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Lose Your Man Boobs

Gregory Ryan

Thank you for purchasing Ultimate Techniques: Get Rid of Your Man Boobs.

This book contains the most effective method to tighten your chest, and reduce
the excess breast tissue you are living with. I suffered with a large chest since
my balls dropped and I became a teenager, having lived with this confidence
shattering affliction up until a few years ago (I am 34 as of writing this).

I used to layer my clothes to help hide my boobs. I loved winter because I could
layer my clothes which provided great cover for onlookers of my chest. I was
always in a constant state of posture shifting to minimize my chest size. Should I
arch my back as I stand, or sink in my chest? Which posture most effectively
minimized my chest? These thoughts were at the forefront of my mind all the

Throughout my teenage years and adult life, I was a workout nut, driven by an
insane desire to flatten my chest. Countless workouts and consistent
disassociation of food did not help. No matter what I did, my blubbery chest

I copped out, blaming crappy family genetics on my large chest. I was out of
excuses. Then I was turned on to the teachings of what I have laid out in this

After learning why my body was placing fat on my chest, rather than my
stomach or elsewhere, my chest slimmed down significantly. This book contains
the reasons why your body is choosing to store fat on your chest, and simple
explanations on how to correct the problem.

Here is the elegantly simple concept that will flatten your chest; Help your body
choose to store fat on places besides your chest. That’s it. It’s not rocket
science, but it is an idea that will change your life.

You will discover simple dietary changes that will instantly begin shrinking your
chest, such as:

Making sure you are getting 50 mg of Zinc every day. Zinc helps control
aromatase in your body, which is a substance that turns your Testosterone into
Estrogen. The less aromatase the better. More details inside.

Eating alkaline rich foods to bring back your hormone balance is essential to
shrink your chest. Eating an alkaline rich diet is very easy to do, the foods to eat
and the science behind the why is inside.

A beer, or a cocktail? Which beverage choice is better to get rid of butter
boobies? Sorry beer lovers. I hate to say it, I really do, but hops and barley
encourage breast growth. This section is a must read if you want a flat chest.

What exercises will help tighten your chest? Learn my famous and fun
"Morning Shower Exercise Routine" that will tighten your chest in less than
three minutes a day.

Most importantly, you will learn why these quick fixes will tighten your
chest. By understanding the science behind why these fixes work, you will live
the rest of your life with a tighter chest and more confidence.

Hundreds of hours of research and years of personal experience went into
creating this book. If you implement the simple steps laid out here, I have no
doubt you will flatten your chest.

Thanks again for downloading this book.
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About Me

I have been trim my entire adult life. Not because of genetics, but because I
worked out like a mad man, and sacrificed eating crappy food.

You see, I was fat and pudgy as a kid. I grew up on Dunkaroo’s and Ho-ho’s. I
trimmed up only after committing to a reckless three-month crash diet my junior
year of high school, which gave me big health problems.

Yes I dropped 60lbs in three months, but I also lost my gallbladder in the
process. My crash diet didn’t include any fat. A zero fat diet wreaks havoc on
your body. No fat means no bile release. The bile eventually hardens in to
gallstones. Think of a sunflower seed passing through a tube the size of a human
hair. That happened to me every week for almost a year. It was excruciating, the
pain so intolerable, I was taken to the E.R. and had an emergency gallbladder

What was the one good thing about dropping 60 lbs. and a gall bladder? I was 16
years old, trimmed up, feeling confident and finally ready to talk to girls.

My large chest robbed me of confidence my entire life, and created so many
awkward, self-conscious times in my life. After learning how to get a flat chest, I
decided to take the time to write this book to help other guys tighten up their

Ch. 1: Why Do We Have Man Boobs?

The medical term for man boobs is Gynecomastia, it comes from Greek gyne,
means woman and mastos means breast. This condition can occur in any stage of
a man’s life.

There are two primary reasons why men grow breasts. The first reason is an
overweight problem. No surprise there. When you are overweight, excess fat is
stored in every part of your body and your chest is no different. The second
reason are hormones. The human body works in its own way, and while you
cannot tell your body exactly where you want your excess fat stored, you can
help your body choose the proper shape by properly regulating your

Besides testosterone, you also have the female sex hormone estrogen in you.
These two hormones develop and control male and female sex characteristics in
your body. The type of foods you eat play a huge role in properly balancing
these hormones.

The hormone balancing act in your body is what retains your muscular shape.
When your body produces a higher amount of estrogen, the balancing act skews
female and feminine signs, such as man boobs begin forming.

And what is even crappier, our bodies produce more estrogen as we gain weight,
and less testosterone as we age. These are two very common causes of hormone
imbalance. This is why you need to apply the hormone wisdom in this book.
You can combat these hormone changes and decrease the breast tissue on your

Another reason our chests get flabby is that certain kinds of medications can
cause gynecomastia. Taking drugs for cancer, prostate enlargement, anabolic
steroids will cause gynecomastia. Some HIV patients may suffer from
gynecomastia because of their medication. Ulcer patients and people with heart
conditions can have the same problem.

If your body is producing a high amount of thyroid hormone, this can cause
gynecomastia. Patients with kidney disease experience gynecomastia because of
the hormone reduction in the body. This is the same with liver disease patients,
as damaged liver cause hormone imbalance in the human body.

As heartbreaking as it is, beer is one of the worst culprits to forming a large
chest, as you will find out.
Ch. 2: How To Tighten Your Chest

There are two primary methods to tighten your chest. The first is the natural
method which includes regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet plan. This
is the plan spelled out in this book. The other method is to take hyped up
estrogen blocking pills and breast reduction surgeries. This is unnecessary in
almost all cases.

The natural method will almost always be the safest and most effective for your
body. There are no side effects from artificial pills, and no need to spend time in
Operational Theater. You can solve the problem on your own. Time and time
again natural methods have proven highly effective at reducing man boobs
completely. This worked for me.

Diet Plan

Committing to a healthy diet plan and regular exercise will reduce your chest
size substantially. Your diet is going to be the most important factor when it
comes to reducing man boobs in a natural way. Which foods should you eat,
how often you should you them, and how much you eat is going to be critical to
get a flat chest fast.

Go Alkaline

Hormone imbalance plays a major role in man boob growth. An easy way to
reduce your chest size is to bring back the hormone balance in your body by
making your body more alkaline than acidic with eating alkaline friendly foods.
Alkaline and acidity are basically PH levels of the body. To remain healthy and
active, the human body needs to remain in PH range 7.35-7.45, above or below
this range, hormone imbalance and other symptoms and disease will occur.

Human bodies like alkaline because it can function better. When you have an
alkaline rich diet, you think more clearly, work faster and decision making
becomes easier. The secret is to eat more alkaline friendly foods rather than
acidic foods. Ideally you should eat four portions of alkaline foods for every one
portion of acidic food. A list of alkaline foods can be found later in the book.

Water and Sleep

Nothing can beat the hydration properties of water. Water plays a dynamic role
when it comes to tightening your chest. 70% of the human body consists of
water and some of our organs like liver is 95% water. The liver breaks down fat
cells, toxins and removes them from the body. Drinking a sufficient amount of
water will keep the liver working efficiently.

The Kidneys also remove toxins and other waste materials from the body. If you
don’t drink sufficient amount of water, it can’t function at full strength and your
liver have to do the kidneys’ job as well. With twice the amount of work liver
can’t function efficiently. Make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every
day. Always keep a bottle of water with you, whenever you feel thirsty drink
some water.

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is important for hormone production and
testosterone release in the body. Scientists found that even one night of
inadequate sleep will cause a lower testosterone release in the morning. Young
healthy adults who sleep regularly for a short period of time, develops a low
level testosterone in their body.

Lack of sleep will make you hungry even if you are maintaining a healthy diet
plan, because lack of sleep affects cortisol hormone which regulates appetite.
Lack of sleep will also increase fat storage in the body, the exact opposite of
what you want. Sleep 7-8 hours every night, you will feel better in the morning
and thinking will become clear.

Calcium Helps

A recent study found that low-fat dietary calcium lowers excess body fat.
Calcium effectively regulates how excess fat is stored and broken down by the
body, adequate amount of calcium in the body burns fat cell at a faster rate. You
don’t have to take calcium supplements for calcium deficiency, as studies show
calcium rich dairy based products yields the best result.
Ch. 3: Foods That Boost Testosterone

Free-range eggs: Start your day with eggs. Studies have shown that men who
consume eggs regularly have a higher level of testosterone than men who
consumes eggs now and then. Regularly consuming eggs can boost testosterone
level up to 20%. Eggs also helps the liver to function properly and a properly
functioning liver will flush out excess estrogen from the body in no time.

Tuna: Tuna boost testosterone and provides vitamin D, which is also helpful for
hormone balance in the male body. It’s also low in calorie, protein-rich and
keeps the heart healthy. Either canned or fresh both are helpful for you. While
the vitamin D is beneficial for the body, some argue, the polyunsaturated fats of
tuna and salmon lowers the testosterone level.

Shrimp: Studies conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health show that
eating shrimp provides male body sufficient vitamin D and as you know vitamin
D is directly linked to boosting the testosterone presence in the male body. Other
research in Medicine science, Sports and Exercise explains that high amount of
vitamin D helps to build upper body muscle.

Wheat bran: Fiber-rich low-brow wheat bran is an excellent source of
magnesium. A recent research in Turkey reveals that consuming magnesium
rich foods increases testosterone. Mix wheat bran into a homemade protein
shake, protein bars and pancake batter to get more magnesium in the body.

Coconut: Coconut boosts your testosterone level, as it is a rich source of
saturated fat. A recent report published in “The journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism” found that males who take higher amount of
saturated fat in their diet, have a high testosterone presence in their body.

Low-fat milk with vitamin D: Low-fat milk with vitamin D increases the
testosterone in the body. It is also a good source of healthy protein and calcium.

Oysters: No surprise there, is it? Oysters are rich in zinc. As you know now how
crucial zinc is to produce testosterone in the male body. You need to consume
zinc rich foods throughout your lifetime to remain healthy and fend off the
unwanted chest growth issue.

Strawberries: Strawberries are rich in vitamin C. It also contains antioxidant,
which stabilizes the testosterone level in the body.

Salmon: Consuming salmon will get rid of your man boobs and keep your heart
healthy, as it contains good fat. You can also try wasabi, which is a Japanese
condiment, known for reducing man boobs, because it contains Dim or
Diidolymethane. Dim reduces aromatase and without aromatase, stored
estrogens disappear.

Brazil nuts: A rich source of natural magnesium is Brazil nuts. Few studies
have found that athletes as well as older men who consume magnesium rich diet
have much higher levels of testosterone in their body.

Bananas: Bananas are rich in vitamin B such as Riboflavin. Riboflavin is
essential for producing testosterone in the body.

Seaweeds and algaes: Algaes and seaweeds are powerful anti-estrogenic.
Algaes and seaweeds are commonly used in Japanese society and becoming
popular in the US.

Seeds: Seeds are rich in zinc and good for testosterone production in the male
body. Watermelon seeds, squash seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds all are
good for the body. Most of the seeds are a good source of zinc and testosterone
friendly. Chia and sesame seeds contain Polyphenols; Polyphenols reduce
estrogen in the bloodstream. Make sure to eat a few seeds every day.

Pomegranates: Pomegranate is known as a super food, as it is rich with
vitamins, mineral and antioxidants. Pomegranate is full with estrogen-blocking
antioxidant called phytochemicals.

Coffee: Caffeine helps you to shed excess fat from the body and boost your
metabolism rate.

Raw cacao powder: Raw cacao powder increases testosterone in the male body.
Don’t eat the commercial chocolate bars, even if they contain 85% cocoa,
because the chocolate bars contains processed sugars and processed sugars
lowers testosterone level of the body. Cacao powder increases arginine levels in
the body and more arginine means more testosterone. Cacao powder also
contains magnesium and theobromine, helpful to boost testosterone in the body.
Cacao powder also contains copper, which lowers zinc levels of the body. So
don’t consume too much raw cacao powder.

Green tea: It is well known that green tea is better than normal black tea. Just
like pomegranates, green tea also contains antioxidant phytochemical. Green tea
reduces estrogen and prevents certain types of cancer, reduces cholesterol and

Mushrooms: Mushrooms such as cremini, baby button, portabello, shiitake
works against estrogen build up in the male body. As you know aromatase is
known to increase estrogen in the body, but mushrooms counter that. Choose
organic mushrooms for better result.

Cruciferous vegetables: Regularly eating cruciferous vegetables effectively
blocks estrogen production in the male body. Cruciferous vegetables include
cauliflower; Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, turnips, kale, bok choy,
rutabagas and broccoli. These vegetables are rich with Indoplex. Indoplex boosts
the livers ability to metabolize estrogen in the body. These vegetables also
contain Indole 3 Carbinol, which also acts as an estrogen regulator. With your
liver burning estrogen at a rapid pace, you will lose your chest quickly.

Grass-fed beef: Grass-fed beef contains higher amount of vitamins, glutathione,
catalase, superoxide dismutase, healthy fat such as omega-3 and omega-6 and
phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron and zinc. All the minerals, vitamins and
nutrients are beneficial for the body.

Free-range chicken: Commercially farmed poultry always contains antibiotics,
hormones and trace amount of pesticides. This is alarming especially if you are
already suffering from hormone imbalance problem. Even a small amount of
excess hormone can have a big effect on your body, not to mention the risk of
cancer as well.
Ch. 4: Vitamins And Supplements That Tighten

Along with going alkaline, taking the right kind of supplements, minerals and
vitamins will help keep your hormones in balance. You will find a lot of
supplements and vitamin pills on the market. Some of the healthiest and most
effective ones are listed here.

Zinc and Resveratrol

If you are suffering from a large chest, you are likely suffering from zinc
deficiency in your body. The enzyme Aromatase, along with others, convert the
male sex hormone androgen into estrogen. A sufficient amount of zinc in your
body prevents this from happening. 50mg is the correct amount for an average
adult man. Now do not go on a zinc binge. Any amount past 50mg per day isn’t
going to be beneficial. Zinc can be toxic in high doses, so check with your
doctor to be sure.

Rejoice wine drinkers! Resveratrol is a helpful antioxidant to help reduce
estrogen. Found mainly in grapes, blueberries and other dark berries. Resveratrol
acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor and reduces estrogen in the body. Along
with other health benefits, Resveratrol helps the liver to metabolize and remove
excess estrogens from the body.


Various vitamins play a vital role to fight chest growth; high levels of vitamin C
reduce the aromatase in the body. Gonadotropins are important growth hormone
that regulates testosterone levels in the male body; vitamin B6 boosts
gonadotropin production in the body and lowers chest growth. Vitamin D is
extremely important for the body to produce testosterone.

Vitamin D: You can get vitamin by just walking in the sun, but if you are facing
a serious chest growth problem and want quick result, then you have to take
vitamin D with your diet through vitamin D rich foods. Vitamin D destroys the
process known as aromatization, aromatization changes testosterone to estrogen
in the male body.

Vitamin D also helps the production of testosterone in the body. Natural source
of vitamin D includes a variety of foods, which we are going to discuss later.
You can also take vitamin D as a supplement.

Magnesium: Magnesium decreases inflammation in the body and improves
antioxidant absolving capacity of the body. This process boosts testosterone
presence in the male body. To avoid hormone imbalance and lose excess fat, an
adequate amount of magnesium rich food is needed in the diet.

Magnesium and vitamin D complements each other to resolve the testosterone
issue. You can take magnesium rich food as diet and take magnesium
supplements if you feel it is necessary.
Ch. 5: Herbs And Spices That Lower Estrogen

Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory,it cleans the
body and burns excess fat. Always try to take the fresh raw turmeric for better
result. You can always blend a few pieces of raw turmeric and drink it as a
health drink. If you are not used to drink raw turmeric, don’t worry, it’s not that
bad. Soon you will realize the benefit of turmeric. You can also use dry turmeric
in meat and vegetables. If you drink raw turmeric drink every day, you will get
smooth bowel movement.

Garlic: Garlic contains a chemical compound known as diallyl disulfide. This
chemical helps the male body to produce testosterone at a faster rate.
Researchers of Kobe’s Women’s University discovered that garlic boost
testosterone level when combine with a protein rich diet.

Ginger: Ginger contains zinc, which we all know boost testosterone. Ginger
also detoxifies the liver. A healthy, well-functioning liver is needed to
metabolize estrogen from the body.

Cayenne pepper: cayenne pepper and few other chilies are really helpful to
boost testosterone in the body. A study conducted at the University of Uludag in
Turkey found that capsaicin compound in the hot chili boosts testosterone.

Rubia cordifolia (Manjishta): This herb helps body to fix the hormone
imbalance and get rid of toxic elements from the body and decreases abnormal
growth in the male chest.

Guarana: Guarana is a common compound in all the chest reduction pills
available for men. Guarana is rich in caffeine and caffeine boost metabolic rate
of the body and burns adipose tissues of male chest at a faster rate.

List of Alkaline Rich Food

You need a balance of alkaline and acidic food in your diet. Ideally, four
portions of alkaline food and one portion of acidic food.

Amaranth, Artichokes, Almonds, Asparagus, Avocado, Arugula, Brussels
sprouts, Beetroot, Broccoli, Basil, Buckwheat, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cabbage,
Chia, Cilantro, Celery, Chives, Cumin, Cucumber, Eggplant, Endive, Goat’s
milk, Green Beans, Grapefruit, Kelp, Kale, Lemon, Leeks, Lima beans, Lentils,
Lettuce, Lime, Millet, Mustard Greens, Mung Beans, New Potatoes, Navy
Beans, Onion, Olive oil, Okra, Peas, Parsley, Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds,
Peppers, Pomegranate, Red beans, Radish, Quinoa, Spinach, Rhubarb, Sprouts,
Sweet potato, Tofu, Tomato, Zucchini.

Foods that are Acidic

For a healthy and balanced diet, include both alkaline and some acidic foods:
Corn, Lentils, Olives, Winter squash, Blueberries, Cranberries, Glazed or canned
fruits, Rice, Rye, Barley, Oatmeal, Noodles, Macaroni, Cashews, Peanuts,
Walnuts, Pork, Rabbit, Beef, Turkey, Bacon, Shrimp, Tuna, Oyster, Mussels,
Lobster, Lamb, Butter, Corn oil, Sugar, Wine, Cocoa, Vinegar, Mustard.

Ch. 6: Food and Drinks To Avoid

Beer : Ahh, beer, men’s liquid sanctuary. Real men drink beer, don’t they? I
drink beer, and love it. Or should I say, I used to drink beer and love it. If you
suffer from a flabby chest, what you are about to read will have talking about
beer in past tense, as I do now. You may hate me for including this information,
but you will love me after you have a flat chest. Read on my friend.

Sadly, beer is giving you a sex change. A slow motion sex change. Beer is
turning you into a woman. It makes your boobs bigger, changes your posture
from ‘at-attention’ to slouch and lowers your sex drive.

As you know, hops is one of the main ingredients in beer. This was not always
the case. Study history and you will learn that the German Beer Purity Act of
1516 made it law that beer had to be made with hops. Prior to this, beers were
primarily made by herbs such as yarrow, big myrtle and marsh rosemary. This
combination of herbs and fermentation was both mentally and sexually
stimulating. The drink was called Gruit. Naturally, the Protestants did not like
these side effects.

Because of Gruit’s effects on the population, Protestants in Germany helped
push the purity act, all the while knowing that hops reduces the male sex drive. It
was a win-win-win for the Church leaders. When you look at today’s society,
almost all commercial beers are brewed with hops. Not the best ingredient for
America’s plummeting birth rate.

But hops are so innocent, aren’t they? And what do they have to do with your
chest? They taste great, and are so hoppy. Unfortunately hops are exploding with
phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant estrogens. Men are supposed to have a
lot of testosterone, with a little bit of estrogen. Drinking beer is like funneling
estrogen down your throat. I think back to my beer bong and keg stand days
during college and wonder why I had a large chest despite working out and
eating healthy.

Drinking hops infused liquids increases the amount of estrogen in your body. As
if that’s not bad enough, hops has a particularly sticky estrogen called Estradiol.
Estradiol does a couple terrible things to your manliness. It increases your Sex
Hormone Binding Globulin (try to say that three times fast). SHBG sticks to
your free testosterone and makes it useless. The more SHBG you have in your
body, the less free testosterone you have, which is the testosterone you want to
have floating around.

This Estradiol then has the audacity to interfere with your leydig cells that are
chilling in your ball sack. What is so important about leydig cells? Leydig cells
produce your testosterone. So to recap, hops slows down your testosterone
production, and makes the traces of testosterone you’re left with utterly useless.

Drinking beer over time lowers your testosterone and increased your estrogen
levels. Really, you say? Yes. You get fat around your midsection along with
your large chest. As your testosterone levels decrease you will lose muscle mass
which will make you even more prone to fat residing on your chest.

You are probably screaming at your e-reader right now to stop the beer bashing.
But wait, there’s more. There is also the brewers droop, which really happens to
workers who brew beer for a living. Because brewers have worked with hops for
so many years, by retirement they have essentially had a sex change.

Hops has a sedentary effect as well. Another reason it was added to beer, so
people would not have the energy to do much and just feel sleepy.

In case you’ve had enough, there is one other key ingredient in beer. Barley!
Barley is full of B vitamins. B vitamins are good, but barley has a stimulating
effect on prolactin.

What is prolactin you ask? Nothing really, just the hormone that is used to
increase the size of women’s breast to make them bigger to breast feed! What!?!
Prolactin levels in women increase naturally when they are pregnant as the body
is preparing to breastfeed. Prolactin also increase when women take the pill as it
tricks the body into thinking it might be pregnant.

Now men have nipples yes, but we are not meant to breastfeed so we don’t need
prolactin in our lives. Yet when you enjoy your nice cold beer you are
encouraging your boobs to grow!

Drinking a lot of beer will cause you health problems. Even non-alcoholic beer
will mess up your hormonal balance. For those of you who do enjoy a nice cold
frosty beer I would advise you enjoy it sparingly and maybe think about
changing your particular poison.

Soy products: Many people believe regular consuming of soy products develops
gynecomastia. Researchers at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas highlighted
a single case of man boobs growth in a healthy 60 year old man who consumed 3
quarts of soy milk a day for a period of time and grew a large chest.

Soy products contains phytoestrogens just as beer does. Unless you are
consuming an abnormal amount of soy product through your diet, you should
not worry too much.

Soy products are a rich source of nutrient isoflavones, which has a mild estrogen
presence in them. And because menopausal women and transgender patients
take estrogen, some believe that soy products boost estrogen presence in the
male body. This notation appears to be a myth.

There isn’t enough scientific evidence to totally ban soy products from the diet.
Only one person developed abnormal chest growth only because he was
consuming close to a gallon of soy milk daily. If you have a serious case of
gynecomastia, then you could stop consuming soy products, otherwise a small
size of soy won’t be harmful.

Non organic cheese: Non organic cheese is full of hormones and antibiotics and
eating this kind of cheese regularly will cause hormone imbalance in the body.
Non organic cheese is more harmful than non-organic milk because of the high
concentration of fat and the high concentration of fat means a heavy dose of
unwanted hormone with every bite.

Mint and spearmint: Mint is good for breath, but bad for testosterone, as the
menthol in mint lowers testosterone. Spearmint is also highly estrogenic.

Licorice: Licorice root is used in tea for flavor and relieve stress, it can also
found in breath fresheners and candies. Stay away from licorice because it is
even more estrogenic than estradiol. Studies have shown healthy men who
consume licorice, have a lower level of testosterone in their body.

Marijuana: Scientists found that active ingredients of marijuana results low rate
of testosterone production in animals. It is noticed by many scientists that
marijuana smokers have lower rate of testosterone in their body than non-
marijuana smokers. Although there isn’t enough evidence, members of medical
community suspect marijuana as one of the causes of chest growth in the male

According to Dr. Steven Goldman, a regarded breast augmentation doctor,
young boys who use marijuana usually develop man boobs in their adult life. He
also says that marijuana makes the temporary chest growth of men permanent
because testosterone levels of the male body changes radically by marijuana.
Ch. 7: Exercise Plan

Following an extensive diet plan will get you a long way, but to win the flat
chest battle, you will have to exercise regularly and properly. With that said, I
have really fun challenge for you. It has transformed my body, it takes less than
two minutes a day, and I believe it will work for you.

The Morning Shower Push Up Challenge

Get a small sticky n0te and write on it; Do 25 Pushups Today. Stick that not on
your bathroom mirror. Have it front and center, with no other notes or pictures
stuck on the mirror.

Turn on your shower in the morning, get naked, and as you are waiting for the
water to reach temperature, do 25 pushups. Knee pushups, regular pushups, a
combination of both, it doesn’t matter, just drop and do 25 pushups right before
hopping in the shower. You will be done with your pushups by the time the
water reaches temperature.

When I started this routine, I realized I could not complete 25 pushups with good
form that will properly target my chest, so I started on my knees. After only
three days of 25 knee pushups, I combined 12 knee, and 12 regular. After a few
weeks, I was knocking out 25 pushups easy. I can now knock out 25 pushups in
less than 30 seconds. And I find myself knocking out sets of 25 throughout the
day, not just my morning set.

Make sure to Youtube incline push-up techniques. Watch the right way to do a
push-up to strengthen your upper chest. Keep your butt high in the air. Think
about your upper chest as you go through the reps.

Do this morning routine for one month and you will have a tighter chest. This
really worked for me. I have been doing 25 pushups every morning for almost
two years now, with the same sticky note from day one.

Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope you take the core concepts in this book to heart as I have, because it
changed my life, and I believe it will change yours as well.

And if you enjoyed this book, please be kind enough to leave a review for this
book on Amazon. I would be forever in debt to you.

Thank you and good luck!

Gregory Ryan

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