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Comunicación Breve ID 1438

Title: Importance of early detection of hemoglobinopathies in the pediatric population in

developing countries, a retrospective study

Marisol Aguirrea, Diego Medinab,c, María Valeria Araujob, María Alejandra Campob,
Andrés Castroa, Liliana Fernández-Trujillob,d, Mercedes Alcaláe, Luz Fernanda Suab,e

a. Center of Clinical Investigations, Foundation Valle del Lili. Cali, Colombia

b. Faculty of Health Sciences, University Icesi. Colombia
c. Department of Pediatrics, Unit of Transplants, Foundation Valle del Lili. Cali,
d. Department of Intern Medicine, Service of Pneumology, Pneumology
Interventionist, Foundation Valle del Lili. Cali, Colombia
e. Department of Pathology and laboratory medicine, Foundation Valle del Lili. Cali,
Figure 1. Distribution of hemoglobinopathies diagnosed by capillary electrophoresis in a
hospital of Cali, Colombia

Figure 1. Distribution of hemoglobinopathies

diagnosed by capillary electrophoresis in a hospital
of Cali, Colombia ( n=152)
Hb CC 2.6%
Hb SC 4.6%
Hb SS 11.8%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

*Other hemoglobinopathies

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