Aggettivi - Ed - Ing - Basic - KEY PDF

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1_Complete the sentences with a suitable ADJECTIVE formed using the ending ED or ING to the
following VERBS

1. Uncle Jim tells a lot of _________ (bore) stories about the past. I am so __________ (bore)
when I am with him! But yesterday I overheard uncle Jim talking to his friend. “My nephew is
so __________ (tire)!” he was saying. “I get so ______________ (frustrate) when I listen to his
___________ (bore) stories about girls and motorbikes and beach parties.”

2. She was ___________ (terrify) by the monster. As a matter of fact, it surely was a
___________ (frighten) creature.

3. This map is so __________ (confuse)! I can’t understand it. I really get ___________ (annoy)
when I don’t understand things.

4. You’ll be ___________ (amaze) when you visit our sale. We are reducing prices by 35%. It’s an
_________ (interest) opportunity, isn’t it? And I promise: you won’t be __________

5. She is such a ____________ (charm) woman. I’m really _________________ (fascinate) by her

1_Complete the sentences with a suitable ADJECTIVE formed using the ending ED or ING to the
following VERBS

1. Uncle Jim tells a lot of BORING stories about the past. I am so BORED when I am with him! But
yesterday I overheard uncle Jim talking to his friend. “My nephew is so TIRING!" he was saying.
“I get so FRUSTRATED when I listen to his BORING stories about girls and motorbikes and
beach parties.”

2. She was TERRIFIED by the monster. As a matter of fact, it surely was a FRIGHTENING creature.

3. This map is so CONFUSING! I can’t understand it. I really get ANNOYED when I don’t
understand things.

4. You’ll be AMAZED when you visit our sale. We are reducing prices by 35%. It’s an INTERESTING
opportunity, isn’t it? And I promise: you won’t be DISAPPOINTED!

5. She is such a CHARMING woman. I’m really FASCINATED by her personality.

2_ Complete the sentences with a suitable ADJECTIVE formed using the ending ED or ING using the
following VERBS (sometimes more than one can be used)

to embarrass , to surprise, to worry, to shock, to amaze, to interest, to annoy, to bore, to excite, to

frighten, to tire, to irritate, to impress, to startle, to disappoint, to charm, to fascinate

1. The TV programme was ______________________ so I turned it off.

2. Children can’t get to sleep on Xmas Eve: they’re too_________________________.
3. Where have you been all this time? We were so __________________________ about you!
4. My husband never remembers dates, so I was really ________________ when I received a
bunch of red roses from him yesterday as it was my birthday.
5. We have been walking around the museum for three hours, and my feet are killing me: the
exhibits are very _________________, but I find it very ____________________ going round
6. Some people don’t go out at night because they’re _______________ that someone will rob
7. I was __________________ to see a face suddenly appear at the window.
8. You’re yawning! Are you getting____________?
No, not at all! On the contrary, I’m really _____________ in what he’s saying. His story is
incredibly _________________. It’s just that I feel very ______________ because I went to
bed very late last night.
9. The kids wouldn’t stop talking, and I was beginning to get __________________ with them.
10. I was very ______________ by the efficiency of the staff: they completed the task quickly and
the result was ____________________.

2_ Complete the sentences with a suitable ADJECTIVE formed using the ending ED or ING using the
following VERBS (sometimes more than one can be used)

to embarrass , to surprise, to worry, to shock, to amaze, to interest, to annoy, to bore, to excite, to

frighten, to tire, to irritate, to impress, to startle, to disappoint, to charm, to fascinate

1. The TV programme was BORING/DISAPPOINTING so I turned it off.

2. Children can’t get to sleep on Xmas Eve: they’re too EXCITED.
3. Where have you been all this time? We were so WORRIED about you!
4. My husband never remembers dates, so I was really SURPRISED when I received a bunch of
red roses from him yesterday as it was my birthday.
5. We have been walking around the museum for three hours, and my feet are killing me: the
exhibits are very INTERSTING, but I find it very TIRING going round museums.
6. Some people don’t go out at night because they’re FRIGHTENED /WORRIED that someone will
rob them.
7. I was STARTLED/SURPRISED to see a face suddenly appear at the window.
8. You’re yawning! Are you getting TIRED/BORED?
9. No, not at all! On the contrary, I’m really INTERESTED in what he’s saying. His story is
10. incredibly FASCINATING. It’s just that I feel very TIRED because I went to
11. bed very late last night.
12. The kids wouldn’t stop talking, and I was beginning to get ANNOYED /IRRITATED with them.
13. I was very IMPRESSED by the efficiency of the staff: they completed the task quickly and the

English VOCABULARY sheets_LV

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