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SAIGON SHIPYARD LTD. ‘99 Quarter 3, Thanh My Loi Ward, Diet 2, Ho Chi Mink Git, Vietnam ‘Tol: 84-8-3807 6208, Fax: 84-8-3907 6446, Email FLUSHING PROCEDURE Doc. No. PCD-PIP-07 Issued Date: 25 Mar 2010 REVISION: 00 CONTROLLED Document COPY No Description Composed by Checked by neonate Position ttle Se aie 1SO 9001QMR General ana Sign so Ju“. qi 39 )3/ 2040 ade td I. lourben Poon “Tudo se proper of ago Shipyard 0 Al inforantion contained erin shal be reat content andy either be ai ‘reproduced, used, disclosed or transmitted without the written permission of the owner. Fullname | Mr. Nguyen Thuong Nhan | Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh 0) ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE PCD-PIP-O7 00 FLUSHING PROCEDURE Isuance date: 25 March 10_| Page No, :20f14 CHANGE RECORDS (For each issue) No | Page/Form | Revision Content Effective | Approved date by 0 |All 00 First issuance 25/03/10 _| GM = QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE ; 2 LiL. FLUSHING PROCEDURE isuance dat ‘SAIGON SHIPYARD : Page No, 1. PURPOSE muc picH To ensure that all phases of pipe spool cleaning is managed and that workmanship meets Company Shipbuilding Workmanship Standards & Practices and Client requirements. Bao dam tét cd cdc giai doan etia xt? ly lam sach éng duge quan ly va trinh d6 chuyén mén dp ting cdc tiéu chudn & qui trinh ky thuét cia céng ty dong tau va yéu cau cila khach hang. To guide & require Pipe Engineers, Foremen, and Supervisor to ensure all Piping cleaning operations are performed in accordance with this procedure. Huéng dan & yéu cau ky sur éng, déc céng, va gidm sat bao dam tat cd éng duoc vé sinh~ phi hop v6i qui trinh, Il, SCOPE OF APPLICATION This procedure is applicable to Saigon Shipyard Ltd. (SSY) in Vietnam. Qui trinh nay duge 4p dung béi céng ty Saigon Shipyard tai Vist Nam Reference to ASME B31.3-Process piping guide Tham khéo theo huténg dan qui trinh dudng éng ASME 831.3 II. ABREVIATIONS & DEFINITIONS AFC Approved for Construction BOM: Bill of Material D&E: Design & Engineering FM: Foreman a PIP. Piping PRU: Project Qa: Quality Assurance RF: Requisition Form SUP: Supervisor IV, PROCEDURE CONTENT The purpose of the flushing is to remove all debris and foreign material from the pipelines, which could cause damage to engine and system. Myc dich ciia viée sac nia 1a loai bé hodn toan c&n ban va cdc vat liéu khéc trén dung ng, la nguyén nhan gay hw héng cho may va hé théng. 1. To specify flushing equipment Qui dinh dung cu ste riva ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE FLUSHING PROCEDURE To choose the flushing pump, tank, heater capacity and the filter size the following values from the different system has to be checked: Chon bom ding sic riva, bén, céng suat b6 gia nhiét va kich 06 lu6i loc cho timg hé théng khéc nhau phai xée dinh: © Flow rate in each system. Téc dé chay timg hé théng © Operating temperature of liquids. Nhiét d6 hoat déng cua cdc lu chat © Liquid volume in system plus tank and piping. Thé tich luu chat trong hé théng, bén chtra va éng néi. Flushing pump capacity is straight comparable to flushing time and also to the flushing resuit. The heater capacity has to be calculated (flushing temperature shall at least be the same as the temperature in normal operation). Céng suét cia méy bom anh huéng tre tiép dén thoi gian va két qua suc riva. Cong sudt cilia thiét bj gia nhiét phai dugc tinh todn (nhiét d6 sic riva t6i thiéu bang nhiét dé hoat déng binh thuong cua hé théng) ‘The capacity of the flushing pump should be dimensioned so that Reynolds number (Re) is >25000. For the inner pipe diameter the largest pipe’ size in the system shall be used. A higher oil temperature decreases the viscosity and therefore increases the Reynolds number. The cleaning efficiency increases with the Reynolds number and Re=25000 is considered as the lower limit for efficient cleaning. Luu long cua bom stic ria phai dat thong s6 Reynolds (Re)>25000. D4u vao cia may bom nén bang duéng kinh éng lén nhét cita hé théng. Nhiét d6 cao 36 kam giam di d6 nhot oda d4u va nh vay [am ting thong s6 Reynolds. Hiéu qué ciia vie vé sinh sé tf I6 thuén v6i théng sé Reynolds va Re=25000 a giéi han thép nhdt dé viée vé sinh dat hiéu qua. Re = 21200 xQ axd Where = Viscosity, cSt. Dé nhot D = pipe inside diameter, mm. Budéng kinh trong cita éng Q = flow l/min. Luu lueng Re = Reynolds number. Théng sé Reynolds Flushing oil shell Tellus TX 32. Stic rita voi ddu Teilus TX 32 Example _ = 10cSt, at 80°C D=@ 150mm ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE Doc. No. | Revision 00 FLUSHING PROCEDURE isuance date : 26 March 10_| PageNo._:50f14 Q=1770l/min Re = 21200x1770 = 265016(>25000 ok) 10x150. OR ‘Qmin = 10x150x25000 = 17691 l/min 21200 1 DN _| Flow (Wimin) for Shell Tellus at 80°C = Re25000 25 336 32 442 40 508 50 643 65 829 80 973 100 1263 125 1545 150 __1879 200 2445 Table: Min. flow capacity for different pipe diameters (2) Re-number for SHELL TELLUSS TX 32 35000- 30000: |p (25000, 1 | 20000 FF OK & | 20000 200" —— | al [20 30 “ 50 6 | 70 Ey 20 100 210 Diagram 1: Re number variation for different temperatures. The diagram is based on flow rate in table (2). ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE [i FLUSHING PROCEDURE | Is 6t d6 sic riva The temperature of flushing oil is very important to achieve best flushing result. The flushing temperature must be at least the same as the temperature in normal operation. Diagram 1 shows how the Re-number is depending on the oil temperature. Nhiét d6 ctia déu stic riva rét quan trong dé dat duoc két qua tét nhat,t6i thiéu_ phai bang nhiét d6 hoat déng binh thurdng cila hé théng. Biéu dé 1 biéu din théng sé Re phy thuéc nhiét d6. Re-number variation depending on viscosity Ree Peer eee eee eee Re-number 5009. | #9 ed on flow rate in 6 i s|__10 as [20 | 2 | = | 38 Diagram 2: Re number variation for diffirent viscosity. table (2) » Flushing procedure Qui trinh suc riva During flushing the filters shall be inspected regularly and cleaned when necessary and according to the flushing procedure. Trong qué trinh sic riva, lu6i loc phai duoc kiém tra thudng xuyén va vé sinh khi can thiét va tuy theo qui trinh tay ria. Flushing filter that should be used Lui loc thuéng ding cho ste ria: © 30mesh= 0.5mm © 60 mesh =0.25mm © 100 mesh =0.15mm Ludi 30 = 0.6mm Lu6i 60 = 0.25mm Lui 100 0.15mm QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE Doc. No. Revision 0 FLUSHING PROCEDURE isuance date :25 March 10_| Page No. _:7of 14 Start the flushing with the 30 mesh and continue with 60 mesh and finally use the 100 mesh. If the pipes are very clean you can start with the 100 mesh at once. The systems that shall be flushed with these meshes are: © Lube oil piping © LFO-piping Bat dau sc riva v6i lu6i 30 va tiép tue véi Idi 60 va cudi cing str dung fu6i 100. Néu éng sach $6 thi c6 thé b&t dau voi lu6i 100 va chi ding mét lan. Nhaing hé théng sie dung [uot 8 sic rita 1a: © Buéng éng déu béi tron o Pudng éng dau FO 4, After the flushing is finished Céng viéc sau khi suc riva 1) Drain the entire system from flushing oil. Xa hét ddu trong hé théng déi vot viée tay niva bang dau. 2) Dismount some pipe and check visually that the pipes are clean. Place a piece of paper or cloth on the floor. Hold the pipes upwards by hand above the paper sheet and give a couple of blows with a hammer on the pipe and check that no debris comes out. If debris is found on the paper the whole pipe system shall be cleaned again. Check also hidden spaces of the inner tubing by means of a swiveled mirror. Théo vai 6ng va kiém tra bang m&t d6 sach cia éng. Ding giéy trang hodc vai sach dat trén san. Dung éng théng dttng Ién gidy hoae vai, ding bia gé trén éng va théi gid trong 6ng, kiém tra khéng cén can bui nao roi ra. Néu thay can bui thi toan bé hé théng éng phai duoc lam sach lai. Nhiing vj tri khudt bén trong éng efing diye kiém tra edn than bang guong xoay. 3) If the piping system includes valve, such as thermostatic valve, disconnect and drain them one by one to ensure that no flushing oil is left in them. Néu hé théng éng bao gém ca van, van nhiét ké, thao ra va lam sach ching timg cai mét d6 dam bao ching khéng con dau sic rita. 4) Plug all pipelines to ensure that no dirt can enter into the system. Take the plugs off in the last moment before re-mounting of the pipe work. Bit kin duéng dng, phai dam bao bui ban khéng thé vao hé théng. Chi thao cae nap bit kin truée khi k6t néi dé éng lam vie. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE FLUSHING PROCEDURE 5. Flushing of LO systems Stic riba hé théng LO 4) Visually inspect the pipe, check that all flange connections are tight and that they have gasket. Kiém tra éng bang mét thuong, kiém tra cée ché néi mat bich duoc xiét chat va c6 joan dém khéng. 2) Install the flushing mesh to the filter on top the flushing tank. Start with mesh 60 Lap dat lui stic rita trén dinh cuia bén stic riva. Bat du voi loai lu6i 60. 3) Fill the flushing tank with clean oil (fill through a fine filter). Check that there are no leaks. 6 dau ste rita vao bén (45 qua lu6i loc min). Kiém tra dam bao kh6ng 06 r6 ri. 4) Start the heating of the oil. Stop the heating when the temperature of the oil reaches 60°C Khéi d6ng ham néng dau. Dung viée ham néng dau Khi nhiét dé cia déu dat 60 °C. NOTE! Check the cable connection of the heater. Continuously check the off temperature. Cha y: kiém tra day dién néi voi may ham nong. Thuong xuyén kiém tra nhiét d6 cda dau. 5) Start the filling of the system. Run the pump for a few seconds only and top-up the tank level when required until the system is filled up. Bat dau cp dau vao hé théng. Chay bom vai giéy va dé thém dau vao bén cho dén khi hé théng duoc cdp day dau. © Check the filter every 4 hours. Kiém tra thuong xuyén lu6i loc 4 gio mét lan © Change to mesh 100 when after 4 hours of flushing no more dirt is trapped in mesh 60. (Noted: Minimun flushing time is 4 hours) Thay loai lei 100 sau 4 git hoat dong ma khong cé bul ban bj dinh vao khi ste dung tuoi 60. (Cha J: thoi gian chay stic ria t6i thiéu la 4 gid) co When no more particles are trapped in the mesh’ 100-after 4 hours running-stop the oil heating and circulation. Khi khéng c6 bui nhé bi dinh véo lu6i 100, sau khi chay thém 4 gid thi dimg viée ham néng du va dang chay tuén hoan © Let the oil temperature go down to 40°C and start the flushing again. The job is ready when after 4 hours of flushing no particles can be found in the mesh 100. QUALITY, ASSURA ICE PROCEDURE [Boc. No. PCD-PIP-07 [Revisor 200] FLUSHING PROCEDURE I ‘SAIGON SHIPYARD Ha nhiét d6 dau xuéng du6i 40°C va khéi déng lai vide stic ria. Céng vige sic niva hoan thanh sau 4 gid hoat dong ma khéng c6 bui nhé dinh trén lu6i 100. 6) Disassembly of the flushing arrangement: Théo may sic riva ‘© Disconnect the power supply Ngat nguén dién cung cap. ‘© Empty the flushing tank to clean barrels. Vé sinh sach bén chita dau stic riva. 6. Flushing LFO system oY Stic ria hé théng LFO Flushing piping with diesel oil Stic niva bang dau diese! 1) Double-check all connections and venting devices. Inspect the flushing tank, clean it and fill it with clean flushing oil. Check that there are no leaks. Kiém tra cdn than cdc vi tri néi va dung cu théng gid. Kiém tra bén chita déu sic ria, vé sinh bén va cép déu suc riva. Kiém tra dam bao kh6ng cé r6 1. 2) Start by slowly filling the pipes with flushing oil. Only run the pump short periods of time. ‘Check the flushing oil level in the flushing tank and check for leaks. Bat dau cap dau suc rita tir tir vao hé théng. Chi nén chay bom trong khoang thoi gian — ng&n. Kiém tra mire dau trong bén chia va kiém tra sw ro 11 tén hé théng. 3) Begin flushing using a mesh of size 30. When the mesh stays almost clean, go on to a mesh size 60. And finally to size 100. During the flushing, genSUPy hammer the welding seams. Flushing tank openings have to be covered during the flushing, In order to avoid water in the oil, the flushing tank has to be drained regularly. Bat ddu sic riva sir dung loai 1u6i 30. Khi l6i 30 luén sach, chuyén sang str dung loai lui 60. Cudi cng str dung loai Iur6i 100. Trong qué trinh stic rita, ding bia g6 nhe cdc duéng han. Bén chia déu suc ria phai duge che day trong qué trinh hoat dong. Cha y trong dau 6 nurée, bén chia phai thudng xuyén xa can. 4) The flushing is ready if, after three hours continuous circulation mesh 100 is free of any sand, metal, dirt or other harmful particles. Qué trinh stic rita hoan thanh néu sau 3 gid hoat déng tudn hoan voi iudi 100 ma khéng cO eat, manh kim logi, cn ban hoée cée vat lisu gay hai khdc. SIZ QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE LL FLUSHING PROCEDURE 5) When the flushing has been approved, drain the whole system. Use oil barrels or similar to store the flushing oil in. DO NOT LET THE OIL LEAK ONTO THE GROUND! Khi qua trinh sic nva duge chép thuan, thao xa hé théng. Str dung cae loai thing dung dau hod tuong tu dé cét gite ddu vao kho. KHONG BUOC DE DAU CHAY RA SAN NHAI 6) Open a flange connection and inspect the cleaning, Théo céc ché néi mat bich va kiém tra vi6e vé sinh. 7. Flushing HFO-piping system Suc riva hé hé thong 6ng HFO \~ 14) Fabricate and arrange all needed flushing equipment. The flushing pump must have a large pumping capacity. All steel flushing equipment must be cleaned with pickling solution. All flushing hoses must be of a suitable diameter for the pump's capacity or of the same diameter as the piping. Ché tao va bé tri tét cé cdc dung cu sic rita can ding. Bom sic rita phai cd céng suat lon. Cée dung cu ste ria bang s&t thép phai duoc vé sinh, xtr ly axit. Cac éng mém ding cho vibe sic ria phai c6 kich thuéc hop ly so v6i Ivu lugng ola bom hode tuong ty kich thuée ctia duéng dng. Install the flushing filter and hose to the end of the pipeline. LAp dat Iu6i loc ste rira va 6ng mém & cudi dudng éng. Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter first. Dau tién lp dat loai luéi 30 bén trong bé6 loc. Inspect the cleaning of the tank, close the ouSUPet valve and fill the tank with flushing Fa 3) e 4) LFO. Use enough oil for the flushing process. Kiém tra cong viée vé sinh bén chita, déng cae van xd ra va dé déu suc rita FO véo bén. Si dung dit déu cho qué trinh sie ria. Open the tank ouSUPet valve and fill the piping. Check that there are no leaks. M6 van duéng ra ctia bén va dé ddu vao éng. Kiém tra khéng 06 r6 1. Start the flushing pump, vent the air and make a note of the pressure in the flushing filter, when the pressure rises it will indicate the intervals for cleaning the flushing filter mesh. Check that there are no leaks, Khéi déng bom stc rita, théng gié va ghi lai 4p suét trong b6 loc suc rika. Khi ap suat tang Jén ching e6i loc stic rita bi nghet. Kiém tra khong 06 ro 1. 7) During the flushing, check: Trong khi sic riva, cén kiém tra: 5) 6) PCD-PIP-OF ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE FLUSHING PROCEDURE © The LFO level in flushing tank. Make sure the tank openings are covered. Marc du LFO trong bén chita dau. Che déy bén chia khi dang hoat dong. ‘That there are no leaks. Bam bao kh6ng c6 16 1h. The flushing mesh(s) every 3 hours. Ludi loc sau mdi 3 gid. GenSUPy hammer the welding seams with a small hammer. ° ° ° G6 nhe dung han bang baa nhé. © Pump cavitation and temperatures. Bom bj hut va nhiét do. ‘ © Pressure. Ap suat. 8) When flushing filter mesh 30 is almost clean, change to mesh 60 and consequentially, when mesh 60 is almost clean, change to mesh 100. Khi lam sach gan hét voi loai Iu6i loc 30, chuyén sang loai Iu6i 60 va tiép tuc, khi lam sach ht véi logi ludi 60, chuyén sang loai lui 100. 9) The flushing is ready if after 3 hours continuous flushing using mesh 100 the mesh is free of dirt or harmful particles such as sand, metal or welding slag. The person responsible for the flushing and commissioning must approve the cleaning. Qué trinh stic rtva hoan tét néu sau 3 gid hoat déng lién tuc voi loai ludi 100 ma khéng dinh can ban hoe nhing manh nhé co hai nhu cat, thép, xT han, Ngudi chju tréch nhiém chinh > vé viée stic riva va chay thir hé théng phai chap thudn miic d6 sach. 40)If the piping will be kept dry for a longer period of time, mix the flushing oil with lube oll and circulate it the last few hours of the flushing process. This will give protection to the pipes. Néu éng sé cét git trong thai gian dai, thi ta pha ln déu suc rita voi dau béi tron va chay tudn hoan sau vai gid cla qui trinh sie riva. Viéc nay sé gitip bao vé éng. 11)Close the flushing tank ouSUPet valve, drain the piping and inspect the cleaning. Do not let flushing oil leak onto the ground or the concrete floor. Déng van xa cia bén sic riva, lam khé éng va kiém tra d6 sach. Khéng duoc dé déu sdc rita tran ra san, dat. 8. Cleaning and flushing of Gas system Stic ria va lam sach hé théng Gas Gas pipe can be made of carbon steel or stainless steel pipes require less work, e.g., the pickling containing rinsing is not required, which saves time. PCD-PiP-O7 ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE Lie FLUSHING PROCEDURE Ong gas ¢6 thé duoc lam bang thép cacbon hoae thép kh6ng ri nham giém thidu céng viée, khéng phai yu cdu xt ly axit, ti6t ki6m thoi gian. 8.1 TIG welded carbon steel piping Han dng thép cacbon bang hén tig a) Removing of slag, rust and scaling with tools (steel brush, hammer etc...) and grind the flange. Lam sach xi, gi va vy bang nhiing céng cu nhu (ban chai thép, bila w..) va mai gitla gée canh. b) Visual inspection kiém tra bang mat. ©) Washing with alkaline solution in hot water at 80°C for degreasing. Rita sach bang dung dich kiém & nhiét a6 80 °C dé tay déu me. d) Pickling (containing neutralizing / rinsing of piping and blowing with air, 1.5 times nominal pressure) Xi? ly axit (bao gém trung hoa / sie rita duong éng va théi khi, gdp 1.5 lan dp sudt lam viéc) @) Fresh water flushing for long pipe lines. Stic ria bang nuéc sach cho duéng éng dai. f) Blowing with air after erection of the pipe system. Théi bang khi sau khi lp rap hé théng dung éng. g) Pressure and leak tests. Thir &p Ive va r6 11. h) Filling the lines with Nitrogen in the pressure of 0.5 bar in order to prevent corrosion. C&p khi Nite vao duéng éng véi 4p jue 0.5 bar dé ngan nga su an mén. 8.2 Tig welded stainless steel piping Han 6ng thép kh6ng ri bang han tig a) Visual inspection Kiém tra bang mat thuéng. b) Pickling and passivation according. Xérly axit va chéng oxi hod hop ly. c) Blowing with compressed air. Théi bang khi nén d) Pressure and leak tests. Tht &p lye va r6 ri ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE FLUSHING PROCEDURE e) Filling the lines with N2 if flammable mixture is possible. Cép khi Ne néu hén hop ¢6 kha nang chay 9, Flushing of cooling water system Suc riva hé théng nwée lam mat 9.1 Expansion pipes Ong gian nov The expansion pipes are to be flushed with water unit they are clean from debris. pe Drain the expansion system and clean the bottom of the expansion tanks carefully. ; Dang nue sach stic rita can ban cho éng gian né 9.2 Pipes line of cooling system Dweng 6ng cia hé théng lam mat Before flushing with water starts, bigger pipes are to be cleaned by hand. The pipes of radiators need not to be flushed. Disconnect therefore the pipes of radiators and build a pipe loop as show in sketch below. The flushing is to be done with an external flushing pump arrangement (e.g. by using the fire water pump) having adequate flow capacity and equipped with strainers collecting the debris coming from the pipes during the flushing procedure. Truéc khi sic rita bat dau voi nuéc, nhéing 6ng 06 dung kinh I6n phai dugc vé sinh bang) fay. B6 phan tan nhiét khéng can sac riva. Théo roi éng c&e éng néi véi b6 phan tan nhiét, dau néi éng voi nhau & vi tri thdp. bé tri bom sic ria (chang han ding bom ctru hoa) co céng sudt déng chay pha hop dé siic rira va duge trang bj luéi loc gom rac tle duéng éng trong qué trinh stic rira. 9.3 The whole cooling radiator system B6 phan tan nhigét When the pipes between connect to radiators are clean, re-connect the pipe to the tadiators. Install running filter on HT and LT-inlet pipes to the engine. Fill up the whole system with untreated water. Run until the engine is warm, and then shut down the engine. Check the running in fiter. If no debris is found in the filter nor in the expansion tanks the system can be considered as clean. Drain all water from the system and refill it with chemically treated water. Remove the running-in fiter at the first 50 hours service interval of the engine. SI ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE Doc. No. = PCD-PIP-07 [Revision = 00 FLUSHING PROCEDURE 10 | SAIGOX SHIPYARD Page No. 14of 14 Sau khi hé théng éng néi v6i b6 phan tan nhiét duge vé sinh, néi céc éng voi bé phén tan nhiét. Lép dét lu6i loc hoat déng tai dung éng vao HT(high temperature-nhiét d6 cao) va LT( low tomperature-nhiét d6 thdp ) clia may. 86 day toan b6 hé théng voi nube chua xir ly. Hoat déng hé théng dén khi may 4m, sau dé tét may. Kiém tra sy hoat déng cia lui loc. Néu khéng nhin théy rac trén l6i loc va trén bé phan gién né thi hé théng da sach. Xa hét nuée trong hé théng va lép lai voi nuéc chia hod chét xt ly. Théo lur6i loc sau khi may hoat dong 50 gio. V. APPLIED FORMS 1, Internal Quality Inspection & Checking Application List.

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