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Level :2nd year EM streams ABDELAZIZ EL KABIR HIGH TIME: 45min

Date:……………….. Pupil’s full Mark: ………………………….
Part one: reading
Read the text and answer the following questions.

On October 24th, 1945, the charter of the united nation consecrated the birth of the United Nations
Organization in the international sphere. It was created to promote world's peace and security and to
encourage social progress. its successes in the fields of social develpment, decolonization human rights,
disarmament and peace keeping have been the major achievements in the second half of the twentieth
century. The U.N represents the people's highest aspirations towards a world free from wars, poverty
oppression and sufferings. quick changes are taking place on the world's political scene. Countries which
thought, no longer ago, that they were completely autonomous, are now intimately linked together, they
have to live in a world where peace justice and prosperity prevail.
The UNO will have a greater efficiency than in the past if the peoples and governments are conscious
of the role it can play in bringing them closer to each other around the same goals. –adapted

I- Comprehension:
1- Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer:

The text is about: a- countries that are members in UNO b- the UNO role

2- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a- When did the UNO appear?
b- What was the reason of creating the UNO?
c- What were the UNO major achievements?
3- Who/what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
It (1§)…………………….. are (1§)………………………… which (1§)…………………………..
1- Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following:
Rights…………………………….. slow ……………………………………
2- Classify these following words in the table according to the number of their syllables:
Peace- international-security-great-government-major

One syllable Two syllables Three or more

3- Write sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

a- the league of nations was not able to make peace

b- the league of nations  ...................not make peace.

a- the UNO is obliged to resolve nations' conflicts

 b-the UNO ........................................................

a- do not shout at your friend, it is prohibited.

b- You………………………shout at your friend.

4- Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”
Rights – nations – successes

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part two: Writing (05pts):

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word to get a coherent paragraph.
Discrimination -Abuse of human rights- rights

The …………………………. Is to treat people as they are not human beings.

Everyone has duties and …………………, we have to respect everyone’s rights to avoid all the
kinds of …………………based on the color of skin, the difference in language, traditions or


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