Q. Why you need the permission for phone state and identity?
A. We do not collect or store any personal information from device. This
permission is needed for protecting and checking the PDF files for
encryption/decryption. We also use this feature to stop playing Text-
to-speech, audio and video when there is an incoming call.
ezPDF Reader Guide - Android

FAQ (Frequently-Asked Questions)

Q. Having problem with font spacing and other font issues
A. Try to use PostScript font from the following link.
Expand the fonts into ezPDF Reader fonts folder.
Q. Is ezPDF Reader compatible with my Android device?
A. Obviously, we have not tried every single Android device with our app.
However, we haven’t had any device that is not working with our app.
And there are no known compatibility issues. If you find issues, please
send me more details to android @
Q. Is ezPDF Reader compatible with NOOKcolor?
A. Yes, it does. ezPDF Reader is the best selling PDF viewer for NOOK
Apps. Here is an youtube video, but rooting is no longer required.
Q. Is ezPDF Reader compatible with the NOOK?
A. Our app is not designed for e-ink technology, but there is a video how
our app is working on rooted NOOK.

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