MACS000000104-R218254-119 Affidavit of Memorandum of Trust, Adverse Claim, Allodial Title For 542 Valley Hill Road, Riverdale, Georgia Republic

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S Moorish ational Republic Federal Government Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’ sm ~ ‘Temple of the Hoon and Sun’ ~ wm ~ Societas Republicae Ea A Maurikanos ~ ~ ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ ~ << ‘© ~ Sorietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ The True and Be jure Natural Peoples ~ Heirs of the Land Affidavit of Fact Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Ancestral Estate - EXHIBIT: C International Document Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal — Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent 28 December 29, [2020] To: ‘Thomas E. Brock d/b/a Founding Partner BROCK & SCOTT PLLC Gregory A. Scott d/b/a Founding Partner BROCK & SCOTT PLLC Brock & Scott PLLC - Headquarters 1315 Westbrook Plaza Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 & Brock & Scott PLLC - Branch 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 300 Atlanta, Georgia 30341 Michael M. Roberts d/b/a Chairman of the Board and President and Chief Executive Officer HSBC North America Holdings Inc. HSBC Bank USA, Inc, 1800 Tysons Blvd ‘Tysons, Virginia 22102 Page 1of 8 Kavita Mahtani d/b/a Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer HSBC Bank USA. Inc. 1800 Tysons Blvd Tysons, Virginia 22102 Re: Ancestral estate in reversion known as: $42 Valley Hill Road, Riverdale, Georgia at Maghrib al Aqsé, North Moroceo, at North-West Amexem. Latitude: 33.553200| Longitude: -84,375140, GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates 33° 33' 11.52" North 84° 22' 30.504". Vest Amexem, and geographically located at Maghrib al Aqsé, Stare Decisis Law “A state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of fear that valid international agreements may possibly not work completely to the satisfaction of state authorities. Under the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution Art. V1, clause 2, state policies as to the rights of aliens to inherit must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting arrangements," See Kolovrat v. Oregon, 366 U. S. 187, 194, 81 S.Ct. 922 (1961) We, Hezekiah & Muriel Montia El, sui juris, aboriginal and indigenous Moorish ‘American sovereign nationals of the continental Americas at the Moroccan Empire, being of legal age, after being duly affirmed according to law, hereby depose and state the following: 1, We are two of the surviving consanguinity heirs apparent of the late ancient Moabites, (modemly known as Moroccans) from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Kemet to settle and inhabit North-West Africa (Amexem); they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire, with their Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite brethren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking new homes. Their dominion and inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Affica, across the great Atlantis even unto the present North, South, and Central America Page 2 of 8 and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands, before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean, Our political status and Class A1 citizenship as indigenous Moorish American sovereign nationals and direct descendants of the ancient Moabites (Moroccans) is recognized under registration number ©AA 222141, Class A, with the Clock of Destiny Moorish American National Identification Card and Zodiac Constitution recorded September 10, 1952, in the Library of Congress Copyright Office, Washington, District of Columbia, and the United States Department of Justice. . Our Moabite ancestors died intestate, and retain reversionary interest in the lands and resources of the Moroccan Empire at North America which foreign European colonists presently occupy and use in usufruct while exercising feudal law practices de facto as citizens of the United States under the expired fifty (50) year mandate, i.e., the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 (in force 1837) between the United Sates of North America and the Empire of Morocco; which superseded the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 between the United States of America, and his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, This treaty is part of the supreme Law of the Land per the “Supremacy clause’ of the Constitution for the United States of North America Article VI, clause 2; and Article 25 of this treaty avers the duration of such occupation as follows: Article 25. This Treaty shall continue in force, with the help of God, for fifty years; after the expiration of which term, the Treaty shall continue to be binding on both parties, until the one shall give twelve months notice to the other of an Page 30of 8 intention to abandon it; in which case, its operations shall cease at the end of the twelve months.” 4. Per our treaty right under Article 22 of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America and the Empire of Morocco, and in accordance with the international law provisions of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we are competent to make claim to our inherited ancestral estate in reversion as a surviving rightful heiress apparent whieh is being held in trust de facto by the foreign corporate STATE OF GEORGIA (Inc.) and subsidiaries as escheated fee simple property under color of law within purview of the plausible 14% Amendment to the United States Constitution, Per the stare decisis law in the Kolovrat case mentioned above, my treaty right to inherit property under Article 22 of the said Peace Treaty of 1836 overrides any and all state policies that are made to the contrary, which aver the following: ‘Article 22. If an American citizen shall die in our country and no will shall appear, the Consul shall take possession of his effects, and if there shall be no Consul, the effects shall be deposited in the hands of some Person worthy of ‘Trust, until the Party shall appear who has a right to demand them, but if the Heir to the Person deceased be present, the property shall be delivered to him without interruption; and if'a will shall appear, the property shall descend agreeable to that will, as soon as the Consul shall declare the validity thereof. 5. We hereby make an adverse claim of aboriginal title to our ancestral estate in reversion as described below, to wit: 542 Valley Hill Road, Riverdale, Georgia republic at Maghrib al Aqs4, North-West Amexem, Page 4 of 8 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with resources, buildings and improvement thereon erected, situated, lying and being, known to be located near Riverdale, Georgia state republic, known by the street address of 542 Valley Hill Road, Riverdale, Georgia at Maghrib al Ags, North-West Amexem, and geographically located at Maghrib al Ags4, Morocco, at North-West Amexem. Latitude: 33.553200| Longitude: - 84.375140, GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates 33° 33 11.52" North 84° 22° 30.504", The document titled Owner's Aboriginal Title to Allodium — EXHIBIT: C1 shall be used as conclusive proof of our Aboriginal Title and allodium ownership of the above described property under seal of a Vizir officer (Public Minister) of the Moorish Nation, and is made pursuant to the aboriginal land tenure systems, traditions, and customs of my Moorish Nation in accordance with international law under Articles 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The above described property is registered in a private allodial trust titled: The Aboriginal Trust, which we are the Trustees of; and the document titled Memorandum of Trust serves as proof of such trust. Any previously recorded Declaration of Trust or Trust on behalf of these Moorish Nationals are null and void. . Any mortgage, hypothecation, lien, encumbrance, or fee simple deed (color of title) attached to my ancestral estate in reversion known as 542 Valley Hill Road, Riverdale, Georgia republic, claimed or held by any citizen(s) of the United State via feudal law practice within purview of the 14" Amendment to the United States Constitution, being recorded in the Land Records of STATE OF GEORGIA, RIVERDALE, GEORGIA, are Page $ of 8 held to be ineffective, invalid, null, void and unconstitutional per the Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of the 90" Congress, 1* Session, Volume 113 ~ Part 12, June 12, 1967, page 15614 (The 14™ Amendment Is Unconstitutional). 8. We are, therefore, executing this Affidavit for the purpose of attesting to the truthfulness of the facts set forth herein, and a copy of this Affidavit, the Owner's Aboriginal Title to Allodium — EXHIBIT: C1, and the Memorandum of Trust will be made viewable for publication at: 9. With several notice already given to all parties of interest and no rebuttals or responses, if there shall be no rebuttal to this Affidavit produced for the record, being made point- by-point and signed under oath or affirmation by any interested person three (3) days from the file date of this Affidavit, then this Affidavit and the information herein stands as prima facie evidence and conclusive proof in the records. AFFIDAVIT I/we affirm by virtue of Divine Law; under the Zodiac Constitution; and upon the United States Republic Constitution; and upon the honor of my Foremothers and Forefathers that the foregoing Affidavit of Fact: Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate is true and correct. Executed this_ LE day of _ evn tony + 2020, Hen Mel Weta? A‘ fezekiah Montia El, sui juris in full life, in propria persona authorized representative, ex rel. HEZEKIAH MONTIA; Alll Rights Reserved. Clo P.O. Box 454 Tyrone, Georgia republic Non-Domestic/Non-Resident/Non-Subject Page 6 of Affirmer: Muriel Montia El, sui juris in full life, in propria persona authorized representative, ex rel. MURIEL MONTIA; All Rights Reserved. Clo P.O. Box 454 ‘Tyrone, Georgia republic Non-Domestic/Non-Resident/Non-Subject Maghrib al Aqsa. North-West Amexem. Duly subscribed and affirmed on this 2 day ot_Ne Cerner. 1442M.CY. [C.C.Y. 2020], before me, a Wazir [Notary Public] for the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. AS WITNESS my hand and official seal: Signature: Appellation (printed): Inez Brac £y El My commission is permanent. [This Space Was Intentionally Left Blank] Page 7 of 8 Affidavit of Fact Certificate of Service I, Muriel Montia El, hereby certify that on this 26H ray of Decoval1 , 2020, the enclosed Affidavit of Fact: Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate ~ EXHIBIT: C, the Owner's Aboriginal Title to Allodium — EXHIBIT: C1, and the Memorandum of Trust was sent via certified mail to the above listed Corporation/Citizens with copies to the following recipients and filed with the ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK OF CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA. All Rights Reservedig Ce. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, United States Secretary of State William P. Barr, United States Attorney General ‘Uttam Dhillon, Director of INTERPOL Washington Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Embassies and Consulates of the International Community Placed on the public record at: hups:// ffidavit-of- Memorandum-o} Page 8 of 8 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Moorish Divine and Oational Moventent of the World Horthwest Amexem / Northwest Atria / North America / ‘The North Gate’ > ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ ~ & ~ Sorietas Republieae Ea A Alaurikanos ~ << The True and De jure Matural Peoples ~ Heirs of the Zand Owner’s Aboriginal Tide to Allodium — EXHIBT: Cl izenship No. ©AA 222141 in the Library of Congress Aboriginal Moorish American Class AL Ci aad DO HE ollicer [Registrar] at Maghrib al Aqsi, Nort West Améem. PY THAT Hezekiah & Muriel Montia El, Is vested with aboriginal title by inheritance fo their ancestral estate in reversion deseribedl herein, by jus sanguinis as righilul heiress, and she is the absolute own illodium, of the following Land: ALL dat certain plot, piece or parcel of k id with the resources, buildings and improvement thereon erected, situated, Iving and being, as an “ancestral estate in reversion’ known to be located near Addanta, Georgia state republic, known by the street address of 1985 Campbellton Road, Atkunta, Georgia at Maghrib al Aqsa, North-West Amexem, and geographically located at Maghtiby al Aqsa, Morocco, al North-West Amexem, Latitude: 33.693434 | Longitude: -84.518505, GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates 33° 42! 29.052" North 84° 27! 15.192" West. Page 1 of 2 SUBJECT to all the stipulations in a private allodial trust tiled “Aboriginal Family Trust” Done and Executed this AB day of Decembe __. 2020, at Maghrib al Aqsa, North-West Amexem. oe ee azir officer [Registrar] All Rights Reserved. Mahchangn (Printed Appellation) Page 2 0f2

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