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Submitted to:

Sir Zahid Shoukat.

Submitted by:
Sohail Saddique.
Roll No:

[Minhaj University Lahore]

Rutherford Contribution to atomic
Ernest Rutherford is known for his
pioneering studies of radioactivity and the
atom .He discovered that there are two types
of radiation alpha and beta particles coming
from uranium. He found that the atom
consists mostly of empty space with its mass
concentrated in a control positively charged
nucleus and also his statement that atoms
contain a positively charged nucleus much
smaller than the actual atom Rutherford
directed the Geiger Marsden experiment in
1909 which suggested upon
rutherford’s1911 analysis that J.J
Thomson’s plum pudding model of the atom
was incorrect. After this Rutherford’s new
model for the atom based on the
experimental results. The results are
relatively high central charge concentrated
into a very small volume in compares onto
the rest of atom and with central volume
also containing the bulk of the atomic mass
of the atom .This region would be known is
the nucleus of the atom.
Experiment basis for the model Rutherford
turned them son’s model in1911 with his
well known gold fail experiment .n this
experiment he says that the atom has a
smaller and heavy nucleus. Rutherford
designed an experiment to use alpha
particles emitted by a radioactive elements
as proves to the unseen world of atomic
structure. If Thomson statement true that the
beam would go straight through the gold
fail. Mostly beam pass through the fail but
some of the beams were deflected. After
Thomson’s experiment Rutherford his own
physical model for subatomic structure as an
interpretation for the unexpected
experimental results. In his experiment atom
is made up of a central. Charge and this is
Called atomic nucleus But Rutherford did
not use the term nucleus in his paper
surrounded by a cloud of orbiting electrons
Rutherford committed that atom have a very
high positive or negative charge. The plum
positing model of J.J Thomson also has
rings of orbiting elections.
Contribution to modern science after
Rutherford discovery scientists started to
realize that atom is not ultimately a single
particle but it made a tin subatomic particles
.After this all research determined that the
exact atomic structure which led to
Rutherford’s gold fail experiment scientist
discovered that atoms have a positively
charge nucleus, center with a radios about
-5 1
1.2×10 meter [atomic mass number]
.Electrons were found to be even smaller.
Later the scientists found the expected
number of electrons in an atom by using X-
rays .When pass the x rays through the atom
sane of it is scattered while the rest passes
through the atom. X ray loses its intensity
primarily due to scattered at electrons by
noting the rate of decrease in X rays
intensity the number of electrons contained
in an atom accurately estimated.
Rutherford model deferred to the idea of
many electrons in rings, per Nagaika. Niles
Bohr modified through his picture of just a
few planet like electrons for light atoms the
science used as a symbol for atoms and even
for atomic energy.
Gold foil Experiment:
As predicted, Rutherford and his co
workers observed that most of the alpha
particles passed straight through the gold
foil, and some particles were deflected at
angles. However, contradictory to what the
Plum Pudding model predicted, a few
rebounded at very sharp angles, some even
flying straight back toward the source.
These particles ere acting as if they were
encountering a hard object, like a tennis
ball off a brick wall.
In the gold foil experiment, Rutherford and
his colleagues expected to see the alpha
particles passing through the mostly empty.
However, what they observed was the
alpha particles occasionally ricocheted at
sharp angles, indicating there was
something more solid in the atom than
previously thought.
The fact that most of the alpha particles
passed straight though the gold foil
suggested to Rutherford that atoms are
made up of largely empty space. However,
Rutherford’s work suggested that there was
a sense, positively charged area in an atom
that caused the observed repulsion and
backscattering of alpha particles.
Over a series of experiments and papers
(Rutherford, 1911, 1913, 1914), Rutherford
developed a model of the atom with sense,
positively charged area of the atom at the
center, now known as the nucleus – and the
nuclear model of the atom was born.


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