Kenton Knepper - Stardust!

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Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Corey White and Kenton Knepper

Take your readings to the next level and turn them into impossible predictions. Imagine meeting
a total stranger and telling them when they were born, and what their star sign means. That’s
exactly what you can do with Stardust! Give readings to people you have never met. No sleight
of hand or gimmicks are necessary. This simple system will tell you all about a person.
Everything you need to do a reading is right here. Word for word cold readings included.

Step 1) Have a person write down the month they were born, the last two digits of the year they
were born, and the age they will be at the end of the year. Make sure they use the age they will
be at the end of the year and not just the age they are right now.

Step 2) Tell the participant to add these numbers together without showing them to you.

Step 3) Ask if the total is a 2 digit number or a 3 digit number. *

Step 4) Tell the participant to take their new number and, using numerology, add the digits in it
together until they have a one digit number. For example:

Corey is 31, was born August 1st 1983 and will turn 32 by the end of the year. So we add 32 + 83
+ 8 = 123. We then reduce the total down by adding 1 + 2 + 3 together, which gives us the
number total of 6.

Step 5) Give a brief numerology reading based on this number (readings to follow).

Step 6) Find the current year in the provided chart and see what month this person falls under.
Add 1 to the chart if their original total was a 2 digit number.

Step 7) Tell the participant which month their birthday is in, and give them a reading based on
their sun sign.

Step 8) 6 months in every year will share a number on the chart with one other month. For
instance, November and February share the number 9 in 2015. So if the person’s number is one
of two possible months, use the following script.

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

(A) “Something special will happen to you in the month of_________(name one of two possible
months)______ . Do you know what it is?”

IF YES (a direct hit) SAY:

“Is it your birthday?”


“I see that in another month, probably ______(name the other possible month now)___ you will
have your birthday.”


“Which day of the month is your birthday?”

Once you know the day, you can tell the person which star sign they are and give them a reading.

Let’s Try An Example

Here is a simple example of how this works before you try it for others:

“Take a pencil and some paper. Now don’t let me peek at it, okay?”


“Write down three numbers, one below the other. The first number is the month you were born.
The second number is the last two digits of the year you were born. And the third number is the
age you will be at the end of the year. Understand?”


“Good. Now add these three numbers together, Got it?”


“Is this a 2 or 3 digit number?”

“It’s a 3 digit number.”

“You will need to reduce this number down to one digit so we can do a reading. For example
when I do this, I get 123. So I add 1 to 2, and get 3. I add 3 to that, and get 6. 6 has a personal
meaning for me. Your number will be different, and will mean something just for you. Okay?”


“After you have reduced the number tell me what it is, so we can do the numerology reading.”

“Okay. My number is a 3.”

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

“A 3 year means you are going to be busy having lots of fun, and putting work on the back
burner. You will have to manage your time, but you will be focused on what you want to do
rather than what you have to do. It is a great time to meet people and make new friends, so you
should try and find like-minded people who share your interests.”


“I’m getting the feeling that something special for you will happen in the month of May. Does
that make sense?”


“I’m getting an impression that someone is having a birthday that month.”

“I am!”

“What day of the month were you born?”

“I was born on the 20th.”

“I thought so. You are a Taurus right?”


“That means you are patient and reliable. People can also see you as stubborn, even when you
aren’t. You are honest, and also know when to keep your mouth shut. This is quite an
accomplishment, really. No matter what blocks are in your path, you will find a way around
them. You are a very loving person, and have a great sense of fun. Sometimes you can be too
focused on the material world, but you have good taste. So that works out. Do you have any

“Yes, I want to know...”

From here you may go into any sort of reading you like.

The steps flow together in a natural way and you get a lot of direct hits, or what seems like direct
hits, using these simple steps.

On the previous page is the special Birth Month Chart you will need to make this work.

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

We know not everyone who gets this system will already be doing readings, numerology or
astrology. Corey has provided some of the following easy cold readings scripts to get you started.
Usually cold reading scripts are designed to be learned word for word. This may seem like a
massive undertaking at first, but with a little effort on your part the results will be rewarding. We
have provided key words to speed up the learning process. Once you are familiar with these key
words, the actual readings will pop into your mind just like an actual telepathic set of thoughts!

Numerology Readings
1 Year

This year is a fresh start for you. You will be entering a whole new cycle, filled with optimism
and energy. You could literally start anything this year, and it will be a success. The only problem
will be managing so much energy with all of the things you want to do this year. There are going
to be many changes this year that relate to your job or personal life, but you will be ready for

1. Fresh

2. New cycle

3. Optimism

4. Success

5. Manage energy

6. Changes

2 Year

All of the high energy in last year will finally be calming down. So this year has the potential to
be very easy going. Patience will be important this year. Last year you were racing at high speeds
to get things done, but this year you need to be more careful and take your time. If you can’t do
this you will find yourself getting stressed out.

1. Calm

2. Easy going

3. Patience

4. Racing

5. Careful

6. Stress

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

3 Year

This year you are going to be busy having lots of fun, and putting work on the back burner. You
will still have to manage your time, but you will be focusing on what you want to do rather than
what you have to do. It is a great time to meet people and make new friends. Try and find
likeminded people who share your interests.

1. Fun

2. Manage time

3. Focus on

4. New friends

5. Interests

4 Year

To be successful this year will require a lot of work on your part. You are going to be under
pressure for most of the year, and it will take time to complete your goals. If you don’t plan
ahead you could get into trouble. This year is going to challenge you, so don’t give up.

1. Successful

2. Requires

3. Pressure

4. Goals

5. Planning

6. Challenge

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

5 Year

There are quite a few surprises waiting for you this year, and you are ready for them. You have
some surprises for the rest of us too. You are going to need lots of excitement this year, and it’s a
good year to stop holding back. So do all kinds of new and different things, and stop putting off
what you have been planning.

1. Surprises

2. Ready

3. Everyone

4. Excitement

5. New and different

6. Planning

6 Year

If your relationships have been going well, then this year they are just going to get closer. If they
have been stressful, then you are going to have healthy interactions beginning this year. It is
important to be understanding of the needs of others, even when you feel that you may not be
able to do much to help them.

1. Relationships

2. Improve

3. Stress

4. Understanding

5. Help

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

7 Year

You are going to need a lot of time to yourself this year. It is a good year to be in school, and to
learn what you can about whatever interests you. This year will bring a lot of insight into your
life and the world you live in. It isn’t the best year for making money, but is a good year for
making plans.

1. Time

2. Education

3. Interests

4. Insight

5. Money

6. Plans

8 Year

This year is the best time to start making financial goals. You are going to see money coming
back in again, but it will require some work on your part. It is also important to remember that
you shouldn’t be working too hard this year, and that you need to save some time for yourself.

1. Money

2. Work

3. Hard

4. Time

5. Plans

6. Vacation

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

9 Year

Quit thinking about the past, and start making plans for the future this year. This will be difficult
for you because there are so many things you want to do. However, once you decide on what you
want, you will know exactly how to get it. It just won’t happen immediately.

1. The past

2. Future plans

3. Too many

4. Decide

5. Exactly

6. Immediately

Next Corey provides you with some Zodiac or Star Sign cold readings just in case you do not
have any of your own. We wanted to be sure you would have everything you need here in one
place to perform this system.

Star Sign Readings

Aries, March 21 to April 20

You have a lot of energy, but can become reckless at times. You don’t like being criticized. You
are usually warm and friendly, but you have a bit of a temper and know you need to watch that.
You are courageous and take the initiative, even when no one else believes in you. This quality
has made you a leader.

1. Reckless

2. Criticism

3. Friendly

4. Temper

5. Courageous

6. Leader

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Taurus, April 21 to May 20

You are patient and reliable. People can also see you as stubborn, even if they aren’t right. You
are honest, and know when to keep your mouth shut. That is quite an accomplishment, really. No
matter what blocks are in your path, you will find a way around it. You are a very loving person,
and have a great sense of fun. Sometimes you can be too focused on the material world, but you
have good taste. So that works out.

1. Patient

2. Stubborn

3. Honest

4. Blocked

5. Fun

6. Material

Gemini, May 21 to Jun 20

You are able to do many things at once, and are interested in many different subjects. People feel
it is hard to really get to know you, and it’s difficult for you to finish everything you start. Once
you do decide what you want to do, you can be very successful at whatever it is, but you have to
get past all of that nervous energy that comes with being a Gemini.

1. Multi-tasking

2. Finishing

3. Friendships

4. Successful

5. Nervous

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Cancer, Jun 21 to July 22

You get along well with almost everyone, and hate feeling lonely. Often, you have gotten
depressed when you aren’t around the people you care about. You have a hard time letting go of
the past, and need to be careful about holding grudges. You are romantic and emotional, and
these are some of your best qualities.

1. Everyone

2. Depressed

3. Past

4. Grudges

5. Romantic

Leo, July 23 to Aug 23

You are good at making friends and like almost everyone. You have a hard time understanding
why certain people don’t appreciate you the way you think they should. You like leadership
positions, and won’t settle for something you don’t want to do. You are generous, and need to be
careful letting others take advantage of you.

1. Making friends

2. Appreciate

3. Leadership

4. Generous

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Virgo, Aug 23 to Sep 22

You are a humble person, and can be very down to earth. People sometimes think you are being
too critical when you are just being cautious. Your friends know they can depend on you when
they are in trouble, and that is one of your best qualities. You are modest, but know how to fit in
with what’s popular. You generally conform well to whatever situation you are in.

1. Humble

2. Critical

3. Cautious

4. Dependable

5. Modest

6. Conform

Libra, Sept 23 to Oct 22

People find you to be charming and attractive. You get along well with almost anyone, and don’t
care about who is most popular. You find it hard to finalize your plans, and have trouble
committing to anything. You are a romantic, but need everything to be perfect. You are also
rather unpredictable.

1. Charming

2. Everyone

3. Committing

4. Romantic

5. Unpredictable

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Scorpio, Oct 23 to Nov 22

You don’t stop something you start until it’s finished. You are competitive by nature, and when
you lose your temper everyone knows about it. You are sensitive, and fall in love too easily. But
you are independent and determined. People see you as being somewhat impatient, but you never
give up on anything. You are very clever, and are good at understanding how other people think.

1. Finished

2. Temper

3. Love

4. Determined

5. Impatient

6. Clever

Sagittarius, Nov 23 to Dec 21

You are optimistic. People tend to like your sense of humor, but you can sometimes be too
outspoken. You are a true friend, and are easy to get along with. You don’t like being tied down,
and don’t do well stuck in one place for any length of time. Sometimes you make decisions
before thinking them all the way through.

1. Optimistic

2. Humor

3. Friend

4. Tied down

5. Stuck

6. Decisions

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Capricorn, Dec 22 to Jan 21

You love things to be perfect and are not happy when things don’t go the way you plan. You are
independent, and only listen to people you look up to. You are also practical, but become
pessimistic when things don’t go your way. You are good with finances, and do well in business.

1. Perfect

2. Plan

3. Independent

4. Practical

5. Pessimistic

6. Finances

Aquarius, Jan 22 to Feb 21

Other people feel like you are fairly difficult to get to know. You care very much about people
but find it hard to express it. Once you make a friend they are yours for life. You are always
looking ahead, and quickly adapt when situations change around you.

1. Open-minded

2. People

3. Care

4. Friend

5. Looking

6. Adapt

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Pisces, Feb 22 to Mar 20

You find it hard to make up your mind about things, but you are always considerate of others.
You are imaginative but can become too busy daydreaming. It’s hard for you to get to know
people at first. When you make a friend you will do anything to help them.

1. Mind

2. Considerate

3. Imaginative

4. People

5. Help

These stock readings are tools for remembering key things you might want to say about each
sign or year number.

You can always add in more that you know about astrology, zodiac signs, number symbolism and
so forth.

We know many mentalists and readers will have their own things to say concerning number
meanings and zodiac signs. That’s great! We just want to be sure we provide readings for people
who have no idea yet what to say.

The readings we have given you here will get you started. You can always learn more. The key
words will help you learn the main points of what to say, and then you can say these things in
your own natural way.

Readings make the trick of secretly learning the person’s birthdate or sign seem more like real
mentalism, and not some sort of number trick.

Kenton has long taught that meaning is the greatest misdirection there is, and that adding
readings to magic and mentalism makes for a deeper, more memorable effect. Many others have
since followed along these lines, and history has proven these principles to be reliable. New
aspects of mentalism have been developed based on these ideas of Kentonism, and this system is
yet another proof of how simple effects can be made into realistic miracles with these principles.

Stay focused on the person and the reading, not merely on naming the person’s birth month or
sign. You will be well rewarded for the attention you pay to the participant.

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Fine Points and Reminders

Go back and read the script again so you see how naturally you ask for the person’s exact day of
birth without focusing too much attention on asking them for this information. It is a very sneaky
way to get the exact information you need. Because you seem to be revealing some information
and mentioning their birth month, the participant feels as if they are confirming what you are
sensing when you directly ask for an exact day.

It is important to be sure you get the participant to write what their age will be at the end of the
year, regardless of their current age. This is vital, or you may be off a little in your calculations.

When using our special chart, be sure to look for their final number total under the same year in
which you are performing. You may see that there are two of the numerology numbers the person
names under this year. Review the script on how to handle this easily:

“Something special will happen to you in the month of ____ . Do you know what it is?”


“Is it your birthday?”


“I see that in another month, probably ____ you will have your birthday.”


“Which day of the month is your birthday?”


Tell them which star sign they are, and give them a fuller reading.

This system is very simple and most people can add these numbers in their own mind if given
something to write on. But you might also use a calculator, any adding device on their phone or
what have you, just to be sure.

The chart provided looks like a complex chart for numerology and not the crib sheet it is for you
as a performer! Print it out or put a photo of it on your favorite device and you are set to go.

You might also secretly write the main ideas or key words of each number meaning and sign on
the back of the chart, so you don’t need to memorize any of the readings.

Now that makes it all very simple, doesn’t it?

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

Bonus Effect
Here is another way of predicting someone’s star sign with a packet of cards. You will need to
make a custom packet of 12 cards. Use blank-faced cards or business cards. Draw the symbol for
each sun sign on the face of these cards.

Order the cards from the face of the packet to the top of the packet as follows: Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries. They can
even give the deck a cut as long as you see the top face of the deck after the cut.

Have a person take the deck face up, and secretly move one card from the top to the bottom.
They are to do this once for each month, until they reach their birth month. They can do this
while your back is turned.

When they are finished, take the packet back. Without looking at the faces of any of the cards,
reverse the order of all twelve cards by dealing them to the table one at a time.

Then, find the month that was on the face of the packet in the following chart. It will tell you
exactly how many cards to cut from the face to the back. Do so, and their Zodiac sign will go to
the top!

Taurus 5

Gemini 6

Cancer 7

Leo 8

Virgo 9

Libra 10

Scorpio 11

Sagittarius 0

Capricorn 1

Aquarius 2

Pisces 3

Aries 4

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

When you are done, the sign on the top of the deck, or the sign directly under the top card, will
be their zodiac sign!

You might reveal their star sign in a number of different ways. Corey likes to ask what their sign
is, and tell them he has it on the top of the deck before turning it over. If it is not on the top, he
does a double lift to prove certain he has their sign 100% of the time.

Kenton uses an old ploy by Ed Marlo as follows: Double cut the top card to the bottom. Place the
packet of cards on the person’s palm up hand so you don’t touch the cards any more.

Guess which of the two signs you secretly know is theirs, or have the person name their sign. No
matter what they say, even if you miss your guess, state with a smile, “I thought so.”

Then have the person either turn over the top card, or flip over the entire packet face up to show
their sign.

In either case, their zodiac sign now stares them in the face, and it is all in their hands without
you touching the cards, or doing any sleights during the big revelation.

You can make a separate set of cards to help you memorize the numbers and signs used in this
bonus system. On the face of each card you have a sign of the zodiac. On the back you have the
number for the sign. If we were making this for Aries it would look like this:

Face: Aries

Back: 4 / April

This would be a way to help you memorize the numbers that go with each sign for this bonus
effect. You could make a card set that openly has the number on the back, but people would
assume this is how you know their star sign…using an obviously marked pack of cards. You
might make the number markings small, like in actual marked cards, so you can see the numbers
on the backs of each card, but we intend this idea to be a tool to help you learn, rather than to be
used in performance.

This is just a little bonus we thought you might like to play with. It is a fun addition that we
would perform on its own. We would not perform this along with the original Stardust! The two
effects and methods really do not belong together in performance at all.

We have kept this short so you can go back and read the script a couple of times, to be sure you
understand it. Try it out first with your own date of birth and see how it works. Then try it with a
few other birthdates you know. Soon you will understand how this system works, so you can
perform it on friends, family and audiences. Enjoy!

Stardust! Corey White & Kenton Knepper

All Rights Reserved. ©2015 by Kenton Knepper and Corey White. For personal and private use only. Not
for distribution in any manner whatsoever. This work is protected in accordance with the Berne copyright
convention and is protected worldwide for and by Kenton Knepper.


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