30 Useful Biztalk Server Tips PDF

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Ricardo Torre
Head of Technical Pre-Sales
& Product Strategist
contents Take advantage
of Multi MessageBox

2 Efficient
4 Minimize
Host lightweight persistence
Separation tracking points

6 7 8
Package with
Choose all your Message
robust Performance resources Box
adapters Testing is key into MSI Viewer

9 Monitor
10 Build your
custom pipelines
11 Create
SLAs with with components using security
BAM default properties boundaries

12 13 14
Use the
Business Rule
Cluster Engine to implement
host Business Logic

the with
performance adapter
of your like Split big
environment FTP or messages in the
regularly POP3 receive pipeline
16 Use
17 Use fast
Visual Studio for disks for your
functional and load testing BizTalk Database subsystem

18 Cluster
19 20 Use SSO
the Master Purge as the application
Secret Server BAM Data configuration store

21 Plan
22 Use
23 Configure and
Backup and for IIS activate the DTA
DR strategy scalability Purge and Archive Job

24 25 26
Maintain you to prefer Test 100%
Message Box efficiently XSLT in maps of your code

27 28 Avoid
Orchestrations adapter
when possible using WCF
ment a
Bus using the Use ETW for high
ESB Toolkit performance tracking
1 Take advantage of
Multi MessageBox Configuration

Take advantage of configuring multiple message boxes in BizTalk environment

to overcome SQL server bottlenecks. Once the load goes up in your BizTalk
environment, you’ll start seeing bottleneck in SQL server. Normally it will re-
quire deep SQL knowledge, such as configuring multiple files per file group
to overcome this challenge. The other easy option to solve this problem is by
simply adding multiple message boxes. This tip even works nicely on a single
SQL server instance.

During performance and scalability tests of a high volume BizTalk solution

when you try to determine the Maximum Sustainable Throughput you will
find that logical bottlenecks in the SQL layer are the most common. Because
of these multiple articles have been written on how to best configure the Bi-
zTalk Message Box to avoid them. Optimizing Database Performance or even
these old article BizTalk Server Database Optimization are still mostly valid
today and address these concerns.

The single most significant optimization step when dealing with scaling the
BizTalk Message Box is adding new message boxes even when they are creat-
ed in the same SQL Instance, with the added benefit of being the most simple
to implement. You will need to add three message boxes to achieve the best

Take advantage of Multi

MessageBox Configuration TWEET SHARE POST
2 Efficient Host Separation

When configuring hosts always consider the best practices for host sepa-
ration, start with the separation of artifacts per functionality (receive, send,
orchestration and tracking) then consider isolation (per application, business
unit, etc), then for performance reasons and finally for reliability reasons. A
good Host separation policy will help you scale your environment, ensure sta-
bility and security.

Generally it is recommended to start any BizTalk environment with at least 4

hosts, for Receiving, Orchestrations, Sending and Tracking. This follows the
first principle of separation of functionality which will be easier to configure
scalability and easier to control the behaviour such as stopping all receives to
enable an environment drain. Another important host separation technique is
to have a dedicated tracking host, since tracking is a low priority sub-service
if you have tracking in a very busy host it might start accumulating tracking
information on the BizTalk Message Box.

Isolating artifacts with different security requirements is another reason for

host separation, you can assign different Windows Groups, Users and certif-
icates to each host creating security boundaries which will reduce the risk of
running them in the same environment as other artifacts which increases the
return on investment you have done in BizTalk.

You can also separate hosts for security and reliability reasons, since each host
has its own set of dedicated resources such as database tables and windows
services you can separate artifacts or applications that have high performance
requirements that will benefit from these additional resources. If you have
some unreliable artifact you can also use host separation for reducing the
impact of such component (Custom Adapter, Pipeline, etc.) since if that partic-
ular host instance crashes it won’t affect anything else .

You can read more on this topic here.

Efficient Host Separation

3 BAM lightweight tracking

Use BAM as a lightweight tracking mechanism, by disabling default tracking

and enabling BAM activities on a message flow you can reduce the perfor-
mance impact of tracking. BizTalk default tracking takes an all or nothing ap-
proach and using BAM you can decide exactly what needs to be tracked.

When BizTalk default tracking is enabled BizTalk is collecting information on

a lot of different places. All service instances are being tracked for start and
finish, orchestration specifically are being also tracked for message send and
receive as well as shape start and end. This amount of tracking is considerable
and can be increased by activating message body tracking or promoted prop-
erties tracking. And while you have the option to disable this type of tracking
you don’t have an easy way to control how extensive its.

Using BAM to do tracking gives you the opportunity to track exactly what you
need, you can define your tracking schema (activity) and what you map to
be tracked (tracking profile). The BAM Infrastructure also give you the ability
to define your purging and partitioning criteria allowing you to control how
much data you retain and also OLAP cubes can be created to better analyse
the tracking data. Read more on How to replace Tracking with BAM in BizTalk.

BAM lightweight tracking

4 Minimize persistence points

Minimize the amount of persistence points when developing your solution

to guarantee scalability, throughput and low latency. Persisting data to the
database is the single most expensive task in BizTalk, to avoid them you can
group together send shapes in Orchestrations or not using Orchestrations all
together by leveraging static or content based routing.

A persistence point happens whenever certain shapes occur on a BizTalk Or-

chestration such as the end of a transaction scope, the start Orchestration
shape, the send shape and the end of the Orchestration. Whenever such per-
sistence point happens the BizTalk engine will save the whole state of the Or-
chestration to the BizTalk Message Box and since writing to disk is the slowest
thing you can do with basic computer resources it comes as a significant cost
to the whole operation.

Reducing these persistence points will have a significant impact in the overall
performance, you can avoid them all together if you don’t use Orchestrations
in scenarios where you only do receive, transform and send. You can also re-
duce the amount of persistence points within a Orchestration if you for ex-
ample group send shapes inside a atomic scope or use the Call Orchestration
shape instead of the Start Orchestration shape. Read more on this topic here.

Minimize persistence points

5 Health Check with
Message Box Viewer

Run Message Box Viewer (MBV) daily to evaluate the health state of your Biz-
Talk environment, this tool brings the knowledge of Microsoft Product Group,
Support and Field Engineers into a single report. You can schedule MBV from
either MBV itself or via BizTalk360 to run every day and be notified if any new
critical or noncritical errors surface.

Microsoft recommends that you run Message Box Viewer every day as part of
the daily operational checklist (see: Checklist: Performing Daily Maintenance
Checks) for checking the health of everything that is BizTalk related such as
the databases, configuration, best practices, registry settings, service packs
and cumulative updates, runtime problems, adapter problems, etc. The likeli-
hood of what you want to check to be done by MBV is very high.

The reports generated are also in a big degree a documentation of your Bi-
zTalk environment and can be used to review the BizTalk configuration and
identify message flows within the system. In case problems are identified that
can be solved by the BizTalk Terminator, MBV will generate a configuration file
to load in the BizTalk Terminator and allow you to run the solutions needed
for your BizTalk system.

Health Check with Message Box

6 Choose Robust Adapters

Prefer Adapters that implement good error handling capabilities to minimize

the errors inside your integration platform. Handling failures of integration
business processes is key for a trustworthy platform and will push the ac-
countability back to the owners of the data being processed as well as in-
crease transparency.

Choose Robust Adapters

7 Performance Testing is Key

Consider performance testing a deployment criteria, never go into production

before knowing what your maximum sustainable throughput is. Assuming
linear scalability is not realistic and the nature of the applications you develop
will dictate how it scales, during performance testing you will have the chance
to optimize your configuration, architecture and code.

There is a great white paper from Microsoft “BizTalk Server Performance Op-
timization Guide” which will help you understand various aspects of perfor-
mance tuning, how to use tools like LoadGen, etc.

Performance Testing is Key

8 Package all your resources
into MSI

Include every artifact in your BizTalk Application as a MSI resource for a fully
automated application installation, you can include anything you need includ-
ing script files that are executed during install and uninstall. This will give you
a single installation package with minimal manual intervention which reduces
the likely would of introducing problems.

Package all your resources

9 Monitor performance SLAs
with BAM

BAM can be easily used to calculate performance SLAs and provide this infor-
mation to business owners, you can then enable BAM Alerting and use that
for monitoring your performance SLAs. If you also use the BAM API you will
be able to extend this SLA monitoring capability outside the boundaries of

By defining an activity in BAM that collects at least two milestones you will be
able to calculate the duration between them using a calculated field in BAM.
Once this is done you now have access to the KPI you need to measure and
you can create a query in BAM to identify instances where the duration was
bigger than your defined threshold. You can also use BAM Alerts to receive a
notification every time your query returns new results.

Read more on this topic BAM to Implement Service and SLA Monitoring

Monitor performance SLAs

Build your custom pipelines with
components using default

Build your custom pipelines with components using their default properties
and then use runtime bindings for adjusting them for multiple purposes. This
will reduce the amount of artifacts you need in your solution and will increase
the code re-usage making it easier to test and deploy.

When developing BizTalk applications it is common that developers will create

multiple pipelines just for addressing variations in the configuration of pipe-
line components. BizTalk allows you to change this properties through con-
figuration and that can be imported and exported with bindings. This in some
cases can mean hundreds of artifacts that you save from creating and deploy-
ing; this will also simplify testing your applications.

A very common example of this is the flat file disassembler where you need to
identify the schema to which the flat file being received should be parsed to.

Build your custom pipelines with

components using default properties TWEET SHARE POST
11 Create Security Boundaries

Lock down your BizTalk system by using different security context when ac-
cessing sensitive information, you can achieve this by running your hosts and
host instances with different Windows Groups and Users. Reducing the sur-
face of attack with this approach will make your environment less prone to

Security is a very important topic when integrating with highly critical appli-
cations inside and across organizations. Planning and implementing security
is a demanding task. In BizTalk you will have to assign permissions to receive,
send and query against your most important applications giving the BizTalk
environment a considerable amount of power and at the same time risk of
getting compromised.

An approach recommended is to limit the permissions needed by BizTalk to

just exactly where they are needed, so if my receive host need to be able to
pool a particular SQL Table I should create a BizTalk user account and corre-
sponding Windows Group to assign to the Host and Host Instance that needs
that privilege while at the same time only running artifacts in the same host
that share the same level of permissions. Read more the BizTalk Security

Create Security Boundaries

Review the performance of
your environment regularly

Collect performance counters on a regular basis and analyse them with PAL
for the best performance insight of a BizTalk environment. Collect perfor-
mance data during your utilization peak time and compare the results with a
baseline to be able to plan for the right capacity in your system.

Monitoring the performance of your BizTalk System is key for a stable and
predictable behaviour. Since the amount of counters available in a BizTalk
System is vast it is hard to know which ones to pay more attention or under-
standing the correlations of their values. This is where PAL will help you by
providing a list of counters recommended to collect and then parses all these
counters and evaluates them based on the knowledge of experienced BizTalk
engineers and generates alerts when thresholds are being violated. A compre-
hensive report is generated after running this tool.

Not only will you benefit from the collective knowledge for BizTalk but also
from other software in the stack such as Windows, IIS, SQL Server and more.
Start using it Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool.

Review the performance of

your environment regularly TWEET SHARE POST
Cluster host instances with
adapter like FTP or POP3

Use Microsoft Clustering for adapters that required a single host instance run-
ning at a time like FTP or POP3 to avoid duplicate messages while providing
high availability. Failure to implement this will result in either having to deal
with duplicate messages or implementing manual processes for performing

Due to the nature of some protocols it is impossible to guarantee high avail-

ability, scalability and failover. In this cases we normally see customers dis-
abling one of the host instances to prevent duplicate messages. This only
provides manual failover and what should be done is to cluster the hosts
where this adapters run, Windows Clustering will guarantee that at least on
host instance is running and that no more than one is working.

Read more on Improving Fault Tolerance in BizTalk Server by Using a Windows

Server Cluster

Cluster host instances with

adapter like FTP or POP3 TWEET SHARE POST
Use the Business Rule Engine to
implement Business Logic

Use Business Rule Engine to implement business logic that is modular, reus-
able and simple. It will allow you to operate on information contained in .NET
objects, database tables and XML Documents. BRE also enables developers to
create and maintain applications with minimal effort.

The Business Rule Engine can be a good way of to modularize the constantly
changing business logic that is often developed inside Orchestrations, making
changes a more smooth process since updating a policy to the latest version
doesn’t require any downtime at all. With some training even non BizTalk de-
velopers or tech savvy non developers can create and test rules.

Business Rule Engine is also a high performance engine to evaluate business

rules even when compared with WF Rules, read more on this topic WF Rules
and MS BRE – Comparing Performance

Use the Business Rule Engine to

implement Business Logic TWEET SHARE POST
Split big messages in the
receive pipeline

If you have a big message consider using envelop schemas and the default
pipelines to split the message at the entrance point in BizTalk for best perfor-
mance and high resource utilization. Using this method also doesn’t require
the creation of custom pipelines or very expensive splitting in the orchestra-

Split big messages in the

receive pipeline TWEET SHARE POST
Use Visual Studio for functional
and load testing

Use Visual Studio test capabilities for functional testing and load testing, you
can simulate real load of your environment while at the same time monitoring
performance and behavior of your environment during the test in real time.
When load testing start by doing short duration tests first and then long du-
ration reliability tests.

Here are few great links

Using Visual Studio To Generate Load Against a Two-Way Request-Response

WCF Receive Location

Load Testing BizTalk Server Solutions with Visual Studio

Use Visual Studio for functional

and load testing TWEET SHARE POST
Use fast disks for your BizTalk
Database subsystem

SQL Server is vital for any BizTalk environment, ensure maximum performance
for the most demanding databases with a fast disk subsystem, consider using
RAID 1+0 and SSDs for a high performance environment. In the majority of
the BizTalk environments this is the first physical bottleneck you will face.

When doing load testing you will find that after you configure you environ-
ment to avoid any logical bottlenecks you will finally find a physical one. Nor-
mally the very first physical bottleneck you see is the IO disk subsystem per-
formance on the SQL Server, this makes investing in the disk subsystem the
most important scaling you can do on an environment. Betting on a highly
available RAID system with fast disks is very important.

Read more on Monitoring and Reducing Database I/O Contention

Use fast disks for your BizTalk

Database subsystem TWEET SHARE POST
Cluster the Master
Secret Server

Cluster SSO Master Secret Server using Windows Clustering to guarantee this
component is also highly available, you have to do this to achieve full HA. The
best candidate servers on which you can cluster the Master Secret Server is
the SQL Server cluster where BizTalk is installed because you can reuse this
cluster for this low weight service.

If you have not clustered the Master Secret Server there is no high availability
in the BizTalk environment, in this cases the first machine you have installed is
the Master Secret Server and if it becomes unavailable the whole BizTalk en-
vironment will not work since it depends on the Master Secret server to read
configuration from the SSO database.

If you want to install the SSO cluster on the BizTalk machines you can only do
it if you also cluster all the hosts in the same Cluster application which means
you will have an active passive BizTalk runtime environment. Read more on
High-Availability SSO Installation Options

Cluster the Master Secret Server

19 Purge BAM Data

Use the out of the box SSIS packages for purging old data from BAM ensuring
only relevant information is available and that the Performance of the BAM-
PrimaryImport is the best. You can create SQL Jobs to run this packages which
are automatically generated when you deploy your BAM Activities.

Purge BAM Data

20 Use SSO as the application
configuration store

For BizTalk Application settings use SSO for secure, scalable and highly avail-
able store. This is more secure than the usually used BizTalk configuration file
and is more maintainable since you will have a single place to update your
BizTalk Applications configuration and much more easily you can automate
the deployment of these settings.

Here is a YouTube video showcasing “Using SSO for Application Configuration”

Use SSO as the application

configuration store TWEET SHARE POST
21 Plan your Backup and
DR strategy

Configure and activate the BizTalk Backup Job to generate the only supported
BizTalk backup files and ensure you are able to restore them by planning and
testing a disaster recovery plan. The success criteria for a Disaster Recovery
plan happens only when you test your scenario.

The only supported way of backing up the BizTalk databases is by using the
out of the box Backup BizTalk Server Job combined the BizTalk Log Shipping
for automatic restoration. It is recommended that you plan the recovery of all
BizTalk server components including the databases, configuration and appli-
cations; you should also consider the recovery point objective (RPO) and the
recovery time objective (RTO) when considering about investing in your disas-
ter recovery plan.

Read more on this topic here.

Plan your Backup and DR strategy

22 Use Webgarden for
IIS scalability

When IIS becomes a bottleneck you can use webgarden for IIS scalability, this
will create multiple hosting processes in the server and IIS will manage the
balancing of load between them. Optimizing your web layer like this is very
simple and highly reliable when compared to changing other internal IIS en-
gine settings.

If you have the need to process a large amount of two way receive port con-
nections through IIS in a BizTalk Application it is likely you will exhaust some
threading capabilities in the IIS engine and hit a logical bottleneck, if you have
access to an IIS expert you can possible reconfigure the engine to overcome
that limitation, or instead using the very scalable and easy to use web garden

Read On Web Gardens, ASP.NET, and IIS 6.0

Use Webgarden for IIS scalability

23 Configure and activate the
DTA Purge and Archive Job

Configure and activate the DTA Purge And Archive Job to maintain a healthy
BizTalkDTADb database, just keep the tracking information you need and de-
lete from the live tracking database a soon as possible for the best experience
when searching or understanding what happened to your business processes
in BizTalk.

A big BizTalkDTADb will result in frequent timeouts and a generally bad ex-
perience when working with tracking data in BizTalk, the best way to handle
this problem is by configuring and activating the DTA Purge and Archive Job.
If you do need the tracking information and you need to have a smaller data-
base you can use the archiving capabilities for making older tracking informa-
tion available for querying.

See How to Configure the DTA Purge and Archive Job

Configure and activate the DTA Purge

and Archive Job TWEET SHARE POST
24 Maintain you Message Box

Don’t let your BizTalk Message Box database grow significantly by accumu-
lating suspended messages, put in place a monitoring mechanism to identify
and resolve suspended messages as soon as possible. When you find a data-
base integrity problem that is causing your databases to grow use the BizTalk
Terminator to resolve this.

Maintaining the health of your BizTalk databases is vital for any BizTalk envi-
ronment, specially when we are talking about the BizTalkMsgBoxDb, there are
several reasons for the databases to grow like suspended messages that you
should avoid and resolved quickly when they happen. You can also have some
integrity problems identified by using the out of the box Monitor Job or by
running a tool like the Message Box Viewer, in this cases you can run the Biz-
Talk Terminator which is a tool provided by Microsoft to address these issues.

Read about the BizTalk Terminator

Maintain you Message Box efficiently

25 Consider to prefer
XSLT in maps

When developing maps consider using XSLT as the preferred language for
describing your transformations by either using Custom XSLT, Scripting Func-
toids or even when developing Custom Functoids. This will result in maps that
are faster to run and easier to debug.

Using the out of the box functoids is sometimes hard or impossible to imple-
ment the necessary transformations leaving developers a lot of options on
how to overcome those limitations. Using custom XSLT as a full map, a inline
XSLT scripting functoid or developing a functoid that outputs XSLT is in the
majority of the times the best option due to the end result being just on sin-
gle XSLT that needs to be compiled and run just like any other simple map
without any need for external components.

Consider to prefer XSLT in maps

26 Test 100% of Your Code

Guarantee full code coverage by running Orchestration Profiler of tracking

data of your load tests. When testing your BizTalk Applications it is import-
ant to guarantee all code is executed, even the error paths. The Orchestration
profiler will help you understand how much of the code you covered with
your test and also give important information on how fast it was.

When testing software one of the important measurements to guarantee a

thorough analysis is code coverage. Since this metric is not possible to mea-
sure in Visual Studio for BizTalk Projects Orchestration Profiler has been devel-
oped and uses the tracking information generated by BizTalk to identify which
code path have been executed and also includes additional information on
the success rate and volumes going through each shape.

Learn more on Orchestration Profiler and start using it on your projects.

Test 100% of Your Code

27 Implement a Enterprise
Service Bus using the ESB Toolkit

Use ESB Toolkit to implement a dynamic self-adapting solution. It enables the

implementation of the ESB pattern within BizTalk by maximizing the re-use
of services while at the same time maintaining the flexibility to easily change
solution. The ESB Toolkit extends the capabilities of supporting a loosely cou-
pled and dynamic messaging architecture.

Here is a good place to start working with the ESB Toolkit by reading the
Introduction to the BizTalk ESB Toolkit.

If you want a in-depth video on the ESB Toolkit capabilities watch this video.

Implement a Enterprise
Service Bus using the ESB Toolkit TWEET SHARE POST
28 Avoid Orchestrations
when possible

Use static routing, content based routing or itineraries to avoid using Orches-
trations and use routing of failed messages for advance error handling since
messaging doesn’t provide a rich error handling capability. This approach will
give you the high performance of messaging and the power of the Orchestra-
tions when necessary.

When a high volume of messages is going to be processed in BizTalk every

cost is important, activating an Orchestration has a significant impact due to
the additional Message Box hop and the Orchestration execution. In a lot of
scenarios you cannot avoid Orchestrations, but in many cases you can avoid
them by making use of the messaging capabilities such as routing or trans-
formations in the ports. Another interesting aspect of this is that if something
goes bad with simple messaging and you need the power of the Orchestra-
tions you can still use them when combined with Routing of Failed Messages.

Avoid Orchestrations when possible

29 Develop Adapter Using WCF

When developing new adapters create a Custom WCF Channel or use the
WCF LOB SDK as a reference starting point, this will allow you to create a scal-
able and easy to host adapter that can be used across other .NET solutions.
This level of flexibility will make the adapter more likely to be reused some-
where else besides the BizTalk world and so being more valuable than simply
building it with the BizTalk Adapter framework.

If you have to decide to implement a BizTalk Adapter you will want to make it
so that it can be as relevant as possible and choosing the framework you will
use is an important task. The simple fact that developing adapters for WCF
makes them reusable should be a compelling enough reason to decide.

You can understand the Differences Between the WCF LOB Adapter SDK and
the BizTalk Server Adapter Framework here.

Develop Adapter Using WCF

Use ETW for high
performance tracking

Use Event Tracking for Windows (ETW) for a high performance tracking and
debugging of your BizTalk Applications. Since this method uses some high
performance structures within Windows to host tracking the impact is near
zero if you are not consuming the output and highly valuable if you are trou-
bleshooting a problem.

You can access to an implementation of this type of tracing on Best Practices

for Instrumenting High Performance BizTalk Solutions

Use ETW for high performance tracking

About the Author
Ricardo loves technology and knowledge in general, if you challenge
him you will get a challenge accepted look back. He had the chance to
work with a lot of the most important BizTalk customers throughout
his years at Microsoft which gave him extended experience around the
needs and practices of the integration space. Explain to him your inte-
gration scenario and you will have a proposed architecture within min-
utes ready for a thorough review! If you don’t know how much you are
missing out on what BizTalk360 has to offer you should ask Ricardo for
a travel through the wonders of the product.

Ricardo Torre
Head of Technical Pre-Sales & Product Strategist

©Microsoft, Microsoft BizTalk Server are either registered trademarks or

trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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