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Textile Research


Investigation of bending and drape properties of woven fabrics and the effects of fabric constructional
parameters and warp tension on these properties
Gülcan Süle
Textile Research Journal 2012 82: 810 originally published online 13 February 2012
DOI: 10.1177/0040517511433152

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Original article
Textile Research Journal
82(8) 810–819

Investigation of bending and drape ! The Author(s) 2012

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properties of woven fabrics and the effects DOI: 10.1177/0040517511433152
of fabric constructional parameters and
warp tension on these properties

Gülcan Süle

In this research, bending and drape properties of woven fabrics and the effect of weft density, weft yarn count and warp
tension on these properties were investigated. Higher values were found for bending rigidities of the fabrics woven with
thicker weft yarns and at higher weft densities. It was seen that bending rigidities of the fabrics in the warp directions
increased as warp tension increased. Bending rigidities in the weft directions did not show any significant change, such as
an increase or decrease depending on any change in warp tension. In the case of the fabrics woven with thicker weft
yarns, the overall fabric bending rigidity increased as warp tension increased. Considering drape coefficients of the
fabrics, it was observed that the drape coefficient increased as the weft density increased and weft yarn became thicker.
The drape coefficient did not significantly vary depending on the variations in the warp tension.

Bending, drape, woven fabric, warp crimp, weft crimp, warp tension

‘Drape’ is a term used to describe the way a fabric behavior.15–19 Vangheluwe and Kienkens11 calculated
hangs under its own weight. It has an important bear- the drape index using an image analysis technology,
ing on how good a garment looks in use.1 Basically, based on the number of pixels of the projected area
fabric drape is not an independent fabric property. It of the draped fabrics. Wu et al.20 used image analysis
depends on the fabric parameters, such as structure, to simulate the mechanical properties of fabrics.
yarn type and fiber content, as well as its finishing treat- Ruckman et al.21 integrated Cusick’s drapemeter prin-
ments. The study of objective evaluations of fabric ciple with the image analysis technique to measure the
drape started with Pierce,2 who initiated research in static and dynamic drape of fabrics. Robson and
fabric bending measurements using a cantilever test to Long22 evaluated drape by automatic characterization
assess two-dimensional drape. Chu et al.3,4 developed of drape profiles using an image analysis technique. The
the standard F.R.L. drapemeter for the measurement study establishes a strong correlation between the tra-
of three-dimensional drape. Cusick5 introduced a ditional cut and weight method of calculating the drape
simple method to calculate the drape coefficient and and the image analysis method.
found that it depends on both shear stiffness and bend- Fabric bending rigidity is one of the most important
ing length. Based on measurements from the drape- factors influencing the handling and comfort of
meter using Cusick’s principle, most researches
reported the relationship between fabric drape and
the values of mechanical properties obtained in the
warp and weft directions.6–14 In general, bending, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, Uludag University, Turkey.
shearing and extension properties were shown to
Corresponding author:
affect fabric drape. Gülcan Süle, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, Uludag University,
Recently, several computer techniques have been Gorukle Campus, Bursa 16059, Turkey
developed or used for the simulation of fabric Email: gulcan@uludag.edu.tr

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Süle 811

apparel; hence, the bending behavior of fabrics has density (33 threads/cm) and warp yarn count (150
received considerable attention in the literature. Since denier/36 filaments) remained the same. Twisted poly-
the 1930s fabric bending behavior has received much ester (yarn twist of 350 turns/meter in the Z direction)
attention from scientists and has been widely investi- warp yarn and cotton-carded ring-spun weft yarns are
gated using different equipment based on the simple used in weaving fabrics. Warp tension is a parameter
investigation of fabric deformation under its own that represents the tension of all ends measured by the
weight, for example, the cantilever and loop meth- loom tension sensor. This parameter was entered from
ods2,23,24 or more sophisticated methods measuring the machine computer and used to adjust warp tension
moment–curvature or force–angle relationships.25–27 by the tension control system of the air jet loom. The
In practice, the tools that are used to measure this prop- values of parameters changed for different fabric con-
erty are the KES-FB2 and FAST-2 bending meter. The structions are presented in Table 1.
KES-FB2 pure bending tester measures bending rigid- The test to determine the ‘Stiffness of fabric’ was
ity per unit width and the hysteresis of the bending carried out according to ASTM D1388,33 using a stiff-
movement. The FAST-2 bending meter is based on ness tester. Before the tests, the samples were condi-
Pierce’s bending length and measures a fabric’s two tioned under laboratory conditions (25 C, 65%
bending properties, namely the fabric bending length, relative humidity (RH)). The tests were performed on
which is related to the fabric’s ability to drape, and the each fabric sample at five replicas in both the warp and
fabric bending rigidity, which is related to the quality of weft directions. Equation (1) was used to calculate the
stiffness when a fabric is handled.28 bending rigidities in the warp and weft directions:
Fabric bending rigidity is proportional to the fiber
bending rigidity if all other factors about fabric con- G ¼ Wc3 ð1Þ
struction, such as yarn count, yarn density, fabric pat-
tern and finishing condition, remain the same. Studies where G is the fabric bending rigidity (mgcm), W is the
showed that fabric density, yarn thickness and fabric weight per unit area (mg/cm2) and the bending length c
pattern affect the bending rigidity of the fabrics. As the is equal to half the length of the overhang (cm):
yarn density and thickness increased and the floating
length of the yarns decreased, the bending rigidity of Go ¼ ðGw Gf Þ1=2 ð2Þ
the fabrics increased.1,29–31
There seems to be no doubt that tension during where Go is the overall fabric bending rigidity (mgcm),
weaving has an important effect on the quality of the Gw is the warp bending rigidity (mgcm) and Gf is the
fabric. The effect of weft tension on physical properties weft bending rigidity (mgcm).
of woven fabrics has been researched by Nosraty
et al.32 In this study, a weft yarn tension controller
was implemented in a single nozzle air jet loom for
controlling the weft yarn tension variations during Table 1. Constructional parameters of the woven fabrics
weft insertion. The fabric samples were woven with
and without controlled weft yarn tension and their Warp tension Weft density
physical properties were measured. The results Weft count (kN) (threads / cm)
showed that the evenness of drape percentage of fabrics Nm 40.64 0.5 14/20/-
was affected by using the weft tension controller. The (Ne 24/1) 1.0 14/20/-
coefficient of variation (CV%) of fabric drape was
1.25 14/20/26
decreased from 5.73% for fabrics woven in the uncon-
1.5 14/20/26
trolled weft yarn tension state to 3.0% for fabrics
woven in controlled tension. 1.75 14/20/26
The purpose of the present work is to analyze bend- Nm 60.96 0.5 14/20/-
ing and drape properties of woven fabrics; the effects of (Ne 36/1) 1.0 14/20/26
weft density, weft yarn count and warp tension on these 1.25 14/20/26
properties are investigated. 1.5 14/20/26
1.75 14/20/26
Experimental details Nm 84.67 0.5 14/20/26
(Ne 50/1) 1.0 14/20/26
In this study, 42 plain woven gray fabrics with different 1.25 14/20/26
weft counts, weft densities and warp tensions were 1.5 14/20/26
used. The fabrics were woven under controlled mill
1.75 14/20/26
conditions. The type of warp and weft yarn, warp

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812 Textile Research Journal 82(8)

The drape coefficient values of the fabrics were warp tension 0.5 kN, with a weft yarn of Nm 84.67
measured on the Cusick drapemeter according to ISO (Ne 50/1), at a weft density of 14 threads/cm.
9073-9.34 The tests performed on each fabric sample for As is known, bending rigidities of fabrics depend on
the five replicas and drape coefficient were determined. bending rigidities of the yarns that are used in their
A low drape coefficient indicates easy deformation of a weaving, and the moving ability of weft and warp
fabric and a high drape coefficient indicates less yarn in the fabric. As the yarn becomes thicker, the
deformation. bending rigidity of the fabrics in that direction
It is well known that yarn crimp in a woven fabric is increases. In fabrics with a higher density, the relative
an important parameter that affects most of its physical mobility of fibers in the yarn or of yarns in the fabric is
properties. Therefore, warp and weft crimps in gray prevented and bending lengths of the fabrics become
fabrics were measured according to the ASTM higher.36 Therefore, in this study, as weft density
D3883-0435 standard after the fabrics were conditioned increased, the bending rigidity of fabrics in the warp
under laboratory conditions. direction increased.
Factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to From the figures, it is seen that as warp tension
evaluate the influence of weft yarn count, weft density increases, the bending rigidities of the fabrics in the
and warp tension on fabric bending rigidity and fabric warp direction increases. When warp tension was
drape coefficient. The p-values associated with F-tests raised from 0.5 to 1.75 kN, a 30.2% and 48.8% increase
for a three-way completely randomized ANOVA are in bending rigidity in the warp direction was observed
presented in Table 2. in the fabric woven with Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) weft yarn,
14 threads/cm and 20 threads/cm, respectively. The
same data for fabrics woven with weft yarn of Nm
Results and discussion 60.96 (Ne 36/1) are 23.1% and 35.5%, respectively,
and 17.5% and 33.5%, respectively, for the fabrics
Fabric bending rigidity in the warp direction woven with a weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1). When
Figures 1–3 show the bending rigidities of the fabrics in warp tension was raised from 1.25 to 1.75 kN, 13%,
the warp directions according to the fabric construc- 4.2% and 8% bending rigidity in the warp direction
tional parameters and warp tension. As seen in the fig- increase was observed in the fabric woven with Nm
ures, as the weft density increases and the weft yarn 40.64 (Ne 24/1) weft yarn, 26 threads/cm, Nm 60.96
becomes thicker, the bending rigidities of the fabrics (Ne 36/1) weft yarn, 26 threads/cm and Nm 84.67
in the warp directions increase. The highest bending (Ne 50/1) weft yarn, 26 threads/cm, respectively.
rigidity in the warp direction was obtained in the From a general point of view, the increase in bending
fabric woven with a warp tension of 1.75 kN, with a rigidity in the warp direction is higher in fabrics woven
weft yarn of Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1), at a weft density of with thicker weft yarns and/or at higher weft densities.
26 threads/cm. The lowest bending rigidity in the warp Although a higher increase in bending rigidity in fabrics
direction was obtained in the fabric woven under a woven at a weft density of 26 threads/cm, in

Table 2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) p-values for overall bending rigidities of the fabrics and drape coefficients of the fabrics (***
denotes the significance of the effect of the parameters on fabric overall bending rigidity and fabric drape coefficient; ns indicates that
the factor is not significant; a ¼ 0.05)

ANOVA p-value

Fabric’s overall bending rigidity Fabric’s drape coefficient

Main effects
Weft count 0.0000*** 0.0000***
Weft density 0.0000 *** 0.0000 ***
Warp tension 0.0000 *** 0.6000 ns
Weft count x Weft density 0.0000*** 0.0000***
Weft count x Warp tension 0.0000*** 0.0000 ***
Weft density x Warp tension 0.0000*** 0.0000 ***
Weft count x Weft density x Warp tension 0.0000*** 0.0000***

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structural parameters but are woven under different

warp tensions. Results of the measurements are
shown in Table 3. Considering these results, it was
seen that as the warp tension increased, warp crimp
decreased and weft crimp increased. Warp and weft
yarns take on crimp when the shed is closed on a
newly inserted weft yarn. When the warp yarns are
closed on a newly inserted weft yarn, the newly inserted
weft yarn is held by selvedge warps and the straight
weft turns into a crimped form during beat up.
Because of this, the weft yarn elongates and changes
Figure 1. Bending rigidities of the fabrics in the warp direction its cross section. At the same time, warp yarns between
for Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) weft yarn. two wefts also elongate because of crimp. However, the
elongation in warp yarns affects the entire warp length
and, because of this, the increase in warp tension due to
the crimp becomes less compared to the weft yarn.37
This interaction between warp and weft yarns during
fabric formation gives rise to the warp and weft crimp-
tension relation . An increase in warp tension causes
more pressure on the weft yarn and forces it to take
more crimp and an increase in weft tension forces the
warp yarn to take on more crimp. As a result of this
relation, an increase in warp tension decreases warp
crimp and an increase in weft tension decreases weft
crimp. An increase in weft crimp with an increase in
warp tension becomes greater when the weft yarn
Figure 2. Bending rigidities of the fabrics in the warp direction becomes thinner, and the weft density increases as the
for Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1) weft yarn. weft crimp level increases. Similarly, the decrease in
warp crimp becomes greater with an increase in warp
tension as the warp crimp level weft yarn becomes
thicker, and weft density increases because of the
increase in warp crimp level.
When warp tension was raised from 0.5 to 1.75 kN,
the decrease in warp crimp, in fabrics woven with weft
yarn of Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1), was 18.9% with a weft
density of 14 threads/cm and it occurred as 20.2% for
the fabrics woven with weft yarn of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/
1), and as 14.5% for the fabrics woven with weft yarn
of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1). When warp tension was raised
from 0.5 to 1.75 kN, the decrease in warp crimp in fab-
rics woven with weft yarn of Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) was
20.2% with a weft density of 20 threads/cm, and it
Figure 3. Bending rigidities of the fabrics in the warp direction occurred as 18.4% for fabrics woven with weft yarn
for Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1) weft yarn.
of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1), and as 16.1% for fabrics
woven with weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1). When
comparison with fabrics woven at other weft densities, warp tension was raised from 1.25 to 1.75 kN, the
was expected, it was seen that this increase was less than decrease in warp crimp in fabrics woven with weft
expected. The reason may be the fact that the evalua- yarn of Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) was 11.3% with a weft
tion was conducted for these fabrics between 1.25 and density of 26 threads/cm and it occurred as 8.2% for
1.75 kN, because fabrics could not be woven with all fabrics woven with weft yarn of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1),
weft yarns and under all warp tension values at a weft and as 8.1% for fabrics woven with weft yarn of Nm
density of 26 threads/cm. 84.67 (Ne 50/1). These results indicate that the decrease
Warp and weft crimps of all fabrics were measured in the warp crimp, depending on the increase in the
to explain the difference between bending rigidities in warp tension, generally increases when the weft yarn
the warp direction in these fabrics, which have the same becomes thicker and weft density becomes higher.

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Table 3. Warp and Weft crimps of the fabrics. Analysis of var- The decrease in warp crimp, which is seen in fabrics
iance p-values for overall bending rigidities of the fabrics and woven at a weft density of 26 threads/cm, may have
drape coefficients of the fabrics (*** denotes the significance of occurred at a lower level due to the reason mentioned
the effect of the parameters on fabric’s overall bending rigidity above. The fact that the crimp of warp yarns decreases
and fabric’s drape coefficient; ns indicates that the factor is not as warp tension increases makes these yarns more resis-
significant, a ¼ 0.05)
tant to bending in the fabric.31 As a result, higher bend-
Warp Warp Weft ing rigidity in the warp direction was obtained in the
Weft Weft density tension crimp crimp fabrics woven under higher warp tension. The increase
count (threads/cm) (kN) (%) (%) in bending rigidity in the warp direction occurred at
Nm 40.64 14 0.5 7.9 3.4 higher levels in the fabrics in which the increase in
(Ne24/1) 1.0 7.6 3.8 warp tension caused a decrease in yarn crimp at
1.25 7.0 3.9 higher levels (fabrics woven with thicker weft yarns
1.5 6.7 4.0 and/or at higher weft densities).
1.75 6.4 4.1
20 0.5 10.4 3.8
Fabric bending rigidity in the weft direction
1.0 9.7 4.2
1.25 9.2 4.1 Figures 4–6 show the bending rigidities of the fabrics in
1.5 8.9 4.4 the weft direction according to fabric constructional
1.75 8.3 4.7 parameters and warp tension. As occurred in the case
26 0.5 – – of bending rigidities in the warp direction, as the weft
1.0 – – density increases and the weft yarn becomes thicker, the
1.25 12.4 5.1 bending rigidities of fabrics in the weft direction
1.5 11.6 5.4 increase.
1.75 11 5.5 Bending rigidity in the weft direction did not show
Nm 60.96 14 0.5 6.7 3.5 any significant change, such as an increase or decrease,
(Ne 36/1) 1.0 6.1 3.8 depending on any change in warp tension, except the
1.25 5.8 4.0 fabrics woven with weft yarns of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1)
1.5 5.6 3.9 and Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1) at a weft density of 26 threads/
1.75 5.5 4.2 cm, in which bending rigidity in the weft direction
20 0.5 7.6 3.8 decreased as warp tension increased. This decrease
1.0 7.0 4.2 occurred as 3.8% for the fabrics woven with weft
1.25 6.6 4.5 yarn of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1) and 5.9% for the fabrics
1.5 6.4 4.7 woven with weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1), as the
1.75 6.2 4.8 warp tension was raised from 1.25 to 1.75 kN.
26 0.5 – – According to the weft crimp values of the fabrics in
1.0 9.3 4.7 Table 3, it was seen that the increase in weft crimp
1.25 8.5 5.4 occurred at higher levels depending on the increase in
1.5 8.1 5.5 warp tension in the fabrics woven with thinner weft
1.75 7.8 5.9 yarns and/or at higher weft densities. When warp ten-
Nm 84.67 14 0.5 5.5 4.1 sion was raised from 0.5 to 1.75 kN, the increase in
(Ne 50/1) 1.0 5.2 4.3 weft crimp in fabrics woven with weft yarn of Nm
1.25 5.0 4.8 40.64 (Ne 24/1) was 20.6% with a weft density of 14
1.5 4.8 5.0 threads/cm, 20.0% for fabrics woven with weft yarn of
1.75 4.7 5.2 Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1), and as 26.8% for fabrics woven
20 0.5 6.3 4.6 with weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1). When warp
1.0 5.7 5.0 tension was raised from 0.5 to 1.75 kN, the increase in
1.25 5.6 5.4 weft crimp in fabrics woven with weft yarn of Nm
1.5 5.4 5.2 40.64 (Ne 24/1) was 23.7% with a weft density of 20
1.75 5.2 6.0 threads/cm, 26.3% for fabrics woven with weft yarn of
26 0.5 7.6 5.4 Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1), and as 30.4% for fabrics woven
1.0 6.6 5.9 with weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1). When warp
1.25 6.2 6.2 tension was raised from 1.25 to 1.75 kN, the increase
1.5 5.8 6.6 in weft crimp in fabrics woven with weft yarn of Ne
1.75 5.7 6.9 Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) was 7.8% with a weft density of
26 threads/cm, 9.3% for fabrics woven with weft yarn

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Figure 4. Bending rigidities of the fabrics in the weft direction Figure 7. Overall fabric bending rigidity for Nm 40.64 (Ne
for Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) weft yarn. 24/1) weft yarn.

Figure 5. Bending rigidities of the fabrics in the weft direction Figure 8. Overall fabric bending rigidity for Nm 60.96 (Ne
for Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1) weft yarn. 36/1) weft yarn.

Figure 6. Bending rigidities of the fabrics in the weft direction Figure 9. Overall fabric bending rigidity for Nm 84.67 (Ne
for Nm 84.67 (Ne 50 1) weft yarn. 50/1) weft yarn.

of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1), and as 11.3% for fabrics fabrics could not be woven with all weft yarns and
woven with weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1). under all warp tension values at a weft density of
Despite the interpretation above, the increase in 26 threads/cm.
percentage weft crimp in the fabrics woven at a weft The increase, which occurred at higher levels in
density value of 26 threads/cm occurred at lower the weft crimp, reduced resistance of the weft yarns
levels compared with the increase in crimp in percent- in the fabric to bending, especially in the case of
age, which was seen in the fabrics woven at weft fabrics woven with thinner weft yarns and/or at
densities of 14 and 20 threads/cm. The reason may higher weft densities.31 This caused a reduction in
be the fact that the evaluation was conducted bending rigidities of these fabrics in the weft
for these fabrics between 1.25 and 1.75 kN, because direction.

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Overall fabric bending rigidity

Figures 7–9 show graphically the overall bending rigid-
ities of the fabrics. According to the graphics, overall
bending rigidities increase as the weft yarn becomes
thicker and weft density becomes higher, as expected.
Overall bending rigidities of the fabrics woven with a
weft yarn of Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1) increased as the warp
tension increased, while this increase occurred at lower
levels in the fabrics woven with a weft yarn of Nm 60.96
(Ne 36/1). Any significant variation was not observed in
the overall bending rigidities of the fabrics woven with Figure 10. Drape coefficients of the fabrics for Nm 40.64 (Ne
a weft yarn of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1), despite the increase 24/1) weft yarn.
in warp tension.
Overall fabric bending rigidity is a geometrical mean
of bending rigidity in the warp direction and bending
rigidity in the weft direction. Particularly in the case of
fabrics woven with weft yarns of Nm 40.64 (Ne 24/1)
and Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1), as warp tension increased,
bending rigidity in the warp direction increased, while
any significant variation was not observed in bending
rigidity in the weft direction depending on the increase
in warp tension and, therefore, variations in bending
rigidity in the warp direction and in overall fabric bend-
ing rigidity occurred similarly, depending on the change
in the warp tension. The increase in bending rigidity in
the warp direction of the fabrics woven with a weft yarn Figure 11. Drape coefficients of the fabrics for Nm 60.96 (Ne
of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1), depending on the increase in the 36/1) weft yarn.
warp tension, was observed at lower levels compared
with the increase that occurred in bending rigidities in
the warp direction of the fabrics woven with other weft
yarns, while bending rigidity in the weft direction did
not vary significantly as the warp tension increased,
except for the fabrics woven with a weft density of 26
threads/cm and, therefore, overall fabric bending rigid-
ity did not vary significantly despite a very insignificant
increase. In the case of fabrics woven with a weft yarn
of Nm 84.67 (Ne 50/1) at a weft density of 26 threads/
cm, as the warp tension increased, bending rigidity
in the warp direction increased (8.0%), while bending
rigidity in the weft direction decreased (5.9%)
more compared with other densities and these Figure 12. Drape coefficients ofthe fabrics for Nm 84.67 (Ne
values are close to each other. Thus, overall fabric 50/1) weft yarn.
bending rigidity did not vary significantly in these
fabric woven with a weft yarn of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1)
under the warp tension of 1.0 kN at a weft density of 26
Drapability threads/cm (DC ¼ 84.3%), while the lowest drape
Figures 10–12 show graphically drape coefficients coefficient was observed for the fabric woven with a
(DC%) of the fabrics, which were woven at different weft yarn of Nm 60.96 (Ne 36/1) under the warp
weft counts, weft densities and warp tensions. tension of 0.5 kN at a weft density of 14 threads/cm
According to the graphics, it was observed that (DC ¼ 67.1%). Drape coefficients of other fabrics
drape coefficients of the fabrics increased as the weft ranged between these two values. Drape coefficients
density increased and the weft yarn became thicker. of the fabrics did not vary significantly in a certain
The highest drape coefficient was observed for the way in response to any variation in the warp tension.

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Figure 13. Relationship between overall bending rigidities of the fabrics and drape coefficients of the fabrics.

Figure 13 shows graphically the relationship between weft count, weft density and warp tension were varied
overall bending rigidities and drape coefficients of the in manufacturing of the fabrics. At the end of the study,
fabrics for different warp tensions. As seen in Figure 13, higher values were found for bending rigidities of the
the drape coefficient of the woven fabric has a close fabrics woven with thicker weft yarns and at higher
correlation with fabric bending rigidity. Fabrics with weft densities in the warp, weft and overall bending
higher bending rigidities have higher drape coefficients rigidities.
and less draping properties. The bending rigidities and It was seen that bending rigidities of the fabrics in
drape coefficients of the fabrics woven with thicker weft the warp direction increased as warp tension increased.
yarns and higher weft densities were also found to be This increase occurred at higher levels in fabrics woven
higher in this study. Correlation coefficients between with thicker weft yarns and at higher weft densities.
bending rigidities and drape coefficients of the fabrics Considering warp crimps of these fabrics, having the
were obtained between 0.86 and 0.96 for different warp same structural parameters but woven under different
tensions. warp tensions as the only exception, warp crimp
ANOVA p-values for overall bending rigidities of decreased as warp tension increased. This made these
the fabrics and drape coefficients of the fabrics are pre- yarns more resistant to bending in the fabric and, thus,
sented in Table 2. According to the statistical analysis, higher bending rigidity was achieved in the warp
weft count, weft density and warp tension have a sig- direction.
nificant effect on fabric overall bending rigidity. Weft Bending rigidity in the weft direction did not show
count and weft density have a significant effect on any significant change, such as an increase or decrease
fabric drape coefficient, while the effect of the warp depending on any change in warp tension. In the case of
tension on fabric drape coefficient is insignificant. fabrics woven with thinner weft yarns at a weft density
of 26 threads/cm, bending rigidity in the weft direction
decreased as the warp tension increased. This decrease
Conclusions was explained depending on the increase in weft crimp
This study was conducted to investigate drape and versus the increase in the warp tension in the case of
bending properties of gray plain woven fabrics and fabrics woven with thinner weft yarns and/or at higher
the effect of weft density, weft yarn count and warp weft densities. The increase, which occurred at higher
tension on these properties. Warp and weft yarn type, levels, in the weft crimp, reduced resistance of the weft
warp count and warp density were kept constant, while yarns in the fabric to bending, especially in the case of

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818 Textile Research Journal 82(8)

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