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alright guys welcome to a new video in

today's analysis I'm gonna analyze the

work of the numbers acceptable so let's

see what should do a possession football

number six or defensive midfielder op

table but when his team is in possession

in this video I'm going to use the last

PSG game because it's one of the game I

was working on recently

it fits the partners and just makes my

life a little bit easier as you may know

PSG want to build short from the back

with positional play in order to

dominate possession in this context the

first role the number six is to bring

numerical superiority and tactical

balance in these game PSG was playing

with Paredes number six in front of the

three-man defense

the Rotti and others were completing the

midfield the most convenient build-up to

play short is to always keep a plus one

against the first wave of pressure here

does a good numerical superiority

defensive me doesn't need to drop

otherwise there would be too many

against the first wave of pressure

the second strikers role is to block

Paredes massacres knows him well from La

Roma in these conditions it was harder

for him to play interesting passes a

solution for his team would be what he

broke off the ball here Marcis pressed

against PSUs buildup it's four against

three the number six brings numerical

superiority to keep tactical balance you

should not lose the ball again same

principle now there are two drops the

Paradis goes up to keep the same balance

the 5v4 situation means control there

was quite a lot of rotational movement

between Paredes and Verratti with the

same partners of tactical balance and

here Paredes

offers support to involve the situation

Paradis drops Bharati higher and the

situation is under control numerical

superiority is a very simple yet cheap

principle - positional play and if

you're not convinced by what I explained

here's a counter example here marseille

press with five men no numerical

superiority no control and logically PhD

end up losing the ball the second task

of a number six is to create space and

solutions for his teammates here

paradises man marked which makes it way

more difficult for him to touch the ball

but Danny must move smartly to create

space around them does superiority other

good move to make Sylva free the center

box must bring the ball forward now step

them back to give an option

this invites the pressure from the

striker and seal that can be the free

man again another example with a meet

with rotation Paredes will step and

bring his marker to create even more

space for silver even Bharati shows what

to do but here it doesn't take advantage

of it and pass a side way this place is

still there but peers we kept it a

little bit too slow in this game to be

honest checks around his shoulder Danny

brings Balotelli away Bob's your uncle

he's a free man

this tactical patent would work over

another again and finally a number six

must be able to create path lanes here

servos got some space but does something

else parodies checks for others position

and then is gonna move his body out of

the way to open the path lane those

details tend to go and not system look

simple but how many do it really well

classic Paredes Bharati switch and there

you see pallidus takes advantage of the

man orientation to free a good pass them

forward not used by variety Pereira's to

compensate for Silver's position

look how variety freezes to keep the

parsley in open and defined this don't

dare stepping out and break the

defensive structure now you understand

how it works


number six can be useful without

touching the ball but it requires a good

intelligence and a lot of communication

paradis checks behind it and there are

still that to come forward team area

drops and Piratas shows what to do with

his hand


Dargis endless examples in phd's

build-up one step back to create space

and then playing with man marking

communication is essential Paredes shows

what to do to Silva same process the

defender feels there's something wrong

but it's too late what would be the

solution against that opponents could

try a zonal approach instead of man

orientation but Danny would be easier

for the best midfielders to touch the

ball sometimes poison has to be chosen

all right thanks a lot for watching I

hope you enjoyed the analysis if you did

please hit the like button don't forget

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and follow me on Twitter see you next


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