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Nama : Rina Yohanes

Stambuk : P10120229
Kelas :A

The meaning of health

Health means more than an absence of disease, as is recognized in the WHO

definition of health (Box1). Health is only possible where resources are available to
meet human needs and where the living and working environment is protected from
life- threatening and health-threatening pollutants, pathogens, and physical hazards.
But health also includes a sense of well-being and security. Deficient living
and working environments are associated with both physical and psychosocial health
problems. Violence and alienation are associated not only with poor job prospects
but also with overcrowded poor-quality housing, deficient services, and inadequate
provision for leisure, recreation, and children's play and development. Growing
understanding of this link had led to the concept of a heath-promoting environment
where not only are health risks minimized but personal and community
fulfillment, self-esteem, and security are encouraged. WHO definition of health
"Health is state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity."Constitution of the World Health Organization)

The complex relationship between health and environment extends the

responsibility of promoting health to all groups of society. Health is no longer than
responsibility only of doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health professionals
who seek to prevent or cure disease or of those who seek to remove pathogens from
the human environment and reduce accidents. It is also the responsibility of
planners, architects, teachers, employers, and all others who influence the
physical or social environment. It is the responsibility of health professionals to work
in all groups of society in promoting health.
This understanding of health also means, above all, that individuals,
households, and communities have substantial responsibility for their own health.
Personal and community responsibilities for health are essential adjuncts to
individual and community rights. The right of individual to adequate shelter, health
care, and education (including health education) must have as a counterpart their
commitment to promotion and protection of their own and their neighbors'
health and welfare. Indeed, each adult has the duty as a citizen to ensure
that heath risks within human environments are minimized and government resources
wisely used. Citizens' rights and citizens' capacity to organize and act become crucial
in health. Households and communities with the knowledge, confidence, and capacity
to improve their own environment are likely to be healthier, not only because of the
physical improvements they can make but also because of the important links
between mental health and self-esteem and capacity for action.

A. Vocabulary Drills

I. Find single words in the text which match the following definitions. Some
examples are given.

1. very important: crucial

2. make something smaller or less: reduce
3. the activity of trying to make something develop or become accepted by people:
4. not as much as you need, or not good enough: limited
5. people: individuals
6. to make sure that sth happens or is definite: clear
7. the way in which two or more things are connected: related
8. large in amount: a lot
9. being prepared to give a lot of your time and attention to sth because you believe
it is right or important: it cares

II. Find words in the text which have the same meaning as:

10. resources of the government: government resources

11. the rights of the people who live in a city or a country: citizens’ right
12. environments that help promote health: health promoting enviroment
13. pollutants that threaten the health of living things: pathogen
14. dangers to health: danger
15. physical dangers and risks : physical hazard
16. health problems related to the mind: mental
17. an environment that people work in: working enviroment
18. an agency of the United Nations, concerned with improving the health of the
world's people: who

B. Comprehension Check

1. TRUE OR FALSE: Put T for true and F for false statements.

1. F…Health is only possible where resources are available to meet man's needs.
2. T…Violence as well as alienation is associated with poor job.
3. T…Health is not included a sense of well-being and security.
4. F…Violence is not associated with children's play and development
5. F…Health is the responsibility of only doctors, nurses, and other health
6. T…Individuals, households, and communities have substantial responsibility
for their own health.
7. F…Each adult has duty to make sure that government resources are wisely
8. T… There is an important link between mental health and capacity for action.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. When is health possible?

Answer : Health is only possible where resources are available to meet
human needs and where the living and working environment is protected
from life- threatening and health-threatening pollutants, pathogens, and
physical hazards.
2. What is related to physical and psychosocial health problems?
Answer : Deficient living and working environments are associated with
both physical and psychosocial health problems
3. Except health professionals, what other professionals have the responsibility
of maintaining health?
Answe : It is also the responsibility of planners, architects, teachers,
employers, and all others who influence the physical or social

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below. Each word could be
used more than once.

definition disease hospitals in terms of led

limits mentioned positive
People's Understanding of Health

Many people think they understand what health is but find it hard to put it into words and
tend to say what it is not. The WHO mentioned is a response to this negative approach.
We are inclined to talk about positive health as a conceptual entity, but negative health
is rarely led There are other words for negative health, among them diasease, sickness
and illness, but we sometimes prefer to use euphemisms based on "health". This has
limit to bizarre uses of the word. The institutions concerned with "mental health" are
definition and statistics on the subject relate to the prevalence of incidence of diseases.
"Dental health" is often measured in terms of decayed, missing, or filled teeth.
"Environmental health" deals mainly with the placing of enforceable hospitals on factors
that can cause illness.

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