03-General Principals of Metallurgical operations-Sol.-Final-E

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General Principles of Extraction of Metals 673

65. (c) Carnalite is an important ore of magnesium. It is 2. (a) To remove volatile substances.

KCl .MgCl2 .6 H 2O S 8  8 O2  8 SO 2  ; P4  5 O 2  P4 O10 

67. (c) Al is most abundant metal in the earth crust 4 As  3O 2  2 As 2 O 3 

68. (d) Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2 ) 3. (c) In this process sulphides ores are converted into oxide ores
2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2SO 2 
70. (a) Cassiterite - SnO 2
5. (c) SiO2 CaCO 3 , lime, CaO
Cryolite - Na 3 AlF6 Acidic flux Basic flux

6. (a) (Impurity) Gangue  flux  Slag

Cerussite - PbCO3 Infusible Fusible

71. (b) Carnalite is the ore of K and Mg its formula is 7. (a) CaCO 3  CaO  CO 2
KCl.MgCl .6H O
2 2
Heating the ore in absence of air is calcination.
72. (b) Pyrolusite – MnO 2 9. (b) Smelting is a process of reducing metal oxide to metal by
Malachite – CuCO .Cu(OH) 3 2
means of coke or CO .
Diaspore – Al O .H O
2 3 2
Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO
Cassiterite – SnO 2 Fe 2 O 3  3CO  2 Fe  3CO 2
13. (c) Flux is added during smelting it combines with infusible
Concentration gangue present in the ore to form a fusible mass known as
slag. Flux  Gangue  Slag
1. (a) Froth floatation method is based on the fact that the surface of 15. (d) CaO  It is hygroscopic in nature
sulphide ores is preferentially wetted by oil while that of
gangue is wetted by water. 22. (b) Reduction with carbon is called smelting
Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO
4. (c) Haematite (Fe 2 O 3 )
25. (a) SiO 2  CaO  CaSiO3
Iron ores are concentrated by this method Impurity Flux Slag
5. (b) Pine oil is foaming agent. Now another substance collector such
as potassium ethyl xanthate or amyl xanthate are added. 26. (c) Impurities of SiO 2 is present in the iron ore so basic flux
CaCO 3 is added. CaO  SiO 2  CaSiO3
6. (c) Cinnabar (HgS) the ore of mercury is concentrated by froth Flux Impurity Slag
floatation process.
28. (b) CaCO3  CaO  CO 2 ; CaO  SiO 2  CaSiO3
7. (c) Cyanide process is used in the extraction of both Silver and Flux Impurity of Slag
Gold because these form complex salts with CN  ion due to

presence of lone pair of electron on nitrogen atom. 29. (b) FeO  SiO 2  FeSiO2
Impurity Flux Slag
8. (b) Cassiterite SnO 2 or tinstone – an ore of tin being non-
30. (c) Hydrometallurgy
magnetic can be separated from magnetic impurities like Fe
and Mn from this method. Ag 2 S  4 NaCN  2 Na[ Ag(CN )2 ]  Na 2 S
13. (c) Chemical separation or Leaching. 2 Na[ Ag(CN ) 2 ]  Zn  Na 2 [Zn(CN )4 ]  2 Ag
In this powdered ore is treated with a suitable reagent which
can dissolve the ore but not the impurities. 31. (b) Cu 2 Cl 2  Ag 2 S  Cu 2 S  2 AgCl

14. (d) Copper pyrite CuFeS 2 (Chalcopyrite) 2 AgCl  Hg  Hg 2 Cl 2  2 Ag

16. (c) Sulphides ores are always concentrated by froth floatation AgCl  Hg  Ag  HgCl
process 32. (d) Roasting (Sulphide ore is heated in excess of air)
20. (a) Froth floatation because it is sulphide ore (ZnS ) 33. (b) ZnCO3  ZnO  CO 2
22. (a) Here only Galena is PbS (a sulphide ore). In calcination ore is heated in absence of air in a reverberatory
Cassiterite is SnO 2 (oxide ore). Magnetite is Fe3 O4 (Oxide furnace to remove moisture and CO 2

ore) and Malachite is Cu(OH )2 .CuCO 3 (Carbonate ore). 36. (b) SiO 2  CaO  CaSiO3
Acidicimpurity Basic flux Slag
The froath floatation process is used to concentrate sulphide
ores, based on preferential wetting properties with froating 39. (b) CaCO 3  Coke  Calcined
agent and water. 1 : 4 : 8

41. (b) Zinc blende (ZnS ) ; 2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2SO 2
Roasting & Calcination 42. (c) When conc. HgS ore is roasted
773 873 K
1. (b) These are the substances which can withstand very high HgS  O 2    Hg  SO 2
temperature without melting or becoming soft.
674 General Principles of Extraction of Metals
At this temperature, mercury vaporises and the vapours are 4. (b) Alumino thermite process involves reduction of oxides such as
condensed to the liquid metal. Mercury so obtained is about Fe2O3 , Mn3O4 , Cr2O3 etc. to metals with aluminum.
99.7% pure.
Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr H  ve
43. (d) Combustion zone 1800 K
5. (b) Fe2O3  3CO  2 Fe  3CO 2
Fusion zone 1600 K
Slage zone 1300 K 7. (a) A mixture of Al powder and metallic oxide
(Cr2 O 3 , Mn3 O 4 etc) is called thermite.
Treduction zone 800 K
9. (b) Al is highly electropositive. It can be obtained by electrolytic
44. (b) In roasting process, the ore (usually sulphide) alone or mixed reduction.
with other materials is heated in excess of air.
45. (d) Flux is used to fuse non-fusible impurities presents in ore. 10. (d) Fe2O3  3C  3CO  2 Fe
13. (a) Bauxite into aluminium because Al is a strong reducing agent it
46. (d) During extraction of Fe calcium silicate (CaSiO3 ) slag is
has strong affinity with oxygen than carbon
20. (c) Electrolytic reduction Hall and Heroult process.
47. (b) In Bessemer converter copper sulphide is partially oxidised to
cuprous oxide which further reacts with remaining copper 23. (b) Fe 2 O 3  3CO  3CO 2  2 Fe
sulphide to form copper and sulphur dioxide.
24. (c) Self reduction :– Reduction of oxide ore of a metal by its own
Cu 2 S  2Cu 2O  6 Cu  SO 2
sulphide 2Cu 2O  Cu 2 S  6 Cu  SO 2
48. (d) Flux is used to remove silica and undesirable metal oxide.
26. (a) ZnO  CO  CO 2  Zn
49. (a) Roasting is the process of heating the ore strongly in the
presence of excess of air. It is generally carried in a 27. (d) 2Cu 2 S  3O2  2Cu 2O  2SO 2
reverberatory or blast furnace.
3 Cu 2 O  CH 4  6 Cu  2 H 2 O  CO
50. (b) Lime stone which is a flux used to remove acidic impurities in (From green
metallurgical process. logs of wood)

52. (a) CN  solution used in extraction of Ag metal in the cyanide 30. (c) Sodium  Highly reactive metal
process. 33. (a) Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr
57. (c) Lime stone (CaCO 3 ) is used for formation of slag in Fe 34. (a) In thermite process a mixture of aluminium powder and
extraction ferricoxide in the rate of 1 : 3 is used.
35. (b) Heating with carbon in absence of air is known as carbon
CaCO 3  CaO  CO 2  reduction.
Lime stone
This is used in Iron metallurgy.
CaO  SiO2  CaSiO3
Gangue slag Fe2 O3  C   Fe
(in blast furnace)

58. (a) Cu 2 S  2Cu 2 O  6 Cu  SO 2 (Auto-reduction).

Refining of crude metal
This reaction occurs in reverberatory furnace to get metallic 2. (c) Van Arkel method Ti and Zn are refined by this method. It is
copper. used for obtaining ultra pure metals.
59. (b) Roasting involves heating of the ore either alone or with some 3. (b) Cupellation method is used when the impure metals contain
other material usually in presence of air below its fusion impurity of another metal which forms volatile oxide.
temperature. In roasting, definite chemical changes like 4. (a) Metals are electropositive elements because they have tendency
oxidation, chlorination etc., take place
to loose e  and forms + ve ions
S  O2  SO 2
Na  Na   e 
60. (a) Calcination ZnCO 3  ZnO  CO 2 6. (b) Impure metal as anode and pure metal as cathode.
7. (b) Mg and Al can not be obtained by the electrolysis of aqueous
solution of their salts because instead of metal H 2 gas is
liberated at cathode.
Reduction to free metal
8. (a) Ti  2 I 2  
500 K
TiI4   Ti  2 I 2
1700 K

Volatile Pure metal

1. (c) Because Na is very reactive and can not be extracted by Stable compound
means of the reduction by C, CO etc. So extracted by 9. (c) Zone refining is employed for preparing extremely pure metals.
It is based on the principle that when a molten solution of the
2. (a) Carbon reduction, Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO impure metal is allowed to cool the pure metal crystallises out
while the impurities remain in the melt. Ex : Semiconductors
3. (b) Flux  Gangue  Slag like Si, Ge and Ga are purified by this method.
10. (c) 2 NaCl  2 Na   2Cl 
(fused )
General Principles of Extraction of Metals 675

Anode: 2Cl   2e   Cl 2 (oxidation) 5. (c) Assertion is false but reason is true. Leaching is a process
of concentration.
Cathode: 2 Na   2e   2 Na – (reduction) 6. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false. Collectors absorbs
11. (b) Poling is used for purification of metal which contain their own themselves on polar groups to grains of ores and thus derive
oxide as impurity them on the surface to pass on into the froth.
7. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
e.g. Cu 2 O in Cu ; SnO 2 in Sn
Oxide ores being heavier than the earthy or rocky gangue
12. (c) Cupellation : If metal possess the impurity of another metal particles settle down while lighter impurities are washed away.
which forms volatile oxide. Then cupellation method is used. 8. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
16. (a) Mond’s process explanation of assertion
Ni  4 CO  [ Ni(CO )4 ] 
 Ni  4 CO
Decompose 9. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
Impure Pure correct explanation of assertion.
17. (c) Hydrometallurgy is the process of dissolving the metal or its Silver nitrate is called lunar caustic because when it comes in
ore by the action of a suitable chemical regent followed by contact with organic substances (e.g. skin, clothes) and reduced
recovery of the metal either by electrolysis or by the use of a to metallic silver which is white like the iron lunar.
suitable precipitating agent. 10. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
4 Au  8 KCN  2 H 2O  O2  4 K[ Au(CN )2 ]  4 KOH Wolframite being magnetic is attracted by the magnetic roller
air and forms a heap under it.
2 K[ Au(CN )2 ]  Zn  2 Au  K2 [Zn(CN )4 ] 11 (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct and
reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Liquation process is based on the difference in fusibility of the
Critical Thinking Questions metal and impurities. When the impurities are less fusible than
the metal itself, the process is employed.
1. (c) Black Jack (ZnS ) , also called zinc blend, is an ore of Zinc.
12. (a) Au is recovered from the solution by the addition of
2. (a) Chalcopyrities is contain sulphur that’s why it is concentrated electropositive metal.
by froth floatation process.
2 NaAu(Cu ) 2  Zn  Na 2 Zn(CN )4 2 Au 
3. (a) Removal of silicious matter from ores is known as dressing or Soluble complex
concentration of ore.
4. (b) Wolframite ore [FeW O4 ] is present in tin stone as impurities
and it has same mass per unit volume as that of tin stone. So it
is separated by electromagnetic separator because wolframite is
magnetic in nature hence it gets attracted by magnet while tin
stone doesn't
5. (b) Auto reduction is used for the extraction of copper from its ore
with low copper content.
6. (b) PbO & PbSO4 get reduced by PbS itself which is already
present in mixture so because the reduction took place by
mixture itself, hence is known as self reduction.

2 PbO  PbS  3 Pb  SO 2 

PbSO 4  PbS  2 Pb  2SO 2 
7. (d) Zone refining is a method of purification used for
semiconductors like Si, Ge and Ga.
8. (d) By the process of zone refining pure silicon is obtained which
is used in semiconductor.
9. (d) MgCO3 is the formula of magnesite.
10. (a) Lapis lazuli is the aluminium silicate present in earth rocks as
blue stone.

Assertion and Reason

2. (e) Iron is highly reactive element, therefore, it is found in

combined state. Here assertion is false but reason is true.
3. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
4. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
correct explanation of assertion. Non fusible mass present in
ore in mixing with suitable flux are fused which are then
reduced by coke to give free metal.

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