HF Radio Testing Requirement

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GN Marine

From: Eldic, Karena (DPTI) <Karena.Eldic@sa.gov.au>

Sent: Wednesday, 16 March 2016 9:29 AM
To: Andrew McFarlane; Bill La Vars; Bill Leonard; Brian Johnson; Daniel Nuske; Dennis Uy; Dennis Uy 2; Giang Ngo; Glenn Whybro; Ian Anthon; Joe
Rositano; Leo Vette; Mick Dyer; Mike Tweedie; Ranulfo Villahermosa (LOC); Ray Weedon; Sajeer Kandathil; Symon Thomas; Symon Thomas (LOC);
Tim Boast; Tim Boast 2
Subject: FW: Information from AMSA regarding Radio Surveys

Good morning 
Please find below, advice received from AMSA regarding radio survey requirements. 
If you have any questions, please call AMSA on 02 6279 5000 (option 3). 
Kind regards 
Karena Eldic
Project Manager Maritime Reform
Safety and Service - Marine Operations
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
T (08) 8164 1298 • M 0428 101 954 • E karena.eldic@sa.gov.au
13 Kateena Street, Regency Park SA 5010 • PO Box 2526 Regency Park SA 5942 • DX 171 • www.dpti.sa.gov.au

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From: Panton, Gordon (DPTI)
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2016 4:17 PM
To: Verboon, Rick (DPTI); Eldic, Karena (DPTI)
Subject: Re: Radio Surveys


Can you please send out an email to all SA surveyors advising of this new instruction.

IE: radio survey is no longer a requirement for a certificate to be issued.

Gordon Panton
Principal Navigation Specialist
Marine & Vehicle Operations
Safety and Service Division
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

-------- Original message --------

From: "Maher, Rob"
Date: 11/03/2016 3:37 pm (GMT+09:30)
To: "Panton, Gordon (DPTI)" <Gordon.Panton@sa.gov.au>, "Verboon, Rick (DPTI)" <Rick.Verboon@sa.gov.au>
Subject: Radio Surveys

Good Afternoon Rick & Gordon,

As discussed this afternoon with Rick, we have considered the requirements of NSCV C7B, NSAMS and the National Law act Section 6 and believe that, for
the purposes of issuing a certificate under 503, a vessel complies with the criteria for issue provided it is equipped with a HF radio that is licenced and

We would recommend that provided an accredited surveyor has verified that the vessel has a ships radio apparatus licence and completed a satisfactory test
call a certificate can be issued.

Kind Regards

Rob Maher

Rob Maher

26 Mort Street, Braddon ACT 2612

GPO BOX 2181, Canberra ACT 2601

e rob.maher@amsa.gov.au w www.amsa.gov.au

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